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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 16th, 2024


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thanks for Monday fleet report, Rich, and thanks Vanessa and our FNB team.


Sorry, I haven’t been on – I’ve been a bit discombobulated between unpacking, pain, and helping Ivan adjustl


I am way behind on everything and can’t seem to get a lot done, but hopefully that will change.  Final inspection of the house was yesterday morning by the purchasers and they were happy so today is off to the lawyer to sign for the sale. I think I might take some Kleenex with me.LOL


It’s getting harder and harder to see, making it hard to read and type. Between that and the pain in my foot and legs it’s all a bit depressing.


Anyways, is doing well so far and we are adopting.


@smitty34877 thinking of you today and hoping memories. Bring some comfort./especially


Prayers for those on the care list and all those need them cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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Well, if medical issues cooperate, it looks like the Eurodam is taking us to AK in 11 days! Boarding passes issued and Navigator App allows us to add things to our itineraries. 


Glacier Bay day will be awesome - Dutch Pea Soup at 10:30 followed by Fish & Chips for DH and Cake followed by more cake for me 🫣



We saw DGD yesterday. DH is no longer Paw Paw, he is now Pop Pop. She's a step, but our hearts don't know that, do they?

Shrek, Donkey and Blankey joined her as she waited for lunch. Her mom was not amused by the looks she was getting for taking so long.


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  Its sunny and cool outside, and supposed to warm up to the mid 80's.  Yesterday we had our Sunday Mexican lunch, bought groceries, and came home and realized we were too full to make dinner, so we had ice cream and finished watching the drivers press interviews, watched the last two episodes of departures, and watched two episodes of The Paradise. And the we moved Quiffy from the guest bedroom into our bedroom, (litter box in the shower) food by the door, and waited for the attacks.


First it was DH's feet, which hurt all the time, so I wiggled my toes to bring her over to me,  and was chewed on, until she started seriously biting my leg, and I bonked her off the bed.  She went and used the litter box, stopped by and ate some food, then jumped back up on the bed, ran up to my head and started pulling my hair and biting my head.  I call her a vampire. And finally after pretending to be asleep she realized that there would be no more action, she curled up by DH's feet and went to sleep. This morning she was still there, and I even opened the door to get my shoes and put her food in, and she seemed much happier now that a human was with her, so she stayed on the bed and didnt try to escape.


When I think of well combined Step Family, I think of @smitty34877 and DH's family.  DH's family's younger generations are a bit off, with lots of problems, but the unit that was created when Momma Norma married DH's father was a great group. 


While I try to cut back hours at work, I seem to fill them with MUST DO things and I still find very little down time. In hindsight I realize now that DH was having cognitive problems as early as last November.  I was at first too sick from the cruise to pay that much attention to what was going on, and then I thought everything was going well with what he wanted to take on, but nothing got completed, and we are now fighting a bill collector for a phone he never received, he stopped paying bills, he never sent off the medical bills to get payment from the insurance I had purchased for the cruise, he had been sitting at his desk and not calling patrons, well you get the idea  So now on top of work, and caring for him, I have the other items to take care.  And right now, I am overwhelmed. I need to find a lawyer, and I have no idea how to do that.  All the lawyers that I have had in the past were disbarred. (I hope that doesnt mean my divorce of 30 years ago is invalid...)


So today I make a list of all the things that need to be done, figure out how to handle them, and start processing things myself.


And to top it all off, the couple that we are taking vacation with , where the wife has Alzheimer's , the husband contacted me, and asked how long our reservations for the cabins were for, what day we are leaving, and last week he argued with me for 2 days via emails about the concert that we took them to last Friday.  He kept telling me it was Saturday, and why would I schedule a concert for Friday when he had to work.  I reminded him that when DH bought the tickets, HE was off everyday  by 1, and since then his hours got changed because he could no longer work at home, but had to be on sight in Newnan GA.  I even had to ask him to stop emailing me at 1030 at night because I was still at work.  And he didn't.  I finally told him to check his calendar, and that I could not change the tickets, and ignored any further emails.  I understand his frustration.  He, like me is "on call" 24/7, but I can talk to you guys and feel better.  Him ?  He has her family to ask help from, which he does, but has no one to talk with.


I love you all, my Daily Family. And now to face the day-DH;s feet are turning blue, and he needs to get out and walk, he said he would do so today.  So walk dog, and then go walk Chuck.

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Good morning, it's going to get up to 90 today.  Was 57 when I got up.  It's hard to know what to do with the thermostat.  We got the ribbons and elastic sewn on the pointe shoes.  She has her first class tonite, so she'll learn how to tie them then.  They look so pretty!  

Not sure about the drink, the meal sounds ok.  I'll take the guacamole! 

@smitty34877thinking of you as you go through the next few days...

Safe travels to @StLouisCruisers

Hugs and prayers for all who need them, cheers for those celebrating!  image.thumb.jpeg.33d7b63ece4d602f43b5dfd576236cd5.jpeg


Edited by quilty964
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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

On Dec. 20, 2013 Diamond Princess tendered us to shore to visit Akaroa.  It was a picture perfect day.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIAyXwdohoPbhrIKPissZzs?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711624


The town was busy with all the cruise passengers in town.  We ran into our tablemates Geoff and Margie from Australia, and they took a nice photo of the two of us.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLP25oNpC1YYszAzEm4DqEU?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711633


Everyone seemed to be taking photos of this tree, which I believe is a Pohutukhawa tree, known locally as the Christmas tree.  At least that's what I was told.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJnIR7dfBv-EVyX2_pYcxPb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711651


First we walked left and enjoyed the small town atmosphere.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKoi_Ixjelzj-qvsIGo3JMh?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711659


Isn't this place darling?  Looks like a B&B to me.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLVwjr7SMGPj5Dq5FkWXva5?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711668






A statue of an artist.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLp2k_RvKm30jW862VJiLcY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711702


A craft market at a local church.  Remember it was 5 days before Christmas so lots of last minute shopping happening there.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKwKleNp_kx3DAreI0M3znW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711712


Walking back to investigate the right side of town, we noticed this happening out in the bay.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLr1rwTQMolaMrRyFld7Go7?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711750


We headed over to the Akaroa Lighthouse for a closer look.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLaXviFSlHfVTIbOdQE5efG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388711754






The second time we were there was Dec. 1, 2017 on Sun Princess.  Another gorgeous day.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIAhZP-Z0F5p3J78oJ-FA-a?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625594


Most people like to shop but we like to sit and people watch.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJDgMiX4LUlif-TXbmXllhG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625605


Or seagull watch...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLAxeqiTHSg-dbsApuY1mgc?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625605


Or sheep watch...00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI2z32IBf_6hVXsry2zNqoZ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625644


Akaroa is a real gem and a great port of call.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLIPrBkaDPoxcBD-q5pUBI8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513625693




Wonderful photos Sandi.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Does anyone know about the 30 crew members who came over with the Pilgrims? Did they end up living with them? Something I never thought about….

John Alden had signed on as a cooper (barrel maker) and decided not to return to England. As documented in Longfellow's poem, he married Priscilla Mullins. And several generations, later I arrived!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I clearly remember the hole in the ozone layer and how it brought about the elimination of chloroflurocarbons.  It seems to have helped, as it is no longer a super serious issue, even though the hole still exists.  Neither of us enjoys guacamole.  I became a step-parent at the ripe old age of 22 to 2 children ages 11 and 13.  Talk about trial by fire! What doesn't kill you gives you wrinkles.  


It's starting out to be a cloudy day but according to the forecast we should have nice temperatures as high as 24(75), which for this time of year is just perfect - cool mornings but great late afternoons.  Looking back at my FB posts from a few years ago we had a lot of colour happening along the river, but this year there's almost none, the trees are still green.  Not sure why.


@smitty34877sending warm hugs as you approach the 1st anniversary of Lou's passing.  I'm so glad your DB was with you this past week to give you some help and also that your DD will be sharing some of your work with Tana.

@summer slopegood luck with your MRI today.

@Haljo1935are Beaver Nuggets corn nuts?  Couldn't tell by the package.

@Denise Tdid you get a pair of shoes for the wedding?

@kazuso glad you could check in for a bit; you've been missed.

@rafinmdhope the rehab is going well for you.

@marshhawkoh my goodness, what you're going through!!!!!


A little busy today, we've got cardiac rehab, last minute groceries and then waiting for our friends to arrive from BC.  Time to wake up DH and get this day started!  BTW, thank you for your comments on his bird house - he was delighted that you thought well of it.  I know he's so creative; in a couple of days I'll post a photo of another one he did for a charity auction with a Route 66 theme.


I'm passing on the drink of the day as I like my Scotch plain, will let DH have the sherry, and do like the menu suggestion but will tuck it away for another day.  Tonight we're going easy with slow cooker pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw, followed by peach pie and ice cream that we will enjoy with our friends on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning from a sunny central Texas where it is a pleasant 72F.  There is a 3mph breeze from the NE with 92% humidity and a dew point of 69F.  The predicted high is 92F, but I'll believe if we don't go higher.  The last two days, we were at least 2 degrees above the predicted high.  Early yesterday evening, we had heavy black clouds, but the weather app radar showed the clouds and accompanying rain moving south.  I headed out for my golf card ride, and as I was approaching the turn to our street it started sprinkling with thunder and lightning just as I was parking the golf cart.  We had a good rain which started just after I got in the house.  It was enough that I could turn the sprinkler system off for a few days.  The only thing on the agenda is DH's PT this afternoon.


The ozone layer is very important to the planets survival, and I'm glad we are making progress to close the hole and preserve the ozone layer.  We like guacamole.  Both our fathers remarried after our mother's died, so we did not live together as step-families.  However, both stepmothers were part of our family, and were the only grandmothers our DDs knew.


Today's quote is interesting, but my brain is not ready this early to really consider it's meaning.


We'll pass on the meal as I'm not a fan of pork roast.  We'll also pass on the drink and the wine.


We have not been to Akaroa. 


Today in 1620 was a big day for the Pilgrims as the set sail from Plymouth, England, after stopping there to make repairs on the Mayflower.


It is a big day in Mexico as they celebrate their Independence Day.


@smitty34877  Terry, you and your family are in our thoughts as you remember all the love and good times you had with your DD DH.  I'm glad your DD is going to help you at night.  Safe travels home for you DB today.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm sorry you are still in so much pain from the golf cart accident.  I hope the MRI gives you some answers and a solution to end the pain.

@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope there is improvement in your leg today.

@kazu  Jacqui, thank you for taking the time to give us an update on you and Ivan.  I'm sorry you are still having so much pain and that your eyes are getting worse.  I hope you can have the cataract surgery soon, and that whatever needs to be done to alleviate the pain happens soon, too.

@Haljo1935  Elizabeth, thanks for the picture of your cute DGD.  There is a new Buc-ee's in Hillsboro, but we still haven't stopped there.

@marshhawk  Annie, you've got so much on your plate, and I wish there was something I (we) could to to help besides being here whenever you need us.  

@ger_77  Gerry, have a wonderful visit with your friends.















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10 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I clearly remember the hole in the ozone layer and how it brought about the elimination of chloroflurocarbons.  It seems to have helped, as it is no longer a super serious issue, even though the hole still exists.  Neither of us enjoys guacamole.  I became a step-parent at the ripe old age of 22 to 2 children ages 11 and 13.  Talk about trial by fire! What doesn't kill you gives you wrinkles.  


It's starting out to be a cloudy day but according to the forecast we should have nice temperatures as high as 24(75), which for this time of year is just perfect - cool mornings but great late afternoons.  Looking back at my FB posts from a few years ago we had a lot of colour happening along the river, but this year there's almost none, the trees are still green.  Not sure why.


@smitty34877sending warm hugs as you approach the 1st anniversary of Lou's passing.  I'm so glad your DB was with you this past week to give you some help and also that your DD will be sharing some of your work with Tana.

@summer slopegood luck with your MRI today.

@Haljo1935are Beaver Nuggets corn nuts?  Couldn't tell by the package.

@Denise Tdid you get a pair of shoes for the wedding?

@kazuso glad you could check in for a bit; you've been missed.

@rafinmdhope the rehab is going well for you.

@marshhawkoh my goodness, what you're going through!!!!!


A little busy today, we've got cardiac rehab, last minute groceries and then waiting for our friends to arrive from BC.  Time to wake up DH and get this day started!  BTW, thank you for your comments on his bird house - he was delighted that you thought well of it.  I know he's so creative; in a couple of days I'll post a photo of another one he did for a charity auction with a Route 66 theme.


I'm passing on the drink of the day as I like my Scotch plain, will let DH have the sherry, and do like the menu suggestion but will tuck it away for another day.  Tonight we're going easy with slow cooker pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw, followed by peach pie and ice cream that we will enjoy with our friends on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Yes, I did. I went with simple and comfortable. It is an outdoor wedding and reception and the bride recommended no heels. 

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Beautiful cool morning in north NJ. Looks like some rain coming later in the week… hoping we can kayak Friday!  

I’ll gladly accept unwanted guacamole!  I miss the flavors of NM. Akaroa was busy with the wood export business when we were there in Dec 2013.  We went out the peninsula and took pictures at the Albatross rookery. It was closed on Christmas Day but the birds were magnificent. Christchurch is a lovely place to visit!  Friends in AU arranged with their friends in Christchurch to fetch us and tour us around!  Such a memorable visit!  

Terry, I remember where I was when I read of Lou’s passing… I was on the train heading from Manhattan to DGD’s after our Quebec cruise.  You’ve had a lot this year.  Good to hear DD is able to get time off to support you and Tana. One day at a time!  Hugs!

Nancy, oh no! on the AC!  Not a good welcome home but that’ll all get resolved. Your DB’s situation must be harder to deal with. I remember when it began and how much dread you felt about it then. It might be a tough visit with him but you’ll be glad to do it. Hugs!  

Ann, we spent a lot of time dealing with the financial forms for our CCRC but it all happened. We weren’t on the list near as long as we thought we would be. I hope you can make the shift before you need to, that way you’ll be better able to deal with it, and can enjoy settling into a new pattern more happily.  

Jacqui, thanks for checking in. I hope you can get your eyes scheduled soon. My brother was so reluctant to get his done but they did each eye a week apart and he’s so amazed at how well it’s gone!  Prayers for Amazing for you too!  

DeniseT, the wedding and happy family gathering sound exciting!  And coming up on Check-in time!  Excellent!  

Blessings to all in need, near and far!  Cheers for remembering Life is Good!

Smooth travels to all away!

Thank you Sandi! Get home safely! Glad you shouldn’t have any rain!  

Today I have women’s sacred circle… hoping to develop a connection or two there. Baby boomers pizza and trivia were nice yesterday but connections didn’t happen for me. When the timing is right!  Grateful for every day! Maureen 

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We visited Akaroa in April of 2013 while cruising from Auckland , New Zealand to Sydney , Australia and ending up in Vancouver , Canada on the Oosterdam .

Due to the major earthquake that destroyed large parts of Christchurch and the facilities in that port Akaroa was used to take tours from there to go to Christchurch . Akaroa as named by the Maoris was than also called Port Louis Philippe by a large group of French settlers that arrived than.  There still is a strong French influence, current population of 780 .
The drive from Akaroa to Christchurch ( about 50 miles ) is through a beautiful mountainous area.
Will try to find a number of pictures without to many names and dates of our tour. 
It is a tender port .
Driving to Christchurch 
Large school in Christchurch 
Some of the destruction in the city , Cathedral , and apartment buildings 
Start of some new rebuilding in Christchurch 
Monument made out of destructed steel beams 
Clean up 
Returning to Akaroa through suburbian Christchurch
DW whispering something to the artist who was busy painting my portrait ………..
Back on board the Oosterdam after a very nice tour in a beautiful area .
Tony 😁😍


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OK I got it can't copy and paste , must do fotos separate .............



We visited Akaroa in April of 2013 while cruising from Auckland , New Zealand to Sydney , Australia and ending up in Vancouver , Canada on the Oosterdam .

Due to the major earthquake that destroyed large parts of Christchurch and the facilities in that port Akaroa was used to take tours from there to go to Christchurch . Akaroa as named by the Maoris was than also called Port Louis Philippe by a large group of French settlers that arrived than.  There still is a strong French influence, current population of 780 .
The drive from Akaroa to Christchurch ( about 50 miles ) is through a beautiful mountainous area.
Will try to find a number of pictures without to many names and dates of our tour. 
It is a tender port .



Driving to Christchurch







Some of the destruction in the city  from the earthquake, Cathedral , and apartment buildings 





Start of some new rebuilding in Christchurch ,Monument made out of destructed steel beams .






Returning to Akaroa through suburbian Christchurch








DW whispering something to the artist who was busy painting my portrait ………..



Back on board the Oosterdam after a very nice tour in a beautiful area .
It is a beautiful warm and sunny day here in SW Ontario .
Wishing you all a great start to the new week 
Tony 😁😍



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Good morning. After promising rain for the past day or so, the weatherman has finally delivered. Monty does not like the thunder. Current temp is 55F - high today supposed to me about 65F. A good day to get more inside work done (hug the Chihuahua when the thunder rumbles).


@kazuGood to hear from you. I hope they can get the cataract surgery scheduled quickly. I was really worried about it but it is now such a standard procedure. Life is much better now that I can see the cobwebs. @StLouisCruisersHope your trip home remains uneventful. @smitty34877Sending cyber hugs as you get through these days full of memories.


Off to get myself another cup of coffee and decide what I want to work on this morning... and resist the temptation to go back to bed.


Best wishes to all for a peaceful and productive day.



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Good morning!!!! To all of my fellow DAILYITES. Have a beautiful day and always try to stay positive even when it’s hard too! @Seasick Sailor Joy ❤️they closed yesterday’s daily so I want to place it here for everyone to see! Love the photos and I can respond! So many new DAILYITES which is wonderful to see. Over my last 12 years this has evolved into a special sanctuary and thank you for that! 
Joy, yes I picked it out right away! Thank you! You see in the SHADOWS of the painting her support always there! 













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7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Omg!! We are just sitting down for our dinner on the beautiful Westerdam. 


Going to be in Japan in a few short hours and I'm SO excited!!



So excited for you!   We loved Japan!  Hope you have a most wonderful time! 

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Preserving the ozone is important. I like good guacamole. Stepfamilies are more common it seems and deserve celebration. Deep quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink and wine. 2 good days in history. I have been to Christchurch on my HAL Auckland to Sydney cruise in 2006, but the port was Lyttelton. We mainly went to the Antarctic Centre, so didn't see the city.


Another warm, partly sunny day, with a high of 79F. We may get rain tomorrow and Wednesday (yay). Just getting the trash out yesterday was taxing, with my leg. I decided to forego putting out recycling, as I didn't have much. I slept ok. I still have pain and swelling. I couldn't stand up the 2 minutes to brush my teeth this morning due to the pain. I see my PCP tomorrow.


@StLouisCruisers Safe trip home. Thanks for the Christchurch photos.

@Crazy For Cats I hope all is ok with you.

@summer slope I'm sorry to hear that you are still in pain from the golf cart accident. I hope the MRI gives some answers.

@grapau27 The weather and beach both look lovely.

@ottahand7 I hope you hear from the HVAC folks. I'm sure your DB will be happy to see you.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry I got the date wrong. I'm happy DB is there with you and the family at this hard time. May your good memories help sustain you. I'm glad DD will be helping more at night. Hugs to you all.

@kazu Great to hear from you. Good news on the house sale, although it may be emotional for you. Any word on getting cataract surgery soon? 

@Haljo1935 I hope the kidney stones cooperate. DGD is very cute. 

@marshhawk I'm sorry you have so much on your plate to clean up. Hugs to you. When my DM started having problems, I got put on her checking account, and had all the bills sent to me so I could pay them. I moved her here when it became apparent she couldn't live on her own.

@Cruise Suzy Wow, that's cool.

@mamaofami Thinking of you and Sam.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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Good morning and Happy Monday. It’s been humid lately and we had rain with thunder yesterday evening. Blue hates going out in the rain and also after it rains. He even avoids the rocks. It’s a struggle. Craig just left for a morning drive. He usually goes to Sonoita, he loves the area, sometimes he even goes to Patagonia. 

The days are good, I especially enjoy guacamole.  Pass on the drink but I’d drink a little bit of sherry. The meal is great but we are having fish tacos today. I’m trying out a new recipe that uses a mayonnaise based sauce to baste the fish while it cooks and it also becomes the sauce on top of the finished tacos along with shredded cabbage and avocado. I made a black bean and corn salad to go with lunch yesterday and we will have that as a side. 

I hope everyone has a great day!



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Good morning all!

We have clouds this morning, but the forecast promises a sunny day and mid-60's.  Actually the best day this week because we have a lot of rain coming.


Three good days, but we both will pass on the guacamole.  Good quote too, will pass on the drink and wine but the meal sounds yummy.  We were in Akaroa on the GANZ this year, it was a very good day.  Photos below.


Not much on the agenda today other than yard fall clean-up.  The yard waste bin is full for the next pick-up and both compost bins are nearly full too.  Thankfully we don't get the leaves in our yard now that several of the Cottonwood trees behind us were removed this year.  


Terry @smitty34877 Thinking of you as the 1st anniversary of your DD DH's passing nears.

Jacqui @kazu Sending hugs!

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 Adorable photo of your DGD.

Annie @marshhawk There are no words... you have so much on your plate.  Lean on us here as much and as often as you need. (((hugs)))


We were in Akaroa on the GANZ this year, it was a cloudy but pleasant day.  We had a tour driving down the peninsula, and then after that we walked from the wharf up to the Giant’s House.
It was built in 1880 by a banker from England. The house, now restored, is the home of artist Josie Martin. She has lived there for 26 years and has been working on the concrete mosaic sculptures for 22 years. She designed and created the flower garden, doing most of the work herself. She is now in her mid 70’s and still works hours in her gardens and sculptures when the grounds aren’t open.  I enjoyed visiting the Giant's House more than I expected to, it was a very interesting afternoon!  And the walk to and from the House was very nice too. 
First some scenes from our drive down the peninsula.  I loved NZ!
And then the Giant's House.  
The piano
And bunny
The king and queen
The Giant's House 
The one and only photo I took on our walk to and from the Giant's House.  Couldn't resist this sweet kitty.
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We are both up after receiving phone calls from the Mainland at 3 AM! Just routine calls and they didn’t know we’re in Kauai. Received a short shower yesterday but other than that we had beautiful weather. It’s still dark outside (5:45) but I expect another great day.

Watched the exciting NASCAR race yesterday and it was weird watching the race starting at nine AM.

@kazu Jacqui it was nice hearing from you. You sure have had way too many burdens but pray the light at the end of the tunnel get’s much brighter soon.

With several of our Daily family dealing with issues I feel so Blessed that our issues remain small and fixable.

So we have started our second week of three in Paradise. Life is good. Thanks for the reports and post. B.



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