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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 6th, 2023

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1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info SLC.


It’s National Herb Day. I didn’t know my brother Herb has a special day for him. And no, his real name is not RedneckHerb.

The Misses did remind me that Herb is married to Peaches. So they are Peaches and Herb. 😀

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I'm trying to remember my last coronation but it is now quite fuzzy.   I was about 10 at the time.  I felt a bit like I watched it on TV but it was not yet televised live and we did not yet have a TV. According to Wikipedia films were rushed to Canada by jet and regular planes to the US and one network picked up the signal from a Toronto station and  rebroadcast but I likely "saw" it on the radio.



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Good morning.  I was up to see the beginning coverage of the coronation but promptly fell asleep.  Good thing I am recording the events.  Congrats to the people of the U.K.  I believe, as an American, that the monarchy is a big plus for your country.


As a side note I was on QM2 for the Olympics when Queen Elizabeth “jumped” from the helicopter.  Great to see that on a huge screen!


Have a great weekend.  Katherine 

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Thanks for the Fleet Report, special days, quote, food, wine, history and heartfelt sharing!  

@grapau27 that breakfast board looks smashing!  We’ll check in on the recording if the coronation later on. And probably check in on the Derby too. More importantly will check in on our Kentucky friend, with whom we’ve shared Derby Day and Derby Pie, who lost her partner recently. Special days suddenly alone… my heart goes out to all making that adjustment. 

@smitty34877 Nice Terry that you and Tana could enjoy watching the ceremonies together. Great that she is doing better with the meds and the aide. 

I was very torn today looking at plane tickets to fly back to NM for the Celebration of Life gathering later this month for a fire dept member. Tough decision with having deep ties to my previous chapter but the calendar is chock full then of new fun things going on here to share with DH between medical stuff!  I haven’t bought the tickets so I guess my vote is with enjoying what I still can with DH!  I look at my excuses to not make the trip and I’m not sure they’re all that meaningful individually, so I guess the bottom line is that I’d just rather not go away now, I want to be here, and that’s enough reason… so there it is, decision made!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  So many in my heart near and far!  Thinking of Pat and Mary Kay, hope they got through last night ok. 

Cheers to all celebrating 🥂. Life is Good!  

Hoping @marshhawk Annie and Chuck enjoy their day in Vancouver and don’t have a long embarkation tomorrow. And those flying home today make it back easily. 

@kazu Jacqui, thanks for the photo of Ivan resting, so comfy in his bed with a toy. We’ll look forward to his cleaned up look!  Hoping you are healing strong!  

Smooth travels to all away, especially Fr David and all our friend aboard!  

Today is a good day to be happy! 

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34 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I do enjoy beverages - usually starting with flavoured tea in the morning and working my way through the day with others.  I've never gotten into scrapbooking, I have enough unfinished projects around without starting another.  Yesterday we bought some little rosemary plants that will remain on our deck for the summer, so I was early in the Herb Day celebration.


I wish King Charles the best.


We'll be off in a short while driving to attend a cousin's funeral in a city about 2 hours from here.  He was in his late 80's and in poor health, so it was a blessing.  Sad, still, but he's not suffering.  We'll attend the service and have been invited to stay for a late lunch with the family, so I won't be enjoying today's menu selection.  I'll tuck the idea away though for another time.  We'll be coming home by early evening so we'll get a chance to sit on the deck and enjoy listening to the night birds sing.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Safe travels Gerry. I list 3 cousins in 7 months, likely many more of that to come as I am the youngest. My condolences to you and your family. m—

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Well, I will post more later but I know why I was called. Both my cousin and my Sister were present at the procession of the coronation of George VI. My uncle took them to his office overlooking Whitehall. I caused my Mother to miss it as I was did not arrive in the world until June and she could not attend because she was too uncomfortable..... something she told me about over the years. She and I and my Sister were in London for Queen Elizabeth's coronation as we were visiting an elderly relative who was ill. We watched from the office. A really spectacular front row seat.  I was there for Charles and Diana's wedding also although I watched the festivities from a less advantageous spot  .... so I guess Viv really thought we all should be there now. Unfortunately none of us made it. She did not feel like going into London (she is the same age as my sister - mid 90's). Thank you TV.


So..... I have been up since 3 .... I have the Annual meeting to get through.... and I think it will be nap time  when I get home. By the way.... speaking of doings of the Royal family.... I was at Braemar the night Prince William was born. I had students on a tour around the U.K. The hotel was holding a dance and musicians were from Balmoral. They (the muscians)  got more than a little tipsy celebrating his birth and my students were laughingly impressed. They talked about that celebration for several years afterward. Think it was the thing that the remembered most about the tour. There was some strange music that night.



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We just got a PA announcement that the first group can go to the gangway and disembark.

Five days went by quickly. 
We had been surprised that we hadn’t heard the celebration song the whole cruise and my DW asked our waiter if they were still doing the song. She was told no, but then at the end of our meal about a half dozen waiters showed up with a cake and the song. It was wonderful.

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Good morning everyone. I’ve been watching the coronation like most of us. Love today’s quote. Beautiful day today so time  to take the covers off the patio furniture and enjoy.


Edited by mamaofami
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1 hour ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning.  I was up to see the beginning coverage of the coronation but promptly fell asleep.  Good thing I am recording the events.  Congrats to the people of the U.K.  I believe, as an American, that the monarchy is a big plus for your country.


As a side note I was on QM2 for the Olympics when Queen Elizabeth “jumped” from the helicopter.  Great to see that on a huge screen!


Have a great weekend.  Katherine 

Dang….I didn’t make it last night either.  We’re traveling and after a long day, I conked out.  Looking at photos, seems like all went beautifully.  Catherine looked amazing as always.  
Being on QM2 must have been fabulous at that time.

Wishing all a good Saturday.  DH is telling me to get going!

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Just popping in quickly to say Pat's surgery is over, the surgeon didn't call until 7:40 last night, as he had had some sort of emergency case after Pat's.  So I was waiting all day to hear, although I had called the hospital at 4 and was told he was in recovery.  Hopefully he got everything.  I imagine he will be monitored by the Cancer Clinic for some time.  I'm going to call the hospital soon and see if he is in a room, so I can go in to see him, and take him his phone, etc.  Then we'll be able to stay in touch.  Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday.


I have the Coronation recorded, and I won't peek until Pat gets home and we can watch it together, so nobody tell me who won...😉


My AirTag is in Amsterdam today, so I guess that is where the good ship Rotterdam is parked!  

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Good morning Dailyites!


Wishing all a wonderful and fruitful weekend. 


I have said my prayers for all on our Daily list and mine. I watched the coronation, walked our little house guest, chores are finished. Yay!!


We have a friend/neighbor who has her 80th birthday today. However she has not celebrated this day for 12 years as her grandson was stillborn on this date. So we will celebrate in June.


We have a very large crowd for Kentucky Derby Day this afternoon. We combined 3 neighborhoods and will have a dinner in the ballroom before the race. All related to Kentucky. We have contests for best hat, best tie and have prizes. About 240 attending!


@kazu I can't wait to see sweet Ivan after his beauty appt on Monday. He looks so sweet and is exactly where he should be.


Lenda did you get a storm last night? We had rain very late but wow the lightening was crazy!! Looks like from Tuesday the 9th thru Monday the 15th we are due rain every day.


Our nasty little armadillos chewed up a few more drip lines and made a mess digging in the mulch. So I Googled how to get rid of them (or deter them) I bought ammonia and moth balls, poured them around the hole, put rocks and dirt over that and placed a heavy tile over that. Set the cage outside along the digging site with smashed fruit and peanut butter. I repaired the drippers and raked everything smooth. Well.. After 2 weeks of their digging, I had no holes in the yard or flower beds. Please hope they go elsewhere !!! There is so much construction around us they are losing their habitat and guess where they are relocating?


Looks like 1 more mini chore: My sweet husband is asking for quiche for lunch, so will get it ready and bake it while I run to the market for salad fixings. 


Wishing you blessings on this historic day. 

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2 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

I was very torn today looking at plane tickets to fly back to NM for the Celebration of Life gathering later this month for a fire dept member. Tough decision with having deep ties to my previous chapter but the calendar is chock full then of new fun things going on here to share with DH between medical stuff!  I haven’t bought the tickets so I guess my vote is with enjoying what I still can with DH!  I look at my excuses to not make the trip and I’m not sure they’re all that meaningful individually, so I guess the bottom line is that I’d just rather not go away now, I want to be here, and that’s enough reason… so there it is, decision made!  


Absolutely right!  Do what your heart tells you.  You don’t need an excuse to follow it ♥️ 



2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Well, I will post more later but I know why I was called. Both my cousin and my Sister were present at the procession of the coronation of George VI. My uncle took them to his office overlooking Whitehall. I caused my Mother to miss it as I was did not arrive in the world until June and she could not attend because she was too uncomfortable..... something she told me about over the years. She and I and my Sister were in London for Queen Elizabeth's coronation as we were visiting an elderly relative who was ill. We watched from the office. A really spectacular front row seat.  I was there for Charles and Diana's wedding also although I watched the festivities from a less advantageous spot  .... so I guess Viv really thought we all should be there now. Unfortunately none of us made it. She did not feel like going into London (she is the same age as my sister - mid 90's). Thank you TV.


Wow!  What wonderful experiences your family has had 👍 


Good luck with your annual meeting, Susan.  I hope your have a quorum and end this stage of your life and take a well deserved break.  🤞 



2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

We'll be off in a short while driving to attend a cousin's funeral in a city about 2 hours from here.  He was in his late 80's and in poor health, so it was a blessing.  Sad, still, but he's not suffering.  We'll attend the service and have been invited to stay for a late lunch with the family, so I won't be enjoying today's menu selection.  


My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your cousin.  Whether a blessing or not, it’s always hard and sad. 😔   Safe travels.



22 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Just popping in quickly to say Pat's surgery is over, the surgeon didn't call until 7:40 last night, as he had had some sort of emergency case after Pat's.  So I was waiting all day to hear, although I had called the hospital at 4 and was told he was in recovery.  Hopefully he got everything.  I imagine he will be monitored by the Cancer Clinic for some time.  I'm going to call the hospital soon and see if he is in a room, so I can go in to see him, and take him his phone, etc.  Then we'll be able to stay in touch.  Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday.


So glad to hear that Pat’s surgery was successful.  I do hope you can get in to see him today.  Prayers for his recovery and healing and that the doctors have resolved all  🙏 


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3 hours ago, kazu said:

thanks for our Saturday Daily, Sandi.


Nice collection of days!  Love herbs and use them a lot - will be planting a few once it’s a bit warmer (if that ever happens 😉). I’m not a scrapbook person but I am slowly working on one - combination of photos and special memories of DH and what was important to him as well as I.  It’s going to take a while as it’s still painful.


I don’t need to tell you what my favourite beverage is, do I?




I love that quote.  It is just so true.  DH would have loved today’s wine.  He loved Malbec & vintages from Mendoza.


Vets were here yesterday (they come to the house - so much easier on the dog) and Ivan got a full check - especially after the vet and I deciphered his expired vaccination certificate and determined he hadn’t been seen by a vet for at least 4 years.  Shots, blood work, ultrasound on his lumps that are of concern & sample taken for testing.  No matter what the results, he’s not going back to his old owner who might have loved him but didn’t care for him IMO.


He was very tired yesterday after it all.  This is the last pic you will see of him like this.  The shaggy dog is going for his much needed grooming on Monday, thankfully. He’s badly matted in spots, poor guy.




@smitty34877so happy that Tana is responding well to her medication 👍 


@superoma don’t worry - I think most of us are watching the coronation.  You’re doing a fantastic job on the lists 👍


It’s so nice to see that after living off his mother all this time, he finally has a job! 




Seriously, God save the King!  👑 


Got my broomstick out and dusted it off after a condescending post (I’m being kind with that word) by a CC member last night.  




The sun is shining!  OMG - be still my beating heart.  Yippee!  Ivan may be busy helping me move plants out to start their adjustment 🤞 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and those that need them and cheers 🥂 to all those celebrating.  




Have a great Saturday everyone !


I am sorry but I lurk and don't post but i found your comments insulting to King Charles.

He has been a working member of the royal family all of his adult life supporting many charities and done amazing work with the Prince's trust.


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4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Good  morning! Long live the King. Got a little extra sleep in but could have used some more. Little overcast a there is a good chance of rain so maybe the birthday party will be held in clubhouse. Either way I’m getting psyched for six screaming girls enjoying themselves.

Other than that the day will be spent entertaining grandchildren and maybe a break to watch the Derby.

We received some up dates on our World Cruise and was thrilled that a day trip

flight to the Taj Mahal is included at no cost for those booked for entire cruise. 
It’s back to entertaining and feeding. Have a great weekend. Bruce



I love your daily funny memes Bruce.

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58 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Just popping in quickly to say Pat's surgery is over, the surgeon didn't call until 7:40 last night, as he had had some sort of emergency case after Pat's.  So I was waiting all day to hear, although I had called the hospital at 4 and was told he was in recovery.  Hopefully he got everything.  I imagine he will be monitored by the Cancer Clinic for some time.  I'm going to call the hospital soon and see if he is in a room, so I can go in to see him, and take him his phone, etc.  Then we'll be able to stay in touch.  Thanks for all the good wishes yesterday.


I have the Coronation recorded, and I won't peek until Pat gets home and we can watch it together, so nobody tell me who won...😉


My AirTag is in Amsterdam today, so I guess that is where the good ship Rotterdam is parked!  

Sending you both our good wishes Ann.

I hope Pat's surgery was successful.

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26 minutes ago, Judypops said:

I am sorry but I lurk and don't post but i found your comments insulting to King Charles.

He has been a working member of the royal family all of his adult life supporting many charities and done amazing work with the Prince's trust.



It was a joke.  Or did you miss the ‘Seriously, God Save the King” after.  

I am a royalty fan - sorry if I offended you.

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Good sunny and warm afternoon. I’ve been up since 5am to watch the coronation. It was lovely. I’m sure we will hear how poor Harry was ignored, already saw a post from CNN about him saying in the 3rd row . I thought Kate and Charlotte looked beautiful. 
@0106i don’t live that far from Lancaster and visit several Amish/ Mennonite farms, can you name the one you visited?

 I plan on watching the Derby as Angel of Empire was born about an hour away from my home.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good afternoon from another cloudy and windy day in central Texas.  It is 78F and will reach 88F later.  The prediction is possible thunderstorms after 6 pm.  I slept late this morning, then DH turned on the recording of the coronation, and we watched it.  My guess there are not too many living who have now seen two coronations.  The historic factor and the pageantry make it interesting even for us in the US.


Without  beverages, we would be in big trouble.  I am not into scrapbooking, and I'm doing good to get my pictures on the computer in some sort of organization.  I use some herbs in cooking, but have never really used too many.


Today's is another interesting on the requires some thought.


We'll pass on the mac and cheese since DH is not a fan of the dish.  We'll also pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good, and the price is a lot better than some of the recent wines.


We have not been to Moreton Island either.


@cruising sister  Bon Voyage.  I hope the cruise is everything you want it to be.



@HAL4NOW Tony and @Cruising-along Carolyn, safe travels home today.

@dfish  Debbie. I hope Sue's DGD's team has a good day and a win.

@smitty34877  Terry, I was very happy to read earlier that Tana has responded well to the medication and that things are going more smoothly now.  Sending positive thoughts that things continue to improve and stabilize.

  @kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the vets gave Ivan and through exam in addition to all his shots.  It is hard to understand how someone who loves their pets neglects to get them checked and vaccinated every year.  I know you mentioned she doesn't drive, but with vets coming to the house, not driving is not an excuse.  I'm glad you are definitely keeping Ivan, and I look forward to pictures of a neatly trimmed Ivan Monday.  Now, I'll get off my soapbox, knowing Ivan is in good hands.

@Vict0riann  Ann, I'm glad Pat came through his surgery, and I also hope they got everything.  Please give him our good wishes for a speedy recovery.



@durangoscots  Susan, those are special memories, and I can understand your cousin wanting to watch the coronation "with" you.  I hope the annual meeting goes smoothly, and you are then free to enjoy other pursuits.

@ger_77  Gerry, our condolences on the loss of your cousin.  Hope you have a safe trip to and from the service.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope the armadillos have moved on from your yard.  So far, all they have done is dig holes in our grass and weeds.  We got a big thunderstorm Thursday night that lasted about 20-30 minutes with heavy rain, a lot of lightning and thunder.  Last night we got the lightning and thunder, but the rain basically missed us.  Rain is possible tonight and then no rain until Wednesday and into the foreseeable future.  I just hope the rain Wednesday holds off until I get back from my mammogram that morning.  Your Kentucky Derby party sounds like fun.  Enjoy.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I know you will enjoy the tour to the Taj Mahal.  A word of warning, you might want to take enough bottled water for the day.  When we did our tour there, the tour company (a quite reputable one) gave us bottles of water that had been refilled and resealed.  The water made 110 or the 115 people on the tour sick.


This afternoon, we'll be watching the Kentucky Derby.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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12 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

  @kazu  Jacqui, I'm glad the vets gave Ivan and through exam in addition to all his shots.  It is hard to understand how someone who loves their pets neglects to get them checked and vaccinated every year.  I know you mentioned she doesn't drive, but with vets coming to the house, not driving is not an excuse.  I'm glad you are definitely keeping Ivan, and I look forward to pictures of a neatly trimmed Ivan Monday.  Now, I'll get off my soapbox, knowing Ivan is in good hands.


Thanks Lenda - you didn’t want to hear me when I finally got his vaccination certificate. I was livid. So your soapbox is nothing 😉  I don’t know what his tests will show on Monday but even if there is something - he needs to be with someone who can give him the care he deserves.


He’s a sweet boy and deserves care - not just love.  He has both here.


I love these vets that are mobile - they were so good with Marley who had become vet adverse with all the tests that he didn’t even know he had been seen by a vet.  there’s a small fee for them to come but overall, their professional costs seem lower so it’s 6 of one 1/2 dozen of the other and it is so much less stressful for the animal.  They have an incredible amount of equipment.  I was shocked they could ultrasound Ivan here.  They are kind, thorough and care about their patients.



22 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny and warm afternoon. I’ve been up since 5am to watch the coronation. It was lovely. I’m sure we will hear how poor Harry was ignored, already saw a post from CNN about him saying in the 3rd row . I thought Kate and Charlotte looked beautiful. 


Harry was seated in the row he was as he is not a working royal.  It wasn’t a slight.  Working royals are seated first.  And, only the working royals were on the balcony.  Not sure, but I think Prince Harry was already on the way home as it is his son’s 4th birthday which might have been a factor as well.


The children were the stars of the show - so sweet and so well behaved.  


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Home again, home again. The Annual meeting was short and sweet. I think nearly everyone there had gotten up early to watch the coronation and they were all still sleepy so they did not ask many questions and no one raised any issues. Until my name comes off the checking account I may have to go into sign a couple of checks but that will be it. Feel like the world is off my shoulders.


Will call my cousin tomorrow and tell her that I watched everything. I will probably talk to my sister this evening as I suspect she has gone back to bed this afternoon.... don't blame her.



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Good afternoon, we're back.  First of all, thank you for your messages of condolence regarding my cousin; he was a sweet guy, and I know his presence will be missed.


Now, on to what happened.  DH and I got up, dressed, and stopped at Tim's for a coffee to go this morning.  We hit the highway, I started knitting (as I usually do when DH drives), and enjoyed some tunes on the radio for about an hour or so.  I started telling DH about some of the memories I had of my cousin, and thought I'd pull out the obituary on my phone.  While reading it, I came upon something interesting.  Today isn't Saturday, June 3rd.   That's the date of the memorial service.   LOL  So, we turned around, and came home.  Now we've got the afternoon completely to ourselves with nothing on the agenda, woo hoo!  


I hope everyone is having a great Saturday!

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