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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday March 22nd, 2023


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Good morning to all of the Daily organizers and all the loyal followers  . It is a very grey and cloudy day here in SW Ontario , I would love to show some of the pictures from our day in Alicante when we were last there in April 2019 . 
 On one of the Prinsendam’s last cruises for HAL we landed in Alicante and I had set up a double walking tour with a very good guide first we went to Castillo de Santa Barbara  and afterwards we did some nice walking around the town itself . In our nice group there were also Jacqui and Jose @kazu
Hope I don't duplicate too much with @StLouisCruisers  pictures 
A distinct view of the Castillo from sea level , for most of the way up we used the elevator however the last few and quite steep hundreds of meters we climbed ourselves.
It was a beautiful clear and very warm day , and we had great views from up there ! 
We had to find shade wherever we could to listen to the many stories of our guide , also of the horrible years under Generalissimo  Franco  when many prisoners were imprisoned here 
Beautiful architecture in the downtown 
The Mercado Central 
All the food in the market made us hungry and thirsty 
One of my favourite pictures of the day  “ Who is leading who ?” 
Just stay in the shade 
There also is a story about this image of a face in the rock ……..
3.15 time to get out of the heat and go back Home to the Prinsendam  and drink a nice cold beer , but a very nice day was had by all in Alicante , Spain ! 
Tony 😄
Thanks for the reminder @JazzyV it is only 7 more days , I better go back to work filling my suitcase .....
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@marshhawk,Annie, Whoa. I am so sorry you are faced with so much at once. I hope you can get things decided for the best and send you hugs and prayers. 
@VictOriann, I am so sorry that you are also having to make a big decision as well and hope for the best outcome for Pat.


I was hospitalized suddenly with a serious bleeding disorder and the doctor still comments that I was so upset about missing the cruise…..I eventually got over not going  but  I can understand wanting to go even when the situation is dire. I am very fond of my doctor but he is obviously not a cruiser!







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Good morning all!

CC was down here on the west coast starting last night.  Sounds like it must have been down for a long time!

Some days I feel younger than other days.  Since retiring unless I have a doctor's appointment I pretty much goof off every day, and I only sing out when I'm alone. 😅


The quote is a good one, will pass on the drink and red wine.  I think I'd rather have gyros than the meal today. We've been to Spain but not this port.  Thanks for all the great photos!


Today is a rare day of sunshine, so I'll be taking advantage of that and getting out to the garden.  Yesterday was my 5-year bone density scan -- and I can't believe it, but it shows that I went from Osteopenia 5 years ago to "normal" now (!)  I thought I must be reading it wrong, but then my doctor sent her report to me, and it's true.  Has anyone heard of Osteopenia reversing itself? I have to say, it was nice to get good medical news finally. I'm done with the string of medical and dental appointments for now, no more until the next kidney function test in April. 


I'm very sorry to hear about all the health problems among our Daily family.  Annie @marshhawkand Ann @Vict0riann sending you hugs as you wait out medical reports and having to make decisions about your cruises.  I think all of us can understand how hard that would be.  


Thinking about Debbie @dfishtoday as she has her surgery.

Carol @mamaofamithinking of you as you prepare for your cataract surgery tomorrow.  

Jacqui @kazu I hope your visit today with the surgeon is a good one.  Sending hugs to you.

Lorraine @cruising sister Thinking of you today on your DS' heavenly 45th birthday.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Cruise Critic went offline around 11PM and I couldn't get in. Luckily this AM I could, to post the Care List.

Well, today I don't feel young at all with all the joint issues. Maybe we need a day to goof off occasionally. I used to sing in choirs, but don't anymore and have lost my range. Good quote by Churchill. Maybe on the meal. I'll pass on the drink and can't afford the wine.

I have been to Spain, but not Alicante.


It's cloudy but in the 50's here today. Ugh, I could hardly get out of bed this AM due to my knees. The so-called good right knee has been acting up the past week, and felt like it would buckle with walking and was also painful. I think I'll need to call the Ortho doc to maybe get a steroid injection in the right knee. I had a dental cleaning late morning, and made it to that. Things looked ok, but I have a lot of excess bone (tori) that are starting to interfere with things; so I may see an oral surgeon at some point this year regarding surgery to remove some. And BFF told me yesterday he has to have another Mohs procedure, but he's trying to put if off for a bit.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for battling the site issues to get us started today. Great photos from Alicante. Happy Birthday to cute Sadie!

@dfish You should be all done by now, but I was praying for you this morning.

@kazu I'm hoping your appointment goes well today. 

@rafinmd The meal looks good; I miss those chilled soups, which were a favorite of mine.

@mamaofami Prayers for your procedure tomorrow that all goes smoothly. I remember the old days when you had to stay in the hospital and seeing patients with sandbags on either side of their head so they didn't move (late 70's). I had mine done a couple of years ago and it was simple.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes and information.

@cruising sister Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DS and hugs to you on this hard day. And yay on the cast coming off tomorrow. I know you'll do the work to get your function back.

@aliaschief Thanks for the memes.

@RMLincoln Ugh on all the rigamarole getting set up for DH's surgery. 

@seagarsmoker Thanks for sharing your cruise. I hope the crew stays well.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the results of your visit to the Pulmonologist. Big decisions to be made. I hope you get to go on your cruise before having to have any surgery.

@lindaler I hope your luggage shows up today.

@Vict0riann Prayers for Pat and you. As you say, our health comes first.

@sailingdutchy Wonderful photos, Tony. 

@Cruising-along Good news on the bone density test; my doctor told me degenerative changes in the lumbar spine can falsely elevate the density, but I hope that's not the case here.


Many Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.

Take care everyone.



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5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Looks a little gray outside but temps will get back in seventies. I couldn’t log on to CC before going to bed last night but seems fine now. I believe I’m taking the night off from cooking and will have some Chinese takeout.

We have been to today’s port of call. Don the cruise blogger stated yesterday that many of Spain’s beaches may be closed at times this summer. Supposedly for some environmental studies. Will need to further investigate that.

Debbie, Jacqui and Carol wishes for successful procedures and evaluations.

Thanks Sandi and all who contribute to the Daily.




Ok, AC. Are you poking fun at me the way I mow my yard.

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Today is supposed to be my day off, but I'm at work. In fact, I was here earlier than usual for an emergency (?) meeting with someone who was told in public (not by me) that he had given offense at a public event that I hosted and wanted to apologize. No apology was needed or appropriate, but it turned out to be a manifestation of an ongoing problem that doesn't actually concern me, except that I need the two of them not to quarrel at our next event that they will probably both attend.


Then a member of the board wanted to apologize for the bloodbath meeting last night. That board member had spoken very freely but not in a way that required an apology; if I wanted an apology I'd want it from the entire bunch of them.


After that part of the meeting, they kicked me out to plan my retirement celebration. I don't know why they're treating it as a surprise party, because I have already approved the date. I would really prefer that they do nothing at all, but that would look bad.



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Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I enjoyed seeing Alicante at night.  The castle looks beautiful lit up like that.

Graham @grapau27 thanks also for your photos of Alicante on your March cruise.  Yes, Sadie looks like she had a grooming recently.  When her fur gets too long she looks like she stepped outside into a hurricane!

@seagarsmoker Falmouth sounds a lot nicer than Ocho Rios.  In a recent cruise we were moved from Falmouth to Ocho Rios due to too many ships and I wish they hadn't. 

Tony @sailingdutchy very nice photos of Alicante!   I wonder if this was the same day we were there, April 26, 2019.  Since Prinsendam was only in service until end of June it wouldn't surprise me if this was the same cruise as we were on. 

Carolyn @Cruising-along good news your bone density has improved and no I haven't heard of that before.  You are very fortunate!

Paul @kochleffel your retirement can't come too soon, can it?  Sheesh everyone sounds so high maintenance.  When is your retirement date?

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21 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Tony @sailingdutchy very nice photos of Alicante!   I wonder if this was the same day we were there, April 26, 2019.  Since Prinsendam was only in service until end of June it wouldn't surprise me if this was the same cruise as we were on. 



Yes that is correct @StLouisCruisers we were on that same cruise from April 6th until May 20th , 2019 and said Goodbye to the Prinsendam in Amsterdam . It was a wonderful cruise and we went to a lot of Ports we had never been to and where likely we can not go anymore with larger ships .

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29 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Paul @kochleffel your retirement can't come too soon, can it?  Sheesh everyone sounds so high maintenance.  When is your retirement date?

Our constituency is high-maintenance. The two quarreling people in the first episode were heads of organizations that we cooperate with, but which are sort of rivals to each other. Years ago I worked for an organization whose members were mostly artists, writers, musicians, and yoga teachers, and the constant eruptions of artistic temperament were much worse than this.


My retirement date is June 30, 2023.

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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@marshhawk,Annie, Whoa. I am so sorry you are faced with so much at once. I hope you can get things decided for the best and send you hugs and prayers. 
@VictOriann, I am so sorry that you are also having to make a big decision as well and hope for the best outcome for Pat.


I was hospitalized suddenly with a serious bleeding disorder and the doctor still comments that I was so upset about missing the cruise…..I eventually got over not going  but  I can understand wanting to go even when the situation is dire. I am very fond of my doctor but he is obviously not a cruiser!







I'm sorry to hear about your previous serious bleeding disorder Terry that resulted in hospitalisation and missing your cruise.




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I am home and doing quite well.  We made a deviation on the way home and picked up some Moose Tracks ice cream.  That was the ticket!  I just have kind of a sore throat and the ice cream hit the spot.  I'm going to try to stay up tonight till 8:30 pm, but that will be hard.  Right now I'm in the TV room with the fireplace going.  I'm going to get more ice cream (what an excuse!) and wrap up in my quilt.  Don't know if I'll watch Netflix or something else.  



9 hours ago, summer slope said:

Honey Toddy cocktail:


I could only find a recipe for a Hot Honey Toddy.
2 ounces bourbon
1/2 ounce hot honey
1/2 ounce lemon juice
top with hot water
Add the bourbon and honey to a mug. Top with hot water and give it a good stir, to dissolve the honey. Then top with lemon juice. Serve garnished with a lemon rind or wedge, optional.

To make your own hot honey, combine 2 large dried chilis and 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes with 12 ounces of honey over low heat. Cook for 30 minutes, then allow to cool. Remove the large chilis and store in a container with a lid. If you want to strain out the red peppers you can, or you can leave them in.

Screenshot 2023-03-22 at 7.10.51 AM.png


This sounds like it would help me immensely!   I wish I had the ingredients. 


8 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Another early day for me. Nice collection of days and like the quote. I’m getting my house ready today for tomorrow’s cateract surgery. I can’t bend from the waist after so am putting all essentials on my counter. I confess to being nervous . Praying all goes well during and in recovery. The forecast is for rain from the storm moving across the country.

Stay safe everyone,



I'll be thinking of you!   


8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all.It is cloudy with rain later but will hit fifty or so today. We have not been to the port and it certainly looks like a great place to see. I have to say that the last year has made me aware of increasing years. My brain still thinks I can do everything I used to do so sometimes there is an issue. Years ago I used to make extra money as a “ wedding singer”. I can no longer hit the high notes but it was fun while it lasted.

Isn't that the truth about thinking you can still do things.  I told myself no on anything for the next couple of days.  Today I am still woozy.  But, normally I think I can still do the things I did when I was 25.  Sometimes I can, just a lot slower.


8 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

I feel for those who did not have a good day at the doctors office. I hope  Jacqui  @kazu gets good news today and that Debbie. @dfish sails through her surgery. I am sending prayers and good wishes for all.

Have a great day everyone 



I am concerned for those who did not get good results.  I feel so blessed that my surgery went well and I am looking at full steam ahead.


8 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all, I woke up early this morning thinking of my DS. He would have been 45 today. I have a friend taking me shopping for some things I need for my cruise and out for lunch. Later I will watch DGS play soccer and after we will a “drive by” ( drive thru) as he calls it for dinner. Trying to keep as busy as possible today. It is easy to go down that rabbit hole of grief. 


Hugs, Lorraine.  I wish I could wave the magic wand and make all the heartache go away, but I can't.  I can send the virtual hugs and let you know that the rest of the Dailyites would do everything in their power to lift this from your shoulders.  It sounds like you have a healthy way of distraction and dealing with your grief. 


8 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Prayers for Debbie and Kazu today. @mamaofami good luck tomorrow on the cataract surgery. I did not know about the no bending. 

Only 24 hours left in the cast. It went fast but the last week has been very irritating. I know I will be disappointed that even with it off I will still have limited mobility. Dangling a cruise in front of me will motivate me to do the exercises. 



Thank you so much.  Book that cruise!


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:


@dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need.


Thanks, Annie.  I am in a good place right now.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:


I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


And that was my wonderful day.  I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians.  The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto  and it was absolutely fabulous.  There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place..  A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on.  Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life.  It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.



Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.  Right now I am so angry with your original doctor.  Had he dealt with this in a timely manner things might be looking a lot different.  If you have documented any of that, save it for a visit with the attorney.  More hugs to you.


@Vict0riann I am sorry for your bad news as well.   Prayers for a good outcome for Pat and the right decision as hard as it might be.  Hugs to you as well. 

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Good afternoon!  I haven't read all of today's posts.  I've been working on starting a blog for my upcoming cruise.  @TiogaCruiser gave me the idea to start one to share with DH about my solo traveling experiences. 


I tried to get on CC late yesterday afternoon to post to Debbie @dfish.  I wanted to wish her well on her surgery but CC wouldn't cooperate.  I kept getting an error message.  Debbie, I'm wishing you a great recovery and hope all is well after your surgery.


Well, I leave three weeks from today for my adventure.  I did decide to cancel my tour in Corinto based on the reports from a few days ago.  It's not an issue for me and allows me to add an excursion in a different port.  Right now I'm wait listed for two excursions, hopefully they will add more departure times, if not that's okay.  I've never felt the need to have to always be on an excursion or tour, especially in a port that I've been to already.


Wishing everyone well.  Have a great day!

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Well, I guess the decision is that we will say “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead!” and go on our cruise.  Pat says I am overdramatizing, and I guess it’s his decision to make.  So we’ll wave to you on Sailaway Day.  Annie, hope you can go on your cruise, too.  Debbie, I’m happy you’re home safe and sound, with moose tracks!  

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12 minutes ago, dfish said:

I am home and doing quite well.  We made a deviation on the way home and picked up some Moose Tracks ice cream.  That was the ticket!  I just have kind of a sore throat and the ice cream hit the spot.  I'm going to try to stay up tonight till 8:30 pm, but that will be hard.  Right now I'm in the TV room with the fireplace going.  I'm going to get more ice cream (what an excuse!) and wrap up in my quilt.  Don't know if I'll watch Netflix or something else.  




This sounds like it would help me immensely!   I wish I had the ingredients. 



I'll be thinking of you!   


Isn't that the truth about thinking you can still do things.  I told myself no on anything for the next couple of days.  Today I am still woozy.  But, normally I think I can still do the things I did when I was 25.  Sometimes I can, just a lot slower.



I am concerned for those who did not get good results.  I feel so blessed that my surgery went well and I am looking at full steam ahead.



Hugs, Lorraine.  I wish I could wave the magic wand and make all the heartache go away, but I can't.  I can send the virtual hugs and let you know that the rest of the Dailyites would do everything in their power to lift this from your shoulders.  It sounds like you have a healthy way of distraction and dealing with your grief. 



Thank you so much.  Book that cruise!



Thanks, Annie.  I am in a good place right now.



Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.  Right now I am so angry with your original doctor.  Had he dealt with this in a timely manner things might be looking a lot different.  If you have documented any of that, save it for a visit with the attorney.  More hugs to you.


@Vict0riann I am sorry for your bad news as well.   Prayers for a good outcome for Pat and the right decision as hard as it might be.  Hugs to you as well. 

I'm happy to hear you are home and doing well Debbie @dfish.

Best wishes for a full recovery.


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Good afternoon from central Texas where the weather has been varying.  Right now the clouds are moving in, and rain is expected tonight.  Earlier, the sun was out, and it's now 79F and humid.  With the wind blowing, 19mph, it's not too bad out.  We took the golf cart around the neighborhood to check on the mail.


It turns out, I did not goof off today at all, and I'll probably pay for it tomorrow.  Originally, the plan was to clean where the old washer had been while the delivery people were unboxing the new one tomorrow.  I got to thinking this morning (always a BIG mistake)  that I probably wouldn't have time tomorrow.  We'd pretty much gotten the washer out of the laundry room (really an oversized closet) when our neighbor came to help move it outside.  He'll pick it up later to take to his church for someone who needs a washer.


First, we didn't get the water turned off completely, so we got water on the floor.  It had been ten or more years (likely more) since we'd moved the washer and dryer to clean under them, and it showed.  We were a lot younger and it was easier then.


It took about three hours to get everything cleaned.  I managed to move the dryer from one side of the room to the other and back so I could get to the vent hose and outlet. I can say that the vent hose, outlet, and the rest of the room are cleaner than they've been since we moved in.


DH helped, but even with the restrictions lifted by the back surgeon, I tried to do as much of the heavy work as possible.  I'll probably be sore tomorrow, but I'm thankful that I am still able to do things like this.


I'll read the rest of the Daily and comment in a few minutes.




PS: I just saw our neighbor go by with the washer on his trailer.  I'm glad someone can benefit by getting the washer, which works well, but is just noisy.


Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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8 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Thanks for the Daily Report!

Sorry for late post today, however I kept getting errors trying to get here this morning. 

We are at Falmouth Jamaica today, arrived early on a bright, humid, hot, sunny day.

Cruise staff wearing masks starting last night and today. We've been told no worries,  crew members that are sick do not have covid, but its protocol now to wear them. Hopefully, it's the flu and they feel better soon. 

We are going to wal to the port shopping area in a few minutes.  They have a new La Casa Del Habano here, so of course I need to buy some cigars. 😀

Will check in later and I hope everyone has a great day!




I'm glad to hear that there is a port in Falmouth now.  Anything is an improvement over Ocho Rios.  We spent a week at a resort there in the mid-70s, and enjoyed the area.


7 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a warm but cloudy day at the beach

     Have not been to todays port, thank you for the pictures.   Young as you feel? Depends on thr day. lol   I forget sometimes how old I am although I am still very active and try to keep myself fit. 

     @mamaofami Good Luck with the surgery tomorrow.  You will be fine. I had mine done 2 years ago. I was so nervous but it is really ok. I also had the no bending rule . I found the worst part of the whole thing was the drops. 

       @cruising sister Thinking of you on what would have been your DS birthday.  Hugs to you on this day.

        Rocket launch scheduled for tonite. It is a new company that made the rocket from a 3d printer. Just amazing!  Hope they are successful.

       Going to lunch with a few friends today. Have not done this in a long time. Will be fun to get together.


 Stay safe and enjoy today




Charlene, it is amazing they can make a rocket from a 3D printer.  I hope the launch is successful.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!  The last thing I read on Monday was that Junior Cat had passed on, and @kochleffel I just started crying,  I am so very sorry, she was mentioned every day that you had posted, and I know how much fur babies mean to all of us, but she was a special child, and thank you for adopting her and changing her life over to a safe and happy home.


@dfishI am hoping that the surgery goes well, and that you get the outcome that you want and need.

@mamaofamiBest wishes on a terrific eye surgery tomorrow.  I hope you don't have a cat, if you are putting things on a counter....DH was not supposed to bend his neck to look down, hence no bending, and he drops everything since his sight is so bad.  I spent several days crawling around on the floor picking up dropped things.  I hope if you are partial to dropping things you did pick up one of those  "picky uppy things" that grab what you need.  Unless you have someone who likes to crawl around?

@kazuI hope all goes well at the doctors, that all the nuts bolts screws and wiring are doing now what they are supposed to be doing.

@Vict0riann I am sorry that you had a bad day at your doctor's office yesterday.  I am hoping that today is a better day, maybe a cloud with a silver lining day?


Today outside, and mentally looks like an extremely cloudy day.

So on Monday DH and I head out at the crack of dawn for early morning blood tests, his was for the endocrinologist, and mine for my new primary physician.  He sees his doc next Monday, I have an appointment with mine when I get back from my cruise...Which brings me to Tuesdays appointment. 


I met with my pulmonologist (first time) and he looks over the report from the tests in January.  This is not good he says.  Personally I think if I have made it into his office something was not good, but he asks me about the "spots"  The spot on my left lung is 4mm,  they saw it years ago, nothing has changed, I still call it Spot.  My endocrinologist said to me two years ago, that the spot was actually my adrenal gland, and I figured since she did find a small tumor there, that she was right and the doc was wrong, but to prove it my Heart doc, ran all those tests. only to find that they were both right, BUT there was a newer bigger SPOT on my right lung  And this is why he sent me to the pulmonologist.  THE SPOT is 8 mm, wasn't there last year and is apparently the right size to remove NOW.  If it gets any bigger it's major surgery.  So I tell him I am going to Alaska in May, and he says if THE SPOT shows any growth I will not be going to Alaska in May, I will be going into surgery.  

So he is sending me to get a PET scan within a week, and to see him the next week, and of course his scheduler tells me, that he is not in that office that week, but has me set up for a follow up on April 18th.  Which is two weeks before we leave.  I am thinking based on any growth, I can last another 3 weeks to get surgery.  They can book it two days after I get back.  Right?  


So that's where I am right now, between here and Alaska, or here in surgery.  DH says I share too much, but you guys get me.  And when we were in the office yesterday, he asked why we were there.  When we left and I was trying to tell him what was going on, he said I thought you just had a tumor on your adrenal gland.  Why were you seeing a pulmonologist?  8 hours later I tried telling him again why the day was so crappy, and he said, well that doc might be wrong, and don't worry about it.  Turns out that I only have 70% lung capacity, so that's something to worry about anyway.  And the doc gave me a new inhaler.  I told him I had one, and I hadn't used it yet, he asked me which one, I showed him on the picture, (they have a chart on the wall) and he said that most doctors automatically prescribed that one, but it wont help me, the drugs in it are wrong for COPD.  He gave me a sample inhaler for a two week use, and to let him know if that helps with the breathing.


And that was my wonderful day.  I came home, worked for 4 hours, and then went to see the local county's symphony highlight the winners of the Young Musicians.  The first place winner was a young girl who played Tchaikovsky's Violin concerto  and it was absolutely fabulous.  There were two third place winners, a harp player (Bach), and a flutist(Doppler), and a young man who played the cello (Elgar) who won second place..  A very lovely evening, and the symphony was spot on.  Got home and started watching more of a show on Netflix called After Life.  It's a series, that has me laughing and guffawing or in tears, but I really love the show.




Annie, I'm so sorry the appointment yesterday brought such sober news.  I hope you can go on your cruise, but your health comes first.  I like that you have made plans if you can't go.  Like someone else said, hopefully, you can document the incompetence of your old doctor, in case it's necessary.


6 hours ago, Vict0riann said:



It's all about the timing, isn't it?  We are in the same position here.  Thanks for all the good wishes, Dailyites, we have to make our decision today, too, whether to go or not - we have a call in to our family doctor.  Pat is going to require more, serious surgery, and the question is, can it wait?!  We want a good outcome, and for you too, Annie.  That has to come first, the cruise is secondary.


Ann, I'm sorry Pat is going to require more serious surgery.  I hope all goes well.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Cruise Critic went offline around 11PM and I couldn't get in. Luckily this AM I could, to post the Care List.

Well, today I don't feel young at all with all the joint issues. Maybe we need a day to goof off occasionally. I used to sing in choirs, but don't anymore and have lost my range. Good quote by Churchill. Maybe on the meal. I'll pass on the drink and can't afford the wine.

I have been to Spain, but not Alicante.


It's cloudy but in the 50's here today. Ugh, I could hardly get out of bed this AM due to my knees. The so-called good right knee has been acting up the past week, and felt like it would buckle with walking and was also painful. I think I'll need to call the Ortho doc to maybe get a steroid injection in the right knee. I had a dental cleaning late morning, and made it to that. Things looked ok, but I have a lot of excess bone (tori) that are starting to interfere with things; so I may see an oral surgeon at some point this year regarding surgery to remove some. And BFF told me yesterday he has to have another Mohs procedure, but he's trying to put if off for a bit.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for battling the site issues to get us started today. Great photos from Alicante. Happy Birthday to cute Sadie!

@dfish You should be all done by now, but I was praying for you this morning.

@kazu I'm hoping your appointment goes well today. 

@rafinmd The meal looks good; I miss those chilled soups, which were a favorite of mine.

@mamaofami Prayers for your procedure tomorrow that all goes smoothly. I remember the old days when you had to stay in the hospital and seeing patients with sandbags on either side of their head so they didn't move (late 70's). I had mine done a couple of years ago and it was simple.

@0106 Thanks for the recipes and information.

@cruising sister Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DS and hugs to you on this hard day. And yay on the cast coming off tomorrow. I know you'll do the work to get your function back.

@aliaschief Thanks for the memes.

@RMLincoln Ugh on all the rigamarole getting set up for DH's surgery. 

@seagarsmoker Thanks for sharing your cruise. I hope the crew stays well.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear about the results of your visit to the Pulmonologist. Big decisions to be made. I hope you get to go on your cruise before having to have any surgery.

@lindaler I hope your luggage shows up today.

@Vict0riann Prayers for Pat and you. As you say, our health comes first.

@sailingdutchy Wonderful photos, Tony. 

@Cruising-along Good news on the bone density test; my doctor told me degenerative changes in the lumbar spine can falsely elevate the density, but I hope that's not the case here.


Many Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate.

Take care everyone.




Vanessa, I'm sorry your knees were bothering you this morning.  Hopefully, you can get a steroid shot in the right knee and it will help.  I also have a lot of excess bone (tori) but so far nothing needs to be done about that.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Our constituency is high-maintenance. The two quarreling people in the first episode were heads of organizations that we cooperate with, but which are sort of rivals to each other. Years ago I worked for an organization whose members were mostly artists, writers, musicians, and yoga teachers, and the constant eruptions of artistic temperament were much worse than this.


My retirement date is June 30, 2023.


Paul, I imagine you are counting the days until June 20.  Do you have a big wall calendar where you are marking off the days?  It's nice a couple of the people wanted to apologize for last nights unpleasant meeting, even if they weren't the main contributors to the unpleasantness.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

CC was down here on the west coast starting last night.  Sounds like it must have been down for a long time!

Some days I feel younger than other days.  Since retiring unless I have a doctor's appointment I pretty much goof off every day, and I only sing out when I'm alone. 😅


The quote is a good one, will pass on the drink and red wine.  I think I'd rather have gyros than the meal today. We've been to Spain but not this port.  Thanks for all the great photos!


Today is a rare day of sunshine, so I'll be taking advantage of that and getting out to the garden.  Yesterday was my 5-year bone density scan -- and I can't believe it, but it shows that I went from Osteopenia 5 years ago to "normal" now (!)  I thought I must be reading it wrong, but then my doctor sent her report to me, and it's true.  Has anyone heard of Osteopenia reversing itself? I have to say, it was nice to get good medical news finally. I'm done with the string of medical and dental appointments for now, no more until the next kidney function test in April. 


I'm very sorry to hear about all the health problems among our Daily family.  Annie @marshhawkand Ann @Vict0riann sending you hugs as you wait out medical reports and having to make decisions about your cruises.  I think all of us can understand how hard that would be.  


Thinking about Debbie @dfishtoday as she has her surgery.

Carol @mamaofamithinking of you as you prepare for your cataract surgery tomorrow.  

Jacqui @kazu I hope your visit today with the surgeon is a good one.  Sending hugs to you.

Lorraine @cruising sister Thinking of you today on your DS' heavenly 45th birthday.




Carolyn, I'm glad your bone density improved, and I've never heard of that happening either.


21 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Well, I guess the decision is that we will say “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead!” and go on our cruise.  Pat says I am overdramatizing, and I guess it’s his decision to make.  So we’ll wave to you on Sailaway Day.  Annie, hope you can go on your cruise, too.  Debbie, I’m happy you’re home safe and sound, with moose tracks!  


Ann, enjoy your cruise, and doing worry about the surgery.  It will give Pat a chance to fully recover from the last surgery and be ready for what's next.  I hope you both can relax and rest before facing more time with the doctors.


11 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.

Many thanks for your Alicante photos today.



Thank you, Graham.



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25 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

@dfish I’m glad that you are home and doing well.  You deserve all the ice cream you want.  I thought of you earlier when I saw some carrots you might try, Lindt chocolate carrots!

That sounds like something I might like!

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Hello and thanks all.   Sorry to hear all the turmoil and loss.    
@kochleffel so sorry for the loss of your beloved cat

@dfish wishing you good luck tomorrow 

@cruising sister so sorry to hear of the loss of your son!  Sending gentle hugs as you remember his birthday.  Hope the healing begins as your cast is removed.

@mamaofamigood luck on your cataract surgery!

@Vict0riannhope you can make the best decision for your health and we’ll being 

@marshhawk I am just so sorry to hear of this new spot. I hope you can still go on the cruise, but perhaps check if you have any credit card insurance or with the cruise line to see what your options are or if you can perhaps move the cruise.  Your health is most important.

@JazzyVhope theshots help your kneew

@Cruising-along so nice there is some good news!  Mine also reversed and retreated to osteopenia, as did my friends today!  So enough calcium and proper exercise definitely helps.  


Life can certainly turn on a dime,  I too had not great news on my last tests and now need a biopsy.  deja vu,  and this too jeopardizes a trip that we have use it or lose it flights to Europe.  


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