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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 15th, 2023

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Good morning from a sunny and barely breezy central Texas.  It is already 80F at 7:10 and feels like 88F.  Our high will be 103F today.  I'll be heading outside to mow the yard as soon as I can manage so I'll be back inside before it gets really hot, and while as much of the yard as possible is still in the shade.


Pet fire safety is very important.  We respect Canada and all our Canada friends including those on the Daily.  I may not be giving something away today, but I have been donating to our local thrift stores over the past three years.


An amusing quote that might actually be somewhat true.


We'll pass on the pumpkin ravioli just as we did at the Mariner's brunch several times on BHBs.  We'll also pass on the drink and the wine.


We have been to A Coruna at least twice, including a visit to Santiago de Compastela.  I report my pictures soon.


Finding the Rosetta Stone was the breakthrough in studying ancient Egypt.  We saw it in the British Museum when we spent several days in London after a cruise.  The stay broke up the 31 hour flight from Cape Town to Dallas.



@St Pete Cruiser  We have not seen Bernard Walz, but maybe someday.  We also enjoyed Naki Ataman on the Prinsendam.  He is very good too.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, get the necklace if you really want it.  We hade a lot of OBC when we were on Koningsdam in 2021 and 2022, but not as much for a diamond necklace.  I did get a new blouse that cost more than I'd pay on land.  We also got a few extra bottles of cognac to bring home.

@kazu  Jacqui, sorry about both iPads dying at the same time.

@ottahand7  Nancy,  I'm glad you were able to protect you cats from the fire.  I'm sorry the birds got the Monarch butterfly larva, the poor fishing yesterday, and the smoke from Canada.

@cat shepard  Ann, I loved the dachshund meme, and we had two of those adorable doorbells/security systems.  They'd let us know when anyone was in their territory, which was whatever they could see out the window.  

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry about the storm damage, but it sounds easily fixable.  The news on Murphy sounds encouraging and that she is ready for the next step in her recovery.

@rafinmd  Roy, sorry about the laptop battery.  I hope you can find a replacement battery.


A motto I can live by.















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We have been to A Coruna twice on BHBs.  In 2004, on the old Noordam, we stayed in town, took the bus to the lighthouse and then walked around town.  In 2011, on the Prinsendam, we took the tour to Santiago de Compastela.


I'll begin with A Coruna.  The lighthouse which is still working and built on the foundation of the old Roman lighthouse.  The Tower of Hercules is the oldest extant lighthouse and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.




We went up in the lighthouse, and DH went to the very top.  This is A Coruna from the top.



Various sites as we walked around the town






This picture is from 2011 after our tour when we were searching for an ATM



The view of the Tower of Hercules as we sailed to the next port.



These are a few of the pictures I took in Santiago de Compastela. The first is as we were walking from the bus to the square.



A monument to the pilgrims and one entrance to the church. plus the interior of the church.  We saw St. James tomb, but no pictures.  There was a long line to walk through the narrow passage and view the tomb.  Basically, we had to keep moving.





A different view of the square where the pilgrims gather



After touring the church, we went to a hotel for refreshments in the courtyard, where we were entertained by these gentlemen.P1020158.thumb.JPG.29db0ff0815ca932e863c4c70fb8bb19.JPG




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Good morning, everyone!


It is a rainy start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  We have strong hope that it will clear up as we planned to go to an art fair in the park today.  We do have our Canadian umbrellas that will accompany us.  We bought them when we got caught in a deluge in Quebec and had to walk a couple of miles back to the ship.  The shop was doing a brisk business in umbrellas that day.  


I am pleased to read @cruising sister's update on baby Murphy.  Also, I am wondering if Chuck ever got his luggage.  @marshhawk you need a score sheet to keep track of Momma Norma and the family situation there.  I think they may have outdone my brother's family.  @Cruzin Terri get the necklace!  @Crazy For Cats I'll see you in a week.  We are sooo excited.  


I think we had a version of pumpkin ravioli for the Meal of the Day, but not in 2023, so I am going with it.  Tuck this recipe away for fall as it would be very good.  What we had before was pumpkin ravioli with brown butter sauce.  Here it is:  https://juliasalbum.com/pumpkin-ravioli-with-brown-butter-sauce-and-pecans/




It looks so good it could almost be candy!  Add a little brown sugar and you have dessert.  


This next one makes their own pasta, but says you can save time and use wonton wrappers.  They look more like a pierogi, but that's ok.  It is the flavor that counts.   https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a28556182/pumpkin-ravioli-recipe/




The last recipe also has a brown butter sauce, but it is with garlic instead of pecans.  It will make it hard to decide.   https://iamhomesteader.com/pumpkin-ravioli/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning Dailyites. A beautiful morning right now.


Allen's party turned out to be so much fun. We had "taco truck" food and everyone brought delicious dishes. I'll post a few pictures from my phone. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. 


Today will be a bit calmer. 4 friends with birthdays this month, meeting at a new restaurant this evening. 


Prayers lifted to all on our prayer list. Blessings to you and have a wonderful weekend. 


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Good Morning to All! 


Thanks for the information.  Great group of days, agree with the quote and the ravioli sounds VERY interesting!!  Drinks and wine are okay and never been to Spain - hmmmm, a tune is going on in my head right now (😉 Three Dog Night!).  Cool about the Rosetta Stone!!


We really need some rain.  Okay, my abode hasn't gotten any though I hear it has rained in certain spots in Tucson.  It is already 86 at 0600 with 45% humidity.  Projected to get to around 109.  It is a "let's stay in" day.  Ordered some groceries and will pick them up between 0700-0800.  I found out about doing this during the pandemic and it really helps me NOT to overspend.  


Called yesterday to reactivate my sub position to get ready for the school year.  Need to buy a travel waterpik; should of done it during Prime Day.  Oh, well.  No gym today as it is closed to finish the renovation.  It is really nice.


Thoughts to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!!



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Good morning. It is quite humid and rain is coming again for the next two days. Even at six am the dog walking was rather warm. The teenager takes weekends off. 
We have been to the port of the day and went  to Santiago de Compostela. It was an amazing place and even my DH who had stated “ no more cathedrals” was impressed. The pilgrims were so happy to reach their destination and their joy was contagious.

Years ago we researched moving to Canada and how to get our respective licenses recognized but then life stepped in and changed plans. DH has a cousin who moved to Toronto back in the late sixties and we often go visit with her family. I have enjoyed all of the beautiful places we have been to in Canada over the years.

Sorry to hear of all the electronic mishaps  and malfunctions that Jacqui, Terri and Roy are experiencing. I was eyeballing a new iPad on Prime  Day but decided I better wait. 
@marshhawk, I hope the luggage arrived and that the drama is low level. We still discuss the “ interesting” times we had with some of our extended family members. Situations get heated when there is a serious illness or recent death. I hope you are feeling a little better after your better PT experience the other day.

Take care today.


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7 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Birthday boy n the left with Barney. They flew together in Vietnam. And our sweet Oliver. Our little guy sure needs TLC! 










Lovely family photos Joy.




Edited by grapau27
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Pet fire safety is important; I've seen people put decals on windows so fire departments know about both kids and pets in the house. A salute to Canada, our neighbors to the North 🍁. I am putting stuff in a box for donation today. Good quote, whether the book be physical or electronic. I like the meal, although it's a lot of carbs. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I saw the Rosetta stone in the British Museum. I haven't been to La Caruna.


Another hot day here, with a possible thunderstorm this evening. I had hoped to go back to sleep after posting the Cares list, but couldn't fall back asleep. I should do some edging of the lawn, but I don't feel like it. So I'll continue to sort through stuff in the house.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today Sandi, in place of Rich.

@Cruzin Terri That's outrageous about someone stealing your internet onboard, but scary that they had your information to do so. I say go for the necklace, if it's something you'll wear.

@aliaschief Fun times ahead with the DGDs.

@kazu Sorry to hear about the electronics woes. I usually get every other edition of the iPad. I have the 8th gen and the 10th is out, but I usually trade in my old one with Apple, for a credit towards the new one. 

@ottahand7 Too bad about the Monarch larva. I've tried growing butterfly bushes for them, but the bushes just died here (not sure if a soil issue or the wrong place in the yard).

@rafinmd I hope you can find a replacement battery for your laptop.

@cruising sister Wow on that storm. and I'm glad you have power. Thanks for the update on Murphy - she should be more comfortable with the chest tubes out.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the A Caruna  and other photos. 

@grapau27 Thanks for sharing the celebration of Fr. David's birthday.

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad everyone enjoyed the party and thanks for the pictures from it. And of cute Oliver!

@marshhawk I hope Chuck's luggage has shown up.

@luvteaching I hope you're doing ok.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for taking over the daily today so that Rich can get a break.  


 I am sorry that so many batteries are passing over the electronic bridge.  Which scares me as I am totally electronically challenged.  I need ink in the printer, and dont know where or how to put it in.


We had a storm last night, but more rumble than rain.


DH is still without his luggage.  He called last night,  he and one brother had an early dinner in town while they were raising Cain about a washer dryer set that was supposed to be delivered over a month ago.  It should be installed today.  Hopefully the three of them will be able to sit down together today.

The other brother left his wife at home because they could not find a place to board their dog.  So, technically it is the three brothers.  Money may be the root of all evil when it is being divided by family members.  My money is the root of paying bills.


I need to do my PT (as Maureen calls it-physical torture) this morning at home.  I watched the last of the Father Brown series last night, went to bed, and slept for 10 hours.  I used DH's pillows behind my back, which took some of the pressure of the shoulder, and as no cats showed up to snuggle, I slept!  It was wonderful.  Today i have to do the exercises, shower, work, run to Michaels, and I am having dinner with my friend Debbie at the Vietnamese restaurant that is halfway between the two of us.


Have a great day!



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily - and thanks @StLouisCruisers for giving Rich a break.  Sochi is on our emergency list, should there ever be a fire or other calamity at our house.  I don't think I've ever seen a Respect Canada Day, but thanks, we're pretty happy up here.  We celebrated Give Something Away day a couple of days ago when we brought a bunch of decorative plant pots to a centre where they use them for folks who are in care homes.  They plant little things like baby tears, succulents, or African Violets that don't grow large or require a lot of care - it helps brighten up a small room for someone who can't get out.


Our smoke continues - it lightened up yesterday evening, but before going to bed, there was a notice on the television advising us that it would intensify overnight.  And it did.  When I went out to get the paper from the mailbox (1 step from the front door), the air smelled like wet smoke after you've poured water on a campfire.  Already on the radio I'm hearing warnings that visibility on the highways is reduced, so am glad we don't have to venture out today.  Sad event yesterday, a young female firefighter, only 19 years old lost her life in the Revelstoke BC fire.  She was found pinned under a fallen tree - just a young kid; so sad.


@kazu sorry your iPads are giving you grief, both at the same time!  I'm glad to hear you used Prime to secure a new one.

@rafinmd I know what it's like having a laptop and not being able to get a replacement battery.  I had a cute little netbook that was so handy, but after 3 years, it was declared obsolete and no batteries could be found anywhere.

@Cruzin Terri I'd be really ticked if I knew someone had hacked into my onboard internet account!!  I'm glad the tech guru finally changed your login so that the cretin couldn't continue to use your account.  Oh, BUY THE NECKLACE!  And post photos so we can see you wearing it!

@Quartzsite Cruiser I can understand your frustration with the medical system and the referrals - or lack thereof.  I detest incompetence or people not doing their proper follow up.  Hopefully your DH gets in sooner rather than later!

@marshhawk glad Chuck made it safely, even though his suitcase didn't.  One wonders how that can happen on a direct flight.  Interesting family drama, but we all have those - I like to think our family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional.  LOL

@Seasick Sailor oh my gosh, thanks for sharing your photos of Allen's party!  Your table looks like a groaning board, it's so full!  And Oliver is adorable; I know he's going to have the best life ever with the two of you as his family.


Not much happening here today, so I think I'll put on my N-95 mask and sit outside where I'll deconstruct a couple of afghans.  I bought 2 really large (and well made) afghans at the thrift store the other day for $2.99 and $3.49, respectively, but when I got to the cashier, realized it was Seniors Day and got an additional 30% off the price.  I can't buy a single skein of yarn for that price, and I know I'll have enough from the two of them to make several blankets for children in crisis.


I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), and could likely open and pour myself a glass of Cardboardeaux in the time it would take me to say the name of today's wine (although it is affordable).  We've had pumpkin ravioli - it came in a meal kit a friend of ours gave us for Christmas a couple of years ago - it was quite tasty, but I wouldn't want to make it from scratch.  I've got hamburger patties thawing in the fridge that DH will do on the barbecue, but because of the smoke, we'll be enjoying them along with Caesar salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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@cruising sister I hope you can get your door fixed easily.  Thanks for the update on baby Murphy.

@Cruzin Terri Buy the necklace, enjoy, life is short.

@Seasick Sailor Thanks for sharing the party pictures.  Oliver is sweet.

@grapau27 Thanks for the pictures of Father David's celebration.  Your church looks lovely.

@cat shepard Love the wireless doorbell on his charger.

@ottahand7 Wow, what a scary situation.  Glad everyone is okay.

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Please wish Fr. David a Happy 50th Birthday from The Daily, GRAPAU27.

His weekly message means so much.

(The food and decorations and CAKE look wonderful.)


I’ve been reading the Daily but, as all of you know, I’m not much of a poster.


I’ve had several friends come down with COVID recently, so want to remind 

everyone to Stay Safe!


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7 minutes ago, lcand1923 said:

Please wish Fr. David a Happy 50th Birthday from The Daily, GRAPAU27.

His weekly message means so much.

(The food and decorations and CAKE look wonderful.)


I’ve been reading the Daily but, as all of you know, I’m not much of a poster.


I’ve had several friends come down with COVID recently, so want to remind 

everyone to Stay Safe!


Thank you for your kind sentiments.

I sincerely hope your friends are fully recovered now.

Best wishes.


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Today's sunrise is from my 2018 Grand Alaska-Panama trip.  On July 15 I was on VIA's Canadian East of Saskatoon on the way to Vancouver to start the Alaska portion of the trip.  The photo was taken out the back window of the dome car.





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34 minutes ago, lcand1923 said:

I’ve had several friends come down with COVID recently, so want to remind 

everyone to Stay Safe!



Sadly we might be done with Covid, but it’s not done with us 😔. So sorry to hear about your friends.  Hope they recover quickly and easily and you are safe.



52 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

DH is still without his luggage.  He called last night,  he and one brother had an early dinner in town while they were raising Cain about a washer dryer set that was supposed to be delivered over a month ago.  It should be installed today.  Hopefully the three of them will be able to sit down together today.

The other brother left his wife at home because they could not find a place to board their dog.  So, technically it is the three brothers.  Money may be the root of all evil when it is being divided by family members.  My money is the root of paying bills.


Oh darn on your DH’s luggage still missing.  How crazy is that?  I hope they can reach an easy decision that doesn’t cause family problems 🤞 It’s awful what money does to some families 😔 



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