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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 19th, 2024

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1 hour ago, doobieb said:

...Good luck to everyone struggling today because of the IT glitch. I just heard that it started because of a cyber security firm software update. What a mess! 

My position at work falls under IT - my morning started VERY early w/messages of "I can't log in" "I can't sync, it just spins" and blah, blah.. It has been a long morning. But at least we aren't in travel or critical services - I really feel for them and those impacted.

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@Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear about your sister's diagnosis.  Prayers for her and the medical team. 


@Heartgrove Sam's a beautiful dog.  I hope he is not in pain, going slow is not a problem.  Enjoy his company while you can, you've given him 3 good years.


@kazu  I hope you heal quickly and the pain diminishes.

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Good morning, Dailyites, Jacqui, I hope the surgery proves to be a great success and worth every moment of the discomfort you are going through now.  Joy, I'm sorry about your sister, my mother had a double mastectomy and was put on tamoxifen for the rest of her life.  (It had also metastasized to her lungs).  She didn't die of cancer, just old age!  I had my follow-up with the surgeon yesterday, 10 minutes after over an hour of waiting....   I am fine, no pathology in yet.  He was very chatty and said that the labs are very backed up as there are so many breast cancer cases they are working on.  I guess Covid put everyone behind in their mammograms!  All you ladies out there, go and have a mammogram!


When I got back from the doctor, the technician was at the house again, working on the fridge.  Finally found a problem with the deli drawer - so he by-passed the sensor...  He said he will refund the price of the new mother board.  Anyway, everything seems to be working now, the deli drawer seems cold, too.  I will start transferring back all the frozen stuff from the garage freezer, and see if I can figure out where everything goes.  Pat has to go for some lab work today prior to his cardiologist  and urologist appointments.  I would like to stay home and make banana bread, but he may want company.


We haven't been to Komodo Island and I don't think I want to, either!  Heat and reptiles do not entice me.  

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Good Afternoon, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  Today is a beautiful day, low humidity and temperatures in the mid 80’s for a high.  The ac is getting a rest and doors and windows are open.  It has been an interesting day.  It started by watching the local news complain about no graphics.  When I logged in lots of our customers were taken down by today’s incident.  In some cases servers crashed while others had less severe issues but many went to downtime procedures.  We’ve been busily helping them implement fixes and get their system back online.

Jasper and Tucker.


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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Dear Dailyites, 


Sad news here this morning. My dear sister needs a double mastectomy. She will go in for blood work for genetic testing,  as we don't have family history. With her scleroderma she can't have radiation due to her lung issues. Chemotherapy ok. Don't know if implants can go in during initial surgery yet.

Joy, I am so sorry about this news and sending prayers for your sister and a speedy recovery. I knew someone who had implants put in at the same time as the surgery and it worked out very well for her. It was the same doctor so that made it simpler. 



3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH cancelled his appointment.  He called the surgeon from last week, and is waiting a call back, his artery is bulging, and he is in a lot of pain.  This has been going on all week, but hopefully they will call him back today.


In 2020 I broke the tip off my left elbow....spent most of the summer in a somewhat medicated state, but the pain went away, I went through PT, until medicare ran out, and the doc said I would have about 92 % use,. but today it is really hurting.  Not sure why unless its the humidity.


I hope you guys dont mind if I post a picture of the day of a place or time that made me happy.  If so, let me know and I will stop.




We were on Grouse Mountain, and our guide said that there hadn't been a grouse seen in years.  Perhaps every one moves around too quickly, while DH and BFF headed to the top of the mountain, I saw this following a woman up a path.





Annie, I love the idea of your picture of the day!  Please continue sharing them. 


4 hours ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. I have gotten out of the habit of checking in each morning.  Life has slowly started to improve for my family but has a long ways to go to be semi normal. 

Linda, it’s so good to see you posting again!  I’m sorry about the difficulties. I’m sure you will enjoy your Japan cruise. 

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Today's photo is another sunset from my 2012 Blount New England Islands cruise.  It was taken July 19 when we were visiting Martha's Vineyard:





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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Flight attendants have a tough job these days. No retainer here, although I have a couple of teeth that need to be straightened. Yes to a daquiri. Witty quote. Yes to the meal (with other greens), drink and wine. I haven't been to Pulau Komodo Island. 


It's another nice day, sunny and 76F; it was 59F this morning. I was up and out early for my GI appointment. My stomach was pretty good this morning, but I'm having a lot of vertigo when I walk. I have a call in to my PCP, who will probably suggest meclizine. The GI person thought maybe it was a virus, and didn't really do anything or have any suggestions. Ugh on that big IT debacle, especially for people with flights and I heard hospitals had to cancel some surgeries. 


@Lady Hudson Happy 55th Anniversary Katherine & Bill!

@smitty34877 Happy Birthday to your DB! And thanks for the photo.

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy Bar Harbor today, and I hope your flight goes on time tomorrow. 

@cunnorl I'm glad you made it there safely.

@marshhawk Too hot for a power outage! Sorry to hear about it. I hope DH gets some answers about his edema and bulging artery and pain. Sorry your elbow is hurting. And post any photos you want, especially if it makes you happy! 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope all is routine at DH's appointment.

@lindaler Prayers for you and your family. 

@kazu Thanks for checking in. I'm glad the procedure was declared a success! Now to rest and recover. Bless your wonderful neighbor, the friend who stayed overnight and Ivan's temporary caretaker. Sorry about no offer on the house, but I'm sure with a wider audience it will go soon.

@Seasick Sailor I am sorry to hear that Bonnie needs a double mastectomy. Prayers for her.

@RMLincoln Isn't that just the way, doing something to help one body part and flaring up another area?

@Heartgrove I'm sad to hear that Sam is having more issues, but I know you'll do what's best for him.

@kochleffel Paul, I hope your knock on the head wasn't too hard or painful. Be careful! Oh oh, on the person with you-know-what; hopefully it wasn't passed on to anyone else.

@ger_77 Lovely flowers.

@Nickelpenny I can't wait to see the finished hutch tile project!

@grapau27 Your hydrangeas are gorgeous.

@Cruising-along Thanks for the photos. Yikes on those steps at the tender pier! I don't think I could navigate those.

@Vict0riann Yay for a working refrigerator! I hope Pat's appointments go well tomorrow.

@Crazy For Cats I knew today would be a busy one for you.

@rafinmd Lovely photo. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

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44 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Oh oh, on the person with you-know-what; hopefully it wasn't passed on to anyone else.


I haven't heard of any other cases, but I'm not connected to the grapevine very well.


This week is the time when I would be staying out of circulation anyway. I wore a mask to the grocery store and will wear one on the plane.

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@kazuThanks for checking in-happy to hear everything went well. Now the trick is to not overdo. @Cruising-alongThanks for the Komodo photos. Getting excited about stopping there in January. Guess I'd better take my walking stick to help climb the stairs! Take care and stay cool everyone! (14 days now and still no rain after the .015" we did have).

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The conference gets ever more disorganized.


They just sent me an e-ticket for transportation from the airport, timed for two hours before my flight arrives.



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Good afternoon from a mostly sunny central Texas where it is about 90F.  We survived another foray into Dallas traffic.  It takes about 1 1/2 hours on a good day to get to UTSW, and we allow an extra 30 minutes just in case.  This morning going in, the traffic was lighter than normal, and Stemmons Freeway, which is always a slow almost stopped road, was not with the traffic flowing.  We were there an hour early, but that's better than missing an appointment.  The traffic coming home was a lot heavier for 2/3s of the drive.


The appointment went well, and the nurse practioner adjusted the shunt again.  She spent time talking to us and explaining that sometimes after an adjustment, the brain thinks it needs to produce more fluid, so it builds up again, and causes the symptoms to reappear.  We go back for another follow up five weeks, and there will probably be another adjustment.  She said sometimes it takes several adjustments to get things stabilized.  She did not think there was a problem from the suspected concussion in April, and there was no sign of a brain bleed. 


One of the first transcontinental highways was begun in 1916 and completed in 1920, and was first proposed by the Bankhead Commission.  It stretched from Washington, DC, to San Diego going through Atlanta which was the home of Senator John H. Bankhead, Tallulah's father and a big supporter of the highway.  In Texas, it ran from Texarkana through Dallas, Abilene, Midland to El Paso.


6 hours ago, cat shepard said:


What the heck is normal these days, Linda? Happy to see you. 


Ann, I don't think there is a normal any more.  Even the "new normal" keeps changing.


6 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our TGIF  Daily, Rich and thank God it is Friday.


I probably won’t be on a lot today.  I was just too sore and tired by the time I got home yesterday after nearly 10 hours at the hospital.  Still sore and tired - not much sleep last night since I had to drink a lot of fluids to get the contrast out of my system.  And the IV didn’t help either.  LOL.


The doctors did  both sides, procedure took longer than originally told due to it but they declared the procedure a success with smiles on their faces.  It’s not fun - have to be absolutely still for the procedure and then 90 minutes after with no lifting of the head.  Then to recovery.  Finally, water.


My sweet neighbour drove me there at 5:30 AM  and picked me up at when it was over.  Special prescription and she rushed it in and picked it up for me.  Bless her.  My friend came over and stayed with me and just left (it’s a requirement that someone stay with you when you are alone).


She took good care of me, bugging me to drink my fluids, checking th wounds my feet and legs.  LOL.


Today I will try to get something in my stomach - I couldn’t eat last night - sick.  And drink fluids and sleep.  Ivan will be coming home tonight and, of course, the reports were he has been as good as gold.    She will keep walking him as I am limited now and probably will have to do stuff to get strength back in my legs.


Realtor called and the potential buyers are a no.  They love it but they want to do Reno’s and with two little children afraid it would be too hard. (My friend thought they were crazy, she loves the house but everyone has different priorities and tastes).    We’ll get the house staged next week hopefully when I am not so sore and get it on the market.


I am so sorry to hear about the airline problems and hope everyone can get home and to their cruises.


Thanks so much everyone for caring and all the good wishes.  Hopefully, after recovery it will be onward and upward.



Jacqui, it's always good when the surgeons are smiling and pleased after a procedure.  I hope you are more comfortable now and will have a quick recovery.  I'm sorry the couple did not make an offer on the house, but the right buyer will show up.


5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser.

Best wishes today for your DH appointment.


Thank you, Graham.  


5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Dear Dailyites, 


Sad news here this morning. My dear sister needs a double mastectomy. She will go in for blood work for genetic testing,  as we don't have family history. With her scleroderma she can't have radiation due to her lung issues. Chemotherapy ok. Don't know if implants can go in during initial surgery yet.


Joy, I'm so sorry Bonnie needs a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.  I hope she can get the implants at the time of the surgery, and that she has a quick and uneventful recovery.


5 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


I am beat after yesterday.  Today is going to be a quiet day of relaxation.  It is going to be a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan.  It is sunny and temps will be right around 80.  



Debbie, I hope today is a quiet, relaxing day.


5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

DH cancelled his appointment.  He called the surgeon from last week, and is waiting a call back, his artery is bulging, and he is in a lot of pain.  This has been going on all week, but hopefully they will call him back today.


In 2020 I broke the tip off my left elbow....spent most of the summer in a somewhat medicated state, but the pain went away, I went through PT, until medicare ran out, and the doc said I would have about 92 % use,. but today it is really hurting.  Not sure why unless its the humidity.


I hope you guys dont mind if I post a picture of the day of a place or time that made me happy.  If so, let me know and I will stop.




We were on Grouse Mountain, and our guide said that there hadn't been a grouse seen in years.  Perhaps every one moves around too quickly, while DH and BFF headed to the top of the mountain, I saw this following a woman up a path.






Annie, I hope your DH hears from the surgeon today, and I'm sorry he canceled the appointment.  I'm also sorry your elbow is hurting today.  I enjoy seeing your happy pictures, so please keep them coming.


5 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Only 83 for a high today and dew points in the 50s!  Nice!  

I’ll have to learn more about the IT outage. I have a friend-of-a-friend flying from NM to Washington today, then together they fly tomorrow to Denmark for a Scandinavian tour. At least they purchased the whole transportation package through the tour company, Collette, so I hope they get it all worked out. Geezsh, travel is hard enough when things are “normal.”  

@kazu Thanks for gathering the energy to update us!  Sorry about the prospective buyers but your job now is to recover. So glad you have help!  I hope Ivan is recovering well too. 

Good luck to Annie and Chuck today!  And Lenda and Steve!  And Ann and Pat!  

🥂Happy celebrating to Katherine and DH, and Terry and DB!  🌈 Life is Good!  

We’re glad to be rocking along, one day at a time is Everything!  Enjoyed dinner in our main dining room last night with neighbors down the hall, nice of them to invite us to join them. DH continues to put up pictures!  This afternoon I have a mindfulness “class” and either the pool or the gym on my way back from the other side of the campus. Monday I did pool exercises for my hip and aggravated a back issue so I’ve been gentle to it this week but it’s time to get moving again. 

Still no update from Social Security on my application of June 12. They say 30 days so it’s overdue. I have a phone appt for July 24 that I should be able to cancel because of the online application but now I’m not sure. I had hoped to see a Maryland friend that day while she’ll be only about 90 mins from me in Bethlehem PA. Still hoping I’ll see her!  DH says he’ll come with me so I can do the call even if we’re driving. I’m just not sure…. 

Blessings to all in need of direction, healing, comfort or hope!  I hope you can enjoy something meaningful today!  Thanks for being here!  


Maureen, I hope you get news on your SS application soon.  I tried to sign  up on line, but wound up calling with some questions, and the lady had me signed up and ready to go very quickly.


5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


@kazu Jacqui, so glad that the procedure went well. Hopefully the recovery brings relief.


We reached another plateau with Sam yesterday. I guess I measure his deterioration in levels or plateaus. On the walk yesterday, he tripped on a curb during the return. If something like that occurs he is sometimes so weak that he goes down on all fours. About a minute to recover and then slowly backup but his rear legs are in more of a crouch than normal. Thankfully he made it back home without further problems. We made sure that he took it easy the rest of the day. He did his normal head butting to tell me he was hungry! Today is close to normal but a very short walk as he gets tired easily lately.


I spoke with his vet later yesterday morning and described what had occurred. Describing the event I told her that I believe that it is almost time and to expect a call from me by next month. We will have him 3 years on August 10 and I want to be selfish to at least keep him that long. Then again he might rally again like he did in March. But yesterday showed me that he is definitely showing his age now. It is a shame that pets can't tell us more.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack





Jack, I'm sorry Sam is having more problems, and I know you will do what is best for him no matter how hard it is for you.  You've given him three good years, which is a blessing.


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm always grateful for Flight Attendants and do pay attention to their safety procedures, never had to wear a retainer, and I second the motion for a Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri!


It's a warm morning out there; we're starting at 22(71F), and heading up to 34(93) by mid-afternoon.  As yesterday, we've got heat warnings and the radio and television are advertising the cooling locations around the city, including city buses which can be accessed for free if cooling is required.  I noticed our lawn was looking pretty dry, so last evening we put the sprinkler on the back yard and let it go for a number of hours - that should help perk it up.  


I wanted to show you some of the flowers we do have in our back yard up here on the "frozen tundra" during the summer.

This is one of 2 pots flanking the fountain:



Pretty coral begonias:



The ground cover at the base of the sculpture started off as one 12" pot that I split into 4 pieces about 5 years ago - it's taken off and has survived all through the winter without being covered.



And finally, my day lilies are blooming - after Summerfest, of course!



@Lady Hudsonwishing you and your DH a very Happy Anniversary!
@smitty34877please wish your DB Happy Birthday from your Canadian friends!

@Seasick Sailorwhat dreadful news for your DS; I do hope the surgery and subsequent treatment will cure her cancer.

@marshhawkI can't imagine living where you are without a/c!  Sorry to hear DH is having such awful health issues - I hope you/he can find a solution soon!

@kazuthank you for checking in - sorry the house didn't get an offer, but you know that's going to happen soon.  Take care and do what you need to in order to get well again.

@Heartgrovethank you for the update on Sam - I'm hoping for better days ahead for him.


I'd love to have today's salad (minus the avocado), have written down the drink recipe for testing purposes, and will say yes to the wine.  It's Friday night pizza night here, so we'll look over the online menus to see what tickles our fancy and order something that we can enjoy in the shade in the back yard tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars.  Cheers to all who have celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, thanks for the pictures of all the pretty flowers.


3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Happy Friday thanks for the daily and fleet report. I always listen to the flight attendant’s safety message though most people don’t. Never had braces, not a fan of daiquiris or the other comestibles and Komodo Island is on my bucket list. Interesting days in history but, after researching it, I definitely will toast the Seneca Falls Convention (women’s rights). 

Internet finally came back on yesterday even though I kept getting notifications it hadn’t. Then it went off again last night and still off. Who knows if it was because of the storm on Sunday or the IT outage or what. I have resorted to my iPad. I think I have PTSD from the Sunday storm as we had a severe storm warning last evening and I went out and secured everything. All I got was some rain. Whew!

Today the final tiles will be secured down after gluing the top row a couple of days ago. I tested the placement yesterday and found one place where there was a problem but I fixed it. Tomorrow is the day of grouting!  

@kazu I am glad surgery went well and you are on the mend. Don’t fret over the first “lookers” not wanting to buy. There will be plenty others, I am sure. 
Happy Anniversary @Lady Hudson

Happy Birthday to @smitty34877 DB. The sweater is gorgeous!

Sorry to hear about the need for a double mastectomy of your sister @Seasick Sailor  Thoughts going your way. 

Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating. Have a great day everyone!


Pennie, I don't think it is PTSD after the last storm that caused you to prepare last night.  After an F0 tornado came through our area and blew things around in our port, I always move the lighter items to an area where the wind won't blow them before a storm.  I'm glad your project is coming along well, and can't wait to see pictures of the finished project.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 

Today is supposed to be in the high 70's which is a bit cooler than the last few days. I finally got the suitcase unpacked but haven't put everything away yet. 

DM is doing well. She's getting stronger and is now taking short walks in the hallway of her facility about 3 times each day. She's back to making phone calls and checking on her cousins (she's the oldest). 


Today is a busy day. I have PT at 10:40 (and I need it!) then stops at the big box store, the card store and hopefully to the pool by 12:45 or so. I have a class there at 1:15 and will do some of my own workout. Then a final grocery store stop on the way home for just a couple of items. I'm hoping that once I'm home the car doesn't move until Monday. There is road work on my route to town so have to allow an extra 10 minutes or so to follow the pilot car. 


Next cruise is Aug. 10 - 17 on Discovery Princess with another friend Karen. She's really looking forward to seeing whales and riding the train in Skagway. We'll be at the front railroad dock so have to tender for a short ride to the marina due to the landslide. We're doing an excursion to Bennett Lake with Chilcoot Tours with the bus ride first and the train last. It's an all-day event. DD DH and I did it a number of years ago in reverse and really enjoyed it. 


Have a good day everyone!



Karen, I'm happy your DM is doing so well.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Friday!  Wow, we had a doozy of a storm last night. It lasted all evening and we got a small amount of pea sized hail. Lightening lasted even longer over the foothills and mountains. It came in from the east so that’s why Pennie @Nickelpenny didn’t get hit as hard as we did. The back yard is a mess and a chair blew into the pool. Craig will be doing some cleanup. 

Happy Anniversary @Lady Hudson!! 🥂🥂


Happy Birthday to Terry’s DB @smitty34877!!  🎈🎈


I’ll pass on the meal today. I’m planning on making pizza. Yesterday was chicken tacos. I can’t wait until my cruise next month so I don’t have to come up with meal ideas. 

Hugs to Jacqui @kazu and Annie @marshhawk today. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I hope there was not too much damage after last night's storm.  I know what you mean about deciding what to fix for dinner every day.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

A good selection of days, I'll pass on the red wine, but would like the drink and meal (minus the avocado).  I would choose either the 2nd or 3rd recipe.  Our local strawberries just ended early this week, or I would make it now.


Since no one has posted photos from Komodo Island, I'll share some of mine from our visit this year on the Grand Australia/NZ.  It was a very interesting day, but it's once and done for me.  We walked longer than expected in the high heat and humidity. DH and I did alright, but a few among our tour group had to return back -- one poor woman had to be carried back. 😞  DH and I brought lots of water and had our battery-operated fans (a life saver for me).  


Happy Birthday to Terry's @smitty34877 DB!

Jacqui @kazu I'm very happy to hear that the doctors declared your surgery a success!  The right person will come along -- as they say, it only takes one.

Joy @Seasick Sailor Very sorry to hear that your sister had to have a double mastectomy.  Prayers that she will be healed completely.

Bon Voyage @cunnorl!

Bon Voyage @St Pete Cruiser!


Today I'll be driving south to water DD's garden again.  I'll most likely have to do it only once more (maybe twice) before they return home.  There has been no rain in the month they've been gone, so I've had to go more than we expected.


You must have a tour (either ship or private) to get off the ship in Komodo.  The tender alone is not advised for anyone with mobility problems.  Here's the steps (no rail, high steps) at the tender pier.  





The dragons are everywhere.  We had 3 guides with long forked sticks who kept us at a safe distance from the dragons.  Most of them were sleeping, I never felt unsafe.





This mama was guarding her nest.



She left and went past us (this was taken zoomed in)



This is trick photography!!  We did NOT come this close, trust me.



At the end of the day, the last dragon we saw was this one on the beach.  A juvenile.





Carolyn, thank you for your pictures from Komodo Island.  I would love to see the dragons, but those stair would give me the willies.  Not only because of the steepness and no handrail, but they look like they could break apart in places.


2 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, Jacqui, I hope the surgery proves to be a great success and worth every moment of the discomfort you are going through now.  Joy, I'm sorry about your sister, my mother had a double mastectomy and was put on tamoxifen for the rest of her life.  (It had also metastasized to her lungs).  She didn't die of cancer, just old age!  I had my follow-up with the surgeon yesterday, 10 minutes after over an hour of waiting....   I am fine, no pathology in yet.  He was very chatty and said that the labs are very backed up as there are so many breast cancer cases they are working on.  I guess Covid put everyone behind in their mammograms!  All you ladies out there, go and have a mammogram!


When I got back from the doctor, the technician was at the house again, working on the fridge.  Finally found a problem with the deli drawer - so he by-passed the sensor...  He said he will refund the price of the new mother board.  Anyway, everything seems to be working now, the deli drawer seems cold, too.  I will start transferring back all the frozen stuff from the garage freezer, and see if I can figure out where everything goes.  Pat has to go for some lab work today prior to his cardiologist  and urologist appointments.  I would like to stay home and make banana bread, but he may want company.


We haven't been to Komodo Island and I don't think I want to, either!  Heat and reptiles do not entice me.  


Ann, that's good news the repairman finally found the problem and will refund the price of the new part.  I guess the problem was a difficult one to figure out.  I'm sorry the surgeon didn't have the lab report back yet.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Flight attendants have a tough job these days. No retainer here, although I have a couple of teeth that need to be straightened. Yes to a daquiri. Witty quote. Yes to the meal (with other greens), drink and wine. I haven't been to Pulau Komodo Island. 


It's another nice day, sunny and 76F; it was 59F this morning. I was up and out early for my GI appointment. My stomach was pretty good this morning, but I'm having a lot of vertigo when I walk. I have a call in to my PCP, who will probably suggest meclizine. The GI person thought maybe it was a virus, and didn't really do anything or have any suggestions. Ugh on that big IT debacle, especially for people with flights and I heard hospitals had to cancel some surgeries. 


@Lady Hudson Happy 55th Anniversary Katherine & Bill!

@smitty34877 Happy Birthday to your DB! And thanks for the photo.

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy Bar Harbor today, and I hope your flight goes on time tomorrow. 

@cunnorl I'm glad you made it there safely.

@marshhawk Too hot for a power outage! Sorry to hear about it. I hope DH gets some answers about his edema and bulging artery and pain. Sorry your elbow is hurting. And post any photos you want, especially if it makes you happy! 

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope all is routine at DH's appointment.

@lindaler Prayers for you and your family. 

@kazu Thanks for checking in. I'm glad the procedure was declared a success! Now to rest and recover. Bless your wonderful neighbor, the friend who stayed overnight and Ivan's temporary caretaker. Sorry about no offer on the house, but I'm sure with a wider audience it will go soon.

@Seasick Sailor I am sorry to hear that Bonnie needs a double mastectomy. Prayers for her.

@RMLincoln Isn't that just the way, doing something to help one body part and flaring up another area?

@Heartgrove I'm sad to hear that Sam is having more issues, but I know you'll do what's best for him.

@kochleffel Paul, I hope your knock on the head wasn't too hard or painful. Be careful! Oh oh, on the person with you-know-what; hopefully it wasn't passed on to anyone else.

@ger_77 Lovely flowers.

@Nickelpenny I can't wait to see the finished hutch tile project!

@grapau27 Your hydrangeas are gorgeous.

@Cruising-along Thanks for the photos. Yikes on those steps at the tender pier! I don't think I could navigate those.

@Vict0riann Yay for a working refrigerator! I hope Pat's appointments go well tomorrow.

@Crazy For Cats I knew today would be a busy one for you.

@rafinmd Lovely photo. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm sorry you didn't get better answers at your appointment today.  I hope the vertigo clears up soon.


27 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

The conference gets ever more disorganized.


They just sent me an e-ticket for transportation from the airport, timed for two hours before my flight arrives.




Wow, Paul, about all the problems with the conference.  I hope the actual conference goes more smoothly than the lead up to it.


6 hours ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. I have gotten out of the habit of checking in each morning.  Life has slowly started to improve for my family but has a long ways to go to be semi normal. 


Linda, I'm glad things are beginning to improve for your family.  



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10 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Wow, Paul, about all the problems with the conference.  I hope the actual conference goes more smoothly than the lead up to it.


Also (but this is almost the only thing that they're organized about), they've scheduled my presentation for the last morning of the conference, when people from the eastern half of the country will already have left.

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Good day and thanks all!  
Bon voyage to those off! 
@Lady Hudsonhappy anniversary! 
@smitty34877 happy birthday to your DB!   Love the sweater! 
@kazu glad you are home safe and mostly sound!  I’m sorry the anaesthetic made you feel sick.   Praying you’ll soon be feeling great!  The house will happen,  when the timing is right. 
@Seasick Sailor sorry to hear Bonnie’s news,  but that surgery is very successful. 
@kochleffel hoping you stay healthy! 
@marshhawk love the photos, we all need as much positive as possible in our lives,  please share away! 
@cat shepard truly what is normal?  How is your sister doing?   Love the wine today,  we spent several days near Modena trying a lot of the dry Lambruscos,  yum!  

@Cruising-along thanks for the safe photos from Komodo! 

@Quartzsite Cruiser glad the appointment went well!  Always such Relief! 
@Vict0riann so glad you have a fridge again! 

@Heartgrove hugs as you navigate these difficult times with poor sam!  Love the old dogs, they are truly wonderful!








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8 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Uncle. Her father was Speaker William B. Bankhead.



Thanks for the correction.  The source I used for the information about the highway didn't make it plain that Senator John H. Bankhead was he uncle.



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18 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Thanks for the correction.  The source I used for the information about the highway didn't make it plain that Senator John H. Bankhead was he uncle.




It must be unusual for brothers to be in Congress at the same time, one in the House and one in the Senate, representing the same state. Two cousins, Thomas and Mark Udall, were in the Senate at the same time, but represented different states.

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Thank goodness this day is almost over, from an IT perspective. Work has been very busy and I don't know how much is due to the MS outage, so I've not been able to much other than open tickets and say "yes, it is frustrating and I'm sorry."


All urine specimens have been collected for the chemical analysis the Urologist wants to do re kidney stones and will be under Fed Ex control by EOD. As I'm typing this, it occurs to me that the receiving facility is likely not open tomorrow. Does that mean they'll sit in the heat for 2 days? Won't that mess w/the results?

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, thank you for your pictures from Komodo Island.  I would love to see the dragons, but those stair would give me the willies.  Not only because of the steepness and no handrail, but they look like they could break apart in places.

Lenda I thought the same thing, that those stairs would be the hardest part of the day.  I was wrong. The hardest part was the heat and humidity.  I just climbed as close to the wall as possible, and once you reach the top there are crew there who literally pull you up -- I felt like I was flying through the air haha!  And I'm not a tiny woman.  As I said, once was enough.  I don't feel any desire to do it again, but I'm very glad I did it once.  


Home from watering DD's garden -- oh my the traffic is a nightmare from Everett to Seattle. It seems like everyone is on the road this summer.  And since I didn't have DH with me this time I couldn't use the carpool lane so it was s l o w.  The good thing is I got a lot of fresh lettuce from her garden and tonight we'll have Shrimp Louis and garlic bread.  



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Good afternoon,

 I was on the same Komodo Island excursion as Caroline and It is not for the faint of heart. There were multiple people who passed out from the heat on several of the excursions and were carried out. When we saw it was hot it was a HOT! I have never experienced heat like that before. People were laughing at the warnings that HAL gave us saying they were just trying to scare us. Those same people were some that were carried off. Wisely Susan chose to stay on board. I was glad I saw them but once is enough for me. Be prepared with water, fans and cooling cloths. Try to get the first time of the day it is offered before it gets too hot and crowded. The longer excursion was not worth it per those that did it. 

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29 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

People were laughing at the warnings that HAL gave us saying they were just trying to scare us. Those same people were some that were carried off.


There have been news reports this summer about travelers being found dead in remote places in Greece because of the heat. Many of them were people over 70 who went off alone on long and difficult hikes despite warnings.

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I wore a retainer in high school, long ago. Now I've had a bite guard for about 20 years. Not sure I know the difference between the two!

Received my pre-op packet from the surgeon by e-mail this morning for the  hip replacement. Suddenly it's become very real! Lots of things to accomplish in the next 30 days.

So my BFF & I went to our favorite winery today to mark the occasion - no more wine until after the surgery!

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Hi Everyone!


I haven't posted for a long while but have been doing my darndest to follow along daily.

So sorry for all having health issues and challenges; extra prayers for you all.

It is never easy to have an illness and/or be a caregiver. 


My Summer has been pretty busy but not too bad; just normal Minnesota Summer stuff usually to do with the Lakes we have. Lots of big storms, heat, rain and big floods though. I do have some land travel planned later on the Summer and the Fall.

No cruise until January and February 2025, not that far away! Yay! Slowly working on getting those set up and everything reserved.


I agree with @Cruising-along and @cruising sister that Komodo Island was HOT. @Cruising-along posted great pictures of our SE! The hike though the National Park was like walking in a furnace yet very humid.It was a once in a lifetime visit for me, no reason to go back. Had to get on the island because we were there (on the GVANZ) and to say I actually made it on the island! 🥵

@cruising sister thanks for the picture of adorable, sweet baby Murphy, a few days ago. She looks beautiful but I am sad that she is struggling a bit. Hopefully she will outgrow some of her challenges. 


I also loved the picture of our big girl Camilla! She looks fantastic, looks happy and seems to be growing up nicely. 

My thanks to all of the ongoing contributors; you all are really nice people to let us see parts of your interesting lives. My life isn't that interesting really. 😊


Celebrate all good things in your lives, we all deserve the good. Prayers for all of us and our country and world. SMH and pray for things going on.

Enjoy the weekend and please take care.

Caron 😎




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6 hours ago, kochleffel said:

The conference gets ever more disorganized.


They just sent me an e-ticket for transportation from the airport, timed for two hours before my flight arrives.



Paul, that is the Time Warp, of course. 

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