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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday April 23rd, 2023


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Well, my laundry day didn’t turn out so well. We were supposed to have sunshine until early afternoon but it clouded over and actually rained lightly on my laundry. I took it down, hung the towels up in the basement to air dry somewhat and put the other clothes in the dryer. The towels will go in later tonight when my company is gone.  This was supposed to be the best day of the next several. Oh well. Laundry day will shift around all summer depending on the weather!

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Good afternoon.  It looks like the rain has stopped for now, but it is still cloudy, windy and cold for us (52F).  We received about an inch of rain, and the ground is saturated, especially since we watered quite a bit after putting the fertilizer and grass seeds down last Sunday.  I just hope the seeds didn't drown before they could sprout.


Not much going on today with this weather, so I'm doubly glad I could be outside yesterday.  Tonight, since it is a cold day, I'll make a beef stew and cornbread muffins to go with our wine,


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


I've been reading here morning and evening but not posting as I'm tired at the end of the day! The drive each way is starting to wear on me. It's 100 miles round trip and about 2 hours depending on traffic. I took a day off on Thursday for my mental health and that was a good decision. I'll do one day off mid-week this week as well. 


DH continues to be the Love of my Life and my Energizer Bunny. The doctor came in on Wednesday, having not seen him since the previous Friday, and wanted to know who this guy was! Dh is sitting up on the edge of the bed (needing minimal assistance) and then sitting by himself so getting stronger. No transfer to wheelchair yet but we're getting closer. His appetite is good, he's talking a lot and carrying on conversations, and is asking to go home. The doctor has directed the social worker to look for facilities closer to home which would be wonderful but so far nobody has room - darn it! 


Today is raining and not my favorite weather to drive in. DH's sister is driving up from Edmonds for a visit so we'll look forward to seeing her. I hope @Cruising-along had a great time visiting the tulip fields and having lunch at the favorite Italian restaurant. The area traffic for downtown was bad as there was a street fair and, when I was coming home around 4:00 PM, the traffic south was heavy and slow. 


Off to get ready to head out - another day of driving! 



Karen, I'm glad your DH is making good progress, and I hope they can find a place closer to home for him.  I'm glad you are taking a day off from driving two hours in heavy traffic.  Last fall, it took about 1 to 1 hour 15 minutes from our house to the rehab facility.  I was lucky that I could take the back roads and a slightly longer, but less traveled route through Waco.  Still, I took a few days off to catch up things around the house.  It seems you are remembering to take care of yourself too.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning!!! Sun to day and high will be in low 60's. Pretty comfortable. The Spring flowers are really bursting forth. Unfortunately none close to my condo since the deer do a number on them. I am waiting on the lilacs.


Yesterday was errand day and I spent most of the day at the shelter. @kazuYou are wise to take your time with Ivan and being sure it is a good fit. I remember Shadow and the difficulties there. It is too bad that some rescues  do not realize that all rescues are not going to be successful and that you have to consider both the person and dog as things move forward. There was one dog we placed 4 times over 5 months before it took.


Our new ED was saying yesterday that she has not cried in years the way she has since she took the job at the shelter. Sometimes grief and frustration, sometimes joy and yesterday was one of latter type days. We had a family come in with their little boy and adopt a puppy. They paid the adoption fee but also donated a fairly substantial amount of goods which they had selected from our wish list. In addition they also gave a large cash donation. The little boy explained to our ED that he had been adopted which is why he paying it forward to the animals. Dad explained that he (the boy) had raised most of the donation money himself cutting grass last summer and doing other odd jobs. Dad had matched a small portion. We all felt a bit weepy as boy, puppy and family left together.


Off to get another load ready for the thrift store tomorrow and also talk to some friends to see  if they want to go out for breakfast this week. Also have a BOD meeting at the shelter Wednesday night. My last regular meeting!!!! Only the annual to go after that.


Take care all.








Susan, what a sweet story about the little boy who adopted the puppy.  


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! @Denise T big thanks for all the photos!   Very cool! 
Happy birthday  to Annie @marshhawkand Charlene @cunnorl!  

@smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear about the oxygen, absolutely unconscionable!  


Driving in Ireland is one of the toughest places!  

Yes, I love to read!  Just finished The Golden son  an interesting story written about a Dr from  India  in Texas  written by a woman born in Canada who lives in the US. Kinda reminds me of the daily! 

How wonderful! 

Very cool!

This is a wonderful story!  Our DGD who raised several hundred dollars in grade three for animal rescue lost her pet gecko this week.  She was devastated, but now I’m happy to report she is the proud caregiver to sibling Guinea pigs.  


Yesterday, we had a surprise visit with my friend who lives several hours away and she brought us a lovely cake! 



Brenda, I'm glad your DGD has new pets to take care of, but it is still sad about her pet gecko.  The cake is beautiful.


2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I slept in plus West Coast time so real late this morning. We had a great time on our Salsa Salsa excursion and enjoyed the salsas we made along with guacamole. Dancing the Salsa was a struggle.

Dinner in Pinnacle just didn’t go well and will leave it at that. Did enjoy last night’s male singing group in Showroom.

Need to get another coffee and read the Daily. Thanks for the Report and postings.





Bruce, I'm sorry about another not good experience in the Pinnacle Grill.  The memes today were great.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's slowly, finally warming up here, it will be 20-30 degrees warmer by Friday (mid 70's F).  And sunshine after tomorrow.  We did luck out yesterday though, no rain at the tulip fields so we were all happy about that!  And the ground wasn't even wet.  Karen @luvteaching you are so right about the traffic yesterday. I'm so sorry you have to put up with that to visit your DH. Of course I warned DD and DS about the tulip festival traffic on a weekend, but DD's family was still about half an hour late getting to lunch at Il Granaio.  (they also live furthest away).  It took all of us double the time to get there.


Good days today, I'll give DH a kiss and say happy lover's day.  English muffins are ok, but I rarely think to have one.  I do like them with apricot jam.  No picnics here today, it's raining.  I'll pass on the meal (not a fan of mac and cheese), the drink and red wine.  


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Annie @marshhawk!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Charlene @cunnorl!


Terry @smitty34877I agree with everyone that what happened with the oxygen company was unforgiveable.  I'm so sorry you, Tana and everyone had that added stress.


Lorraine @cruising sister sending hugs today as you attend your friend's son's celebration of life.


Joy @Seasick SailorI read about what happened on that ship (it was a Celebrity ship).  How awful!


Sharon @Sharon in AZ Thanks for posting the menu for the Sunday brunch.  Is there an added charge for that?  I'm hoping we'll have several on our Grand Voyage next year.


Karen @luvteaching I'm glad your DH is doing better and hope you won't have to make that long drive much longer.


Here are a few of my photos from yesterday's visit to the Tulip Festival.  Everyone agreed that we won't be making this a yearly tradition anymore because the traffic on weekends in April is just terrible (and none of them can go during the week).  But we had fun and I loved the whole day.  After being quarantined for several weeks with Covid it was just what I needed.  🙂  


I loved this pattern with Grape Hyacinth and tulips



Another favorite, I loved these tulips.  This is DGSs with their cousins.





One of the reenactments from the photo taken 6 years ago. They're a lot taller now!






Carolyn, the tulips are amazing, and I loved the recreation of the photo.  


1 hour ago, lobsternight said:

@StLouisCruisers mine is always higher at the docs.  I am back to home monitoring again.  Lost control of mine in October, had nose bleeds and at ER was 240/170 and had to change meds but its fine again  


So we are a week out from our Alaska NA cruise and are so excited. In need of a real rest.  Since I'm going away everyone at work is loading me up with meetings and jobs, not to mention home renovations continue and some on the side consulting. 


So wishing everyone a wonderful day, thoughts and prayers to all in need.


I am also a sufferer of 'white coat syndrome", but my bp is better at home most of the time.  I'm glad the new meds are working for you.  I bet next week can't come soon enough for you.  Enjoy a relaxing cruise to Alaska.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon from somewhere in the Atlantic, heading toward Bermuda.

It’s hard to keep up, so best wishes for anniversaries @bennybear and birthdays @Rowsby @marshhawk @cunnorl and prayers for those with illness @mamaofami’s DH, @smitty34877’s Tana or loss. 

We had a plane delay getting to  FLL, but made it. Our shuttle to the hotel had us standing in the hot sun for an hour, which wasn’t pleasant. Boarding yesterday was smooth, and we enjoyed a private lunch. I waved as we sailed away, but since I had no idea of where we’d be, I didn’t request anything from PTZ. Dinner last night was in the French themed restaurant and we both had beef tenderloin en croute, which was very good. Sorry, no food pics. 

We’re in one of those infinite veranda rooms; not bad, but not like a balcony. It does make the room seem larger. Right now I have the window down, listening to the sound of the water as we sail. There are all day activities going on, but I’m resting today as my knees and back aren’t happy. BFF is off attending a talk. When out and about I’m still masking, particularly on elevators.


Off to catch up on today’s posts. 



Vanessa, I'm glad the cruise is off to a good start.  Sorry about the delay getting to FLL and the late arriving shuttle.


30 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I have to go back and catch up with the posting, but we've been busy watching a live stream of Ren's soccer game in Madison, WI.  DS was in charge of the video and play by play.  Sometimes there would be a bad connection and it would drop, but we saw most of it.  There was a slow start.  Ren didn't start and Colton had to sit out today because of 5 penalties this season.  Ren was put in as a substitute for a player with a muscle pull around 33 minutes into the game.  The Jags were ahead 1 to 0 at the half.  We hurried to eat a sandwich then so we could give all our attention to the second half. 


Ren was assigned to left wing and was intercepting a lot of balls.  One time he intercepted and scored a goal.  Two other players scored goals too including a defender Aiden who rarely scores.  He was psyched!  Aiden scored one yesterday and today too!  Whoo-who!  The Jags won 4 to 0 and it was darn cold again today.  Upper 30's and DS swore he saw snow flakes once! 🥶 Well, that's my sports report for today.  Now DS and Ren drive home from Madison and it's back to work and school tomorrow.😏


Hurray for the Ren and the team with another win.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

I've been reading here morning and evening but not posting as I'm tired at the end of the day! The drive each way is starting to wear on me. It's 100 miles round trip and about 2 hours depending on traffic. I took a day off on Thursday for my mental health and that was a good decision. I'll do one day off mid-week this week as well. 

@luvteaching, I’ll be wishing safe travels for you each day!  Glad you are taking days off from the driving as needed.  Do you have family or friends who can help you drive at times?

Edited by ocean sounds
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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I slept in plus West Coast time so real late this morning. We had a great time on our Salsa Salsa excursion and enjoyed the salsas we made along with guacamole. Dancing the Salsa was a struggle.

Dinner in Pinnacle just didn’t go well and will leave it at that. Did enjoy last night’s male singing group in Showroom.

Need to get another coffee and read the Daily. Thanks for the Report and postings.





Bruce, sorry the Pinnacle wasn't the greatest last night.  We had issues on Volendam at a PG dinner.  They ruined our medium steaks for one thing.  As long as they keep giving us "free" dinners with HIA I suppose we will still give them a try next time.  Love the memes today!  The lady standing in front of her china hutch is probably true for many of us.  My hutch has about 20% of what hers has in it, but still you wonder if the kids or grandkids will want anything.  My oldest DGD is getting married in 2024.  I should see if she wants my china.  Even though it's 54 years old it is a simple pattern and not fussy at all.  Couldn't hurt to ask.  If no one wants it places like Replacements, Ltd  will buy it.  I know because I've bought pieces from them in the past.  👰




2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent BP readings Sandi.

I hope your DHs new medication controls his BP.

The machine should also tell you your pulse rates which ideally should be around 60BPM.



Unfortunately, my pulse rate is closer to 70 than 60.  Guess I'm too exciteable!




1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's slowly, finally warming up here, it will be 20-30 degrees warmer by Friday (mid 70's F).  And sunshine after tomorrow.  We did luck out yesterday though, no rain at the tulip fields so we were all happy about that!  And the ground wasn't even wet.  Karen @luvteaching you are so right about the traffic yesterday. I'm so sorry you have to put up with that to visit your DH. Of course I warned DD and DS about the tulip festival traffic on a weekend, but DD's family was still about half an hour late getting to lunch at Il Granaio.  (they also live furthest away).  It took all of us double the time to get there.


Good days today, I'll give DH a kiss and say happy lover's day.  English muffins are ok, but I rarely think to have one.  I do like them with apricot jam.  No picnics here today, it's raining.  I'll pass on the meal (not a fan of mac and cheese), the drink and red wine.  


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Annie @marshhawk!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Charlene @cunnorl!


Terry @smitty34877I agree with everyone that what happened with the oxygen company was unforgiveable.  I'm so sorry you, Tana and everyone had that added stress.


Lorraine @cruising sister sending hugs today as you attend your friend's son's celebration of life.


Joy @Seasick SailorI read about what happened on that ship (it was a Celebrity ship).  How awful!


Sharon @Sharon in AZ Thanks for posting the menu for the Sunday brunch.  Is there an added charge for that?  I'm hoping we'll have several on our Grand Voyage next year.


Karen @luvteaching I'm glad your DH is doing better and hope you won't have to make that long drive much longer.


Here are a few of my photos from yesterday's visit to the Tulip Festival.  Everyone agreed that we won't be making this a yearly tradition anymore because the traffic on weekends in April is just terrible (and none of them can go during the week).  But we had fun and I loved the whole day.  After being quarantined for several weeks with Covid it was just what I needed.  🙂  


I loved this pattern with Grape Hyacinth and tulips



Another favorite, I loved these tulips.  This is DGSs with their cousins.





One of the reenactments from the photo taken 6 years ago. They're a lot taller now!




Gorgeous flowers!  And the photo with the boys is priceless!





1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon from somewhere in the Atlantic, heading toward Bermuda.

It’s hard to keep up, so best wishes for anniversaries @bennybear and birthdays @Rowsby @marshhawk @cunnorl and prayers for those with illness @mamaofami’s DH, @smitty34877’s Tana or loss. 

We had a plane delay getting to  FLL, but made it. Our shuttle to the hotel had us standing in the hot sun for an hour, which wasn’t pleasant. Boarding yesterday was smooth, and we enjoyed a private lunch. I waved as we sailed away, but since I had no idea of where we’d be, I didn’t request anything from PTZ. Dinner last night was in the French themed restaurant and we both had beef tenderloin en croute, which was very good. Sorry, no food pics. 

We’re in one of those infinite veranda rooms; not bad, but not like a balcony. It does make the room seem larger. Right now I have the window down, listening to the sound of the water as we sail. There are all day activities going on, but I’m resting today as my knees and back aren’t happy. BFF is off attending a talk. When out and about I’m still masking, particularly on elevators.


Off to catch up on today’s posts. 



The PTZ camera didn't really focus on any one area too long.  I'm surprised no one on that entire ship didn't ask for a wave yesterday.  Wish we'd seen you but don't worry - we waved back at you!


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I'm a bit mystified about the basis for a suit.  If the opportunity was to embark (I assume at a place with good medical facilities) and the passengers declined to take advantage of it, it seems like the fault lies with them.


It looks like if all goes well you may be boarding Rotterdam as I get off.




I guess she was told her husband would be kept cold in the morgue but when the ambulance came to pick him up on the ship he was green and bloated and couldn't be seen at his funeral because he was stored in a beverage cooler.


Gosh we will have missed you on the same day, darn it. Would love to meet you some day.

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3 hours ago, kazu said:


I am so sad for Sue.  That’s so hard when someone you love can’t be helped.  I am so glad she is standing firm 👍 and even more glad she is moving in with you 🙂 




Thank you, Jacqui.  I am proud of Sue for not backing down.  Her son knows how to play her and get what he wants from her and she gives in too often.  I'm sure he was shocked by her response.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


I've been reading here morning and evening but not posting as I'm tired at the end of the day! The drive each way is starting to wear on me. It's 100 miles round trip and about 2 hours depending on traffic. I took a day off on Thursday for my mental health and that was a good decision. I'll do one day off mid-week this week as well. 


DH continues to be the Love of my Life and my Energizer Bunny. The doctor came in on Wednesday, having not seen him since the previous Friday, and wanted to know who this guy was! Dh is sitting up on the edge of the bed (needing minimal assistance) and then sitting by himself so getting stronger. No transfer to wheelchair yet but we're getting closer. His appetite is good, he's talking a lot and carrying on conversations, and is asking to go home. The doctor has directed the social worker to look for facilities closer to home which would be wonderful but so far nobody has room - darn it! 


Today is raining and not my favorite weather to drive in. DH's sister is driving up from Edmonds for a visit so we'll look forward to seeing her. I hope @Cruising-along had a great time visiting the tulip fields and having lunch at the favorite Italian restaurant. The area traffic for downtown was bad as there was a street fair and, when I was coming home around 4:00 PM, the traffic south was heavy and slow. 


Off to get ready to head out - another day of driving! 



Karen, thank you for checking in and bringing us up to date.  Don't worry about us, but maybe every couple of days let us know things are progressing so we don't worry.  We'll assume no news is good news unless it goes on too long.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@dfish,Debbie,  I feel for Sue and I hope things can improve  with her son.I am glad she will be with you soon.

We went through  rough times with my oldest brother and my Dad and of course with my own struggle  for sobriety. It is quite a process and seems to "take what it takes"  .Prayers for  the family.


We went through this with my youngest brother.  Fortunately, at this time he is doing very well.  Miracles can and do happen.   Congratulations on your sobriety.  It isn't easy at all.  Some might think we shouldn't talk about these things, but the truth is, every family is touched in one way or another by this issue.  When we don't talk about it, the elephant takes up residence in the living room.  I vowed years ago that I wouldn't let the elephant in.  The house isn't big enough!   But, if talking openly about it helps another person realize they are not alone with this struggle, it is worth it.  


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon from somewhere in the Atlantic, heading toward Bermuda.

It’s hard to keep up, so best wishes for anniversaries @bennybear and birthdays @Rowsby @marshhawk @cunnorl and prayers for those with illness @mamaofami’s DH, @smitty34877’s Tana or loss. 

We had a plane delay getting to  FLL, but made it. Our shuttle to the hotel had us standing in the hot sun for an hour, which wasn’t pleasant. Boarding yesterday was smooth, and we enjoyed a private lunch. I waved as we sailed away, but since I had no idea of where we’d be, I didn’t request anything from PTZ. Dinner last night was in the French themed restaurant and we both had beef tenderloin en croute, which was very good. Sorry, no food pics. 

We’re in one of those infinite veranda rooms; not bad, but not like a balcony. It does make the room seem larger. Right now I have the window down, listening to the sound of the water as we sail. There are all day activities going on, but I’m resting today as my knees and back aren’t happy. BFF is off attending a talk. When out and about I’m still masking, particularly on elevators.


Off to catch up on today’s posts. 


Enjoy your cruise!   Every single minute of it!  

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I guess I really should check my notes before submitting a reply.  There were a few comments I meant to mention in my first post and missed, and then I missed them again a second time.


First to @Lady Hudson  Katherine, a belated Bon Voyage.     



@kochleffel  Paul, I enjoyed reading about the unicorn cat.  Our one calico was a beautiful female, Patches.  She was younger DD's cat.


@Denise T and @POA1  thank both of you for the pictures of the ships arriving for Fleet Week.


@cunnorl  Charlene, I enjoyed your pictures of PNG.  Thank you for sharing them.




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50 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Bruce, sorry the Pinnacle wasn't the greatest last night.  We had issues on Volendam at a PG dinner.  They ruined our medium steaks for one thing.  As long as they keep giving us "free" dinners with HIA I suppose we will still give them a try next time.  Love the memes today!  The lady standing in front of her china hutch is probably true for many of us.  My hutch has about 20% of what hers has in it, but still you wonder if the kids or grandkids will want anything.  My oldest DGD is getting married in 2024.  I should see if she wants my china.  Even though it's 54 years old it is a simple pattern and not fussy at all.  Couldn't hurt to ask.  If no one wants it places like Replacements, Ltd  will buy it.  I know because I've bought pieces from them in the past.  👰





Unfortunately, my pulse rate is closer to 70 than 60.  Guess I'm too exciteable!





Gorgeous flowers!  And the photo with the boys is priceless!






The PTZ camera didn't really focus on any one area too long.  I'm surprised no one on that entire ship didn't ask for a wave yesterday.  Wish we'd seen you but don't worry - we waved back at you!


70 is excellent Sandi.

Your treadmill and gym work is working well for you.


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Happy Sunday!  Happy Birthday to @cunnorl and @marshhawk

No picnics here today!  @StLouisCruisersIt's cold, we're about an hour east of Madison, and yes, there have been snow flakes on and off all day today...we had 80's 2 weeks ago, and then winter returned!  Supposed to be cold all week!  

@grapau27Wow, wishing Fr. David well on his pilgrimage!  

@luvteachinggood to hear that there is progress with DH...hoping he can be closer to you soon.  


Have a great week, Karen

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5 hours ago, aliaschief said:

I slept in plus West Coast time so real late this morning. We had a great time on our Salsa Salsa excursion and enjoyed the salsas we made along with guacamole. Dancing the Salsa was a struggle.

Dinner in Pinnacle just didn’t go well and will leave it at that. Did enjoy last night’s male singing group in Showroom.

Need to get another coffee and read the Daily. Thanks for the Report and postings.




Oh my, AC, you made a political statement on that last cartoon. Just hope those nuts are pecans! 😀

Sorry about your dinner at PG!

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Last night we went to Pinnacle with Kirk and Barbara who will be on the World Cruise with us. Kirk and I decided to split a Tomahawk Steak. Ordered it Med. Rare. So they bring the steak out and it’s more  well done which the waiter noted. So at this point I had eaten a wedge salad and when asked if we wanted another steak I just declined as I didn’t want to wait for another steak to be prepared. Kirk ordered a filet and it came out very rare. Steak back to kitchen and brought back to Kirk’s liking.

So I could have had a substitute steak. My dinner was the wedge salad and half of my mashed potatoes and I skipped desert.. Manager said Chef was going to come out and apologize and I said I didn’t want to talk to him.

There was no harsh talk or throwing a fit. Just a disappointing experience that I hope was an isolated incident.


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19 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Last night we went to Pinnacle with Kirk and Barbara who will be on the World Cruise with us. Kirk and I decided to split a Tomahawk Steak. Ordered it Med. Rare. So they bring the steak out and it’s more  well done which the waiter noted. So at this point I had eaten a wedge salad and when asked if we wanted another steak I just declined as I didn’t want to wait for another steak to be prepared. Kirk ordered a filet and it came out very rare. Steak back to kitchen and brought back to Kirk’s liking.

So I could have had a substitute steak. My dinner was the wedge salad and half of my mashed potatoes and I skipped desert.. Manager said Chef was going to come out and apologize and I said I didn’t want to talk to him.

There was no harsh talk or throwing a fit. Just a disappointing experience that I hope was an isolated incident.



Wow!  I hope it is an isolated incident.  That steak the two of you ordered is no cheap - you would think they would have made sure it was cooked to perfection 😔 

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@aliaschief, I feel this way even though I'm of the boomer cohort myself. The first boomers were born in 1946, so our parents all remembered the Great Depression, when no one had money to buy anything, and World War II, when everyone had money but there was nothing to buy, and they never threw anything away.



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14 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

The Hospice people were as aggravated as I was over the reckless and cavalier attitude of the oxygen company. We have had not one but two oxygen compressors malfunction and had it not been for a decent supply of emergency tanks it could have been disastrous.

I am not sure about your location, but in Skykomish the fire department would help refill the tanks in an emergency. At a minimum, there would be oxygen available in the ambulance during transport, if it came to needed that.

Glad you had a good supply of emergency tanks. 

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13 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

Opps, that’s the USS New York there, the Cole is docked right in front of her but the Beyond is blocking the view.

Somebody at Celebrity Cruise Lines must be a Toy Story fan because they have Infinity and Beyond.

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@Sharon in AZ I noticed the price was 5.00.  But included wine.  What would the price be for a non drinker?  Or was it free, but if you got the wine it was 5.00.  ?  I know silly question, but I cruise in two weeks.  Inquiring minds want to know.  Looks good.


@durangoscotsI cried when I read your story about the adopted boy wanting to pay it forward through critters.  I'm adopted, guess that's why I take in every stray cat that comes here.  And I cried when @ger_77told us the story of the little Ukrainian girl who gave her her only toy from her home country in thanks for what she had done for her.

Actually I cry a lot when reading posts here. I also let out very loud laughs.  I may not go out much, but there is actual life in this group of people. Our victories and our losses are shared here, and we are each others cheer leaders, and each others shoulders to cry on.


Thank you all for making my birthday today so wonderful.  I got my breakfast out, but it was so late, I had lunch instead.  DH remembered in the middle of the NASCAR race today, that he had not given me my other birthday gift.  He gave me a membership to our natural history museum, which i love to go to, as they have hiking trails, and an actual bird bath so that we can see the birds.  Of course the trouble with that is Fawn can too. But she has slowed down in her old age.

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5 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

AZ I noticed the price was 5.00.  But included wine.  What would the price be for a non drinker?  Or was it free, but if you got the wine it was 5.00.  ?  I know silly question, but I cruise in two weeks.  Inquiring minds want to know.  Looks good.

No, it’s free, although it’s only offered on Sunday’s at sea and I’m still not sure if it’s fleet wide. It does not include wine. The $5 were for the sparkling wine drink specials, like mimosas. 


Edited by Sharon in AZ
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I was lacking both ingredients and inspiration, so dinner tonight was broccoli and a cheese omelet. Last night's dinner, and today's lunch, would have been beefaroni if I had used beef and macaroni, but I used fusilli and vegetarian crumbles. For the record, vegetarian crumbles are not made from real vegetarians.


Friday and yesterday I binge-watched the first season of Home Town Takeover, because the second season was starting today and watching them alternately would have been too confusing. I had some ideas for my kitchen and bathroom while watching, even though there was nothing they did in any episode that I wanted in my own home.


Although I watch some HGTV, I've been thinking that it's a pernicious influence. It's become possible to guess which shows people watch with just a glance at their homes. Shiplap? Carrara marble? Mirrors? (That show isn't running any longer.) My plans don't include any of those, other than a mirror over the bathroom sink.






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7 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I noticed the price was 5.00.  But included wine.  What would the price be for a non drinker? 


That made me think of a very strange restaurant called Raest in the Faroe Islands. It specializes in traditional Faroese foods, which were virtually all dried, fermented, or both, and served about a seven-course menu, each course accompanied by a specific wine, beer, or liqueur. If you didn't drink alcohol, you could get it with a different juice for each course, at a reduced price. Dinner there was, shall I say, memorable, especially because fermented lamb is an acquired taste that I didn't acquire.

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