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The Daily for Sunday 01/30/2022


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2 hours ago, Suslor said:

“Yo, you know the drill” is one inane answering machine message I’ll never forget 🤪. I also ignore calls that we don’t recognize and pick up if we know them and they’re leaving a message. If the television is on the name/number is posted on the screen. I’m amazed how many “people” want to buy our home. 

I agree about all the people interested in my houses. Weird thing is, we put our daughters on our vacation condo and now THEY get calls wanting them to sell OUR house and farm!  Plus the people who want to buy our “house” in Hillsboro are clueless as that log home was the victim of arsonists several years ago.


St Louis Sal

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Good morning everyone and Happy Sunday!  We don’t answer our home phone and don’t have a message either, we use our cell phones exclusively. My message is generic but Craig does what @richwmn does but he has missed an important call too, just like @Cruising-alongsaid. 

Last night’s dinner was nice but the restaurant was super busy, in fact it really surprised both of us and we were in the minority wearing masks. We didn’t mind being around the SO’s family mask less but it was while waiting for a table and then walking through the restaurant because it was so crowded. The group was about 14 people and lots of fun. SO’s brothers are quite the jokesters, one of them smashed frosting all over the birthday girls face. She was in shock for a bit but then started laughing and happy that the frosting hadn’t gotten in her fake eyelashes. 🤣


We have been to Malta but not Gozu. Valletta is absolutely beautiful. 

1 hour ago, dfish said:

I would like to introduce you to Oliver Scott, born this morning at 6:18 am in Sarasota, Florida.  He is 20.75 inches long and weighs 8 pounds, 15 ounces.  His proud mama is my niece and Goddaughter.  



He has his daddy's round face.  


Congratulations Debbie!  What a wonderful thing— a newborn baby is and I love his name. 


Blue says it is past time for lunch so I better feed him. Have a great day everyone!

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@St. Louis Sal I got a call last week about a property that I had owned up until 1989 when my first husband and I got divorced.  He got the house when he ran off with his girlfriend.  I drove past the house about 18 years ago, and there was a hornets nest in the mailbox, and the back end of the house had collapsed.  I guess when he ran away, he really ran away.  No one had lived there for years.  

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to Rich, Roy, Jacqui, and everyone who posts.   It is raining here, and a good day to stay in, but  I discovered my new jug of milk has gone sour.  It's dated February 3, so I'm not sure why, will check the temp in the fridge.


Graham, @grapau27, please tell Father David from us that he doesn't need to worry, he has expanded his congregation appreciably with the  Dailyites attending!


Congratulations on the arrival of Oliver, @dfish, he looks so cute!


We loved Malta, have visited there on cruises a few times,  I think I could easily stay for longer and make a holiday of it!  I think I posted a lot of pictures last time, so this time, just a taste - a bit of food porn, the first two are from Gozo and the third from Mdina.  Lastly a before and after fish lunch in Marxaloxx (I know I haven't spelled that correctly!)











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Wow, oh, wow!   Many thanks to @JAM37. @Cruising-along, @StLouisCruisers, @luvteaching, @smitty34877, @grapau27, @kb4683, @Seasick Sailor, @cat shepard, @marshhawk, @summer slope, @Sharon in AZ, @Vict0riann, and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.   Oliver is my brother's twelfth grandchild.   

@luvteachingI like the name, too.   Some of the other nieces and nephews have gone for the weird.  We have River and Ocean from one branch of the family.  That branch is expecting another little girl in July and we're holding our collective breath that they don't name her Puddle or Pond.  And we have an Ophelia, nicknamed Opie.  I can't shake the memory of Ronny Howard as Opie Taylor from my mind on that one.  Also, great news on your DH's health.  


For some reason, Lenda, I could not get @Quartzsite Cruiser to come up in the list.   

Edited by dfish
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10 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks to Rich, Roy, Jacqui, and everyone who posts.   It is raining here, and a good day to stay in, but  I discovered my new jug of milk has gone sour.  It's dated February 3, so I'm not sure why, will check the temp in the fridge.


Graham, @grapau27, please tell Father David from us that he doesn't need to worry, he has expanded his congregation appreciably with the  Dailyites attending!


Congratulations on the arrival of Oliver, @dfish, he looks so cute!


We loved Malta, have visited there on cruises a few times,  I think I could easily stay for longer and make a holiday of it!  I think I posted a lot of pictures last time, so this time, just a taste - a bit of food porn, the first two are from Gozo and the third from Mdina.  Lastly a before and after fish lunch in Marxaloxx (I know I haven't spelled that correctly!)











Thank you Ann.

He was really pleased when I told him this morning that our Daily friends listen to his sermons he sends us.

Nice food photos.


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@0106 I think you can count on a superbowl party but it might not be what you expect.  A memorable one for me was 2012 on the Zaandam in Asia where the super bowl came about 6AM Monday local.  There was an eclectic mix of popcorn,  typical tailgate items, and breakfast treats.


@dfish, Baby Oliver is precious.



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4 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I think you can count on a superbowl party but it might not be what you expect. 

Thx.  We will be departing from FL on the 13 th so at least we’ll be in the correct time zone!  Was hoping for a “spots bar” type of atmosphere with big screen TVs (and the ability to be socially distant).  No outdoor big screen on the Zuiderdam.

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5 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:


Despite testing negative for Covid, I am still under the weather, continued runny nose, slight nausea and very tired 😢. I may reach out to my doc to see if I can do a telehealth call, although we were planning to drive back home tomorrow. 



Glad you failed the test but hope you are feeling better very soon.fingers 🤞 


5 hours ago, mamaofami said:


It’s so complicated because we have no idea what the future looks like but neither does anyone else. I have to face the fact that control over our lives is an illusion. 


Sadly, that statement is so very true, Carol.  Hoping you can get to your P/T and the future holds some improvement for you and Sam 🙏🏻 


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Jacqui @kazuI 'm sorry there's so much snow to deal with.  If you didn't have to get outside it would be easier on you, but with Marley needing to go out, it's a real problem.  What could he have done to his paw?  Looks like you had to bandage it. 



I couldn’t find anything wrong with his paw and I have examined it yesterday and today.  I think he sprained something in the deep snow.  Guessing he followed his path and slipped?  The snow on the sides was really hard from the deep freeze.  The bandage was just trying to immoblize his leg but he had to go out too much so now it’s off and I am using cold compresses here and there.



2 hours ago, dfish said:

I would like to introduce you to Oliver Scott, born this morning at 6:18 am in Sarasota, Florida.  He is 20.75 inches long and weighs 8 pounds, 15 ounces.  His proud mama is my niece and Goddaughter.  



He has his daddy's round face.  



Oliver Scott is one beautiful boy.   👍 Congratulations !!


1 hour ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Taking care of us and my neighbor lady.  Just back in from clearing the garage roof and the neighbors car.  She popped her head out and thanked me.


Bless you Jake for helping your neighbour.  You are an angel to her ♥️ 


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Hi Roy. You can take my daughter off the Care list. She had her drive through covid test yesterday and it was negative and she told me that she is feeling better too.


That is excellent news 👍 So glad she failed and is feeling better!


57 minutes ago, kplady said:

, thanks so much to @kazuJacqui for letting us know about Sno Joe - we bought one and it worked GREAT!  The snow is a bit deep but we just did the top layer and then worked our way down.  All 4 of us had fun yesterday clearing the sidewalks and the car still parked in the street. (yes, that's me all bundled up with it)


So glad you are finding it useful. !


 There was just too much snow here to even try to use it.  And sadly, it was wet and heavy.  You literally had to chop with your shovel.  It came up in bricks.  Heavy as all get out. 😔 


40 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

And these are my fur babies.  Now you all know our family.


Thank you for introducing us to your family.  Loved hearing about them.


38 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@kazu someone should invent a heated snow mat so you wouldn't need to shovel. We know friends in Idaho that have heated sidewalks and driveways. 


There is such a thing here too and we actually investigated them a number of years ago.  Because of our temperature variation, our contractor warned that we could have a lot of problems - not to mention having to dig up our driveway & brick sidewalk.  

We wanted them more for the ice than snow but decided against it on our contractor’s advice.



@ger_77I feel your pain on missing embarkation day. 😢  Have all the wine you want tonight and enjoy your DH’s company ♥️ 

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I would expect the super bowl to be in the showroom.  Exactly what you see is somewhat at the mercy of the satellite company covering the game which may change each year depending on which TV network get the rights.  One potential disadvantage is that I think usually the game comes without the commercials.



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Good morning and thanks all.  We have visited beautiful Malta twice, but Gozo got removed from our itinerary.   Loving all the new babies!   

@mamaofami you are so right we have no control! 
@kazu poor Marley , hope he heals quickly 


well we will enjoy our last day of good weather before we also get hit tonight!  


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46 minutes ago, dfish said:

We have River and Ocean from one branch of the family. 

OMG Debbie, yet another thing we have in common.  I have a great-nephew named Ocean... Their first child, a girl, they named Isela (E-say-la).  It took awhile to get used to that and then along came Ocean. I do think they're done with having babies, so at least we aren't worried about getting a Puddle or Pond. 😂

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. I have a male voice basic answering message (for safety), and don't answer myself unless it's someone I know. I won't yodel for my neighbors, and an escape from this cold would be nice.

Fun quote.

I like the meal and wine. Pass on the drink.

I haven't been to Malta. Thanks for the pictures.


I had a runny nose yesterday, and it continues today with some sneezing and a touch of headache. Otherwise I feel about my usual. So, what is this? I do have a home test kit, so I may use it, since I have a dentist appointment mid-week. This is similar to what I had at the end of December, with negative home test and PCR.


@kazu Continued prayers for Jose, you and Marley. Sorry you're snow bound. It's great that you're able to call Jose and he answers.

@smitty34877 I hope Tana gets to go to rehab tomorrow.

@grapau27 Thank you for posting the sermon.

@St. Louis Sal I hope you feel better soon.

@dfish Oliver is precious! Congrats to the family.

@luvteaching Good news about DH and kudos to DS on building the ramp.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.

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Oh my gosh @dfish we have another baby to dote over!!!  Congratulations to you and the entire family!  I love his name; we have a little guy next door named Oliver - his parents have shortened it to Ollie, which is cute.  He might not think it's so cute when he becomes a teenager.  


Speaking of names, a friend of mine has 3 grandchildren, a girl and 2 boys.  The girl's name is River, and the boys?  Bear and Chief.  Seriously.  My friend is used to the names now, but still shakes her head from time to time about them.  I'm happy ours two have ordinary names.  LOL


@bennybearstay safe during the Alberta Clipper; hope you've got lots of extra candles in the house in case the power goes out.  I always have half an Ikea store's worth in the closet, so we'll be fine for months on end.  I'm pretty sure we'd run out of matches before we run out of candles. LOL  


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

A long time ago I learned that I could set my default ring to 'off' and assign personal ring tones to people in my address book that I wish to talk to. Anyone not assigned a ring tone goes to voice mail. That has worked well for me for a long time.


Just quoting Rich since he said it first but I know many concur.  That USED to be my attitude but now every time the phone rings and if it says PRIVATE caller, I snatch it up.  I have to - calls from Social Services reads that way, some from specialists if they are using their cells, same with the physicians - It often says the Hospital but if they are using their cell or their private office line, it does not.

And unfortunately a lot of them don’t leave messages so if the phone rings and it says private, I snatch it up.  The odds are it’s about Jose and I don’t want to chance missing a call.

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Ok, I am 40 minutes into this Zoom "retreat" and ready to start yodeling.  We just keep repeating the same thing over and over again.  Move on!!!


Thank you to @rafinmd, @kazu, @puppycanducruise, @JazzyV, and @ger_77.  I had to laugh at the Bear and Chief names.  Those poor kids have to live with those names.  Reminds me of a friend who had two grandsons named Sam and Coyote.  I asked, "Coyote?'  "New age mother, " was her reply.

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I've mentioned a few times that I had planned to see a Baltimore Symphony concert Friday night featuring the Saint Saens Organ Symphony and was disappointed I felt the need to cancel due to the weather.  That performance itself was cancelled but ticket holders are getting to sea a live stream broadcast of today's matinee, and it's on my other laptop right now.  Still the first half with my favorite coming after intermission.


Watching a broadcast of a live performance reminds me that @nancynana9950 had tickets to Come From Away in Schenectady NY this weekend but decided not to go due to their covid numbers.  I don't know how people feel about bootleg shows but I have seen a very nice bootleg performance of the show on youtube.  I would have been happy to share it with someone who had actually purchased a ticket to the show.



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3 hours ago, 0106 said:

Think there will be a Super Bowl Party on the ship?


We've been on cruises during the super bowl a few times, but the best party was on the Veendam in 2014 when the Seahawks beat the Broncos.  The ship went all out, with a "tailgate" in the show room and another screen in the Crow's Nest with popcorn.  They had three cakes and an ice sculpture at the entrances to both sides of the lower level of the show room.  In later years, the game was shown in the showroom with a smaller "tailgate".  These are a couple of pictures of the 2014 super bowl party.





3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@dfish I wish there was an ahhh!  button.  So cute, thanks for sharing your family with us.


@Quartzsite Cruiser  We have 5 fur babies.  Neko, who we found in a box at the farmers market.  The box was marked Free Kat.  She was so small she fit in my DH's hand.  She is our "office" cat.

Then there is Irving, we adopted him to keep Neko company.  In 13 years they have hated each other.  Irving begs food by jumping on the table and putting his head in your food.  When we take a vacation he just starves to death as he hates cat food.

Bob and Furnando are both gingers, who showed up in the yard, we simply picked them up, and brought them in.  Their daddy is one of our ferals that we have not been able to catch yet.  Bob is healthy, but Furnando was born with AIDS.  They are wonderful loving fur babies.


The Tazi is a black and white, born in a storm drain, and one of my old bosses captured the kittens and the mother, had them all spayed/neutered and gave them away.


When we adopted her, we were afraid that our old (now deceased) big gray long haired (again another stray we had taken in) might attack her, but they loved each other.  Always together,  They would sit on the porch together, with their tails wrapped around each other.  She really misses him, and absolutely hates the Furnando. 


We feed him by himself as he is such a piglet, but she has learned to hide under the futon and hisses at him and scares him.  He in turn chases her around the house the rest of the day, but at night?  They both calm down and sleep with me, one by my chest, and one by my feet.


And these are my fur babies.  Now you all know our family.


Thank you for introducing us to your fur-baby family.  


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Wow, oh, wow!   Many thanks to @JAM37. @Cruising-along, @StLouisCruisers, @luvteaching, @smitty34877, @grapau27, @kb4683, @Seasick Sailor, @cat shepard, @marshhawk, @summer slope, @Sharon in AZ, @Vict0riann, and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.   Oliver is my brother's twelfth grandchild.   

@luvteachingI like the name, too.   Some of the other nieces and nephews have gone for the weird.  We have River and Ocean from one branch of the family.  That branch is expecting another little girl in July and we're holding our collective breath that they don't name her Puddle or Pond.  And we have an Ophelia, nicknamed Opie.  I can't shake the memory of Ronny Howard as Opie Taylor from my mind on that one.  Also, great news on your DH's health.  


For some reason, Lenda, I could not get @Quartzsite Cruiser to come up in the list.   


Debbie, I've had problems a few times lately getting the @dfish for example to show or even the drop box.  I've found that if I continue with the list, eventually the drop box will reappear.  Then I just go back and redo the ones not highlighted.  Curiously, @Quartzsite Cruiser  did appear in the list.  Who can figure out the CC quirks?


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

I had a runny nose yesterday, and it continues today with some sneezing and a touch of headache. Otherwise I feel about my usual. So, what is this? I do have a home test kit, so I may use it, since I have a dentist appointment mid-week. This is similar to what I had at the end of December, with negative home test and PCR.



Vanessa, I hope the test is negative and that you feel better soon.  Could the cause be allergies, even in the cold, snowy weather?




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Love the idea of watching the Super Bowl onboard a ship!  Never seems to be enough American football on ships when sailing in Autumn. On our last Alaska cruise, September, 2018, we enjoyed our customary welcome aboard Bloody Mary at an aft bar, surrounded by wonderful ‘Seahawk’ noise from the nearby Lumen Stadium. Later, as we wandered the ship, we were surprised when we couldn’t find any games on the ship’s televisions. Graham, thanks for posting the sermon. Positivity for the days ahead. 

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8 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good morning from the North Pole, actually SW Florida. We moved to the Sunshine State in 1993 and this morning is the coldest temperatures we have experienced since our move, temp on the lanai thermometer says it's 28 degrees.

We live on the Deep Creek Golf and Country Club 12th hole and I can see frost on the fairway, tee times will be delayed at least 2 hours. Cold again tomorrow morning and then we start warming up, 70s on Tuesday, 80s on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


You just missed Christmas Eve day in 1989 - 16 degrees and freezing rain up in the Gainesville/Ocala area. Limbs breaking off of trees with the weight of the ice.  I don't know how far the nasty weather went down into the state - or choose not to remember.

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9 hours ago, richwmn said:

Wine of the Day - Ridge 2018 Pagani Ranch Zinfandel (Sonoma Valley)




WOW.  A terrific wine on so many levels.


  • Ridge is an outstanding California winery.  Year after year, their Zinfandel bottlings (along with several Zinfandel-heavy field blends) are considered among the finest wines from our state.  You cannot go wrong with a Ridge Zinfandel.  Ridge wines are widely distributed and should be available in all the U.S. states.  I know that many here are not U.S.-based, and I'm sorry that I am gushing over something that you might not be able to enjoy.  If you enjoy wine, and you do happen to see a Ridge, you have my assurance that you should grab it.
  • The Pagani Ranch is a revered historic vineyard.  Planted in the first decade of the 20th Century by Italian immigrant (also, very important in California wine history) Felice Pagani.  Today, Pagani Ranch is run by Felice's granddaughter, Norma Pagani Amantite, and her son Dino.  Wineries that have historically sourced from Pagani include Bedrock, Biale, Carlisle, Ridge, St. Francis, Seghesio.
  • 2018 vintage.  One of my favorit wine personalities is Mike Officer, owner and winemaker of Carlisle Winery and Vineyards.  For several decades, Mike Officer has been considered one of the very best Zinfandel winemakers.  He has stated multiple times that 2018 was the greatest vintage of Sonoma Zinfandel he has ever experienced.  If it's good enough for Mike Officer, it's good enough for me.
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All of the football playoffs were at the Lido pool big screen while we were on the Rotterdam. I would think they would have the same for Super Bowl. All of the chairs and pool loungers were facing the screen. There were special pillows and blankets on the chairs to watch the game. It was a lot of fun.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I've mentioned a few times that I had planned to see a Baltimore Symphony concert Friday night featuring the Saint Saens Organ Symphony and was disappointed I felt the need to cancel due to the weather.





Agree, very disappointing, Roy.

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