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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday March 9th, 2024


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2 hours ago, AV8rix said:

When did they start offering carpaccio at the PG for dinner?  It has always been on the menu at lunch but I've NEVER seen it offered at dinner (I'm most recently off a HAL ship just two months ago).  Or perhaps it wasn't on the menu and you coaxed them into serving it?  As I frequently coax them into fixing me a strawberry pavlova at dinner 🙂.  

I asked on my last ship at dinner and they prepared it.  This time I went down at lunch on the day of my dinner and requested it. They had to “check with the chef” and of course the answer was yes😁👍😁

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Ann, I'm sorry that the hospital won't let your sister stay until she can get a bed in the chosen facility.  Could she be moved to the chosen one when a bed is available?  She probably won't start therapy until Monday anyway.



Susan, it's on the menu in Canaletto, and they also had it in the MDR the last night of our cruise last month.  Both did a good job, and it was very good.  I've read of someone getting it in the Pinnacle at dinner since it's on their lunch menu.





It used to be on Canaletto’s menu but no more. That is where I had it the first time. 👍

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2 hours ago, AV8rix said:

Yeah, I've had the carpaccio at all three venues -- I'll take it WHEREVER it's offered.  Oh and BTW, it has been deleted from the "new" Canaletto menu, much to my chagrin. 


No, I think that what my concern was with posting -- although I didn't articulate it very well -- is the following:  It would be very unusual to offer TWO raw-beef preparations as starters in the PG.  I'm wondering if the steak tartare was discontinued and the carpaccio was offered IN LIEU OF the steak tartare.  I hope not -- as the tartare is ALWAYS my appetizer choice at dinner in PG.


How's Steve's gait and memory progressing?

Steak tartare is still on PG’s dinner menu. I wish they would replace it with the carpaccio (though I do like the tartare). 

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2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:


No worries! I've clicked the wrong button countless times.


I wonder if the drink would be available on a BHB 😵? It sounds crazier than a Wang Wang...

The Daily 4 took the recipe for the Chocolate Chicken to Ocean Bar and they made it for us.  They charged extra - $12 - for it because it had so much alcohol in it.  We didn't care as we were on a mission and doing research for the Daily.  So, print out the recipe and take it to the bar.  The worst that could happen is that they say no.

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11 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends.  Here it is 60F with some light drizzle.  High will be in the upper 60's with a chance of a shower here and there this afternoon.  Unfortunately this morning we have detected a slight leak above our main bath in the attic.  There is a place where pipes extend from the furnace through the roof and we have had to have the "boot" that seals the roof around the pipes replaced before.  I think the caulking has failed and it needs work again.  More house maintenance! 


Thank you Jacqui @kazu and Roy @rafinmd for posting the Daily and Fleet Report for us.  All I can say is we have some interesting days to recognize, a nice meal, and no comments on drink and wine.  All great days in history too.  Thanks to our F&B ladies Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for your reports.


Luckily I had time before jumping out of bed to say my prayers.  All my family, friends, those at war and our troops, and many of you here were all included. 🙏  I have a message from Graham @grapau27 to give you all and that is that Sarah's Dad passed away this morning.  Her parents live immediately next door to Graham and they were witness to the ambulance and the hearse arriving.  Graham rang Sarah who then called her Mother who told her the news.  Even though her parents were so cruel to her and the remainder of the family these past 9 years we should all remember Sarah, Sarah's other family members, Graham and Pauline in our prayers. They are all good-hearted individuals who didn't deserve such poor treatment but are all saddened at the news anyway.  🙏


For all who are celebrating something we send our congratulations, especially our cruisers!  Ann @cat shepard great news about the rehab facility and your sister going there soon.  Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your work in keeping up the lists.  Hope you are doing well today!


The destination today is La Possession, Reunion Island.  This was the port on Aug. 17, 2021.  Here's the link to that date.  I have not been there before.



Hope you all have a very nice Saturday wherever you are.  Keep safe and stay well!


11 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

@StLouisCruisers  Thank you for sharing the news about Sarah's father.  Even though they were estranged, this must be a very difficult time for Sarah, Graham and Pauline.  Prayers for them.


11 hours ago, kazu said:

Happy Saturday and thanks to Rich, Roy, Vanessa, Dixie, Debbie & Ann for your dedicated contributions.


It’s also National Crab Meat Day (yum 😊) and Dishwasher day.  I think I will celebrate those instead of the others (except Genealogy Day).  Interesting quote.  Chicken Stroganoff sounds tempting.  





I am proud to say that by 3 PM yesterday, Ivan and I could walk down my driveway safely for our walk.  All set until Sunday & Monday’s mess.  I can’t complain - I’m not in poor Newfoundland where they are getting pummelled with blizzards & at least 2 more feet of snow 😱 





Well, in view of what’s coming I’ll head out to pick up a couple of things so Ivan and I are stocked up, then double check the name tags and hit the closet I am culling which has revealed things I didn’t know we had!  I wish I had started it sooner.  The grabber (to help you reach things) that Jose had broke and I ordered a new one which arrived yesterday.  What did I find in the box?  Another grabber.  Sheesh!  





Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor letting us know the sad news of Sarah’s Dad.  My condolences Graham @grapau27 to you, Sarah and your family. 🙏 


Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, health issues & those that need them 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating & cruising 🥂 






11 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning from the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Trinidad tomorrow. I wore a fanny pack when I first started my career to carry my stuff at work. I have never been into genealogy but I know I am Mexican/American Indian on one side and German/Russian on the other. Hey for Vespucci! Cool quote but I am not an artist at all. Pass on the meal, drink, and wine and never been to the port. Love reading the days in history. 

Had a lazy day yesterday with a cake for International Women Day, capped off with dinner at Pinnacle and then a short stint at the Oranje Party. It was the first time for me to see it held by the Lido pool. The roof was open but it was still hot. Also the first time I saw so many people wearing something orange. I stayed my 10 minutes 🤣.





















Today is a Mariners luncheon. At yesterday’s Mariners lunch they gave out the medals. This cruise may get me to 100 sea days 😉 but I have to calculate!



I am sorry to hear about @grapau27 Sarah’s Dad passing. My sincere condolences. 

Thoughts for all who need support and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!


10 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I had to look up who Mr. Vespucci was, appreciate genealogy and now fanny packs have morphed into cross body packs.  What's old is new again, with a twist, it seems.  I think I live out loud, but I'm not an artist; unfortunately I'm not very creative.


It's warmer again, this morning as we're sitting at -15C (5F), and are hoping for a high of +3 (37), which will help take down some of the mountains of snow we have in the yard. I honestly don't mind the snow, it's just that we didn't need to get a whole winter's worth in two days.  I think Mother Nature was confused.


@grapau27 my sympathies to Sarah and you and Pauline, her family, on the loss of Sarah's father.


Not a lot on the agenda for us today - I have a book I want to finish, and when we were at our neighbour's for coffee this past week, she gave me another to read, but it has to go back to the library on Tuesday, so I need to get into it quickly.  I also want to cut out some pieces of fabric to make more coasters, so we'll see how the day progresses.  Oh, and watching sail-away this afternoon as well.  I guess I will be busy - not active, just busy.


I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass (bourbon), would like to try the wine, and haven't heard of chicken stroganoff, but I'm sure it would be delicious.  Right now there's some ground beef thawing in the fridge that is going to be turned into taco salads for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in grief, in pain and in wars.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



10 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm and cloudy day at the beach

        Never liked Fanny paks, still know a few people who use them. Genealogy is interesting. My family tree is quite straight forward, DH family has roots everywhere.

      Yesterdays golf tournament was a great success. Everything worked out despite the hiccups in planning. My nephew won. Yeah! I was the designated putter for my team. Happy to say, I made 8 out of 9 putts including a few long ones. 

      @kazu Thanks for the kind words yesterday. This hip thing is from years of lifting my DD. It has been awhile since it acted up and seems to be doing better. Going to walk in the pool today and that always helps.

      @grapau27  My deepest condolences for Sarah on her Dad's passing. I will keep your whole family in my thoughts and prayers. Only remember the memories that give you comfort.


 Stay safe and enjoy today



10 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

It is a chilly start to the day and we might get some snow flurries.I guess the gloves and hat will stay out for a little bit longer. One of my cousins has traced our Swedish ancestors to the 1300’s. My father tried to research the Irish relatives but only was able to trace a few generations as the record keeping was not as good. It was interesting to find out more about family.

I have not been to the port and will celebrate Mr Vespucci. The recipe sounds tasty. @dfish, Debbie, I made the beef and barley soup with the pesto and those who eat meat were quite complementary, thank you once again for a winner. We usually put things to a vote to decide if it should reappear on the menu and this was a keeper!

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, thank you for letting us know about Sarah’s dad.

@grapau27, Sending all of you prayers and condolences during this difficult time. 
@Crazy For Cats, Jake, I am glad you are able to get away after the stressful work week. Enjoy your cruise next week.

We found out yesterday that the house across the street is being utilized for filming a TV series. It will take place in the late afternoon and evening and our doggies will be barking their heads off. They know all of the people on our end of the street and even recognize their cars! The filming company has arranged for people to park a few blocks away as they will be filling the street with cars of the appropriate vintage. This is usually a quiet street.

Take care out there everyone.


10 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


It is a rainy day here in mid-Michigan.  It has been raining since yesterday afternoon. Tomorrow the forecast is worse, so I guess I'll be happy with the rain.  Nothing on the agenda today except the gym.  My thumb is much better, but still a little numb. That may take a while to resolve.


@grapau27 My condolences to Sarah, you, and Pauline on the death of Sarah's father. 


Chicken stroganoff reminds me of a dish my mom used to make that we called chicken liver casserole. She sauteed chicken livers and mushrooms in butter and a little sherry.  Also sauteed ground beef and onions.  The two were combined and mixed with sour cream and then with noodles, placed in a casserole dish and baked for a half hour. It was one of our favorite meals. Here's our first recipe:  https://www.recipetineats.com/chicken-stroganoff/




The last recipe used chicken thighs and this one uses chicken breasts and coats them with a little flour before pan frying.  That flour is what thickens the sauce in this recipe.  https://cafedelites.com/chicken-stroganoff/




One last one that cuts up the chicken into smaller pieces and dredges them in flour before searing.  The Dijon mustard and worcestershire sauce add flavor.  https://www.saltandlavender.com/chicken-stroganoff/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!






10 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good cloudy morning, just waiting for the rain to start. 
Grocery shopping is on the agenda for today.

@grapau27, prayers for your family, especially Sarah on the loss of her father.🙏

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.


9 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@grapau27  Graham, our condolences to you, Pauline, especially Sarah, and the rest of the family on the passing of Sarah's dad.  No matter the circumstances, it's never easy when a parent dies.





9 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@grapau27  Please share our sympathy with Sara.  A sad day for your family.  

@StLouisCruisers thanks for sharing Graham's sad news. 


We are heading out to get the mulch we didn't get yesterday.  It was rainy and blowing sideways out of the east so we postponed until today.  Today is no prize either so it shouldn't be busy at the garden center.


Thanks for the Daily Reports and maps Jacqui and Roy.  @Mtn2Sea thank you for the gorgeous photos from Reunion Island.  What a gorgeous place!    

@JazzyV thank you for the care list each day.  Prayers for those needing them and those in war zones, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.   Have a lovely Saturday!  Nancy 


9 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. A cool morning but warming to 61.


Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for letting us know about Sarah's father's death. Even though they have been estranged so many years, it is difficult to go through. Prayers for Sarah, Pauline, and Graham.


Gosh, my prayer book is getting filled with more prayer requests. Prayers to all of our Daily-ites, our troops, people of the world suffering. 


The cause of our Texas wildfires was due to a broken electrical pole and downed power lines. Prayers for all who lost homes, structures, and cattle. 


Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your well kept lists, Jacqui, Roy, Debbie, Ann, Dixie.. for making our FR Daily a great place to go to every day!


Jacqui @kazu I looked dumbfounded at the cartoon of the alligator til it hit me a few posts later. 


Debbie I love chicken stroganoff and the recipes look great.


Love and blessings to you all on this 9th day of March.


9 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good morning from a sunny day here.  It's in the 40's but the weather experts say we will have 60's again next week!  
I like my fanny packs, thanks for sharing the port pictures, and @dfishthanks for the recipes, they look good today!  

My sympathies to your family @grapau27.  Sarah, you and Pauline are in my prayers.  

Have a great day, hugs to those that need them, and cheers to those cruising or celebrating!  Karen



8 hours ago, Love the beach said:

Good morning everyone and thank you for the Daily. I'm more of a "lurker" than poster but do enjoy reading the Daily.

Wanted to send condolences to @grapau27 and Sarah. In the back of one's mind I believe there is always hope for a reconciliation....until there isn't.

Have a good weekend everyone.


8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Lots of rain coming this afternoon and overnight, and chilly. 

My condolences to @grapau27 Sarah, Graham and Pauline, and all the family. Deaths in estranged families bring an end to the hope that rifts can someday be reconciled…. new heartbreak on top of old heartbreak.  Prayers of support during these difficult times.  

I’m glad I saw my brother after 22 years, although we had the occasional phone call all along it still was hurtful and confusing to be rebuffed every time we’d be in the region and suggested a visit. But now I see more of what he was dealing with, and not dealing with well. I can’t say it changes my feelings but it adds pieces to an unfinished puzzle. I plan to call him today to check on how he’s managing, if his wife will be able to undergo treatment. Mostly it’s all so very sad. 

Ann, you and your family are making Amazing progress for your sister!  🤞she can be transferred soon. 

Yesterday I took an afternoon for me. I went to a Mindful Meditation class then to our aquatic center to soak out some soreness from yoga and do hip exercises in the pool. DH met me there and soaked too. His eye doctor has been very conservative about any activities that could get water in his eye but he’s lightening up just a bit 👍

Annie, @marshhawk I’m saddened by your difficulties getting affordable meds, and by so many other parts of our medical system that I saw as broken during my years in the Emergency Medical Service. For those who read here from other countries, I add some historical background, not to be political but historical - we the US, are, from our roots, very imperfectly pro-capitalism/ anti-socialism. There exists some softening such as our federal retirement Social Security pensions and retirement Medicare programs, as well as regulatory oversight on business, but our documents of origin - especially laying out our strong states rights with limited federal control - make some parts of life hard to corral and  much harder to shift.  Each state has its own constitution, and administers their Medicaid program for their poor; these are separate from federal Medicare for workers 65+ which has choices for if you sign up for all parts (A,B,D-drugs, or a part C- contracts with private insurers for more comprehensive “Advantage”plans).   It’s especially difficult for newcomers to grasp how complicated our many governments are here, yet there seems to be enough good here to continue to attract hopeful and hardworking people like my ancestors…. which will bring me genealogy… but before I go there I want to say that my heart goes out to everyone dealing with our difficult, often broken, sometimes dysfunctional medical system. I have seen people suffer as they fall through its cracks, and been there when they died, especially those who needed and deserved mental health care. I will leave my tears😥 here, not my other thoughts and ideas which belong elsewhere. 

We haven’t done a lot of genealogy but enough to try to understand why our ancestors came here. We have English Lincolns and Irish Kennedys in our “family tree”; others from Cornwall, Prussia, France, Italy.  Some came very early 1700s others late 1800s. It’s been fun and meaningful to visit some of our ancestral lands in our travels here and abroad. We immersed ourselves in Cornwall for 10 days finding graves, homes and workplaces of DH’s great-grandfather, and his grandfather before he left his family to establish himself here, then had them come two years later, a wife and 6 children!  I can’t imagine. We visited the South Dakota homestead farm where DHs father was born. And colonial locations in Virginia and West Virginia of the Roane family (as in Roanoke) that eventually adopted my mother in New York. Heritage is such a meaningful addition to travel!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, direction or hope, all our Care list. 
💐Cheers to those celebrating!  
🌈Smooth travels to those away.

Eager to hear @aliaschiefBruce’s report on Azamara’s options! 

⛈️❄️Please take extra precautions to stay safe and well during the difficult weather. 


7 hours ago, summer slope said:

@grapau27 condolences to you and Sarah. 


7 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning from sunny San Diego.  Hard to believe that Daylight Savings Time will be here this weekend.  

Thanks for all the contributions today.  La Possession looks like a beautiful island.  Never been, but would like to.


@cat shepardAnn, it's great to hear what a nice place your sister has for her rehab.  We've experienced challenges here in California for both my mother and DH's.  Florida is probably better set up for retirees and elder care.  


Thoughts are with Sarah, Pauline and @grapau27Graham during this difficult and sad time.


I'm busying myself with early "staging" of things to take for our 30-day Japan cruise.  I wish they would let us know how many dressy nights there are.  Not that it really matters, because I wear the same black dress over and over again, but, you know...knowledge is power.  lol


Thinking of all of you and wishing the best to each and every one.

@Seasick SailorJoy, I still don't get the alligator joke!


7 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll salute Vespucci and Genealogy. I used to wear fanny packs to amusement parks and sometimes touring; now use a small crossbody bag. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and the wine is a little pricey for everyday. I haven't been to La Possession. 3 good days in history.


It's rainy and cooler today; snow tomorrow. I didn't do a lot yesterday. The dining room chairs got whisked off to be reglued and reupholstered. During the evening I napped about 2 hours, then slept another 5 hours overnight. I think my coughing and head congestion are starting to improve (with Mucinex DM). BFF is having our friends to his house to watch the away hockey game today, but I will pass again. I'll work on DR drawers again if I feel up to it. Still issues with formatting on the Cares List, when I use the iPad; I'll work on something like maybe copying to Dropbox then to CC. 


@Haljo1935 It's frustrating when you get sent from one doctor to another to get answers. Sadly the Neurologist I saw last June, who did EMG/NCS, didn't find anything, despite my developing all my symptoms 3 months later.

@StLouisCruisers Sorry about the leak. Thanks for passing on Graham's sad news. 

@grapau27 Since condolences to Sarah, as well as you and Pauline. Even though there wasn't closeness, it's still a family loss.

@kazu I'm glad you are getting a brief reprieve with the weather. I too have found things as I declutter that I rebought.

@marshhawk Fingers crossed for a sale for you.

@cunnorl Congrats to your nephew on winning the golf tournament and to you on your putting. I'm glad the hip is feeling somewhat better. 

@Sir PMP @Mtn2Sea Thanks for the photos from Reunion Island. 

@smitty34877 Continued prayers for you and the family.

@dfish The recipes look good.

@RedneckBob 😉🕵️‍♀️

@cat shepard I'm glad you found what seems to be a great rehab place for your sister. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


7 hours ago, superoma said:

@grapau27my condolances to you, Pauline and Sarah. Perhaps her mother will consider reconciliation now. Best wishes going forward.


ah genealogy! One of my DGD has taken an interest in the info I have on our side of the family and is researching her father’s side (Scottish).  We are in interesting line. My sister and I were born in Germany because that’s where our parents and grandparents ended up after being driven out of Croatia after the Second World War. But, even though they were born in Croatia and my great grandparents were born in Hungary, they always considered themselves German. Technically they are ethnic Germans and ended up in Hungary and Croatia during the time of the Hapsburgs when they ruled all these lands and were giving away land to people who would clear it and farm it. My original ancestors were from Germany, strangely enough from the Frankfurt area where my parents landed as refuges. It was a tough existence for the original settlers and everything they gained was left behind. I have been able to visit the small town in Croatia were my parents are from. Canada has been good us and it really is the only place my sister and I know as I was two and she was one when we immigrated.


cold today and getting colder but the week will warm up again, have a good weekend everyone. Prayers for those that need them and a shoutout to those celebrating or cruising.


6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and condolences to Graham, @grapau27, Pauline and especially Sarah on the loss of her father.


DD and her BF are in St. John's and I hope they are not snowed in this weekend.  I imagine they need to be back in Gander for work after the weekend.  It is her birthday tomorrow.  I don;t think I have had chicken stroganoff, but DD's BF made us a delicious moose stroganoff when we were last in NL, and afterwards an also delicious Dutch Baby for dessert.  






Vanessa, @JazzyV, thanks for putting me on the list - my eye problems are very small  ones, compared with some, my vision is still good.  I must say, sitting waiting, I studied a poster of the eye and its parts, and I was just fascinated with the intricacy.  Whoever thought up eyes did an amazing job of it! 


5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann.  Condolences to @grapau27, Sarah, and family.


Three interesting days to celebrate.  When I think of fanny pack I tend to think in terms of ski patrol.  The quote is interesting but I cannot really relate to it.


Three diverse days in history.  I'll celebrate the first and last more than the middle one.


I was due to visit Reunion in March 2020 on Queen Mary 2 but you can probably guess how that turned out.


The meal sounds interesting but not something I would find at the top of my list.  My alternative is Classic Caesar Salad, Yankee Pot Roast, and Cherry Strudel as served on MS Prinsendam March 9, 2019.




I don't think our weather is as wet as predicted but still glad I got all my errands run before 10 this morning and don't need to go outside again.  Right now the rain sounds pretty significant on the bay window.




5 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


My condolences to @grapau27, Graham, Pauline and Sarah. I'll hold you close in my thoughts today. 


Today's plan is to stay home and get things done. My list is long. Of course I said that last Saturday and ended up at Goodwill, out to lunch, in a hailstorm and having snow! Hopefully today will be calmer and quieter. Our forecast is for wind and rain and the wind is kicking up so doing my laps inside to get my steps in. The laundry is started - changed the sheets since I'm changing the time tonight. 


Yesterday was the widow's support group and I got "encouraged" to be on the board. I said I'd let them know in a few days but I'm thinking I'll do it. Not much in the way of time commitment and I'm one of the younger people there so that might be good. 

Nothing else too exciting. I'm starting to see some results from PT for my stuck hip muscle and I'm walking a bit better. That's a plus. Cruising starts, for me, at the beginning of June with the Discovery Princess so I'm getting that "itch" to plan, go, etc. 



5 hours ago, cat shepard said:


Well we thought we were home free. But the hospital wants my Sister out today and there are no beds currently available at her chosen facility. So we are all scrambling trying to find a decent facility in the general area. 



Graham, I was so sorry to read about Sarah’s father. My condolences to her, you and Pauline. 


3 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
@grapau27my condolences to Sarah, Pauline and you.  Estrangement makes grief even harder.  
@cat shepard I am sorry to hear you are having to scramble. So unfortunate! 
@luvteaching I’m sure the board would benefit from your participation.  

Our last day here,  the laundry awaits, lol!  A view of Haleakala



2 hours ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

It was my understanding that the word "fanny" was not acceptable in many parts of the world. And even after @AV8rix's explanation, no way am I ordering it! @grapau27my thoughts are with you and your family. @57redbirdToo bad we're going to be on different islands next week. It would have been fun to meet up. Take care everyone and have a good weekend. 


1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

Thoughts and prayers @grapau27 for you, Pauline, Sarah and family.

Thank you so much to my dear friend Sandi @StLouisCruisers for passing on our sad message today.

Thank you to all of the lovely people on the daily who have expressed their kindness today.

Phil Sarah's dad was my best friend for 35 years until we all fell out 9 years ago  when he and his wife refused to help care for Pauline's mam and let Pauline,her brother and me care for her last 4 years with Vascular dementia and Alzheimer's.

We took Sarah out for lunch today then took her to her friends house where she is staying tonight.

Lots of love to you all.

Graham, Pauline and Sarah.

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Good still raining evening. I hope it stops soon. 
Tomorrow is Charter Day in Pennsylvania. It is the 343rd birthday and commemerates the granting of the charter by King Charles the 2nd to William Penn. State museums and historical sites are free admission with many having special events . The actual charter is removed from the archives and is on display in Harrisburg. 
Have a good night.

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A late good afternoon from a warm Quartzsite.  After about six hours, the area outside the fence looks a lot better.  It took at least two passes with the hula ho to get most of the weeds up, but there are still some that are in the ground,  now, you can see the rocks, and not a lot of green, and the rocks have been raked.  Now, I just have to do the rest of the lot inside the fence.  That will take at least two days if not more.  Then there will be another round of ground clear sprayed before we leave for the summer.  I think I will be sore tomorrow, but I wasn't planning yard work anyway.  We will be heading to Algodones and Yuma for one last shopping trip.


4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
@grapau27my condolences to Sarah, Pauline and you.  Estrangement makes grief even harder.  
@cat shepard I am sorry to hear you are having to scramble. So unfortunate! 
@luvteaching I’m sure the board would benefit from your participation.  

Our last day here,  the laundry awaits, lol!  A view of Haleakala



Great picture of Haleakala, Brenda.  Safe travels tomorrow.


Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa above the clouds looking across from Haleakala in 2016.



4 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:


No worries! I've clicked the wrong button countless times.


I wonder if the drink would be available on a BHB 😵? It sounds crazier than a Wang Wang...


I was going to suggest that you take the recipe to a bar to see if they can make the drink, but Debbie @dfish beat me to it.  DH showed Julius, one of our favorite bar servers, the recipe for one of the drink of the day.  Julius asked the bartender if he could make it, but they lacked one of the ingredients.


3 hours ago, AV8rix said:

Yeah, I've had the carpaccio at all three venues -- I'll take it WHEREVER it's offered.  Oh and BTW, it has been deleted from the "new" Canaletto menu, much to my chagrin. 


No, I think that what my concern was with posting -- although I didn't articulate it very well -- is the following:  It would be very unusual to offer TWO raw-beef preparations as starters in the PG.  I'm wondering if the steak tartare was discontinued and the carpaccio was offered IN LIEU OF the steak tartare.  I hope not -- as the tartare is ALWAYS my appetizer choice at dinner in PG.


How's Steve's gait and memory progressing?


Susan, I had noticed that the carpaccio was missing from the new Canaletto menu before we sailed, but surprised that it was on the new menu when we went to Canaletto.  It was still as good as ever.  Steak tartare is still on the Pinnacle menu.


Steve is doing better.  He is walking better, and only using the walker occasionally when we are out, and on the ship which makes walking easier in rough seas.  Other times when we go out he will bring his cane, but doesn't need either around the house.  There are some days that are better than others, but that is to be expected.  His memory is better, but I think some of what was lost will not come back.  When we are back in Texas, we're going to get an appointment to see if the stent needs a slight adjustment.  It has not been quite six months since the stent was placed, so while progress is slow, things area much better.


3 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good Sunday morning here. Yesterday we were given a thorough tour of the bridge by the Captain. They are doing this in small groups for all of us world voyagers. They also had an Aussie Tea lunch for us with meat pies, scones, petite sandwiches and even cottage cream. Very nice gathering. We also got an updated briefing on our detoured cruise around Africa. Some port changes and even the possibility of an overland safari excursion. They have been very generous in their offers. Basically 34 days of free cruising and 34 days of FCC.

Later this morning we will arrive in Alotau, Papua New Guinea followed by a sea day and then Madang, Papua, New Guinea.

It’s 6:50 AM and coffee is calling. Thanks for the reports and post.

Having a grand time. Bruce

The morning view.




Bruce, they seem to be treating very fairly.  I'm glad they are looking at tour options.


12 minutes ago, grapau27 said:


Thank you so much to my dear friend Sandi @StLouisCruisers for passing on our sad message today.

Thank you to all of the lovely people on the daily who have expressed their kindness today.

Phil Sarah's dad was my best friend for 35 years until we all fell out 9 years ago  when he and his wife refused to help care for Pauline's mam and let Pauline,her brother and me care for her last 4 years with Vascular dementia and Alzheimer's.

We took Sarah out for lunch today then took her to her friends house where she is staying tonight.

Lots of love to you all.

Graham, Pauline and Sarah.


Graham, I'm glad Sarah has you and Pauline to lean on during this difficult time, and that she is staying with friends tonight.  I hope the good memories of Phil out weigh the memories of the last nine years, and will bring all of you some comfort.


Now, it is time for a shower and a glass or two of wine, today for medicinal purposes, to ease the soreness.  😉




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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you so much to my dear friend Sandi @StLouisCruisers for passing on our sad message today.

Thank you to all of the lovely people on the daily who have expressed their kindness today.

Phil Sarah's dad was my best friend for 35 years until we all fell out 9 years ago  when he and his wife refused to help care for Pauline's mam and let Pauline,her brother and me care for her last 4 years with Vascular dementia and Alzheimer's.

We took Sarah out for lunch today then took her to her friends house where she is staying tonight.

Lots of love to you all.

Graham, Pauline and Sarah.


You're so welcome Graham.  Anything to help out.  It's good that you spent time with Sarah today and that she has a friend to stay with tonight.  Hugs to you, Pauline and Sarah. XX

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@Quartzsite Cruiser love the reverse image!  So fun to see them from the other islands!  I meant to respond about snorkelling,  I love it too, but entry can be tough in some beaches so full disclosure DS and DH are to credit.   I’m thinking I need to book an overwater bungalow in Tahiti,  so much easier! 😂🤷‍♀️

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@grapau27 I am praying heartedly for Sarah, you and Pauline.  I read a thread of yours years ago where Sarah's family looked away from helping yourselves to Pauline's mam welfare. It hurts. I am in a familiar situation with my sister. So I understand you and family are trying to heal. 

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15 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I have a message from Graham @grapau27 to give you all and that is that Sarah's Dad passed away this morning.  Her parents live immediately next door to Graham and they were witness to the ambulance and the hearse arriving.  Graham rang Sarah who then called her Mother who told her the news.  Even though her parents were so cruel to her and the remainder of the family these past 9 years we should all remember Sarah, Sarah's other family members, Graham and Pauline in our prayers. They are all good-hearted individuals who didn't deserve such poor treatment but are all saddened at the news anyway.  🙏

Thank you for letting us know.


I’m so sorry, Sarah. Prayers to you, and @grapau27 Graham and Pauline. 🙏

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@dfishDebbie, the chicken stroganoff was very good. Used all broth because I didn't have any white wine, and no mushrooms. That would have been good but after 50 some years of cooking with mushrooms DH has decided he really doesn't like them. But next time he can pick them out! Thanks! And we enjoyed beef barley soup last week too.

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10 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

@dfishDebbie, the chicken stroganoff was very good. Used all broth because I didn't have any white wine, and no mushrooms. That would have been good but after 50 some years of cooking with mushrooms DH has decided he really doesn't like them. But next time he can pick them out! Thanks! And we enjoyed beef barley soup last week too.


I'm glad you enjoyed both recipes!  I think the chicken stroganoff would be good as well.  I may make that for the next Farkel Friday.  Yes, leave the mushrooms in large pieces and let him pick them out. 

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1 minute ago, dfish said:


I'm glad you enjoyed both recipes!  I think the chicken stroganoff would be good as well.  I may make that for the next Farkel Friday.  Yes, leave the mushrooms in large pieces and let him pick them out. 

Forgot to mention, I added a bit of cumin to the soup one night for different flavor and rosemary another afternoon. Both were good-just not at the same time.

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Just now, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Forgot to mention, I added a bit of cumin to the soup one night for different flavor and rosemary another afternoon. Both were good-just not at the same time.

That is good to know.  Thank you.  I really like cumin.  I add that to a lot of dishes.

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