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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 22nd, 2024

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Good morning Dailyites!!  Thank you for the Reports!!


I'll celebrate meanings of the Day with you and partake of the meal and beverages!!


Prayers for all on the Care list and those with reasons to celebrate today!!


And THANK YOU!!   A humble and meaningful Thank You to each of you for the Anniversary wishes from yesterday!  I don't consider myself single, I am a widow and it's still my anniversary!!   This December it will be 20 years he's been gone -- but I have him in my heart and mind!

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Good Morning from a very overcast and humid day at the beach

     Crazy weather! The ocean is calming down a bit but still many riptides.

      I didnt think there is any positive Media. Peace in any form is welcome. Never been to todays port. I do like eggplant occassionally. Didnt know that todays drink was a real thing! Thought it was just a song. Learn something everyday.

     We are suppose to be going out with friends this evening to a local comedy club. We will see. DS said he will stay with his sister. The venue is not accessible.

        @cat shepard  DH can relate to the croc meme. Looks like he is wearing white sandals! Very clear tan lines.

         Hope everyone has a nice weekend

Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning. I will celebrate peace in any form, I don’t think there is much positive media and let’s not celebrate any more stupid things. I am fond of eggplant but the rest of the family is less fond of it . I agree with the quote and went to today’s port of the VOV many moons ago. Thanks for the pictures as mine went to computer heaven a while back. It was a great place to see.

OK, Happy Birthday to John @ottahand7! I hope it is a good one.

Last night DB and I entertained Tana with some of the sillier stories from our side of the family. We were all in need of comic relief and DD DH was always very good at that. DB filled in admirably in that role. 
I am making two versions of a lentil dish on the stovetop for dinner later and it smells great. It was requested by Tana so I am hoping she will enjoy it. DB loves using the grill and was out there earlier today making us grilled veggies and shrimp for later. It is oppressively humid and warm now so I am thanking him profusely. I find it really hot on the deck even in the early morning hours. The shade is only from an umbrella at the table.

Enjoy the day everyone and thanks for the ongoing support.

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Posted (edited)

Ooh Chocolate Eclair Day - yes, please! @StLouisCruisers


I do believe eggplant 🍆 🍠 is the new squash - I'll pass on both.


A/C guy has come and gone. 🙄He did a temp fix, no idea how long it will last and it will not get us heat in the winter. He says there are parts missing and per the service contract, he's not supposed to touch it. But he thinks 100° is too hot to be w/o air, so he put in something to get it working; however, his report will include pictures of the missing parts (well, the blank space where the parts should be) and indicate that no work was done. So, I expect when we hear from the service company, we'll be given a very pricey estimate to get it properly fixed. Then another battle will ensue as to how the parts went missing and that we should not be the ones paying for them.

WT F or WTH - reader's choice. The unit where the parts are missing is in the attic which is accessed through our garage - only people who have been up there are contractors sent out by the service company. So who removed them? Him or the previous contractor?🤷‍♀️

He's been gone 40 min - inside temp has dropped 3°, so currently it is  cooling. Mr Nest says by 7pm it should be 71°. That flashes too quickly for me to get a picture. 




Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 

Edited by Haljo1935
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2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Love Potion #9 cocktail:

3 oz. POM Pomegranate Juice
1.5 oz. Strawberry Vodka
1.5 oz. Chambord


Step 1 – Add all ingredients to cocktail shaker, top with ice, and shake until chilled.
Step 2 – Strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy!
Step 3 – Optional (and fun!): before straining, add dry ice to your shaker, being careful not to touch it with bare hands. This will give your pour a smoky look as the dry ice evaporates.

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 6.53.29 AM.png

I prefer Love Potion #007. The name is Bob, RedneckBob.

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Happy Saturday Morning Dailyites!  It's sunny, hot, and who knows what the temperature is, I know as soon as my computer stops showing me a baseball icon, we will find out.  The kittens are all doing well today, every one ate this morning. They have discovered the cat tree, where most of the time Bob, Furnando  or Tigger sleep, but they are not there this morning, so it's kitten territory.  _Temp is 81.  By Monday the temps will be 101. 


Plans for the day?  Watch as much F1 as possible and work 6 hours. I dont start until 12:30 eastern time, and will end at 6:30 eastern time.  I have a call back scheduled every 15 minutes from 12:30 until 4:30, so if I burn out, I can still leave a bit early. 


After I heard DH moaning and groaning last night when it came time to clean the litter boxes (which he took on as a chore when we moved here in 03,) has just become to much for him.  So I will add that on to my chores, which seem to most as just staying afloat. 


Positive media?  If that was possible there would be no googly news on my computer and newspapers would be blank pages.  What I worry about in this country is how little we actually know about whats going on in the rest of the world. Oh, and truth.  That would be news indeed.


Penny called last week about her pool being open, temp is 75.  A bit cool.  But I am thinking after this week?  with temperatures in the 100's pool sounds very nice, and I will take her up on the invite.  Not sure if DH would want to submerge in water, and sometimes her pool has stairs, and sometimes not, not sure if he could pull him self out of the water if the stairs are not there.


I am hoping that when the ladies have the "test all the drinks" on the Oosterdam in 25 that they will allow me to take pictures?   I hope you don't try all of them at once, but the pictures might be more entertaining that way.  Chuck keeps gafawwing when I tell him we will be in Barcelona next year.  Perhaps he doesnt think he will live that long?  But Dan did say that he is looking forward to it, and I said I was too, and DH just went "humph" , hopefully our time together in Florida will make him realize it is happening. Now to start saving for the flight over.


I hope you all have a wonderful day!


1pc funny tuxedo cat rules metal sign 8x12inch when visiting my house please remember black cat apartment decor for cat lover retro room decor caution sign 0



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'm all for radiant peace, no matter what day it actually falls on.  Positive media - it would be nice to have some for a change, there's so much death and devastation that appears in print and on screens, it seems very little positive things actually happen.  I'm not going to say anything about Stupid Guy Day.


The skies are grey, and we just had another gentle shower - last night there was thunder, lightning, and a good, heavy rain, but the brunt of the storm went north of us about 10 miles.  Photos online are showing cars up to the door sills in water and back yards covered with hail and torn greenery.  We must have a protective bubble around our city because most of the storms veer off in other directions, rather than hitting us.  Not that I'm complaining!


I told DH about your reactions to my post yesterday and he blushed.  LOL  He's a fun guy to be around, and thank you @kazu for your description of him.  I'm sure James Bond will appear on next year's TA.  


@ottahand7please wish your DH a very Happy Birthday with many more happy and healthy returns of the day - for real this time!

@smitty34877I'm so glad your DB is there to help you out; you carry a heavy load.


Not much happening here today - I purchased some new blackout curtains for our bedroom, as the old ones were really past their prime, so will hang and steam those.  I want to add a blackout backing to the long piano window curtains in our room, as the early morning light filters in easily, making me think it's time to get up when in reality it's only 5AM.


I've already taken down the recipe for today's drink for tasting, would like a glass of chilled rose, but am going to pass on the menu suggestion.  In a short while I'll take out a couple of salmon fillets that will be parmesan/panko crusted and air fried, and we can enjoy them along with steamed asparagus and a tossed salad on the deck tonight.  And wine.




Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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42 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Stupid Guy Thing Day. Don’t know what y’all are talking about! 😀

We do indeed!😁

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for the Fleet Report and Daily. Two great days to celebrate and I am probably guilty of some stupid guy things.

Euripides shows a lot of wisdom..

I visited Torshavn twice, Crystal Symphony in 2006 and Prinsendam in 2011.  It will be a busy day but I’ll try to post a few photos later.

Great days on astronomical and music history.,.

I’ll pass on today’s meal.  My alternative is Pinnacle Burger and sorbed as served on MS Prinsendam Pinnacle Grille for lunch  May 31, 2015.                

Today will be the second hottest day of the current heat wave but the toughest for me as I will be inside by noon tomorrow.  The same brief outdoor visits for me today, UPS Store, Fire House, and grocery store.  I’ll be inside as early as possible.

Special wishes Jacqui’s first stage of treatment yesterday brought at least a measure of relief.   I would think a surgical consult should be part of the plan. Not sure how much I’ll post today as things seem to just creep up on me.  Welcome home Himself and aqin26 and Happy Birthday John.


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Good morning Dailyites 


Gosh it's Saturday already. Time flies!


Continued prayers for those on Vanessa's prayer list. Congratulations to those celebrating today.


Thank you to our faithful contributors Rich, Ann, Debbie, Dixie and Vanessa.


Allen had his minor surgery to remove the cancer on his neck. He will have a 5 inch scar. He's fine.


My girlfriend has her daughter and granddaughter visiting for a month. The wee one loves to ride on Elvis and wants to sit on my lap and steer. Pool time here for kiddo's is 11 to 1. I've been getting a text from mom asking if I can take the wee one swimming. I took her yesterday and she had a meltdown when she had to get out of the pool. She told me she would stop crying if she could steer Elvis. The whims of a 5 year old.


I would like a few things from Farmer's market this morning and may stop for lunch.Tonight we are invited to a friend's for Happy Hour.


Life is good. We are blessed.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning and thanks all!  
Good news Sandi and Jacqui!  Glad you’re heading in the right direction! 
Love the Photos! 
We love Japanese eggplant, not bitter and we have it often in Hawaii.   Also like Szechuan and Greek eggplant dips and in moussaka.  @MISTER 67 hmmm 🤔 😀

missing our little houseguest, but we have a repeat engagement in July.  


Edited by bennybear
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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I'll celebrate radiant peace and positive media. Laughing at stupid guy thing day. Great quote. Pass on the meal (lots of eggplant lately!), yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I have not been to Torshavn. 2 good days in history.


Today should be the last day of 90+ temps, but severe thunderstorms may occur tomorrow. We need the rain, but no severe weather. It's already 85F and sunny. Yesterday after getting home from PT, I took a Benadryl because of my itchy hive at my injection site. Well, I was in the recliner to watch TV and ended up sleeping about 3 hours! Despite that I still managed about 6 hours sleep last night. Today I will just do some tidying up around the house. I'd like to make and bake more sourdough bread, but I don't feel like heating up the kitchen with a 500° oven. One day I'll have to see if my dutch oven will fit in my countertop oven/air fryer.


@StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear that your stomach is feeling better. 

@MISTER 67 I got confused and thought game 6 was tonight, so I missed it yesterday. I'll definitely be watching game 7. Hard to believe that it's tied, with the Panthers having been up 3-0.

@kazu Lovely clematis. I'm glad that the nurse found the infection to be gone. Strange about something being there where the infection was, but it sounds like she is working on it. Praying for less pain for you. Oh no on the car AC; I hope they can look at it.

@superoma BFF got me into watching the Euro league games and now the North and South American ones. When Germany plays he texts back and forth with his cousin in Germany.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo. It helps me as my knowledge of geography is lacking.

@kochleffelThanks for the nice Torshavn photos, and your commentary. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

@smitty34877 I love hearing of the great relationship you have with your DB and family. As an only child I sometimes envied those with siblings. Continued prayers for Tana and the family.

@Haljo1935 I'm glad you got a temporary AC fix, and how did parts go missing? Good luck with the service company. 

@Seasick Sailor Wishing speedy healing for Allen's incision. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


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Good morning, 


We have a drop of about 10 degrees from yesterday to today so highs of about 72 and cloudy. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. Racing finishes tonight. It was loud enough last night I could hear it in the house with the windows closed. 

Yesterday ended up a busy day with some errands and the pool. I took one class and got my own workout in so that should help this body. Today and tomorrow are stay-at-home days. I have some paperwork to do for DD DH to be able to talk to our secondary insurance provider. There's always something! 


DS came over yesterday while I was gone and got some baseboards installed. Not sure if I'll see him today or not but one of my tasks is to do some clearing and putting away of "stuff" so it's easier for him. I should also get hummingbird food made so he can do the feeders. 

Happy Saturday!


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Good morning all!

I'll celebrate radiant peace and positive media, but we don't need a stupid guy day. Would love to try the drink and wine, but I'll pass on the meal (like yesterday, I don't care for eggplant).  Haven't been to the port, thank you @kochleffel and @Quartzsite Cruiser for the great photos!  I remember when Stevie Wonder's first single came out.  I was 12 and it was the first record I ever bought.  Seems like yesterday. 😉  


It's a little overcast this morning and will be a few degrees cooler than yesterday, but still in the high 70's here.  Cooler starting tomorrow.  We continue to do trip planning -- the latest idea is to drive to our cruise in November out of LA.  It would be cheaper than flying, and I'll avoid flying whenever I can. Also it would make the 7-day cruise more of a real vacation.


@cat shepard I chuckled at the croc meme because the sandals I wear in the summer leave a geometric pattern on the tops of my feet. 🤣 


@kazu Lovely Clematis!  I'm glad to hear that the infection is gone.  I hope the treatment the foot nurse did wasn't as painful as it sounded -- all that digging around...


Have a great day everyone!

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
Good news Sandi and Jacqui!  Glad you’re heading in the right direction! 
Love the Photos! 
We love Japanese eggplant, not bitter and we have it often in Hawaii.   Also like Szechuan and Greek eggplant dips and in moussaka.  @MISTER 67 hmmm 🤔 😀

missing our little houseguest, but we have a repeat engagement in July.  


The only Eggplant I will eat is Eggplant Parmigiana and of course in Moussaka. 

Edited by MISTER 67
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Good 92 feels like 102 afternoon. 
Prayers are needed for the 6 children who lost both parents in the drowning accident in Florida. They were unable to get out of the rip currents despite being told to swim parallel to it 💔🙏

@marshhawk, Annie my cats love the pudding tubes also. We turned our veterinarian into it several years ago and now they keep it on hand. We call it cat crack.

Stay cool 😎 

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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I salute peace, laugh at stupid guys, and is there any positivity in the media anymore??? I will pass on the meal and the wine sounds interesting but the drink! I didn't know what Chambord so after I looked it up, I would definitely have a drink or two!! Never been to the port and a good quote. Very interesting days in history.




Yesterday we got several weather alerts and I couldn't figure out where the "noise" was coming from and then Alexa piped in.  I never got any rain or dust but in looking at the weather app, some places did.  We are on track for some scattered thunderstorms this afternoon and the temps will cool down to the mid 90s but humidity is high - for us - at ~35%.  Monsoons are trying to make an appearance! 🤞




I think it is spring at my house as I am essentially doing spring cleaning.  I am such a homebody that I might plan on going out but night falls and I have ventured out.  Unless it is an absolute necessity, I prefer home.  Old computers have been updated and put away - for now - as I am working on deleting files; 6 external hard drives and ~10 thumb drives.  Oh, the things I am finding.  It is like a treasure hunt and remembering some really good times and some not so.




Welcome home @Himself and @swin26

And a repeat of HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @ottahand7's John!

Glad @kazu and @StLouisCruisers are feeling a tad better

@cat shepard LOL on the crocs!!  I get that when I wear my Birkenstocks (which is always!!)


Thoughts for all who need more support and cheers for those who are celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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Good morning. We did not get the really heavy rains that were predicted, but we did get some heavy showers and today is cool and sunny. High today will be low 70's... then the heat returns but not at the levels we saw before.


Our hillside saga continues. Last night when I took the dogs out for their after supper business trip, I found a group of my neighbors gathered in the parking lot and staring up the hill. Turns out someone (a newbie in the condos) had seen "a wild animal". Not sure who she saw since her description was rather garbled. One of the men ventured up the hill to see if anything alive or dead could be seen....no, nothing...but as we were congregated for his report one of the people who lives at the top of the hill made his way down to us. His report of activity up there sort of matched ours except there seems to be more of it .... fox (both red and grey),  coyote, mountain lion, a bear a few nights ago and he swears he saw a bobcat. He also commented on the fact that we seem to have very few deer this year (I wonder why). So..... I continue to use a very bright flashlight at night when dogs have to go out and stick close to the house. Try to avoid dawn and dusk although the dogs don't always cooperate. I suspect the construction on the roads around us has disrupted some critter movements and they may be sticking in a more restricted area. That construction  will go on all summer. Our newbie is not happy right now.


Glad to hear that Jacqui and Sandi are showing improvement. Hope things improve for all others. It seems to take longer to recover these days.


Off to a board meeting for the kennel club. Was going to drop stuff off at the Humane Society Thrift store, but they have just let their Manager go and the place is chaotic. Think I will steer clear for a week or so.



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Good afternoon, everyone!


I was fortunate enough to get to Torshavn back in 2019 on a great cruise out of Amsterdam.  It was 20 days and went to Iceland and Greenland and the Faroe Islands and Shetland Islands as well as a few ports in Scotland.  


I took an excursion out to the caves to see the birds.  I got to see my puffins, although they are just fluffy dots in the pictures.  


Heading into one of the caves.













The little white things are birds and I believe puffins.  The pictures get kind of blurry when blown up too far.


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29 minutes ago, Ellencruise said:

On Volendam now! Next 7 days. Already love the size , decor, etc. up to Lido for sail away and cocktails!!

Enjoy your cruise. Volendam was our first Hal cruise.

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@marshhawk Annie - this morning on CBS Saturday Morning there was a piece about the F1 Academy in Miami. It's a program to encourage more female drivers in the F1 series. I immediately thought you'd be the perfect candidate!! 😁

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