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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday, January 14th, 2024


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Happy Sunday!  I hope everyone is safe and warm.  Unfortunately, @dfish is without Internet (and TV)  so I will be filling in for her this morning.  I’ve never made lasagna in a slow cooker.  If you are still working or if you have a day full of errands, it would be nice to have a nice hot meal waiting for you when you come home.  If you insist on having meat with every meal, it would be easy to add some browned hamburger or sausage to any of these recipes.


Super Easy Skinny Veggie Crockpot Lasagna Recipe - Pinch of Yum This veggie crockpot lasagna isn’t pretty. It’s broken noodles and vegetables, sauce, and cheese layered in like thick blankets on top of one another. It uses whatever vegetables you have in your refrigerator.  


Crockpot Vegetable Lasagna | The Modern Proper   Fresh basil, mushrooms, yellow squash, zucchini, spinach, and three cheeses brighten up jarred pasta sauce and no-boil noodles in this super delicious, easy crockpot vegetable lasagna.


Slow-Cooker Squash Lasagna Recipe  Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself; I love white lasagna (and butternut squash). This recipe trades the expected tomato sauce for pureed winter squash to give this Italian staple a sophisticated upgrade, al dente noodles layered between winter squash, baby spinach, and creamy ricotta and mozzarella. Just don’t be surprised if this recipe tops your traditional lasagna on the list of family favorites.



Sending you peace, healing and all good wishes.

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I see that squash has pushed its way into lasagna 😞 .


This morning I slept too late for MDR breakfast and so got a croissant and coffee at Two70, not that  would have wanted a full breakfast anyway. We’re at St. Kitts; I cancelled a tour booking with Thenford Grey.

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It is sunny this morning in north NJ, but temps are dropping. No snow until Tuesday when we will try to get to a doctor appt for DH to see an allergist recommended by his new eye doctor. I’m already nervous about it. I’m really hoping it won’t endanger us. 

I got most of the few Christmas items that were out put away yesterday. Not the little tree, not ready yet!  We used to cut our own Christmas trees near our mountain home, so they were very fresh and lasted months!  I loved keeping the tree up into the last of winter, early spring!!
Didn’t do paperwork so that’s still on the ToDo list for today but we did make some progress on me getting a handle on the new set of monthly and quarterly bills, when and how everything gets paid. That was important and I now have a list!  

Glad for niece’s recent C-section!  Not all that long ago she’d most likely have died trying to deliver.  

Sending out blessings to all in need of hope, strength, healing, guidance and rest. Extra blessings for those in the extreme cold! 
Cheers for all celebrating!  Bon Voyage to @sailingdutchy and smooth travels to all away!  
Prayers for our country, your country and for more peace in the world!  
If you’re watching football, May your teams win!  Thank you all for being here!  

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19 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

I see that squash has pushed its way into lasagna 😞 .


This morning I slept too late for MDR breakfast and so got a croissant and coffee at Two70, not that  would have wanted a full breakfast anyway. We’re at St. Kitts; I cancelled a tour booking with Thenford Grey.

He gives a great tour - sorry you had to cancel.

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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  it's 30, computer says it feel colder....I'm not liking the temps for Tuesday night, 15-18 and Wednesday high will be 37.  No one is mentioning snow here. 


Georgia power sent an email yesterday on how to battle the cold.  Its a little too late to put in insulation, but they recommended open the blinds/shades when  the sun is shining in, as the sun will give us warmth.  The cats have proven this to be true, as when the sun shines in on the den floor, they sleep in the sunshine, and move along the floor as the sun moves across the sky .  But then the sun moves on, and the temps drop again. 


DH is taking care of the house next door.  He says there is no heat on in the house. I knocked on their door once when they were together in the kitchen, they didnt answer the door, but the man was in shorts only.  The woman had her snow parka on.  And this was two days before they left, and it wasnt warm outside either. 


Today is Home Depot day, and grocery shopping day. 


Yesterday I got confirmation that I can work as much as I want until the current campaign in CA is done, and then in February I will start in Hollywood Bowl.  Yay!  And then i went and read my emails from yesterday, and saw that I am expected to start back with Lincoln Center Fundraising when that campaign restarts.  grrr.


While cute, I will not for fear of my  life try to dress up my pets.

I would think that fly a kite day would be in the spring...



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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

  Unfortunately, @dfish is without Internet (and TV)  so I will be filling in for her this morning.


Thank you so much Tina for filling in for Debbie.

Debbie @dfish I hope your internet & TV are restored very soon 🤞 



@kochleffel so sorry you had to cancel your tour 😔. I hope you are feeling much better VERY soon 🤞 

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Boy, I guess we have run out of ports. Keep seeing same ports over and over again. I think Fanning Island was just a few months ago; actually I was last there almost five years ago.

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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  C-sections are a blessing for many, I would love to fly a kite and I think dressing up a pet is just not something anyone should do!!  Good quote!!  The meal sounds absolutely intriguing and I saved the recipes.  Yum, yum, yum on the drink and wine, and never been to the port.  That the Spanish King abdicated on this date in history is such a coincidence as Queen Margrethe handed over the crown today to her son. I loved the Today Show and once went to stand out in the audience on the plaza.  Had about 5 seconds on tv!!




While our temps are nowhere near as frigid as some of you, we have a cold desert morning with it being about 37F right now.  We will head up to mid 60s with sun so ultimately a pleasant day.  After the gym yesterday, not much was accomplished though I did finish my menudo.  I don't think I like cooking it in the instant pot but it was ok.  That will be dinner for tonight.  Today is cleaning and laundry and chilling.




I have to admit I had to go look up what a toque was.  I have never heard that term before.  @rafinmd sorry you had a nose bleed.  I used to hate when patients would come into the ER with them and we couldn't stop it.  Many times we would insert a nasal tampon like they did with you or we would cauterize the offending vessel.  I hope all is well today for you.  




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.  




Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning everyone from a sunny and much colder than yesterday Bosron (35F vs. 60F).  Thanks for today’s fleet report.  Three interesting days to recognize.  I like the quote hopefully the 90% part is getting a little easier as we get older.  The meal and drink suggestions sound very nice.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for all on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events and bon voyage to @sailingdutchy!

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Good morning. The excited weather person on the local news described the possibilities of snow squalls today in detail. I better get dog walking underway before they arrive, if they do.

I will cheer Cesarean   sections and kites and do not dress up pets. I like the quote and have not been to the port. Thank you  Tina @0106 for our recipes. I hope the internet comes back soon for @dfish.  I have made similar recipes and although they are not pretty, they are easy and tasty. Today we are having shrimp scampi with gnocchi for Sunday dinner. DD our baker is making a cake. We don’t usually have dessert so this is a treat.

@kochleffel, Paul, I am sorry you are not feeling well and had to cancel your tour in St, Kitts.

@kazu, I hope your elbow is feeling better and that the driveway can be successfully de iced. 
@summer slope, Dixie, Sorry to hear the biopsy results but hope the Mohs surgery can be scheduled soon.


The weekends are hard here without an aide but the whole family has been pitching in. Yesterday my DSIL got groceries for both houses and our teenager was seen with the vacuum (!) and mop. Tana does not sleep well and has been more congested. I hate to call the hospice nurse on the weekend but I am not confident in my stethoscope skills. The woman who got back to us was new to me and assured me she would stop by today.We all have our fingers crossed that  things are ok.

Have a great day today and stay warm where applicable.

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Who knew that Caesarian sections had their own day? We would have lost one or both of our twins had it not been for a c-section. Fast forward some 30 or so years and both DD’s needed c-sections for the first child. Up here that means the second is also born by scheduled section. Again, we would have lost first grandchildren had it not been for c-sections.


we are very cold, for us, this morning and the wind is blowing. But, the sun is shining. -16c feels like -30 (3f feels like -22). Forecast all week is for temps like this.



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Interesting collection of days - no dressing my fur babies up,  but in this cold they don't mind wearing a blanket.20240114_093932.thumb.jpg.ea68d6fed119c55b05e62f8be68e9933.jpg

At 2:30 this morning it was 19° and has dropped to 16° headed to a high of 21° with rain tonight. It will be a dangerous icy skating rink when DH heads to work in the AM. Heat still will not come on - it's too cold. At some point the system goes into auxiliary heat mode and only blows cold. So we are using space heaters and have the faucets dripping.

If the roads are icy tomorrow, I will skip PT.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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Good morning from a sunny and windless Quartzsite, although the weather app says we have a 7 mph wind.  It is a bit warmer this morning with a temperature of 41F.  The forecast for the day is sun and a high of 64F.  The long range forecast shows we'll be in the upper 60s and low 70s for the next two weeks.


Cesarean sections have saved may lives, but recently there has been a trend to have a C section so the baby could be born on the mother's schedule.  I read recently that in Texas the rate of C sections was above 50 per cent.  DH still has several kites, but hasn't flown them in years.  The wind in Quartzsite has either been too low or too high.  We have never dressed our dogs or cats.  They would not have been amused.


I like the Irving Berlin quote.


The slow cooker lasagna looks good.  Thank you Tina @0106 for filling in for Debbie @dfish to make sure we don't starve.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Fanning Island.  I find it a strange coincidence that it is the port of the day on the day the Volendam was supposed to stop there.  I hope they enjoy Christmas Island instead.  We've been to Christmas Island at least three times, and enjoyed stopping there.


Another three interesting days in history with kings signing treaties and abdicating.   We did not get a TV station in our town until late 1953, and then did not get many network shows until a bit later.  I do remember the Today Show with Dave Garroway. Jack Lescoulie, and J. Fred Muggs.  Who could forget J. Fred Muggs.  I also remember the big microphones the humans wore hanging around their necks and resting on their chests.


@Seasick Sailor  Welcome home Joy and Allen.  I hope your trip back to Texas goes smoothly.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope your internet is restored soon.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you can get your driveway deiced, and you and Ivan can have a nice walk between snow storms.  Please be careful.

@ger_77  Gerry, I'm glad your Premier was able to help Alberta with their power shortage.  Unfortunately, Texas has it's own power grid and is not connected with the rest of the US.  That is why there were so many blackouts three years ago.  I hope the gird works better this year.

@MISTER 67  I agree with you about all the playoff games.  It seems that if a team can field 11 players, they are in a playoff game.  The same thing seems to be true with the college bowl games.

@smitty34877   Terry, I'm sorry Tana is not sleeping well and is very congested again.  I hope the nurse can help.  Yeah for the family stepping in and helping on the weekends.  And double Yeah for the teenager helping with the vacuuming and mopping.  

@kochleffel  Paul, I hope you are feeling better today.  I'm sorry your had to cancel your tour.

@puppycanducruise  Melanie, thanks for the picture of your snow.  That is why we come to Quartzsite in the winter.

@Haljo1935  I'm sorry your heater is still not working.  If it's a heat pump, it won't work below the low to mid 30s outside temperature, but the heat strips (auxiliary heating) should work.  I'm sorry yours are not.  Both you and your DH be careful with during the storm.














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Hello all and thanks for the daily. Yes to C sections and no to dressing up your pets except to protect them from the cold/heat.  I was lucky to never need a C section nor did my daughter and DIL but so glad they are available.


This winter has been horrible in Florida rainy and cold with very few warm and sunny days. Still we have nothing to complain about give the weather this year in other parts of the country and even Northern Fl.  I do feel bad for those who have to fly here to get on their cruises from FLL - the northern Caribbean has also not had great weather.   We are so glad that this year for our local cruise out of FLL we chose to go to the ABC islands. We don't even bother getting off the ship at HAL's private island the water is way too cold for us to swim in. 


My mother is having a lot of issues - and she gets so angry with me when I try to explain what is going on.  My mother still likes to be right 100% of the time even though her memory is going. I now just try to indulge her and I don't argue I just take care of the issue(s) since I am the one pretty much doing everything.  She just bounced all the checks she wrote these past 2 weeks by using a closed checking account - none of us knew she even had a check book from this account since it was my Dad's and he passed away over 10 years ago.  Just another thing on my plate to deal with.  And yes I am a joint account holder with her and I am supposed to write the checks. I do them all on line.   Oh well.    Any suggestions as to how to address these issues is welcome.


Today is another rainy cool Florida day. I am off to visit a friend who just moved to assisted living.  She has issues with walking and decided it was getting too hard to live in our community.  I am looking forward to seeing her.  


I hope that Tana is okay, that everyone gets their heat working, and that those who aren't feeling so great feel better soon.  Safe travels to all. 


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Good Morning from a cool, rainy and windy day at the beach.

     It is currently a very raw 61 degrees. I know, that is summer to most of you. Yesterday, shortly after posting, the sun came out, the sky was blue and warmed to mid 70`s. So we headed to the golf course and it was closed due to flooding ! Cant win!

      Csections are a wonderful thing. Many babies and their Mothers would not have survived without it. Many people were flying kites on the beach yesterday. The Kite surfers were out in force on the river.

       It is really too bad that the ships are unable to go into Fanning Island recently. It is really a unique place and I enjoyed it very much. 

     Funny story- my sister lives in Massachusetts. She was at Lowes buying potting soil, planters, etc, everyone else had shovels, salt etc. This guy looks at her and said what planet do you live on? LOL. She said the planet of make-believe!

    Stay safe and enjoy today


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This morning we went to Kroger and found they weren't stocked that well today.  There were 4 or 5 items not in stock that early.  We have to run to UPS and Walmart Tuesday so will be able to pick up anything we really need there.  Sheets are washing and drying and we've already made up the bed again.  I'm thankful for the sunshine today so I can see what I'm doing with the cross stitching.  While cross stitching I don't use hand lotions so that really causes major problems with my hands and nails, especially in winter.  Ouch when you get splits in the skin near the thumb nails!  Nighttime is the only time I can moisturize them.


Terry @smitty34877 hope you and the family have a good day and that Tana feels a little better soon.  Great to get so much help, especially from a teen.  He sounds like a very special young man.


Sorry to hear Paul @kochleffel is feeling under the weather on his cruise.  I read that Nancy @ottahand7 is also sick and will check with medical to determine if it's flu. She has had a negative Covid test.  I hope she's back on her feet soon.  Debbie @dfish I hope the internet and TV are back on soon.  Thanks Tina @0106 for filling in.


Sorry to hear the heat isn't working properly for you @Haljo1935.  We had a combination of a gas furnace on the first floor and a heat pump on the second floor in our house in Virginia.  When it got too cold the heat pump didn't work well, like you said.  Who needs cold air blowing?  When we moved to the southeast we found that many areas used electric heat pumps and didn't want that so were glad to find our location in Georgia offered gas heat.  Both floors have their own furnaces and AC units.  But we conserve and keep the temp low in the winter and high in the summer.  Grew up with very tight parents!


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The fresh grilled fish luncheon is soon to begin. The Weber charcoal is letting everyone know that someone in the neighborhood is barbecuing. Pool deck lined with tables with white linens. We just crossed the equator.

Lunch then ceremony.

As usual pics don’t post here on CC only. All other media fine

Wi Fi is good we were able to watch our church online services.



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