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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 23rd, 2024

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Good morning, everyone!


DS Barb is here on her way up to the lake house.  She was down in the Detroit area for events with the grandkids.  It was nice to have an evening with her last night and a good morning chat.  






Today's meal sounds good, but it may have to wait until fall.  After the heat and humidity of the past week, hot soup is the last thing I want.  This is an easy one as it dresses up canned tomato soup.  Hearty Tomato Soup




Tomato, Beans, and Greens Soup




I think the balsamic vinegar in this one would enhance the flavor quite a bit.  It is high in carbs, probably due to the extra beans.  I'd have to use fewer.  30 g of carbs per meal is my limit and this soup is 50 g.  White Bean Tomato Soup




Wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Just want to say Good Morning! And let everyone know I am still alive and kicking.

Still feeling very tired but doing a bit better.  

I had to run some errands yesterday and that finished me off.
Will post more after I have breakfast and watch Mass on TV.

I have not yet read the posts.

Happy Sunday.


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Three nice days to celebrate.  Being originally from the Detroit area and growing up in Michigan I had never heard of Detroit style pizza until a couple of years ago out here.  We have a niece who was named as one of the top 100 women engineers in the US a few years ago. Boy did she bust through the glass ceiling of the farty old boy company where she had been working in MN landing a director’s position at a different company in Oregon.  

I love the quote, nothing better a good laugh as a tonic for what ails you!


Both the meal and drink sound nice, perfect meal for the gloomy day we have.


I haven’t been to today’s port.


Prayers for those on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events.  A very happy birthday to Roy @rafinmd! 🎂🎉

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Posted (edited)

Good morning dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report. 

Happy Birthday @rafinmd

I hope, @kazu, @Cruzin Terri and @StLouisCruisers all start feeling better soon. 

It is nice catching up on everyones posts. 🙂

Suzi reminded me this morning we will be cruising 5 months from today.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! 



Edited by seagarsmoker
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for women in engineering; the daughter of friends is currently taking engineering at university and is doing very well.  Let it go, okay, because grudges only hurt those carrying them.  I don't think I've ever had a Detroit style pizza, but it sounds good!


The rains have moved on, the skies are a brilliant blue, there's a breeze blowing through the trees and I'm almost intoxicated by the scent of lilacs coming through the window.  What a beautiful smell.  Today will be a warm one; looking at the forecast where we're currently sitting at 14C(57), we could have a high of 29(84) which will be a nice change.  I know the plants will certainly appreciate the heat, as we really haven't had any this year yet.  


@rafinmdwishing a very Happy Birthday today with many happy and healthy returns of the day for you!  I hope you do something special to celebrate.

@Lady Hudsonsending prayers for your friend who had the stroke.

Also prayers for the police officer in PA who was shot, and for the fellow officers as well.

@kazuI'm sorry to hear about the burning in your foot - do you think the digging done by the foot nurse could have been the cause?

@marshhawkI've lost track of how many cats and kittens you're caring for; I think I lost count at eleventeen!  Will any of the kittens be re-homed?

I had a gel fill done on my nails on Wednesday, but wouldn't you know, yesterday while trying to open a cupboard door, I snapped one of them off.  Grrr. I haven't done that in a very long time, thankfully!  I'm going back to the salon to do a walk-in today to get it repaired.  Other than that, there's really nothing on our agenda - DH wants to get the fountain in the back yard working, as he hasn't had the energy to do it, and when he did, the weather wasn't cooperating.  I'm sure I'll be out there helping . . . with gloves on, of course!


I'd like to try the drink (have written down the recipe), will pass on the wine, and will leave the soup for later in the year.  I really don't have to do much for cooking today, as we have enough salmon left from yesterday for the two of us.  I think I'll just put together a tossed salad and we can enjoy an easy meal on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in the paths of destructive fires and storms, and in wars not of their making.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning everyone. The heat here is awful. Last weekend we celebrated Father’s Day and now my grandsons are all away for the summer. Yesterday we celebrated my upcoming birthday with the family left here and Friday on my actual birthday I’m eating out again with some friends. It’s a big birthday so lots of celebrations and great restaurants with air conditioning because there’s no way we can eat outside.


Happy Birthday, Roy.

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2 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

...Yesterday we celebrated my upcoming birthday with the family left here and Friday on my actual birthday I’m eating out again with some friends...

Just to confirm - your birthday was not Friday 2 days ago, it's Friday coming up in 5 days, right?

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Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Report. I returned home last night. We had sunny days and decent temperatures and we never saw rain, not even in Katchikan!

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International Women in Engineering Day and the posts about it made me think of Sheila Tobias, a university administrator who, when working on Wesleyan University's transition to coeducation, studied about the gender gap and coined the term "math anxiety."


It amazes and disconcerts me that I can remember her name when I usually can't remember the names of people I met ten minutes ago.


I consider Cleveland home, so I have a civic duty to know nothing about Detroit anything, even though my high-school friends all listened to CKLW (Windsor, Ontario), which in those days had more listeners in Cleveland than in Detroit.


It may be months before we're ready for the soup, and the cocktail is too concentrated to drink in this weather. The wine review fails to mention the feline factor but that doesn't mean there isn't any (I am largely unable to detect it, anyway). From the Finger Lakes, Keuka Lake Vineyards 2022, $20. "Lovely notes of Passion Fruit and floral aromatics on the nose with a crisp, refreshing finish. Perfect for warm spring and summer days accompanied by fresh seafood."


I'm not able to post photos from the future, so no pix of the Panama Canal until December. AI is probably working on that, but so far it impresses me as closer to AS, Artificial Stupidity, and as there is so much natural stupidity around, I don't understand why so many people are trying to develop artificial versions. I have been to the spot in Iceland that is believed to have been the original meeting place of the Althing.


I slept fairly well but woke with pain in every joint. I need to do yard work, but I don't use outdoor power equipment in the morning on Sunday, and later it will likely be raining.



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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


International Women in Engineering. Boy, have things changed. Back when I was going to engineering school, and not to be a train engineer, there were 42 students in my class, with one woman and 41 men!  I heard she became very successful!  Now there are probably as many women as men in these schools! And know, I don't have a joke; I am being serious, as best as I can be! 

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Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid, muggy, soggy Tucson. We have had rain the past three days but yesterday’s was big. The backyard flooded and is now a mess. The humidity is 66% which is really high for us. I don’t think rain is expected for a while. 

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the Suez Canal pictures. I don’t think I’ll ever get there but it seems like the Panama Canal is more impressive, which I have been through twice. 

I will pass on the meal, I’d rather have regular tomato soup if I’m having soup. And since I’m not a big fan of soup that will be a while. 

I believe I’ve had the wine before and Ann @cat shepard, your wine from last night sounds lovely. Can you post a review and cost when you do your research?  Isn’t that the vintner that makes a light red that goes well with Turkey at Thanksgiving?  Sorry , I’m not fluent in wine speak!


Not much on the agenda today except taking some supplies and a case of wine to DM. I’m still adjusting to cooking 3 meals a day for a third person, DGD. She is a very picky eater so isn’t too excited about what we eat. Thank goodness she will eat Cheerios and pasta and weirdly seaweed snacks. 

Have a great day everyone!

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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

We entered the canal before sunup but I was outside early along with other passengers of the Emerald Princess.  This was Oct. 8, 2016.








Police were parked along the western bank of the canal.






There were sentry stations along the route.








The eastern bank was a lot more desolate.  Here's a large bridge we passed















Later in the day, everyone lined up to look at the ...sand.









Here we were in separate channels of the Suez Canal.  See the ship in the other lane, looking like it was just sitting there in the desert?






This photo I took from Skywalkers Lounge at the aft of the ship shows both channels as we left that area.  The knitters and stitchers were busy with our work and keeping an eye on things with great views from Skywalkers.








After we left the canal you could see the many ships waiting their turn to pass through.







Interesting photos Sandi and a nice photo of yourself.

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3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good warm and humid morning. It’s already 81 with another day near 100. Yesterday we broke the record with a record high of 101z Storms are expected this afternoon. 
Prayers are needed for a Philadelphia police officer who was shot in the head last night. He is in critical condition. The suspect has been captured.🙏

Happy Birthday Roy. Stay cool Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.


Prayers 🙏 offered for the brave Philadelphia police officer shot in the head last night.

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Good morning. Sunny and dry with possible showers this afternoon, but I doubt it. High today low 80's. The dogs walked this morning with no alerts... so I am hopeful our visitors have moved on. Or at least are hanging out in someone else's neighborhood.


Happy Birthday, Roy!!!


Still trying to get my house back in order after the mess created by my handyman. And the sorting and tossing continues but slowed due to the uproar at the thrift store. I will try to slip in and out next week with a few boxes. I know the "powers" do not want to hear my opinion. I suspect they are going to lose a number of their long term volunteers...one has already left. They have few enough to begin with. Glad I am off the Board.


Away for a another cup of coffee and then to face the day, which, as my Mother always said.. you have to face the day and the day has to face you.





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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

After a day and a half in Safaga, we began our Suez Canal transit on April 27, 2003, on the old Regal Princess.  We entered the canal at Suez City, and as Sandi @StLouisCruisers mentioned, we saw a lot of sand.  We've also transited the Panama Canal and the Kiel Canal, and the Suez Canal was the least interesting.  I'm still glad we were able to go through the Suez Canal.


Regal Princess was the first cruise ship with passengers to transit the canal after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.  Two other cruise ships had gone through, but the passengers were taken off the ships in Safaga, and flown to Port Said.  We also had a military escort from Mumbai to Safaga.


A friend and I sat out on the Promenade deck and watched the desert pass by.


Suez City as we headed for the canal entrance





The Al Badr Mosque.  I tried to find the names of some of the places along the canal, but what little Google maps showed was written in Arabic without an English translation.



Entering the canal, and what looks like a dry dock



One of the bridges that span the canal





A town on the east bank of the canal



Another town 



Constant dredging is needed to keep the canal open to ship traffic.



In places where there is no bridge, ferries take people across the canal.





Another area with trees



Somewhere in the canal.  It began to look the same for most of the transit.









Preparing to exit the canal





The other end of the canal





Thank you for the interesting photos Lenda.

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Posted (edited)

@Sharon in AZ


Sharon, I have reached out to my local wine bar for help in finding last night’s wine. My search discovered lots of info about the vintner’s red version, but nothing about the white version. 

If they can order it for me & if it is not too costly per bottle - I will let you know. 

It had an amazing fruity nose - pear and maybe peach. I was medium bodied, dry and delicious. Though I could taste pear, there were some other aspects that none of us could positively identify. Definitely some type of citrus - perhaps lime. And possibly passion fruit. 

If you have a local wine place that might help you locate it - here is the info:

2023 Cuvée la Calcernière ChateâuNeuf du Pape blanc.



Edited by cat shepard
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Good morning all!


Happy birthday Roy! Hope it’s extra special for you.


Women in Engineering Day- I’m a retired nurse, so most of my career I worked in all female settings, including maternal child public health. Most conferences and conventions were 95% women. Around 2000 I started dabbling in software development and coding (old “Forms” + SQL). 
When I attended my first SW conference at Microsoft (Paul Sheriff spoke on WPF) there were some 350 in attendance. When we went on break there was a huge line for the men’s room, and no ladies room to be found. I found another lady searching- turns out there were about 6 of us in total. 

Incidentally, DH had told me I was over dressed in my suit (which was our expected dress code for public health conferences), and said to wear jeans and a T shirt.😳 My compromise was a polo. I was over dressed- all the guys were in jeans and tshirts. And the other ladies? - suits. 

Talk about culture shock!


Have a great day everyone!

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3 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

I would ask for prayers for a very close friend who suffered a devastating stroke last week.  We have been friends since Bill and I moved to PA in 1975.  I don’t have a lot of details but I know there is some paralysis.   Thank you for your prayers.


I am so sorry to hear about your friend 😞. My prayers for your friend 🙏 



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

@kazuI'm sorry to hear about the burning in your foot - do you think the digging done by the foot nurse could have been the cause?


I don’t think so Gerry - it burned before but anything is possible.  I will just keep moisturizing and following her instructions and hope it improves like it was yesterday.



29 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid, muggy, soggy Tucson. We have had rain the past three days but yesterday’s was big. The backyard flooded and is now a mess. The humidity is 66% which is really high for us. I don’t think rain is expected for a while. 


Oh dear on your back yard, Sharon 😢. So very sorry.  I hope things will be ok once it dries up 🤞 


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Good morning all!

I think our area is the only part of the US that isn't hot and humid right now -- it will get up to only 60 today, a drop of 20 degrees from what it was a few days ago.  Maybe some raindrops too.  The next week will be a mix of sun and showers, but still only up to 70. I'm actually enjoying the cooler weather.


I will celebrate women in engineering and letting it go, but will pass on the thick crust pizza.  I like the quote, would like the wine (but haven't seen that one at our Total Wine), and drink.  Will pass on the meal. I like tomato soup, but it always gives me heartburn. 😞   The Suez Canal is on the itinerary for the '26 World 🤞, thank you for the interesting photos Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.


DH and I got the double recliner covered (that cover has 6 pieces) so now we're as ready as we'll ever be for the month long visit by the grand-kitties who are coming in the morning.  They're only 1 1/2 now, so still very active (!)  It probably took the 2 of us an hour+ to get that one done.  Hopefully it's safe from kitty claws now.


A very happy birthday Roy @rafinmd!!

Prayers for your friend @Lady Hudson



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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Just want to say Good Morning! And let everyone know I am still alive and kicking.

Still feeling very tired but doing a bit better.  

I had to run some errands yesterday and that finished me off.
Will post more after I have breakfast and watch Mass on TV.

I have not yet read the posts.

Happy Sunday.



Terri, that is good news that you are doing a bit better.  


1 hour ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Three nice days to celebrate.  Being originally from the Detroit area and growing up in Michigan I had never heard of Detroit style pizza until a couple of years ago out here.  We have a niece who was named as one of the top 100 women engineers in the US a few years ago. Boy did she bust through the glass ceiling of the farty old boy company where she had been working in MN landing a director’s position at a different company in Oregon.  

I love the quote, nothing better a good laugh as a tonic for what ails you!


Both the meal and drink sound nice, perfect meal for the gloomy day we have.


I haven’t been to today’s port.


Prayers for those on our prayer list today.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events.  A very happy birthday to Roy @rafinmd! 🎂🎉


Belated congratulations to your niece being named on of the top 100 women engineers, and on getting a better job, too.


30 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. Sunny and dry with possible showers this afternoon, but I doubt it. High today low 80's. The dogs walked this morning with no alerts... so I am hopeful our visitors have moved on. Or at least are hanging out in someone else's neighborhood.


Happy Birthday, Roy!!!


Still trying to get my house back in order after the mess created by my handyman. And the sorting and tossing continues but slowed due to the uproar at the thrift store. I will try to slip in and out next week with a few boxes. I know the "powers" do not want to hear my opinion. I suspect they are going to lose a number of their long term volunteers...one has already left. They have few enough to begin with. Glad I am off the Board.


Away for a another cup of coffee and then to face the day, which, as my Mother always said.. you have to face the day and the day has to face you.






Susan, I'm sorry the thrift store is in such and upheaval.  I hope someone can get things running smoothly again and soon.


23 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you for the interesting photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


40 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday from a very humid, muggy, soggy Tucson. We have had rain the past three days but yesterday’s was big. The backyard flooded and is now a mess. The humidity is 66% which is really high for us. I don’t think rain is expected for a while. 

Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the Suez Canal pictures. I don’t think I’ll ever get there but it seems like the Panama Canal is more impressive, which I have been through twice. 

I will pass on the meal, I’d rather have regular tomato soup if I’m having soup. And since I’m not a big fan of soup that will be a while. 

I believe I’ve had the wine before and Ann @cat shepard, your wine from last night sounds lovely. Can you post a review and cost when you do your research?  Isn’t that the vintner that makes a light red that goes well with Turkey at Thanksgiving?  Sorry , I’m not fluent in wine speak!


Not much on the agenda today except taking some supplies and a case of wine to DM. I’m still adjusting to cooking 3 meals a day for a third person, DGD. She is a very picky eater so isn’t too excited about what we eat. Thank goodness she will eat Cheerios and pasta and weirdly seaweed snacks. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I'm sorry your backyard flooded, but that happens in the desert.  When we get a big rain in Quartzsite we will have standing water in several places until the soil moistens and can absorb the water.  That doesn't happen too often though.



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