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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 22nd, 2023


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37 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

When I hear Walla Walla, I think onions


I've heard that Walla Walla had influence in the Washington legislature at a critical time and was offered a choice between getting the state prison or the state land-grant university. They are supposed to have chosen the prison because it seemed more likely to survive. Washington State University was established in Pullman and still exists (so does the prison).


My own guess is that Walla Walla would be where they fish for walleye walleyes.


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The Staples and Target run took much longer than I thought it would, mostly because I was replenishing supplies that I buy infrequently and usually not at Target, and they were hard to find.


Thinking about all the tech stuff I'm taking to Spain makes my head hurt:

  • phone, its charger and cable, and an extra cable
  • iPad, its charger and cable, and an extra cable
  • Bluetooth keyboard and its charging cable
  • Bluetooth earbuds and their charging case and cable
  • corded earbuds just in case
  • power bank, maybe not needed at all but potentially critical in a 3-hour online class during a layover at PHL, and its cable
  • DSLR and its charger (not compatible with any of the others), extra battery, extra SD cards, wide-angle and telephoto lenses (maybe omit the telephoto)
  • some number of type C plug adapters
  • two AirTags.
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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

We always have a few jars of nuts in the house (usually peanuts, cashews and almonds) but oddly I don't care for them in baking.  I do add some to my stir fry though.  Good quote, will pass on the red wine, the drink, and meal (mushrooms). Tonight will be hot beef sandwiches to use up the pot roast. 


Last night I made the Guinness beef pot pie and we enjoyed it.  I did do one thing I'm sorry about, though.  I was lazy and bought a pie crust for the first time ever.  It would have been better with homemade.  Anyway, it was a fun recipe to make.  I used pot roast and shredded it -- tender and yummy.  I'll have the last of it for lunch today.  Sharon @Sharon in AZ thank you for your recipe too!  Interesting that the beer goes in the crust as well as the filling.  I made this recipe from Debbie @dfish https://howtofeedaloon.com/guinness-ground-beef-pot-pie/  (instead of hamburger I used the pot roast).

I don’t like nuts in cooked foods either except for certain things like pecan pie or baked oatmeal or certain Asian dishes and detest them with ice cream. 

About the recipe I used— I didn’t want to waste any Guinness from the can so just measured out the amount for the crust and used the rest in the beef mixture. I actually think I could have used more Guinness but only had one can. It made so much so I froze half for a rainy day. Next up I’m going to make a hard cider baked pork dish. It’s supposed to have scallop potatoes on top but I think I’ll do them separately.  Oh, and I’m planning on making Vanessa’s chicken taco chili too. Looks really good @JazzyV


Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Just now, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.


So sorry to hear this. Do pray that the issues are quickly resolved.

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Good sunny and chilly afternoon. We had the roast beef dinner last night and tonight we will have the turkey with all the trimmings The  ox roast has been frozen for a later time. 
I’m sorry to hear of @kazutravel woes. I hope you can make your connection tonight.

@Cruzin Terri, sorry to hear of your cancellation. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

The Staples and Target run took much longer than I thought it would, mostly because I was replenishing supplies that I buy infrequently and usually not at Target, and they were hard to find.


Thinking about all the tech stuff I'm taking to Spain makes my head hurt:

  • phone, its charger and cable, and an extra cable
  • iPad, its charger and cable, and an extra cable
  • Bluetooth keyboard and its charging cable
  • Bluetooth earbuds and their charging case and cable
  • corded earbuds just in case
  • power bank, maybe not needed at all but potentially critical in a 3-hour online class during a layover at PHL, and its cable
  • DSLR and its charger (not compatible with any of the others), extra battery, extra SD cards, wide-angle and telephoto lenses (maybe omit the telephoto)
  • some number of type C plug adapters
  • two AirTags.

Eek - that's a lot of cables, etc

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Today's sunrise is another from my 2019 QM2 transatlantic leading to continuing on Crystal Bach, Crystal Serenity, and Crystal Symphony.  A little bit of improvement in the weather than previous days:





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1 hour ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@JazzyVHave you tried sleeping with a small, triangular wedge pillow under your knees? I found that helped me a lot. 

I do sleep with a small pillow under my left knee, as if it's straight all night I can't bend it without a lot of pain the next morning. But not on the side that hurts. I did try the zero gravity position (both head and feet up a little), but that hurts more. Maybe I'll try a pillow on the right side. Thanks.


25 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.


Terri, I'm sorry to hear this news. Prayers for things to settle down for you two.

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DS's 58th birthday tomorrow!  I can't believe it ...  We were going to celebrate today, but have put them off until we get back.   We'll meet outside tomorrow to hand over gifts and the odds and ends we bought for them in Bellingham.  And maybe have an Oskar fix.


Terri, I am so sorry you have had to cancel your cruise.  We live on tenterhooks here, too, wondering what will happen next.  We are hopeful our trip will go as planned, but keep our fingers crossed.


@kochleffel,I think you need another AirTag to keep track of all that stuff..


Talking about AirTags, I was sync-ing a new one yesterday, as Jacqui @kazu had no luck in her search for my one travelling on Rotterdam, and it insisted on calling itself "Ivan's" ..whatever.  Do you think it has a connection to Jacqui's puppy dog?  This new one I have attached to a larger item, so it can't wander.

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41 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.


Oh, I am sorry. I know that not only is that a great disappointment, but also it means that things are not going well. Best wishes to both of you.



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Good afternoon from a warm and humid central Texas.  Our very gray skies are now a mix of white clouds and a little blue sky.  Unfortunately, rain is still predicted for tomorrow with the biggest chance during the time we will be driving to and from Dallas.  I know Texas weather can change, and I hope it does this time.  Actually, it has changed since the rain tomorrow wasn't supposed to start until Wednesday.  


It's been a busy day between the house cleaning and needing to get gas for the car.  While I was at the store for gas, I also picked u a few groceries.  Now, it is time to catch up on the Daily happenings.


4 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

We were in Stockholm on our Zuiderdam cruise in June 2017. We really enjoyed it as it included an overnight across from Grona Lund. The sailin and sailout are the best in my opinion. It takes nearly four hours to traverse. One point of interest is that due to the channel being so long, ferry boats have the right-of-way and other ship traffic gives way to them.




The Zuiderdam at the Masthamnen Cruise Terminal



We were delayed two hours due to the thick fog that morning.








The Stockholm skyline as we approached.





Grona Lund





Gamla Stan










Statue of Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632. The statue dates to 1796 and was sculpted by Piere Hubert L'Archeveque.



The Swedish Navy Band



The Swedish Life Guards



Two ferries preparing to overtake the Zuiderdam.



The Stockholm Pilot Boat preparing to receive the disembarking pilot.



Because the channel under Pilot authority is so long, the pilots live at a remote base at the opening of the channel.






Jack, thanks for adding your pictures of Stockholm to the mix.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I hope we can all make a difference, including helping neighbors. Fossils are interesting and I like most nuts for eating and baking. I know of this famous quote by Wiesel. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine, although a bit pricey for me. I haven't been to Stockholm. 2 important days in history. 


It's 49F and cloudy. We may have our first frost tomorrow morning. Well, I'm not happy. I woke up at 5AM with leg pain and lots of tingling. My prior methods of soothing it didn't seem to work. It eased up, but as soon as I laid down it was back again. Finally after about 90 minutes I could fall back asleep, but lots of tingling on awakening. I had been hopeful after the first 2 days seemed better, but now it's back to baseline or worse. I did some cleaning of the bathroom floor grout, but I don't think that stressed it much. I'll see how today goes. Tomorrow I have to take my car for inspection, about 30 miles away.


Something has changed in posting, as the bold lines are not showing up in the Care List on transfer or even posting now I can't bold anything.


@grapau27 Thanks for the link.

@StLouisCruisers @daisybertie Nice photos from Stockholm.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad you're having a good cruise and that DH is doing well at home.

@Heartgrove That's a lovely fall scene. And great Stockholm photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That's a nice assortment of photos from Stockholm.

@0106 Have a safe flight! Oh the tribulation of having to cook for oneself again after a cruise, is real.

@RMLincoln Prayers that DH gets the letter he needs, so there's no necessity for a Plan B!

@cunnorl Enjoy having family there with you!

@kochleffel Thanks for the photos.

@Cruzin Terri I will remove you if you want, although we'll still pray for you. I didn't get any mail from you so far.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry your legs were worse this morning.  I hope it is a one off and the shot will work for you.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Welcome home, Jacqui, @0106 and @St Pete Cruiser, and Vanessa, I hope your leg does improve with time.   When I hear Walla Walla, I think onions, I won't try that wine!  We went to Stockholm a long time ago on Westerdam, 9 of the family, only 3 left, the two of us and our younger DD.  


One of my favourites at Olive Garden was always the chicken marsala.  But I have some leftover beef stew for tonight, and DD made asparagus soup for our lunch today.  What I might do is put a pastry crust on the stew .  Have to think about that.  


If it stays nice, I must get out and do a bit of garden cleanup before we leave, a week from today!  We are both still battling this cold, I am about a week ahead of Pat, so I'm feeling better, but still coughing up a storm.  DD is very annoyed with us and thinks we have the plague!  Pat is sleeping a lot.  


Ann, I hope your cold and Pat's cold are history before you leave for your cruise.  That is a good idea to attach the air tag to something bigger.  Please wish your DS a VERY HAPPY 58TH BIRTHDAY for us. Something very weird happened while I was writing this part of the post.  All of a sudden, the post was posted.  Glad I was able to edit it.


1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser  What kind of camera do you use?  Your pictures are all so crisp.


Thank for the nice compliment.  My camera is a Sony DSC-TX30/B 18 MP Digital which I bought in 2013.  I like using a camera since it has a wrist strap that tighten.  I use my phone some, but I'll always afraid I will drop it, especially if I'm out on the open deck of a BHB taking pictures over the rain.  I also use a photo editing program on my computer to straighten files and "fix" them.


50 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.



Terri, I'm so very sorry it was necessary for you to cancel your trip.  I know you were looking forward to it, and I was hoping the problems would be resolved so you could go.  I hope everything is better soon.


6 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. And for Graham’s link to Fr David’s message. 

The quote is interesting, the meal sounds good but I’m not up to anything but the basics now. Edison made leaps in progress, and I didn’t know the Meridian conference was in the US, not until it was listed here just recently. 🤔 

To me fossils are boring. I had to take paleontology classes for my geology degree, and as a grad student on a teaching assistantship I taught some paleontology labs. The chemical processes of fossilization can be interesting, as is the utility of using fossils to identify similar time horizons across far reaches of the globe, but the endless taxonomy and memorization is boring for me.  It’s good that somebody likes it. 

Good to see that so many of the DHs are improving!  Exhausting for the DWs. Please take care of yourselves too!   For me it’s always been a mixed feeling bringing DH home from hospital, especially in our former abode, rural and far from support. His knee surgeon twice had us stay in hotel near hospital for first night, just in case. 

@smitty34877 Terry, you are absorbing a lot of change and managing difficult situations now. You will need a vacation at some point, maybe a cruise or maybe something else, but you’ll know when the timing is right. 

I’m excited for all our cruisers and especially those prepping, pre-packing and getting ready!  Enjoy it all!  Welcome home Jacquie, Tina and St Pete Cruiser. 

Vanessa, glad you are on the Care List!  Thanks for keeping track of all of us!  

@Cruzin Terri Wishing you better days starting now!  

I’m making progress doing what I can to be organized for the packers. Getting a lot of loose stuff readied, some boxing, some tossing out! Some giving away. Making lists of what the grandkids will help with when they can make it down from NY with their pickup truck; what will go in the car with us, lots of lists!  Keeping lists in my phone now but had a nightmare I lost my phone!  Most importantly I’m trying to surrender what I can’t control 🙏…  hoping we can get the letter DH needs but if the whole deal falls apart we’ll figure out something else, the universe will not end and we’ll still be ok. Staying calm and keeping faith that it will all work out!  

Blessings to each of you, and all the Care list, and all in need of a path forward!  Find something to smile about today and pass it along to someone who needs one. 



Maureen, I too hope you get the letter that your DH needs and that you don't have to find a Plan B.


I hope Jacqui's @kazu flight situation improves and she can make it home earlier.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I mentioned earlier that I had visited Stockholm twice, 2003 on a land trip, and 2015 on the Elegant Explorer.  Land trip is a "sort of thing" it was a combination of trains, freighters, ferries, and one cruise that was supposed to take me around the world, the first of 2 failed attempts.  My 2003 attempt was cut short by SARS, and 2020 by Covid.  My 2003 arrival in Stockholm was on a train from Gothenberg, and I left on the ferry Gabriella for Helsinki.


My 2015 arrival had a bit of a feeling of home week as we followed Gabriella into the port.  My tour in 2015 was quite unusual, as I was a lot more mobile 8 years ago than I am today.  It was called A Sensational Rooftop Walk, and we got a real birds eye view of Stockholm.  We started in a building attic donning safety gear before we started out on the roof:




I was in group 2 and watched the first group lead off:




Here's a tricky corner:




And up close views of some steeples:







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Good Afternoon, after spending nearly five hours cleaning I changed my plans for dinner.  We went out and I had pork hat was cooked in teriyaki sauce with pineapple. It was very good.  Shortly after we got home my new laptop arrived and I did the initial setup.  When DH brings home the dvd drive I’ll install my money software and then transfer everything from the old laptop.  Now I’m ready to watch the Rotterdam sail away.

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Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm really sorry to hear about the difficult decision to cancel your cruise plans.  I know you were looking forward to getting away for a while.  I hope things there at home start to look better soon.


Vanessa @JazzyV I feel badly you are still having such problems with your legs after having the epidural procedure done.  I hope they start feeling better so you can get some sleep at night.  I remember my own leg problem last year waking me with pain and it was nowhere near as bad as what you've been through.  


What a disaster Jacqui's @kazu's flight delays have caused.  That airport is really awful!  I'm glad we've driven there and back home several times over the past year and a half.  I hope you get home soon Jacqui!


Great pictures of Stockholm everyone.  I can't wait to get back there next year (fingers crossed).


I got a call from Susan and she is happy to report Scott has been moved to the rehab next to the hospital.  It was Friday night at 7 pm when he got there.  He can speak above a whisper now.  He can manage to consume a little pureed food though he is receiving Glucerna by feeding tube.  He has a long way to go but she is feeling slightly more optimistic.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.  She says she feels they have helped and I agree!

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2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.


I am so sorry to hear this. I hope there are solutions for the issues soon and send my prayers along to both of you.

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@Cruzin Terri we are all disappointed for you!  We understand it means that life has developed complexities. You are being held in my heart with prayers for clarity, calm and strength to do what needs to be done. When in the depths of troubles, I make myself answer the question, “What’s good right now?”  It draws me out of the depths and grounds me. It doesn’t make the troubles dissolve but gratitude for the good calms me enough to see through the storm. 🙏  

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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.



Awe, Terri, I am so sorry to hear this.  I hope things get better quickly.


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

I don’t like nuts in cooked foods either except for certain things like pecan pie or baked oatmeal or certain Asian dishes and detest them with ice cream. 


OMG, I hate nuts in ice cream as well.  My dad loved Butter Pecan Ice Cream and we had that a lot when I was a kid. They all thought I was weird for not wanting any.  


3 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

About the recipe I used— I didn’t want to waste any Guinness from the can so just measured out the amount for the crust and used the rest in the beef mixture. I actually think I could have used more Guinness but only had one can. It made so much so I froze half for a rainy day. Next up I’m going to make a hard cider baked pork dish. It’s supposed to have scallop potatoes on top but I think I’ll do them separately.  Oh, and I’m planning on making Vanessa’s chicken taco chili too. Looks really good @JazzyV

I'm going to have to try the Guinness Pie.  Have either of you made Beef and Guiness, a type of beef stew that is made with Guiness.  That is my go to recipe for St. Pat's Day rather than corned beef and cabbage.  When I was in Dublin once I ordered Beef and Guiness and told the waiter I wanted to see if their's was as good as what I made at home.  They enjoyed that.


We arrived home about 45 minutes ago and it was good to get here.  We left early since the Lions game was so brutal to watch.  No sense in torturing ourselves.  All in all, it was a great weekend and my DS Barb, the wedding planner, did a fantastic job.  She made Emily's dress, did all the centerpieces, made the invitations, and more.  We had a fantastic time and sharing a condo with both of my brothers turned out to not be too bad.   Sue says it was a one and done for her, but I'd do it again.

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@Cruzin Terri so sorry about your need to cancel.


It was a roller coaster today in church.  It started out on a high note as one of our pioneer people who ran the livestream of the service had been out sick for many months.  He showed up for worship a couple of weeks ago and today was at the controls for the first time in ages.


Then came the end of the service.  Our beloved pastor who has been with us for over 10 years has been reassigned by the Methodist church to another post and will be leaving at the end of January.  We are a combined Methodist/Presbyterian congregation so the next pastor will be under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church so that will be an interesting process.


Our liturgist was so devastated by the news she could barely get out the benediction.



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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, it is with heavy heart and great disappointment that we have decided to cancel our trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayers.

I will post when I am able to do so.


sorry to hear this. I knew you were so looking forward to it. Take care


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