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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 20th, 2024


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2 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good morning!  It's a pleasant 65 F now.  High will be in the low 70's.  No, thank you to the meal today.  I was reading another thread earlier, and it seems like hot dogs get a big plus from HAL Dive In restaurants!  I've had the yummy burgers, will have to try one of their dogs on our coming up winter cruise!  Haven't been to the port, but we were in Dunedin Florida a while back😉


Thanks for the port pictures today, we aren't world travelers like many here, so I travel through you!  

@MISTER 67this is a great place for daily fun...hope you stay.

@kazucongrats on the offer, I'm sure tears are going to come, but new memories are waiting for you and Ivan.  My mother was so happy when they moved to a senior apt.  She made so many new friends.  

Thinking of those having surgery today.

Bon voyage to those traveling. 

Thinking positive thought for all who need them.  Have a great day. Cooper our pup is at the groo er....waiting for the call to pick him up!  Karen


Karen, we have enjoyed both the hot dogs and hamburgers at the Dive In.  


1 hour ago, doobieb said:

@MISTER 67 We need you here! Who else will thrill us with their daily golf score? And you may have noticed, that this entire thread was on pins and needles with @kazu over the house showings? You have to admit that this group is one big collection of those who share, encourage and celebrate each other through trials and tribulations, including loss, illness, births, along with travel.

What about today’s golf game?  Sure hope you have returned to read all the kind thoughts folks have shared.

Don’t be put off by celebrations of mosquito day and carrot hot dogs. They were just kidding. Ask @RedneckBob.


DH can come off the care list. Thank you for the support there. We have gone in two days from me listening to him while he was asleep to see if he was alive to a DH whose appetite has returned and now it is “have you cooked something for lunch?”  ( No)

I think he will be just fine. Thankful for Paxlovid.



Debbie, I'm glad your DH is feeling better and has his appetite back.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites!  And, @MISTER 67, I am including you!  Don't go, we do enjoy hearing about your golf...  Pat has not golfed for some months now, but he is still the "organizer" of the complex's golf group of about 20, although probably only four groups play on any given Monday - there's always someone travelling or in the hospital!  So any golf news is good news.


We have had dreary weather for the last few days, it seems like autumn weather, even some sprinkles of rain, which we certainly need.  The reservoir is down to 75%, which I guess is not too bad for this time of year, as long as we get lots of rain through the winter.  


No thank you to a carrot hot dog, I think I will make a shepherd's pie tonight.  I'm pretty sure I have the ingredients, and it will do us for two nights, which is a bonus.  Jacqui, @kazu, that is amazing that you had so many offers.  That kind of thing makes you want to hang on even more, it is hard to let go of a place where you have been happy for so long.  I hope your appointment today goes well.  Pat got a call yesterday to set up an appointment with a cardiac surgeon, for September 6.  So that means, if there is to be a new valve, it will probably be in October - definitely no cruise!   He's not feeling well today, so has gone back to bed.  My cousin and her hubby are celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary today, so I will pop in with a card.  We'll treat them to brunch next Sunday.   That's always our time to get together.  


I knew Dunedin sounded familiar - we visited by land, though, and also the nearby Moeraki boulders, which "hatch" out of the cliff and eventually roll out to sea.  Just amazing.


Dunedin Church




The Moeraki boulders








They are pretty big!








Ann, I'm sorry Pat is not feeling well today, and I hope he is better soon.  That is good news he has an appointment with the cardiac surgeon on September 6.  I hope he can get the valve replacement soon after the appointment.  Of course, soon to us is different than soon to the medical community.  😉


58 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Excellent points.

We are Princess and P&O loyalists both Carnival brands like HAL as well as being a Royal Caribbean Loyalist and also sailed on Sun cruises,NCL and MSC.

I only get involved in threads I can honestly contribute positively to through our own experiences.

The Daily is unique in it's format in that although we have never sailed HAL yet I can contribute to every day and the number of likes I get pleases me enormously.

I class you all as wonderful caring friends.

Graham xx




Graham, you do contribute a lot to our little community, and are very caring of everyone of us.


41 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good afternoon all,


Thank you all for the Bon voyage wishes.


We have a beautiful day here in Boston. Boarding was a cinch, and we were in our cabin before noon. Had lunch on the Lido, and yes, that peanut silk pie is delicious. Not sure now who suggested it, but I had a piece in your name. 😁 One note about the Lido: it seems they only have sweetened ice tea (read “syrup” in the dispenser, but DH found the real thing in the pitchers. 😁


Getting ready to muster.


We had a great time in Plimoth and Plymouth yesterday. Walked by the sarcophagus where my 9th? Great grandfather (Thomas Rogers) is. It was a step back into a happy past to drive in the New England countryside. The car rental turned out to be the best as we spent the day at our leisure at Plimoth without the time restrictions of a tour. 

Have a great day everyone!




Laura, I'm glad boarding was easy and you are settling into your home away from home.


22 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:


We have also been to Port Chalmers and Dunedin and after all the beautiful pictures from  @StLouisCruisers , @JazzyV and a number of others I don’t think there is much more to be seen than more sheep and more nice gorges but I will try to find a few shots.
The bank was closed …….
Lots of places to go to …….. we even have the direction to the South Pole 
Kids were selling their ware for a school project but  from the looks were eating most of it themselves .
It was a very nice day and we enjoyed the Train ride 
Have a great day everybody , best wishes for all !
Tony 😁


Tony, thanks for the pictures.  I would love to take that train ride.


48 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We're finally getting some rain showers and the long stretch of hot, sunny days is over.  As DH just said, are we getting an early fall or just a reprieve? Who knows? It could be hot again next week.  


Three interesting days.  Mosquitoes and I do not get along -- one bite and I swell up and itch for days.  Great quote from George Carlin -- one of the better comedians.  I'll pass on the red wine, drink and meal.....carrot dog???  🤣  We were in Dunedin on the GANZ.  It was my first time in NZ and I loved everything about it.  We took a tour to see Larnach Castle and Olveston, a historic home.  It was a great tour up until the end when the  guide said we didn't have time to look at the gardens at Olveston. 😞  I put in a complaint because the tour description said "and don't miss the gardens at Olveston!"  hmm...  


Bon Voyage Laura @TiogaCruiser!

Welcome home Laura @Horizon chaser 1957!

Wow Jacqui @kazu 16 offers!  I've never, ever heard of anyone getting so many.  I'm thrilled for you that you were happy with the offer, but know this is an emotional time for you.  Hugs

@MISTER 67 I'll echo what everyone else has said, please don't stop posting here.  Everyone is welcome.  I looked up the post and truly don't think anything was meant by Joy @Seasick Sailor.  She said it in fun, and no disrespect intended.

Joy @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your dear sister today.

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I hope today's dental appointment to get the impressions made won't be too grueling for you.

Edi @NextOne Prayers for a successful surgery today and speedy recovery.

@Denise T Congratulations on becoming a Certified Travel Advisor!  You have a lot on your plate!

Susan @durangoscots I'm so glad you'll be joining us on the 28-day Alaska cruise next summer. 🙂  

@doobieb Very glad to hear that your DH is feeling better.


Here are a few photos of our day in Dunedin.  I'm not posting interior shots of the castle as they would be just like those already posted by Sandi @StLouisCruisers (great photos!)


Sailing in



View from our balcony



Entrance to Larnach Castle



Larnach Castle



I love this scene of the castle and grounds.



A few photos of flowers in the gardens





And my favorite, Alice in Wonderland in the gardens.



Driving to Olveston House



Olveston.  No photos allowed inside and no time for the gardens. 😞  









Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I survived the dental appointment, and it wasn't too bad.  Impressions have come a long way since my other implant 20 years ago.  The material used is better and sets up quickly, but I still "flunked impressions 101".  The first time, I didn't bite down soon enough, and the material had already begun to set.  The two next times, it was better but not still as good as they wanted.  I may not have aligned my teeth correctly or moved my jaw.  Anyway, even though they said the needed impressions for the implant, the dental tech used the wand for digital impressions.  It's sort of like a CT scan of your mouth, and the display shows the teeth, gums, etc. like a color picture.  I go back in four weeks for the final visit, so we'll see how today worked.  I suspect if the digital doesn't work, I'll hear from them.  BTW, it's nice to have another Dailyite joining us on the 2025 Solstice cruise.  We may need to plan a Dailyite M&G.






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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I have not sailed on HAL so i don't post on their threads because I don't have first hand experience to offer but I do post on the Daily because it is a friendly interesting thread and everyone makes me welcome whether i have sailed HAL or not.

The person who starts the thread in this case Rich @richwmn is the only person who if he asked me not to post because i had not sailed HAL i would listen to.

@MISTER 67 you are highly respected on here and all of the main contributers on here respect and like you so listen to us and ignore nasty people.

Your dailyite friend.



I thought of you when I first saw his comment.


hope all is well.   I booked a great cruise tour for Princess on Majestic that starts in Ireland as a land tour then flies group to UK and sail from Southampton.  In fact, for 2026, Princess seems to be doing many good trips.  May 2026 Sapphire is going out of Copenhagen which I booked.  RCI has given up on that region.  I hope HAL continues for those who like HAL.  All part of the CCL Corp.

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2 hours ago, dfish said:


What did you finally do to get in?   Eva @superoma is concerned because she tried all kinds of things and couldn't get in.  She will be doing the Meal of the Day while I am gone and is concerned she won't be able to log in.  @POA1 any ideas?



I know you would rather have brussels sprouts.  You could use them in a fake meatball sandwich.  


I am laughing at the comments about the carrot dogs.  You all know my feelings about cooked carrots and that dish will never be made in this house.  But it sure has provoked the comments and conversation.  Just what  you wanted, right Rich @richwmn?  

It just finally finished whatever it was doing. I just kept refreshing and then I got in.

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Crisis averted! I am finally able to log in again to CC. I had a bit of a panic this morning when I couldn’t get in. Funny my profile was ok but I couldn’t log in. Seems to be ok now 

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Laura— Bon Voyage!


How was the traffic getting to the port?  We’ve gotten emails to expect traffic delays. 

Our experience: basically no traffic. BUT- we came from Long Wharf. We were in transit ~ 15 minutes.


 The tunnel(s) that connect Logan have been open intermittently. 

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Just now, TiogaCruiser said:

Our experience: basically no traffic. BUT- we came from Long Wharf. We were in transit ~ 15 minutes.


 The tunnel(s) that connect Logan have been open intermittently. 

Thank you Laura!  We are going to the port from our hotel which is downtown. I think they might be concerned about passengers arriving late because the Zuiderdam is supposed to undergo a Coast Guard inspection and sail away is at 3:00, so a narrow time frame compared to the usual. 

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Accessible air travel is important, as are radios and mosquito elimination (we've had mosquitos with West Nile virus found this year and they are spraying). Funny quote. I like carrots, but just NO on the meal and yes for the drink and the wine (if someone else is paying). I have been to Dunedin on my first HAL cruise from Auckland to Sydney. 2 good days in history.


It's a chilly 64F today, having started out in the 50's. It's nice to be able to open the windows. I did my exercises after getting up, still being dizzy in one direction. Fortunately only very mild nausea. I think I'm going to keep doing it, even when the symptoms subside. I'm just back from a haircut, and then PT. 


@NextOne Prayers all goes well with your hip surgery today.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for Bonnie and her surgical team as she has her surgery today

@TiogaCruiser Bon Voyage! Wow on finding where your 9th GGF is laid to rest! That peanut silk pie looks yummy.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Welcome home!

@MISTER 67 We like having you post here, so just ignore what someone in another thread said. Please don't leave.

@seagarsmoker It's nice seeing you here more often.

@kazu I'm sure this has been an emotional and trying time, but good news that you had a counteroffer agreed to that was a good price. I hope the vascular surgeon can help with the legs and dizziness.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos.

@rafinmd Thanks for your photos from Dunedin and of @erewhon.

@aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow.

@Sir PMP I appreciate the map and photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope getting the impressions made wasn't too awful. 

@RedneckBob Nice sunset.

@smitty34877 Prayers that things settle down and you have an easier time of it.

@Denise T Congrats on becoming a certified TA! 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got all your appointments lined up. 

@doobieb Great news that your DH is doing so much better!

@Vict0riann I'm sorry Pat isn't feeling well. Once he's all fixed up, you'll enjoy cruising that much more as he'll be able to do things. 

@Cruising-along @sailingdutchy Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Some photos from Dunedin in 2006 on the Statendam.

Approaching Dunedin



Port of Otago and docking





St. Paul's Cathedral in the Octagon



The Municipal Chambers



Robert Burns Statue



Dunedin Railway Station






Dunedin First Church



Cadbury World









Speight Brewery, Dunedin





Taste testing



Pipers coming to give us a sendoff





Wood chips on the dock



Port Chalmers Flagstaff Point



Scenery as we leave



Flowers in bloom



Otago Peninsula, Dunedin

Head Gun fortifications



Royal Albatross Centre






Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Lovely photos.

Thank you Graham!

1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I survived the dental appointment, and it wasn't too bad.  Impressions have come a long way since my other implant 20 years ago.  The material used is better and sets up quickly, but I still "flunked impressions 101".  The first time, I didn't bite down soon enough, and the material had already begun to set.  The two next times, it was better but not still as good as they wanted.  I may not have aligned my teeth correctly or moved my jaw.  Anyway, even though they said the needed impressions for the implant, the dental tech used the wand for digital impressions.  It's sort of like a CT scan of your mouth, and the display shows the teeth, gums, etc. like a color picture.  I go back in four weeks for the final visit, so we'll see how today worked.  I suspect if the digital doesn't work, I'll hear from them.  BTW, it's nice to have another Dailyite joining us on the 2025 Solstice cruise.  We may need to plan a Dailyite M&G.






Lenda I'm so glad to hear that the dental appointment wasn't too bad.  DH has gotten an implant, I have not.  Interesting how things have changed since your last one 20 years ago.  

I'm definitely up for a Dailyite M&G!

3 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

I did my exercises after getting up, still being dizzy in one direction. Fortunately only very mild nausea. I think I'm going to keep doing it, even when the symptoms subside. I'm just back from a haircut, and then PT. 




@Cruising-along @sailingdutchy Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Some photos from Dunedin in 2006 on the Statendam.

Approaching Dunedin



Port of Otago and docking





St. Paul's Cathedral in the Octagon



The Municipal Chambers



Robert Burns Statue



Dunedin Railway Station






Dunedin First Church



Cadbury World









Speight Brewery, Dunedin





Taste testing



Pipers coming to give us a sendoff





Wood chips on the dock



Port Chalmers Flagstaff Point



Scenery as we leave



Flowers in bloom



Otago Peninsula, Dunedin

Head Gun fortifications



Royal Albatross Centre






Thank you Vanessa and thank you for your great photos.  

I'm glad to hear the nausea was mild -- I agree it may be a good idea to keep up with the exercises no matter what.  We're all hoping and praying this all ends for you soon.

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48 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@grapau27 i know you do not sail HAL, but please know i love your posts and pictures of you, Pauline, and your Sarah. I hope i did not hurt your feelings in any way. I had no idea my silly, quirky post would cause hurt feelings. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor.

You are always lovely and thank you so much always for your kind words.

Your quirky post seemed harmless to me.

I really appreciate the friendship of yourself, Sandi,Lenda, Lambie, Melanie and everyone else.

These photos were from our recent Lake District hotel.




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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Karen, we have enjoyed both the hot dogs and hamburgers at the Dive In.  



Debbie, I'm glad your DH is feeling better and has his appetite back.



Ann, I'm sorry Pat is not feeling well today, and I hope he is better soon.  That is good news he has an appointment with the cardiac surgeon on September 6.  I hope he can get the valve replacement soon after the appointment.  Of course, soon to us is different than soon to the medical community.  😉



Graham, you do contribute a lot to our little community, and are very caring of everyone of us.



Laura, I'm glad boarding was easy and you are settling into your home away from home.



Tony, thanks for the pictures.  I would love to take that train ride.



Carolyn, thanks for the pictures.  I survived the dental appointment, and it wasn't too bad.  Impressions have come a long way since my other implant 20 years ago.  The material used is better and sets up quickly, but I still "flunked impressions 101".  The first time, I didn't bite down soon enough, and the material had already begun to set.  The two next times, it was better but not still as good as they wanted.  I may not have aligned my teeth correctly or moved my jaw.  Anyway, even though they said the needed impressions for the implant, the dental tech used the wand for digital impressions.  It's sort of like a CT scan of your mouth, and the display shows the teeth, gums, etc. like a color picture.  I go back in four weeks for the final visit, so we'll see how today worked.  I suspect if the digital doesn't work, I'll hear from them.  BTW, it's nice to have another Dailyite joining us on the 2025 Solstice cruise.  We may need to plan a Dailyite M&G.






Thank you Lenda.

I really appreciate your nice comments.

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1 hour ago, Oceansaway17 said:


I thought of you when I first saw his comment.


hope all is well.   I booked a great cruise tour for Princess on Majestic that starts in Ireland as a land tour then flies group to UK and sail from Southampton.  In fact, for 2026, Princess seems to be doing many good trips.  May 2026 Sapphire is going out of Copenhagen which I booked.  RCI has given up on that region.  I hope HAL continues for those who like HAL.  All part of the CCL Corp.

Thank you for thinking of me.

We are fine thanks and have 5 P&O cruises booked in the next 15 months sailing from Southampton England.

It is lovely hearing from you and that you have several nice cruises to look forward to.

Our last Royal Caribbean cruise was a 7 night West Caribbean and Bahamas cruise on Oasis out of Miami in January 2023.

Best wishes.


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2 hours ago, superoma said:

Crisis averted! I am finally able to log in again to CC. I had a bit of a panic this morning when I couldn’t get in. Funny my profile was ok but I couldn’t log in. Seems to be ok now 


Eva, you must have been caught between opening CC and logging in when it started the update.  CC is one site we do not log out, which makes things a tad bit easier.


1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Thank you Laura!  We are going to the port from our hotel which is downtown. I think they might be concerned about passengers arriving late because the Zuiderdam is supposed to undergo a Coast Guard inspection and sail away is at 3:00, so a narrow time frame compared to the usual. 


Sharon, we've embarked on days when the ship had a Coast Guard inspection, but not in recent history.  No one can board until the inspection is finished, and be warned, sometimes they can take longer than expected.  


1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@grapau27 i know you do not sail HAL, but please know i love your posts and pictures of you, Pauline, and your Sarah. I hope i did not hurt your feelings in any way. I had no idea my silly, quirky post would cause hurt feelings. 


Joy, I also have a silly, quirky sense of humor, and I've noticed that at times when I've written something, people don't realize I'm not being very serious.  It's hard to understand when you can't see the person's face.  


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

Accessible air travel is important, as are radios and mosquito elimination (we've had mosquitos with West Nile virus found this year and they are spraying). Funny quote. I like carrots, but just NO on the meal and yes for the drink and the wine (if someone else is paying). I have been to Dunedin on my first HAL cruise from Auckland to Sydney. 2 good days in history.


It's a chilly 64F today, having started out in the 50's. It's nice to be able to open the windows. I did my exercises after getting up, still being dizzy in one direction. Fortunately only very mild nausea. I think I'm going to keep doing it, even when the symptoms subside. I'm just back from a haircut, and then PT. 


@NextOne Prayers all goes well with your hip surgery today.

@Seasick Sailor Prayers for Bonnie and her surgical team as she has her surgery today

@TiogaCruiser Bon Voyage! Wow on finding where your 9th GGF is laid to rest! That peanut silk pie looks yummy.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Welcome home!

@MISTER 67 We like having you post here, so just ignore what someone in another thread said. Please don't leave.

@seagarsmoker It's nice seeing you here more often.

@kazu I'm sure this has been an emotional and trying time, but good news that you had a counteroffer agreed to that was a good price. I hope the vascular surgeon can help with the legs and dizziness.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely photos.

@rafinmd Thanks for your photos from Dunedin and of @erewhon.

@aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow.

@Sir PMP I appreciate the map and photos.

@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope getting the impressions made wasn't too awful. 

@RedneckBob Nice sunset.

@smitty34877 Prayers that things settle down and you have an easier time of it.

@Denise T Congrats on becoming a certified TA! 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you got all your appointments lined up. 

@doobieb Great news that your DH is doing so much better!

@Vict0riann I'm sorry Pat isn't feeling well. Once he's all fixed up, you'll enjoying cruising that much more as he'll be able to do things. 

@Cruising-along @sailingdutchy Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Some photos from Dunedin in 2006 on the Statendam.

Approaching Dunedin



Port of Otago and docking





St. Paul's Cathedral in the Octagon



The Municipal Chambers



Robert Burns Statue



Dunedin Railway Station






Dunedin First Church



Cadbury World









Speight Brewery, Dunedin





Taste testing



Pipers coming to give us a sendoff





Wood chips on the dock



Port Chalmers Flagstaff Point



Scenery as we leave



Flowers in bloom



Otago Peninsula, Dunedin

Head Gun fortifications



Royal Albatross Centre







Vanessa, as I told Carolyn @Cruising-along it wasn't too bad, but it is my least favorite part of the implant process.  


57 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser glad your dental visit went well.   I got a cancellation for tomorrow so will start the journey too.  


Brenda, I hope your implant journey goes as well as mine.  Please remember that like any surgery, to take the pain meds as prescribed.  I only needed the really heavy duty one the first night; Advil for about a week.  I'm lucky that my dentist can do the implants.  The first one, I had to go to Waco to an oral surgeon, and then to my old dentist for the crown.


49 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

& in 2 weeks I get the attachments to my anchors ---  YAY!!!




I go back September to get the attachments and crowns put in.  I'll be glad to get rid of the gap between my teeth.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good afternoon, 

It's an overcast morning and a bit of the cool side. I'll open up windows soon and air the house out a bit. I had PT this morning and I'm making progress on this stuck hip flexor muscle. Not as fast as I'd like but it's progress. 

Yesterday my DBIL came over in the afternoon yesterday and stayed for 2 hours. We had a nice visit, he took all DD DH's suspenders, and the older mobility scooter. He's offered to come back and help me organize cords, tools, etc. that DD DH has accumulated and I have no idea what to do with some of them. 

Today I'm on the hunt for paperwork regarding DD DH for medical insurance and I have a beeping smoke detector, actually two of them, so hoping DS will be by to fix for it for me. They are high enough that the larger ladder is needed. 


Will definitely pass on the carrot dog. I have a nice fresh salmon burger I picked up at my grocery stop today so will have that and salad for dinner. The fresh local corn stand is open as of yesterday so a stop there is on my list for tomorrow. It's 2/$1.00 so that works for me!

Happy Tuesday!


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Thanks for all the lovely photos of Dunedin.  It looks like a popular port.  


Great photos Graham.  


Lenda glad your dental visit went smoothly.   

Gerry I am glad your DH got an appointment not that far off.  


Terri happy to read Jim can get into the dermatologist tomorrow. 

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John figured out what was wrong with the lawn tractor.  It is the head gasket.  He took it apart and took out the part the drove to Iron Mountain to get the part.  He is putting it back together right now.  I sanded the south side of the cabin and started on the screen porch.  It has log veneer and found two places with wood rot.  I will learn another skill.  

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38 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good afternoon, 

It's an overcast morning and a bit of the cool side. I'll open up windows soon and air the house out a bit. I had PT this morning and I'm making progress on this stuck hip flexor muscle. Not as fast as I'd like but it's progress. 

Yesterday my DBIL came over in the afternoon yesterday and stayed for 2 hours. We had a nice visit, he took all DD DH's suspenders, and the older mobility scooter. He's offered to come back and help me organize cords, tools, etc. that DD DH has accumulated and I have no idea what to do with some of them. 

Today I'm on the hunt for paperwork regarding DD DH for medical insurance and I have a beeping smoke detector, actually two of them, so hoping DS will be by to fix for it for me. They are high enough that the larger ladder is needed. 


Will definitely pass on the carrot dog. I have a nice fresh salmon burger I picked up at my grocery stop today so will have that and salad for dinner. The fresh local corn stand is open as of yesterday so a stop there is on my list for tomorrow. It's 2/$1.00 so that works for me!

Happy Tuesday!



Karen, that was very nice of your DBIL to offer to help sort through cords and tools.  I hope your DS can get there to change the batteries.  Beeping smoke detectors are so annoying.



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Congratulations @kazu for accepting an offer!!🥳🎉

I know it's a heavy, mixed bag of emotions, but you and Ivan are going into an exciting new phase together, that will be the exactly right place for you.

Congrats, again - remember to breathe.

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1 hour ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

😁Just curious-so which is it? Wells, Maine or 

Mr. Boston

  • Mr. Boston
  • June 2, 2004
  • Boston, MA??

It was Boston, MA until we moved to Wells last month.  I guess I’ll have to change my location at some point but I’m leaving my “handle” as is.  I picked it based on the bartender’s guide that I had and not where I lived at the time.

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