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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday December 30th, 2022


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

On Dec. 20, 2013 Diamond Princess tendered us to shore to visit Akaroa.  It was a picture perfect day.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIAyXwdohoPbhrIKPissZzs?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711624


The town was busy with all the cruise passengers in town.  We ran into our tablemates Geoff and Margie from Australia, and they took a nice photo of the two of us.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLP25oNpC1YYszAzEm4DqEU?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711633


Everyone seemed to be taking photos of this tree, which I believe is a Pohutukhawa tree, known locally as the Christmas tree.  At least that's what I was told.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJnIR7dfBv-EVyX2_pYcxPb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711651


First we walked left and enjoyed the small town atmosphere.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKoi_Ixjelzj-qvsIGo3JMh?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711659


Isn't this place darling?  Looks like a B&B to me.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVwjr7SMGPj5Dq5FkWXva5?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711668






A statue of an artist.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLp2k_RvKm30jW862VJiLcY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711702


A craft market at a local church.  Remember it was 5 days before Christmas so lots of last minute shopping happening there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKwKleNp_kx3DAreI0M3znW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711712


Walking back to investigate the right side of town, we noticed this happening out in the bay.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLr1rwTQMolaMrRyFld7Go7?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711750


We headed over to the Akaroa Lighthouse for a closer look.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLaXviFSlHfVTIbOdQE5efG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711754






The second time we were there was Dec. 1, 2017 on Sun Princess.  Another gorgeous day.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIAhZP-Z0F5p3J78oJ-FA-a?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625594


Most people like to shop but we like to sit and people watch.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJDgMiX4LUlif-TXbmXllhG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625605


Or seagull watch...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLAxeqiTHSg-dbsApuY1mgc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625605


Or sheep watch...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI2z32IBf_6hVXsry2zNqoZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625644


Akaroa is a real gem and a great port of call.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLIPrBkaDPoxcBD-q5pUBI8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625693





Always great pictures. As I mentioned on prior posts you seem to take the same pictures I took in the same areas I visited.

Just one question? Is there any place y’all have not bend to? 😀

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14 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Always great pictures. As I mentioned on prior posts you seem to take the same pictures I took in the same areas I visited.

Just one question? Is there any place y’all have not bend to? 😀


The answer is yes, there are many places we have not been to.  I try to be happy about the places we've seen and not fret about the places we haven't.  


I hope you have some photos of Akaroa to share too.  I find I like the smaller towns best as it's not so overwhelming.  And if you take a lot of photos, you will have plenty to pick and choose from.🙂

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Good morning .I love bacon but only have it occasionally. I never liked resolution  and I have had quite enough of enormous changes at the last minute.

The recipe looks good but only half of my nightly diners would eat it.Instead we are having shrimp scampi  that makes  everyone  happy.

I ventured  outside with my cane and DD nearby and walked in front of two houses.I saw neighbors and  had actual conversations! We will try going  uphill  today. I am nervous about downhill as it is steep so will use DD for moral support. 

@cruising Teri, The floors are lovely and your house must feel brand new.I hope you can get the rest moved in very soon.

Is anybody else happy to say goodbye to 2022?


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12 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I ventured  outside with my cane and DD nearby and walked in front of two houses.I saw neighbors and  had actual conversations!

That sounds like trying to take a walk in Skykomish; we don't really take walks, we take 'talks'. It would be rude to see someone and not converse.

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4 hours ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. I will try to get a quick update in before the wifi goes down. As there are 1500 on board the Volendam now and over 400 are children and 300 are over seven, the demand on the ships wifi has pushed the system. Latest word on my suitcase is that it is in the warehouse with 750 other suitcases to be delivered Jan. 3.  Their words are: “There is no excuse for such a serious blunder and we truly want to reunite you with your bag ASAP.  In this case, the safest option is to deliver your bag to the Volendam on January 3rd. It is too risky to attempt to deliver the bag to San Juan before the cruise departs again.”
 So for now I will continue to live out of my small carry on and hope for the best. I hope all my Dailyite family stay safe. 

I guess that is the best you can hope for, but what a thing to have happen. I know you will be glad to see it.



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15 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


The answer is yes, there are many places we have not been to.  I try to be happy about the places we've seen and not fret about the places we haven't.  


I hope you have some photos of Akaroa to share too.  I find I like the smaller towns best as it's not so overwhelming.  And if you take a lot of photos, you will have plenty to pick and choose from.🙂



No photos yet. All my travel photos are stored on disks in one of +30 banker boxes which I am trying to clean out. Hopefully post photos in future.


As a side note when we were in Christchurch two things happened. I thought punting on the Avon was a football game which I tried to find 😀. I was walking in the botanical gardens and ran into a guy wearing a Tampa Bay Bucs Super Bowl t shirt, just won the SP. Over 7,000 miles from home and here is a guy from Tampa. No he was from Oakland and just like the Bucs!

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Greeting to all from a cloudy and cold Durango. We had a little dusting snow last night but today is supposed to be dry. However more snow tomorrow through Monday. I am happily settled into the house and don't plan to do anything more outside except give the dogs quick walks. The Chihuahua is still a problem and I have set up several alternative arrangements for him if he does not cooperate. My downstairs neighbor's son and granddaughter are here from Arizona and are thrilled with the snow so they are doing lots of snow shoveling. I am very appreciative. Red Mountain Pass is closed for avalanche control and we expect other passes to close. This is why I always worry about taking those January cruises.


Since walking is icy and dicey, I will be going shelter business by phone today and no shelter dog walking this weekend obviously. Our Thrift Store Manager is still out with Covid and sounds awful. This is her first time with it. Her retirement party scheduled for tomorrow is postponed. He husband also has it but not as bad. She is bummed to say the least.... dodged it for 2 years and now has it for her retirement.


@Lindaler (don't know why the blue bubble failed)... I guess you can only be thankful that the luggage did not vanish on the longer boarding date. Hope it turns up on January 3.... they do seem to be pretty sure of where it is.


Take care all.





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Good morning Dailyites!


Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. 


I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. 


I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. 



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Good morning from a very cloudy central Texas.  There is a strong breeze and it's 49F right now.  We are supposed to reach 62F.  That's a lot better than last Friday when we didn't get out of the teens.  


We like bacon, and after the big meals this week, we may have BLTs for supper.  The only resolution I've made, and that was a few years ago, was to quit making resolutions.  It is the one resolution I've kept.  🤣  Someone else can celebrate the Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute.  We've had enough of those changes recently, and they were not to be celebrated.


Marcus Aurelius was correct with his quote.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink, I'm not into blue drinks.  The wine sounds good, and even if it's not $500+, it's still a bit pricey.


We have not been to Akaroa or Christchurch, yet.  


@Cruzin Terri  Terri, your house looks lovely, especially the floors.  I hope they get the furniture back in soon, so you can start enjoying your "new" house.

@lindaler  Linda, I'm glad they found your luggage, and I think it's wise to not try to have it catch the ship in another port.  I know it's not fun living out of your carryon, but at least, you have some clothes.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for your great pictures from your electric Hummer tour of Turks and Caicos.

@ger_77  Gerry, here's hoping there are no enormous changes before you board your ship next week.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, congratulations on booking the cruise.  Thanks for your pictures of Akaroa.

@aliaschief  Safe travels to and from Tallahassee today.

@kochleffel  Welcome home.  I'm glad the trip home was not as bad.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm happy you have recovered enough to venture out with the cane and DD.  It's nice to visit with neighbors on walks.  Good luck with the up hill and down hill walk today.  Yes, I'm very happy to say goodbye to 2022!

@durangoscots  Susan, it seems like a wise decision to stay in for the near future.  I would not want to be driving between Durango and Ridgeway or over Wolf Creek Pass in the winter.  The most we've done is drive to Purgatory and Telluride in the winter, but that was 30+ years ago when we were younger.  That is a bummer that the Thrift Store manager got Covid right at her retirement.    I hope she's better soon.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I'm glad Allen is feeling better, and I hope he gets rid of the cough soon.  I hope your neighbors test negative soon.

@luvteaching  Karen, that is great news.  I know you are overjoyed that your DH will be home today.  And I like knowing there is another Dr. Pol fan among the Daily family.  😀 🐕 🐈 🐄 🐎 🐖




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9 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. 


I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. 


I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. 




That is terrific news, Karen!  It sounds like you have everything arranged well and planned for.  I'm happy to see some new Dr. Pol episodes coming up soon, too!

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32 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. 


I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. 


I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. 



I am so happy for you both.I am sending prayers that all goes well.

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47 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. 


I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. 


I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. 



I like watching Doctor Pol, also Dr. Jeff.  I like how they are down to earth and care for the animals without breaking the bank.

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Good morning from a drizzly PNW.  Mid-high 40's F predicted today.

We like bacon but don't have it often.  I have stocked up on it though for DH's sister's visit next week.  I know she loves it.  I don't think I've ever made any New Years Resolutions, I know I would either forget what they were or just not be able to keep them.  Please no enormous changes at the last minute -- unless for the better.


Will pass on the drink, wine and meal today.  Not sure yet what we'll be having for dinner tonight.  We have to do a big grocery shopping today, maybe I'll get inspired.  Will be in Akaroa on the Grand Australia, thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the photos!


Sandi @StLouisCruisersgreat news about booking that cruise, it looks like a great one.  And having Debbie @dfishand sister Sue onboard is a plus.


Linda @lindalergood that they found your bag, but sorry you've had to go so long without it.  I must have missed your initial post about it -- was this with Luggage Direct (booked by you) or through HAL when they ship luggage ahead for Grand Voyages?  We'll be using that perk on the Grand Australia and now I'm getting worried.  At least it only has to get to San Diego....but...


Karen @luvteachingGREAT NEWS that your DH is coming home!!

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2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:




I ventured  outside with my cane and DD nearby and walked in front of two houses.I saw neighbors and  had actual conversations! We will try going  uphill  today. I am nervous about downhill as it is steep so will use DD for moral support. 


Sue and I went on a "talk" today as well.   We met our neighbor across the street.  He has lived here since 1972.  Originally his house belonged to his parents.  His dad was an architect and he designed and built the house.  So, he knows all the neighborhood secrets.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning Dailyites!


Big news today - DH is coming home! This will be a new adventure for us as he'll be in the wheelchair for at least a month as his heel wound heals but he'll be home. The care center has agreed to transport him for me which is saving me well over $100.00 for specialized transport. Once he's home I'll be staying home except Monday mornings when DS comes for "Dad time" and I can go to water aerobics and do errands. 


I got the news Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday I signed quite a few papers. Today I have to be there at 11:00 AM for the rest of the discharge paperwork. DH can transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, stand with bars to help, and has a good appetite especially for dessert. 


I tested the wheelchair and it can go pretty much everywhere in the house. We have two power lift chairs for him - one in the family room and one in the living room - and that will make tv watching more comfortable. Today I checked and The Incredible Doctor Pol is on all day so DH will be happy. 




That is wonderful news!  He will heal even faster once he's home.  That is so wonderful for both of you!


@Cruzin Terri The house looks beautiful.  I am sure that makes you want to get back in even quicker now.  What a joy to come home to!


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Thank you to @dfish, @Cruising-along, @smitty34877, @Crazy For Cats, @StLouisCruisers, and @Quartzsite Cruiser for the good wishes. DH is a great animal fan and loves any of the vet shows. 


This morning I got a follow-up video visit with our doctor arranged for January 10 and contacted the home health agency to see if they'd received the referral (they had but needed more info) and now the nurse will be here on Wednesday. 


I saw this posted by @Scrapnana on the World Cruise roll call: 


Thanks for the concern, chefestelle.  I was just getting ready to post that I have to cancel the world cruise.  I am in the hospital and will be for a few days while they decide what can be done.


Off to the rehab facility for paperwork and claiming DH!



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Have been to Tallahassee and back! There were times East Bound I-10 looked like a Conga Line! Lot’s of RV’s. The “Snowbirds” are arriving for the winter. Lot’s of rain headed our way so I guess we will be staying in and enjoying our quiet home.

We never go out on New Years Eve. We fly to Miami January 4 and will embark on Azamara Onward for a twelve day Caribbean cruise. It’s the ship we will go on the World Cruise in Jan 2024. We have booked the cabin we will be staying in for 155 days. So we’ll get a feel of what our grand adventure will be like. First we need to pack which is not very difficult on a Caribbean cruise and cruise line that is advertised Country Club Casual and most people follow. 

Enjoy your weekend and New Year!



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Good Saturday Morning from the Noordam

    Not a fan of bacon and have dealt with a lot of changes on this trip. 
      We are on our 1st of 2 sea days back to Sydney .

        @luvteachingexcellent news about your DH. 
        @Seasick Sailor the laundry had lost 1  of DD’s sundresses.  I put a note on the next order and the officer in charge arrived at my door with a whole rack of misplaced clothes and had me pick out the missing dress. The dress was there! 
    @lindalerglad they have your luggage. That is certainly concerning! I used Luggage Forwarding for the 1st time on this trip . Worked out well.  
Stay safe and enjoy today


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Hi Sandy @StLouisCruisersit is too bad you had to cancel.  We really enjoyed the Hummer though the Polaris side by sides looked fun too but probably a bumpy ride. 


We got off in San Juan for a abbreviated visit. We thought there would be a casino at the Sheraton near the port but it had been turned to a Walgreens. That was fine I picked up a few things including a $6 orange ersatz pashmina for future Orange parties.  DF inquired about nearby casinos which were at the Marriott a short cab ride away BUT traffic is so bad that can drivers want a $100 to take hotel guests to their cruise ships.  We walked back and hung out by the pool for a while and then I visited the gym for the first time this cruise.   Have a nice day!  Nancy 




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Another beautiful day here, sunny and 75 degrees.  Our roseate spoonbill was having lunch below our 3rd floor balcony as we were having our lunch today.  We have a lot of water birds, but "Rosie" is our favorite.  Yesterday's group bike ride was great with 12 of us, all over 60, and we did 18 miles with a rewarding lunch to finish.


We should be in Lyttelton, New Zealand, exactly 3 months from today, on March 30, 2023.  Today's location is Akaroa, NZ, which is quite a bit further from Christchurch.  

If there isn't a shuttle service to Christchurch, we see that there is a local bus.  Another poster said the locals don't like the cruise ship people to use the local bus, however.

For my Prinsendam fans, she is still the ship pictured on the shore excursions for the ports on the Holland America site.


If I don't post tomorrow, I'll wish you a Happy New Year with good health and ability for good travel as well!


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It’s been a busy work day and I still managed to clean the dinning room and kitchen.  @ger_77 we are following your meal suggestion for tonight, pizza and some Medalla.

some sad news on the block tonight.  Our neighbor across the street passed this morning.  He was a veteran and well liked.  When the shutdown started the police and fire departments gave him a parade around the block.  Lots of people came out to wish him a happy birthday.  He was 104.

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