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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday October 22nd, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  A beautiful, crisp fall morning here, and finally the sun ☀️.  Thanks for the daily report.  Very nice collection of days, I like neighbors helping neighbors.  A very thought provoking quote and true.  I love today’s meal suggestion but it will have to wait as we’re making gołabki today.  I haven’t been to today’s port, I’ll lurk and enjoy the photos.  Prayers for all on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events!

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30 minutes ago, 0106 said:


We missed our port in the Azores due to high seas.  We had 9 sea days in a row.  Although some people wanted more activity, I truly enjoyed them.  


@0106 Tina, sorry that you missed Ponta Degada this year. We are scheduled to have an overnight there next November on our MSC Transatlantic (they call it a Grand Voyage) so hopefully our seas are quieter.

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7 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


@0106 Tina, sorry that you missed Ponta Degada this year. We are scheduled to have an overnight there next November on our MSC Transatlantic (they call it a Grand Voyage) so hopefully our seas are quieter.

Same - we are scheduled there late next month (not overnight) and I'm really hoping we get to go. I keep reading how gorgeous it is.

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Good  Morning from a  cloudy day at the beach

     Currently 70 degrees, going to low 80`s. Nice weather.

Stockholm is on my list. We were scheduled to go there but the Pandemic cancelled it. I would love to see the Vasa and ABBA museums. I am a big fan of ABBA. Still listen to their music.

     Havent posted the last few days but have been following. Been kind of busy here. My sister arrives tomorrow and my SIL and her sister arrive on Thursday. Always nice to see everyone.

    Have been trying to make a payment on my HAL cruise. Usually do it online without issues. I put it all the info and hit submit and it starts over. Have tried several times over the last few days. Will have to call which I hate to do.

     Continued prayers for everyone. 

Stay safe and enjoy today


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Well other then toiletries we are packed and we will be up early tomorrow morning for our flight to Montreal.

Our new lawn service crew came yesterday and we are very pleased. Yard has not looked this good in years. 
Sue says we are going to brunch today but she has to decide where? Whatever, there will be no cooking at home today.

Time for church services. Have a great day folks and thanks for the Reports, list and post. Bruce



I was not planning to post today but I had to respond to the toilet paper cartoon. Here goes; thank goodness the toilet paper was not Hersey Kisses with chocolate! 😳

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Good morning. We have patchy clouds and occasional sunshine today with temperatures up to sixty later.We have great neighbors here and they have been very helpful. We have tried to reciprocate as well.The quote is timely and quite true . Chicken Marsala is one of the most popular dishes I make for the family but not today  . I am not cooking and we will order in.

DH and I very much enjoyed Stockholm on our Baltic cruise. The Vasa museum was outstanding as others have said.The sail away through the archipelago was amazing and I imagined my grandparents making their way to New York from there.Thanks for the pictures from all.

Safe travels to Montreal @aliaschief and Bon Voyage 

Welcome home to  @kazu, @0106 and @StPeteCruiser

@dfish, the pictures are so beautiful with wonderful fall colors. We have brown leaves on the ground and very little color here.

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6 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I was not planning to post today but I had to respond to the toilet paper cartoon. Here goes; thank goodness the toilet paper was not Hersey Kisses with chocolate! 😳

Ohhh! It would have been better if you had not posted today!

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The special days are OK but too many people seem to think that Nut Day is a justification for their behavior.


Chicken Marsala would be fine with me, and I'll be ready at 6:30 p.m. I have no idea what I'll have for dinner if it doesn't magically show up. I might like the drink but I dislike it when distillers create cocktails just to promote their own sales. For the wine, I'll suggest Glenora 2021 from the first winery on Seneca Lake.


I was in Stockholm before and after a Baltic Sea cruise in 2019. No one is asking, but I recommend the Victory Hotel in Gamla Stan. My room from the first stay (had a larger room for the second):


My favorite Stockholm street signs, and the Nobel Prize Museum:



Program from a chamber concert in the opera house (had to be changed slightly because the humidity kept one of the instruments from staying in tune):


Vasa Museum


Stockholm Jewish Museum



Letters asking the Swedish government to admit Jewish refugees. All were refused, but in 1943 Sweden sheltered almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark.



I slept fretfully last night and it is hard to get going today.





Edited by kochleffel
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Good Morning to All and thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I envy you who have fall colors and love it when you post pictures of them.  I did an assignment during the fall in VT and NH.  I admit I was a leaf-peeper going 5MPH down the road oohing and ahhing at all the colors.


Four good days to celebrate and a deep quote to ponder.  While I occasionally make chicken marsala, tonight will be St Louis ribs.  They were supposed to be for last night, cooked them in my instant pot but I realized I didn't have any BBQ sauce.  Started to make the sauce from scratch (tomatoes cooked down) then thought - I will do it tomorrow.  I would love the Syrah but way too expensive and not sure about the drink.  Never been to Stockholm.  Interesting days in history.


It will be a nice day today with a high of the low 90s.  Ordered groceries to pick up and some other things at W-M.  And need to finish cooking and cleaning.  I will enjoy the day.


Thoughts for the entire world and all on the care list.  Welcome home to all who arrived today and cheers for those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!

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We were in Stockholm on our Zuiderdam cruise in June 2017. We really enjoyed it as it included an overnight across from Grona Lund. The sailin and sailout are the best in my opinion. It takes nearly four hours to traverse. One point of interest is that due to the channel being so long, ferry boats have the right-of-way and other ship traffic gives way to them.




The Zuiderdam at the Masthamnen Cruise Terminal



We were delayed two hours due to the thick fog that morning.








The Stockholm skyline as we approached.





Grona Lund





Gamla Stan










Statue of Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden from 1611 to 1632. The statue dates to 1796 and was sculpted by Piere Hubert L'Archeveque.



The Swedish Navy Band



The Swedish Life Guards



Two ferries preparing to overtake the Zuiderdam.



The Stockholm Pilot Boat preparing to receive the disembarking pilot.



Because the channel under Pilot authority is so long, the pilots live at a remote base at the opening of the channel.





Edited by Heartgrove
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I hope we can all make a difference, including helping neighbors. Fossils are interesting and I like most nuts for eating and baking. I know of this famous quote by Wiesel. I like the meal, pass on the drink and yes to the wine, although a bit pricey for me. I haven't been to Stockholm. 2 important days in history. 


It's 49F and cloudy. We may have our first frost tomorrow morning. Well, I'm not happy. I woke up at 5AM with leg pain and lots of tingling. My prior methods of soothing it didn't seem to work. It eased up, but as soon as I laid down it was back again. Finally after about 90 minutes I could fall back asleep, but lots of tingling on awakening. I had been hopeful after the first 2 days seemed better, but now it's back to baseline or worse. I did some cleaning of the bathroom floor grout, but I don't think that stressed it much. I'll see how today goes. Tomorrow I have to take my car for inspection, about 30 miles away.


Something has changed in posting, as the bold lines are not showing up in the Care List on transfer or even posting now I can't bold anything.


@grapau27 Thanks for the link.

@StLouisCruisers @daisybertie Nice photos from Stockholm.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad you're having a good cruise and that DH is doing well at home.

@Heartgrove That's a lovely fall scene. And great Stockholm photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser That's a nice assortment of photos from Stockholm.

@0106 Have a safe flight! Oh the tribulation of having to cook for oneself again after a cruise, is real.

@RMLincoln Prayers that DH gets the letter he needs, so there's no necessity for a Plan B!

@cunnorl Enjoy having family there with you!

@kochleffel Thanks for the photos.

@Cruzin Terri I will remove you if you want, although we'll still pray for you. I didn't get any mail from you so far.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning, 

It's an overcast day today but no rain in the forecast. This week has been busy with physical therapy, water aerobics, errands, etc. I love nutty things - I tell people it's why I taught 6th grade for so many years! 


Last night a friend and I attended the Skagit Valley Symphony opening concert and it was a lovely night of music. They had a guest pianist who was amazing. The concert lasted almost 2 hours and these volunteer musicians are amazing. 


Today is a day I can finally stay home so hoping to get a few things done - or just relax. I cooked up an acorn squash yesterday so that will be part of dinner tonight along with a pork chop and salad. 


@HAL Sailer The best advice I was given when I was going through this with my DH was be sure to do something for yourself every day. It can be as simple as stepping outside, taking a few deep breaths and getting lost in the moment to going to water aerobics, taking a walk, etc. We have to take care of ourselves or we're no good to the one we're caring for. Hang in there! I'm thinking of you. 


@dfish and others. A week or two ago there was a discussion about Social Security and teacher pensions and I was unaware that, in some states, your social security was impacted. I'm not in one of those states so I'm very fortunate to get both full social security and my full DRS (teacher) pension. There is a good article in the current NEA magazine on this issue and I'll be following up on suggestions they have. I'm sorry you are so negatively impacted by this. 


Have a good Sunday! 




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Good morning and Happy Sunday.  I thought I should post now instead of so late like I did last night. Sometimes I don’t read the Daily until the evening. It will be in the 90’s today but cooling down on Tuesday. 

I love Chicken Marsala but prefer it the way Craig makes it than the traditional way. It’s sort of like Chicken Parm with the Marsala sauce so the chicken is crispy and I feel more flavorful. 

Carolyn @Cruising-along, I made a version of Guinness Beef Pot Pie last week and it was really yummy.   https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/beef-potpies-with-cheddar-stout-crust-recipe-2111732
I used stew meat and shredded it a bit and added extra carrots and peas. Which recipe did you end up using?


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning all!

It's a cloudy, drippy day here, maybe will get up to 60 degrees F.  

I love my neighbors, we've become good friends and all look out for each other.  We always have a few jars of nuts in the house (usually peanuts, cashews and almonds) but oddly I don't care for them in baking.  I do add some to my stir fry though.  Good quote, will pass on the red wine, the drink, and meal (mushrooms). Tonight will be hot beef sandwiches to use up the pot roast. 


Last night I made the Guinness beef pot pie and we enjoyed it.  I did do one thing I'm sorry about, though.  I was lazy and bought a pie crust for the first time ever.  It would have been better with homemade.  Anyway, it was a fun recipe to make.  I used pot roast and shredded it -- tender and yummy.  I'll have the last of it for lunch today.  Sharon @Sharon in AZ thank you for your recipe too!  Interesting that the beer goes in the crust as well as the filling.  I made this recipe from Debbie @dfish https://howtofeedaloon.com/guinness-ground-beef-pot-pie/  (instead of hamburger I used the pot roast).


Welcome home Jacqui @kazu, Tina @0106 and @St Pete Cruiser!

Vanessa @JazzyV I am so sorry your pain was worse this morning. I was hoping it would get better each day, not worse. 😞  


Today we'll be driving south to Total Wine to replenish the wine rack, and also stop at DD's to check on Soot and Smudge, their kitties.  The family is away this weekend.  So I get some kitty love.


We were in Stockholm on our Baltic cruise on the Eurodam in 2014.  I'm sure we did more than go to the Ice Bar, but this is the only photo I can find this morning.  🤣 We're holding glasses made of ice with vodka in them.  Fun and different!









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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Welcome home, Jacqui, @0106 and @St Pete Cruiser, and Vanessa, I hope your leg does improve with time.   When I hear Walla Walla, I think onions, I won't try that wine!  We went to Stockholm a long time ago on Westerdam, 9 of the family, only 3 left, the two of us and our younger DD.  


One of my favourites at Olive Garden was always the chicken marsala.  But I have some leftover beef stew for tonight, and DD made asparagus soup for our lunch today.  What I might do is put a pastry crust on the stew .  Have to think about that.  


If it stays nice, I must get out and do a bit of garden cleanup before we leave, a week from today!  We are both still battling this cold, I am about a week ahead of Pat, so I'm feeling better, but still coughing up a storm.  DD is very annoyed with us and thinks we have the plague!  Pat is sleeping a lot.  

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4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

To me fossils are boring. I had to take paleontology classes for my geology degree, and as a grad student on a teaching assistantship I taught some paleontology labs. The chemical processes of fossilization can be interesting, as is the utility of using fossils to identify similar time horizons across far reaches of the globe, but the endless taxonomy and memorization is boring for me.  It’s good that somebody likes it. 


A long time ago, the legislature in my home state was in the process of designating a state fossil: the trilobite. My dad said that he thought that the then-governor was already the state fossil.

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Good morning and thanks all!  A very thought provoking quote.  I have always loved fossils and am fortunate to have a few interesting ones.  

Welcome home @kazu@St Pete Cruiserand @0106!  Hopefully you have no jet lag!  What a bonus, sorry you missed a port, but it sounded like a wonderful cruise.  

We have visited Stockholm twice, the first cruise we were so jet lagged and with the continued eastward direction we nearly missed it,  as that night we actually slept. 

@Cruzin Terrisorry you are still having a difficult time, I pray things soon resolve for you!  


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