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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday August 7th, 2023


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Storms expected later today. Everyone stay safe!  

Blessings for all the appointments…. Lou and Terry, and baby Murphy’s eval. And a new miracle for Terri and the termite people. A good bath for Fancy. Good scan for Sam and peace along the journey!  A peaceful day for Mr Boston…  soon you’ll learn that in retirement every day is a work day!  Where did we find time to go to a job?  

Love the photos Lenda. We were in Crete but a different port, west end, too far to get to Knossos, but DH was quite sick then with pneumonia and we couldn’t have gone anyway. We were grateful Medical got him on a path forward without having to put us off the ship. 

Moussaka can be made vegan which is required for Greek Orthodox Lenten season. But I’d miss the meat and the cheese!  Could substitute a plant protein and use a “white sauce” made with an alternative milk and olive oil… maybe mash tofu and garlic into it to give it body and flavor. But like I said, I’d miss the neat and cheese!  I love moussaka but haven’t tried to make it, and DH would go for eggplant, so I order it whenever I can. 

I’m starting to look at travel guides for Quebec City and Boston!  But I have to get prepped for leaving Saturday for NY and family gathering. Second post-op eye checkup is Thursday, praying for Amazing! Grateful we’ve had such good indicators so far. Miracles abound!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  
Congrats to all celebrating! 
Smooth travels to all away!  

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will celebrate friendships, as they add so much to our lives. Forgiveness can be hard, but is something we should all strive for. I love lighthouses. I saw a piece on the Today show this AM about some historical lighthouses for sale (needing a lot of renovation). And a salute to Purple Heart recipients. Great quote. Pass on the meal (eggplant), pass on the drink and yes to the wine. TTE/Sony has brought us great electronics. I have not been to Heraklion. 


There were morning storms, with wind and rain. Later today we may have more severe storms. Tornado watch to the south of me. So it's cloudy and humid. I don't have anything planned for today. I may try contacting the water authority, as the sidewalk area that was jackhammered up for a new line to the main has not been repaired yet. The rest of the week is busy, with 3 PT and 2 doctor appointments. 


@StLouisCruisers Enjoy the sea day. Thanks for your photos from Heraklion.

@Mr. Boston Enjoy not having to go to work today! It took me about a year to not wake up so early.

@dfish I always love looking at the wake. Enjoy the sea day.

@Heartgrove Nice photos.

@cruising sister It sounds like you had a good time with the DGC. I'm sure we're all hoping to hear some positive news about Baby Murphy. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

@smitty34877 Safe trip to the appointment, and I hope it goes well. Wow, Miss Camilla has gotten so big! She's a cutie.

@Cruzin Terri I do hope the termite people honor the bond. Good luck with your decision about the trip.

@mamaofami Praying for good results from Sam's CAT scan. Take care of yourself too.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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3 hours ago, richwmn said:

I had this quote come up this morning and enjoyed it.


Television -- a medium.  So called because it is neither rare nor well done.
        -- Ernie Kovacs




Love the Ernie Kovacs quote, Rich.


3 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Monday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

It is supposed to be stormy today. I will be celebrating friendship, both in persons and online. 

Fancy had her first bath yesterday. She was a very good dog and made the process very easy for us. Later she was naughty and got into the trash and stole the empty sausage wrapper. She loves running around outdoors. She is keeping me on my toes for sure. 

Working from home today. Lots to keep me busy.

Thinking of everyone on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


Image result for monday cat memes


Denise, I'm glad Fancy liked her bath and made it easy.  Oh no, on the trash.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is pouring on and off and will do so all day. I had two very wet doggies to dry off earlier. I will salute the light houses and International Forgiveness as well as Beach Party Day. I love  moussaka but have only one other in the group who shares my opinion. It is a fair amount of work to assemble and the recipes look very tasty. The port looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for the pictures so far.

Today DH and I must travel to an MD appointment and hope the storms are in our favor this afternoon. The weather people show that red area right on top of us for that time but I am hoping it holds off.

I enjoy seeing the pictures and commentary from @dfish  and @StLouisCruisers. Thanks for staying in touch with us while on your travels.


Terry, I hope the storms either have passed or not arrived for your DH's appointment today.  Hope he gets a good report.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My DSIL( great grandma) sent us this picture of Camilla in the sunflower field.





Terry, a great picture of the beautiful Miss Camilla.  The grow up so fast.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning to all. It is a rainy day here in Bluffton, S

Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report.

I like the Days to celebrate.  I will go with your original post, even if they are from yesterday.

Forgiveness is very important.  It does more for the person who is offended than the offender.  It does not mean we have to forget.

Where would we be without friends?  And I love lighthouses.


I will skip the meal and wine.  However the drink sounds like something I might try.


Today i have to get in toudh with the Termite people and see if they will honor the bond even if we are late.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


DH and I have to finalize our wishes to update our wills.  We have an appointment with the attorney tomorrow.  Been trying to get this done for a while.


Prayers for everyone on the list, especially Baby Murphy.  Hopefully the surgeon has some answers for the parents today.  

Prayers for @mamaofami’s DH Sam, that he recovers from the brain bleed.

@smitty34877 I hope all goes well with DH’s appointment today.  Hope he starts getting an appetite soon.

Prayers for all on the list and those who are not that need prayers as well.


Cheers to thos celebrating and cruising.


Still trying to decide whether we should continue planning the trip to Italy and the transatlantic or to scrap it.  Not sure this is in our best interest.  Just seems like it may be too much for DH.  Yet he seems that it would be okay.  We will see.


Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,








Terri, I hope things settle down for you soon.  Whatever you decided about the trip to Italy and the cruise, I know you will do what is best for both of your.  If there's some time before the decision has to be made, you might want to give yourself a chance to get things done and settle down.


2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. My DH gets another CAT scan today to see if his brain bleed has resolved or is resolving. If yes,he will be discharged to a rehab. This has been very anxiety producing for me.

Stay safe everyone,



Carol, I hope the bleed is resolved or is resolving, and Sam will be discharged to rehab.



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Good morning all!

It looks like we got a little bit of rain overnight, the ground is wet but I can't tell how much we got.

I treasure all my friendships, forgiveness is hard sometimes, and as cruisers we've all seen a lot of beautiful lighthouses.  Love the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine, have been to Crete but not to Heraklion.  Thank you for the photos of the Palace Knossos -- we almost went there from another port but didn't for some reason.  


Today's agenda will depend on the weather.  If the sun comes out I'll most likely garden, but if it continues being cloudy and drizzly I'll be forced to do some housework (lol)


Excited and antsy for our Grand Australia cruise.  "Only" 148 more days 😉  Hopefully having the holidays in November and December will help pass the time.  We'll leave for San Diego January 2.  Looking forward to meeting everyone, all 255 on our roll call (!)  including Caron @Cruisercl, Lorraine @cruising sister, Susan @durangoscots, and cruising again with Rich @richwmn!  


Terry @smitty34877 Thank you for posting the latest photo of adorable Camilla!  She truly is a beautiful little girl.  


Have a great day everyone!



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Good very humid afternoon. It’s currently 76 with 96% humidity and possibly severe thunderstorms later today.

 I have climbed several lighthouses over the years but I don’t think I can do it anymore.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Some years ago we took a whale watching tour out of the Long Beach harbor.  As we cruised past the breakwater entrance to the harbor, the docent, who actually works for the adjacent Aquarium of the Pacific, pointed out the lighthouse, and told us that it had been voted the World's Ugliest lighthouse





May or may not be true.

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Good morning, Dailyites, and a big thank you to all the posters with weather news and health updates.  We don't get a paper on Mondays, so I depend on you all for the news!  And today is a holiday here, B.C. Day, so there probably won't be a paper tomorrow either.  Lovely picture of no-longer-baby Camilla, and I'll be saying a prayer for Sam and baby Murphy today, as well as others suffering.  Moussaka is one of my favourites, I used to make it frequently, as I love eggplant, but I haven't thought about it for a while.  Maybe...  (...but I think I'd use lamb.)   


Pat has gone to his first golf game in almost a year.  I think I'll get him to have a nap this afternoon.  He was going to share a cart with someone, so hopefully he won't be too worn out.   He stood for 2 hours on Saturday scooping ice cream at the complex's Ice Cream Social, and was really tired after that.  But he certainly is getting some energy back, bit by bit.  


We've had beautiful weather the last few days, in the low 70's, so I turned off the heat pumps and opened all the windows.   I sprinkled some grass seed around last week, and it has sprouted happily.  I have been reshaping and re-working one bed where I plan to change the plants,  And we had a huge cleanup in one area of the complex which was covered in ivy and brambles.  That was Thursday, and I'm still sore!  This was part of the pile for the gardeners to take away.




Now the sprinklers have to be sorted and then the area can be planted, maybe with ferns, as it is pretty dense woods.  


We were in Heraklion in 2016, the first time we met @sailingdutchy, I think.  We were on Prinsendam with our DD, we always have a lot of fun with her, and we took a taxi to the Palace of Knossos and then came back to town to the museum and a wander to find a tasty lunch.  Most of the palace is ruins, but they must have reconstructed parts, and the painted pillars are the attention-grabbers!










In town, the obligatory cat picture ...




The museum was very interesting.





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Just passing by and noticed that today is lighthouse day. I thought I'd repost this photo of Mt. Fuji from the April Westerdam cruise, with the small but pretty red lighthouse in the foreground that sets it off:




Being the Roman history nerd that I am, I realized a couple of years ago that the Romans must've had lighthouses all around the ancient Med, and yet I've only ever seen/heard of/visited two. One is in Dover, England, and the other is in Portugal at La Coruña. Guess the rest of them succumbed to the years and the storms. If anyone knows of any others, let me know!


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A question for the dailyite family.  Does anyone have experience and/or recommendations regarding Senior Medical Alert Systems?  The 2 that seem to be most prominent are Life Alert (poor reviews) and Jitterbug (requires changing phone carriers) but there are a few others.  Any thoughts?





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16 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

A question for the dailyite family.  Does anyone have experience and/or recommendations regarding Senior Medical Alert Systems?  The 2 that seem to be most prominent are Life Alert (poor reviews) and Jitterbug (requires changing phone carriers) but there are a few others.  Any thoughts?






Roy are you asking about the home alert system or the device you wear around your neck? 

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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Monday Morning Dailyites!


@smitty34877What a great picture of the every day more beautiful Camilla.


Currently the temperature is 75, but every time the 2 minute news comes on (every 30 minutes), our local weather dude says we have the possibility of strong storms and severe weather today.  I saw the map, I think it might be more than a possibility...


Yesterdays storms were nice, and with the streets as wet as they are now, it seems that it rained more in the night.


On the googly news I saw that they have released the winter weather forecast, the Old Farmers Almanac and the new one differ, but it will do what it wants to do.  Penny and I did our own weather prediction for winter yesterday.  We both predict a cold snowy winter for the south.  If we are right, we want to take over weather predictions on the news..ha!






We had a cat who figured out how to turn on the clock radio by the bed when he wanted out during the night...

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If there are people opposed to friendship or forgiveness, I'm not sure that I want to meet them.


In garden forums, it's possible to find directions for building a lighthouse as a garden ornament. It's not something I would ever have thought of.


The veg moussaka would be OK with me and eggplant is in season or will be soon. While I might like the drink, it seems like a waste of good whisky. No Zinfandel in the Finger Lakes, so how about Red Newt 2019 Syrah Glacier Ridge. I haven't been to Heraklion.






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25 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

A question for the dailyite family.  Does anyone have experience and/or recommendations regarding Senior Medical Alert Systems?  The 2 that seem to be most prominent are Life Alert (poor reviews) and Jitterbug (requires changing phone carriers) but there are a few others.  Any thoughts?






quick look at the best medical alert systems in 2023
  • Best Premium Features: Medical Guardian.
  • Editor's Choice: MobileHelp.
  • Best for the Price: Bay Alarm Medical.
  • Best for No Extra Fees: ADT Health.
  • Best Customer-Friendly Policies: LifeFone.
  • Best At-Home Medical Alert System: GetSafe.
  • Best All-in-One Device: Medical Alert.
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I was very happy to see when I registered for jury duty that there was offered a covid deferral, only to find out that they no longer are doing that, so unless I can get out of it by being diabetic, or I can get Chuck's doc to write a letter, then I'm stuck doing jury duty.


I managed to reschedule our eye exams, but that's about it.


My PT was quite painful, and Ashley was all excited that I could lift the weights she gave me, which squish my spine together and now I am really in pain, and the hand has gone numb again. I stopped at Burger King on the way home, the restaurant was closed, but the drive thru was open.  I said something about it being very quiet, and he said it always is on Mondays.  Since he had no drinks to sell, all sold out he said, merchandise comes in on Tuesdays, I hope.  No wonder it was quiet. 

Very slow fast food.  After my bk lunch, I walked the dog, and then made chicken salad for dinner with the left over chicken.  Well the winds are starting to blow, so off to get the mail, and start working.


I'm off at 9:30.   

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33 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Around the neck or otherwise on my person.



People are using Apple Watch now. I’m sure there is a fee for monitoring but it can detect if you pass out and don’t respond to inquiry. I think it’s the newest technology but I’m no expert, maybe others do that too now. 

MD does free daily Senior Wellness phone checks for those who live alone, but you probably know that. 

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

A question for the dailyite family.  Does anyone have experience and/or recommendations regarding Senior Medical Alert Systems?  The 2 that seem to be most prominent are Life Alert (poor reviews) and Jitterbug (requires changing phone carriers) but there are a few others.  Any thoughts?






We used Lifeline for a long time for my mother, Roy.  They were very good.  I was notified immediately of any mishaps -- which did happen pretty frequently.  Mother took a lot of tumbles and they quickly called emergency services to help her get up and then notified me right away.  Also, my mom didn't use any modern devices -- no cell phone, computer, nothing.  But she found the Lifeline system to be very easy to use.  We did initially set it up for her.

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8 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

It is 63°F and sunny here.

Thank you for today's daily reports.

If only countries adhered to international forgiveness our world would be a much safer place.

There is a lot of friendship on here because we are honest,caring and nice people.

A good quote today.

Herakleion is a nice port.

We visited Crete in May 2013 on Royal Caribbean Navigator of the sea's.

I hope everyone had a safe and well weekend and everyone has a lovely day.


Since you are in UK can your help me with a question?


Trains from Heathrow to Southampton, do they need to be reserved or can just pay and get on at the airport same day as flying in.  thanks in advance.   I have only done one sailing and it was with Celebrity as I did a hotel package.

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