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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday, January 9th, 2024


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Today is Balloon Ascension Day, International Choreographers Day, and National Apricot Day

I've always wanted to go to Switzerland to see what the army does with those wee red knives. - Billy Connolly

Meal Suggestion for today - Minestrone Soup
Drink of the Day - Angry Lobster
Wine of the Day - Josh Cellars Pinot Noir 
Destination of the Day - Corinto, Nicaragua, Leon City

Today in History:
1431 Judges' investigations for the trial of Joan of Arc begin in Rouen, France, the seat of the English occupation government
1839 Louis Daguerre announces his daguerreotype photographic process to the French Academy of Science
2007 Apple Inc CEO Steve Jobs announces the iPhone

Ship Locations



Belize City 08:00 - 17:00 


La Paz, Baja California Mexico 08:00 - 17:00 

Nieuw Amsterdam

Grand Turk Island, Cockburn Town, Turks and Caicos 08:00 - 17:00 

Nieuw Statendam

Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana 09:00 - 18:00 


Puerto Montt, Chile 08:00 - 17:00 


At Sea Destination Kralendijk Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles eta 01-10


Honolulu, Oahu Island Hawaii 07:00 - 10 Jan 18:00 


Panama Canal 06:00 - 06:00 


Iles du Salut, French Guiana 08:00 - 17:00 

Eastern Hemisphere



At Sea Destination Phillip Island, Victoria Australia eta 01-11


At Sea Destination Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island Philippines eta 01-11

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  I’m awake early today as I have jury duty.  Three nice days to recognize, I love apricots and ascending in a balloon is on my bucket list.  Funny quote this morning as I got a Swiss Army knife for Christmas!  The meal sounds delicious but I’ll skip the drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list and for those who need them.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!

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Today’s Care List:

Cruising sister’s great niece Murphy post-surgery, on CPAP, gtube

Cruzin Terri driving to Jacksonville for lab work and derm procedure

Crazy for Cats loss of his beloved cat Amelia

JazzyV with right leg pain, tingling and numbness; trouble walking

Passing of Norseh2o’s DM Ruth on 1/4/2024


Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza

All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


From the Rotation:

Rafinmd to start radiation 1/8 for elevated PSA

Tana with chronic pulmonary issues

Lazey1 with mitral valve stenosis and PAD


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Kazu stepping up to keep the FR/Daily going while Rich is cruising

57redbird released by her neurosurgeon after surgery

Marshhawk’s DH responding to Keytruda

Cruising sister’s g-niece Murphy extubated, on CPAP 


The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


5 days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam Jan 14 to Feb 4) 21d PC Sunfarer & Southern Caribbean Seafarer


Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam to Jan 14, Tropical/Southern Caribbean Seafarer), Kochleffel(Anthem of the Seas to Jan 18) 11d Southern Caribbean, Ottahand7 (Eurodam to Feb 24) B2B2B2B2B Caribbean, Cruising-along (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Durangoscots (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, cruising sister (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Cruisercl (Volendam to April 6) 94d Grand AUS & NZ voyage, Richwmn (Volendam to May 4, Jan 3 94d Grand Australia & NZ Voyage + Apr 6 15d PC Cruise + Apr 21 The Atlantic Cruise), Cat in my lap (Zuiderdam to May 11) 128d Grand World Voyage and Aliaschief (Azamara Onward WC to June 9) 156d World Voyage 

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Good morning and thank you for the Daily Report!

We are supposed to get a bunch of rain today. It is a great day for the fish and geese. 🙂 

I am continuing to feel a little better and the job search continues.

I hope everyone has a great day!   

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Good morning Daily-ites from the beautiful Rotterdam. 


Prayers winging their way to our friends on the Daily. Vanessa I hope the pain lessons for you. Roy I hope your treatments don't weigh you down.


@Crazy For Cats Jake, again I'm sorry for the loss of your cat.


Last night's dinner in PG was disappointing. Lobster was boiled vs broiled and Allen said his halibut was over dry. But the drinks were 🙂 fine.


Today is a sea day, so I'll be able to read my book, which so far is weird (The Witch Elm) but I'll give it a few more pages, and swim.


Wishing you a beautiful day.


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Good Morning, thank you everyone for your care on Amelia’s passing.  She was laying on the top of the couch next to me, fell over and was gone.  The doctor at the ER thinks it was her heart.  Bedtime treats was strange without someone yelling at me to hurry up.  
Today’s meal suggestion is one of my favorites.  Tonight we will have leftovers ham from Sunday’s dinner.

I hope everyone has a nice day today.


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Good morning.

It is 39°F and partly cloudy here at 11.43am in NE England.

Billy Connolly is a Scottish comedian who I don't think is funny.

I like Minestrone soup.

I hope everyone is safe and well.

Best wishes to all dailyites especially those doing our favourite pastime of Cruising.




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Good morning.  Thanks for the Report.

Thanks for the maps.

A big winter storm heading our way.  Lots of snow changing to rain and windy.  I think I'll stay in, I hope Bertie doesn't want a long walk.

Three good days to celebrate.

Amusing quote, I can almost hear Billy Connolly say it.

The meal sounds good for a cold winter day.  Not sure about the drink, hope the wine is tasty and not expensive.

I've never been to today's port.

Prayers for everyone on the Care List.

@Crazy For Cats Sorry to hear about Amelia's passing.  She was beautiful.

Have a good day everyone.  Stay safe.


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Good morning friends!  It is raining hard and thundering here in north central Georgia.  Temp has risen overnight to 55 currently.  We are under a flood watch and expect more heavy rain, wind and a high of 62 today.  Stay safe everyone!  


Congrats to University of Michigan for their tremendous win last night.  I needed more sleep and went to bed at halftime.  But let me say "Hail! to the victors valiant.  Hail! to the conquering heroes!"  Michigan fans know the words!  Sorry to all our U-Dub fans but I bet Nancy @ottahand7 is thrilled!  DS bought me a new long sleeve Michigan T-shirt Sunday and promises to mail it to me soon.  He's suffering with a cold and congestion after his vacay in Cozumel.  Can't wait to wear my new shirt!


Thank you Jacqui @kazu for posting Rich's Daily and Fleet Report.  Let's start out with loving apricots and always keep some preserves in the house.  Also we should recognize choreographers and balloon ascensions.  I say Ha Ha! to the quote.  I would love some minestrone soup but would hate an Angry Lobster and prefer white wine to red.  All were important days in history on this date, but the more recent announcement of the IPhone was groundbreaking.  Thanks to Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports today.


Prayers for our Care list people especially Vanessa @JazzyV.  Hoping for less pain and suffering, good doctor visits and medical procedures, and fast healing.  Good luck today to Terri @Cruzin Terri and Jim as she drives through possible storms to Jacksonville for her skin cancer procedures.  If she gets to Jacksonville before noon she should be alright.  Prayers for Jake @Crazy For Cats and Juan as they mourn their beloved Amelia.  Prayers also for DB, DGD, friends Scott and Bob and their supportive wives.  We can't forget to mention those in Israel and Ukraine, the remaining hostages, and our troops on bases and ships in danger from rocket fire.  In happier news, cheers to those cruising or leaving for their cruises, and everyone celebrating happy events.  We are in the process of booking a 2026 Princess cruise roundtrip Los Angeles across the Pacific to NZ and Australia.  No long flights!  So I'll include us on the celebration list!  Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for your great lists everyday!


Our port is Corinto, Nicaragua (Leon City).  That was the port on July 5, 2021 and March 18, 2023.  We've been there once and that should do it for me!  Lol!  Here are the links for your convenience.





Well off to get my photos of Corinto.  Please stay safe and keep well my friends!

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Good morning,

Just got up and getting ready to have breakfast and get on our way.

Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for including me on the Cares List for today.  I need every prayer I can get.

I will check in after we get to Jacksonville today,

Stay warm and dry everyone.

Take Care.


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Corinto, Nicaragua


If you got out of town on a tour to Leon then you might have better memories but I wasn't impressed.


Unfortunately, I have to admit we have been to Corinto, Nicaragua.  It's near or at the top of my list of least favorite ports of call.  I have no idea why the cruise lines go there unless they are very kindly trying to boost the economy there.  But the passengers have to suffer a day spent there.  I took photos and tried to make it look nice in my photo book, but it is what it is.


First images are as the Westerdam approached the dock in March, 2016.  It looked like it was large enough and there were buses waiting for tours. 



Kainoa, the destination guru, was outside on the dock when the dancers and musicians began their performances.











This was as good as it got.  The street you walked on to go to the center of town.



One of the nicer kept establishments.



Looking for something to do.



There was caution tape to keep you out of this area, a market.



There were some people who had bikes with a covered seat area behind them that would take you for a ride but I'm not sure what you would see.  The closest picture I have is this one with the fella on the left sitting on his bike.  I did see a few people hire one.



In the center of town there was a dusty park where people were searching for Wi-Fi.



Our entertainment?



Close by was a statue of Padre Jose Schendel (it says so in my photo book) and I took a photo of it with my DGS's Flat Stanley.



And a local church across the street. 



This whole walk took a little over an hour and some of that time was looking for Wi-Fi.  I recommend the cruise lines find a better place to stop.  This was a Panama Canal cruise by the way.  I have heard Leon City is not a bad place to tour so recommend you try that.


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Welcome to Tuesday. Thank for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Expecting rain, and lots of it. Fancy will not appreciate that as precipitation of any kind is not her thing. 

Will be working in the office today. Hope to get to the gym this morning before the rain starts. 274 days until my cruise. 

Thinking of all on the care list. @Crazy For Cats so sorry for the loss of Amelia. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating, 

Have a safe and healthy day. 


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Good morning everyone. Hail to the Victors U of Michigan!  Thanks for the congratulations Sandi.  I bet you can't wait for that amazin blue sweatshirt.  I made it to 27 - 13 and had to turn it off.  We woke at 5:50 and got the last minute and the celebration.  We have to be the world stage in less than two hours for a bus ride to a ruins and Belize City.  

I have wonderful photos of our tour in Corinto Nicaragua but they are on my laptop.  If I can switch wifi later I will post them. 

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for today’s FR & D, Jacqui. Roy thank you for giving us the maps.  It is going to be an interesting day weather wise here. It is already 69 and windy. And oddly the wind seems to be coming from the South right now. The strongest T-storms are supposed to be North & West of me, but the winds are going to be bad most of the day. 


Vanessa, thank you for sharing our happenings! I pray you are on the road to permanent pain relief, soon. 


Gym, Bindi walks, chores & I need to visit a few grocery stores. I am on the hunt for Cherub tomatoes. The three ALDIs and one Target in my area do not have any small tomatoes! I hope this is NOT the great tiny tomato shortage of 2024. 





Prayers for all who need our support. Roy, I hope there are no side effects from yesterday’s treatment. Terri, safe travels to you & Jim today.  Thinking of you & Tana, Terry. 

@Crazy For Cats Jake a huge hug is coming your & Juan’s way. I was so sorry to read about Amelia! Cherish every memory. Hold on to the fact that she did not suffer. ❤️


Cheers to all who are celebrating!


May we each find a reason to smile today. 



Josh Cellars Pinot Noir 2021

This widely available California Pinot Noir is enjoyable and decently priced. Lots of consumer fans. Even grocery stores carry this one. I used the 2021 vintage info, since you should still be able to find it. Numerous online distributors with prices starting at $15.27.

Winemaker Notes

The nose shows intoxicating aromas of bright cherries, raspberries and toasty oak while initial flavors of dark cherry and vanilla bean give way to classic secondary notes of earth, warm spice, and well-integrated tannins. An intense Pinot Noir with a long finish.

Pair this medium-bodied wine with medium-bodied dishes, highlight the earthiness by pairing with roasted vegetables and mushrooms, or enjoy with poultry like roasted turkey or duck.

92Wine Enthusiast

A really pleasing Pinot that's both fairly priced and widely available, this bottling offers baked strawberry, charred game, sage sap and thyme on the nose. The palate combines cherry compote with roasted meat flavors, making for a full, complex sip.
Best Buy

Edited by cat shepard
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23 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Corinto, Nicaragua


If you got out of town on a tour to Leon then you might have better memories but I wasn't impressed.


Unfortunately, I have to admit we have been to Corinto, Nicaragua.  It's near or at the top of my list of least favorite ports of call.  I have no idea why the cruise lines go there unless they are very kindly trying to boost the economy there.  But the passengers have to suffer a day spent there.  I took photos and tried to make it look nice in my photo book, but it is what it is.


First images are as the Westerdam approached the dock in March, 2016.  It looked like it was large enough and there were buses waiting for tours. 



Kainoa, the destination guru, was outside on the dock when the dancers and musicians began their performances.











This was as good as it got.  The street you walked on to go to the center of town.



One of the nicer kept establishments.



Looking for something to do.



There was caution tape to keep you out of this area, a market.



There were some people who had bikes with a covered seat area behind them that would take you for a ride but I'm not sure what you would see.  The closest picture I have is this one with the fella on the left sitting on his bike.  I did see a few people hire one.



In the center of town there was a dusty park where people were searching for Wi-Fi.



Our entertainment?



Close by was a statue of Padre Jose Schendel (it says so in my photo book) and I took a photo of it with my DGS's Flat Stanley.



And a local church across the street. 



This whole walk took a little over an hour and some of that time was looking for Wi-Fi.  I recommend the cruise lines find a better place to stop.  This was a Panama Canal cruise by the way.  I have heard Leon City is not a bad place to tour so recommend you try that.


Thank you for your port descriptions and photos Sandi.

Certainly not a port we would want to go to.

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Posted (edited)

Yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink, not been to the port.

Currently chilly 36° headed to windy 52° and sunny 50° for the weekend. 

It was very windy last night - lost power a few times during the night; never lasted long, but was irritating. 

Watched a new collegiate basketball champion crowned after an amazing season. 

A downtown hotel had an explosion last night sending a few people to the hospital; luckily nobody was killed. Still investigating, but looks to be from gas.

PT and work today.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


Edited by Haljo1935
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Good morning. I just discussed with the dogs that we have to get a long walk in before the deluge starts around  11am. I know it is going to be a serious storm when the power company sends out their warnings.

@Cruzin Terri, I will be thinking of you on your drive this morning. I was the only driver for quite a few years and I know how stressful it can be. Sending prayers your way for both the trip and the subsequent procedures.

I have not been to the port, love the soup and salute choreographers. We toured Rouen and learned a lot about Joan of Arc. DB lived for many years in Albuquerque and we saw the Balloon Festival a  few times. I always wanted to ride in one instead of watching from the ground.

Please be careful today as this storm looks like a nasty one throughout the country.

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Posted (edited)

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  There's nothing to compare with the feeling of ascending in a hot air balloon.  Yay for choreographers, but I don't think we'll be dancing today.  We enjoy apricots in jam, and I make a really good coffee apricot barbecue sauce that goes well on pork chops and chicken.


We have a few errands to run today before the storm hits;  an "Alberta Clipper" is supposed to blow through here starting around noon and continuing into tomorrow afternoon.  Right now we're sitting at a temperature of -26C (-14F) and don't have any wind to speak of - but wait.  We're expecting the wind to pick up and bring along with it around 15cm (6 inches) of snow which means we'll have blizzard conditions through the night.  Sure glad we can get out this morning and pick up a few things we need before the weather turns on us.   And ever so glad we've hired someone to do our snow removal!



@Cruzin Terri sending good vibes for a safe and easy drive for you and DH today.

@Crazy For Catsagain, my condolences on the loss of Amelia; it's good that her passing was quick and she didn't suffer.


I'm giving a hard pass on the drink of the day - tomato juice and pineapple juice?  *Shudder*  I think I'd take the vodka and lobster claw and walk away.  I'd like the wine, and think Minestrone soup would be great on a day like today.  We haven't had salmon for a while, so I'll be making panko crusted salmon in the air fryer and serve it along with mashed potatoes and green beans that we can enjoy in the safety and warmth of our kitchen tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning Dailyites!  Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information.

It’s going to be a busy day for me. I’ll only work a few hours this morning and then it’s go, go, go. My GF and her mom will be in town so we are having lunch. Then to see another GF to drop off some treats on my way to my hair appointment. After that I pick up my DMiL to get our pedicures. And dinner afterwards. 


The hair appointment was a last minute change. It was originally scheduled for Friday but the BIG boss is coming for a visit tomorrow. So I thought (almost too late!) that I should change the appointment to look my best. I originally wasn’t going to go to the office (it’s not my regular day) but I volunteered (silly me, I should have kept my mouth shut) to pick up lunch. 


I hope everyone has a great day and this winter weather doesn’t get too bad where you live. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Thank you all for caring and sharing. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 


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