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Friday December 1st, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good afternoon.  The Christmas lights are still not up outside, but the weeds are history.  It took a little longer than I expected, but I also got a few other things done during that time.  And I had a nice visit with our neighbor from across the street.  It's nice to catch up with friends we haven't seen for almost two years.  I've already told DH I will need a little help tomorrow so I can put up the lights.  The flag poles will also go up, then it will begin to feel like we're settled in. 


Right now, DH is playing with his new toy, another telescope that he can control from his tablet.  He might even be able to look at more of the eastern sky since the tree has been trimmed.  Here is an after picture.  In order to get the the tall main branch cut back to prevent it from breaking they had to cut all the lower branches off first.  Right now, it looks more like a stump of a dead tree, but I know it will start putting out new branches soon.  Hopefully, I will be able to keep it tamed for a few years.




4 hours ago, dfish said:

I waited too long to call the surgeon's office as it is closed this afternoon.  So, I will have to call first thing Monday morning.  


@57redbird I'm glad you were able to get a surgery date.  I hope I get one soon.  I want this taken care of in time for my Hawaii cruise.  


@ger_77 I sure hope Wayne is ok.  What great friends you are!


@marshhawk Hope the oxygen helps.  At one point my doctor ordered oxygen for me at night, but it kept me up.  I wasn't sleeping at all.  As soon as I unplugged it and sent the oxygen concentrator back, I slept just fine.  I had my brother (respiratory therapist) look at my numbers and he said I'd be fine without it and was borderline before.  But, that was before I started CPAP therapy and the CPAP seems to have done the trick.  




Debbie, it may be time to be a squeaky wheel again to get a surgery date soon.  


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.

Appropriate that it's National Christmas Lights Day. Much progress has been made in AIDS treatment, but more is needed. A salute to Romanian independence. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink, but I'll take the wine. I have not been to Fortaleza. 3 Important days.


It's cloudy and rainy here today. I must say this may have been the worst day. I slept about 3 hours. BFF came and took me for my MRI. I told the guy I get extreme leg/back pain when laying on my back. He said I couldn't move, moan or breathe too deeply as it interferes with the study. I was in agony the whole time. I'm not one that does self affirmations, but I tried to breathe evenly and tell myself "you can do it, you are strong, hang in there" the whole time. Thank goodness that's over! Back here, BFF went downstairs and brought up a few outdoor decorations that I will put on the porch. My tree has been up in the foyer since last year; I'll just turn on the lights for it, no decorating. Now I'm waiting for the mitigation company guy to come by, and finally having my coffee.


@arzz @Cruzin Terri and Jim - Welcome home!

@grapau27 Graham, so sorry to hear of the water main leak and its effects on your property. Wow, a water board cleaning team sounds great. We don't get that kind of service here.

@smitty34877 Thanks. I'm waiting to see the outcome of the mitigation with bated breath. I'm hoping just cleanup will be required. My enthusiasm for the holiday is also lacking; I can certainly understand your feeling that way too, after your loss.

@rafinmd I hope all goes smoothly today on your journey towards home.

@ger_77 Prayers for your friend Wayne that his heart issues can be taken care of straight away. And great of you and DH to jump right in to help him.

@Heartgrove I'm sorry to hear that you and Sue are still feeling unwell. I guess continuing to rest is all you can do.

@superoma Good news about Dena; I hope her recovery continues.

@dfish I'm glad Sue is feeling better, but sorry to hear that DB and DSIL are under the weather.

@cruising sister It was wonderful to see pictures of Murphy. She's a fighter! Continued prayers for her. Good luck with the new medication. My doctor wanted me to try Metformin as part of weight management, but I know many don't tolerate it, so I said not now. Enjoy the Christmas program!

@arzz Good luck with the insurance battle over the damage to your home.

@marshhawk Good to hear that you're getting the oxygen today. What a sweet story about what you did for your neighbor; great Christmas spirit. 

@57redbird I'm glad you got a date. I'm hoping my imaging today helps, but I don't see Neurosurgery until Dec 19.

@kochleffel Congrats on the great feedback for your presentation! 

@RMLincoln I hope you both feel better soon. Get some rest!

@Nickelpenny Great photos.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm so very sorry this was such a bad day for you.  I hope the MRI shows what is causing so much pain, and they can fix it quickly.  It's time for you to get some relief.


3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser thank you so much for the lovely photos from Nuka Hiva yesterday!  



Vanessa @JazzyV I will pray for healing for your leg.   I am sad you have had to bear with this for so long.  🙏


Nancy, I hope the pictures help you and John plan your day there.


3 hours ago, bennybear said:

White rabbit, rabbit rabbit!    Good news are furnace is repaired!  Phew! 
prayers for @superoma dear friend and for @ger_77 Wayne!  
yay on the surgery date @57redbird


@grapau27 yikes on the mess! 
Sorry so many are not feeling well! Hope things improve quickly. 

@0106 I too am following the grand South America as my cousin’s  on board who we sailed with in Japan.  

Ok one more puppy photo, for those who wondered what a Kong was. 



Brenda, that good news your furnace is repaired.  She is a beautiful dog.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you friends for your kind words and concerns.

Our garden seems fine except where all the gravel was washed onto a section of the front garden but hopefully it will recover.

Our water company contacted their insurance company when they saw the flood around our house and they arranged the cleaning team to come out immediately.

Our cold water is back on but the path down our short cul de sac is closed for the night and the hole where the pipe burst and the moved slabs will be repaired tomorrow.



Graham, I wish our water company gave us that good service.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am so happy to announce that DGS Ren has decided to verbally commit to further his academic and athletic career at the University of Notre Dame after graduation in 2025.  I am so proud of this decision because he weighed all his options and I think made the correct decision for his own needs.  DS says the soccer coaching staff are a good fit for Ren.  Notre Dame is currently listed as #2 in the nation and play in the quarterfinals this Saturday. 




Sandi, congratulations to Ren!  I know the entire family is proud and very happy.  BTW, that was my guess for your big announcement.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Both oxygen tanks were delivered, one to wear and one to use at night.  I am also, before I start using them, getting an oxygen monitor to check how I am doing during the day.


There was something on the googly news that caught my attention, so I went to the FB to see the ad, and yes it made me cry, and then there was something about a guy rescuing a bundle of kittens where the umbilical cord had wrapped them all up together (poor mom cat) and then I saw something about a father and daughter singing team.  She had wanted to keep singing during the pandemic and keep in touch with her choir.  Her dad set her up on a web page, and she asked him to join her.  Well, if you can -

CHECK OUT Matt and Savannah Shaw.  OMG!  Where have I been for the last 3 years.  Even DH who is working today asked me who we were, he thought they were great.


@dfish Your drugs are being used by skinny people who have botoxed themselves into believing they are fat.  They have money and they don't use insurance.....my most recent add on drug for my diabetes is Januvia at 467.00 a month out of my pocket. I am supposed to take the metformin both morning and night, and I dont...I would never leave the bathroom if I did.  So maybe if I did I wouldn't have to buy more expensive drugs.  Being adopted I have no idea of what my birth parents had or didn't have.  I know I am a sugar addict, but that seems to be getting replaced with an urge for salty.  I don't even like the taste of sugar in my coffee.


The french toast discussion inspired me, I made it for brunch.  No cinnamon, so I used the last of the vanilla and nutmeg on whole wheat toast...not bad, but missed the cinnamon. I have recently been making my coffee with cinnamon, and used it all up.  Tasty coffee, and I read somewhere that cinnamon was good for diabetics.  or is that wishful thinking on my part? 

@StLouisCruisersI think Ren made a good decision!



Annie, I'm glad both your oxygen devices arrived today.  I hope they help you feel better.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Vanessa @JazzyV I'm so sorry this may have been the worst day yet (and I know that's saying a lot!)  Prayers that the MRI will finally give some answers so you can finally get some relief.


Brenda @bennybear Cute puppy!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers A big shout out and congratulations to DGS Ren!!  I know you're proud, and rightfully so!

@57redbird Doctors seem to always prescribe Metformin first.  But it's usually a very good drug to lower blood sugar -- strange that it made yours go higher.  That said, I never recommend it anymore since I found out it was harming my kidneys.  


Does it ever seem that when one thing goes wrong several follow?  First the excursion cancelation -- and I didn't say before, but the email from Shore Excursion Group said that I hadn't been charged.  Uh no, I paid for the excursion 8 months ago.  Thankfully I got a swift apology to my rebuttal email, and the refund is already showing up on our Visa online.  Yeah!

Then I received the wrong item in the mail. I had ordered something for the cruise and the wrong item came. Now I'm hoping the right thing arrives before our luggage is picked up in 2 weeks.   My gosh, sometimes it seems that nobody can do their job anymore. 😉  😅



Carolyn, I'm glad you got your refund so quickly after pointing out their mistake.  I also hope the item arrives in time.




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Greetings everyone from Titusville Florida.

Thank you all for the welcome home wishes.

I am sorry for not keeping up with the daily while on the cruise.

I promise to read all the posts and try to get back on track.

We had a good time, although it was a time to rest and recoup.

I will write more after we get home tomorrow.

Long drive today with a big delay due to an accident.  Car overturned on the Florida turnpike.

Met some friends and it made the cruise very enjoyable.


A lesson I learned is never book the last stateroom on a cruise.  More later.

Thanks again for all your welcome home wishes.

God Bless


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@JazzyV my hopes and prayers that the MRI help solve the problem 🙏 



2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am so happy to announce that DGS Ren has decided to verbally commit to further his academic and athletic career at the University of Notre Dame after graduation in 2025.  I am so proud of this decision because he weighed all his options and I think made the correct decision for his own needs. 


Congratulations to Ren 🙂 👏 👏 👏 


You must be beaming and every right to be proud 😃. So happy for him.


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An off night in Tamarind.


The soup was great as always. The appetizer sticky ribs were well over done and tough. Tempura vegetables were under cooked and too much batter. DH enjoyed his sorbets. Cappuccino had nearly all cream. Sent them back. 


Captain and wife sat next to us. Bye bye soon to Captain BVD and welcome aboard to Captain Timmers on Sunday. 

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Happy for Ren!

Hopeful for Vanessa!

Relieved for Brenda and Graham and Annie!  
Hugs to Terry!  
Hope Roy is on the train home!  
Keep it up Murphy!  

I’m going to bed early.  Not too bad really, mostly just tired and a tiny bit coldish. I enjoyed time with my phone connection with my Maryland church group. 

Grandkids embarking tomorrow!  I’m a little jealous but so happy for them. 

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Congrats to REN and the whole family and support system. A great school for education and athletics. 


Thank you Vanessa.  I agree completely.  I'm really sorry to hear how painful your MRI was today.  I don't know that I could get through it with that much pain.  Hope something good comes from the results.  




1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon.  The Christmas lights are still not up outside, but the weeds are history.  It took a little longer than I expected, but I also got a few other things done during that time.  And I had a nice visit with our neighbor from across the street.  It's nice to catch up with friends we haven't seen for almost two years.  I've already told DH I will need a little help tomorrow so I can put up the lights.  The flag poles will also go up, then it will begin to feel like we're settled in. 


Right now, DH is playing with his new toy, another telescope that he can control from his tablet.  He might even be able to look at more of the eastern sky since the tree has been trimmed.  Here is an after picture.  In order to get the the tall main branch cut back to prevent it from breaking they had to cut all the lower branches off first.  Right now, it looks more like a stump of a dead tree, but I know it will start putting out new branches soon.  Hopefully, I will be able to keep it tamed for a few years.





Debbie, it may be time to be a squeaky wheel again to get a surgery date soon.  



Vanessa, I'm so very sorry this was such a bad day for you.  I hope the MRI shows what is causing so much pain, and they can fix it quickly.  It's time for you to get some relief.



Nancy, I hope the pictures help you and John plan your day there.



Brenda, that good news your furnace is repaired.  She is a beautiful dog.



Graham, I wish our water company gave us that good service.



Sandi, congratulations to Ren!  I know the entire family is proud and very happy.  BTW, that was my guess for your big announcement.



Annie, I'm glad both your oxygen devices arrived today.  I hope they help you feel better.



Carolyn, I'm glad you got your refund so quickly after pointing out their mistake.  I also hope the item arrives in time.





Thank you Lenda.  I think it was worth the wait.




54 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:



I knew it!! Congratulations to Ren for making his decision! So proud of him!!




Thank you Joy!  Me, too!




52 minutes ago, kazu said:

@JazzyV my hopes and prayers that the MRI help solve the problem 🙏 




Congratulations to Ren 🙂 👏 👏 👏 


You must be beaming and every right to be proud 😃. So happy for him.



Thank you Jacqui.  He would be honored to know of all this support.





27 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Happy for Ren!

Hopeful for Vanessa!

Relieved for Brenda and Graham and Annie!  
Hugs to Terry!  
Hope Roy is on the train home!  
Keep it up Murphy!  

I’m going to bed early.  Not too bad really, mostly just tired and a tiny bit coldish. I enjoyed time with my phone connection with my Maryland church group. 

Grandkids embarking tomorrow!  I’m a little jealous but so happy for them. 


Thanks Maureen!  I hope the sleep does you good. 



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A busy day here on the daily news.

@rafinmd  Roy, we are pleased that you are safely on the train, hope you get a good sleep before your drive home.

@JazzyV  thankful that your MRI has been performed,  hope you will soon hear the result and treatment can begin.

@StLouisCruisers  Congratulations to you grandson.

@marshhawk  am pleased that you have now recieved the oxgen .  

@grapau27     Sorry about the water damage.  What time of day did the water pipe burst,?  Were you the only affected property?  Were you able to leave your property for your daily walk?


Yesterday DH bought solar powered outdoor lights 75 metres in lenght to replace our old lights.   We spent a long time  trying to unwind the lights as someone had gone to a lot of trouble to tie them in knots to pack in their box!  The lights worked beautifuuly last night.



Well that's strange, this post and the two above  from Roy and Ruth are all post number101


Now they are correctly numbered 112, 113 and 114

Edited by erewhon
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@rafinmdSleep well!  

@JazzyVI wish there was something that they could have given you to alleviate the pain during the procedure.  I hope you get back the results and and option of being pain free again real soon.

@erewhonAre these solar powered Christmas lights or driveway lights, or sidewalk lights?


I have to watch some videos before I start up the oxygen.  It's too bad they don't send a person in the box with the machine.  It certainly weighed enough.  Everything is online these days.  I am an old fart who actually wants to talk to a person.  I want to ask a question, and not have to wait for 5 days to get an answer.


Which reminds me, I called Carnival today, as I needed a copy of what the insurance I had purchased had covered, and when you hit the button about talking to someone after your cruise?  There is no longer a person to talk to. You get to go online and send them an email and their response is that someone will get back to you in 4-5 business days.  Neither Chuck nor I got a fill out a review of your cruise either.  But I think they will figure it out.  I cancelled both of my future cruises with Carnival, and sent a second email regarding how terrible the food was, how rude upper management was (and I had names) .  I had always wanted to do a back to back and now I have, and all with no assistance from my cabin steward, who said he would help us move next door.  He didn't, but his highly strung assistant yelled at us several times.  Chuck has always wanted to do a transAtlantic, and now he has, with 
Acute Bronchitis.  I guess, once again I learn that you have to really watch what you pray for. 


I do want to do the Panama Canal trip, but I will do that with HAL.  That's my next goal unless our place we rent in Sanibel has been re opened.  There has been no move on that since all the condos are owned by different people, and I guess they can't coordinate the insurance and repairs.

Edited by marshhawk
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@StLouisCruisers  congratulations!  No wonder you are so proud!   I once had a student who went on to play for Bayern and Man U.   I think Ted Lasso has helped us North Americans understand about soccer! 

@JazzyV hope you get some answers soon!  

@dfish yikes on the Hollywood set,  so wrong when people need those drugs for medical reasons 


Thanks for all the kind puppy comments, we’re having fun!   I think she’s A bit of a princess, lol! 


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@StLouisCruisersCongratulations on Ren's acceptance.  


@rafinmd glad to hear your are on the train and on your way home.


@JazzyV I hope you get treated for your pain.  I don't know how you live with this pain every single day.  Hopefully the MRI will answer the questions and get you a good treatment plan.


@marshhawk glad to hear your oxygen finally came but sorry your cruise wasn't what you wanted.


@Sharon in AZ Glad that your surgery went well.  





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30 minutes ago, erewhon said:

A busy day here on the daily news.

@rafinmd  Roy, we are pleased that you are safely on the train, hope you get a good sleep before your drive home.

@JazzyV  thankful that your MRI has been performed,  hope you will soon hear the result and treatment can begin.

@StLouisCruisers  Congratulations to you grandson.

@marshhawk  am pleased that you have now recieved the oxgen .  

@grapau27     Sorry about the water damage.  What time of day did the water pipe burst,?  Were you the only affected property?  Were you able to leave your property for your daily walk?


Yesterday DH bought solar powered outdoor lights 75 metres in lenght to replace our old lights.   We spent a long time  trying to unwind the lights as someone had gone to a lot of trouble to tie them in knots to pack in their box!  The lights worked beautifuuly last night.



Thank you so much for your comment on Ren.  He's been playing soccer since he was 5.  Guess he's good at it. 😄  Wow, that is a lot of outdoor Christmas lights.  Who gets the job of putting them back into the box next month??




20 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@StLouisCruisers  congratulations!  No wonder you are so proud!   I once had a student who went on to play for Bayern and Man U.   I think Ted Lasso has helped us North Americans understand about soccer! 

@JazzyV hope you get some answers soon!  

@dfish yikes on the Hollywood set,  so wrong when people need those drugs for medical reasons 


Thanks for all the kind puppy comments, we’re having fun!   I think she’s A bit of a princess, lol! 



Thanks Brenda!  Oh and your Princess deserves the title.  She's a beauty.




4 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

@StLouisCruisersCongratulations on Ren's acceptance.  


@rafinmd glad to hear your are on the train and on your way home.


@JazzyV I hope you get treated for your pain.  I don't know how you live with this pain every single day.  Hopefully the MRI will answer the questions and get you a good treatment plan.


@marshhawk glad to hear your oxygen finally came but sorry your cruise wasn't what you wanted.


@Sharon in AZ Glad that your surgery went well.  



Thank you Debbie!  We're all pretty happy.


Time for me to wind down tonight.  A little reading and then some sleep.  5 am comes early!  BTW, the book I'm reading is "The Little Liar" by Mitch Albom.  It's about Greek Jews in WWII.  Very interesting.

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Good evening!  I am doing well today and at my post op today the doctor was very happy with the results. However, it’s very difficult to see. The new eye sees well without glasses and the other one sees well with glasses.  Reading is almost impossible. Nothing looks right. Even my doctor said that I would have a rough week until the next surgery.  I have extreme nearsightedness. The end result will be great, it’s the getting there that’s hard. 

So, all that said, I’m having difficulty catching up with the Daily. Just know my heart is with you all and I’ll read off and on. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers,  Congratulations to Ren!


Graham @grapau27, oh my on the water leak. I hope your front yard recovers. 

Have a good evening!

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48 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

@StLouisCruisersCongratulations on Ren's acceptance.  


@rafinmd glad to hear your are on the train and on your way home.


@JazzyV I hope you get treated for your pain.  I don't know how you live with this pain every single day.  Hopefully the MRI will answer the questions and get you a good treatment plan.


@marshhawk glad to hear your oxygen finally came but sorry your cruise wasn't what you wanted.


@Sharon in AZ Glad that your surgery went well.  





Thank you!

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5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I am so happy to announce that DGS Ren has decided to verbally commit to further his academic and athletic career at the University of Notre Dame after graduation in 2025.  I am so proud of this decision because he weighed all his options and I think made the correct decision for his own needs.  DS says the soccer coaching staff are a good fit for Ren.  Notre Dame is currently listed as #2 in the nation and play in the quarterfinals this Saturday. 




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11 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I'm happy to see that the forecast of frozen mix won't be happening.  Instead it's rain, rain, rain.  Too warm for frozen anything.


Meanwhile, just up the hill in Skykomish, we got about eight inches of snow. I had Mohs surgery on Tuesday morning this week and the surgeon told me no strenuous exercise for two weeks. I said I would like that but it all depended on how much snow we got. 

Here is a picture from our dining room this morning.




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Whew!!! It has been a busy day for so many. Hard to keep up.  @StLouisCruisersGood news on Ren. He will have so many opportunities coming up. Great school both academically and sports wise. @rafinmdGlad to hear you are on the train and headed home. Hope you get a good night's rest before that final push. @JazzyVI hope they learn what they need to know. I am not sure I could have endured that discomfort. I am a real whimp at times. @Sharon in AZI know reading is hard between procedures but in the end it is well worth it. I was horrified when I could finally see the cobwebs around my skylight.


Off to give the dogs a final outing and head to bed with a good book. It is cold here tonight but the snows have stopped. I need to break out my warmer winter coat.



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