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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday May 2nd, 2024

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Good morning. It is slightly foggy here and humid with temperatures reaching up to the mid eighties later. I have not been to Montevideo but have enjoyed the pictures, thanks to Sandi and Tina. Scurvy awareness is ok. My recent experience with life insurance was ridiculous . 

@marshhawk, Annie, there really are no adequate words and it sounds as if you need a doctor to coordinate things. Sending you hugs and prayers. 

@ger_77, I was so glad to see that Maurice has a tentative surgery date!

 @JazzyV, Thank you for including me on the cares list but I think I am on the mend….especially if I don’t overdo it!


Enjoy the day everyone!

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Good sunny morning. It’s another warm day.

Houdini is not feeling too well, only drank water and has not eaten anything today. I’m waiting to call the veterinarian when they open. He is almost 17. 💔🙏🐾

   Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.



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Annie, I second Maureen’s suggestion - at least for Mayo Clinic. I have no experience with MD Anderson, but I know two people who had exhausted all local health options and went to Mayo. One would have died had she not gone. The other had been told her only option was palliative care. 

Both were given the care they needed to recover and thrive.  And Mayo Clinic is not quite as far for you as MD Anderson is. 

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Good morning, everyone!


It is going to be a bright sunshiny day here in mid-MIchigan.  I made it home last night around midnight.  I stopped in Detroit for a program that a friend was involved in.  After the program he wanted to go to dinner, so we went. But the restaurant was in Ann Arbor, just a tad out of the way.  It was worth it, though!  Sue was waiting for me when I got home.  So we sat up and chatted for a bit. 


I have the test injections for the nerve ablation today.  If these help for a few hours, the nerve ablation is a go.  Fingers crossed!  That is the only thing on the agenda for me. 


@marshhawk Annie, hugs to you and Chuck.  I hope you can get some help from Chuck's oncologist.  


I'm delighted to hear how improved things are for you, @JazzyV Vanessa!  It is a shame that it took so long to get to this point, but thank goodness the surgery was successful!  @smitty34877 Terry, be careful with the shoulder, but you know what you can do and not do.  

@ger_77 Gerry, I am thrilled that you have tentative surgery dates for Maurice.  We do want him in tip top shape for our Dailyite cruise in November 2025.  


Yesterday's pesto chicken looked good to me.  We may have that or something similar for Farkle Friday tomorrow night.  For those who want something a little different, the sorrel pesto could be used.  This recipe replaces some of the basil in the pesto with sorrel leaves.    https://www.greatbritishchefs.com/recipes/sorrel-pesto-recipe




Sorrel is described as a lemony flavored green.  It is a powerhouse of vitamins and help support digestive health, eyesight, and more.  But, it comes with a word of caution as it is high in oxalates and those with kidney stone histories may want to opt for lower oxalate foods.  This next recipe adds in some hazelnuts.  https://sabrinacurrie.com/sorrel-pesto-recipe-west-coast-food/




What do you do with sorrel pesto?  Pretty much the same way you use basil pesto.  It is perfect for mixing through a pasta dish.  Here's a sorrel pesto rice bowl.  https://plumscooking.com/recipes/sorrel-pesto-rice-bowl/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I don't know if it made the national news but they recovered one more worker from the Francis Key Bridge.  One family still waiting for closure.



Thank you Roy.

I heard the news of the recovery of another body on BBC news in the UK at 07.00 am this morning.

Edited by grapau27
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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily and maps Sandi, Roy and Rich!   Today the cocktail should be Cuba Libre in honor of Scurvy Day.    Switzer's quote sounds a lot like something Mark Twain would have said.   I will pass on the sorrel and pumpkin but the Spanish wine sounds wonderful.  We were in Montivideo in February 2023 and would love to go back.    Hopefully another GSA will be offered in 2026.  


Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa.   Prayers for Chuck, Maurice, Jim and Tana and everyone else in our group who needs prayers.  Thanks for letting us know that another of the lost souls on the Key Bridge has been located.   Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza.   


I am staying home and cleaning house and then moving outside to do yard work.   Last night I printed off the Daily Racing Form for tomorrow for the Kentucky Oaks day of horse racing.   I will try to start on the Kentucky Derby slate of races this evening if I can stay awake.  It is not a good project when sleepy.   Have a lovely Thursday!  Nancy 

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Good morning.  So sorry to hear of so many people with illness.  Prayers for all.  Cheers to those on cruises and especially to all who are essential to keeping this thread going.  

Great grandson and his parents came last night.  He is getting so big and showing his personality.  He is a joy.


Watching the protests right now on tv.  So sorry to see this and hoping for a peaceful resolution  — if that is possible.


About 6 weeks or so until my next cruise with my twin.  Symphony of the Seas out of Bayonne on June 14.  Always good to get away with Karen — lots of laughs!


Have a great day!  Katherine

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I am letting DH sleep in this morning, he deserves it.  I am unable to stay in bed past the wake up, everything hurts, and by then I usually have a cat on my head telling me I'm late in the morning feeding. We are going to head up to the Heart and Vein doc to let him know that DH's pet scan showed a very angry area near the old stent, and he knows he will have more surgery on his leg. 

DH is associated with Winship for some of his cancer treatment. It is advertised as World Class Cancer Treatment, but lets be honest, DH has two things going against him- 1) he refused to go see a dr for years, even though the cancer was cutting through the skin on his face, 2) he never got a doc before or after he started the mose surgeries.  His first surgery was 13 hours long, and the doc at that time asked me, why did he wait so long?  The last time he had seen anything so bad the person had died within a week. 


I finally spoke up to his dermatologist and he didnt know DH wasnt seeing an oncologist, and he grabbed DH by the hand, and walked him down one level and introduced him to his current doc. That doc set him up with Winship for Proton Therapy after the chemo didnt work.  So he has done chemo, he has done radiation, he now is doing immunotherapy.  The one thing he is not doing, is quitting smoking. And this apparently is not allowing him to heal.  So please keep him in your prayers.


I did get him to do some breathing exercises yesterday, and he said they helped with the pain. 







Today I have a ton of work to do to get all my re hire paperwork straight for the next two campaigns.  But right now, DH is sleeping, the cats are sleeping and it is my quiet hour. Thanks for letting me be with you all.  The Daily is my favorite place to be.


My boss called me yesterday to let me know they met with my Head Boss, and he said that my Head Boss loves me, and that they should be happy that I am working for them.  I know my Head Boss was not happy about the way that they went about asking me to work for them, I was just supposed to be their back up, and instead I am one of two people who are their only two people, and that I work hard, and I am honest, and they should treat me better.  I love my Head Boss, his only fault is that he hates cats. 🙀

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Montevideo, we did a Holland America wine tour to the beautiful Bouza winery with a fabulous dinner and a tango show.  We were there February 13 on the Volendam.  Uruguay was beautiful and we were lucky to visit both Montevideo and Punta del Este.  





















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Good morning Dailyites from a soggy Texas morning. My goodness the storms were nasty. I woke up at 1:00 and opened the door to listen to the rain since sleep wasn't happening. 


This week has been fun with deciding on the Japan cruise. Got our airline tickets, hotel in Seattle, dinner reservations. Today is looking for shore excursions. Any ideas?


My heart and prayers go out to our fellow Daily-ites who are unwell and those trying to recover. Gerry great to hear Maurice has a tentative surgery date.

Annie/Chuck all I can say is you are being prayed for.


My favorite little tablet is finally telling me it's time to let go. I ordered another Samsung and it should be here Sunday.


Tonight is Girls game night. I'm making a chicken enchilada dip. I need a few ingredients (and wine) so will run to the market when MSH awakes.


Wishing everyone a blessed day, and praying for those in harm's way, our soldiers and our veterans. 





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A belated buenas dias from La Corunna, in Gallicia, Spain.

Wevare currently on a HAL tour to Santiago de Compestela.





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Posted (edited)

Good soggy morning from central Texas.  It the overnight rain, which dumped 1.22 inches, has stopped.  One loud clap of thunder woke me up sometime during the night, but I rolled over and went back to sleep.  There was one other loud clap shortly before 7am this morning.  It is currently 65F with a predicted high of 80F, and the sun is beginning to break through the clouds.  The main thing on the agenda today is laundry.


I think Sharon @Sharon in AZ should be all right flying into DFW later today.  The rain there looks like it has stopped.  Things should be back to normal by the time she arrives in Dallas.  Waco looks okay too except for a chance of rain about 4pm.  However, the entire area will see more rain later tonight and into tomorrow.


Three interesting days with all insurance being a necessary evil.  Most meetings I have attended used Roberts Rule of Order as a suggestion, and we should all be aware of scurvy.


My first thought when I read the quote was it was a Mark Twain quote instead of one by Maurice Switzer.  I have heard the quote many times.


We'll pass on the meal and definitely on the drink.  The wine will also get a pass.


We have visited Montevideo twice, and I'll retrieve my pictures next.


An interesting day in history for drama with Arthur Miller winning the Pulitzer Prize.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, safe travels to you and Dennis, and enjoy your weekend with the family. 

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope the eye pressure is within normal limits today.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you get some answers about your shoulder when you see the orthopedist later this month.  I hope the support group will help you, even if it's just knowing you you are not alone.

@Heartgrove  Safe travels tomorrow, Jack.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope the vet can help Houdini.  He's a handsome boy.

@marshhawk  Annie, I agree with Maureen @RMLincoln that having one doctor coordinating all of your DH's appointments and treatments is a good idea.  MD Anderson is a great hospital for cancer treatment.  Whatever you decided and whatever the future holds for both of you, know that we all are supporting you and keeping you in our thoughts.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I know you will enjoy your Japan cruise. 

@VMax1700  Colin, we did the Santiago de Compostela tour and enjoyed it. 














Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily.  My very first job was as a clerk in a life insurance office, that’s where I learned to read upside down while waiting for the agents to give me their paperwork. When on a BHB I always make sure to have a few strawberry margaritas to prevent scurvy.  It’s worked so far, so I’m not about to stop.   The guy who wrote Robert’s Rules must have been a real blast at a party. (rolls eyes)


Okay, so yesterday I did something totally random.  I knew that @jhannah and his wife were going to be in Edmonton after enjoying their Rocky Mountaineer trip, so I said to DH “We’ve got nothing on the agenda, so why don’t we go there and meet them?”  He thought for a moment and said “Sure, why not?”  We called our neighbour to take care of Sochi, booked a room at their hotel, tossed some clothes into our travel bags and drove the 5.5 hours to meet friends we’ve known online for almost 20 years (thanks to Cruise Critic), but never met in person.


What a great experience it was, it felt like getting together with old friends, as we’ve also followed each other on Facebook over the years, so know much about our families as well.   We had a lovely dinner together with great conversations, and retired back to our respective rooms later in the evening.   Today looks like a good day for them to see West Edmonton Mall.  Here’s a photo of us at dinner last night.


L-R:  Jim, Donna, me, Maurice 


@marshhawk, my heart hurts reading what you and Chuck are going through.  I pray he gets some relief from his pain and you both can get back to enjoying life.


I’ll pass on the drink, the wine, and I’ve only ever had sorrel in a German borscht called “summaborscht”.   Not sure where dinner will be, possibly Montana’s, but whatever is served, it will be made even better with the company we’re in.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂



PS please forgive any typos, etc., as I’m using my iPad mini but forgot the portable keyboard at home in my hast to get on the road!

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We have been to Montevideo twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III in the time of non digital cameras.  The second was in 2015 on the Ruby Princess.  We walked around town some and then took the Ho-Ho.  When we saw the long line at the first stop, we just stayed on until we got back to the starting point.  My pictures are just random ones from the Ho-Ho and from our walk.


We were there on a Sunday, and most of the stores were closed.  The activity picked up a little in the afternoon.




Some scenes from our Ho-Ho ride.






A view of their lovely beaches.



After our tour, we walked around and back to the port.  These are from an indoor arcade.





Some interesting things around the port entrance.





Pictures as we sailed, including the lighthouse on top of the building.





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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good morning.  Safe travels, hugs, and prayers for us all.


Smashing Pumpkin cocktail:

While pumpkin isn’t the most commonly used ingredient in bartending, there are a number of cocktails that do utilize falls’s most iconic squash. The Smashing Pumpkin, from bartender James Horn, gets its pumpkin infusion with a homemade lemon-pumpkin soda. Combined with rum and allspice liqueur, two consummate autumnal flavors, the unconventional highball is a fall treat that’s enjoyable year-round.


1 1/2 ounces aged rum
1/2 ounce allspice liqueur
3 ounces lemon-pumpkin soda*, chilled *
Garnish: bay leaf


Add the rum and allspice liqueur to a Collins glass filled with ice.
Top with the lemon-pumpkin soda.
Garnish with a bay leaf.
*Lemon-pumpkin soda: Add 12 ounces pumpkin puree (canned, or to make fresh, roast seeded pumpkin at 350° Fahrenheit for 45 minutes and puree in a food processor), 4 ounces freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2 ounces water to a shaker and shake to thoroughly incorporate. Add mixture to a soda siphon and charge with 1 CO2 cartridge.

Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 6.10.58 AM.png

No candle in the drink. Wasn’t this drink the name of a rock band. 

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Thank you Rich, Sandi, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie,   Renewed prayers for Anne and Chuck.

I like all three of today’s days and the quote is interesting.  A great day in drama history.

I have been to Montevideo several times from 2016 to 2019.

I’ll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Sunset Salad, Broiled New York Striploin, and Apple Streusel  as served on MS Nieuw Statendam May 2, 2019:




Early voting starts today in Maryland with the official primary on May 14.  I plan to vote today when I go out to the fire house at lunch time.  Open seats for us both in my House and Senate districts with many house candidates, and a school board race.  I’ll be glad when the primary is over for at least a slight reductions in the political ads, especially for two big races in Baltimore City.



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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!

By the way StLouisCruiser, when do you sleep? 😳


I know I am a day late but y’all might find this interesting about yesterday’s port, Juneau. Way back in 1990, when all HAL ships were sailing out of Vancouver to Alaska, all the ships would stay very late in Juneau. There was a reason for this. The performers in the showroom while in Juneau did not stay on the ships. HAL put these performers in a local hotel during the summer and they would come onto the ships to do their thing and return to their hotel after the show. 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Life Insurance can be important. I fear Roberts Rules of Order has gone by the wayside. I'd think scurvy is rare these days. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal (pesto), drink and wine. I have been to Montevideo on my 2019 SA/Antarctica cruise. 


It's another sunny and warm day here, high of 83F. BFF went home last night, for early AM appointments and to cut his grass. I hope my guys come to mow, as the grass is tall from rain and being fertilized. BFF will be back this afternoon, and we're going out for dinner. I'm still sleeping downstairs in the recliner, but may try the upstairs bed this weekend. The incisional pain is lessening, and I have no leg pain or tingling!


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. Thanks for the Montevideo photos. Safe travels today. 

@aliaschief Thanks. And enjoy your Italian specialty restaurant tonight.

@0106 Nice photos.

@RMLincoln I hope you can get some good rest to strengthen you for whatever lies ahead.

@Cruzin Terri The support group sounds like a good idea. I hope the prednisone taper continues successfully.

@Heartgrove Safe travels tomorrow.

@grapau27 That area of your house looks very inviting.

@smitty34877 I do hope you are on the mend! 

@1ANGELCAT I hope Houdini will be ok.

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. Also for letting us know about another soul found at the bridge collapse site.

@marshhawk Prayers for you and especially DH as he deals with his medical issues. I'm glad your Head Boss realizes your value to them.

@ottahand7 Great Montevideo photos.

@ger_77 What a great adventure, going to meet your online friends. Nice photo of you all. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 


Approaching Montevideo





Zaandam and NCL Norwegian Sun in port



Plaza Independencia



Palacio Salvo



Plaza de Toros, abandoned bull fighting ring, Colonia del Sacromento



Street of sighs, with very old houses, Colonia Del Sacromento





Buenos Aires in the distance



Man drinking maté - the traditional SA drink


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My dad was a life-insurance agent, although in later years most of his work was with group health insurance and retirement plans. I am aware of scurvy, although I don't think it's common in the U.S. now. It was a concern in the U.K. during World War II, and children received special rations of black currant syrup, black currants being one of the few natural sources of vitamin C--rose hips are another--to grow there. I grow black currants myself, but not for that reason.


A sorrel story, although pesto doesn't figure into it. Around 1980, I went with friends in Berkeley to Chez Panisse, a restaurant that by then was rather famous. It served a set meal, and the night we were there, the main course was fish with two sauces: sorrel and pepper. We thought they would be served on the side, but we were wrong. Half the plate was lined with sorrel sauce and half with pepper sauce, making two precise half-circles, one bright green and the other bright orange, the fish in the center.


The servers carried the plates high so that the diners did not see them before they were placed on the table. I may have been rather drunk, but since then I have considered it important that the way food is presented does not frighten the diner.


No on the drink. I don't think that homemade pumpkin seltzer is in my future. For the wine, Salmon Run (second label of Dr. Frank's) Chardonnay Riesling, which I think would have a similar character although it's not totally dry, $13.99.


Last night I got to sleep only with the help of B&B. Not Benedictine and brandy, but Benadryl and brandy.


Acupuncture this afternoon, and then an Earth-to-Sky online meeting about a subject that I don't remember.



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