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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 7th, 2023


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29 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes.


I'm sorry to hear your dear friend Judi died today.

Condolences to you and everyone who loved her.



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6 hours ago, dfish said:


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I can't believe our cruise is so close!  We have to plan a get together!


We definitely do!  We dine main dining (late) and usually head to Ocean Bar for a drink before dinner.  If you are eating early and going to shows or entertainment afterwards we will find a different time to meet up and chat.  And we need to do that often!  You can email me and discuss after you and Sue figure out your schedule.  So excited!  You're going a week earlier aren't you?




6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  from a humid and hot NY.

I just received  the pathology report which was amazingly good.(Maureen, @RMLincoln)I just shared the good news with our immediate  family and happily  share it with all of you.

We have been to the port and Rome twice and had a wonderful  time.Thank you to all for the pictures.

I like the quote and often procrastinate, especially  after retirement. I would like the sea bass but no one else would. Chocolate is very popular here but I am an odd one and go for other things...like vanilla!It leaves more for the others.

Enjoy the day everyone


I love this news Terry!  ❤️




5 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
Your wish is my command @StLouisCruisers I got up early today to watch the bicycle race “ The Tour de France “ which I have followed since I was a kid and for me this is one of the most interesting sports event of the year and it is so nice to see all the beautiful areas in France . 
We have had the pleasure to be in Civitavecchia about 8 or 9 times to climb on board a BHB sometimes as initial embarkation to start a cruise and other times on a B2B cruise and exploring the beautiful area with a wonderful guide who lives nearby .
Just love to show you a few pictures from a couple of tours without too much commentary . I won't go into Rome today just the area around Civitavecchia .
The sinking and disappearing village of Civita di Bagnoregio
Going to our guides home in a beautiful medieval town , visit her "Secret Garden " and have a wonderful lunch .
Lovely lunch at our guides place in Vitrala .
Their back yard all set up for a concert or an opera performance , this is  the "Secret Garden " 
A very happy group , here with our wonderful friends Ann and Pat  @ after a wonderful day on a tour from Civitavecchia , we will have to do this again hopefully soon ........
A wonderful day was had with our good friends Ann and Pat  @Vict0riann
I have just finished booking another tour for October when we are on the Oosterdam with the husband of our lovely guide Susanna when we reach Civitavecchia again .
Tony 😄😄


I love your photos Tony, and the ones from last year's Oosterdam cruise.  Thank you!




3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 


I hate hearing that the ECMO machine didn't work properly for little Baby Murphy.  She is a trooper!  More prayers for her and the family.




41 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes.



My condolences to you on the loss of your dear friend, and for her family on this sad day.

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I meant to mention I texted my friend about her DB Mark and she sent me some photos of his birthday celebration.  Poor guy looks so frail.  She said he goes to see his Interventional Radiologist Monday and he may have some new techniques to try out.  Hoping things work out for him.  More prayers for him! 🙏

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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is 92F but feels like 99F.  Fortunately, the humidity is down to 48% and the dew point is 69F.  Our high is supposed to be 94F.  While it is warm, it was not unbearable when I was unloading the car.  On the way home, we stopped at a Total Wine near where DH had his appointment.  It is a smaller store than the one we go to in Ft. Worth, and did not have everything on the list, still the liquor cabinet and wine "cellar" are somewhat replenished.


All the days are good today, but I'd be happy with just chocolate day.  I'm a confirmed chocoholic, but I refuse to enter a 12 step program.  In fact, I enjoyed my daily ration of four Dove promises while I was reading the Daily that I hadn't gotten to while waiting for DH to be called back.  Global Forgiveness would be wonderful, but any type of forgiveness is good.  While my father and I didn't take many walks, after my mother was diagnosed with MS, he and I did a lot of things together, and we were very close.  He's been gone 20 years, and I still miss him very much.


I have been living the Mark Twain quote for the past three years, only is don't put off this year what you can put off for another year or two.  Now, I'll have to start tackling that list in the next week or two. 


The bass looks good, but not today.  Today we'll have more of the brisket, beans and fruit salad.  Oh, and there's still a lot of cake left too.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


As you could see from all the pictures Sandi, @StLouisCruisers reposted for me, we have spent a lot of time in Rome and Civitavecchia.  Thank you very much Sandi for taking the time to find all of the pictures.  I didn't remember posting so many.  Also, thank you all who shared their pictures today.  They bring back such good memories.


Today in history was a good day for Martina N.  In the 1990s when we would play Trivial Pursuit with the DDs, whenever younger DD did not know the answer to a sports question, she'd answer Martina N.  🙂


@smitty34877  Terri, I'm so happy for you all that the pathology report was amazingly good.  I'm glad for some good news here today.

@ger_77  Gerry, your summer fest sounds like a great party.  I hope the weather cooperates.

@kochleffel  Paul, thank you for the pictures of  Basilica San Clemente al Laterano.  It looks like an interesting place to visit the next time we're in Rome.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry you don't have any more campaigns now, but the time off should help your arm and back feel better.  I hope the therapy helps; so hang in there and give it a chance.

@NextOne  Edi, I hope you get a good report from today's procedure.  I know you will enjoy your VOV cruise.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope Ivan's new meds help with the pain, but I'm happy he is in good health otherwise.  It helps that the vet is hopeful.  After what you've said about his previous owner and the condition he was in when he came to live with you, he might have been complaining to her but was ignored.  I hope that was not the case though.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope the knee replacement is not needed for quite some time, and that PT helps.

@Sharon in AZ  Sharon, thank you for sharing your pictures of the Etruscan burial ground.  It is an excursion I've considered in the past.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope with your doctor's help, you can get your numbers back down where the should be.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope Mark can be helped by the interventional radiologist.


DH's appointment this morning was at UT Southwestern to see what needs to be done about the NPH (normal pressure hydrocephalous) that was diagnosed last year.  At that time, the surgeon was hopeful the back surgery to relieve the spinal stenosis would also help with the nph.  For a while it looked like that might have happened, but now we know the nph needs to be addressed.  The nurse practioner we saw today will set up a definitive test as quickly as it can be scheduled, and then we'll know how to proceed.  He seemed very hopeful of a successful outcome.  The NP we saw today, is also a faculty associate at the UT Southwestern medical school, and seems very knowledgeable.   As of now, @JazzyV he doesn't not need to be on the care list.


The good news is most of the road work we encountered going to Dallas last year has been finished, and the travel time was quicker.  There's still more traffic than we like and much more than in our little town.




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I think it is @marshhawk who occasionally mentions the Hollywood Bowl in connection  to her work.


After a four year hiatus (two cancelled seasons due to the pandemic and one missed season because of our extra caution) we returned to the Hollywood Bowl, last night.


Inflation Report:


I was not surprised to see that on-site parking is not $22.  I think it was $20 in 2019.  However, Senior Rush Tickets are still $10.  Did inflation stop at the parking lot?  Yippee.  Similarly, a program is still $1, and seat cushions (Those benches do get hard very quickly.) are still $1.  😃


Mrs. XBGuy, the championship level picnicker, spend most of the day slicing and dicing, and, so, we had an outstanding dinner.


I cannot compete with @ottahand7's outstanding well-aged wines, but we had some of our favorites.




Yes, Mrs. XBGuy loves oaky butter-bomb Chardonnays, and I am a California red wine bigot.  The half-bottle size for the Bedrock kept me from going overboard.  So, the drive back to our adobe was safe.  And, also, there is leftover Rombauer Chardonnay in our refrigerator, today.


The concert was The Dude conducting the L.A. Phil.  Terrific, fun concert.

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For the past six years, we've seen this strange tower near I-35E on the way to Dallas.  We've wondered what the hectic it was, and have speculated about it.  Today, on the way home, DH tried to see if we could get close to it.  We managed to find the road that leads to the gate to the field, but that is as close as we could get.


Facebook/ Lenny zoo


DH was going to stop in the nearest town and ask about the tower, but the only place I could think to stop was the Post Office.  It's that small a town.  One the way, I Googled tower with the town's name and found several articles.


The first article mentioned it as a Tesla tower, since it reminds people of Nikola Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower where he envisioned wireless transmission to create a wireless telephone system.  This is a picture of Tesla's tower.

The Truth About the Mysterious Tesla Tower in Texas

Photo: Wikimedia Commons


A company called Viziv Technologies built the tower in 2017, and hopes to transmit energy between two points on the globe wirelessly.  They are planning on using Zenneck surface wave, which has not been experimentally observed, and not radiated waves.  And that folks is about all I understand, if that much.  This is a link to the article I cited, and there are more articles online.














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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes.



I'm so sorry, Carol.  Hugs to you and thankfulness that she passed peacefully.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


We definitely do!  We dine main dining (late) and usually head to Ocean Bar for a drink before dinner.  If you are eating early and going to shows or entertainment afterwards we will find a different time to meet up and chat.  And we need to do that often!  You can email me and discuss after you and Sue figure out your schedule.  So excited!  You're going a week earlier aren't you?




We are going a week earlier and will already be on board.  I don't know if we're going to get off and explore Boston that day or just enjoy an empty ship.  I suspect the latter.  We have Anytime Dining, so we can adjust to what we want to do that day.  We can easily meet up in the Ocean Bar.  I'll shoot you an email in the next few days.

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46 minutes ago, XBGuy said:

I think it is @marshhawk who occasionally mentions the Hollywood Bowl in connection  to her work.


After a four year hiatus (two cancelled seasons due to the pandemic and one missed season because of our extra caution) we returned to the Hollywood Bowl, last night.


Inflation Report:


I was not surprised to see that on-site parking is not $22.  I think it was $20 in 2019.  However, Senior Rush Tickets are still $10.  Did inflation stop at the parking lot?  Yippee.  Similarly, a program is still $1, and seat cushions (Those benches do get hard very quickly.) are still $1.  😃


Mrs. XBGuy, the championship level picnicker, spend most of the day slicing and dicing, and, so, we had an outstanding dinner.


I cannot compete with @ottahand7's outstanding well-aged wines, but we had some of our favorites.




Yes, Mrs. XBGuy loves oaky butter-bomb Chardonnays, and I am a California red wine bigot.  The half-bottle size for the Bedrock kept me from going overboard.  So, the drive back to our adobe was safe.  And, also, there is leftover Rombauer Chardonnay in our refrigerator, today.


The concert was The Dude conducting the L.A. Phil.  Terrific, fun concert.

We visited Rombauer in 1997 on our honeymoon and we loved their Sangiacomo vineyard chardonnay.  I am sure their Carneros is just as good. Yum. 

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Carol, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. 

@XBGuy the Rombauer is one of my friend’s faves.  Normally I don’t like oaked Chardonnay but I liked this one!  

@Cruising-along I keep wondering if we were on the same cruise in 2019?  When were you aboard?  Was it the Koningsdam?  


@sailingdutchyloved your photos,  nice to see you visited Villa Farnese too.  Loved the map room! Too bad we couldn’t take photos. 

@Sharon in AZwe also really enjoyed Tarquinia.  Last time we visited Cerveteri to see more tombs.


I finally got good news today on my pathology too, yippee!  

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8 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Yes to Chocolate Day! I wish we could have global forgiveness. I never had a father daughter walk as I was raised in a single female household. Funny quote; some stuff I put off for too long, like sorting through all the stuff I don't need any more. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. A salute to Martina.

The cancelled 2020 NA cruise would have gone to Civitavecchia. Thanks for all the photos. I've been to Rome, but on a land trip.


It is hot and sticky here. I'm popping in between appointments. I was up and out earlier for an Ortho appointment to check on my knees since the fall. The right one is still quite painful. I declined a steroid injection today. We talked about eventual left knee replacement and maybe using a cane at times.


I am so sorry Vanessa.  I hope physio can help?  My very best wishes to you 🙏🏻 



8 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu I'm glad your vet was so thorough, and I hope the new meds help Ivan.


thanks.  Me too.  After this he and I are both out of options.  I’ve done all I can but so far - it looks hopeful. He looked at the couch and I offered to help and he backed and took his run & got on himself. 🤞 



5 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Blue had a dental scaling yesterday and all looks good because he sure can’t afford to lose anymore teeth. I’m always worried when he has his teeth done. 


I don’t blame you for being worried.  Anaesthesia is always a worry especially with an older dog.



6 hours ago, Denise T said:

 I have my doctor's appointment next week so hopefully we can get a new plan in place. It is disappointing but I will need to get back to the basics in managing my diabetes. 


I really hope you have success with your physician.  🤞 



6 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I canceled the big excursion we had scheduled for Rome and decided to go the opposite direction and take a Etruscan excursion.  We took the bus to Tarquinia and the Etruscan burial ground. It’s a rather huge area and we visited only a few sites but it was very impressive. 


Thats a nice tour.  We did it privately.  amazing.  So glad you did it.  👍 There is so much to Civi besides Rome and a lot of history.




7 hours ago, cruising sister said:

OMG. The ECMO machine malfunctioned for the first time ever at that hospital. It turned itself off overnight. Murphy is hanging in there but very stressed. 


OMG - now scary.  I can’t believe this.  Thank God Murphy is a fighter.  My prayers are with her even more 🙏🏻 



4 hours ago, mamaofami said:

My friend Judi died peacefully today. Thank you all for your comfort wishes.



I so sorry Carol 💔 My deepest condolences and prayers for her and you 🙏🏻 



3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I meant to mention I texted my friend about her DB Mark and she sent me some photos of his birthday celebration.  Poor guy looks so frail.  She said he goes to see his Interventional Radiologist Monday and he may have some new techniques to try out.  Hoping things work out for him.  More prayers for him! 🙏


So sorry.  More prayer from me 🙏🏻 



3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope Ivan's new meds help with the pain, but I'm happy he is in good health otherwise.  It helps that the vet is hopeful.  After what you've said about his previous owner and the condition he was in when he came to live with you, he might have been complaining to her but was ignored.  I hope that was not the case though.


I hate to say this but based on her replies when I gave her the scoop I think she turned a blind eye to all.  I’m not going to say anymore other than at one point when she told me as long as a dog’s nose is old and his tail wags, he is healthy……I replied back as nicely as I could.


No, a dog will hide pain for the love of his owner and life.  A dog needs love and CARE.


ok - you can call me a witch with a b now.



3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

  He seemed very hopeful of a successful outcome.  The NP we saw today, is also a faculty associate at the UT Southwestern medical school, and seems very knowledgeable.



I will pray that the outcome will be successful 🙏🏻 



37 minutes ago, bennybear said:

I finally got good news today on my pathology too, yippee!  


Woo Hoo.  That is wonderful news. I am so relieved for you



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@mamaofami oh Carol, I’m sorry you’ve lost your friend Judi. I’m sure you’re relieved that it was a peaceful passing but still very sad. The longer we live the more loss we endure. And our friends are the family we choose.💔. Take care of yourself through this difficult time. 

@bennybear Great news Brenda!  I’m sure the wait wasn’t easy. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Seems like moving forward sometimes goes sideways for awhile, never east!  Good to hear that the NP has a plan. 

@cruising sisterKeeping baby Murphy close today, and all her family and Care Team. Hoping they were able to get the ECMO working again 🤞. ECMO allows the body to rest and recover but it needs a full team of overseers. ECMO oxygenates the blood outside the body allowing the heart and lungs to recover. Extracorporeal= outside the body.  I hope you can rest, you’ve had a lot to deal with, we’re here for you!  

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good evening.  Both DDs called to see how today's appointment went, and we had a nice visit with both.  Even better news is older DD and DSIL are coming Sunday and bringing lunch.  We getca goid visit and I don’t have to cook.


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Carol, I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. 

@XBGuy the Rombauer is one of my friend’s faves.  Normally I don’t like oaked Chardonnay but I liked this one!  

@Cruising-along I keep wondering if we were on the same cruise in 2019?  When were you aboard?  Was it the Koningsdam?  


@sailingdutchyloved your photos,  nice to see you visited Villa Farnese too.  Loved the map room! Too bad we couldn’t take photos. 

@Sharon in AZwe also really enjoyed Tarquinia.  Last time we visited Cerveteri to see more tombs.


I finally got good news today on my pathology too, yippee!  


Brenda, it took time, but great news on the pathology report.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

I hate to say this but based on her replies when I gave her the scoop I think she turned a blind eye to all.  I’m not going to say anymore other than at one point when she told me as long as a dog’s nose is old and his tail wags, he is healthy……I replied back as nicely as I could.


No, a dog will hide pain for the love of his owner and life.  A dog needs love and CARE.


ok - you can call me a witch with a b now.



Jacqui, I agree a dog will try to hide the pain up to a point, but a caring, observant owner will know when their dog is in pain or distressed.  I would not apply the b word to you for caring about and fighting for Ivan or any animal.  However, as far as his former owner ....  Ivan did not deserve her, but definitely deserves you, and you deserve Ivan.  I'm glad he made the effort to join you on the couch.



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17 hours ago, bennybear said:

@Cruising-along I keep wondering if we were on the same cruise in 2019?  When were you aboard?  Was it the Koningsdam?  

Hi Brenda, sorry I missed this question yesterday.  We were on the Koningsdam and the Nieuw Statendam for our anniversary cruises.   (NS Sept. 8-Oct. 17) and (Koningsdam Oct. 18-Nov. 13).

Do those dates match up?


I'm VERY glad to hear about your good pathology report!!  

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16 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Hi Brenda, sorry I missed this question yesterday.  We were on the Koningsdam and the Nieuw Statendam for our anniversary cruises.   (NS Sept. 8-Oct. 17) and (Koningsdam Oct. 18-Nov. 13).

Do those dates match up?


I'm VERY glad to hear about your good pathology report!!  

Thanks for the good wishes, Carolyn! 

We were on the Koningsdam for 23 days but disembarked October 5,    Hope to catch you sometime! 

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