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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday January 25th, 2024


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The Vera books are great, somet8mes the series is a bit too gory for me. The Magpie Murders is excellent, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Saw the new Traitors show last night. It’s pretty dark but fun. The only thing I watch on regular tv is football.

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1 hour ago, kazu said:


Oh dear Gerry - the deterioration is scary!  I don’t blame you for being worried.  I hope the cardiologist gets him in right away.  If not, the ambulance is a really good idea.  



@aliaschief fabulous pictures and what an amazing experience 👍. Very special memories indeed!


@StLouisCruisers your DD’s tree is beautiful, as always.  She’s so imaginative and creative 👍 

Prayers for Gerry and take care.

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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Thursday Morning Daiyites! It is pouring buckets right now, there is still some fog, which is making the sound of thunder almost "bubble".  The last time the temp showed, it was at 62, and now it says Record Highs.  DH had his infusion yesterday, and took the rest of the day off, since we didnt get home until 4:30 I wish I had said no to those who wanted a call back yesterday.  I worked two hours, and not one person who wanted a call back answered.  I am burned out with this campaign.  I've been with it since the end of September. At this point I am reaching , if lucky, talking to people who have been called more than 20 times.  Instead of picking up once, talk to someone, hear the pitch and say no, they let it ring a zillion times over months, and then yell at us regarding our calling.  I'm a human, i will call until you say no.  But these computerized calls we have been getting from Sarah regarding medicare are still going on, everyday, and all you can do is hang up, because there is not a real person there.   I yelled yesterday, and the voice  stopped talking.  Interesting.


Back to Rome


After a bit of a rest we decided walk over to see the Trevi Fountain.  The hotel is very close the the Marcus Aurelius obelisk, carved with the mans adventure through his life-




But the closer we got to the fountain, we realized, a quiet moment with history and beauty was not going to happen-

IMG_0481.thumb.JPG.dcd43a39a1e3f03140e645219edc4049.JPGI am not into crowds, so we talked it over and decided we would get up very early the next morning and head back to see the fountain.  By the way- the fountain is to the left.


Have a great day everyone!  

The Trevinfountain was packed when we were there a few years ago. Could not get near it. Rome is so wonderful. Did you have cacio e Pepe?

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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@ger_77Low on oxygen doesn't sound good.  I'm with @smitty34877 call the ER if he is not doing better this morning.  


I have no room to myself, unless i get up early and come to the Daily.  Once DH is up, we share everything all day long. At work in the living room, watching the TV, sleeping, eating, I know I should not complain, but everyone needs some alone time.  I need to get that shirt that says "Am I working from home, or living at work".


Speaking of shirts, @cat shepard where did you find that great picture of the cat aviator?  It must exist somewhere and I would love to get it for DH (air force). 


Thank you @aliaschieffor the pictures of Easter Island.  I have always been fascinated by the stone "gods" and have wanted to go.  Unless I buy a lottery ticket, and win, I will never get to go.  


@MISTER 67I too am a fan of Vera, Shetland, Foyles War, and Death in Paradise.  Midsumer Murders is my happy place.  Put it this way, if it's on Britbox, it will get watched.  I wish Midsumer was back on britbox, i'm currently having to watch commercials (OMG) while watching it on Roku.  The only show that I enjoy with American tv is Ghosts.


I know Amazon has them ,but you might find a cheaper option. 

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2 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Finally some upbeat news from me!


DH's right hip-heel pain has been greatly alleviated by the epidural injection he had a few weeks ago. His right foot fall hasn't improved but, with that leg's pain relieved and a right foot brace, he is more able to use his walker.


With his right side stabilized, DH's pain doctor has recommended a gel type injection into his left knee. An eons ago ski injury and arthritis gives DH extreme bone on bone pain that his left knee brace only partially relieves. The injection was set for February but a cancellation put him on tomorrow's schedule!


And, in the final bit of upbeat news, it appears I have found the fix for our washer. It had been stalling mid-cycle not filling or spinning properly. Before I called repair, I found a report on-line that our model's electronics can get confused. It suggested unplugging the washer for 20 minutes to let its brain reset. What the heck? I figured it was worth a try. And, the washer is now working like brand new!


Thanks for your continued prayers. My 🙏prayers for🙏 and 🎉celebrations with🎉 you continue.


So glad I finally have some upbeat news to share,


Sorry about your husbands knee.I have the same issues and it it very challenging to get treatment. I also find the knee brace helps and I use a topical cream Kalaya  which really deadens the pain. Don’t know if can get it in the States.

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I have a vpn that I use to keep up to date with my British tv. My big favourite is Strictly Come Dancing. Big controversy last series as one of the actors dropped out because of too rigorous training. The production numbers are really good like Londons West End. There was a deaf actress who won a couple of years ago 

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40 minutes ago, SanDiegian said:


image.thumb.jpeg.6cd0bba503baf2f8155a05f4769e2210.jpegEarth photographed by Voyager through Saturn’s Rings. 

image.jpeg.d2a5d117a40b859e33bb6ec22709f32f.jpegTo celebrate the 50th anniversary of Men Landing on the Moon the Washington Momument was lit with the SaturnV rocket. Thanks NASA and all the people that made it happen. 



Thanks for the wonderful pictures.


29 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks to Debbie @tupper10, Elizabeth (?) @Haljo1935, Jacqui @kazu, Melanie @puppycanducruise, and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the comments on the latest Celebration tree.  I'll be sure to pass them on to her and I'm sure she will appreciate them.🙂


Gerry @ger_77 I hope something can be done today for Maurice and agree with everyone it seems urgent.  Prayers for you both. 🙏


My goodness, it would be nice to have some peace on this street this week!  This morning an 18 wheeler came by and unloaded huge piles of pine straw bales on the curb in several spots.  They are going to replenish the common ground areas scattered through our Pod with it.  Then next month they'll come by with pine straw for everyone's landscaping.  Well, when the truck finished dropping off bales across the street from our house, he pulled away and lo and behold!  The guy across the street now has his mailbox ripped off and lying on the grass!  What is going on here?  They just went on their way, and a supervisor in a white truck failed to report anything to the homeowner.  Just went on up the street.  After about 15 minutes, I decided he'd had enough time to 'fess up and called the man across the street to let him know who did it in case he was busy and didn't notice.  The trucks would just leave and he wouldn't know what happened.  I've never met him before since they've lived here a relatively short time and own their own business so don't spend much time outside.  I left a phone message about the mailbox and the straw company 18 wheeler being the culprit.  He returned my call minutes later and came outside to see what could be done.  He had actually placed a letter in the mailbox earlier today to be mailed and it was fine then.  He stopped the white pick up truck guy and demanded a phone number to call.  Then a new supervisor showed up and I think they've come to an agreement on it.  Justice will be served!  📫


Sandi, I wouldn't want to be a mailbox on your street. 😁 Glad you let your neighbor know what happened.


This our sunrise this morning.





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Good morning and thanks all!  Especially Jacqui and Roy love the new map!  

@ger_77 yikes!  Sending my prayers and concerns that all shall be well! 

I’ll join those who enjoy British mysteries!  

here’s to Robbie Burns! 


Edited by bennybear
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Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up.  It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office.  DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after.  Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file.


And to answer someone's query, we don't have an urgent care centre anywhere in our province; there are 3 planned, but that's as far as it's gotten.  I've had to call an ambulance before, as I know it's the one way you can actually be seen without having to wait in the emergency waiting room for hours before having anyone attend to the problem.  


Maurice has been taking it very easy this morning - I brought in a stool from the deck and put it into the shower so he wouldn't even have to stand up for long to get himself cleaned up.  I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't even balk at the suggestion.


We have about 2 hours to go before the appointment, but I will come back later with an update.  


Thanks again, my friends.

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Good afternoon, it's a very foggy, dreary day here.  I'm hoping it will rain, my car needs a bath.  

I didn't get here yesterday, i helped with a funeral lunch at church, was there for 5 hours!  

@ger_77praying your DH gets to see someone today to figure out what's going on.  

@StLouisCruisersthe  valentine tree is beautiful!  Where does she store all of her decorations?😊

Prayers for all that need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising! 


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Tonight’s menu at Chef’s Signature dinner and again they did another great lunch BBQ. We ate sparsely because of tonight’s dinner. We did have some pineapple as the chef and F&B manager went to local pineapple farm. Delicious.



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15 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up.  It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office.  DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after.  Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file.


And to answer someone's query, we don't have an urgent care centre anywhere in our province; there are 3 planned, but that's as far as it's gotten.  I've had to call an ambulance before, as I know it's the one way you can actually be seen without having to wait in the emergency waiting room for hours before having anyone attend to the problem.  


Maurice has been taking it very easy this morning - I brought in a stool from the deck and put it into the shower so he wouldn't even have to stand up for long to get himself cleaned up.  I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't even balk at the suggestion.


We have about 2 hours to go before the appointment, but I will come back later with an update.  


Thanks again, my friends.

Gerry, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Maurice.  Glad that you are able to get in today to see the cardiologist, hopefully it will help clear things up.

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4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Just wondering, does Canada have Urgent Care Centers.  I've gotten very good care from mine, and there is little waiting. 





I am not 100% sure what Urgent Care is in the United States, honestly.  I think it’s like our one emergency department.  We have 2 - one at the main hospital (which entails long waits unless it is urgent) and another that is home to geriatric care, Mammograms, immediate care of breaks, sprains, etc which provides diagnosis and if it’s needed you are transported by ambulance to the other hospital which has all the technology.


I went to the latter when I fell on the black ice as I feared the elbow.  I was in and out in 1.5 hours which was fabulous IMO.  Too many people go to the main hospital when it is not urgent which causes the waits of hours.



4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

With his right side stabilized, DH's pain doctor has recommended a gel type injection into his left knee. An eons ago ski injury and arthritis gives DH extreme bone on bone pain that his left knee brace only partially relieves. The injection was set for February but a cancellation put him on tomorrow's schedule!


That is great news!  I hope the injection does the trick for him 🤞 



4 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


And, in the final bit of upbeat news, it appears I have found the fix for our washer. It had been stalling mid-cycle not filling or spinning properly. Before I called repair, I found a report on-line that our model's electronics can get confused. It suggested unplugging the washer for 20 minutes to let its brain reset. What the heck? I figured it was worth a try. And, the washer is now working like brand new!


Woo hoo!  You conquered the appliance gremlin. 👍. I had to do the same thing with both my washer and stove - apparently a power surge confused them despite the connections they have.  it never hurts to try a reset.  So happy for you that it worked 🙂 




35 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up.  It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office.  DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after.  Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file.


Thank God.  I was remembering my neighbour’s story on her husband being out of breath and was about to come back and tell you to call an ambulance as she did until I saw your post.  Thankfully he got in on time.  The surgeon told him he didn’t have much left without the surgery.


You and Maurice are in my prayers. 🙏 



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43 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up.  It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office.  DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after.  Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file.


And to answer someone's query, we don't have an urgent care centre anywhere in our province; there are 3 planned, but that's as far as it's gotten.  I've had to call an ambulance before, as I know it's the one way you can actually be seen without having to wait in the emergency waiting room for hours before having anyone attend to the problem.  


Maurice has been taking it very easy this morning - I brought in a stool from the deck and put it into the shower so he wouldn't even have to stand up for long to get himself cleaned up.  I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't even balk at the suggestion.


We have about 2 hours to go before the appointment, but I will come back later with an update.  


Thanks again, my friends.


Gerry, I'm glad things are moving in the right direction and you have a appointment with the cardiologist this afternoon, and an echocardiogram before hand.  Sending positive thoughts for a good outcome.


@kazu  Jacqui, the urgent care centers in the US are walk-in clinics where you can be seen by someone when you can't into see your PCP but don't need an emergency room.  There can be a wait if it's busy, but not the long wait as at an ER.

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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@kazu  Jacqui, the urgent care centers in the US are walk-in clinics where you can be seen by someone when you can't into see your PCP but don't need an emergency room.  There can be a wait if it's busy, but not the long wait as at an ER.


Thanks so much.  It sounds like our St. Joseph’s Hospital is quite similar to that.  You can’t make an appointment but the waits are quite reasonable IME.  


Sadly, it’s not promoted as an Urgent Care Facility so most people overload the main hospital  for minor issues when it’s not needed.  (I went there enough months to see).


Sd add lucky to have it here.  It’s not prevalent in New Brunswick.

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50 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Tonight’s menu at Chef’s Signature dinner and again they did another great lunch BBQ. We ate sparsely because of tonight’s dinner. We did have some pineapple as the chef and F&B manager went to local pineapple farm. Delicious.




Bruce those pineapples look amazing!

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I drove up to New Hampshire today and every time I stopped I checked to see about Maurice. I hope the doc is able to help today.

My grandson wanted me to see him play basketball tonight so of course I drove up. I suspect there will be more post birthday celebrations here. 
I watch all the Britbox detective shows as well and enjoyed reading the books by Ann Cleeves for Vera and Shetland. DD includes me in her Amazon prime subscription so I also watch all the Scandinavian series as well. They are sometimes more gory but

I have found real life to be gory as well.

We very rarely watch regular TV here anymore.

The urgent care centers in my urban environment are only a little less busy than the ER’s. People have a hard time finding a PCP and then getting an appointment.


I will never forget Lou’s PCP not even agreeing to see him once he had the first chemotherapy treatment. We went to the ER which was what I should have done anyway. 
Best wishes to all today


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28 minutes ago, kazu said:



I am not 100% sure what Urgent Care is in the United States, honestly.  I think it’s like our one emergency department.  We have 2 - one at the main hospital (which entails long waits unless it is urgent) and another that is home to geriatric care, Mammograms, immediate care of breaks, sprains, etc which provides diagnosis and if it’s needed you are transported by ambulance to the other hospital which has all the technology.



21 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@kazu  Jacqui, the urgent care centers in the US are walk-in clinics where you can be seen by someone when you can't into see your PCP but don't need an emergency room.  There can be a wait if it's busy, but not the long wait as at an ER.


18 minutes ago, kazu said:


Thanks so much.  It sounds like our St. Joseph’s Hospital is quite similar to that.  You can’t make an appointment but the waits are quite reasonable IME.  


Sadly, it’s not promoted as an Urgent Care Facility so most people overload the main hospital  for minor issues when it’s not needed.  (I went there enough months to see).


They’re kind of a “Doc in the Box”. Many are not meant for ongoing care, but some are. They tend to be used by uninsured, those with high deductibles and those who choose to not have a PCP. They were originally meant to handle non-emergent problems that couldn’t or shouldn’t wait. Like illness, UTIs, minor stitches, etc. Many have branched out to provide government programs and other assorted services (travel vaccines)

Kaiser calls their former Urgent Care clinics “same day clinics”.

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15 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:



They’re kind of a “Doc in the Box”. Many are not meant for ongoing care, but some are. They tend to be used by uninsured, those with high deductibles and those who choose to not have a PCP. They were originally meant to handle non-emergent problems that couldn’t or shouldn’t wait. Like illness, UTIs, minor stitches, etc. Many have branched out to provide government programs and other assorted services (travel vaccines)

Kaiser calls their former Urgent Care clinics “same day clinics”.


Thanks.  I appreciate the help.  We have no uninsured here.  Everyone’s standard medical treatment is covered.  We don’t have enough Family Physicians (FP’s here) so some are without a doctor.  Nurse practitioners are starting to fill the gap thankfully.  DD DH was a big believer in them to help the Health Care crisis here.


Travel vaccines, etc are provided elsewhere - travel clinics or pharmacists to relieve the burden.

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The neighbor across the street now has a temporary mailbox next to the original one.  The second superintendent told him those 18 wheeler drivers don't drive that well and his wasn't the first one damaged. 😄 The super. has permission from the HOA to put the temporary one up until the original is repaired.  Too bad Amazon isn't as thoughtful!   That mailbox which was knocked down Saturday is still in the same condition with no temporary one in sight. 🤔


Since about 8 am this morning we've had a good inch of rain.  Before that time I'd estimate we had a half inch.  A chance of some showers later.  Then a chance of rain tomorrow but I'll have to wait for an updated forecast to get a better idea of when.  Things change so fast in weather forecasting!



2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sandi, I wouldn't want to be a mailbox on your street. 😁 Glad you let your neighbor know what happened.


This our sunrise this morning.






Thanks for your Seychelles photos today.  Uh, no I wouldn't want to be a mailbox here either.  We don't even have icy roads to blame for the careless driving.  And thanks for the sunrise photo today.  I love the pinky-purple ones.




1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Thank you all for your care and concern, it really is appreciated knowing that others are holding me up.  It's as if the cardiologist knew things were going south because as we sat having our coffee, reading the newspaper, a phone call came from his office.  DH has an echocardiogram scheduled for 2:30 and will see the doctor immediately after.  Maybe the doc finally had a chance to read the file.


And to answer someone's query, we don't have an urgent care centre anywhere in our province; there are 3 planned, but that's as far as it's gotten.  I've had to call an ambulance before, as I know it's the one way you can actually be seen without having to wait in the emergency waiting room for hours before having anyone attend to the problem.  


Maurice has been taking it very easy this morning - I brought in a stool from the deck and put it into the shower so he wouldn't even have to stand up for long to get himself cleaned up.  I knew he wasn't feeling well when he didn't even balk at the suggestion.


We have about 2 hours to go before the appointment, but I will come back later with an update.  


Thanks again, my friends.


I'm relieved to hear this update and hope for the best after he's checked out.  I'll keep checking for word later.  Good luck Maurice!




1 hour ago, quilty964 said:

Good afternoon, it's a very foggy, dreary day here.  I'm hoping it will rain, my car needs a bath.  

I didn't get here yesterday, i helped with a funeral lunch at church, was there for 5 hours!  

@ger_77praying your DH gets to see someone today to figure out what's going on.  

@StLouisCruisersthe  valentine tree is beautiful!  Where does she store all of her decorations?😊

Prayers for all that need them and cheers to those celebrating and cruising! 



Karen, she has a separate clear storage container for each tree which is marked with the contents on the side.  Then they are placed on large shelving units in her basement storage room/mechanical room.  You have to really stay organized or you would forever be searching for things.  Thank you for the compliment.  I'll let her know you like it.




36 minutes ago, kazu said:

Woo hoo!  You conquered the appliance gremlin. 👍. I had to do the same thing with both my washer and stove - apparently a power surge confused them despite the connections they have.  it never hurts to try a reset.  So happy for you that it worked 🙂 



We've been hit with the appliance gremlin unfortunately.  The microwave turntable motor has stopped working.  Since the microwave oven is built into the unit with the regular oven, it will entail another big production having two repair people to remove it from the cabinet and replace the motor.  What a royal pain!  We even tried turning power off to the unit for a half hour but it did not "reset" unfortunately. 😏I'm glad the washers you and Melisa @HAL Sailer have began working again after turning the power off for a bit.  


Melisa @HAL Sailer I'm also glad to hear your DH has an appointment tomorrow.  I hope the injection really does the trick on his knee.  Good luck to him, too!

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I've had a room of my own except for a couple of years in a college dorm, where i had a roommate. I try not to wear clashing clothes. I'll salute those lost in the pursuit of space exploration. Funny quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Mahe Island. 2 good days in history. 


It's 53F and cloudy, with rain sprinkles. This morning it was super foggy and I couldn't see across the street. All the snow is melted. Nothing new with me, just going through paperwork. I need to start collecting papers for tax time. Sleep and pain are about the same. BFF invited me out to lunch with his late DF's girlfriend, but I just wasn't up to it. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers.


@rafinmd Thanks for both sets of maps today. 

@StLouisCruisers I do wonder about what's being filmed on your street. DD's tree is lovey; very sophisticated. And you've done another good deed for a neighbor! Sorry about your microwave.

@seagarsmoker You're getting close now to starting!

@Nickelpenny That study sounds interesting. I hope you hear back soon from the pain doctor.

@Crazy For Cats I saw someone on YouTube who'd bought the Lego roses for his significant other; they're cool.

@ger_77 Sorry to hear DH is not doing well. I hope you do convey that to the Cardiologist and good he's being seen quickly. When BFF's father needed to have his aortic valve replaced, he didn't want to. I told him he should do it while his heart was still strong (by Echo), but he waited until he developed congestive heart failure and had no choice. I think if I went to the ER they might give me something for pain right then, but probably just send me home afterward. I hope your cortisone shot keeps working and gives you more relief.

@aliaschief Thanks for the photos from Easter Island. 

@marshhawk Sorry your campaign is so tough. Thanks for the Rome photos.

@HAL Sailer Great news about DH's epidural injection helping him. I hope the knee injection works too - that type did help me. Good job on fixing the washer!

@RMLincoln You two need some down time to recover. I hope it's not hard to get to the NJ eye doctor on Monday, and that DH's healing process goes well. 

 @Sir PMP Great photo.

@kochleffel Thanks for the explanation of A Room of One's Own Day. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent photos. And beautiful sunrise.

@smitty34877 Enjoy the time in NH. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good morning (the 26th) from the Volendam! Yesterday we were on Mystery Island and today,  in Easo, New Caledonia. Having a wonderful time! 

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. ❤️❤️. I had a very nice day and dinner in the Canaletto with DH, @richwmn, @durangoscots, @Cruisercl and @CruisingSister  

It would have been in the Pinnacle Grill but they canceled a 3-month reservation to accommodate the President’s Club. 😕. It’s the only thing that has gone wrong on this fabulous cruise and I have voiced my opinion. Offers of a free dinner (or all the apologies)  don’t make up for how that was handled. 

Thank goodness for our great Dailyites, it was a great evening!





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