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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday February 29th, 2024


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Just a quick update. My Sister is off most of the tubes & is able to drink clear liquids! She got out of bed and using a rollator, she walked a few steps to a chair. 

Her A-fib is still a concern and a cardiologist will be visiting her today to discuss options. 

Again, thank you all for keeping her in your prayers & well wishes. 

A very grateful Ann & family

Edited by cat shepard
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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@AV8rix  Susan, so far I've escaped arrest and time in The Walls in Huntsville since I must have beans (pinto) in my chili.  BTW, they sell chili "fixins" with beans in Texas.



Kewl!  That's progress.  So they must have reduced it to a misdemeanor since I left in 2001.  Gee, except for the weather I now can actually contemplate coming back home to live out my days.

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4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Once again, thank you all for keeping my Sister in your thoughts and prayers. She is off the ventilator. And right now the biggest concern in Afib, which they are trying to manage with meds.  She can’t even have ice chips until someone from Speech makes sure there was no damage from the ventilator tube. 

Her son came down from Boston and though he has some work to do, he is here and can see for himself how she is doing. Her daughter arrives on Saturday. 

I am tired. Emotionally and physically. But her place is cleaned up, her laundry is done and she doesn’t have any messes to come home to. 

You are good people. 🙂

Continued prayers 🙏 for your sister. 

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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites!!!


I was able to like Gerry's post, so I'm hoping I'm out of hot water.


I have missed ya'll. I have said my Daily prayers for all on our care list. I have read most of the posts and send condolences and celebrations. 


It's been busy around our house. I have spring fever and moved all the lanterns and cushions out to the patio and everything looks clean and shiny. Only problem is today's high is 49 with chance if rain, but tomorrow promises a 75 degree day. I have to pull myself away from all the beautiful flowers and tell myself not yet!! The closets are cleaned and donations ready for drop off. The garage is all finished, the racks are put together and filled. Elvis (golf cart) is washed and I ordered wax from Amaz..


We've been to several doctors appointments and several follow ups. My SH (sweet husband) has an eczema flare up and is getting shots and wallowing in ointments. I think he's starting to turn the corner. 


Yesterday we drove to a friends house in Pflugerville and they drove us to Camp Mabrey. My Deers/ military ID expired. Well, when we arrived the system was down (nationally) so we went to lunch, called the base, system still down.. will try another day.


Last night my girlfriend came by with a big pan of paella. She asked where the other girls were, and I said "sweetie, it's Wednesday". She thought it was game night (Thursday) we had a good laugh, a glass of wine, and put the paella in the fridge for tonight.





Little Oliver is trying so hard to be a good boy. He knows enough commands now (and practices them when he wants to) He has a new golf cart seat and always wants to ride on Elvis. He's a character. 







Jazzy, Ron is scheduled in the next few weeks for a pet scan and a hospital stay MRI. Thanking all for prayers. His Alzheimers is a concern and we really noticed it yesterday. 


Thinking of you all and wishing you a blessed day. I pray my post goes through!





Joy, it's wonderful to see you back here on the Daily!  We missed you!  Sorry to hear Allen has a flare up of eczema but it sounds like you and the doctor are right on it.  I hope you and the girls enjoy game night tonight and that paella.  Your doggie outfits for Oliver are adorable.  That is a lucky pup to have found such loving parents!




4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  I'll celebrate National Toast Day, National Digital Learning, not sure about National Leap Day but things would get really weird without it.


I like the David Bowie quote and will celebrate both of the days in history, especially the Panama Canal.


I think this may be the first ever listing of any port for Vanautu.  I have not been to Port Vila but have been to Mystery Island on the Crystal Serenity in 2018.


I'll pass on the meal and no alternative photo.  I have never been on a BHB on February 29 so my actual alternative will be Assorted mixed greens, Grilled Vlack Angus Filet Steak with mashed potatoes and Cherry Garcia Ice Cream) as served on Crystal Symphony February 29, 2016.  My Fantasy alternative is Supreme of Hawaiin Fruit, Veal Parmigana, and Mango Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Volendam February 29, 2024 and posted on Rich's live report.


A cold morning and will be a blustery afternoon.  I suspect it may have just been a random variable but my walk in our mall this morning felt a bit better than yesterday.




Roy, your comment about not sailing on February 29 on a BHB got me curious.  I checked and there was only one time we've been cruising on February 29 and that was in 2012 on Star Princess.  On that actual date we were scenic cruising at Amalia Glacier, Chile.  What a beautiful sunny day it was!  



And you were right, we have never had a port in Vanatu before.  Your comment about Mystery Island also reminded me that DH and I have that port of call listed on a new Princess booking of ours in April 2026.  Can't wait to see it!  How was it?




3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Leap Day! Any Dailyite Feb 29 birthdays out there? I'll salute Digital Learning and Toast (bread or with a drink). Nice quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine if someone is buying. I haven't been to Port Vila. 2 important days in history.


It's sunny, but cold (23F). It's 30° colder today than yesterday morning, and with the wind chill 40° colder, due to high winds and a cold front! But 69 by Monday, go figure. I slept about 5 hours, but woke up with some leg pain. Not bad, and it went away when I sat up in bed. Hopefully I don't keep having more symptoms; that was my fear when they couldn't drain/rupture the spine cyst. But I'm grateful for the pain relief I do have. Today more drawer organizing. I hope to hear from the renovator soon, regarding the radiator and cleaning the living room (I won't move stuff back in until it's cleaned). 


Yesterday morning I got a scare as I looked at my outside camera clips, and someone was walking through my yard at 4:59AM! His head was down looking at his phone, and he seemed oblivious of the outdoor floodlamp that had come on from his motion. I think the was just cutting through, but I need to go out and check the 1 back gate I can't see from inside. Probably innocent, but scary when you live alone, regardless.


@puppycanducruise Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DB.

@grapau27 The news was saying that was an Irish thing on Leap day, or is it a UK thing?

@Nickelpenny Thanks for sharing photos from your cruise.

@Haljo1935 Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DGM. 

@dfish Great the heat is working, with your cold weather. I'm glad you're making some headway with the billing issue. Thanks for the recipes.

@cat shepard Good news that DSis is off the vent. Prayers for her continued recovery. So great of you to have her place ready when she returns.

@Sir PMP Nice photos.

@kochleffel Thanks for the information about the Jewish calendar. Wow an extra month that often.

@marshhawk I hope the visit to the dietician will be helpful; most of us know what we should be doing, it's doing it that's hard.

@Seasick Sailor Welcome back! You were missed. I hope Allen's eczema treatments work quickly. Cute outfits for Oliver. 

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. I hope the changes in meds the Cardiologist made help you to feel as good as possible.

@RMLincoln Good to hear that DSIL was stable enough to go to Rehab. I'm glad DH gets to lower the steroid drops another notch. Prayers for a good checkup next week.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast 😜 to those Celebrating.


So nice to hear your pain is so much better!  Let's hope you can go pain free before long.  Sorry to hear about the stranger walking through your property and hope they don't try to make a habit out of it.  Good idea to check that gate to be sure it is locked.  




1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Thought I would share my pics of the pink dolphins from Santarem and Boca da Valéria. Not super good but ….









Those pink dolphins are so elusive.  I could barely get a glimpse of them which makes for difficult photography!




22 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@puppycanducruise special heavenly birthday to your brother, gone way too soon! I am truly sorry your family had to suffer such a loss! 

@Haljo1935special heavenly birthday to your grandmother.  

@cat shepard I am glad your sister is recovering,  hope the AFib can be easily dealt with.   Pace yourself,  sending hugs! 
@JazzyV so glad you are progressing! 
@rafinmdyou're in my thoughts,hope the referral is helpful. 
Good to see @marshhawkand @Seasick Sailor posting!

Thanks for the kind wishes for DGD’s Labrador,  he had the emergency surgery yesterday and it went well.  He has to stay at the animal hospital for a day or two as it was pretty major.   I am so thankful as the loss of her first two year old Lab, was very traumatic.  Also thankful, they had pet insurance!


Unfortunately, we had a midnight visit of the Koningsdam last night due to a medical evacuation.  Hoping the patients recover quickly! 

We had a fabulous day visiting Hilo, and later the summit of Mauna Kea for sunset was sublime. You are above the clouds.









Magnificent photos Brenda!   It's good to hear the Lab is doing okay after the surgery.  



7 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just a quick update. My Sister is off most of the tubes & is able to drink clear liquids! She got out of bed and using a rollator, she walked a few steps to a chair. 

Her A-fib is still a concern and a cardiologist will be visiting her today to discuss options. 

Again, thank you all for keeping her in your prayers & well wishes. 

A very grateful Ann & family


Sounds like her recovery is going well.  I hope the A-fib is not a huge problem and the cardiologist has some good ideas for her care.  I hope you are taking it easy now, Ann!


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Good morning and Happy Leap Day Thursday. It’s sunny today after our dreary past few days with rain. The painting is slowly moving along. They power washed this morning and have to do it again. The backyard is soggy. We have stucco so I think that’s why they have to double power wash. 

@Mr. Boston, the jambalaya was a CO special several times during our recent cruise. Craig ordered it once and liked it, however I was surprised that it was offered so many times, I think three times. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, so good to have you back. I missed you. Tell Allen I’m sympathetic about his eczema flare up. I recently had one, really severe over the holidays, and my dermatologist changed my meds from psoriasis meds to eczema meds. She said that they can seem similar. I had a steroid injection in December and I started on Dupixent in January and have cleared up with just a few nagging areas. At one point I thought we might have to cancel our cruise but everything kicked in late January. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, I’m enjoying your comments about your cruise and your pictures too. 

Bruce @aliaschief, wow on that excursion to Ayers Rock. I honestly don’t think I could have done it in the heat. I’m really enjoying your comments and pictures. 


Happy Heavenly Birthday’s to your loved ones @puppycanducruise and @Haljo1935

Have a great day everyone!

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Talking about the pink dolphins, on our Amazon cruise on Prinsendam, we went on a private CC tour to see them, Pat went in the water with them, I stayed on dry land!


They were curious.



A face only a mother could love!




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4 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

@StLouisCruisers here's a link to my blog post from Mystery Island:




I'll highlight just one photo, definitely NOT a menu suggestion:






I LOVE the photo Roy!  Thank so much sharing it, and I'll check out your blog post right away.  Thanks for linking that here.




2 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Talking about the pink dolphins, on our Amazon cruise on Prinsendam, we went on a private CC tour to see them, Pat went in the water with them, I stayed on dry land!


They were curious.



A face only a mother could love!





Great photos Ann!  Finally we can see what they actually look like.  

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18 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Talking about the pink dolphins, on our Amazon cruise on Prinsendam, we went on a private CC tour to see them, Pat went in the water with them, I stayed on dry land!


They were curious.



A face only a mother could love!




So cool!  I have a private excursion tomorrow that states we will do the swimming with the pink dolphins. 🤞

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59 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Just a quick update. My Sister is off most of the tubes & is able to drink clear liquids! She got out of bed and using a rollator, she walked a few steps to a chair. 

Her A-fib is still a concern and a cardiologist will be visiting her today to discuss options. 

Again, thank you all for keeping her in your prayers & well wishes. 

A very grateful Ann & family


Thank you so much for letting us know.  I'm glad she is making such good progress.  Hugs and continued healing thoughts and wishes sent your way.


@JazzyV I am happy to hear of your progress as well.  I'm sure it is a relief to you.  When you've been down so long with such bad pain it seems like you'll never get back to normal.  I hope you continue to make forward progress! 


@bennybear Those pictures were awesome!  Make me think we need to do a land based Hawaiian vacation.  


@rafinmd Great picture!  Thanks for sharing it.


@Vict0riann Wonderful pictures of the pink dolphins.  Thank you!


@Seasick Sailor Welcome back, Joy!


@AV8rix and @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm getting a good laugh out of the bean discussion.  We certainly don't want either of you in Huntsville, so keep it under wraps, Lenda!  


Did any of you experience an outage of CC?  I tried to get on when I came home from PT and kept getting an error message.  The same thing happened yesterday late morning. 



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5 minutes ago, dfish said:

Did any of you experience an outage of CC?  I tried to get on when I came home from PT and kept getting an error message.  The same thing happened yesterday late morning. 


I got it about 3 hours ago I think.



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14 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

So cool!  I have a private excursion tomorrow that states we will do the swimming with the pink dolphins. 🤞


Wear pink!  One lady in our group was in a  pink wetsuit and the dolphins nuzzled her, must have thought she was one of them...

Edited by Vict0riann
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Good afternoon from a sunny Quartzsite.  It is a nice change after the dreary weather we had for several days.  The wind is picking up, so the towels should dry quickly and hopefully a little softer.  The load of cleaning towels and rags will be ready to hang outside in a few minutes.  


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Happy Leap Day! Any Dailyite Feb 29 birthdays out there? I'll salute Digital Learning and Toast (bread or with a drink). Nice quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine if someone is buying. I haven't been to Port Vila. 2 important days in history.


It's sunny, but cold (23F). It's 30° colder today than yesterday morning, and with the wind chill 40° colder, due to high winds and a cold front! But 69 by Monday, go figure. I slept about 5 hours, but woke up with some leg pain. Not bad, and it went away when I sat up in bed. Hopefully I don't keep having more symptoms; that was my fear when they couldn't drain/rupture the spine cyst. But I'm grateful for the pain relief I do have. Today more drawer organizing. I hope to hear from the renovator soon, regarding the radiator and cleaning the living room (I won't move stuff back in until it's cleaned). 


Yesterday morning I got a scare as I looked at my outside camera clips, and someone was walking through my yard at 4:59AM! His head was down looking at his phone, and he seemed oblivious of the outdoor floodlamp that had come on from his motion. I think the was just cutting through, but I need to go out and check the 1 back gate I can't see from inside. Probably innocent, but scary when you live alone, regardless.


@puppycanducruise Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DB.

@grapau27 The news was saying that was an Irish thing on Leap day, or is it a UK thing?

@Nickelpenny Thanks for sharing photos from your cruise.

@Haljo1935 Happy Heavenly Birthday to your DGM. 

@dfish Great the heat is working, with your cold weather. I'm glad you're making some headway with the billing issue. Thanks for the recipes.

@cat shepard Good news that DSis is off the vent. Prayers for her continued recovery. So great of you to have her place ready when she returns.

@Sir PMP Nice photos.

@kochleffel Thanks for the information about the Jewish calendar. Wow an extra month that often.

@marshhawk I hope the visit to the dietician will be helpful; most of us know what we should be doing, it's doing it that's hard.

@Seasick Sailor Welcome back! You were missed. I hope Allen's eczema treatments work quickly. Cute outfits for Oliver. 

@rafinmd Thanks for the maps. I hope the changes in meds the Cardiologist made help you to feel as good as possible.

@RMLincoln Good to hear that DSIL was stable enough to go to Rehab. I'm glad DH gets to lower the steroid drops another notch. Prayers for a good checkup next week.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast 😜 to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the pain continues to lessen along with the numbness.  Yikes, on the person walking through your yard in the middle of the night.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:






Graham, thanks for the explanations of women being allowed to propose in Ireland, Scotland and England.


1 hour ago, Nickelpenny said:

Thought I would share my pics of the pink dolphins from Santarem and Boca da Valéria. Not super good but ….









Pennie, thanks for the pictures of the pink dolphins.  I remember being amazed at how pink they were.  I only got one picture of a pink dolphin, and if you didn't know what it was, you couldn't tell what was in the picture. Enjoy your swim with the pink dolphins.


1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@puppycanducruise special heavenly birthday to your brother, gone way too soon! I am truly sorry your family had to suffer such a loss! 

@Haljo1935special heavenly birthday to your grandmother.  

@cat shepard I am glad your sister is recovering,  hope the AFib can be easily dealt with.   Pace yourself,  sending hugs! 
@JazzyV so glad you are progressing! 
@rafinmdyou're in my thoughts,hope the referral is helpful. 
Good to see @marshhawkand @Seasick Sailor posting!

Thanks for the kind wishes for DGD’s Labrador,  he had the emergency surgery yesterday and it went well.  He has to stay at the animal hospital for a day or two as it was pretty major.   I am so thankful as the loss of her first two year old Lab, was very traumatic.  Also thankful, they had pet insurance!


Unfortunately, we had a midnight visit of the Koningsdam last night due to a medical evacuation.  Hoping the patients recover quickly! 

We had a fabulous day visiting Hilo, and later the summit of Mauna Kea for sunset was sublime. You are above the clouds.








Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Mauna Kea and the sunset.  We did a tour of the observatories one year.  I'm glad the companion dog is recovering nicely.


37 minutes ago, AV8rix said:

Kewl!  That's progress.  So they must have reduced it to a misdemeanor since I left in 2001.  Gee, except for the weather I now can actually contemplate coming back home to live out my days.


13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Talking about the pink dolphins, on our Amazon cruise on Prinsendam, we went on a private CC tour to see them, Pat went in the water with them, I stayed on dry land!


They were curious.



A face only a mother could love!





Ann, I would have loved to get in the water with one of the pink dolphins.


2 minutes ago, dfish said:


Thank you so much for letting us know.  I'm glad she is making such good progress.  Hugs and continued healing thoughts and wishes sent your way.


@JazzyV I am happy to hear of your progress as well.  I'm sure it is a relief to you.  When you've been down so long with such bad pain it seems like you'll never get back to normal.  I hope you continue to make forward progress! 


@bennybear Those pictures were awesome!  Make me think we need to do a land based Hawaiian vacation.  


@rafinmd Great picture!  Thanks for sharing it.


@Vict0riann Wonderful pictures of the pink dolphins.  Thank you!


@Seasick Sailor Welcome back, Joy!


@AV8rix and @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm getting a good laugh out of the bean discussion.  We certainly don't want either of you in Huntsville, so keep it under wraps, Lenda!  


Did any of you experience an outage of CC?  I tried to get on when I came home from PT and kept getting an error message.  The same thing happened yesterday late morning. 




Debbie, I certainly don't want to wind up in the Walls Unit in Huntsville.  It's the old prison and where the executions take place.  It was opened in 1849.  It's pretty grim looking.  We also experienced the outage about 9 this morning.



@kazu  Jacqui, about 30 minutes ago someone posted that Koningsdam will miss Fanning Island, but the captain expects to arrive in Raiatea on time.


@cat shepard Ann, I'm glad your sister is progressing so nicely.  I hope they get the Afib under control.


@AV8rix  Susan, you will be welcome in Texas anytime.  Sorry, I can't do anything about the weather, but Texas weather has always been unpredictable.



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12 minutes ago, dfish said:


Thank you so much for letting us know.  I'm glad she is making such good progress.  Hugs and continued healing thoughts and wishes sent your way.


@JazzyV I am happy to hear of your progress as well.  I'm sure it is a relief to you.  When you've been down so long with such bad pain it seems like you'll never get back to normal.  I hope you continue to make forward progress! 


@bennybear Those pictures were awesome!  Make me think we need to do a land based Hawaiian vacation.  


@rafinmd Great picture!  Thanks for sharing it.


@Vict0riann Wonderful pictures of the pink dolphins.  Thank you!


@Seasick Sailor Welcome back, Joy!


@AV8rix and @Quartzsite Cruiser I'm getting a good laugh out of the bean discussion.  We certainly don't want either of you in Huntsville, so keep it under wraps, Lenda!  


Did any of you experience an outage of CC?  I tried to get on when I came home from PT and kept getting an error message.  The same thing happened yesterday late morning. 



I was briefly signed out but managed to sign back in.

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6 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a sunny Quartzsite.  It is a nice change after the dreary weather we had for several days.  The wind is picking up, so the towels should dry quickly and hopefully a little softer.  The load of cleaning towels and rags will be ready to hang outside in a few minutes.  



Vanessa, I hope the pain continues to lessen along with the numbness.  Yikes, on the person walking through your yard in the middle of the night.



Graham, thanks for the explanations of women being allowed to propose in Ireland, Scotland and England.



Pennie, thanks for the pictures of the pink dolphins.  I remember being amazed at how pink they were.  I only got one picture of a pink dolphin, and if you didn't know what it was, you couldn't tell what was in the picture. Enjoy your swim with the pink dolphins.



Brenda, thanks for the pictures of Mauna Kea and the sunset.  We did a tour of the observatories one year.  I'm glad the companion dog is recovering nicely.




Ann, I would have loved to get in the water with one of the pink dolphins.



Debbie, I certainly don't want to wind up in the Walls Unit in Huntsville.  It's the old prison and where the executions take place.  It was opened in 1849.  It's pretty grim looking.  We also experienced the outage about 9 this morning.



@kazu  Jacqui, about 30 minutes ago someone posted that Koningsdam will miss Fanning Island, but the captain expects to arrive in Raiatea on time.


@cat shepard Ann, I'm glad your sister is progressing so nicely.  I hope they get the Afib under control.


@AV8rix  Susan, you will be welcome in Texas anytime.  Sorry, I can't do anything about the weather, but Texas weather has always been unpredictable.



Thank you Lenda, I'm happy to help.

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@smitty34877  Really NOMB - but what relation is Tana to you?  I thought she was your daughter but your today's post mentions your DD & Tana.


@dfish The 6-bean chili (minus the navy beans 'cause I couldn't find any in the 3 stores I went to) is simmering in the crockpot.

Edited by 57redbird
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18 minutes ago, dfish said:

I'm getting a good laugh out of the bean discussion.  We certainly don't want either of you in Huntsville, so keep it under wraps, Lenda


I live in New York, so I'm not at any risk of arrest because of chili. But I have to confess that I don't eat Buffalo wings.

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44 minutes ago, dfish said:

Did any of you experience an outage of CC?  I tried to get on when I came home from PT and kept getting an error message.  The same thing happened yesterday late morning. 

Yes!  I kept getting error messages and finally waited until about 11:30 MST and it was back. 

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27 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

@smitty34877  Really NOMB - but what relation is Tana to you?  I thought she was your daughter but your today's post mentions your DD & Tana.


@dfish The 6-bean chili (minus the navy beans 'cause I couldn't find any in the 3 stores I went to) is simmering in the crockpot.

I met my DH after my first marriage ended . I was alone with my son. He was also divorced with custody of DD and Tana . Tana was his first wife’s child. The children grew up together. I have been fortunate with my blended family. DD is technically a step child but it is so much more than that. To further confuse you, Tana’s son calls me Grandma and I am very proud.Technically we are not related. But in my heart we are all one family.

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Just a quick update. My Sister is off most of the tubes & is able to drink clear liquids! She got out of bed and using a rollator, she walked a few steps to a chair. 

Her A-fib is still a concern and a cardiologist will be visiting her today to discuss options. 

Again, thank you all for keeping her in your prayers & well wishes. 

A very grateful Ann & family

Ann, thank you for the update about your sister. I’m still thinking and praying for her. You have been an amazing sister helping her with cleaning and laundry. I can’t imagine the stress and worry that you have had.  Praying that the cardiologist has good options. 

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Good morning/ afternoon. It’s Friday 6:28 AM and it’s back to ship day. I had mentioned in a previous post that it had not rained here in two months. Well today we had a downpour around two AM and there is more on the way. Hope we get out of here as there are areas that tend to flood. The walk from room to resort lobby is long and uncovered and there are no jet ways at airport. You board walking across tarmac and climb up a ramp. Would hate to be soaked on a 3 hour flight to Sydney. 
Time to get ready. Hope I celebrate birthday on ship tonight and not be stuck here.

We are supposed to meet some dear Aussie friends tomorrow in Sydney.

Thanks for the reports and have a great day. Bruce

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20 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I met my DH after my first marriage ended . I was alone with my son. He was also divorced with custody of DD and Tana . Tana was his first wife’s child. The children grew up together. I have been fortunate with my blended family. DD is technically a step child but it is so much more than that. To further confuse you, Tana’s son calls me Grandma and I am very proud.Technically we are not related. But in my heart we are all one family.


Terry, you do have an amazing family, and a lot of the credit goes to the parents who helped the family become a real family.



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2 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
@puppycanducruise special heavenly birthday to your brother, gone way too soon! I am truly sorry your family had to suffer such a loss! 

@Haljo1935special heavenly birthday to your grandmother.  

@cat shepard I am glad your sister is recovering,  hope the AFib can be easily dealt with.   Pace yourself,  sending hugs! 
@JazzyV so glad you are progressing! 
@rafinmdyou're in my thoughts,hope the referral is helpful. 
Good to see @marshhawkand @Seasick Sailor posting!

Thanks for the kind wishes for DGD’s Labrador,  he had the emergency surgery yesterday and it went well.  He has to stay at the animal hospital for a day or two as it was pretty major.   I am so thankful as the loss of her first two year old Lab, was very traumatic.  Also thankful, they had pet insurance!


Unfortunately, we had a midnight visit of the Koningsdam last night due to a medical evacuation.  Hoping the patients recover quickly! 

We had a fabulous day visiting Hilo, and later the summit of Mauna Kea for sunset was sublime. You are above the clouds.







Stunning sky.

I'm pleased your DGDs Labrador had successfull surgery yesterday.

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