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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024


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Good morning from a sunny and cold Quartzsite.  It is 38F which is slightly better than the 36F an hour ago.  Our high is supposed to be 63F, but we won't get to 60F until 1 pm.  Today is laundry day, and with the colder temperatures, I think I'll break down and use the dryer instead of hanging the clothes outside.  I'm not sure my hands could handle hanging wet clothes in 38 degree weather.


I hope all the Daily cats are celebrating Happy Mew Year today.  We go to the Lido buffet for breakfast, but usually have dinner in the MDR or specialty restaurants.  I was not inspired, but motivated to do laundry today since we are beginning to run low on clean clothes.  Tomorrow, it will be about the same with house cleaning.  Since I finally got all the projects that we do when we first get here completed, I haven't been inspired or motivated.


I found the Rodney Dangerfield quote amusing even though women were often the victims of his humor.


The meal sounds good, but I'll save it for another day.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have been to Casablanca twice, and I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes.


Today in history is an important one for India.


I saw some pictures of the destruction in Japan caused by the earthquake.  In one, a building that was probably six to eight stories was lying on its side.  I hope everyone got out of the building safely and with only minor injuries.  


@grapau27  Graham, I noticed that you have picked up one of our southernisms -- y'all.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, please wish your DDIL a HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY for us.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the vet visit for Ivan goes well, and that it's not too difficult to get him on the scales.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm sorry your DH wasn't feeling well yesterday, and hope he is better today.

@ottahand7  Enjoy your day in Ft. Lauderdale.  The last few minutes of the game were exciting, and a nail biter.  I read this morning the "real" reason UT lost.  Our two legged state jinx, Ted Cruz, was in the stands.  It seems every time he shows up at a big game to support a team from Texas, they lose.  He was there for the Astros lose last fall.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope your last day on the ship is better than yesterday.  Beautiful sunrise pictures.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry you had a stomach bug yesterday, and I hope you feel better today.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy your aide is well and back taking care of Tana.  You both are always in my thoughts.

@marshhawk  Annie, I can't believe people who have been exposed to Covid or other illnesses will still to to parties and expose others.  I hope you and your DH stay well.  I hope the vet will be willing to see bubbles.  It sounds like he really needs a vet visit in spite of all you have done to doctor him.

@aliaschief  Safe travels tomorrow, Bruce.

@dfish  Debbie, I wish River could be with her other grandmother beyond November.  She deserves a stable, supportive home.

@RMLincoln  I hope your DH can get the money wiring straighten out.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, enjoy your walk today.  I'm glad the three of you have someone to explore SD with.













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On April 28, 2002, on Noordam III, we made our first visit to Casablanca.  That day we took the ship's transfer to Marrakesh and explored the town.


We were dropped off in the main market square near a restaurant where our bus would pick us up later that afternoon.



The entrance to the Souk, which was interesting to walk through.



Some of the items for sale





To see more of the area, we took a horse drawn carriage ride.  That horse was so dirty, we both had an allergic reaction that fortunately cleared up after we got out of the carriage.



The Royal Palace in Marrakesh.  There are royal palaces in many of the larger towns.



A street outside the market area



More markets.  The restaurant where we were dropped off and where we waited for our bus is upstairs in the second picture.








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We returned to Casablanca on September 24, 2009, on Tahitian Princess.  That day our tour was of Casablanca and Rabat.  I'll post the Casablanca pictures here, and the Rabat pictures in another post.


Many of the buildings in Morocco are very ornate like this one.



A market





A minaret 



Notre Dame de Lourdes



Hassan II Mosque









The view from the mosque



More shopping



A busy street



And more shopping








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After a traditional Moroccan lunch, we headed to Rabat, the capital of Morocco.  Our first stop was the Royal Palace.



Near the Palace was the Mausoleum of Mohamad V







Another guard, but at least they had dirt for the horse to stand on.



Hassan Tower, an old unfinished minaret



A garden outside an old fortress



Pictures from our walk back to the bus.








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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Very nice! But no escalator?

There is a less steep path to the beach at the other side of the car park.





Edited by grapau27
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 Good Morning from a cool and sunny day at the beach

     I  dont usually like buffets, only on a ship. Dont have a cat, and have not been to todays port.  Thanks for the great pictures!

     Lots going on here today already. I just got back from my stress test and was surprised to see the Daily already on page 3!  My test went fine and I was able to complete the whole thing without difficulty.

  @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow. Enjoy every minute of that wonderful journey.

     @RMLincoln   A very Happy Anniversary to you both. May you have many more.

      @smitty34877  Glad to hear that Tina`s Aide is back. 

      @mamaofami   A very Happy Birthday to Sam      


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning and Happy Tuesday from chilly Tucson. We had drizzle last night, quite unexpected. It’s going to stay chilly all week. 

I celebrated buffets yesterday at my DM’s retirement center. I joined her for New Year’s Day lunch. Craig has been under the weather with some kind of flu since Friday night and didn’t join us. It was actually quite nice except for the beef Wellington which was overcooked and hard as a rock.  The best thing was the stuffed sole with shrimp. 



Bon Voyage to all those sailing in the next few days. So exciting!  The list is long. 

Happy Anniversary to @RMLincoln! 🍾🥂


Happy Birthday to Sam @mamaofami!


Happy Birthday to Sandi’s DDIL @StLouisCruisers!


We sail 4 weeks from today on the Koningsdam to Hawaii!  Finally I can start the countdown. My January is full of appointments, mostly for DM. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Mona Lisa has been especially vocal this morning; maybe she knows what day it is. I avoid the buffet on ships as much as I can.


I would enjoy chicken divan but couldn't make it at home. No on the drink, another pseudotini, except maybe on Washington's Birthday. For the wine, Goose Watch 2021 Pét-Nat Viognier, which is sparkling and so might help my champagne deficiency. I haven't been to Casablanca.


While I was answering a call on my mobile number from the optometrist's office, the heating contractor called on the land line. My distance glasses have arrived, although the bifocals haven't, and the heating contractor wants to send a technician with the thermostat within an hour. I need the distance glases worse since the current ones are broken.





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I just thought Iwould share some of today's fun.  We decided to go to Blarney for a late lunch in the Woolen Mills.  Usually we would share a Blarney beef stew with a side of fries and brown treacle bread, however they were sold out of stew so we shared a mild lamb curry with rice (with fries and treacle bread) and youngest DS had chicken and mushroom vol au vents with rice.  Below is the curry.  The vol au vents had been eaten before I got a photo 🙄




after lunch we did a bit of retail therapy and DS (who is home from Vancouver for the 4 weeks of Christmas 🙄) purchased a nice sweater for his gf back in Vancouver. 

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Happy Mew Year to all of us!  And Happy Anniversary to @RMLincoln, and Happy Birthday to Sam.  


We visited Casablanca on the Maasdam on the Atlantic Adventurer - what a great cruise, 42 days out of and back to FLL  I would love to do it again.  We took a ship's tour to Marrakesh, and had a fancy lunch included at a big hotel.  In those days I didn't know about food porn, so no pictures...  We had a great roll call on that cruise too, everyone took turns organizing tours, so no one had to do it all.  I organized a couple, Gibraltar and Taormina, I think.  We had three vans full!


Just a couple as we drove through Casablanca, and very interesting scenery on the way to Marrakesh.  In Marrakesh we visited a number of palaces and the main square.
























Good luck to have storks nesting on your roof!











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I've had a productive morning so far.  I did a load of laundry and got the ornaments off the tree in the dining room.  It is already to go downstairs and Sue will do that when she gets back.  Or maybe tomorrow.  Who knows?  We are leaving the tree in living room up for the neighborhood party in 3 weeks.  It is all in blue and white and can be a Winter themed tree, not just Christmas.  We're taking a page out of @StLouisCruisers Sandi's DD's book. 


@smitty34877 Terry, I forgot to mention this morning that you are more than welcome to nag me about what I should and shouldn't be doing.  The discharge nurse from post - op called this morning to check up on me and is pleased with what I told him.  I do normally bounce back quickly.  I do appreciate your advice.


I can't remember the last time I was at a buffet outside of on a BHB.  We usually do the dining room for breakfast, dining room for dinner or specialty dining.  Lunch is generally late and we grab a salad or a Dive In burger.  I find the buffet is an invitation to over eat.  


@Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, we'd be happy if River stayed permanently with her grandma, but we have no control over that.  Her grandma would like that, too.  We'll see what happens when her mother comes home.  Right now there is a no contact order between the mother and her deadbeat husband, but she is calling and writing to him because she wants to get back with him when she gets out.  She did sign over custody of the two little kids to his mother so they are at least being fed and bathed.  

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Greetings everyone from our next to last day aboard the Zaandam at sea, now just north of the Windward Passage. 

It was a sunny and warm morning until we passed by the eastern tip of Cuba and then we hit rain and much cooler conditions. I was looking forward to the deck chairs on the Promenade deck, but it became too wet and cool, so we are up at the Lido with the roof closed. 

We attended the City on the Sea, which is very good. The champagne went to a couple who have just completed nearly 200 days aboard Zaandam in the last 15 months.

Last night was a new comic with a good show. Tonight, The Knights return to the World Stage.

It has been wonderful to return to a ship so much like those I grew to love, all the S class and R class. The Zaandam is, for the most part, looking very good. The hotel and guest services managers assured me that Holland America Line will resume some of what they quit doing now that the ships are sailing full and at higher fares. We did have lobster for the gold Gala dinner again. They brought out the after dinner mint/date cart and it was hosted by a dining room staff person even if without the old bell captain uniform. Stage shows with singers and dancers will return. 

Enjoy your day all. My best to the Volendam and Zuiderdam Grand cruisers about to leave.

Cheers to a great years start.


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This is taken one year ago today from the start of my walk up the ramps of the parking structure and then inside the mall.  It was a day warm enough for walking outdoors:




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Jacqui, thanks for the Daily Report. 

I have been at Doctors office this morning and just returned with three scripts for bronchitis.  I actually feel a lil better, however I understand I'm "no spring chicken" anymore and it takes longer to heal as I get older....

Hopefully I will feel better soon and will be back here soon. 

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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

No cats here or buffet today. I hope to have motivation and inspiration for a good 2024. Typical Dangerfield quote. The meal sounds good, but it will be leftover pork and sauerkraut today. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Casablanca. A great day in history. 


It's cool and cloudy here. I was up way too late watching college football last night! I got my usual 4 hours of sleep, although I got a bit more by nodding off while watching the morning news. I have PT late this afternoon, otherwise no plans. I see my Rheumatologist tomorrow. I'll need to use the rollator, and I know she'll be shocked by that.


@mamaofami Happy Birthday to Sam!

@RMLincoln Happy Anniversary!

@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DDIL! Great photos from Casablanca, Antarctica and your Quest stateroom.

@kazu Thanks for starting us up today. Good luck with Ivan's injection.

@Lady Hudson Sorry about yesterday and I hope DH is feeling better today. 

@0106 Thanks for the recipes.

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you're feeling better for your final full day onboard.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. 

@Cruzin Terri I hope you're feeling better today.

@smitty34877 I'm very glad to hear that your aide has returned. I hope you can relax a bit now. 

@marshhawk Hopefully nothing comes of being with those people yesterday who had seen family members with Covid.

@aliaschief You must be excited to start your adventure!

@dfish I see a nap in your future! I'm glad River will continue to have a stable environment.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for all the wonderful photos from Casablanca.

@cunnorl Good news about the stress test. 

@Sharon in AZ I hope Craig is feeling better soon. 

@kochleffel Good news on the arrival of the new thermostat and your distance glasses.

@VMax1700 I'd like to visit the Woolen Mills some day; I do have a couple of sweaters from them, bought online.

@Vict0riann Great photos from Casablanca and Marrakesh.

@St Pete Cruiser It sounds like it's been a great cruise.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.  

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning! 


The plumbing company is here putting in the new venting for the hot water heater so I'm writing this to the sound of hammering. My neighbor will be here for tea in a few. 


@Cruising-along That is great that you get to fly out of Everett! So much easier, I understand, than Sea-Tac. When family came down from Anchorage they raved about it. Safe travels to you. 


Yesterday I stayed home and I pulled out my needlework and did about 45 minutes on it. It's the first time since DD DH died. From late March to late June I always needleworked as I sat by his bed. I guess it just took me a bit to get back into the groove. 

Have a good day! 


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43 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

We’re waiting for take-off from Everett, WA. So excited, I’ve been awake since 2:30 this morning! Should be interesting. 😂

Only 2.5 hour flight, San Diego here we come!

Have a wonderful trip. It sounds amazing!

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@luvteaching, Yesterday was the first time since September that I was able to read a book and concentrate. I have always been able to “escape” with a book  but found I could only read the online newspapers until now. I am so glad you were able to work on your project.

@dfish, Debbie, I developed an incisional hernia from lifting too soon at work after abdominal surgery. I certainly exceeded the 25 lbs they said I could lift!


@JazzyV, Vanessa, maybe the Rheumatologist can get things moving for you. I am so glad you have the rollator but I  am sure it is still very painful to ambulate.

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Good morning and thanks all!   We enjoyed our visit to Morocco but it was in the land before time.  Saw Dangerfield in Vegas years ago and wasn’t terribly amused either.  

Special wishes to:
@RMLincoln happy anniversary! @mamaofamihappy birthday to Sam! @StLouisCruisershappy birthday to yourDDIL


Glad to hear @smitty34877 your aide is back!  I hope you can enjoy reading again,  I love it.

@dfish glad you are healing and now wonder you take River! 

@Cruising-alongso exciting you can fly out of Paine field!  I can see the runways from my aunt’s house when I visit Everett.  Nice to see it being used more often.  Wishing you a wonderful cruise! 

We saw a special midnight visitor New Year’s Eve. 


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55 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@VMax1700 I'd like to visit the Woolen Mills some day; I do have a couple of sweaters from them, bought online.

It is only 5 miles from our home so we go there quite often for calories and therapy!  We love it when the cruise ships are in Cobh and the tours are visiting Blarney.  Lots of people to chat with.

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2 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@Sharon in AZ I hope Craig is feeling better soon. 

Vanessa, it never ceases to amaze me how you keep track of everyone and wish well wishes to those who need them, especially when you need them yourself.  Thank you so much for thinking of Craig. He’s still really tired but feeling better. I am hopeful that you will find relief for your pain. 

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For those of you that are currently on the Koningsdam or will be going on her in the next few days would you let me know who the captain is and if he will be on board January 30 for our Hawaii cruise?

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4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

the heating contractor wants to send a technician with the thermostat within an hour.


When they unpacked the thermostat, it was wrong. Because I couldn't go away without a functioning thermostat, I've had them make a temporary repair by relocating the existing one to a spot that is easier to run wiring to.

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