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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 5th, 2024

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4 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today is Baby Boomers Recognition Day


I recognize and thank all you youngsters (aka Baby Boomers) who make the Daily such a great source for all.

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For all the Garden Club members today some more pictures of Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny , France .
We were there on April 19th so the spring flowers were blooming , but all summer long there will be different flowers and bushes in bloom and than of coarse the famous waterlilies between May and September 
The famous Japanese bridge over the Lilly Pond
Today it is raining again here in SW Ontario , so I can't get to do my work in the gardens again ......
Wish you all a very nice day .
Tony 😁
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Good morning all. Still sunny and dry and it looks like the rain has been removed from our forecast. Drat!!!


Dogs and I had an exciting walk this morning. We met a grey fox in the yard.... and for the first time, Bandit really got excited and began barking and pulling on the leash and clearly wanted to give chase. He has never reacted to wildlife before and we have seen lots of it.  I started backing up slowly keeping the fox in view. Foxy stared for awhile (I think he had his eye on Monty Chihuahua) and then he finally ran off in the direction of the river. Hope he follows it north and out of town. Bandit is very proud of himself. Hope that is my excitement for the day,


Terri.... I am sorry your travels were so very difficult. I have found I just can not trust the airlines to provide help when requested. The result is I try to allow quite awhile between flight segments and figure I am going to have to get myself from here to there. I spend a good deal of time sitting in airports!!!  And then to have DH fall... well, I hope you can get him settled and cared for today and then enjoy the rest of time in Barbados. On your return, refuse to move without that chair or other help. Good luck.


I enjoyed our stop at Mystery Island on the GANZ this year. I just wandered around for a little, put my feet in the water, and then went back to the ship. There was not a lot to do except enjoy the island. Very laid back.


Off to do laundry and try to clean a rug which may be hope.







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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.


It looks like a nice start to the day here in mid-Michigan.  We do have thunderstorms that are supposed to roll through later this morning and this afternoon.  Sue will be happy as she won't have to water her flowers.  The rain will make it hard to test out my test injection as I usually try a walk around the block.  I did a walk last night as a base line and it took me a half hour to go a half mile.  Lots of stenosis pain down the legs.  And it must be the weather front coming in, but my back is especially unhappy this morning.  Usually I can walk it out a bit, but not today.  


@Cruzin Terri I hope Jim is doing better today after his fall.  You need to relax and enjoy Barbados!


I think I would like the spice in these deviled eggs.  I like deviled eggs and would enjoy the added heat.  I would eat them for breakfast.  I've gotten into having two hardboiled eggs with some Dijon mustard on them for breakfast in the morning.  I'll try a little cayenne to spice it up!  Spicy Deviled Eggs




This recipe suggests making the eggs with a garlic aioli.  That sounds good to me!   More Spicy Deviled Eggs




The spices are slightly different in this recipe and the eggs are garnished with a jalapeño slice.  Mmmm    Even More Spicy Deviled Eggs





Wishing you all a wonderful day!


I always have a devil of a time eating these eggs! 😀

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, LambKnuckles said:

Thank you for the Daily!!  Great days to commemorate!!  And W. C. got it right -- let's do it all equally -- (or not at all!)


I'm not a 'spicy' gal...  but i do like a small bit of heat in what i eat!  I may try one of the deviled eggs recipes!  ANd I agree, I'm right handed...  May we drink this drink with the right hand?  I'm afraid I'd spill or miss my lips if I didn't...  😉


@swin26 Have a great cruise!  I've only been on board once, since Covid...


@Quartzsite Cruiser  You're right about the temps I posted -- they are the "Feels Like" Heat Index temps of the day!  The humidity does make it feel even more sticky and hot!!!  It IS early in the season for 'this' hot -- but...  It's Texas, we can handle it!!


@RedneckBob  I feel for y'all in Florida, too!  It seems you get the same heat and humidity!!


I survived the heat and thank those of you who commented...  I pray every night that the air conditioning continues to work and we stay cooler inside!!!  It won't get cooler till October...  So I'm acclimating for 2024!!!



You’re right. Though I am currently in a place with little humidity and +100 degrees! I guess to keep cool, wait for it, I will have to knuckle down Ms Lamb.

Edited by RedneckBob
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3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!


@Cruzin TerriI  am so sorry that yesterday was so terrible. When  we were flying home from Tampa last year and I was so ill, DH asked the people at Delta if we could get wheel chairs once we landed in Atlanta.  The woman at the counter said, well she is sick, so I understand, but do you need 2?  I leaned over with all my germs, and looked at her.  I said "my husband has cancer and heart problems, do not judge a book by it's cover."  We arrived in Atlanta and there were 2 young girls with wheelchairs ready to push us all the way to baggage claim.  I asked the girl pushing me if she was a volunteer, turned out they were doing this because they were avoiding jail time for misdemeanors. They were very nice, and I gave both of them 20 bucks. 


I hope that you can see a doctor today for his injuries. I'm surprised that the airlines didnt take him yesterday.  :Looks bad for them.


Today we see a new doctor for DH's cancer.  He has had so many MOHS surgeries, and skin graphs  that the skin is very weak and the cancer is so very aggressive that a hole has opened up in the side of his cheek, that goes straight into his mouth and sinus. Not sure how much more surgery they can do now as the cancer is headed to his brain.  When I read about all of you going to see someone regarding a small basal cell problem, this is all happening  because DH didnt go see a doc when he should have. Cant stress enough, if something isnt right, get to a doc!


And then on Monday we meet with the oncologist when he goes in for his immunotherapy. I am taking today off, and I will take Monday off because I am hoping that after the appointments we can get some "field and meadow " time to let him think.  I know that the oncologist wants him off some of the pain meds he uses. But for some reason he doesnt understand to NOT double up using the liquid cream on his face.  I get very frustrated at times, and as his old doc said, "gotta watch him 24/7"  but that is very hard to do.


BFF sent me an email, and called last night-our mutual friend who procrastinated so much about seeing doctors that were "different" from him, and put off appointments until he got opinions that he wanted to hear, is going into hospice.  They believe that the cancer has now spread to his pancreas (it is in his kidneys, bladder, and lungs too) and there is nothing they can do.  He was told by a neighbor who is a doc at the hospital the truth.  I wish DH's docs would be so honest.  So we ignore the elephant in the room, and keep on truckin'.


I know way too much info, I apologize.  But you are the people I talk to, and you are the ones who can give me joy right now.








Have a great day, and hug the ones you love-ALL the cats including the strays got a hug or a scritch yesterday.  They will today too.


Hugs to you, Annie.  Sometimes you need to ask outright that the doctors give you the bottom line.  I asked if my mom was eligible for Hospice or Palliative Care.  They came back with Hospice and that opened up the conversation.  


Thank you @sailingdutchy for the pictures of Giverny.  I was there many years ago and it is worth going to see.  True inspiration for the Garden Club members.


My test injection went well and I definitely have less pain than I did going in.  I'm going to check the radar and see if I can get in my half mile to compare to last night.  

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Posted (edited)

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I am a Baby Boomer. Not sure about popular delusions, until Graham explained. I have a couple of friends who are long term HIV survivors, thanks to the development of antiviral meds. Typical W.C. Fields quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Mystery Island. An important day in history.


It's cloudy, warm and humid here. We're expecting storms this afternoon, of course right when I'll be out and about. I'll start by taking groceries to BFF, and doing anything he needs. Then going to my Neurosurgery appointment.


@Cruzin Terri I'm sad to hear that the wheelchairs didn't appear, and that DH fell getting on the bus to the terminal in Barbados, resulting in a leg injury. And about the confusion; I know sometimes taking someone away from their familiar surroundings can increase confusion. I hope his check at the medical facility is ok.

@StLouisCruisers I'm glad the rain held off for you. I hope the person taken by ambulance will be ok. Ren and Colton seem to have it all planned out; good for them. Milo and Sadie are just too cute.

@kazu (((Hugs)))

@swin26 Safe travels. 

@richwmn Thanks for the Mystery Island photos.

@smitty34877 I'm glad your day is going well so far, and hope it continues.

@dfish I hope the test shot works well. My back wasn't happy this morning either.

@ottahand7 Sorry to hear you're still in a lot of pain. I hope the Prednisone works, or if not it sounds like a good plan to go to the hospital to get it treated. Keeping good thoughts for your DB's 2nd knee replacement.

@marshhawk I hope the new doctor has some ideas to help DH. Sorry your friend has reached the point of hospice.

@RMLincoln Good luck with Social Security; It's never easy dealing with them. 

@rafinmd Are they doing an echocardiogram down the esophagus? Not too much else requires sedation, other than a catheterization.

@sailingdutchy Lovely photos of beautiful flowers.

@durangoscots That was more than enough excitement for the day.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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We have been promised rain and storms starting after lunch, then a cool down. If the storms move around us we might get a swim in this afternoon.


working on cleaning up my old laptop to prepare to get rid of it. Not much on it that I care about except some genealogy files. I think all the pictures on it are duplicates which are on my desktop. The laptop is probably 15 years old. Now the desktop is another story. It was state of the art in 2005! It certainly owes me nothing. I really only use it a couple of times a year especially at tax time. But, there are files on that I need. I will work with a local IT company to make sure I don’t lose any files. I have been away from any computer issues for too long to feel comfortable tackling this myself. Should be interesting and educational.



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It was a beautiful day in Sorrento, Italy. We had a private tour that took us to Pompeii, a winery for lunch and to Herculaneum. I’ll post the pics separately of Herculaneum so it doesn’t get confused with Pompeii.

It definitely is summer and tourism is booming.

Tonight we have opera singers onboard as we sail toward Rome.

The winery was a beautiful venue with grand views of Vesuvius and the Aegean Sea.

Time to meet friends for cocktails followed by dinner. Thanks for reports. These busy port days hasn’t given much time for keeping up with The Daily. Bruce
















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Good morning all!

Our rain and wind have finally stopped, and we'll have a nice long stretch of sunshine.  Another tree came down in the neighborhood yesterday -- thankfully missing my neighbor's house across the street.  We really need to get more trees taken down.  I'm so thankful that all the nearby trees are gone near us -- we can see the woods further back, but no dangerous ones near us now. 


I'll celebrate Baby Boomers ('51 for me, '47 for DH), and HIV long term survivors.  The quote made me chuckle.  Even though I'm left-handed, will pass on the drink (bourbon) but would probably like the wine.  I love deviled eggs but can't take spice so will pass.  I was raised with Miracle Whip 😉  and to me mayonnaise is yucky. 😉 


We were at Mystery Island with Rich and Susan on the GANZ -- it was one of my favorite days.  We did a HAL tour (yes there were a couple) and saw a fire-walking demonstration and then spent some time on the beach.  Had a great time!  But cut it short when the undertow kept trying to pull me out to sea!  😂  It's a beautiful island.


Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm so sorry that yesterday was such a disaster.  I hope today will be better and that you and your DH can enjoy your time in Barbados.  Hugs!


@swin26 Welcome to the Daily and Bon Voyage!


Annie @marshhawk Sending hugs and prayers.


Tony @sailingdutchy Thank you for the gorgeous photos of the flowers at Giverny.  We have been there only once, and it was in the fall so we weren't able to see the beautiful spring flowers.  


Here are my photos from our day on Mystery Island.  Had a great time!




We had various demos from the locals.  Here they're showing us how they use leaves etc. in different ways.



Even for carrying people!



Starting the fire (without matches of course) for the fire walking.



They build the fire, and once it's gotten big and hot, they pour water over it before they walk on the hot coals.  Very interesting!



One of the boats taking us to the island



So beautiful



We really enjoyed this beach, but watch out for that undertow!









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5 hours ago, richwmn said:

The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 5th, 2024

Today is Baby Boomers Recognition Day............................................







Proud Joke Puns Boomers Saying Throw Pillow, 18x18, Multicolor


Baby Boomers Get Old, Too! | Weekly Columns | Bruce Sallan




Letters: Boomers Not OK With OK, Boomer (11/17/19) – The, 60% OFF






A Millennial's Guide to Boomer Humor | by Rachel Wayne | Medium


15 Examples of Boomer Humor Only Funny to People Over 50


15 Examples of Boomer Humor Only Funny to People Over 50


20 Funny And Ironic Jokes Shared On 'Baby Boomer Humor' Group Online |  DeMilked





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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
For all the Garden Club members today some more pictures of Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny , France .
We were there on April 19th so the spring flowers were blooming , but all summer long there will be different flowers and bushes in bloom and than of coarse the famous waterlilies between May and September 
The famous Japanese bridge over the Lilly Pond
Today it is raining again here in SW Ontario , so I can't get to do my work in the gardens again ......
Wish you all a very nice day .
Tony 😁

Fabulous gardens.

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Pat leaves this afternoon, so today will be busy, but I just wanted to mention urinary crystals to @Sharon in AZ - as a reason for incontinence in cats - it can be terribly painful for them.  I wonder if a new vet might not have checked that?  Blue is a cat, right?  In dogs it might be that their anal glands need expressing... (TMI?)

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Good afternoon and thank you to all of you for all your prayers and well wishes. I am most appreciative.  I would have reacted to the posts, but for some reason CC is not allowing me to do so today.


This morning was difficult but things have improved.  It was hard getting DH out of bed and I know that he had a restless night.  Af first he said he didn’t want breakfast so I didn’t argue.  I just let him sleep a while longer and then called him again.  That’s when he got up.  

A Quick Look at the wound dressing reinforced the fact that we needed to go to the Medical Center after breakfast.   I knew this was more than I could handle.


So that’s what we did.  There is a good facility not far from the hotel, but needs a taxi ride.  The first words were,  “you need to wear a mask—$2.00 please”.  The next words were that the cost would begin at $315 Barbados and go up from there depending on the treatment.  Well, DH has GEO BLUE so I knew it would be covered. He was well cared for—the wound was cleaned and dressed.  He was given antibiotics to ward off an infection and he was asked to return on Saturday so the Doctor could look at it again.  No swimming until he is seem again. I am glad we went.  The dressing applied at the airport was stuck to the wound and it would have been difficult for me to remove it and clean his leg properly.  They were pros at the whole thing.

Total Bill was $373 Barbados = $186.50 US.  I will submit it to insurance.


DH is tired and napping and I am about to do the same.  


As for the wheelchair situation.  I put in the request online prior to the trip.  No one asked whether I was sure or anything like that or why we needed them.  They were just not available.  In Barbados I suspect the attendants did not want to get soaking wet waiting at the plane. There were 5 wheelchair requests and everyone had to get on the bus.  I was very surprised because they are usually very good there.  When we had a timeshare there and DD DBIL used to come with us, we always ordered a wheelchair for him and it was always right there—rain or shine.


Anyway, we are doing better and i think it will be okay after a nap this afternoon.  


Thank you all for your kind words, prayers and virtual hugs.  


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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thanks for the news!  Pat leaves this afternoon, so today will be busy, but I just wanted to mention urinary crystals to @Sharon in AZ - as a reason for incontinence in cats - it can be terribly painful for them.  I wonder if a new vet might not have checked that?  Blue is a cat, right?  In dogs it might be that their anal glands need expressing... (TMI?)


Blue is an adorable little DOG.

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1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Blue is an adorable little DOG.

Senior moment!  I knew that... 🙄 My cousin's 10-year old Lab has been having urinary incontinence and she had to take him to the vet - who expressed his blocked anal glands, and now things seem to be better.  I wonder if Blue has his anal glands; sometimes the vet will remove them when the animal is young.

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Wow!  We just had a pretty fierce thunder bumper roll through.  It was very windy and the rain was heavy.  Fortunately, no loss of power or internet.  Since that line of weather has moved through the hardware in my left hip is settling down.  


I was able to get my walk in around the block.  Did the same walk as yesterday and it only took me 15 minutes with no stops.  I'd say the injections helped.  I will be happy if I can walk that well after the nerve ablation.  I would like to hike the trail around Jordan Pond in Acadia this summer when we go there on the Zuiderdam.  I mentioned that to the nurse and she got all excited as she is going to Acadia in early October.  So I helped her plan her visit.  


@ottahand7 It is too bad you couldn't get your injection before you left for the UP.  I hope the prednisone regimen helps and gets you back on your feet.  


@Cruising-along I think I'd like the wine, too.  And, I could be persuaded to try the drink.





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58 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

...A Quick Look at the wound dressing reinforced the fact that we needed to go to the Medical Center after breakfast.   I knew this was more than I could handle.


So that’s what we did.  There is a good facility not far from the hotel...He was well cared for—the wound was cleaned and dressed.  He was given antibiotics to ward off an infection and he was asked to return on Saturday so the Doctor could look at it again.  No swimming until he is seem again. I am glad we went.  The dressing applied at the airport was stuck to the wound and it would have been difficult for me to remove it and clean his leg properly.  They were pros at the whole thing...


DH is tired and napping and I am about to do the same...


Anyway, we are doing better and i think it will be okay after a nap this afternoon...

Hugs @Cruzin Terri to you & your DH. Good to hear he got proper treatment & seems to be on a path to healing. Hope the issues are behind you and you're able to enjoy the rest of your trip.

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Good afternoon, it's sunny but a bit humid here.  We've had a lot of rain in the last few days.  Maybe DGD will get in her softball game tonite, it was rained out on Monday.  The port looks nice.  The meal is ok, but I'd prefer less "spicy."  The wine might be good.  @grapau27thanks for the info about Delusions day...

@Cruzin Terrisorry to hear about your travels yesterday...prayers that you can now rest and relax on your trip.

@marshhawkthinking of you as you take DH to the dr today, hoping you can get some peace and good answers.  

@StLouisCruisersthe pups are adorable!  Good luck to Ren!  

@dfishHoping your test shot goes well.  I had an SI joint injection a few weeks back...it felt so good for 6 hours to have no pain.  My follow up is in a few weeks, we'll see what the Dr. says then.  I have a lot of "old age stuff" going on in my back, but it seems to hurt in different spots each day!  

Congrats to all on the celebrating list and prayers for those on the cares list.  

Have a good rest of the day, K

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3 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@rafinmd Are they doing an echocardiogram down the esophagus? Not too much else requires sedation, other than a catheterization.

They are doing that and an angiogram.



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