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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 10th, 2024


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2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

In honour of Spoil Your Dog Day, here's a picture of Bertie Woofster, on the job  protecting us from squirrels.


Oh my gosh- adorable!!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  If you've got a dog, go ahead and spoil it - they deserve every bit of it, as they are great family members.  I haven't worn shapeware in ages because, well, round is a shape!  I think Paul Bunyan was big enough he could have a couple of days of celebration.  I agree with today's quote.


A beautiful morning out there for us today; clear blue skies and barely a ripple of the leaves in the trees.  It should head up to about 25 today (77) which will be very comfortable and won't require the a/c to be turned on.  


@luvteachingBon Voyage to the two Karens; I hope you have a wonderful cruise.

@RMLincolnsafe drive to Boston today.

@TbayHappy Birthday to you!

@HeartgroveI'm sure your heart is heavy and your house is quiet today.  Know that you're in our hearts.


Today DH and I are heading out of town about 1.5 hours; a few years ago our neighbours across the street bought an old cabin at a lake, tore it down and completely rebuilt it themselves.  They've asked us to visit a few times, but we just couldn't get our schedules to mesh, but today's the day when they do.  We'll head out there later this morning and stop at a number of art galleries along the way as there's an art show and sale at 23 different locations in our area of the province.  People often take the day, starting in the early morning and not returning until late evening, having stopped at all of them to see what people are creating.  Not sure how many we'll see, but it will be nice to see all the different talents people have on display.


I'd try the drink of the day if someone made it for me, would like the wine, and would make today's menu suggestion but would cook the salmon first.  This morning I'm making Killer Coleslaw to take along with us as we've been invited for dinner at the neighbour's cabin this evening, so I'm not sure what will be served, but it will be accompanied by great conversation and much laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in wars not of their making, and in the paths of destructive storms and fires.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


Edited by ger_77
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Thanks for the daily and fleet report. As a kid, we spoil our St Bernard Brandy so much; he was one of the kids!  I remember seeing a Paul Bunyan and Babe statue as a kid and my shape wear was retired when I lost weight.  The quote, while sad, I feel is true.  The meal looks enticing but egg whites?  I will pass on the drink and have the wine instead.  I have never been to Samana.  Two interesting days in history.




It is already 84F but only 46% humidity at ~0700.  We will see if we get any storms today but my weather app predicts a high just shy of 100F with a chance of the thunderstorms.  We will see.   




Yesterday, all I had to do was take attendance and then escort the students down the hall to the auditorium where the teachers gave the Fine Arts "rules" in a fun filled way.  After first period and I had heard their "routine" so I started planning my couple of days in Barcelona. To make a long story short, I panicked when the second hotel - the one I will stay for 3 days - was unavailable for ANY time.  I had flashbacks to my backpacking trip to Europe 3 years ago and one of the places I booked shut down after not surviving the pandemic.  So I got home, found an app that would let me call Spain for free - albeit, only for one minute - and they answered, confirmed my reservation and then my minute was up.  The gentleman was very nice and his English was wonderful.  Calmed my fears immensely!!




So this weekend, tickets for things need to be bought and a semi-itinerary needs to be set.  I don't like doing so but many things I want to see you need to pick a day and time.  




Bon Voyage @luvteaching!

Happy, Happy Birthday @Tbay

@ottahand7 VERY nice wedding picture!!

@RMLincoln Safe travels!

@quilty964 VERY nice focaccia!!  I am jealous.




Thoughts for all who need extra support and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!!

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas where it is 77F with a predicted high of 95F and sunny this afternoon.  There is a 1mph breeze (?) with 87% humidity and a dew pint of 73F.  This morning, I plan to mow and trim the grass since it will be slightly warmer tomorrow morning.


Our first mini-dachshund, Brandy, was spoiled, but as the alpha female, she did not let us spoil the second dachshund.  However, after Brandy died, Nikki was spoiled.  Brandy is on the left, and even as the smaller one, she was the boss.  Even after all these years, I still miss them.



As far as shapewear goes, mine went years ago.  I'll celebrate Paul Bunyan and Babe any day.


The quote is sad, but it is true.


We'll pass on the meal, but may have salmon and cod cooked in the air fryer tonight.  DH has enjoyed Pisco sours on BHBs, but I'll pass.  We'll pass on the wine since Shiraz is the one red wine I do not like.


We have not been to today's port of Samana, even though we enjoyed two beach days in the Dominical Republic in the 1990s.


Two interesting days in history.  We enjoyed our visit to the Royal Observatory in 2009.  Interesting to honor the first person to be married while in space.


I was sorry to see all the flooding and damage from Debby in the northeast.  I hope all the Dailyites in her path are all right.


@grapau27  Good luck to the Sunderland team, Graham.  I saw on one of the news feeds yesterday, that nighttime events in Sunderland and Newcastle had been canceled because of the protests.  I hope all is calm today.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, safe travels to the Boston area today, and enjoy seeing your DH's old home area.

@ottahand7  Nancy, thanks for the picture of the lovely bridal couple.

@rafinmd  Roy, I'm glad you did not have any damage to your place due to Debby.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you survived Debby without any damage or flooding.
















Very funny Ms Crystal!  I never knew my past relative discovered Texas!


As far as the bridge repair kit, that’s about the right size that the Misses buys to cover my month! 😀

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No dog here to spoil, but lots in the Dailyite family. Sometimes shapewear is necessary, but I've stopped wearing it. I'll celebrate Paul Bunyan. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish), yes to the drink and wine. I haven't been to Samana. 2 good days in history.


It's nice here today. Sunny, lower humidity, high of 79F. Not much going on with me. Laundry is my big task today. And doing more tidying up, and sorting and donating.


@luvteaching Bon Voyage!

@Tbay Happy Birthday!

@StLouisCruisers Safe travels for your DS.

@grapau27 Good luck to your soccer team.

@RMLincoln Safe travels to Boston!

@Heartgrove Hugs to you and DW.

@ottahand7 Beautiful photo of your DN and her DH on their wedding day.

@cat shepard That's nice of you to hold a farewell dinner for your neighbor.

@rafinmd Thanks for the link to your Samana visit.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad that your weather is now good, and that you are feeling better today after a good night's sleep. 

@aliaschief The Honeymooners

@smitty34877 Prayers for a "boring" weekend for you and the family.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good morning and Happy Saturday. We had rain last night, big huge drops, but it didn’t last.  Today we are going shopping and then delivering some things to DM. Her center is now requiring closed trash cans, which she didn’t have, so I ordered her a step on one like ours. I have a feeling that this new requirement is due to the dining room when they have covid restrictions— lots of takeout containers. 

I will admit that Blue is very spoiled. But isn’t that what pets are for?



I would like a salmon grain bowl with cooked salmon.  (I don’t mind some raw fish but not salmon.). And I have a recipe I like that has farro and a vinaigrette but I cheat and use a store bought one like Olive Garden’s Italian dressing. 

Bon Voyage @luvteaching! ⛴⛴⛴


@RMLincoln, safe travels to Boston!  I’ll be there in 12 days!


@Tbay, Happy Birthday!!  Enjoy your special day!  🎂🎈


Rich @richwmn, I noticed that you are listing each ship’s itinerary with the location. Great addition!  Your Japan cruise sounds amazing. 

Have a great day everyone!

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4 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Another chilly, damp morning in the UP.   Wind gusts to 26 today.   Thanks for starting our day off each day Rich.  I think dogs should be spoiled daily, never owned Spanx and hi to Paul Bunyan.  A true quote.   Haven't been to Samana.   Pass on the salmon, enjoyed a few Pisco sours in Peru and probably would enjoy the vino.  Thanks for researching these for us each day. 


Thanks for the cares and celebrations reports Vanessa.   Safe travels to Boston @RMLincoln.  Prayers for Tana and Terry and for Annie and Chuck who soldier through battles each day.  Prayers for everyone else in our group who are ailing or grieving.  Prayers for Ukraine as they are taking land in Russia, for how long no one knows, the remaining hostages and the Innocents in Gaza.   


My DN was married near Jackson Hole yesterday.  It was too difficult for us to get there plus the problem of leaving plants that need water every day so we stayed home.  We see her a lot up here at the cabin and she lives nearby downstate.  Have a lovely Saturday.  Nancy 



What a beautiful picture of a beautiful couple!  


2 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:

🙂 Happy Saturday 🙂 


Ahhhh, this brought back memories!  I’ve eaten here before!  Thank you for sharing. 


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks, as usual for all the news.  Bon voyage to those travelling, how exciting! And Happy birthdays for those celebrating.  I shed a few tears yesterday, too, for Sam, I'm sure we all have happy/sad memories of our beloved pets.  When granddog Oskar the Shih Tzu comes for a visit he heads straight for the toy box behind the sofa, which is labeled Trapper (our chocolate Lab) and Bella (our Bichon) on two of the sides.  We'll have to get Oskar's name on it now.  His favourite toy at the moment is a squeaky hedgehog, which is much too big for his little mouth.  He's 4 1/2 now.


It is smoky here today, and the reservoir is down to 79.4%  We have had some medical developments, Pat is now on the list for a new valve - but has to have a scan and angiogram first to make sure they can use an artery.  The cardiologist said he hopes it can be done by November, Pat replied, good, as we have a cruise booked in October.  The doctor made it clear that's not a good idea, so we are pretty sure we will be cancelling,  Boo.  


I have had my first (phone) interview with the Cancer Clinic nurse - I am now a number, a 7-digit number!  The interview was rather discouraging.  I have another phone interview with the radiation oncologist next week (Pat said - now they're doing radiation over the phone?)....  and then a real appointment with an oncologist.  At least I will get free parking at the Cancer Clinic.  So we muddle along, Pat likes to get out of the house early, so I haven't been given much time to read the Fleet Report, much less post.  I'm not sure what is happening today, but Pat is still reading the paper, so I'm safe! 

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Good morning all!

We have some clouds this morning, but no rain expected for at least a week.  The highs today will be high 70's, we're getting a cooling trend.


No dog to spoil here.  My DGP's (dear grand-pups) are spoiled (adored) but also very well trained.  No shapewear either, but I'll celebrate Paul Bunyan.  The quote is sad but true.  I'll pass on the meal.  Even if the salmon is cooked, not a fan of other parts of the meal like avocado or quinoa. We had amazing Pisco Sours while watching a horse show in Peru -- good memories!  I'll pass on the Shiraz and have not been to this port.


Maureen @RMLincoln Safe travels to Boston today!

Bon Voyage Karen @luvteaching!

Happy Birthday @Tbay!

Nancy @ottahand7 What a lovely bride and groom and what a beautiful setting.  We will be in Grand Tetons and Yellowstone next month. 🙂  


On the agenda today is more work in the back yard.  I've nearly cleared the Ajuga from the area where the raised bed will go. 

Tomorrow we get the grand-kitties for a week 🙂  

Have a great day everyone!



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The dogs here do not think they are spoiled since I made them go out into the rain this morning when we got up. It was a a quick trip, and now that the sun is out I will take them out again for a longer and more sedate (and maybe more productive) walk. We may get rain again this afternoon..... it is so appreciated right now. High today will be in the high 70's which is also welcomed.


I would love a Pisco Sour.


Off to pick up salad makings at the Farmers Market.




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Nice, cool day here.  Received an email today from the DAV stating that today is "Agent Orange Awareness Day".  Important for a lot of Vietnam Veterans including me.

Starting to figure out the best way to get from home to Pier 91 in Seattle in a few weeks.  Could pick up a rental car in Seattle or at the airport the day before and take a ferry to Seattle or drive to the airport via Tacoma.


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