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Saturday December 16th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It is cloudy, 44 degrees, and I have to be at work in a half hour.  Oh, the drive from the den, to the living room office on a Saturday is so hard!  


@grapau27Stuffed animals are not stupid toys.  They soak up the tears of both children and adults, who need a cry, they snuggle with us when we are sick, and they make us feel better.  They are the imaginary friends when we are far from the friends we have.  They hold our secrets, and never tell a soul.  Maybe it's a girl thing, but they are not stupid. IMO.

And thank you for  this weeks food porn.  DH and I finally made it to our restaurant yesterday, we ordered the weekly special, it was beautifully placed on the plate, and we both scarfed it all down.  After we finished, I said to DH, if we are going to eat when we are this hungry, no one will know we are foodies like Graham, as we didnt take any pictures!


Yesterday we did work on the porch, got half of the screen wrap up, enough to keep the wind off the critters, but we still have the top part to do.  Hoping the rain steers clear tomorrow, as I work 8 hours today, and it is too dark out there to work at night.


Have a great day every one!

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I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



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Happy Saturday to all and thanks for FR&D.  It will be a warm day here - climbing up to high 70s.  Right now it is 51F.  We did get cold yesterday and I had to go to work with a hoodie on! 🙂 I can celebrate a day of reconciliation but I do believe there are instances when something is toxic, reconciliation is not possible.  Chocolate anything is heaven and I do think I have some stupid "toys".  LOL!!  I think I would like the meal, drink and wine and never been to Sydney. I will celebrate the Boston Tea Party!!




Yesterday wore me out as I am still a little under the weather and I went to bed super early.  Slept to my normal time to get up.  Today will be "I am not doing a thing" day, hibernating in my house.  I am getting anxious as I will have the steroid injection early Monday morning.  I hate needles and had a not so great experience with this 25 years ago.  I forgot to call the pain doc to see if he got the recommendation from the surgeon (he recommends 2 shots and then 2 more 3 weeks later).  Appt has been made for PT at the beginning of the New Year.  I will be taking it easy on this cruise and not walk around ashore too much.  Hopefully just swimming in the ocean.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.




Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning and thanks for the daily updates.  No better day to reconcile than today.  Chocolate covered truffles would be nice.  Not sure about stupid toys but Lucy from the Peanuts characters certainly felt strongly about them!  The quote is good advice.  I got my Covid booster yesterday and it kicked my you know what!  I was achy with a low fever all night long. It finally broke at 7am when I woke up drenched in sweat but feeling less achy.  Will pass on the meal and drink suggestions today.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events!

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Good morning everyone!   I woke at 7:45 after a perfect 8 hours of sleep to a gorgeous sunrise, with a sundog.   Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports @richwmn.   Thanks @grapau27 for the explanation of today's day of reconciliation.   Pass on the chocolate covered anything.  I don't know what to say about stupid toys though family members have given my cats toys that they thought were stupid and basically ignored.   A great quote by Maya Angelou!  In 1653 Cromwell was elevated to his position in Henry the Eighth's court.   If anyone enjoys that period of history there is a good book and series to go with it call Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel who passed away recently.  I will pass on leftover turkey, we are having another for Christmas because John decided to buy a bigger one for Thanksgiving.   Today's cocktail looks yummy and a good one for the SBP.  Today's wine looks good too.  Thanks for researching these for us each day.

Prayers for everyone on our care list, especially for @JazzyV who really needs a break from her pain and lack of sleep.  Prayers for the remaining hostages and for the families of the three who were killed by friendly fire.  Prayers for those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, the innocents in Gaza and Israel.   

Today is a quiet day of football today with three games back to back with John's Vikings game starting the day off.  Gratefully no casino trips between now and our cruise,  too much Covid going around.  We had low attendance at our GC potluck with several calling in with Covid or Covid exposure.    Today I will pack 9 weeks of pill pods for our cruise and the road trips to and fro.   We roll south in about 9-10 days.   Here is the photo of today's sunrise, it is a sun dog reflecting against the clouds because sunrise was at 8:05.   Have a lovely day!   Nancy 

sunrise 12 1623.jpg

Edited by ottahand7
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8 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



IMHO, no.  We actually did that in nursing school putting in what we wanted people to remember about us.  

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Good morning, everyone!


It is a gray morning here in mid-Michigan, but temperatures are mild.  We had a great time at Farkel last night.  DSIL Lauren won two games and I won one.  Actually, I won two, but when you go out everyone else has one chance to overtake you and DSIL did just that.  


6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.




Not at all and relatives who are left behind may be very thankful.  When my dad died we found what he had written and made a couple edits and used that.  I didn't know all the stuff he had included, but that was the stuff that was important to him.  


@Cruzin Terri my condolences on the death of your dear friend's husband.  May he rest in peace.


I like this first recipe for today's meal because it uses mushrooms and cauliflower in place of rice, cutting the carbs to a level I can handle.  Make it with ground beef, if you like, or any meat of your choice.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/leftover-turkey-stuffed-peppers/




This one is more traditional with rice used as a filler.  I do like the peppers in the dish on a bed of rice.  https://bodycompassdiscovery.com/recipe/turkey-and-rice-stuffed-peppers/




These stuffed peppers are taco inspired and use some of the seasonings found in tacos.  https://www.skinnytaste.com/turkey-stuffed-peppers-45-pts/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!





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16 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.




Not creepy at all and a wise move. Just make sure that whoever will handle your final arrangements knows where to find it. And it will make that person’s job lighter, too.

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21 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



Gee, Roy - I don’t think it is creepy. And drafting your own ensures that all the key points you cherish are mentioned - such as how much you love to cruise!

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21 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



I think it's thoughtful.

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43 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



Roy, It is not creepy at all to do this.  My mother passed this last summer at the age of 93 and she had written her own obituary.  We did make some additions and other editing, but it made the whole process much easier, and we were still able to honor her wishes.  

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Good morning from Quartzsite where we had enough clouds in the east for a lovely sunrise.  I should have taken a picture, but it's 44F with a 4 mph SE breeze.  I'll be outside in the chilly weather soon enough to hang out the first load of laundry.  Our predicted high is 70F, but we won't reach the 60s until about 11am.


Reconciliation is important anywhere, but it was needed in South Africa when the day was first introduced.  I'll definitely celebrate chocolate covered anything day, except chocolate covered raisins.  I guess my Christmas candy is part of the day since it contains chopped pecans.  I'm sure we've had some stupid toys, but they are not stupid if you like them.


I agree with the Maya Angelou quote.


The meal sounds interesting, but we'll pass on the drink.  The red wine sounds interesting and I'd like to try it.


We have been to Sydney twice and were fortunate to dock at Circular Quay both times.  I am enjoying everyone's pictures, and will add mine in a few minutes.


When Oliver Cromwell was appointed to the post in 1653 it certainly changed England for a period of time.

The 1773 Boston Tea Party set in motion the coming revolution and the US breaking away from England.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the explanation of Reconciliation Day.  It is very thoughtful of Pauline to help her friend today.  I'm sorry the friend's mam is in the hospital and the outcome doesn't look very good.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the weather forecast is wrong and the storm is not as bad as predicted.

@Denise T  Denise, enjoy your day with family.  I'm sorry your niece tested positive for Covid.   I hope your nephew's fiancé fits in well with the family.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, thanks for the picture of the gingerbread village.

@Cruzin Terri  Terry, I hope today is a quieter day, and that you can get to the grocery store and home before the rain hits.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, it sounds like you had a very nice evening with friends.  I'm sorry Molly ran into the sliding glass door.  Maybe you should consider leaving some of the "nose art" on the lower part of the door.

@Haljo1935  I'm glad you got the MRI. 

@ger_77  Gerry, your dinner tonight was what we had last night except we didn't have salad.  Enjoy.  I don't know what I'd do without the George Foreman and air fryer.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the Saturday work speeds the job to completion.

@rafinmd  Roy, add me to the list of those who don't think drafting your obit is creepy.  I think it's very pragmatic and will make it easier for those who will handle your final arrangements.  We've had friends who wrote their own obits.

@Nickelpenny Pennie, I hope the steroid injections help with the pain.  I am not fond of needles, but it a shot helps or prevents illness, then I'll get it.

@Mr. Boston  I'm glad you got your booster, but I'm sorry you had such a bad reaction.

@cat shepard  Ann, I loved the meme about Florida closing.  I hope all the Dailyites in the path of that storm remain safe and suffer no damage.











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We have been to Sydney twice.   The first time was in 2000 on P&O's Oriana world cruise.  In 2002, we were on the 64-day APEC cruise on Volendam, and spent 1 1/2 days in Sydney.


In 2000, when we were a lot younger, we had a busy day beginning with the sail in.    We took the Ho-Ho and then walked around downtown Sydney.


The sunrise as we sailed in and the pilot boat.



Our first view of the skyline and the Opera House as we headed toward Circular Quay.



Just one picture of the shopping district



When we got back to Circular Quay, we decided to take the ferry to Manly across the bay.





I couldn't resist the sunset pictures on two iconic symbols of Sydney.




In 2002, Volendam sailed into the bay about noon.  This was Volendam's maiden call in Sydney, and we were greeted by a fire boat who lead us to Circular Quay.



When we left the ship, two wildlife experts greeted us, one with a Koala and one with a Sugar Baby, who had the softest fur.  Sorry it's a little blurry.



That afternoon, we took the Ho-Ho and visited a couple of museums, including an old electric power plant, but I don't have pictures. 


The next day, we rented a car and drove to the Blue Mountains, and on the way back, around some of the far reaches of Sydney.


We saw this unusual bug that seems to have a face on his back.  It looks like some type of moth.  I had to really zoom in so the "face" would show up.



Some pictures of the Blue Mountains






I've always thought Dali's work while different was interesting.



The Rocks






The sunset over Sydney as we sailed toward the Bay of Islands.




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Good morning Daily-ites. 


I'm bobbing and weaving this morning, luckily no sea sickness. Several people fell in Lido and a guy next to me said he fell during the night. 


Gosh Vanessa, I hope something can be done about your pain! This is so sad for you! Our prayers go out to Daily-ites, their friends and family,  and my own care list that is starting to grow beyond 4.


Thank you to all who contribute!


Going to look at pictures this morning, invited to wine tasting at 2. I forgot to check if the next tree lighting is tonight or tomorrow.  A lot of kids in board and even more for next week.  I wouldn’t expect anything less for holiday cruising.


Have a great day! Blessings!

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



I think it is great. It is hard on those left behind to do it and if you have outlived the others it is a great send off for yourself!

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I have a question for our dailyites based on yesterday's posts.  Is it creepy to draft your own obituary?  I have outlived the people who knew me in my younger years and have created something that others could use making late additions and editing anything they would like to change.



I know a number of people that have done it for exactly that reason (or because they don't trust what their relatives will say). Not at all unusual.



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Good morning, 


I'll take anything covered in chocolate as long as it's dark chocolate. Not a big fan of milk chocolate. Today and tomorrow we're having sun and clouds but the rain returns on Monday. 


The last few days have been busy here with wrapping, baking my English shortbread, water aerobics, etc. Yesterday was a potluck with a local Widows Support Group. It's more of a social group and some nice people. There were 35 of us. A couple of them are classmates of DH. 

Today I'm heading to Canada to see my mom and take her gifts up. I'll ship the rest on Monday for nieces, sisters and great-nieces. It's too much for my mom for me to take them to her. She's 97 and a going concern. Today I'm to take her to Old Navy and The Gap to shop for my niece and then she wants to go to White Spot for lunch so we can share a shrimp sandwich. If you know White Spot you know that their shrimp sandwich, on multigrain bread, is delicious. I have warned her that I'd like to be closer to home by dark so it will be a shorter visit but I'll be back up in a few weeks. 

Have a good day everyone! @rafinmd I think writing your own obituary is a great idea! I did DH's and it took many drafts and I still feel like I left things out he may have wanted included. 


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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

The Day of Reconciliation continues to be important for healing. I like most chocolate covered things, except peanuts. I never had any stupid toys. Good quote. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I have been to Sydney on my first HAL cruise, Auckland to Sydney, in 2006. 2 important days in history.


It's the last nice day for a while. Some sunshine and a high of 55F. Rain, then rain/snow is on the way. Even if there's some snow on Tuesday, I will make it to my Neurosurgery appointment! I'm very sleepy again. I find it hard to believe my watch that says I slept 1.5 hours, but my Fitbit agrees. I did get almost 3 hours off and on in the recliner last evening. The house is a mess, but any standing more than 3 minutes causes significant pain. 


@cunnorl Nice photos.

@StLouisCruisers Lovely  photos from Sydney.

@grapau27 Prayers for Pauline's friend's Mam. And lovely of Pauline to help her friend after her operation.

@aliaschief I'm glad the weather has cooperated so far for your visit to DD's.

@Denise T Enjoy having your family there.

@Cruzin Terri My condolences on the loss of your UK friend's husband. I hope today is more peaceful for you than yesterday.

@tjcox9 That's a great photo!

@smitty34877 Here's hoping today is the end of the street work.

@rafinmd I don't think it's creepy to draft your own obit. I have no family. The person who knows me best is BFF, and even so he doesn't know much about my life before I moved here. And if I outlive him, then there's no one to write it.

@Nickelpenny I hope the steroid shots help. Mine wasn't too bad back in October, mainly some pressure.

@Mr. Boston I hope you feel better today.

@ottahand7 Cool photo of the sundog. My team plays today too. Seems odd to be on Saturday. There definitely seems to be an uptick in Covid cases.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Sydney.

@Seasick Sailor Be careful! Sorry to hear people fell.

@luvteaching Safe travels up to visit your DM. Enjoy the shopping and lunch.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for those Celebrating.


Arriving in Sydney Harbor in the early morning, on the Statendam.







The story of the Opera House Shape





Aborigine playing a Didgeridoo in the Circular Quay



The First Impressions Sculpture in The Rocks



View from the pylon lookout on the Harbor Bridge



Harbor Bridge Walkway



Luna Park



Sydney Conservatorium of Music



Pyramid and Arc, Royal Botanical Gardens



St. Mary's Cathedral



Sydney Town Hall lit for Christmas



Atop the Sydney Harbor Bridge



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Well, technology marches on! On our initial trip to Australia in 2003 I used my first Digital camera whch was a Sony Cybershot. It recorded on a proprietary memory stick for which the reader is no longer compatible with my current computer. On our second trip to Oz we started in Auckland, New Zealand and only changed planes on our return flights (3) in Sydney. So here are some aerial photos from our departure on our flight to LAX.


Our plans are to return Australia on our way to Japan in 2025.


- Jack


Sydney skyline





Port Jackson Bay



Sydney Harbour Bridge



Sydney Opera House (unfortunately with so-so accoustics but an iconic landmark)



Sydney Ferry returning to Circular Quay


HMAS Melbourne FFG-05 decommisioned in 2019 and sold to Chile.



The old UAL First Class seat in the nose of a 747-400. 





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Wedding Day in San Antonio TX for granddaughter!  Everything is unfolding ok!  Lots of catching up with family, and a heartfelt visit with my recently widowed friend in Seguin (no “e”, thank you Lenda!). Traffic has been heavy at times traversing San Antonio but the navigator has been a blessing. The wedding is this afternoon, reception to follow, back to hotel, pack this evening and to the airport after breakfast for noon flight. 

Seeing weather forecasts that we’ll be flying into the east coast storm tomorrow night. IF we’re on schedule, we’ll be driving home from Philadelphia to northern NJ just before the storm gets really bad, albeit 9pm, tired, dark, rainy. OR we could hold over in Philly Sunday night and drive up Monday in likely worse weather and more traffic. 🤷🏼‍♀️   Hoping we can connect in Atlanta ok. We have an 3 hour layover, hope a plane comes in for our connection. Then manage the drive home ok 🤞

Loved Sydney, stayed there one week of our 6 weeks in Australia!  Both closer friend there have died but we made other friends through them that we’ve kept in touch with… 


“Reconciliation” is a great word, and needed practice!   RE = again; CON= together; CIL is from the root word for legs, as in “cilia”. So it means “to walk together again!”  

Maya Angelou was very perceptive and taught this concept of today’s quote to help many avoid future pitfalls. Easier said… 

DH is taking advantage of a break in our schedule for a nap, he’s had a rough time with his eyes itching so bad even doubling up on antihistamines (which would make me loopy);  never complains but I feel it with him. After we get back home we’ll lay low until surgery in late January. Then everything changes!  Don’t know what to expect but we’re on the path…. 

Blessings to you all!  Thanks for being here!  Extra love to those with heavy hearts, losses, pain and challenges. ❤️‍🩹
Cheers to those celebrating and traveling!  🎉 (While the traveling can be a challenge we’re so very glad we could make it to this wedding!) 


Sorry to hear about more COVID, we may pick it up from these gatherings or travels but hopefully we can get through it before surgery!  Gotta keep living life and moving forward!  

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Good morning all!

This is the start of day 2 of our busy weekend.  When I started reading the Daily I was the only one awake, now everyone is up so I'll make this short.  We're having a great time with the DGSs.  They had a wonderful time at the Taekwondo party last night, and after getting back to our house we played a couple rousing games of UNO (I lost every time) and then they spent some time playing with their Gak (kind of a tradition here since they were small).  Everyone went right to sleep and slept well.  We have a full day ahead.


Terry @smitty34877 Is it too late to ask for the chocolate you don't want?  😂  I'll take anything chocolate covered except for insects. Preferably dark chocolate, but I won't turn down any chocolate.


Love the quote, the drink would probably be good, and maybe on the turkey stuffed peppers but I would prefer ground beef.  Pass on the red wine.  I'm loving the photos of Sydney since we'll be there in February and have never been there.  We'll have 2 days.  The first day we have an all-day private tour to the Blue Mountains.  Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser did you ride the train that does the vertical drop?  I'm wondering how I would do on that....hate heights and hate feeling like I'm dropping straight down.  If it's slow it wouldn't be as bad, but fast no way. 😲


The second day we have a HAL tour of the city and the opera house.  We were going to do the HOHO but instead decided to do everything as simply as possible this trip.  


Well time to feed these growing boys!  We measured Foster last night -- at 10 1/2 he's slightly over 5 feet already!!  He'll be tall like his Dad.


Have a great day everyone!

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