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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday, December 30th, 2023


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Good morning everyone on National Bacon Day.  Thank-you for the daily update, recipes and lists.  I like today’s quote a lot.  Think I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those of yoy celebrating happy events!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  There's bacon in the freezer, but I don't think we'll be having any today - we've got ham to deal with.  I stopped making resolutions a long time ago.  We were part of the Festival of Enormous Changes At The Last Minute last year when we went to check in for our flights to BCN, only to discover they weren't there any more.  I'm sure I aged about 10 years in 24 hours, but thankfully HAL came through literally at the last hour before the flight was to leave.


It cooled off overnight to -12C(10F), but we're expecting bright sunshine again, so we should once again be above freezing by mid afternoon.  I've been watching the weather channel, fearing for the safety of those in England being pummelled by storm Gerrit.  There are distinct advantages to living on the "frozen tundra"!


@RMLincolncongratulations on the sale of your condo - now you can really relax in your new surroundings.  Hopefully DH's eyes and associated pain/itchiness will soon be relieved as well.

@rafinmdI hope the next round of radiation will take care of your issues.  DH's uncle had the same thing at age 89 and continued to live healthfully until his passing at 96. 

@Seasick SailorI'm glad to hear things have quieted down for you.  Unbeknownst to me, a family we are acquainted with was on your previous sailing, and I am sure their 8 year old daughter was likely one of the hall runners and door slammers; they disembarked yesterday.

@dfishI do hope the pain meds did their job so you could have a comfortable night after your surgery.


Not a lot on the agenda for us today, which is fine, because neither of us has a lot of energy - we both spent time coughing last night.  At least DH used his CPAP - I gave him an antihistamine to help the stuffiness, so I didn't hear snoring, just coughing.  LOL  This too, shall pass.


I'm sure I'd like the drink of the day, it's just adult lemonade, will let someone else have the wine, and think the menu suggestion would make a great summertime salad that you could add pieces of chicken breast to if you wanted to turn it into a light meal.  As I mentioned earlier, we've got ham that we brought home with us, so I think tonight will be a breakfast for dinner night where we'll be enjoying fried ham and eggs at the kitchen table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good morning everyone. Prayers for all who need them, for the people of Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and the hostages , both those returned and those still in captivity. Reports are coming back from the female hostages returned of the horrific torture to their bodies and minds. It’s awful what humans do to each other. Prayers that 2024 brings us all peace.

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says its 36 degrees and mostly cloudy.  Yup.


If you have ever eaten breakfast at a First Watch restaurant, they have their silverware and napkins wrapped up with a piece of paper that has the cutest comments.  Two years ago, the comment was "I love you more than bacon"  Which we saved and it is on the fridge.  Not really sure if I do love anything more than bacon!  Except DH.


@RMLincolnCongrats on the sale of your home in Maryland.  NJ is not that big a state, I grew up there, and yet I realize that I actually saw very little of my home state.  I have been wracking my brains for helpful tidbits to tell you, and lo, there is nothing that comes to mind but the food in Chatham, Summit and Morristown.  And if I remember correctly, you had already lived in NJ.  You know more than I do about NJ.  I hope that you feel more comfortable in your new home.  Moving is stressful, you have DH's health issues, and it all sort of happened during the holidays, and going to TX for the wedding.  When it rains, it pours.  Please just breathe, take short drives and learn about your area, adopt a park to enjoy, and unwind.


I will admit that sleep is escaping me too these days.  I was just getting used to two wake ups in the middle of the night, and sleeping until 8 am, but now its two wake ups, and getting out of bed at 7 or before.  My body starts hurting if I stay in bed.  


@dfishYes to the pain pills, and let your body rest!  Sleep is a cure all.  Enjoy the dreams.

@kazuThank you for taking over the Daily's daily while Rich is off seeing the world.  I really appreciate you!

@JazzyVYou are amazing!  In pain, little sleep, and you still keep the list going!  Prayers for you!

@smitty34877This young love, is inspiring new chefs!  I am happy that your DGS has found a nice girlfriend!  


DH keeps telling his family how untraditional my holiday meals are.  I have no great memories of holiday meals as a kid, mostly my parents dreading having my aunt an uncle over.  The political arguments that the adults had, the amount of booze and the rehashing of the past.  I prefer to let it all go by eating things I like that don't take a day to prepare, and the ability to walk away from the table.  Hence, the sandwiches for this weekend.  DH's father took all of Christmas down on the 26th of December, and he too does not have great memories of the holiday.  So as adults, why do a repeat?


DH and I ate at an Italian restaurant last night, an early dinner.  I had been getting emails from the restaurant, that if we came in during the month of December, we would be given a red envelope.  If we brought the envelope back unopened in January, we would possible win something, like a meal, a dessert, an appetizer, the big win was pizza every week for a year.  At the end of the meal, I asked for our envelope and was informed they were out.  I don't think they were.  I think the red envelopes were for the "usual" customers.  We have not been "usual" customers since they moved their location.  The inside is very dark, the tables and two of the walls are painted black, and it just does not have the same appeal as the original restaurant.  Mamma is not at the door greeting us, and the family feel has left.  Will we go back in January?  Not so sure.  I did bring back the leftovers, and can eat off that for a week!


I loved the quote.  Anne Frank was probably the wisest child.  The quote gives us hope, but when i read it the words that came out of my mouth, were "how sad" since she was robbed of her future.


Hugs to All!



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Good morning from Quartzsite.  It is 40F with a 6mph wind from the SE.  Our high today is predicted to reach 65F with sun shine.  Not much on the agenda today except trying to get what I need for New Year's dinner.  I hope the local store is back on-line so we won't have to go to Blythe until next week.


I'll celebrate bacon day, but probably won' have any today.  The only resolution I make and one that I can keep is to not make any resolutions.  Hopefully, there won't be any enormous changes at the last minute.


The Anne Frank quote is very inspiring from a very wise girl, but it's also sad since she did not live to see her best days.


We'll skip the meal and have Cuban black beans and rice.  We'll also skip the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Port Blair.


Three interesting days in history today.  


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for giving us the meaning behind today's days.  Stay safe in the face of the storm.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, congratulations on the condo closing.  I'm sorry the newlyweds returned from their cruise not feeling well.  I'm glad the cortisone cream is helping your DH. 

@cruising sister  Safe travels tomorrow as you head to San Diego.  Lorraine, I'm sending positive thoughts that there are no problems tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for more wonderful pictures from Antarctica.

@ottahand7  Nancy, safe travels today, and I hope to warmer weather.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I'm glad you enjoyed the Panama Canal.  Thanks for all the great pictures.  That is good news that the shot is helping.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the aide is recovered and back next week.  That is nice of the teenagers to offer to cook tonight.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope everything is going well with you, Sam and your family.  Yes, humans can do horrific things to each other.

@marshhawk  Annie, where did you live in NJ?  We spent two years in Dover when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal, and saw most of that area.  














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Sandy, I love the pictures and now want to go on an Antarctica cruise. I will put that on my list. I have been around the horn of South America but not to Antarctica. 

I just ate some Canadian bacon and I am thinking of a bacon cheeseburger for later today. The kitchen here is closed down and all this dishes washed. 

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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from Quartzsite.  It is 40F with a 6mph wind from the SE.  Our high today is predicted to reach 65F with sun shine.  Not much on the agenda today except trying to get what I need for New Year's dinner.  I hope the local store is back on-line so we won't have to go to Blythe until next week.


I'll celebrate bacon day, but probably won' have any today.  The only resolution I make and one that I can keep is to not make any resolutions.  Hopefully, there won't be any enormous changes at the last minute.


The Anne Frank quote is very inspiring from a very wise girl, but it's also sad since she did not live to see her best days.


We'll skip the meal and have Cuban black beans and rice.  We'll also skip the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Port Blair.


Three interesting days in history today.  


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for giving us the meaning behind today's days.  Stay safe in the face of the storm.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, congratulations on the condo closing.  I'm sorry the newlyweds returned from their cruise not feeling well.  I'm glad the cortisone cream is helping your DH. 

@cruising sister  Safe travels tomorrow as you head to San Diego.  Lorraine, I'm sending positive thoughts that there are no problems tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for more wonderful pictures from Antarctica.

@ottahand7  Nancy, safe travels today, and I hope to warmer weather.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I'm glad you enjoyed the Panama Canal.  Thanks for all the great pictures.  That is good news that the shot is helping.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the aide is recovered and back next week.  That is nice of the teenagers to offer to cook tonight.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope everything is going well with you, Sam and your family.  Yes, humans can do horrific things to each other.

@marshhawk  Annie, where did you live in NJ?  We spent two years in Dover when DH was stationed at Picatinny Arsenal, and saw most of that area.  














That’s right, Bob stayed in Florida melting your heart away! 😀

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Good morning, everyone!


I had a reasonably good night.  I did get up a few times to visit the restroom, but otherwise slept well with little to no pain.  It only hurts when I move and engage my core muscles and no pain pills help with that.  I guess maybe they can dull it a bit.  I'm a little less sore this morning and getting around a bit better.  The trick to this recovery is to grit my teeth and move.  


@RMLincoln Congratulations on the final closure of your MD condo.  It must be a comforting feeling to have that all behind you.  And how nice to be so close to your granddaughters.  Moving closer to family was the right move for me, even though it meant leaving friends behind.  Gives me an excuse to go back and visit and them an excuse to come up this way.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, again I am enjoying the pictures of Antarctica in anticipation of next year's visit.  Last night we watched Endurance about Shackelton's expedition.  It is absolutely amazing that everyone survived.  


@kazu Jacqui, I am glad that Fundy protected you this time from the storm.  I hope you and Ivan do well through this next weather system.  Your winters can be pretty brutal.  


@JazzyV Thank you for the mention on the cares list.  I'm sure it was the power of the Dailyites that helped propel me through that surgery so well yesterday.  I hope you can get a date for your procedure soon and can find some consistent pain relief.


@smitty34877 I used to make a great chicken and sausage gumbo and you are making me hungry for it again.  


@rafinmd Roy, I read your post about healthcare.  First, I am glad that your situation does not require any intervention right now.  As for those without good insurance, they do without and many of them die a premature death.  We yell at people to get a job, but many of them are employed. They just don't get benefits.  That was my sister's case.  She was a healthcare professional who did not have health insurance.  Before the ACA she had a difficult time with that because she was either denied coverage or charged half her income due to her health history.  So, she went without.  It was still prohibitively expensive afterwards, but they couldn't charge her extra.  


It is a lazy day here.  I doubt I'll get out of pajamas.  I think it is a good day for the couch and sappy movies.  Or maybe even a good one.  Safe travels to all who are on the road today.  @ottahand7 I hope you are warmer tonight.  @cruising sister safe travels to San Diego tomorrow.  You're going to have a blast on this cruise and you're going to be with some incredible Dailyites.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning all!

Awake early (4 something) and got myself out of bed before 5...strange sleep patterns this week.  

Like most people I do like bacon.  I just can't have it very often due to the high sodium.  I can't remember ever making a resolution, and hopefully there are no enormous changes of the bad kind before we leave for the cruise.  


I would like the meal but as a side dish, pass on the drink, and although I haven't had this wine, I'm sure it's as good as all the other Marlborough SVs so I'd love to try it.  Have not been to this port.


Today is laundry day, take our mail key to the neighbor, etc. etc.  I'm feeling good that the house (should be) clean when we return.  Those wonderful HAL stewards do such a great job keeping everything spotless, it's hard to come home to a less than spotless house LOL!


Debbie @dfish So glad to hear you slept well with little to no pain.  Great news!


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Good morning.

It is a cool 50 degrees in Bluffton.  Not getting much warmer.

I have a few last minute things to do financially to close out the year, but not a lot.

Wont be eating bacon.  

My resolution for the New Year is to take each day as it comes and to appreciate what we have and each other.  Time is short and we do not know what tomorrow brings.  We had a tough year dealing with a house that needed repair from a flood.  Living hither and yon, and watching the toll it took on DH.  It all came at great expense, physically, emotionally and financially.  I am doing my best to keep things on an even keel as much as I can and carry that through in the New Year.


Thank you to Jacqui, Vanessa, Tina, Ann and Dixie for all that you do to keep this thread going.

What would we do without all of you!

Thank you to Graham for your explanations of today’s celebrations.

Thank you to Sandi for the wonderful pictures of Antarctica.  


@dfish  Debbie, I am so pleased that you are doing well after your surgery.  Prayers that the recovery continues to be smooth.

@rafinmd Roy, glad no further intervention is needed.   I too, have Federal BC/BS and very grateful for the wonderful coverage it provides.  

@Seasick Sailor glad you are enjoying your cruise and having some peace and quiet now.

@smitty34877 Hope things are under control with your family memebers’ help and that the aide soon returns.


As for me, I need to go to the butcher.  DH wants steak tomorrow night for New Years Eve and then to the supermarket.  Then will finish up with whatever else I need to do.

It will be a quiet NYE.  We may stay up and watch the ball drop in Times Square.  


We have reservations for dinner on New Years Day at a local seafood restaurant.


Those are our big plans for the weekend.


Have a good day.

God Bless,


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Buttershots Old Fashioned cocktail:


1 1/2 parts Jim Beam®
1/2 part DeKuyper® Buttershots® Schnapps
4 dashes Angostura® Bitters
3 Maraschino Cherries
(2 for muddling, 1 for a garnish)

Muddle cherries and bitters in a rocks glass. Add ice, bourbon, and DeKuyper® Buttershots® Schnapps. Stir. Top with a cherry as garnish.


Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 11.28.15 AM.png

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3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

We are hoping to have our aide back next week . I get a lot of help from the other family members but it is hard to keep the household running without her.


I sure hope your aide is back next week.  I know others help but it’s still a lot of work for you without your aide.




@RMLincoln congrats on your sale!  It must be a good feeling 👍 



2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Not a lot on the agenda for us today, which is fine, because neither of us has a lot of energy - we both spent time coughing last night.  At least DH used his CPAP - I gave him an antihistamine to help the stuffiness, so I didn't hear snoring, just coughing.  LOL  This too, shall pass.


Oh dear - so sorry to hear this 😔. You need your sleep to recover.  I hope you both can get a better night’s sleep tonight and feel a bit improved tomorrow, at least 🤞 



1 hour ago, dfish said:


I had a reasonably good night.  I did get up a few times to visit the restroom, but otherwise slept well with little to no pain.  It only hurts when I move and engage my core muscles and no pain pills help with that.  I guess maybe they can dull it a bit.  I'm a little less sore this morning and getting around a bit better.  The trick to this recovery is to grit my teeth and move.  


I’m glad you had a semi decent night with not too much pain.  Hoping the pain continues to improve - FAST.



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Good morning to all from rainy San Diego. The showers are supposed to move out by noon. We shall see, but this morning will be spent reading and drinking coffee.


The travel from Durango was both good and bad. My flight from Durango to Phoenix was delayed over 2 hours (why did I think that might happen?). A maintenance issue and they could not locate the proper contractor and then deicing since the outside temperature was 13F. And frankly it felt like that inside too. And they kept us on the plane the whole time. I had a long layover scheduled in Phoenix, but they got me on to an earlier flight and wonder of wonders... they sent my checked luggage with me. So I actually arrived at the Wyndham well before check in. They had a room for me ready, so I am in and settled. My back is really protesting the travel and lugging about my carry on so I will be glad to have a few days to rest up. I find also that I do not do long walks well (I had to change terminals at Phoenix and it was an absolute zoo... easier to walk than to try to find a ride).


Will try to catch up on the Daily. @dfishGlad your surgery went well (I did see that) and my best to all of you. This afternoon I am supposed to meet up with friends. And maybe I had better invest in a new rainjacket. Mine is packed in my shipped luggage and I just looked at the forecast for the 3rd. We cann hope it will change.


@cruising sisterI will be at the hotel when you arrive. My cell phone is 970-749-5930. Or ask for me at the desk. I think my full name is on the roll call.



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1 hour ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


I had a reasonably good night.  I did get up a few times to visit the restroom, but otherwise slept well with little to no pain.  It only hurts when I move and engage my core muscles and no pain pills help with that.  I guess maybe they can dull it a bit.  I'm a little less sore this morning and getting around a bit better.  The trick to this recovery is to grit my teeth and move.  


@RMLincoln Congratulations on the final closure of your MD condo.  It must be a comforting feeling to have that all behind you.  And how nice to be so close to your granddaughters.  Moving closer to family was the right move for me, even though it meant leaving friends behind.  Gives me an excuse to go back and visit and them an excuse to come up this way.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, again I am enjoying the pictures of Antarctica in anticipation of next year's visit.  Last night we watched Endurance about Shackelton's expedition.  It is absolutely amazing that everyone survived.  


@kazu Jacqui, I am glad that Fundy protected you this time from the storm.  I hope you and Ivan do well through this next weather system.  Your winters can be pretty brutal.  


@JazzyV Thank you for the mention on the cares list.  I'm sure it was the power of the Dailyites that helped propel me through that surgery so well yesterday.  I hope you can get a date for your procedure soon and can find some consistent pain relief.


@smitty34877 I used to make a great chicken and sausage gumbo and you are making me hungry for it again.  


@rafinmd Roy, I read your post about healthcare.  First, I am glad that your situation does not require any intervention right now.  As for those without good insurance, they do without and many of them die a premature death.  We yell at people to get a job, but many of them are employed. They just don't get benefits.  That was my sister's case.  She was a healthcare professional who did not have health insurance.  Before the ACA she had a difficult time with that because she was either denied coverage or charged half her income due to her health history.  So, she went without.  It was still prohibitively expensive afterwards, but they couldn't charge her extra.  


It is a lazy day here.  I doubt I'll get out of pajamas.  I think it is a good day for the couch and sappy movies.  Or maybe even a good one.  Safe travels to all who are on the road today.  @ottahand7 I hope you are warmer tonight.  @cruising sister safe travels to San Diego tomorrow.  You're going to have a blast on this cruise and you're going to be with some incredible Dailyites.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!



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Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

Yum, bacon; love it, but I only have Canadian bacon that I use to make breakfast sandwiches. Over the last few years my resolution has been the same, to declutter this house and get rid of things I don't use. I do get rid of some stuff yearly, but not nearly enough. Not a fan of enormous changes at the last minute. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Port Blair. Lots going on today in history.


It's 36F and cloudy here, with an occasional snowflake. I'll be indoors. I slept about 4 hours, and may try to get a nap in later. Yesterday the insurance field rep called to see if I'd gotten the estimate; I said no and neither had they. He must have worked fast, as by last night I had information about my water damage repair. It's complicated, so I need to print out all the documents and study them. They also want information about loss of personal property. There wasn't much, mainly a lamp and a Lladro figurine that's precious to me was damaged and I have no receipt. I'll use some info from online.


@grapau27 Thanks for the information. You're probably tired of the rain.

@RMLincoln Woohoo on the completion of the sale of the condo! 

@cruising sister Safe travels tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for sharing your Antarctica travelogue. 

@kazu I'm glad the storm wasn't so bad for you and that your ice prevention worked. I hope the second storm spares you.

@Nickelpenny Gorgeous sunset photo. I hope your legs let you enjoy your excursion today. 

@smitty34877 I certainly hope your aide is back next week to help. Enjoy making gumbo with the teenage couple. Prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@ger_77 I hope you and DH feel 100% again soon.

@marshhawk I'm another native NJ person. That stinks that the restaurant didn't give you a red envelope. By your description it doesn't sound like a place I'd go back to.

@dfish I'm glad your night wasn't too bad. Enjoy just relaxing on the couch today.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the New Year is much less stressful and more stable for you and DH.

@durangoscots I'm glad you arrived safely, despite the flight issues.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good Saturday morning everyone!

I too am packing and cleaning house before I leave for San Diego tomorrow for the GVAUS/NZ cruise. I am beyond excited! I am packed but it seems like there are hundreds (yes probably an exaggeration...lol) of little last minute things to do to ensure the house is safe while I am gone. Even though someone is watching it, you just never know, and how things will behave when not in use for 3 months.  Trying to do most of it this AM as I am meeting friends for a Bon Voyage late lunch.


@dfish, so glad your surgery went well; not glad that you are having such pain with it. I hope it gets better every day as you heal.

@cruising sister, thanks to you and her parents for the beautiful picture of sweet baby Murphy! She is looking adorable, like a baby should. And that hair...how cute!! Glad she is progressing.

My kitchen is closed too, I did all of the dishes so there will be no cooking etc. Safe travels tomorrow; see you in San Diego! 😊 😎

@Cruising-along, I cleaned my house too but was thinking it will just be dusty etc. when I return so....did I really need to do that? I was thinking that, when I was tired from cleaning and thinking if I move I will need a smaller house. Safe travels to you and hubbie on Tuesday. See you on the ship! 😊

@durangoscots, safe travels to you too, I am thinking you traveled yesterday to San Diego. Hope it went smoothly; see you also in San Diego.


I have never been to India, have no plans to make any resolutions and so far no last minute changes today. Love bacon but usually limit it, too salty for me.

My thanks to all of the contributors this past week; thoroughly enjoyable for my reading pleasure.😀


Prayers for us all especially those with health issues, so as to find relief and comfort. 🙏

Celebrate all of your joys, we all deserve them.


Take good care everyone and have a good weekend!


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28 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning to all from rainy San Diego. The showers are supposed to move out by noon. We shall see, but this morning will be spent reading and drinking coffee.


The travel from Durango was both good and bad. My flight from Durango to Phoenix was delayed over 2 hours (why did I think that might happen?). A maintenance issue and they could not locate the proper contractor and then deicing since the outside temperature was 13F. And frankly it felt like that inside too. And they kept us on the plane the whole time. I had a long layover scheduled in Phoenix, but they got me on to an earlier flight and wonder of wonders... they sent my checked luggage with me. So I actually arrived at the Wyndham well before check in. They had a room for me ready, so I am in and settled. My back is really protesting the travel and lugging about my carry on so I will be glad to have a few days to rest up. I find also that I do not do long walks well (I had to change terminals at Phoenix and it was an absolute zoo... easier to walk than to try to find a ride).


Will try to catch up on the Daily. @dfishGlad your surgery went well (I did see that) and my best to all of you. This afternoon I am supposed to meet up with friends. And maybe I had better invest in a new rainjacket. Mine is packed in my shipped luggage and I just looked at the forecast for the 3rd. We cann hope it will change.


@cruising sisterI will be at the hotel when you arrive. My cell phone is 970-749-5930. Or ask for me at the desk. I think my full name is on the roll call.



Hi Susan,

I am thinking we were posting at the same time..great minds and all that!

So sorry your travels were not so good but glad you are safe and sound in your hotel. I like that they had your room ready! 

See you tomorrow, get some rest tonight so you are ready to take on this adventue...JK.

I, myself am hoping for a low key enjoyable cruise.


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2 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

Hi Susan,

I am thinking we were posting at the same time..great minds and all that!

So sorry your travels were not so good but glad you are safe and sound in your hotel. I like that they had your room ready! 

See you tomorrow, get some rest tonight so you are ready to take on this adventue...JK.

I, myself am hoping for a low key enjoyable cruise.


I want low key also - 


My phone number is in my previous post. I am looking forward to meeting everyone in the next few days and having a great cruise on the Volendam. By the way..... I did not accept any of the up sell offers. I am going to have a huge boarding bill for my dogs even with the discount my friend who owns the kennels gives me. 



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14 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

Yum, bacon; love it, but I only have Canadian bacon that I use to make breakfast sandwiches. Over the last few years my resolution has been the same, to declutter this house and get rid of things I don't use. I do get rid of some stuff yearly, but not nearly enough. Not a fan of enormous changes at the last minute. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Port Blair. Lots going on today in history.


It's 36F and cloudy here, with an occasional snowflake. I'll be indoors. I slept about 4 hours, and may try to get a nap in later. Yesterday the insurance field rep called to see if I'd gotten the estimate; I said no and neither had they. He must have worked fast, as by last night I had information about my water damage repair. It's complicated, so I need to print out all the documents and study them. They also want information about loss of personal property. There wasn't much, mainly a lamp and a Lladro figurine that's precious to me was damaged and I have no receipt. I'll use some info from online.


@grapau27 Thanks for the information. You're probably tired of the rain.

@RMLincoln Woohoo on the completion of the sale of the condo! 

@cruising sister Safe travels tomorrow.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for sharing your Antarctica travelogue. 

@kazu I'm glad the storm wasn't so bad for you and that your ice prevention worked. I hope the second storm spares you.

@Nickelpenny Gorgeous sunset photo. I hope your legs let you enjoy your excursion today. 

@smitty34877 I certainly hope your aide is back next week to help. Enjoy making gumbo with the teenage couple. Prayers for you, Tana and the family.

@ger_77 I hope you and DH feel 100% again soon.

@marshhawk I'm another native NJ person. That stinks that the restaurant didn't give you a red envelope. By your description it doesn't sound like a place I'd go back to.

@dfish I'm glad your night wasn't too bad. Enjoy just relaxing on the couch today.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the New Year is much less stressful and more stable for you and DH.

@durangoscots I'm glad you arrived safely, despite the flight issues.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV.

We tend to get a lot of rain at this time of year.

Many years ago before global warming we would have had a couple of feet of snow by now.

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16 minutes ago, Cruisercl said:

Good Saturday morning everyone!

I too am packing and cleaning house before I leave for San Diego tomorrow for the GVAUS/NZ cruise. I am beyond excited! I am packed but it seems like there are hundreds (yes probably an exaggeration...lol) of little last minute things to do to ensure the house is safe while I am gone. Even though someone is watching it, you just never know, and how things will behave when not in use for 3 months.  Trying to do most of it this AM as I am meeting friends for a Bon Voyage late lunch.


@dfish, so glad your surgery went well; not glad that you are having such pain with it. I hope it gets better every day as you heal.

@cruising sister, thanks to you and her parents for the beautiful picture of sweet baby Murphy! She is looking adorable, like a baby should. And that hair...how cute!! Glad she is progressing.

My kitchen is closed too, I did all of the dishes so there will be no cooking etc. Safe travels tomorrow; see you in San Diego! 😊 😎

@Cruising-along, I cleaned my house too but was thinking it will just be dusty etc. when I return so....did I really need to do that? I was thinking that, when I was tired from cleaning and thinking if I move I will need a smaller house. Safe travels to you and hubbie on Tuesday. See you on the ship! 😊

@durangoscots, safe travels to you too, I am thinking you traveled yesterday to San Diego. Hope it went smoothly; see you also in San Diego.


I have never been to India, have no plans to make any resolutions and so far no last minute changes today. Love bacon but usually limit it, too salty for me.

My thanks to all of the contributors this past week; thoroughly enjoyable for my reading pleasure.😀


Prayers for us all especially those with health issues, so as to find relief and comfort. 🙏

Celebrate all of your joys, we all deserve them.


Take good care everyone and have a good weekend!


Best wishes Caron @Cruisercl for a wonderful cruise.

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