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Monday December 4th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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We took a walk this morning in one of our parks to the highest elevation in Windsor (no mountains just a repurposed garbage dump) and saw the progress on the new international bridge which the Canadian government is building. The only bridge crossing here in Windsor, the ambassador bridge, is privately owned and this one will be publicly owned. The Detroit Windsor tunnel is owned by the two cities. Anyway, I wanted to share the photos. It will be a lovely bridge, six lanes of traffic, a bike lane and a pedestrian lane. Expected opening early 2025. Both are toll bridges.


the second photo has both bridges in it, the ambassador to the right and the Gordie Howe international  (don’t ask,) to the left



Edited by superoma
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@StLouisCruisers Sandi I remember those photos from a post awhile back. Your daughter is beautiful! 


@grapau27 Pauline is as beautiful as ever.


@JazzyV my heart goes out to you. Pain affects our everyday living. I'm so sorry.


@ger_77 Gerry it sounds like a bit of good news for Wayne.


Lido doors closing, a rain shower is visiting. 


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7 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi I remember those photos from a post awhile back. Your daughter is beautiful! 


@grapau27 Pauline is as beautiful as ever.


@JazzyV my heart goes out to you. Pain affects our everyday living. I'm so sorry.


@ger_77 Gerry it sounds like a bit of good news for Wayne.


Lido doors closing, a rain shower is visiting. 


Thank you Joy.

Pauline said thank you for suggesting a hug.

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Good afternoon. I tried to nap because I was nodding at the computer, but my leg wasn't happy in the recliner despite trying several positions. Maybe I'll try again later.


@dfish I'm glad you got a date for your surgery. 

@sailingdutchy  @Vict0riann Very nice photos.

@kochleffel Quite the ordeal getting your AIO hooked up.

@smitty34877 Thanks for your input. No need to keep silent with your recommendations, as I know you have expertise. In fact I'm surprised my PT folks didn't say something. They're not seeing me in a real world situation, but I did comment to them on how although I don't feel badly at the end of my time there, by the time I make my way to my car right outside their door, I'm ready to scream with pain.

@superoma Thanks for the bridge photos. And us hockey fans know why it'll be the Gordie Howe Int'l 😉.

@Nickelpenny Wow on the gingerbread houses. My SA/Antarctica cruise was over Christmas and we had a display on the Zaandam, but not that large.

@rafinmd I'm sure it will take time to gain your strength. I'm glad you were able to get appointments that are soon.


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21 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi I remember those photos from a post awhile back. Your daughter is beautiful! 


@grapau27 Pauline is as beautiful as ever.


@JazzyV my heart goes out to you. Pain affects our everyday living. I'm so sorry.


@ger_77 Gerry it sounds like a bit of good news for Wayne.


Lido doors closing, a rain shower is visiting. 



Aww, thanks Joy!  She is beautiful to us too.

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I played Squeaky Wheel today, too.....surgery is scheduled for next Monday but so far no info as to the blood draw, type & screen & EKG the surgeon wanted done pre-op.  At least 5 voice mails left to the various #s that have called me over the last week....finally got a 3 call backs -- 2 of which actually gave me some info & 1 of those is calling me back after she talks to the dr.  I was getting a little nervous since it's getting close.

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2 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


I wonder how the name was chosen. If they had let everyone vote online, it would probably be called Bridgy McBridgeface.

We never got the chance to name it or it might just have been called that!


In late 2010, David Bradley, president of the Ontario Trucking Association, proposed naming the bridge in honor of Canadian professional ice hockey player Gordie Howe, who played the bulk of his career for the Detroit Red Wings. The naming was supported by a number of Canadian politicians, along with Howe's son Marty—who felt the name would have been symbolic of him having come from Canada to spend his NHL career in Detroit

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48 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


I wonder how the name was chosen. If they had let everyone vote online, it would probably be called Bridgy McBridgeface.


If the reference isn't clear:





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@JazzyV What is PT treating you for?  I'm wondering if the program needs to be revamped considering that you are not getting any relief with it.  I'm surprised you don't knock out from sheer exhaustion.  I feel so badly for you.


I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.





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56 minutes ago, dfish said:

@JazzyV What is PT treating you for?  I'm wondering if the program needs to be revamped considering that you are not getting any relief with it.  I'm surprised you don't knock out from sheer exhaustion.  I feel so badly for you.


I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.





That is beautiful!!!!

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1 hour ago, dfish said:

@JazzyV What is PT treating you for?  I'm wondering if the program needs to be revamped considering that you are not getting any relief with it.  I'm surprised you don't knock out from sheer exhaustion.  I feel so badly for you.


I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.







I love your new quilt pattern and colors.  Someone will be very lucky if this is a gift.

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@dfish When I started at PT it was for deconditioning. I was having trouble going up the stairs. After I'd been there about a month, the leg pain started, and at first I thought maybe I pulled a muscle. The pain has continued, along with numbness and tingling. At this point it's too painful to do much when I go. Mainly stretching, and at the end, moist heat and TENS stimulation. That quilt top is lovely!

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A late good afternoon.  The house is finally clean, and I did a deeper cleaning than I normally do on a regular house cleaning.  The bad news is the guy who was coming this morning to look at the water heater in the motor home, told DH when DH called late this morning, that it might be this afternoon.  Evidently, it might not be this afternoon, since it's 3:45 and he's a no show.  The good news, we got a text from the washer repair guys that the part was in a day early and could they come this morning.  Naturally, DH said yes.  A bit later, he got a text that they would be here in ten minutes.  I'm very happy to report, the washer was fixed quickly once they got the top off.  I've run three loads of towels, and the washer is quieter than it ever was.  After watching the two guys working to get the top off so they could get to the parts which are next to the drum, I was glad we didn't try the repair ourselves.  The actual repair was quick.


7 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

I’m feeling better today and will be going without cold meds today to see how that feels. The meds help but I think they are part of making me feel blah. DH went for carry out supper yesterday and I had no appetite, just had the soup. We’ll see how today goes. 

Will try to contact Maryland eye clinic to get records transferred. I’m pretty sure the form I filled out here is useless. 

@seagarsmoker In an interview they learn about you, and you learn about them.  Enjoy the interview. I hope it’s a good fit!  

@StLouisCruisers Sorry about your water leak and mess. I’m impressed you got repairmen so fast!  When we built our mountain cabin and addition, DH plumbed with copper. The plumber wanted to use pex but DH said no because we needed to be able to drain it and pex loops have low spots. I wonder how it cracked?  Good you knew how to limit the damage by turning the water off and draining. 

Great to hear the dads went to the game!  And more traveling for those families, they are quite dedicated. 

@grapau27 Amazing that you had a cleanup team so quickly and do such a thorough job. Who pays for them?  Maybe you are on a private water system. I can’t imagine a public utility here responding so well. 
Thanks for the map, nice to see where you are!  What a historic coast!  

@marshhawk Annie, I hope you are breathing better. 

@rafinmdRoy, so glad to hear you are getting back to normal, must feel like a new lease on life!  

@smitty34877 Best of luck on the roofing job!  Logistics are always the foundation!  Give yourself a big hug!  One day at a time is Everything!  

Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Especially all caught in wars!  
Cheers to those celebrating!

Smooth travels to those away especially our cruisers (and my DGD and her while in-law family this week on MSC). 




Maureen, I'm glad you are feeling better, and I hope to day is a good one without the cold meds.  Sometimes, those meds can have unwanted side effects.  I hope you get the records from MD transferred easily.


7 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you Maureen.

Our water company is privately owned.

If there are any burst pipes they respond very quickly.

The first emergency engineer turned up within 45 minutes and took photos and relayed them back to the company then he commenced trying to turn the mains off.

Their insurance company called the clean up team as it was their burst pipe on a public street so we did not have to contact our home insurance company.

Our water,gas and electric companies are all excellent in emergencies.



Graham, I wish your water company owned our water system in Quartzsite.  The argininal owner did not keep the system updated and in good repair, but they had an onsite person who responded quickly to any problem.  When the pumps on the wells could not keep the tanks filled, they would haul water in from town.  Two years ago, the company was sold to a company which owns water systems in many states.  While they have an onsite person, to report a problem, we have to call an 800 number of report it on line.  There is not other way to contact them.  Naturally, it takes time for the report to filter through the system and for something to be done.  There have been several outages over the last few months, and one or two lasted more than a day.  This was due to pump or generator failure resulting in empty tanks.  To make matters worse, they do not haul water in from town to fill the tanks.  Last week when the water main broke, it took 12 hours for a backhoe to arrive and begin the repairs.  Be very thankful for your company's prompt service and clean up.  Calls and letters to the state office that oversees utility companies results in a report being filed and maybe an investigation, but that seems to be it.


9 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Cheetahs are beautiful creatures, banks are necessary, and oh look, cookies!!! 


I haven't started my Christmas baking yet, but do have most of the ingredients for everything I want to make.  This morning however, there was mention in the news that we are in fact experiencing a sugar shortage.  Seems the bakeries will be the ones who suffer most, as that's their livelihood and they are having a terrible time keeping up.  Already the big box stores are limiting 10kg bags of sugar to 1 per person, and it's tough finding any in the grocery stores.  Sure glad I got a couple of small bags a short time ago and will have it available when needed.  


Thanks everyone for your care, concern, and prayers for our friend Wayne.  They performed the cardioversion yesterday and it was successful.  He messaged us about mid-afternoon saying the procedure went well and his heart was back to a normal rhythm.   He thinks he may be released this afternoon and if he is, we'll go pick him up to bring him home.  I hope now that his heart is functioning normally, that the terrible swelling in his legs will subside as well.


I'm adding my good luck wishes to everyone else's for @seagarsmoker's interview today.

Oh my gosh @StLouisCruisers, I hope you don't have too much damage from the water leak!!!


Not a lot on the agenda today, although DH is going out for coffee with a friend he hasn't seen in a long time - the friend lives in Washington state and is in town on business, so they'll have a great time catching up, I'm sure.  As for me, there's always laundry and usual household stuff to take care of, and I'm always working on another blanket.  Speaking of which, I have to get them all together in large bags to take over to the drop off spot so they can be distributed before and during the Christmas season.  I don't know how many I've made, but there are a bunch of them that will be finding new homes over the next while.


I'm passing on the drink of the day, will let others have my white wine, but I'd like to try the soup if I saw it on a menu.  Friends of ours mentioned there was a new noodle place that opened up on the other side of the city that has some interesting offerings, so DH and I plan on heading over there this afternoon and will pick up something different for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm glad the procedure worked and that Wayne's heart rate is back to normal.  I hope the swelling subsides quickly.


6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Cheetahs are beautiful animals, banks are important and yes to cookies! Funny quote. The soup would be ok as long as coconut milk, not any shredded coconut (texture issue). Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Oranjestad on my 2019 Panama Canal cruise from LA to NYC. 3 good days in history.


It's cloudy again today, with a few showers. Yesterday there was lightning, thunder, hail and torrential rain; odd for December. But temps will drop and snow showers are forecast the next few days. Then 50's by the weekend. Another poor night of sleep, about 2.5 hours. I was also cold and I think all the blowing of air on the first floor affected the thermostat. I managed to get up to the third floor this AM and get the tree skirt and stockings out. That's the extent of my interior decorating. The mitigation guy came a bit ago and took everything. There's still cupping of the floor. He felt it would have to be decided if there's enough wood to sand, or if new flooring would be needed. I'll call the field rep when I'm finished here, so he can come out to assess things. I need to unearth my DR table.


I really can't walk any distance without pain. The cane helps steady me, but I don't think is enough. I have several medical appointments next week. So I ordered a rollator. I thought with its seat it would be better than a walker. Oy on all this equipment I'm getting (I got a shower chair too).


@seagarsmoker Fingers crossed that the interview goes well and leads to a job offer!

@grapau27 I'm glad to hear that the cleanup is done and that they did a good job. Lovely photo of Pauline.

@aliaschief I hope your back is feeling better soon. Maybe it was the packing and lugging around of baggage?

@Seasick Sailor Sorry about the sleep disturbance. Lovely photo of you and Allen.

@StLouisCruisers Oh no about the leak. That doesn't sound too bad. When my plumber was here he talked about the newer houses and pex, and how as a result copper has become more expensive. I hope Ren, DS and DDIL have a fun time in Phoenix. Great photos from Aruba. Nice photo of you, Dennis and DD.

@Denise T That sounds like a fun plan for your cruise. 

@cat shepard I have looked at MRI's, but couldn't read a spine one. I'd be just reading the report for it. My plain x-rays came back and showed severe facet arthropathy, apparently not that new. MRI report is not back yet.

@kazu Be careful out in the snow.

@Heartgrove Yay! I'm glad to hear you and Sue are feeling better.

@marshhawk Your dinner yesterday sounds interesting. Good luck with Furnando at the vet office.

@ger_77 Good to hear that Wayne's procedure was successful; his heart should pump better now and hopefully the fluid goes away.

@smitty34877 I hope all goes well with the installation of the new roof. 

@dfish Thanks for the recipes and links 😗!

@rafinmd I'm glad to hear that you're feeling pretty well. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I suppose it's good the water heater issue appeared quickly and is under warranty. Thanks for the Aruba photos.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were able to check in. 

@RMLincoln I hope you and DH continue to feel better.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


A few photos from Aruba.

Beautiful water 



The collapsed natural bridge



The baby bridge



California Lighthouse



Sunset on the Beach



Vanessa, I hope I'm butting in with unwanted comments and a suggestion.  DH got a rollator a couple of years ago when his walking began to be unsteady.  We added the shower seat after the first back surgery.  I'm glad you decided to get both of them.  Another handy tool is a grabber for getting things off the floor or out of high places.  I use DH's as much as he does, if not more.  If you don't have one, you might consider a handicap placard so you can park nearer where you are going.  I hope you get some rest, and that they can do something soon to alleviate your pain.  I think Debbie, @dfish is on the right track by being the squeaky wheel.  Great pictures from Aruba.


5 hours ago, dfish said:

I turned the squeaky wheel this morning and talked to the surgeon.  I'm scheduled for December 29th.  He said I should be fine to fly to San Diego at the end of January and sit around the pool on the way to Hawaii.


The estimator for the electrical company came and went.  He seems to think what we want done is pretty straightforward and should be quick and easy.  I'm sure the bill is not.  He also gave me a tip on how to avoid paying big $$$ for something stupid like our electrical outlets were.  The problem there was that the outside outlet was GFI and had been tripped.  Pushing the button reset it and all the outlets worked.  An expensive lesson.  He said in the future to call for an estimate for repairs.  Estimates are free and if he can find it easily, no charge.  


Debbie, I'm glad you have a date for your hernia repair.  Thanks for the tip on getting estimates.  Our HVAC replacement and washer repair estimates were what he charged.


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I'm in favor of cheetahs but not in favor of cheaters, so some folks need to speak distinctly. Banks are necessary but don't deserve a day of their own. Re: cookies, and the sugar shortage, I'll mention that your Christmas cookies will turn out better if you use cane sugar, not beet sugar. It doesn't seem to matter for other baking.


No on the soup; I'm not very fond of coconut, except in cream pie. I would try the cocktail but wouldn't want it too frequently. Chenin Blanc is grown in the Finger Lakes, but not a lot, and the only one available now seems to be from Missick Cellars/Villa Bellangelo, fairly near me in Dundee, NY. I haven't been to Oranjestad but it's in my itinerary for a year from now.


Yesterday in a Zoom meeting on another subject, a Methodist colleague asked me a question about Jeremiah. I happen to be teaching Jeremiah tonight, but the question was about a part that I hadn't yet worked on. I read it after dinner and composed a reply, then remembered that she needs the information for a class that she's taking for a D.Min., so decided to scan some material for her.


My AIO machine, new, wasn't hooked up. First I had to get a hiking stick to poke the power cord behind my desk, and then figure out how to install the darned thing. Although it can operate over Ethernet, it has to be connected to wifi during the installation and the computer has to be connected to wifi. It took about 30 attempts over a couple of hours and a consultation with online tech support to get it installed in order to scan two pages. No wonder I was still half asleep all morning today.





Paul, I love those signs.  When it snows in Texas or the south where there is no snow removal equipment, I think the drivers leave what brains they have at home.


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Not as good as I would like but it is what is.  I see my primary Friday morning and cardiologist a week from Wednesday.




Roy, I'm sorry you are not feeling as good as you'd like.  I hope your PCP and cardiologist can help you feel better soon.  Please take it easy until you see them.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

@JazzyV What is PT treating you for?  I'm wondering if the program needs to be revamped considering that you are not getting any relief with it.  I'm surprised you don't knock out from sheer exhaustion.  I feel so badly for you.


I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.






Debbie, the quilt is beautiful even unfinished.  That special fabric you found last year is what makes it special for me.



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7 hours ago, JazzyV said:

I really can't walk any distance without pain. The cane helps steady me, but I don't think is enough. I have several medical appointments next week. So I ordered a rollator. I thought with its seat it would be better than a walker. Oy on all this equipment I'm getting (I got a shower chair too).


It really pains me to hear how much pains you are in Vanessa 😢. I am so glad you got the rollator and definitely get a shower chair.  Safety and ease.  There’s no oh on the equipment - you need it and you come first.



6 hours ago, dfish said:

I turned the squeaky wheel this morning and talked to the surgeon.  I'm scheduled for December 29th.  He said I should be fine to fly to San Diego at the end of January and sit around the pool on the way to Hawaii.



Yay 🙂. So glad to hear this.  Best wishes for your surgery 🙏 




6 hours ago, dfish said:


The estimator for the electrical company came and went.  He seems to think what we want done is pretty straightforward and should be quick and easy.  I'm sure the bill is not.  He also gave me a tip on how to avoid paying big $$$ for something stupid like our electrical outlets were.  The problem there was that the outside outlet was GFI and had been tripped.  Pushing the button reset it and all the outlets worked.  An expensive lesson.  He said in the future to call for an estimate for repairs.  Estimates are free and if he can find it easily, no charge.  


Sounds like you found a winner and a keeper 👍 



3 hours ago, 57redbird said:

I played Squeaky Wheel today, too.....surgery is scheduled for next Monday but so far no info as to the blood draw, type & screen & EKG the surgeon wanted done pre-op.  At least 5 voice mails left to the various #s that have called me over the last week....finally got a 3 call backs -- 2 of which actually gave me some info & 1 of those is calling me back after she talks to the dr.  I was getting a little nervous since it's getting close.


YAY.  Good for you.  Prayers for your surgery 🙏.  Hopefully the pre-op stuff can be arranged.  If not, take the oil off the wheel so it squeaks. 😉 




2 hours ago, dfish said:

I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.






So pretty!  Just lovely 🙂 

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1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

That is beautiful!!!!


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I love your new quilt pattern and colors.  Someone will be very lucky if this is a gift.


Thank you both!   


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

@dfish When I started at PT it was for deconditioning. I was having trouble going up the stairs. After I'd been there about a month, the leg pain started, and at first I thought maybe I pulled a muscle. The pain has continued, along with numbness and tingling. At this point it's too painful to do much when I go. Mainly stretching, and at the end, moist heat and TENS stimulation. That quilt top is lovely!


Maybe a rest of PT is needed.  Thank you about the quilt.


48 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm glad you have a date for your hernia repair.  Thanks for the tip on getting estimates.  Our HVAC replacement and washer repair estimates were what he charged.


Debbie, the quilt is beautiful even unfinished.  That special fabric you found last year is what makes it special for me.




I'm happy about a date for surgery as well.  The scheduler was supposed to call today, but didn't.  So, I may need to turn that squeaky wheel again.  I'm glad  you like the quilt top.  I added more fabric to what I had for this quilt. 


13 minutes ago, kazu said:


Yay 🙂. So glad to hear this.  Best wishes for your surgery 🙏 



He said it would only take an hour to 90 minutes and I'd go home 2 hours later.  I'm all for that.


13 minutes ago, kazu said:


So pretty!  Just lovely 🙂 

Thank you!


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9 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Hi Father. Captain Werner Timmers joined us.


Thank you for the well wishes and hope we will have an opportunity to meet in the future!




I believe he was the takeout Captain.  I wish we had connected.  All the best.

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I had a relatively good day, Féria lot better, ate dinner in a new (for us) dining room - there are several. We took the bus instead of walking because I wasn’t sure I had the energy. But I was able to piddle around the house a tiny bit, put a few things away, found a few things that I was missing. Making slow progress. 

DH made zero progress in medical records; he’s still waiting for an eye drops Rx to be transferred from Walgreens to CVS. He doesn’t have quite enough to get back from the wedding trip. 

Last time in Aruba we took the local bus (walk straight up from the cruise port) to a beach behind the casino where we rented see-through kayaks. It was kind of a bust- didn’t see any fish, had a tough wind to battle. But it was an interesting adventure!  We’ve done a catamaran excursion with great snorkeling. My first time snorkeling!  There were schools of little silver fish that would engulf us, such a shimmering memory. After that I bought a waterproof camera!  

Happy to some better news here today. Glad Roy got appointments lined up very soon!  Wayne procedure was good, as were others’. @JazzyV Vanessa, it’s your turn!  
@kazu Careful Jacqui!  

Smooth crossing @Nickelpenny!  Thanks for sharing!  

Thank you all for being here!  Being in such new surroundings, my connections here have been a big support - familiar and some sense of continuity. Helps a bunch!  

Good night all! M—

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Good evening!  I wanted to share some pictures of Aruba before the day was done. I was just there April 19, 2023 on the Volendam. I took a “Natural Wonders” excursion and really enjoyed the day. 

We started off at the Butterfly Farm. Aruba is outside of the hurricane belt in the Caribbean so a great place for the butterflies. So many butterflies!  I had difficulty getting pictures because it was crowded but did manage this one. 



Then on to the Natural Bridge, however the big one collapsed so this is the smaller one. 


Not having been to Aruba before I was surprised that the terrain was desert. Next we went to the Ayo Rock Formation. 






I really enjoyed my time there but do prefer the more tropical Caribbean islands.  I believe this picture was taken from the ship. Beautiful!

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16 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

I have an interview this afternoon for a new job. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 


I hope your interview went well today and best wishes to finding something that fits well. 


15 hours ago, Denise T said:

Happy Monday! Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Chilly today but no precipitation expected. Working from home today on some video projects and starting a new class so getting ready for that. It is a smaller class which is fine. I have two others starting in the next few weeks. 

I am very excited as I booked a cute little hotel in Quebec that is close enough to the port and the wonderful sites of Quebec. My sister and I decided that we are going to have lunch in all of the ports that we visit. We want to try local foods. Looking forward to a 10-day cruise. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

@seagarsmoker sending positive thoughts for your interview. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


We also enjoy having lunch in port. DH does some research for each cruise and we try to ask the crew for recommendations also. 



6 hours ago, dfish said:

@JazzyV What is PT treating you for?  I'm wondering if the program needs to be revamped considering that you are not getting any relief with it.  I'm surprised you don't knock out from sheer exhaustion.  I feel so badly for you.


I spent my afternoon working on the next quilt.  Here is a sample.  This picture shows 4 pieces of 4 blocks each. I have to sew those pieces together, but wanted to see how it would look coming together.   16 blocks done out of 90.





I love your quilt!  The colors are fantastic, blue is a favorite of mine. Also, so happy your surgery is scheduled and that it won’t interfere with the cruise. 

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8 hours ago, 57redbird said:

I played Squeaky Wheel today, too.....surgery is scheduled for next Monday but so far no info as to the blood draw, type & screen & EKG the surgeon wanted done pre-op.  At least 5 voice mails left to the various #s that have called me over the last week....finally got a 3 call backs -- 2 of which actually gave me some info & 1 of those is calling me back after she talks to the dr.  I was getting a little nervous since it's getting close.


That's good news your surgery is scheduled for next Monday.  I hope you get the screenings scheduled soon.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

I had a relatively good day, Féria lot better, ate dinner in a new (for us) dining room - there are several. We took the bus instead of walking because I wasn’t sure I had the energy. But I was able to piddle around the house a tiny bit, put a few things away, found a few things that I was missing. Making slow progress. 

DH made zero progress in medical records; he’s still waiting for an eye drops Rx to be transferred from Walgreens to CVS. He doesn’t have quite enough to get back from the wedding trip. 

Last time in Aruba we took the local bus (walk straight up from the cruise port) to a beach behind the casino where we rented see-through kayaks. It was kind of a bust- didn’t see any fish, had a tough wind to battle. But it was an interesting adventure!  We’ve done a catamaran excursion with great snorkeling. My first time snorkeling!  There were schools of little silver fish that would engulf us, such a shimmering memory. After that I bought a waterproof camera!  

Happy to some better news here today. Glad Roy got appointments lined up very soon!  Wayne procedure was good, as were others’. @JazzyV Vanessa, it’s your turn!  
@kazu Careful Jacqui!  

Smooth crossing @Nickelpenny!  Thanks for sharing!  

Thank you all for being here!  Being in such new surroundings, my connections here have been a big support - familiar and some sense of continuity. Helps a bunch!  

Good night all! M—


Glad you felt better today, and made it to a new dining room.   I hope the medical records get straightened out soon.



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