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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday March 29th, 2024


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Good morning everyone.  Today is Good Friday.  ✝️ Thanks for the Daily Reports and maps Jacqui and Roy.   A good quote by Truman Capote.   I will pass on the Broccoli, the melon drink but I'll make up with a triple of today's vino.  I have never had it.   Thanks for the photos of today's port Sandi!

Prayers for everyone on our care list, thanks for keeping this up to date for us Vanessa while you are going through your own trials with your leg pain.   Prayers for Tana, Allan and other in our group or their spouses are ailing.  Dixie I hope no damage from your golf cart knock over.  Prayers for those in war zones under fire, Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza.  I hope Haiti can get straightened out.  

Nothing major happening here.  John is going to power wash the deck today.  Way last fall I had scheduled window cleaners for next week in anticipation for a shower for my niece.   Since my family nearby weren't flexible the shower is off but the window cleaners are still coming.  Power washing first then window cleaning.   It is a cold but beautiful morning.   

Since I had heard that HA is sailing fewer ships out of Port Everglades I got to work on scheduling our back up winter getaway so unless there is a January Grand SA, Australia or Africa in 2026 we will be going round and round the Caribbean on the Konigsdam.  John wants to make a very early road trip tomorrow so I will be late checking in tomorrow.   Have a lovely Good Friday.  Nancy 

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DH would like the meal, I like broccoli 🥦 cooked so it's a pass for me along w/the drink (coconut) and wine (tobacco, damp earth and $100!), not been to the port @StLouis Cruiser pictures look very nice.

Eye Dr this morning, will learn if insurance approved the procedure (whatever it is), then work.

Congrats @dfish on booking the TA!

@summer slope hope you feel less sore each day.

@kazu hope power returns soon, thank goodness for the generator. 🤞 You find the right person for Ivan.

Currently 59° headed to windy 79°.

Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 


Edited by Haljo1935
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Good morning Dailyites. Warming to 78 and cloudy for Georgetown. 


Poor Oliver was sick during the night. He threw up a whole placker. For those who don't know,  it is a curved plastic dental pick. I haven't been this scared in a long time. He's stuck like glue to me, and I'm watching him like a hawk. Meanwhile I have texted my game night girls and warned them AGAIN not to leave these sitting anywhere! I'm not going anywhere today!


Prayers out to so many this morning. I added 2 more to my book. One friend visited her mom back east this week. On the 2nd day, her mom was admitted to the hospital and is now brain dead and moved to hospice. Major stroke. The other friend is very sick with lung issues due to the illness. It never stops. 


Remember I told you about the cement truck that hit the school bus head on last week carrying pre K kids to the zoo, killing 2 and many injured? Well, he admitted yesterday he had been smoking marijuana the night before, only got 3 hours sleep before work, and took cocaine to keep him awake. He needs to be hung by his heels. 


I never realized I was making a sub salad. I use these ingredients mostly in the summer. Thanks Deb for the recipe. I use the red wine vinegar dressing. 


Virtual vacation day is celebrated quite a but at our house! Always dreaming about a BHB. 




Have a great weekend. Blessings and friendship to all on our Daily!










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 Good Morning from a sunny but cool day at the beach

       I try to support Mom and Pop businesses.  Mermaids are fun. We are scheduled to stop a Nuuk on the VOV in July. Thanks @StLouisCruisers for the pictures. 

      Our prayer list is long. Hope that will shorten soon, but unfortunately thats also part of life. 

     That salad looks interesting. Thanks @dfish. May have to try it.

     They are starting a trivia night at the country club. We reserved a table for 8. Should be fun.

      Water aerobics and then a few quick (??) errands.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good chilly and sunny morning. I remember when everything shut down in the afternoon on Good Friday.

My virtual vacation would be on a BHB anywhere in the world. 
My appointment in Hershey is at 2:00, I’m hoping that I have no headache this time.

Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Wishing those of the Christian faith a blessed Good Friday.  Most days are virtual vacation days thinking about time spent on a BHB.  I've never seen a mermaid, but have you ever wondered how do they pee?  Fewer and fewer mom and pop businesses, but we do try to patronize them when we can.


Our family is here!  They couldn't start until around 4:30, so that brought them to the house at 11:30 last night - of course both boys napped part of the way so they were like little excited puppies when they arrived.  We had lunch, then DH and I said we were calling it a night at 1:30.  We'll be dragging a bit today, I'm thinking.


While waiting for the family to arrive, around 7PM the phone rang - it was our friend whose husband has post-polio syndrome.  She was crying and all she could say was "I think Gord is dead, can you please come over?"  I didn't stop to ask details, just said we were on our way, told DH what was happening, we tossed on our jackets and flew out the door.  Thankfully they only live about a 5 minute drive from our place.  When we got there, all emergency vehicles were on site - police, fire, and ambulance, so we walked to the door and were greeted by what we assume may have been a supervisor.  As we passed the living room we could see them doing compressions on Gord, so we just shuddered.  The fellow told us we couldn't come in right now, but we could find another way into the house and Ollie (his wife) would let us in and we could be with her.  They worked on him for about a half hour, then ambulanced him off to the hospital and we followed quickly.  I went in with Ollie (telling them I was his sister, as they were only going to allow 1 of us in) and we were ushered into a quiet room where a lovely young social worker sat with us.  After a couple of hours a doctor came in to say Gord had been stabilized and they were taking him to CCU and Ollie could see him shortly, but that I would have to leave as the place was very crowded.  Ollie and I understood, so we hugged tightly and I went to find Maurice in the car somewhere on the big parking lot.   Whew!


This morning is already busy with 2 grandsons up and raring to go.  I've had a request for Grandma's Special Breakfast (eggo waffles topped with ice cream and M&M's), so that's where I'm off to next.


I'm delighted that @dfish is also going to be on the TA and hope that @Sharon in AZ might be joining us as well!


I'd like to try the drink, and the wine (but $$$), and the salad sounds good.  Tonight's menu is porcupine balls, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and a Caesar salad that we'll enjoy at the dining table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Made it to Cambodia with no problems. Beautiful hotel and a brand new airport here. Arrived at 5:30 and the sun was already setting. It’s rather warm at 37C. Just had dinner off to bed. B

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27 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. Warming to 78 and cloudy for Georgetown. 


Poor Oliver was sick during the night. He threw up a whole placker. For those who don't know,  it is a curved plastic dental pick. I haven't been this scared in a long time. He's stuck like glue to me, and I'm watching him like a hawk. Meanwhile I have texted my game night girls and warned them AGAIN not to leave these sitting anywhere! I'm not going anywhere today!


Prayers out to so many this morning. I added 2 more to my book. One friend visited her mom back east this week. On the 2nd day, her mom was admitted to the hospital and is now brain dead and moved to hospice. Major stroke. The other friend is very sick with lung issues due to the illness. It never stops. 


Remember I told you about the cement truck that hit the school bus head on last week carrying pre K kids to the zoo, killing 2 and many injured? Well, he admitted yesterday he had been smoking marijuana the night before, only got 3 hours sleep before work, and took cocaine to keep him awake. He needs to be hung by his heels. 


I never realized I was making a sub salad. I use these ingredients mostly in the summer. Thanks Deb for the recipe. I use the red wine vinegar dressing. 


Virtual vacation day is celebrated quite a but at our house! Always dreaming about a BHB. 




Have a great weekend. Blessings and friendship to all on our Daily!











Joy, that's sad that poor Oliver was sick due to eating that little plastic placker.  Your card ladies need to be more careful!  I hope he didn't cause any damage inside with it.  


Prayers for your friends in need of them.  Very upsetting about the Mom in hospice.  And being very sick with lung issues is not good.  I send my best wishes to your friends and their families.  🙏


I heard about that driver who caused the accident in Texas, too.  I hope they throw the book at him.  Those poor people involved will never be the same after the trauma of the accident and the lives lost.  


I love the memes today!  I sent the chocolate bunnies one to my twin and DS who is flying to Bradenton Florida for a weeklong soccer tournament including FC Dallas and Ren.  Twin loved it! (DS liked it as well 🐰)  We used to have those Easter bunnies in our basket every year.  I started with the ears!  She also said she's having tests done today and has a surgery scheduled April 15 for her torn rotator cuff.  I hope that takes care of her shoulder pain for her.

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7 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Wishing those of the Christian faith a blessed Good Friday.  Most days are virtual vacation days thinking about time spent on a BHB.  I've never seen a mermaid, but have you ever wondered how do they pee?  Fewer and fewer mom and pop businesses, but we do try to patronize them when we can.


Our family is here!  They couldn't start until around 4:30, so that brought them to the house at 11:30 last night - of course both boys napped part of the way so they were like little excited puppies when they arrived.  We had lunch, then DH and I said we were calling it a night at 1:30.  We'll be dragging a bit today, I'm thinking.


While waiting for the family to arrive, around 7PM the phone rang - it was our friend whose husband has post-polio syndrome.  She was crying and all she could say was "I think Gord is dead, can you please come over?"  I didn't stop to ask details, just said we were on our way, told DH what was happening, we tossed on our jackets and flew out the door.  Thankfully they only live about a 5 minute drive from our place.  When we got there, all emergency vehicles were on site - police, fire, and ambulance, so we walked to the door and were greeted by what we assume may have been a supervisor.  As we passed the living room we could see them doing compressions on Gord, so we just shuddered.  The fellow told us we couldn't come in right now, but we could find another way into the house and Ollie (his wife) would let us in and we could be with her.  They worked on him for about a half hour, then ambulanced him off to the hospital and we followed quickly.  I went in with Ollie (telling them I was his sister, as they were only going to allow 1 of us in) and we were ushered into a quiet room where a lovely young social worker sat with us.  After a couple of hours a doctor came in to say Gord had been stabilized and they were taking him to CCU and Ollie could see him shortly, but that I would have to leave as the place was very crowded.  Ollie and I understood, so we hugged tightly and I went to find Maurice in the car somewhere on the big parking lot.   Whew!


This morning is already busy with 2 grandsons up and raring to go.  I've had a request for Grandma's Special Breakfast (eggo waffles topped with ice cream and M&M's), so that's where I'm off to next.


I'm delighted that @dfish is also going to be on the TA and hope that @Sharon in AZ might be joining us as well!


I'd like to try the drink, and the wine (but $$$), and the salad sounds good.  Tonight's menu is porcupine balls, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and a Caesar salad that we'll enjoy at the dining table.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Oh Gerry, how frightening!  You are great friends because everyone calls on you when they are in need, knowing you will drop everything to help.  I do hope Gord comes through this okay.  Prayers for all!


Have a wonderful weekend with the little ones.  Coincidentally we had porcupine meatballs last night with rice and green beans.  And wine!

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Sunny and cool in north Jersey, will get windy this afternoon.

I have a meditation group at 1:00 across campus, then meeting DH mid-campus at Finance to sign some papers.


This community is an Erickson Senior Living community. It really is a “home for life” if you choose to stay, but if you choose to leave you get 90% return of your initial entrance fee, refunded to you or your estate or however you designate. They make their commitment to their residents that they will not evict anyone if the resident exhausts their assets.  (Residents agree not to prematurely distribute their assets, and we had to get their lawyers to approve us with our trust’s “first-to-die” distribution to DH’s family or my family being we’re a second marriage… you may remember when we were waiting fir that letter last October.). There is a fund here called the Residents Care Fund… today we will designate a portion of our eventual refund to go into that fund after we are gone, a designation that is revokable at any time. We feel that this fund is an attractive factor for bringing in new residents and helps maintain a stable base for residents and the community’s foundation. We’re near 95% occupancy which keeps our expenses predictable. It’s the best deal we found!  We’ll do our part to help keep it that way. 

Blessings to our Care list and all in need near and far. Our country and yours and our world. 
Bon Voyage to our cruisers🛳️

Smooth travels to those away 🚂, 🚗 or ✈️. Appreciate something in your life today, Life is Good🌈 

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@ger_77 Gerry - prayers raised for Gord and for Ollie. It's so good that you were nearby to support her.

This has been a busy week -- did the weekly Meals on Wheels run yesterday morning, then last night there was a seder at church (lamb kabobs - yum!), which I had to leave early because the choir was due to warm up for the Maundy Thursday service. We're also singing tonight for the Good Friday service. We're practicing tomorrow morning with a brass quintet to prepare for the two Easter morning services. Because it's been so cold lately, I'm glad the church stopped the tradition of a sunrise service on Easter. It was always beautiful, but my feet were frozen when it was over!!

We have dinner reservations for later on Sunday -- after all that, I'm not cooking!

Supposedly, two of the new toilets will be installed today. I'm ready, but the crew hasn't arrived yet. Grumble! The remaining two are supposed to be installed next Wednesday. I'll be glad when this is done, so I can move on to the HVAC replacement. And my handyman advised me that I really need to have my driveway repaved, not just sealed.  It's always something!

Despite the cold, my DS attended Opening Day for the Orioles in Baltimore. With last season's success and new ownership, the fans are expecting great things this season. There was a moment of silence for the FSK bridge victims during the opening ceremonies -- the town is in mourning.

Capote's quote was spot on. I've been watching the FX series "Capote vs. the Swans" and if that story is accurate, his third act was very unpleasant, mostly his own fault.

Cheers for all that are heading to, or on, a BHB, and also those celebrating special events. Prayers raised for all on the care list -- it seems to be getting longer again.

Edited by NextOne
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Thank you for today's D&FR.

It is 12°C and cloudy here at 14.37pm.

Happy Good Friday.

I hope everyone has a great Easter weekend.

3 interesting days.

Prayers 🙏 uplifted to everyone who needs them.

Best wishes.


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Good morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days to celebrate and a funny - albeit true - quote.  Pass on all the food and libations, never been to Greenland (someday) and, believe it or not, after living in China for 4.5 years, I never went to go see the Terracotta Warriors!




Yesterday was so busy and I started feeling crappy; this morning I have symptoms of a cold.  🤧 Never fails when I have 4 days off!!  And today is going to be a beautiful day - presently 55F heading up to the low 80s under sunny skies.  So not much planned for today.


I was given a shout out during the morning announcements at the Jr High yesterday thanking me for subbing for the last 2 weeks AND I received the little note and a duck.  (they give those to the teachers when they get a shout out by other staff).  That was very nice.  


I usually make a big meal (5 courses) for all holidays but I decided I won't do that this Easter.  I enjoy cooking and enjoy making sure all is done at the same time.  I know it would just tire me out and that isn't good.


I just heard Lou Gossett Jr died.  RIP


Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning from a sunny and windy Quartzsite.  It is 57F with a predicted high of 78F, and winds this afternoon up to 18mph.  Besides doing the laundry today, I think it is time to bring the flags in for the summer since tomorrow afternoon the winds are predicted to be 22 mph.  Rain is predicted overnight tomorrow night, but it looks like any rain Monday will be several hours after we are on the road back to Texas.  I hope we can keep ahead of any rain, or at best, have it rain after we stop for the day.


Virtual Vacations can be nice, but I prefer the real thing.  Mermaids are an interesting concept and Gerry @ger_77  thanks for the laugh about mermaids.  I'd never considered that question.  I will honor manatees who are thought to be the inspiration for mermaids.  Mom and Pop stores need our support.


The Truman Capote quote is true.


I think I'd like the meal but without the broccoli.  A hard pass on the drink, but would like to try the wine.  However, at that price, I'll stick with my cardbordeaux.


We were in Nuuk in 2003 on Rotterdam VI, and I'll post my pictures in a few minutes.


We would like to be able to see the Terracotta Soldiers in person.  DFIL and DH's stepmother took our place on a People to People tour to China in 1986, and as part of the tour, visited the Terracotta Soldiers.


@Hogladyrider  Thank you for the good wishes for our travels back to Texas.  We've enjoyed seeing that part of Utah.  Enjoy your summer.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, thank you for keeping up our lists.  I didn't realize until later yesterday that it is Hogladyrider not Ladyhogrider who is on her way to Utah.  I hope you can manage with the leg pain until your surgery, which I very much hope solves your problems.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I hope your DD does not have any problems on the road today and arrives home safely.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, we switched to Delta in 2017 for most of our flights, and have been pleased with the switch.  We have used JB mainly for flights between DFW and Boston.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm sorry your brackets were decimated.  Sadly, Texas lost in the first round, but the Texas women are going strong.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope your power is back on soon, and there is no serious damage or injuries from the flooding.  I hope you can find a wonderful and reliable person to take care of Ivan, and soon.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth good luck at the eye doctor.  I hope the procedure is approved.

@1ANGELCAT  Safe travels to and from Hershey, and I hope there are no side effects to the injection.

@ger_77  Gerry, sending very positive thoughts for Gord and his wife Ollie.  Enjoy your busy weekend with the DGSs and family.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, I hope Oliver is all right now, and that your friends are more careful with the plackers.  If it was me, I'd wait until I got home to use one.  I was sorry to read about your friends and what they are facing.

@Scrapnana  Welcome home.  I hope you had a wonderful cruise.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, congratulations on the shout out.  I hope you feel better soon.















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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


...We are excited that we booked the transatlantic along with @kazu Jacqui, @ger_77 Gerry and Maurice, @marshhawk Annie and Chuck, @0106 Tina and Jonathon, and hopefully @Sharon in AZ Sharon. I hope I didn't forget anyone!  

Remind me, please, the dates & ship of the TA. Very much enjoyed my first one last Nov Dec (Rome->FLL) that I did w/my friend and DH is agreeable to considering one.

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We visited Nuuk on August 24, 2003, as part of a 33 day roundtrip cruise from NYC that included two stops above the Artic Circle in Greenland and all the way to St. Petersburg with many stops in between before returning to NYC.  It was the precursor of the VOV, and it was also a very unusual cruise, at least for the part between NYC and Iceland.  We were scheduled to sail the day after the big blackout, but wound up sailing very early the next morning.  We were lucky to make the ship thanks to the ticket agent at DFW.  She routed us and another couple to what was then Washington National and then on the shuttle to the Coast Guard Terminal at La Guardia which had it's own power supply.  We were joined by a cruising friend for the shuttle flight.  We were lucky we made the ship that day, and with our luggage.  Many were so lucky and many did not get their luggage until days later and some in Iceland.


The day we were in Nuuk, it was raining the the town was very muddy so we did not walk around too much.


A small museum was open that day.









Out side the museum



What little we saw of town.





Our adventure continued after leaving Nuuk.  There was a bad storm with huge waves, and the Captain had to head the ship back toward Canada for two days.  One of the nights was a formal night, and while I was getting ready for dinner at second seating, DH was in the Crow's Nest until a wave came over the top of the ship.  We had a window table on the lower level of the dining room and the waves were above the bottom of the window.  We managed to eat our dinner without much incident except the other man's shrimp cocktail landed in his lap, fortunately on this napkin.  At that time, they still showed the desserts on a large tray, and when we hit a very big wave which caused the ship to shutter violently and almost stop, the tray, which was behind me landed upside down on the floor.  Others had everything on their table land on the floor, and several people upstairs were thrown out of the chairs with one lady having some ribs broken..


We learned later that water had breeched a door above the showroom and water poured down the stairs in the showroom and onto the stage during the first show.  The water shorted out the electrical system in around the stage, and they could not have bingo the next morning because of lack of power for the bingo machine.  It was fixed for the afternoon bingo session.


That wave also bent the thick metal at the top edge of the bow.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all! Nice to see the Greenland photos, Sandi and Lenda! 

@erewhon welcome home after 30 days!   Where did you go? 

@ger_77 I’m exhausted just reading about your day!  Prayers for your friend!  It is wonderful how you support others!   Hope you have a great family visit, love your descriptions of the excited little puppies!  

@kazu my only advice is word of mouth. One of our best dog sitters was our son’s friend.   He would even sleep on the couch to be near the dog!  He was special.  We had an older retired couple but they didn’t really understand dogs.  Praying you find someone excellent, soon.  Sorry so much rain is falling literally and figuratively. 

Bon voyage to all those off today! 

@RMLincoln I giggled about the backing up. Good for you for driving the truck and fifth wheel.  I stopped at the motorhome, lol! 

It is still snowing, sigh!


Edited by bennybear
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