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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 26th, 2024

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Good Friday Morning Dailyites! 74 mostly cloudy- that's what the computer says.however it says nothing about how humid it is  We had sprinkles aka rain yesterday, but no big storm.  I worked 4 hours in LA, then printed the rest of my Orlando gig, had a one on one training session on the phone, and then started calling Orlando. 


For every campaign we have to sign a new form for rehire....even though i'm already working and the only time I should have to do it is when I am gone for 30 days, each campaign requires it.  However neither I nor Chuck know how to sign papers when they are set up in Word, but I know that my "real boss" who I dont actually work with, but I am part of his group, knows how to forge my signature, so I asked him if he would forge it, and send it back to Mark.  Mark was adamant that it be signed before I got on the phones, but since Mike agreed to sign for me,  I got to work.


I took DH out for breakfast yesterday at our favorite BBQ place, and picked up dinner at the same time, so we had sliced BBQ pork, Brunswick stew and he had potato salad, and I got the coleslaw.  There is enough for dinner tonight , so we Q again! 


I have an appointment with the vein doc this morning, I was doing really well for 3 years post surgery, but after I fell taking the trash down the driveway (was that in May or April ?) my ankle has been swelling each day.  I dont want to have another surgery, so I hope that I can find a way to put that off and still be "swell free."


The vet called yesterday, turns out Munchkin has several types of parasites, and they are setting aside some meds for her.  Without knowing how much they are, and these vets still take cash I need to call and find out how much to bring, but then it will have to wait until Monday to pick them up.


I like the quote.  When we read, we find out that some of those dark secrets we hide, or things we think,  are often thought by other people, and then we dont feel so alone.  We all read the daily, and I never feel alone here.  


Mexico scenes, but Uxmal is my favorite, and I have no idea where those pictures are-and then the last picture is from my favorite museum in Atlanta.













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Good overcast morning from central Texas where it is 72F and feels like 72F.  Right now, the humidity is 100% because the dew point is 72F.   Our predicted high is 87F with a nice breeze beginning in about an hour.  Last night, the forecast showed rain all morning tomorrow, but how just in the early morning hours.  However, I think I will still do the mowing and trimming today since it will be warmer tomorrow morning.  With all the rain we got this week, the grass has really grown, and the native grasses in the unsodded area are green and growing again.


The world needs to speak with one voice so we can have peace.  Sadly, I don't think that will happen anytime soon.  All my aunts and uncles were great aunts and uncles, and they have been gone for many, many years.  We are aunt and uncle to DH's nieces and nephew.


Today's quote by William Nicholson is true.


I would like the steak, but I'm not sure about the Chimichurri sauce.  Except for the seasoning before DH grills our steaks, I never put anything on a steak to interfere with the steak's flavor.  We'll pass on the meal and the wine.


Sadly, we have not been to today's port or any place in Tunisia.


A great day in 1806 for British transpiration.   The ADA made a big difference for those with disabilities, but we still have a ways to go to be inclusive for those with disabilities and their caregivers.


For some reason, this posted, so I'm trying to edit it to finish before time runs out.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, please wish Morgan a VERY HAPPY 22ND BIRTHDAY for us.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about One Voice Day.

@kazu  Jacqui, great you are making good progress getting the house ready to sell.  It is not unusual to be hit with the enormity of a move, but just remember you were comfortable with the decision before these latest challenges.  Too bad you can't teach Ivan how to sort and pack, too. 

@cunnorl  Charlene, I hope you can make it into the Greenland ports.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope the repair shop can fix your computer.  It's ironic that until the latest update, I was dealing with a blue screen after every update, but not now.  I'm still using Window 10, and I hope I didn't just jinx myself.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DD could stay with Tana last night so you could get some much needed and deserved rest.  It is nice she and DSIL are going to do the shopping today.

@Mr. Boston  Enjoy your visit with friends this weekend.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm happy you did not have any back pain when you woke up, and very little leg pain yesterday.

@Heartgrove  Jack, I hope the doctor's appointment goes even better than you expect.

@marshhawk  Annie, thanks for the wonderful, happy pictures.  

@lindaler  Linda, that is nice of your DS to assemble the shed for you.















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Good morning to all. It will be a busy day here.  One son is coming over to start work on a shed to go behind my new fence. He is building the floor today. My neighbor is getting a new AC unit installed so the space going to our back yards will be at a premium, I will have to park out of the way to allow son to use the carport for sawing and eventually he will break open the two giant boxes of parts for the shed.  The boxes must weight close to 70 pounds each so I can only imagine all the parts inside. At least under the carport it will be out of the unpredictable rain storms and will be easier to keep track of everything.  While that is going on I get to do some mowing, assuming it dries out a little. 

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Good morning. Not much happening here other then it’s our last day of granddaughters visit. We will meet her parents in Tallahassee tomorrow. Next Friday we will fly up to Pittsburgh for a short weekend visit to son and family. No Uncles, Aunts or siblings left. I’m the last.

Did get my Echo done yesterday. It was done out of sync of usual date due to cruise. See my cardiologist in December so if no call beforehand I can assume the bovine aortic valve is still mooing!

We were in Tunis earlier this year and visited the great ruins of Carthage.

Have a great day and weekend. Thanks for all your contributions to the Daily. Bruce



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It would be nice to speak with One Voice to unite the world, especially these days.  All my adoptive aunts & uncles are gone, but I have 1 birth aunt still alive; unfortunately she is in advanced dementia in another province, so won't be seeing her.  I really miss the Great Canadian Bagel Company shops that were so prevalent a few years ago - my favourite was their chocolate chip bagel, toasted with peanut butter.  Yum!  Good quote today.


DS arrived yesterday and what a great feeling having him back in the house again.  At breakfast I told our friends he was coming home for the weekend but DH corrected me saying "His home is in Calgary, he's coming to our house."  Killjoy.  No worries, later in the evening, DS said he has photo albums on his phone with pictures of their place in Calgary which he's labeled "Our House", but the photos of ours in Saskatoon is labeled "Home".  


It seems a cooling trend is happening all over, as this morning when I got up it felt cold - I checked the house temp and it was the same as outside 14C(57), a distinct change from the past few days.  It's going to go up to 24(75) which is what our morning temps were starting at most of the past week - very comfortable.


@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DGD Morgan!

@smitty34877I'm glad you got some rest last night - hopefully Tana will feel a little better and you'll both get some sleep tonight.  

@kazuyou're making amazing progress, especially considering that you're doing it by yourself and while trying to recover from surgery.  You know if I lived closer, I'd be there helping you, but can only send good vibes from afar.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), will let others enjoy the SB, but would love the menu suggestion, especially the chimichurri sauce as I do like cilantro.  DS has his friend's wedding to go to this evening, so he's requested take-out from his favourite pizza place (great cause we normally have pizza on Friday!) for dinner tonight.  I'm thinking we're going to have a "Vern's special" for the 3 of us to enjoy comfortably on the deck.  And wine.  


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil and in the paths of destructive storms and wildfires.  Special prayers for the people of Jasper, and those in California who are dealing with loss due to fire.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Sunrise today is from a 2010 Blount cruise from Rhode Island to Quebec.  On July 26 we visited Charlottetown PEI.





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2 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Rich and thanks to our F & B team.


Cheers to the Armed Forces and all the wonderful Autns and uncles out there.  My sweet ones have all left this earth - RIP.  That quote is so true and OMG on the meal.  DD DH would be salivating and yes, I used to make it for him.  he wine sounds very tempting 😘 


Staging is work but I think it’s do-able.  No furniture needs to go as a) we have nice furniture and b) I already donated a bunch and  made space. I have a few more things to give away right now and the rest of the stuff in th basement is going in a dumpster.  I feel badly but I have spent a year and a half donating and I need to get it finished.  I’m taking the easy way out for what’s left.




legs will just have to put up with it.  Move, rest, move rest.  LOL.  Very frustrating and takes longer to do things.  I started some gentle physio last night in the hopes that will help as they heal.  Days are very busy with all the efforts.  Hopefully it will be worthwhile.  going to try to drive today - I need some basic food and it can’t be put off any longer.  




I confess the magnanimity of what I was doing hit me last night. Well, I’ve already waded into the water so I might as well get right in.




Prayers for those on the Care list & all those who need them 🙏. Cheers to those celebrating and cruising 🥂 


I hope you are ok for driving.

Speaking for driving law  in the UK you must get your doctor's okay to drive after certain operations and for your own safety and others  you must be able to press the Brake Pedal and stop safely or our insurance is void.

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Thank you Terry @smitty34877, Graham @grapau27, Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, Melanie @puppycanducruise, Gerry @ger_77,  Joy @Seasick Sailor and Elizabeth @Haljo1935 for the happy birthday wishes for Morgan.  She will love knowing everyone here wishes her well.🤗


Bruce @aliaschief I'm sending that Hobby Lobby meme to DD.  Good thing my DSIL doesn't have to wait outside for her, she drives herself!




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adding Joy!
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I like One Voice Day, sadly no aunts or uncles, and I love bagels and have one almost daily. I like the quote. I'll take the steak without chimichurri , and pass on the drink and wine. I was supposed to go to Tunis on my 2020 HAL Ancient Treasures cruise, but we know what happened to that. 2 good days in history.


It's going to be a lovely day. Sunny, warm and lower humidity. I'll be heading out to PT shortly. I'll see if I'm doing the vertigo maneuvers correctly. It helps, but doesn't last, so far. Then I'll pop into the grocery store after. This afternoon I have a Covid-19 booster vaccine shot scheduled at the pharmacy.


@StLouisCruisers Happy 22nd Birthday to Morgan! 

@kazu Good luck with getting things finished up at the house, along with taking breaks. Safe trip to the grocery store. BFF is just starting to drive after his surgery.

@cunnorl I sure hope you can get into Greenland.

@smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that last night was better with DD being with Tana, and that DD and DSIL are able to help today. Pippin is cute.

@dfish Such good news that you aren't waking up with back pain. 

@marshhawk I hope the vein doctor has a way to help the swelling. Nice photos from Mexico.

@ger_77 Aww, what a nice sentiment that DS still thinks of your house as home. Enjoy the time with him.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good morning all!

Another beautiful day, forecast is for the low 70's.  We're enjoying the lower temperatures before it heats up again in a week.


All good days to celebrate.  All my aunts and uncles are gone, my last aunt passed about 5 years ago at age 99.  Like Roy @rafinmd, I prefer English Muffins over bagels. I'll pass on the drink, am sure I would like the NZ wine, and would try the meal but definitely minus any cilantro and would need to go easy on the heat.  We haven't been to the port.  


Today we're going to DD's house to do one final watering of the garden, and I'll leave brownies and balloons for their homecoming tomorrow.  Hard to believe their trip is coming to an end!


I have an appointment at the breast center for advanced imaging on Aug. 23.  I may have been able to get in sooner if I'd been ok with an early morning appt., but the traffic getting into Everett that time of morning is atrocious and there's no big rush for this.


Terry @smitty34877 I'm very glad you got more rest last night.  Cute pup!

Debbie @dfish So glad you're having less pain!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers please tell Morgan happy 22nd birthday!

Annie @marshhawk I'm enjoying all of your Happy Pictures 🙂 

Gerry @ger_77 Enjoy your DS' visit!



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Today I was able to walk a mile without stopping.  That is a major improvement.  Before I had to stop often!  I am excited because that means I will probably do just fine on our Jordan Pond hike next month. Time to celebrate!


@Cruising-along You can easily leave out the cilantro.  Only one of the recipes called for it.  The others use parsley.  Heat can be adjusted to the palate or left out.  I'm glad I'm having less pain, too!   Now to just figure out the right hip.  


@StLouisCruisers  Happy Birthday to Morgan!   I hope her day is the best ever.


@JazzyV @Quartzsite Cruiser Vanessa and Lenda, no one is happier that the nerve ablation made such a big difference than I am.  All I can say is WOW!   The other benefit is that I don't wake up in the middle of the night with uncomfortable heaviness and aching in my knees and ankles like I did before.  I'm sure that was related.  I was using lidocaine patches at night to be able to sleep.  I'm going to stop the Aleve and see how I do without that.  The fewer pills, the better.  


@ger_77 Enjoy the time with DS while he is "home".


@RMLincoln  I hope the pressures stay down.  It sounds like things are all going in the right direction.


@marshhawk I don't know how you do it.  I couldn't.  Or wouldn't.  


@smitty34877 I'm glad  you got some respite last night.  Bless all of you for taking such good care of Tana and her teenager.  The stability you are providing for him must help Tana rest easier.


@kazu  Please don't overdo things.  You don't want to jeopardize your recovery for your cruise coming up.  And, selfishly, I am hoping you'll be well enough for a meet and greet in Saint John next month.  



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Good morning. Sunny here and cool right now.....68F at 9:30. High to day will be mid-80's. Rain or maybe showers or maybe not ..... Things are very hit or miss right now.


Have not been to today's destination. Would like the meal. I am one of those people that can't taste cilantro, so the presence or absence makes no difference.


Went to the grocery store early this morning for a few basics and came home with more than I needed. I like to go early before the crowds hit as the parking is awful. It is only 1 mile away so I can do a quick run. Walking, dragging groceries as I used to, is no longer an option for me.


@kazuYour packing for a move is inspiring me to get the "stuff" in my condo under control before I need to move down from the second floor. I am still managing stairs, but hauling the groceries up is getting a bit old at this point. I do a lot of small shopping runs.


Sending prayers and positive thoughts to all that need them. I need a second cup of coffee and then the stamina to tackle the laundry. But will probably settle for reading our local newspaper first... after all, who knows what is happening.









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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  As I love bagels and do make them, I may just need to do so today.  One Voice - how wonderful that would be!  As my mom had no siblings, my aunts and uncles are from my father's side.  I think I might have 5 or 6 left; I am not sure.  And I am an aunt to 10.  Thought provoking quote.  I make chimichurri all the time but I don't do it the Mexican way - with cilantro (though I love cilantro).  So I think I have my dinner planned for tonight but not the drink or the wine.  I would love to go to Tunisia as I worked with several Tunisian nurses in Najaran (I was the DON of the hospital there).  Great days in history.




Tucson is weird in its weather.  Some places yesterday were just inundated with severe winds, rain, and flash flooding.  Electricity gone (power poles toppled) and I had a friend who lost the roof of her shed.  But I just got some nice rain.  We still have an air quality alert and thunderstorms in the forecast.  Presently it is a nice 84F but with 51% humidity.




As a former 1972 Olympic swimming prospect (we moved to AZ, crushing THAT dream), I will be watching the festivities today on Peacock.  Sad to hear of the train disruptions though.  And while I watch, I can finish transferring my pictures from one external hard drive to another.  I started yesterday and I panicked when I couldn't "see" the hard drive but could on the disk utility app.  First Aid didn't work and I thought I had lost all my pics.  Tried my Mac Pro - nope.  Tried my Mac Air - nope.  Changed ports - nope.  Changed cable - nope.  Then tried my old HP - YES!! It was slow going but it was working.  I had already made up my mine to visit a computer store to see if they could get the files off.  SMH!




@marshhawk I love your "happy place" pictures!

@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DGD!

@kazu I think it is normal to be a little apprehensive about a big major life change.  Keep the course and rest as needed.  🙂 




Thoughts for all those in need and cheers for those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!!


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48 minutes ago, dfish said:

You can easily leave out the cilantro.  Only one of the recipes called for it.  The others use parsley.  Heat can be adjusted to the palate or left out.  I'm glad I'm having less pain, too!   Now to just figure out the right hip. 

Thanks Debbie -- I did see that the 2nd and 3rd recipes have parsley, not cilantro.  Those are the recipes I would choose.  I'm doing a happy dance that you have so much less pain!!

39 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I am one of those people that can't taste cilantro, so the presence or absence makes no difference.

Susan I didn't know there are some people who can't taste cilantro!  I'd only heard that you either love or hate it.  DH and I fall into the latter group.  I get an instant headache when I even smell it. 😞  

7 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

As a former 1972 Olympic swimming prospect

Love it!  What was your event?  Our son swam from age 8 into college for the Naval Academy -- backstroke and 50-yard freestyle. He got 2nd in State in high school, and swam against a boy who went on to swimming in the '94 Olympics. We loved watching all the events.

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GOod morning, 


The last few days have been busy so have read the Daily but haven't posted. Yesterday was a trip to BC to see DM and she is doing well. Her face looks like she went a few rounds in the boxing ring - and lost - but her energy and spirit is great for someone turning 98 in a few weeks! I picked up my friend of over 50 years and we went to visit Mom then left her for a bit and went to the bakery to get scones (I got a cinnamon one and an apple pie one) and then to White Spot for shrimp sandwiches to have at Mom's little table. By the time the day ended and I spent a few hours at my friend's house (and saw my god adults) it was 7:30 when I got home. I was tired. Today is the pool and some errands and I'll get the filling made for spinach and ham enchiladas for Sunday. 


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6 hours ago, richwmn said:

Meal Suggestion for today - Grilled Steak with Chimichurri


That sounds SO good to me.  I think we now have a dinner plan for this evening.


I made a run to Trader Joe's the other day, and, in fact, I did grab a Flank Steak.  While Flank Steak was not on the list that Mrs. XBGuy gave me, I invoked the person-who-is-actually-at-the-store-get-free-rein-on-impulse-purchases rule.  We both really enjoy Flank Steak, and the one's at Trader Joe's are a great size for two people--dinner one night, sandwiches another night and it's gone.  A few minutes later, I was looking at parsley in the produce section.  Parsley was not on my list.  Also, I did not think of making Chimichurri.  Sadly, I did not grab any.  I guess I will have to make a run to a store later today.  Happily, parsley is easy to find in any of the local grocery stores.


Life is good.

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Hi @JazzyV I think you can remove my frozen shoulder from the Cares List as I've made much progress. Ortho just wants to see a bit more strength in it to schedule surgery for the tears. 

Thanks so much to everyone for your 🙏 and words of encouragement; I know our village here helped get me this far.


Still waiting on results from the Urologist to see what plan he has on the remaining kidney stones (3) and prevention going forward. 🤞the diet isn't full of stuff my picky taste buds will reject🫣

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Posted (edited)

Happy Friday friends.  We're at the lake house this weekend with DD, DSIL and 2 grands!  Milwaukee will be busy this weekend, Harley Fest, the air and water show and German Fest.  We would have gone to German fest, but it's going to be very  busy down there.  It's quieter up north!  We're having a tree cut down so that's kind of noisy right now!

@smitty34877I'm glad you got a better night of sleep.

@kazu Pace yourself...I know that's not easy.


Have a good weekend, prayers and cheers to those who need them. 


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38 minutes ago, XBGuy said:


That sounds SO good to me.  I think we now have a dinner plan for this evening.


I made a run to Trader Joe's the other day, and, in fact, I did grab a Flank Steak.  While Flank Steak was not on the list that Mrs. XBGuy gave me, I invoked the person-who-is-actually-at-the-store-get-free-rein-on-impulse-purchases rule.  We both really enjoy Flank Steak, and the one's at Trader Joe's are a great size for two people--dinner one night, sandwiches another night and it's gone.  A few minutes later, I was looking at parsley in the produce section.  Parsley was not on my list.  Also, I did not think of making Chimichurri.  Sadly, I did not grab any.  I guess I will have to make a run to a store later today.  Happily, parsley is easy to find in any of the local grocery stores.


Life is good.

Enjoy your dinner!


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Good morning and Happy Friday. We got rain last night and there was a lot of lightning but the lightning wasn’t close, just a light show with rumbles. I saw on the news that there were power lines down on a major east/west road in the foothills and that was during rush hour, yikes.  

I would like the meal today and it reminds me of when I was at Melissa d’Arbian’s house and she made a chimichurri to put over grilled fish. IMG_5176.jpeg.9f08af73a3288e7d9945c7e73fc2c5d7.jpeg
She used both cilantro and parsley. This is her Food Network recipe for Steak with Chimichurri. I wish she was still on tv. 


I’d like the wine, maybe the drink, prefer English muffins like Carolyn and Roy, and don’t have any aunts and uncles left. 

I got an email from HAL that I need to finish checking in for my cruise. I forgot that I hadn’t done that!

Well it’s 30 minutes past Blue’s lunch time and he’s letting me know I’m late so better go. Have a great day!

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Well the decision has been made- no Paamiut tomorrow. Dr Douglas gave a talk this afternoon and showed all types of pictures. He said this is like a 50 year event. So many schedules have been disrupted by the ice. We are going to cruise the fjords instead. Should be beautiful. 
   We will try for Nanortalik on Sunday. Looks promising. 
 Somethings are just beyond our control. 
there is a Lido Fun Fair scheduled this evening. Should be fun! 

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