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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday March 2nd, 2024


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1 minute ago, grapau27 said:

You are doing a fantastic job Sandi.


1 minute ago, ger_77 said:

@StLouisCruisers we need a "WOW" emoji!  I've done some cross stitch in the past, so know how much work goes into a piece.  I realize you've done others for your family as well, but I have to commend you on taking on such a project for a newcomer to your family!  


Thank you both.  I feel guilty sitting so much but of course impossible to do any other way!  LOL!  At least I do my exercise at the beginning of the day.


When the fine details go on at the end, the piece really takes on dimension.  Patience I keep telling myself.

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Rainy day in north Jersey. I’m a bit stymied. Haven’t heard from grandkids about their expected visit today🤷🏼‍♀️. Trying to roll with it but it just doesn’t feel good. A lot doesn’t feel good….  my brother’s situation with his wife being so sick I think has affected me more than I realized. It’s frustrating not getting updates from them but I won’t bug them. Not hearing from the grandkids about their visit today ti do some work here is more than annoying.  And not having any friends here affects me too so I reach out to friends afar. I need to focus on “What’s good right now!”  So much good!  So much to be grateful for!  And a good sleep last night, you’d think I’d feel better this morning!  

Blessings sent to all on our Care list. I’m especially impacted by what I’ve seen and read about the Texas-Oklahoma fires! Horrifying. Thank you Vanessa for including them!  And us- DH is tapering down steroid drops- 2/day now, down from 4, pressure in the surgical eye is holding. I think the steroids may have been alleviating the itching reaction in the eye still on the pressure-lowering meds because he’s needing more Benadryl and the skin is more inflamed on that side.  I have to remember that it’s all part of the zigzag progress path and we are doing ok!  My symptoms of a pinched nerve are mild but there is work to do!  Time to breathe…. 

@cat shepard thanks for updating us on your sister.   Interesting about her diaphragm!  In EMS classes they constantly reminded us that “patients haven’t read the textbooks!”  Everyone is unique. She’s made it this far and she is working hard, it’ll all come together!  How wonderful her son and daughter are helping you both!  

@ger_77 Stay safe in the storm!  Sure hope Wayne’s situation improves soon. Was thinking, At least he’s not on a ship!  

@kazu Thanks for updating us. Give yourself a hug from all of us!  Glad Ivan is with you!  

Thinking of Terry on weekend duty. And Melissa every day!  

Blessings to all in need, near and far.  Please stay safe, especially in the storms. 

Bon Voyage Lisa!  Smooth travels to all away. A good visit for Pauline!  
Thanks to Pennie and Bruce for taking us along!  Great fun! Lifts my spirit on this gray and frustrating day. 

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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It's 46 and cloudy.  And guess what the weather forecast for the whole week is?  Rain.


I'm not so sure that the majority of my stray cats want to be rescued, I think they just want to be fed.  I did however let Tigger off the porch last night, so that he could get some hours of wandering in, and then I got nervous that he didnt come back.  He did eventually show up, looking terrified.  He got on the porch and was very nervous about something that was following him.  A baby possum.  One of the strays finally moved into the big box with blankets, he is a noisy creature, and picks fights with the other cats.  But he is wearing a collar, so he/she was a dumped or deserted cat.  He has been around for about a month now.  


@dfish Your pictures of the meal of the day look really good.  Warm and filling!


The F1 race is on in 15 minutes, but for some reason, the new formatting on the TV isn't allowing me to watch the prerace show.  Oh, I understand now, the prerace show will start soon.  Dh was off an hour when he said the race would start.


I heard on the Today show today, that hard wired  home phones are going to be a thing of the past, and that the phone companies will no longer support them within the next two years.  They obviously are not concerned for the hard of hearing, who need attachments on their phones in order to use them.  Like my neighbor.








After the race, I need to work -I have had no sales since this campaign started, and it ends next Saturday.  Abd then I have to find another campaign to work for.

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Good morning, finally back to reality.  We had a beautiful drive back from South Bend on Thursday and got home midday.   

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports and the maps @kazu and @rafinmd.   I am not a fan of banana cream pie.   I have not been to today's port and look forward to the photos of it.

@JazzyV thank you for the daily cares and celebrations lists.  It is really helpful for us who are too busy or traveling to stay on top of everyone who may need prayers or an encouraging message!  Prayers for everyone on our care list, especially Tana who is always in my thoughts and the people in war zones, the people of Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.   Prayers for the people in the Texas and OK panhandles dealing with the wildfires.  I have a good friend who lives in Amarillo and they have a huge ranch north of the city in the Palo Duro Canyon.  I have haven't heard anything about if they avoided the blazes.  

Yesterday was a backwards busy day.  I headed to my nail salon to be there at opening at 9:30 because their phone went to answering machine which it never does.  I got there and it said we will open at 2pm.  So I went to get groceries to fill the empty refrigerator and went to my pharmacy for refills.  Then I had a 1pm oil change and instead of that ended up buying a new truck.  I had thought I would wait until April based on rebate picture but there was a hefty rebate plus my brother's GM employee discount I decided to buy one they had on the lot, same color almost and same size.   I will pick it up on Monday after I get the skin cancer on my arm removed on Monday morning.  That used up my day, by the time i got home it was time to start dinner.  

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, beautiful needlework but what an undertaking!  Heave a lovely Saturday everyone!  Nancy 

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Good morning everyone.  It’s 40F and overcast here this morning.  Thanks for the daily updates.  My previous cat Max came from the Animal Rescue League in Boston and was a true gentleman, I’ll gladly celebrate today.  I have not had banana cream pie in years but I do love a homemade one.  I had to look up old stuff day and it doesn’t seem very aptly named as you're supposed to try something new today.  The quote is not always true as many of us know.  The meal sounds nice but not one I’d make myself.  The drink would be nice on a sunny Spring day, maybe Easter?  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Happy ________ to those of you celebrating your special day!

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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Bon Voyage @LAFFNVEGAS.  Welcome  home @Cruise Suzy:




I'll celebrate those who rescue cats but pass on the Banana Cream Pie.  I have too much old stuff, but like the quote. 


I have never been to Boracay or anywhere in the Philippines which is sad considering how much I have benefited from crew hailing from the Philippines.


2 great days in history. 


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Chilled Peach and Ginger Soup, Pork Piccata, and Peach Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam March 2, 2019:




A rainy day today.  Not too bad when I went out to the mall to walk but there will still be some when when i do afternoon errands.



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Good morning. It is raining and 40 going up to a possible 50. The aide who was to come today is sick with a stomach virus so we are hustling here. It has been a busy morning but hopefully will quiet down.

All of DD and DSIL’s cats are rescues. They keep us very entertained. There is a lot of old stuff here, including me. I will pass on the spicy lentils and would love banana cream pie if someone would make it.

@kazu, I read about your terrible and latest storm and the pictures certainly show the devastation. I can relate to time of year and month. i hope today is a little better and I am sorry that you are in pain.

@StLouisCruisers, I used to do needlepoint and knitting until my arthritis demanded I stop. I know how long these projects take. It is beautiful!






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I have a stormy sunrise (or at least start of day) from my longest Carnival cruise which was round trip out of Baltimore.  March 3, 2013 was the least sea day before returning to Baltimore:





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Good morning from a sunny and windy day in Quartzsite.  It is 56F and heading to a high of 71F.  We are under a wind advisory beginning about 1 pm with winds predicted between 20 and 30 mph including gusts up to 45mph.  It will be a good afternoon to stay inside.  As usual when we have high winds, I dropped the flag poles and bungeed the flags around the poles.  They take too much of a beating in high winds.  The winds won't drop below 10mph until Monday.  Maybe then, I can spray all the weeds and grass again.  The first round of spray killed some of the weeds, but not all.  


Some of the best cats we ever had were rescues.  I like banana cream pie, but don't have the ingredients to make one.  We still have a lot of old stuff around, including us.  😉


I like the Andrew Lang quote, but there are times when life is anything but amusing.


The meal sounds good, but I won't be making it.  We've eaten at an Ethiopian restaurant in Minneapolis or St. Paul, and really enjoyed the meals.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Boracay, Philippines, only to Manila.


The 1791 introduction of the semaphore changed long distant communications.  The Sound of Music was a blockbuster in 1965.


There is another day in history which will be celebrated in Texas, but not in Mexico.  In 1836, 56 men gathered at Washington-on-the-Brazos to sign the Texas Declaration of Independence from Mexico.  Today is the 188th anniversary of that day.



@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, you are making good progress on the stocking.  I hope you can meet your deadline in September.

@Denise T  Denise, I hope all goes well for Chase today, and that the vet can take care of the cyst without amputating his toe.

@cat shepard  Ann, thanks for the good news about your sister moving into a regular room.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, it sounds like you have a busy day.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry you've had such a hard time lately, and that it is aggravated by a painful back and legs.  Take care, and remember we are here to support you however we can.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope you can make it to the theater.  It is very interesting.

@0106  Tina, safe travels today.  I hope there are no further delays for your flight.


@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad you made it home safely.  Congratulations on the new truck.  Just for your information, Palo Duro Canyon and the State Park in the canyon are south southeast of Amarillo and east of the town of Canyon.  The major wildfires are northeast of Amarillo.  I hope your friends ranch is safe from the fires, and if they are near Palo Duro Canyon, they should be safe.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry Tana's aide is ill, but I'm glad she is not exposing Tana to the stomach virus.  Hang in there.

@ger_77  Gerry, I was sorry to read that Wayne is in the hospital with out of control Afib.  I hope the doctors can find a way to get it under control.














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Good afternoon. Thanks for the FR/Daily.

I admire those who rescue cats (and dogs). There have been many reports here lately of filthy homes filled with 40-60 animals, many sick and some dead. Awful, but once they're cared for by local rescues, most are adopted, thankfully. I'll pass on banana cream pie. Old stuff day is for me; I have some furniture from the 1800s in my 100+ year old house. My friends used to joke that I needed  to rope off the LR like they do in museums. Also I have many things from my DM and her DM (although I am purging some now). I like the quote. The meal looks good except for the work making the Ethiopian spice, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Boracay. 2 good days in history. I did a Sound of Music tour in Austria on one of my Germany trips.


It's cloudy here, 47F, and raining since last night (should stop soon). Yesterday at PT I really did a lot. I was there for 2 hours. Just had minor leg tingling, although some stuff bothered my back a bit (just the garden variety low back discomfort) and my knee. I slept about 5.5 hours last night. Today I plan to work on putting some china back in the cabinet (once I clean the glass). Otherwise, not much happening here.



@Cruise Suzy Welcome home!

@cat shepard Thank you. Great news that DSis is out of ICU. I hope her breathing issues can be managed successfully.

@kazu Prayers that your pain improves and I'm sorry February was so hard for you. (((Hugs))) That's some awful weather some of your neighbors are having.

@Nickelpenny That sounds like an awesome day and thanks for the photos. 

@0106 Safe travels and ugh on the airline delays. 

@ger_77 It sounds like Wayne needed to stay to try to get his Afib sorted. Stay safe from the storm!

@Sir PMP Thanks for the photos.

@StLouisCruisers You're doing great on the stocking! I'll have to dig out the picture I started doing in 2002 for BFF, and take a photo. I had a month off when I changed jobs, so started it. Then had time management and eyesight issues. I really want to finish it.

@RMLincoln Sorry to hear you're "out of the loop" on information. I hope you hear from your family soon. Meantime, we're here for you! I'm also sorry that DH has more itching. I'm sure the steroid drops were maybe masking it. I'm very grateful that I'm not a steroid responder (having elevated eye pressure), since I've been on steroid eye drops for 7 years now for my uveitis, along with other meds. I'm in an online uveitis group, and many have to stop the steroid drops due to elevated eye pressures. 

@marshhawk Bless you for all you do for the stray cats in your neighborhood. 

@ottahand7 Welcome home! Congrats on the new truck.

@smitty34877 Oh no, sorry to hear that the aide is sick and couldn't come. I hope the weekend isn't too rough. Prayers for you all.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. 

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Update on Chase's vet visit. The toe will have to be amputated as the doctor is concerned about the "cyst'. It contains soft tissue instead of fluid. It is located on the extra toe that Chase was born with and had the first part of the toe that contained the nail amputated when he was a kitten as it was getting caught on everything. Because of the way the mass looks, they are going to amputate the rest of that toe down to the foot pad. We had bloodwork done as he is an elderly guy. Surgery is scheduled for March 14th. 

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Good morning, 


It's an overcast cool and windy day here in my corner of Washington state. I'll gladly embrace The Sound of Music and would love banana cream pie (coconut cream even better). I'm working on the "old stuff" as I start to clear out DD DH's "stuff" but it's taking awhile. It's more motivation than anything else. I can find lots to do, including even dusting, rather than go through his clothes. 


The Music Man last night was wonderful! It was 3 hours of great music and good acting for an amateur production. Seated just behind my friend and I were two former students and we had a Dad of former students in the cast and got to see him afterwards. It made for a late night as I'm not a night owl. We were exiting the theater at 10:30 and it was 11:15 by the time I got home. I was too revved up, I guess, as I didn't sleep at all well but I can have a relaxing day today. Nothing much planned here except some laundry, watching the ships sail away, and maybe do some work on the upcoming Alaska cruises this summer. I may even work on my counted cross-stitch. @StLouisCruisers you are inspiring me. Lovely meticulous work! 



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Happy Saturday!  It's in the 50's and sunny here, another nice day!  Just went for a little walk outside to enjoy the sun🌞

I rescued a kitten many years ago.  She lived a happy life here!  Blessings to all who need them and cheers to all cruising or celebrating.  Karen

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No on the drink and the meal, yes to the wine and I would love the banana cream pie if someone would make one for me. I am having difficulty finding things I can eat and still stay within the 1500 to 2000 sodium limit per day. I think that banana pie would be something my cardiologist would approve of.

I've not been to  the Phillipines, looking forward to seeing some photos.

Yesterday I went ahead and reserved a whale watch excursion and my complimentary Pinnacle Grill dinner.

Both of my cats are rescues and right now one of them is tapping my shoulder reminding me it is time for her dry food so I will go feed the cats then find me something for lunch. Priorities, you know.

Prayers for all in need that hurrahs for those who aren't in need.


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Prayers 🙏 for the 12+ Canadian dailyites including

Melanie @puppycanducruiseAnn @Vict0riann.

Gerry @ger_77.

Brenda @bennybear

that you avoid all of the floods and other bad weather.

Best wishes for good health to all on the care list.

Thanks Graham, but I am safe and sound in tropical sunshine for a little longer.  Volcanoes and earthquakes permitting.  You may have meant Jacqui?  


Good morning and thanks all!   Our lovely new granddog is a rescue, I still can’t believe someone would abandon a young pup to fend for herself in a big city! Or anywhere! 

@RMLincoln I love that you are so positive, but you have been through a ton of life changes and that causes emotional exhaustion as well as physical.  Please be gentle with yourself! 

@ger_77 it must have been a good day for buying fabric!  we went to a wonderful very old Japanese fabric store that has beautiful fabrics from all over the world,  and purchased 31 pieces.  I’ll share in the next year or two when I complete the project.  

@StLouisCruisers brava! Lovely work, I’ve done 9 embroidered stockings recently and they each take a few months to complete. 



Edited by bennybear
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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Thanks Graham, but I am safe and sound in tropical sunshine for a little longer.  Volcanoes and earthquakes permitting.  You may have meant Jacqui?  


Good morning and thanks all!  

@ger_77 it must have been a good day for buying fabric!  we went to a wonderful very old Japanese fabric store that has beautiful fabrics from all over the world,  and purchased 31 pieces.  I’ll share in the next year or two when I complete the project.  

@StLouisCruisers brava! Lovely work, I’ve done 9 embroidered stockings recently and they each take a few months to. Complete, 



Lovely sky photo.

I am pleased you are enjoying tropical sunshine.

Edited by grapau27
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7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Our storm hasn't arrived yet, but according to 3 weather sites, it should start snowing around noon.  That'll be fun, as we've already got a good wind blowing.  I listened to the hourly news and the city has already advised which streets would be priority plowing so people know the best route to take if they absolutely have to be out.  @kazuI can't believe the amount of storms your area has - you have to be on the alert all the time, no matter what season!


Good luck with your storm, Gerry 🤞 

this year has been an unusual one.  what should have been a ‘Nor Easter was a massive rain storm with tropical storm winds (60 mph).  I guess it’s all due to climate change?  Believe me, I would far rather have my snow cleaned up than deal with the ice.




7 hours ago, ger_77 said:


We had hoped to pick up our friend Wayne from the hospital yesterday, but instead, he was admitted and sent to the cardiac ward.  Apparently his a-fib is out of control, so they're going to try different medications rather than doing another cardioversion which the doctors feel would only be a short term solution.  It appears Wayne may be in at least until Monday, so we'll see what happens.  Because of the coming storm, we may not get up to see him as we had hoped.  We're glad he has his phone and charge with him so we can keep in touch.


I am sorry to hear about Wayne 😢. I pray that the medications work for him 🙏 




7 hours ago, cat shepard said:

My Sister was downgraded from ICU to regular care yesterday. The earliest she will go home will be Monday though. She needs to build up her strength. Yesterday was exhausting for her. She tried to do too much respiratory therapy, in the hope she could be weaned off oxygen. And the medical team discovered that she had a partially paralyzed diaphragm, which makes everything even more difficult for her. It might be related to a case of polio she had when she was six or seven. Her son flies back to Boston tomorrow morning and her daughter comes down tomorrow afternoon.  The hospital is happy to see she has a support “team”. 


It’s good to hear that your sister is now in regular care 👍.  I am so glad she has family supporting her and hope her respiratory therapy works for her 🙏 



3 hours ago, Denise T said:

Update on Chase's vet visit. The toe will have to be amputated as the doctor is concerned about the "cyst'. It contains soft tissue instead of fluid. It is located on the extra toe that Chase was born with and had the first part of the toe that contained the nail amputated when he was a kitten as it was getting caught on everything. Because of the way the mass looks, they are going to amputate the rest of that toe down to the foot pad. We had bloodwork done as he is an elderly guy. Surgery is scheduled for March 14th. 


Ahh 💔. Poor Chase and poor you.  It’s going to be tough to nurse maid that 😔. Surgery is always scary for any elderly guy (or gal).  I hope his is successful and he recovers well and all issues are resolved 🙏 

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Good morning. We turned our clocks back an hour last night.Even though the weather was not the best we had a great visit with friends. Did not do anything else in Sydney. Monster Ovation Of The Seas was in town along with us and Volendam made for a busy city which was already crowded with its large Mardi Gras parade going on that evening.

We dined in the steakhouse and birthday wishes continued. Food & Beverage Manager sat down with us for around twenty minutes. Food was good but I was still full from lunch.

Today is a sea day. Country Western guest singer tonight. After breakfast will attend morning trivia and get back in the groove of being at sea.

Have a great day, thanks for the birthday wishes and postings. Bruce

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