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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday January 21st, 2024


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I had a hard time understanding cheesy socks because I was working on my grocery list and thought first of food, not of gimcrack merchandise.


Rapini pasta would be pasta with broccoli rabe (or broccolini as the marketers are trying to call it), which I don't like. If I made the recipe, I'd substitute real broccoli. Might like the cocktail. (There is an updated version that adds coffee liqueur!) I have a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc open but it's from the Loire. For a Finger Lakes SB, I'll suggest a new one, White Springs. It's sold out at the winery but may be available in stores. I haven't been to Singapore.


This morning I managed to sleep until 5:00 a.m. I'm feeling a little better and have a load of laundry in the dryer, but I'm going back to bed in a few minutes. The Talmud contains a lot of peculiar medical advice, but doesn't recommend butternut squash or even know that it exists.


Other than the grocery pickup, I need to do reading for my course, since the first class is Thursday.






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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We haven't had a play date in ages, maybe it's time for one.  I don't own a pair of sweat pants - the last time I wore some was a number of years ago when we were doing some painting on the exterior of the house.  Both DH and I have many pair of cheesy socks and wear them daily.  DH loves them because they're so much easier to match up in the laundry basket than regular black, brown or beige ones.  


It's staying at a steady -16C (3F), with an expected high of -12 (10F), but if the sun comes out, it will be a very pleasant day.  We were expecting high winds to start overnight, but they didn't materialize, which is good for the wildlife and anyone traveling the highways.


I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake, but I just realized yesterday that if something were to happen to me, DH wouldn't have a clue about what to do re: household accounts, etc., as I've handled that all our married life.  I think I'm going to take some time to write out in detail the steps to logging into the various accounts, etc., as I'm sure he would be totally flummoxed when it came time to do things.  I've always been concerned about his health and eventual demise, but never considered that anything could happen to me at any time, and we're not prepared.  Definitely food for thought for many of us, I guess.


Not much on our agenda today, just enjoying a quiet Sunday.  We might meet up with our friends later in the afternoon for coffee, but that's about it.  I think I'd like to try the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and would give the menu suggestion a try if I saw it in a restaurant.  DH wouldn't appreciate it, because he doesn't like broccoli or anything resembling it.  We have some pork chops thawing that will be pan fried and topped with some apricot jam and served along with baked baby potatoes and a side salad at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in poor health, in turmoil.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Couldn’t resist a pic of my toe socks. I wear them for walking since they don’t bunch up under my toes! Have several pair.


still cold today but the sun is shining. Promises of warming this week.  Later this afternoon we will be watching the Lions game and rooting for a win. City hall is even flying the Honolulu blue flag! Right now DH is watching soccer, Bayern Munich vs Werther Bremen. There is a chance this year that Bayern Munich is not the top German team. Bayern Leverkusen is on top this year.


I am doing dry January for the first time ever. Sleeping somewhat better. We’ll see going forward if I stay dry. Might be worth it even if it isn’t as much fun.


prayers for those needing them and cheers to those celebrating or cruising.  Wishing I was going cruising with @dfishinstead of doing the daily food soon since our weather is pretty much the same as hers! I really don’t like winter. It was much easier to take when we were able to spend three months of it on Florida.


go lions!



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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Ann, Dixie, and Debbie.  I think I'll pass on all 3 of today's although if I had sweatpants they would be nice.

The quote sounds really sad.  This sounds like a great day in American literature history.

I've been to Singapore 3 times.  The first time was on Queen Victoria in 2010 and my tour visited the National Arboretum.  In 2012 I boarded MS Zaandam there for a cruise to Hong Kong and spent a couple of days there.  My visit in 2014 was not much of a visit.  It was a string of 3 cruises, Bali to Singapore on Crystal Symphony, on to Cape Town on Crystal Serenity, and finally to Fort Lauderdale on MS Amsterdam.  In Singapore all I did was walk across the dock between ships a few times but never left the dock.


When I saw "bitter" in Debbi's meal description I decided it was not for me.  There's a bit of a twist in my alternative and I probably won't post it until afternoon.



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@StLouisCruisers loved the pictures of Singapore and your grandchildren.  They grow up so fast.

@aliaschief our cruise looks fabulous and so nice to see pictures of you and Sue. 


I love my sweat pants but just wear them around the house.  They also got a lot of wear after my back surgery last. year since they were easy to pull up and down. 


@superomaI love your toe socks.  


It is cold here today- one of our coldest days but nothing like everyone here is having.  There was an article in our local paper about the awful weather in Florida this year thanks to El Nino.  We are having cold, then warm but it is usually raining with our warm weather.  Fl is not a good vacation spot for people this year.  


We have to drive to FLL today to pick up a chair that had to be fixed.  The woman who fixed it is a weaver - the rattan on the seat broke from old age and she replaced it.  She works out of her home.  Small world  - when we spoke it turns out we grew up just a couple of miles from each other.  She lives in one of the true old FL cottages on the inter coastal.  FLL is a long drive for us and we only want to go on the weekend since the traffic is horrible during the week.  We will be there next week for our cruise but we take a car service from our home so we don't have to drive it.


Later today it will be football and more football.  He is hoping the ship has the games next week for him to watch.


Happy Sunday to all.  



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Good morning from a dark and dreary Tucson.  Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I love sweat pants and wear them a lot.  I have one pair of cheesy socks - knee highs that are a "giraffe".  Got them when I was on the teacher/staff dance team Ruckus and our theme for the dance was the 80's.  I don't think I will celebrate Playdate day, though.  Sad, but true quote. Oh, the meal!!  Yum as I do love broccoli rabe.  May need to try that tonight as I have nothing planned. Drink - maybe, no to the wine and I wish I had gotten the job in Singapore but I was too old for the business visa. 😪




I slept in today until 0645.  Woke up and it was so dark I thought my clock was wrong.  It is sprinkling but this will keep the temps in the mid 50s today so a very nice day.  I have to run out and get some groceries as I didn't yesterday and maybe do some cooking.  Martina has been sticking to me like glue.  Not really sure why.




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.




Have a great day everyone!



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Good Morning from a sunny but cold day at the beach

        I dont own any sweatpants and only have 2 pair of sox to wear with golf shoes. Usually wear sandals. 

       @StLouisCruisers  Sandi, Thank you for the great pictures of Singapore. Brought back many memories. DH spent a lot of time there in his working years, even had an apartment in Clark Quay. I was only able to go once but it was wonderful. It is on our booked WC for 2025 and really looking forward to it. 

      Our weather remains cool and windy. Suppose to warm up to mid 80s by Wednesday.  Its an El Nino year and this is what we get! 

      Hope everyone stays warm and comfortable.


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Brrr, good morning everyone.  It’s slowly warmed up from 14F when I woke up to a balmy 18F now.  Not complaining though because I do like the cold temps occasionally.  Today’s meal and drink suggestions sound very tasty although we’re staying away from most carbs until our Rotterdam cruise next month.  I haven’t been to today’s port but it’s on our bucket list and probably moved up a few rungs after @StLouisCruisers’s nice photos!  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events!

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Good morning Dailyites. 


Thank you to Jacqui, Ann, Debbie, Vanessa, Dixie, Sandi, Roy, and Lenda for making our Daily a shining star.


Prayers and blessings lifted to all on our prayers lists and books. I'm happy for Father David getting some respite. 


Gosh, I don't know where the week went. I was able to get most everything on my long list of chores. I feel terrible I forgot to order more food for the bird feeders. Seed is expected today and the poor little cardinals are eating scraps off the ground.


This next week looks like one doctor appt and some gathering of papers for taxes. Otherwise will be watching the rain, at least it will be a bit warmer.


Wishing you a blessed week. Stay warm, healthy and safe.

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Good morning to all my Dailyite friends.

Happy Sunday.  

No posting yesterday since Hargray was not cooperating again. I wish we had another choice in internet here.  I would jump at it.

Thank you to Jacqui and Roy @kazu and @rafinmd for the D/FR and maps.  Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for keeping up with our cares and celebrations.

Thank you to Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope for keeping us hydrated and to Debbie @dfish for keeping our bellies full. And thank you to Graham @grapau27 for the explanation of today’s celebrations.

I think I will pass on the food and drink.

I am sorry to say that I have not been to Singapore.  That is really a bucket list place for me, but I don’t think it is in the cards.  Not the way things are going right now.  We are lucky if we get through the next cruise.   We have cancelled the Tauck cruise to New England and Canada. Not yet sure about October.


Praying for all on the Cares List and cheering for those celebrating and cruising.  All those on the GA make me green with envy.


Hoping everyone has a good day.

God Bless.




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48 minutes ago, superoma said:

Couldn’t resist a pic of my toe socks. I wear them for walking since they don’t bunch up under my toes! Have several pair.


still cold today but the sun is shining. Promises of warming this week.  Later this afternoon we will be watching the Lions game and rooting for a win. City hall is even flying the Honolulu blue flag! Right now DH is watching soccer, Bayern Munich vs Werther Bremen. There is a chance this year that Bayern Munich is not the top German team. Bayern Leverkusen is on top this year.


I am doing dry January for the first time ever. Sleeping somewhat better. We’ll see going forward if I stay dry. Might be worth it even if it isn’t as much fun.


prayers for those needing them and cheers to those celebrating or cruising.  Wishing I was going cruising with @dfishinstead of doing the daily food soon since our weather is pretty much the same as hers! I really don’t like winter. It was much easier to take when we were able to spend three months of it on Florida.


go lions!



Joke of the day. What is difference between a camera and socks?

Answer: Camera takes photos, socks takes five toes!

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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  I slept late this morning, because I stayed up way too late.  There is a space heater on the "bubble wrapped" porch, and while it is somewhat comfortable out on the porch, when it gets this cold, I like to help keep it a little warmer.  I have two small shelves out on the brick wall, and I put little tea candles in empty Oui yogurt jars.  But last night I put two votive candles out in the larger jars, and thought, well, they are good for a couple hours, so I'll stay up until they go out, and then go to bed.  BUT one candle kept on burning, two hours, 4 hours, finally went out at 6 and a half hours.  I was up until 2.  When it finally went out, I went to bed, and still could not get to sleep.


When I got up it was 16 degrees, but an hour later, it is now 21.  What a warming trend!   It is sunny. We are supposed to get out of the freeze today, and as @StLouisCruiserssaid, it will get warmer, but it will be raining starting Wednesday.  Raining for the rest of the week.  I wonder if that will help our drought?  It should help the static electricity here, and our fire danger notices every day.


DH was very achy yesterday.  Of course he didnt rest as the Dr's notice said to do, so today I am letting him sleep in. He is the indoor steak chef, so that is dinner tonight, steak and instant taters and some kind of veggie.  The breakfast or lunch menu is eluding me.


I love my cheesy socks. I am currently wearing very pink socks with mercats on them.  Like this



@ger_77You got me thinking.  DH's docs have always warned me, that I would "go" first, because I worry so much about him, that I dont take care of myself.  But something to think about, my neighbor Donna had been paying the bills when her mom was still alive, and her mom had the set monthly rate on her gas and electric bills, but then she decided that since her mom had passed away several years ago, she would put the bills in her name.  And the gas and electric company said that since she was a new name on an account, they would have to charge her the normal rate for one year, and if she was a good customer, they would consider her for the set rate.  So I am thinking of adding DH's name to the bill and hopefully they wont jack up the prices.


The ginger cats have loved the wood burning stove.  Tazi still is hiding in the back room.  




I am looking forward to getting out of the house soon!  Besides feeding the strays, and the birds, and several runs to the store on Friday I have been inside for three days!  But I have been able to feed DH and he has not complained about the food choices.  If I mention the word "tuna"  however, he will take me out to lunch this week.  LOL.


I would eat the meal, if you took out the pasta and just served me broccoli and italian sausage.😸


@Quartzsite CruiserI think you asked me yesterday about what other types of wine that  NA Fre makes.  All I am seeing at the farmers market are whites.  I had a nice sauvignon blanc two weeks ago.  But I prefer reds.  And I have not seen them for a long time.  Since you live out west, check out Ariel Wines.  NA.  They wont ship to the east coast during the winter months because since there is no alcohol, they wines will freeze flying out to us.  But you should be able to get them where you live.

They used to have more variety, but this year are selling a Cabernet Sauvignon and a Chardonnay.


Have a great day!

Edited by marshhawk
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Thanks everyone for the nice comments on the Singapore photos.  It's certainly a shining star in Asia and everyone could find interesting things to see and do there.  I'm glad you're considering it on a future trip @Mr. Boston!


Joy @Seasick Sailor until you get your bird seed the cardinals will have to dine in a neighbor's backyard!  Cardinals are so beautiful you must enjoy seeing them at your feeders.


I believe I forgot to congratulate the celebrants today so here's a toast to all enjoying major events in their lives and those wonderful cruises you're on!  🥂  And I forgot to mention the FC Dallas youth soccer team Ren is on beat Austin FC yesterday 3-2, scoring that last point late in the game so it must have been a nail biter.  Strange how Austin is called Austin Football Club and Dallas is named Football Club Dallas.  🤷‍♀️

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Sunny and still cold in north Jersey. Might break freezing tomorrow but we’ll be heading to Maryland for Tuesday eye surgery. Roads should be good!  If we get to come home Wednesday it might rain most of the way. At least that should wash the salt off!  Gosh they use a lot of salt here!  

Yesterday granddaughter and her husband visited!  Got some work done, mired a bookcase, planned next work day for installing track lighting!  Had lots of good conversation and a lovely dinner in our community dining room. DGD reminds me that it’s better than Carnival, we have tablecloths!  

Today is lots of laundry day, then pack for tomorrow. I should have done laundry Friday but was really blown away by the sad news, yesterday was great to have the young energy visit!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially my little country church family in NM grieving their sudden loss!  One of their family, one of the Sunday service musicians. Hugs to her husband and sons!  💔


🌈 Cheers to all celebrating and cruising, Life is Good!  One day at a time is Everything!  Smooth travels to all away. Get well and get home safely. 

Thanks all for being here, I feel your support!  

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Good morning from another cool and dreary morning in Quartzsite.  It is 53F, and we can expect a high of 60F.  There is a 6mph wind, which makes it seem cooler, and the 90% humidity with a 51F dew point adds to the cool feeling.  We got some rain over night and early this morning.  The fancy rain gauge reads 0.03 inches while the old fashioned one reads 0.06 inches.   The fancy gauge resets about every 0.03 inches, and the old fashioned one reads in 1/100th inches since desert rains are not normally big rains.  We are supposed to get more rain this afternoon, and then again tomorrow into the early hours on Tuesday.  That will not make the vendors happy especially if the main wash in town has a lot of water flowing, and the road has to be closed.  There is laundry today, and the first load is drying while the second load is in the washer.  I'm also going to try to wash a few things that we'll be taking on the cruise.


It looks like we'll not be celebrating any of the days today.  Older DD and DSIL often wear cheesy socks.  I gave my sweatpants to a thrift store this year since I hadn't worn them in years.  There may still be one pair on the motorhome for camping in colder climates during the summer.  Like @smitty34877 Terry, I much prefer my well worn jeans.


An interesting quote today, but I'm not sure I really like it.


We'll skip the meal since I'm making Good Brown Stew today.  Sorry Debbie @dfish, but it will have a lot of carrots.  We'll also skip the drink and the wine.


We have enjoyed visiting Singapore twice, and I'd love to go back someday.


A good day for American literature with the publication of the first American novel in 1789.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for your pictures from Singapore, and they do like their city/state to look nice.  They even have laws to keep it that way.  I'm glad the delivery person did the right thing and told your neighbors about backing into their mail box.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you are on the mend, and I hope you are well soon.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanations of two of our days.

@Haljo1935 I'm glad it is beginning to warm up there.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thank  you for the pictures and narrative about your cruise.  Great pictures of you and Sue.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you had a nice visit with your BFF yesterday.  I'm sure it did both of you a lot of good.

@dfish Debbie, I'm sure your guests will enjoy your neighborhood party, and appreciate your and Sue's hard work.

@kochleffel  Paul, I'm glad you are feeling better.  Sorry that butternut squash isn't on the recommended cure list. 😁

@tupper10  That is good news that you found someone to repair the chair.  Safe travels to FLL and back today.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm sorry your internet company is so iffy.  We switched to Starlink when we got to Quartzsite in November.  It is working very well, but it is pricier than the service through the phone company which was also pricey.  It also allowed us to ditch the landline.  I'm sorry you had to cancel your fall cruise, but if things are going well, you might be able to book another fall cruise later.

@marshhawk  Annie, thank you for the information on NA wines.  I have not seen Ariel in any of the stores around here.  We'll check it out on-line.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, it is very nice your DGD and her DH can come and help you, and that you can also get a nice visit in.  We are lucky that our DSIL with the help of DD, is willing to tackle some chores that are hard for us.  Safe travels tomorrow, and positive thoughts for a successful surgery for your DH Tuesday.












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We have been to Singapore twice.  The first time was in 2000 on P&O Oriana world cruise.  The second was in 2002 on Volendam on the 64 day APEC  cruise.  These are DH's pictures from 2000 and my pictures from 2002. 


In 2000, we arrived about noon after sailing through the large container port.  I think at that time, it was the largest one in the world.



We took a taxi into town, and did a short tour of places the driver thought interesting.  Then we rode their monorail around the island to get a look at the areas away from downtown.







We walked down a pedestrian shopping street.



Our next stop was Raffles, but we did not go to the Long Bar.  We did have supper n the patio.







From Raffles we walked down the the waterfront and took a boat to see more of the sights.  Singapore at night from the boat ride.



In 2002, there was a performance by some costumed dancers.  These two posed for us as got off the ship.



We took the shuttle into town and walked around.  This time we did make it to the Long Bar.







A busy street downtown





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Good afternoon from a very wet and very windy Cork.

We are currently under an Orange Weather Warning for Storm Isha, with winds up to Force 10.

We also have feline and canine type rain 😉 (raining cats and dogs!)😁

Today we had our usual Sunday lunch (as a take away) from the restaurant in Cork city that has kept us going through covid and DW's illness.  It is only Grilled breast of chicken with veg (3 of them), roast and mash potatoes and gravy, plus desert.  There is more than enough for the two of us for €20. Iit is basic but wholesome good food and we owe the couple who own/run the restaurant our immense thanks for helping us to survive through very difficult times.  (there is enough chicken left over for a sandwich for me this evening).

DW went to mass at 12 noon and is continuing to feel good.  She has a couple of medical appointments this week on Wednesday and Thursday.  Hopefully she will recieve good news and will continue her upward trend.

Next week I think I must also start to write down banking details, passwords, etc and give them to our daughter to ensure continuity if anything happens to me.  (It's not that I am a control freak, its just that I am better at doing it 😁) and modest!


Hope everyone has a great day!

take care!




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 Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I have no playdate today, and I am in sweatpants to just hang around the house. No Cheesy socks, most of mine are plain. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal (if I can use regular broccoli), and pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Singapore.  


We started off at about 15F with wind chill of 0F, and supposedly will get to 26F. At least there's some sun out. I got about 4 hours of sleep, then fell back asleep for an hour while waiting for the Daily to start up, hence the late Care List. It's still very hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in without pain/numbness, as well as having a lot of morning pain. I will try to make some calls tomorrow to see what I can find out. I guess I'll watch football again today.


@StLouisCruisers Good to hear that Amy is feeling better. Great Singapore photos; with DS and DDIL staying there, you had a chance to see things one likely wouldn't just on a cruise stop. Nice pictures of you and Dennis, and the DGSs.

@ottahand7 I'm glad you're on the mend. 

@aliaschief Nice to "see" you and Sue! 

@kazu Thanks for our start today. I hope the snow doesn't accumulate too much.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you got out of the house yesterday to spend time with your BFF. 

@dfish Enjoy the neighborhood party and meeting some new neighbors. 

@kochleffel I hope you continue to improve. Get lots of rest. 

@superoma Great socks! 

@rafinmd Thank you for today's maps.

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow, and prayers for a successful eye surgery for your DH.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos from Singapore.

@VMax1700 I hope that your DW gets good reports at her medical appointments.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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