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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday September 13th, 2024

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


Port of call today. Was on a tour to the rain forest. The tour guide told us the area gets over 300 inches of rain each year. After two hours and no rain I asked the guide do you ever have a drought here. He replied, “During the past two hours.”  Then we went to this tree where the extract from the bark is used to help men, how do I say it, get them excited. None of the men on the tour wanted to leave the tree! 😀

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Good morning, everyone!  


We had a great time at River's soccer game and she was totally excited to see us. The only problem with the evening games is that it gets dark before we get home.  We have a fair amount of back road driving and we're on them about the time the deer like to run across the road.  She has another game on Saturday and we'll make the trek up there again.  We told her that if she needs and wants to come to our house, just let us know.  


@Sharon in AZ That onion soup in Quebec was pretty good.  Here is the recipe that I want to make.   The Ultimate Ribeye French Onion Soup




@JazzyV I hope you spent a comfortable night at home and that the leg is less painful today.

@StLouisCruisers Safe travels today to DGD Ashley's wedding!

@rafinmd Hoping you got a good night's rest in rehab and are ready to work hard this morning!

@Sharon in AZ and I were wondering what happened to Pennie @Nickelpenny while we were on our cruise.  It does seem odd that she just suddenly dropped out.  I hope all is ok with her.


I love eggplant and would give today's meal a try as a side dish.  This first recipe looks pretty easy!   Middle Eastern Roasted Eggplant Salad





The next one comes with Tzatziki sauce and that sounds good to me!   Roasted Eggplant with Tzatziki Sauce




And here is one with a lemon tahini sauce.  Roasted Eggplant Salad




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  When I looked out this morning, I saw Chumley (one of the stray outdoor cats) in Donna's yard across the street.  I thought if I turned on the outdoor garage lights, he might move, nope, the laundry room light, nope, the key in the door, nope, and a fox walked through her yard- No wonder he didnt move!  He isnt there now, but he missed breakfast as Roofus goes from plate to plate. Hopefully I will see him in our yard (the cat, not the fox) so I can get him breakfast later.


@Denise TI think chocolate is a veggie.  It is made from a plant, so it's healthy.😸


We were supposed to get lots of heavy rain from Francine, but here, she was just a cloudy light drizzle.  I think that our weather people like hype, but dont know diddly. Or they like the hype, but are giving us a forecast from Alabama.


Tonight I will move in to the room where Quiffy is.  She is very lonely.  Chuck stays with her during the day.  We picked up the cloth cone/collar from Debbie, and she is much happier.  She can eat now, and drink now, but she stayed up all last night, knocked over the trash can, and cried.  She has never been alone before.  So since I am the nomadic sleeper, she will have company tonight.  


Todays plans are walk the dog, (I hope the fox has really moved on). work, run some errands, go back to work, and then our "travel" friends are coming over.  We are taking them to see The Princess Bride with the ASO performing live soundtrack for his birthday.  We bought the tickets in February.  And then come home, go to sleep, get up tomorrow and go back to work.  And its a Formula1 race weekend!


Yes, where is @Nickelpenny?


@rafinmdI hope you are feeling better, sounds like they are really making you work hard to get better, so I hope you are feeling better.


DH is up, so off I go...



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Will be on the warm side in north NJ today, and muggy. 

Thank you @StLouisCruisers Sandi for keeping the Daily and FR going so seamlessly! Smooth travels! Your DGD will be so happy you’re there! 

Chocolate day! Yes!  I left a thank you note with a Godiva truffle for our neighbor who helped with the computer gremlin. I hope she’s not allergic! 

Thanks for the photos of Dominica!  Seems like a very long time ago for me… maybe 2006 and one other time that we walked to the park. Such a pretty place! 

@ottahand7 hoping all goes well with the shutdown. You bring back memories !  In the 90s we loved going to our NM mountains cabin every other weekend for our quick respite visits while we were still working but had to drain it Sunday afternoon before heading back to town. DH wrote instructions and I learned to do it, took me about 30-40 mins, he could do it faster. DH had to make me some valve extensions because my little fingers weren’t strong enough. Some of the places were tight to get into. Then after retirement we moved to the cabin fulltime and slowly built the real-size-house addition.  We only drained it when we’d be traveling but it was much more complicated, took DH about 2hrs, me longer because I had to read the directions for each step. Draining and blowing out the hot tub was a separate task a day or two before we left, as was draining the washing machine pump!  We used the pink marine/nontoxic antifreeze in some lines (dishwasher, washing machine pump because you could get all the water out) and toilets- 3 now had three, last one was flushed with buckets just before leaving, tank drained and syphoned out . Upon returning home it was always a big relief to get the water system up again!  Every now and then there’d be a problem, a cracked valve or something. We loved living there but it was always an adventure!  
Wishing you Smooth prepping and travels south! 


Blessings to all in need! 
I’ll check back in later… onward! Maureen

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning. We have a nice day so far with temperatures reaching 80 later. The chocolate lovers here would be happy to celebrate the day and I can give them my portion. My DS followed family tradition and is quite bald now. I used to have thick hair but now have quite a bit of hair loss. I have always believed in getting kids into the kitchen and I am glad to see that my grandchildren and the teenager are all capable cooks.

Eggplant is popular here but I am lucky enough to have DB cooking outside on the grill later. He  says I will be surprised.

@JazzyV, Vanessa, I am glad you got home ok but sorry that there is still a lot of pain. I hope today is better.

@Quartzsite Cruiser, Linda, I am glad that you found a good PT nearby. I hope Steve sees the results soon. Entry level PT programs have been at the doctorate level for a long time. It is great when one finds a person with good skills.

@VictOriann, Ann, I hope Pat’s surgery can be scheduled very soon. We had an impromptu chorus of “diamonds are a girls best friend” last night for my brother !

@dfish, Debbie, we are very aware of the”deer at dusk” issue here, even living right next door to the big city. I am sure you made River very happy!


Take care everyone. I hope we hear from Pennie soon .

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Good morning everyone.  Looks like a nice day in store for us, perfect for cutting the grass.  Thanks for providing us with our daily dose of useful information.


Bald is beautiful if a combover is your only option.  Will definitely figure out some way to celebrate International Chocolate Day, there are several candy stores nearby for inspiration.  Have fun cleaning up the mess in your kitchens today!


No to the meal suggestion but why not to the drink.  

Unfortunately, the quote is true.  

We’ve been to today’s port a couple of times and enjoyed our tours there.


Prayers for those on today’s prayer list.  Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events!  Safe travels @StLouisCruisers I hope you have a nice time at the wedding.



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Good morning from a sunny day in central Texas.  It is a cool 67F with no wind or as the weather app says, calm.  The humidity is 95% with a dew point of 65F, but as we warm to the predicted high of 94F both those numbers will drop.  Since this is a day without anything that actually needs to be done, I stayed in bed a while longer even though I woke up about two hours ago.  


Bald can be beautiful, and DH just has a ring of hair around his head.  Our kids were capable of doing some cooking and kitchen clean up, but they are not here now.  DSIL always helps clean the kitchen when he and DD visit.  However, International Chocolate Day is my day since I'm an unrepentant chocoholic.


The William Feather quote is true, but it still is better to be kind.


Today's meal suggestion looks good and I like eggplant, but don't cook with it.  We'll pass on the drink, but I would not turn down the wine if offered.


We visited Rosseau twice in 2006 when we did b2b Amazon River cruises out of Ft. Lauderdale on the old Regal Princess.  B2bs were better and more fun than flying into or out of Manaus.


Today in 1501 was a good beginning in art.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thank you for taking the time to start the FR/D and for posting the links.  Safe travels today, and I'm glad the weather for the wedding will be good.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm glad the dinner with friends was fun.  Good luck with the cabin shutdown, and safe travels home tomorrow.  Thank you for your pictures from Rosseau.

@Mtn2Sea  Thank you for sharing your pictures.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you got to see River's soccer game and are going to another one on Saturday.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm glad the soft cone is allowing Quiffy to eat and drink.  I have also been wondering about Pennie.  She last posted on the August 26 FR/D.  DH said about that time she was on another thread with an shall we say an intense discussion, and he wonders if she has been blocked.  

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm not sure how much actual therapy the person we met with yesterday does, since he is the facility director.  I'm comfortable that whoever does the therapy will be good after meeting the director and some of the staff.















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We were in Dominica in 2006 on the old Regal Princess.  Since we did b2bs from FLL to Manaus and back, we stopped there twice.  Both times we rented a car and toured the island.  The second time we drove out to the aerial tram only to find out that all the spaces were booked by the ship.  Still we had a great day both times.


The first three pictures are of Roseau, both in town at the shopping area and from the ship as we sailed.





On our second stop, we stopped at a beach to get something to drink and to enjoy the view.




There was a beautiful sunset as we sailed and we tried to get a picture of the green flash.  I don't remember if we saw the green flash or not, but here are just a couple of pictures of the sunset.





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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Bald can be beautiful, even on women.  You had me at chocolate . . . . .   I'd love it if some kids could come and take over my kitchen, but that's not happening any time soon.  It is nice to know though, that our oldest DGS (age 9) is starting to cook simple things like scrambled eggs and grilled cheese sandwiches.  He'll never starve.  LOL


We've been to Roseau a couple of times - the first one we took a shore excursion walk through the rain forest, ending up at a beautiful little pond that was declared to be the fountain of youth.  On the way back we saw many of the same sites as @wdw1972did on the trolley tour. 


It's a grey, drizzly day out there for us this morning, and judging by the amount of water on the street it must have rained lightly for most of the night.  It's funny how here on the "frozen tundra" we literally go from one day wearing shorts and tank tops to the next one wearing jeans and sweaters.  Once this rain moves through we should have more seasonal temperatures, but I don't think we'll have any real shorts wearing weather to speak of.


@StLouisCruiserssafe travels as you make your way to your DGD's wedding.

@JazzyVI hope you had a better night and am so glad you're home.

@rafinmd it sounds like you're in the right place to get you back to the point where you can function fully on your own.  Hopefully that'll take place soon.

@Quartzsite CruiserI'm glad you and DH have found a good therapist, one who includes you in the process, rather than treating you like an outsider.


Not much happening for us today, just cardiac rehab and then picking up a few groceries.  When I came home from lunch with my friend yesterday, DH said he sure would like some chicken soup, so I went to the freezer, dug out the rotisserie chicken carcass I'd put in recently and made up a big pot of it for us.  I'm going to pass on the drink and wine, and especially the menu suggestion as neither of us is a fan of eggplant.  I know it's Friday night pizza night, but there's a big pot of chicken soup waiting in the fridge, so I'm going to deviate from our usual and we'll be having steaming bowls of chicken soup and cheese croissants at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s FR&D, Sandi! Kudos for getting it posted on your travel day. Safe trip! Enjoy your DGD Ashley’s wedding. 

Yesterday was another day of torrential downpours. I got soaked walking from the car to the nail salon and then again from the car to the pharmacy for my vaccine! Bindi and I did find a couple of small lulls where we got a mini walk in.  On a positive note, I haven’t had to add water to the pool. 

Vanessa, happy to read you are home. Hope those meds do their job. Fast. Thank you for never missing a beat - no matter where you are. Praying that your recovery is quick and complete. 

Gym, Bindi walks, chores, supper out with friends.







Fifth in our Denali NP sign series…





Prayers for all who need our support. Praying for Tana, Terry & DB, Bonnie, Melisa & DH, Annie & Chuck, Nancy’s DB - Nick,  Pat, & Ann, Roy, Jacqui, Terri & Jim and all our caregivers. Hoping @Nickelpenny is ok. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating! Vanessa is home!

May we each find a reason to smile today!



Bota Box Pinot Grigio

Another boxed wine to explore! Easy to find and decently priced. Sounds perfect for a hot, humid day. Online prices start at $16.99.

Winemakers notes

Bota Box Pinot Grigio is fresh and fruity and delivers juicy, medium-bodied flavors of white peaches and citrus, with a clean, refreshing finish laced with pineapple and floral notes. Serve chilled.


Perfect after a long afternoon hike or a long day at the office, or pairs well with no-fuss dinner entrees like pork stir-fry, grilled chicken salad or adult Mac n’ Cheese with a spicy kick of chorizo.

Another of my favorite wines; Bota Box Topo Gigio! 😀

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Up early as I had a rare unrestful night. Dear SIL arrived and son and family made it over to the Big Island. It was pretty boring without my four year old playmate.

Just another day of watching the surf, checking to see if any Honu Turtles come ashore, swimming and a happy hour margarita. Such a Blessed life.

Thoughts and prayers for those in need and thanks for all who make the Daily a daily read. B.



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Going to work this morning, did not work.  Hours for the schedule are 9:30-12:30 on W, TH, F and Saturday.  I clocked in at 9:30, got all the screens set up, but have no idea who was supposed to activate our account. My boss lives in CA, so he does not turn on the campaign.(he is asleep)  On W, Th and Saturday the BIG Boss (who lives in NY) turns on the computers.  But both he, and his assistant ( I think "honey") are both off on Fridays.  If no one is the boss, there is no one to turn on the campaign, so after going back and checking 3 times 🙀, I said screw it, and I have the morning off. 🙀(this screaming cat is a mistake, the other one was not.)  I feel more like🐯.


Apparently what we have here is a failure to communicate. That's sad. A telemarketing company that cannot communicate to each other.


@Quartzsite CruiserI agree with you and your DH.  I have learned to only come here. And I learned that my opinions should be kept to myself (most of the time).


@dfishI love that you and Sue went to Rivers game, but please drive safely.  Deer up north are huge! Its nice for her to know her family supports her.  Hugs to you and Sue. 


The couple that we are taking out tonight is the couple where the wife has Alzheimers.  One thing that has changed with her is what she will eat.  She used to love Thai, her DH said that the last time they tried to go to a Thai restaurant, she ordered fried chicken strips.  ( i was thinking of all the restaurants between home and the theatre) So I mentioned Pizza.  Nope. A Greek restaurant.  Nope, Fried food, cheeseburgers and lobster is all she wants to eat. (she was the best cook) No veggies, no fruit, just fried, burgers or lobster.  We are doing our fine dining at Popeyes tonight.  I hope they have the fried shrimp.  It is the best around.

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Good morning all!

My Dear Dad was bald, and our DS and nephew have taken after him.  You had me at chocolate!  I'm an unrepentant chocoholic.  I truly cannot imagine a life without chocolate. I always encouraged the kids to learn to cook, but I wouldn't encourage "taking over the kitchen" until they get older.  Both my DS and DSIL are great in the kitchen -- and at cleaning up.


I'll pass on the meal, neither of us is fond of eggplant.  Will pass on the drink too, but probably would like the wine.  True quote.  We have been to the port, back in 2013.  Whenever possible I like to get out of town and into nature, so I took a rain forest hike and DH went snorkeling.  


Today will get up to the mid 60's some clouds and some sun.  DH is getting his Covid vaccine this afternoon, no other plans yet for the day other than maybe getting out winter clothes for our week in Yellowstone.  The snow flurries have begun, so layers will be the key.


Terry @smitty34877 I love that you burst into song "Diamonds are a girl's best friend". 😄

Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the pain has lessened.

I too miss @Nickelpenny.


Here are some photos of my rain forest hike when we were at this port.






Trafalger Falls





Emerald Pool





The crushed school bus



I'll never forget this




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Good afternoon from the beach.

We have bought a new Automatic car full hybrid and part exchanged our 27 month 6 speed manual petrol car 

It should be ready in a weeks time.


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I would like the eggplant salad. I'd also like the cocktail but would probably omit the simple syrup. Various FLX wineries produce Pinot Gris but none in boxes, and I prefer Grüner Veltliner, so let's try one from Hazlitt's, $20. "New to the Finger Lakes, this Grüner Veltliner is a dry wine that has flavors of freshly squeezed grapefruit, lime peel and is herbaceous with a clean balanced finish."


No fever, but my arm is very sore and all I want to do is sleep.




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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Some men (and the occasional woman) look very good being bald. Yes to chocolate! No kids to take over my kitchen. I think the quote is probably true. I dislike eggplant, so no to the meal. Pass on the drink and pass on the wine. I have not been to Roseau. A good day in history. I was fortunate to see Michelangelo's David in Florence, back in the days when you could walk right up to it.


It's 79F and sunny. We are in a drought and won't get more than a sprinkle from Francine, unfortunately. I slept well last night. Today the leg is still very swollen and somewhat painful, but not red. I think I'm having some GI effects from the IV antibiotic; I'll see. I took my first dose of the oral one this morning. I can't get my compression stocking on the left leg, so I used an ace wrap and will be in the recliner intermittently, to try to get rid of some of the fluid. It's a good thing I've strengthened the other leg (the one I had back surgery for).


@StLouisCruisers Safe travels to Ohio today. Good to hear of good weather for the wedding.

@wdw1972 Thanks for the nice photos from Roseau.

@ottahand7 Safe travels starting tomorrow. Great port photos.

@Mtn2Sea Excellent photos, as usual.

@dfish River is so fortunate to have you all in her life. I don't drive at night if I can help it, but when I leave BFF's house near dusk I'm hyperalert for deer. I see them on the Interstate too.

@marshhawk Aww, Quiffy will enjoy having you there tonight. Enjoy the symphony.

@smitty34877 I smiled at you all singing "diamonds are a girl's best friend".

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Dominica.

@ger_77 Last night I wanted chicken soup! But I sadly ended up having sourdough toast as my dinner.

@Cruising-along Lovely photos from the rain forest. 

@grapau27 Congrats on the upcoming new car.

@kochleffel Feel better soon from your vaccine shot.

@kazu I hope you're settling in, but pacing yourself.

@rafinmd It seems you got a thorough evaluation at rehab. Hopefully you'll be back to baseline soon.

@sailingdutchy Thank you for the kind words yesterday.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the news of the day!  Graham, I hope your new vehicle will still have a dashboard where you can hang your coffee and snack and take a picture!  My father worked for Nestle, when he brought home samples of the milk products, I was not so happy, but I loved the chocolate.  Now I find Nestle chocolate seems to be higher in caffeine than other brands, so I stay away from it.  Do you think there is any truth in that, or is it all in my mind?  Any chocolate I eat now, has to be by midday, or I don't sleep.  


Vanessa, and Roy, recovering (I hope) from your difficulties!   Terry, as soon as you said your DB was a diamond, that song appeared in my brain!  I hope Jacqui is finding things easier, too, and we do need to hear from Pennie.  If she got banned, how long does it last?  We haven't been to Roseau, but we love eggplant, I usually do an eggplant parmesan, but the salads sound good.


It looks like a nice fall day here, the leaves are beginning to turn and there are a lot of acorns on the ground.  We've seen a number of dead squirrels on the roads, so I imagine they are frantically racing around stashing supplies and stealing each other's nuts!  I imagine we'll be going out soon for a coffee at Timmie's. 


I'm excited today, an old stamp friend who called recently asking about the auction place I use, said he had sent 75 albums of stamps off to be auctioned, and I could come around this afternoon and take all the leftovers and his supplies.  He is not interested in collecting any more, and they want to clear everything out.  I'm happy to go through the leavings, and hopefully there will be lots of stamps for cancer.  Friday the 13th - lucky!





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Good morning and thanks all! Love eggplant and chocolate, but maybe not together.
@JazzyV glad you are home.  Praying things settle soon! 
@smitty34877 glad DB is still there, love the diamond story, curious what the surprise will be! 
@grapau27ooh, does that mean we have a new dashboard to look forward to?  But seriously, what is a full hybrid?  
@kazuhope you are starting to settle in. 
Enjoying all the  lovely Dominica photos.  We enjoyed all the waterfalls and rainforest too. 

Edited by bennybear
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8 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! Love eggplant and chocolate, but maybe not together.
@JazzyV glad you are home.  Praying things settle soon! 
@smitty34877 glad DB is still there, love the diamond story, curious what the surprise will be! 
@grapau27ooh, does that mean we have a new dashboard to look forward to?  But seriously, what is a full hybrid?  
@kazuhope you are starting to settle in. 
Enjoying all the  lovely Dominica photos.  We enjoyed all the waterfalls and rainforest too. 



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12 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the news of the day!  Graham, I hope your new vehicle will still have a dashboard where you can hang your coffee and snack and take a picture!  My father worked for Nestle, when he brought home samples of the milk products, I was not so happy, but I loved the chocolate.  Now I find Nestle chocolate seems to be higher in caffeine than other brands, so I stay away from it.  Do you think there is any truth in that, or is it all in my mind?  Any chocolate I eat now, has to be by midday, or I don't sleep.  


Vanessa, and Roy, recovering (I hope) from your difficulties!   Terry, as soon as you said your DB was a diamond, that song appeared in my brain!  I hope Jacqui is finding things easier, too, and we do need to hear from Pennie.  If she got banned, how long does it last?  We haven't been to Roseau, but we love eggplant, I usually do an eggplant parmesan, but the salads sound good.


It looks like a nice fall day here, the leaves are beginning to turn and there are a lot of acorns on the ground.  We've seen a number of dead squirrels on the roads, so I imagine they are frantically racing around stashing supplies and stealing each other's nuts!  I imagine we'll be going out soon for a coffee at Timmie's. 


I'm excited today, an old stamp friend who called recently asking about the auction place I use, said he had sent 75 albums of stamps off to be auctioned, and I could come around this afternoon and take all the leftovers and his supplies.  He is not interested in collecting any more, and they want to clear everything out.  I'm happy to go through the leavings, and hopefully there will be lots of stamps for cancer.  Friday the 13th - lucky!





It is another Renault but different model but very similar to my current car.

I need an automatic to help my arthritic left hip plus it has heated front seats which will help my arthritis.

The car is slightly smaller and Pauline said she feels comfortable driving the new car.

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@grapau27 thanks, so that’s what I thought they work on a combination of gas and battery. Some can also be plugged in. I just wasn’t aware of the term full hybrid.  We usually use that for full electric.   My next suv will be a hybrid too.  

@cat shepard IIRC I think yours is a hybrid?  Are you liking it?  

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Good afternoon.  I have not heard from Roy today, and I imagine they are keeping him pretty busy.  He is probably using the time between sessions to get some rest.


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

My Dear Dad was bald, and our DS and nephew have taken after him.  You had me at chocolate!  I'm an unrepentant chocoholic.  I truly cannot imagine a life without chocolate. I always encouraged the kids to learn to cook, but I wouldn't encourage "taking over the kitchen" until they get older.  Both my DS and DSIL are great in the kitchen -- and at cleaning up.


I'll pass on the meal, neither of us is fond of eggplant.  Will pass on the drink too, but probably would like the wine.  True quote.  We have been to the port, back in 2013.  Whenever possible I like to get out of town and into nature, so I took a rain forest hike and DH went snorkeling.  


Today will get up to the mid 60's some clouds and some sun.  DH is getting his Covid vaccine this afternoon, no other plans yet for the day other than maybe getting out winter clothes for our week in Yellowstone.  The snow flurries have begun, so layers will be the key.


Terry @smitty34877 I love that you burst into song "Diamonds are a girl's best friend". 😄

Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the pain has lessened.

I too miss @Nickelpenny.


Here are some photos of my rain forest hike when we were at this port.






Trafalger Falls





Emerald Pool





The crushed school bus



I'll never forget this





Carolyn, thanks for the pictures of the rain forest.  They are very similar to ones I didn't post. 


2 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 thanks, so that’s what I thought they work on a combination of gas and battery. Some can also be plugged in. I just wasn’t aware of the term full hybrid.  We usually use that for full electric.   My next suv will be a hybrid too.  

@cat shepard IIRC I think yours is a hybrid?  Are you liking it?  


Brenda, we have a 2008 Prius which we keep in Quartzsite.  It has been a very good car, and knock on wood, the batteries are still working even though they were supposed to last eight years.  I hope I didn't just jinx us.  We've only had to change the battery for the gas engine.  We get between 50 and 60mpg around town.  When we drive to San Diego for a cruise with all our luggage and several steep mountain passes, IIRC, we get between 45 and 50mpg.  We think that is pretty good.  We have it figured out that we top off the gas tank in Yuma going, and can back it back to Yuma before needing more gas.



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Good morning, Dailyites!


6:15 here on the beautiful Westerdam. A 7 hour difference from Texas. Plus, it's Saturday since crossing the International Dateline. No Friday the 13th on board!


No Bonnie news. Still waiting on results.


Prayers for each of you today, and those traveling.


I had lobster, and Allen had halibut last night in MDR. Honestly, I thought the halibut was better.


Dinner tonight is in the Pinnacle. 


I won $36 at Bingo. You get 4 sheets for, I think, $39. Also, someone in the casino won 40,000!! 


I dislike those push buttons and like to see the money come out when I win. However, I lost my gambling money of $50, so that's that


Handsome is stirring and is asking for coffee and news. He's being so darn cute!


Hope to meet a fellow Dailyite soon! 

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54 minutes ago, bennybear said:

@grapau27 thanks, so that’s what I thought they work on a combination of gas and battery. Some can also be plugged in. I just wasn’t aware of the term full hybrid.  We usually use that for full electric.   My next suv will be a hybrid too.  

@cat shepard IIRC I think yours is a hybrid?  Are you liking it?  


You are correct, Brenda. Though mine is a plug-in hybrid, the battery can also recharge itself using gas - but the gas consumed when I do that doesn’t make it a good option for me. I can travel about 40 miles on the battery. Then it seamlessly transitions to gas. 

And I love it. For totally unexpected reasons. The back up camera shows on a large center screen, as do the gps maps. And my gps route also shows as a basic display on the screen behind my steering wheel. 

I also laughed at the sales person who informed me about the heated seats. Little did I realize how much I would appreciate them when my Sister was in the hospital, and I was taking her Grandson to school at 6:30 a.m. in February & March. That will teach me! 😎

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