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Posts posted by JazzyV

  1. 3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

    Mom update:


    Thanks to everyone for the kind and good thoughts and prayers for DM. I just had an update from my sister and Mom's surgery was excellent and she's in recovery. She should be back in her room by 3:30 (PST). If all goes as planned she'll be discharged tomorrow and now will stay with my younger sister at the condo overnight and then go home Thursday morning. I get my "tough old broad" from my Mom. She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and nothing slows her down! 


    Karen, good news about your Mother's surgery. I hope her recovery is easy. She sounds like a tough lady!


    2 hours ago, quilty964 said:

    Good evening, it's been a busy day!  Thanks for all of the info today.  Thank you and prayers for all of the firefighters, especially the ones in Denali National Park right now.  Sad to think of the damage there, and all of the animals in danger.  We saw a Momma moose with 2 calves right at the entrance of the park, where the fire is now.  I don't know anything about UFO's!🤣  The fish sounds ok, not sure about the drink.  Also praying for people in the path of Beryl.  Our church has a sister church in Costa Maya.  They had bad flooding there a few weeks ago.  The pictures I saw were scary.  I'm sure it's very scary in all of that area now.

    @marshhawkso sorry to hear about your not so good visit with DH's MD yesterday.  Hard to believe you have to book appointments so far out.  A friend told me the same thing happened to her DH, he's trying to find a new PMD.  Booking in 2025!  

    @Mr. BostonGood luck with your move and enjoy your new home.  

    The little Grands pictures are so precious today!  

    @JazzyVYour sourdough breads look awesome, can you share your recipe again...I think I lost the one you shared a few weeks ago.  I think I'm going to try a loaf tomorrow!  


    Have a good evening, Karen

    Thanks Karen. I'll leave a link to the recipe I use, from King Arthur Flour. I use Martin Philip's modifications, at the bottom of the page. He reduced the water to make the dough less sticky, and I've reduced it even more to about 700-725g to make it easier to handle. The amount of starter is variable. In my hot kitchen I use less to try to prevent over proofing. I start in the evening, to enable the dough to bulk ferment overnight, but even with only 20g of starter and cool water to mix the dough, it about tripled by morning. I think I'm going to start in the morning, so I can watch the bulk ferment during the day, and take it out and shape it when it doubles. I also left the shaped dough in the fridge for 48 hours before baking. I'll cut it tomorrow and hope it doesn't show evidence of being over proofed.



    54 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

    Good evening, I hope everyone had a great day. 
    I just wanted to give an update on my friend Barb who was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer. She had finished her radiation treatments and all is good for now. 🙏🤞

    The neighborhood is starting to celebrate the fireworks early, It’s going to be a long night.

    Good news that Barb finished her radiation treatments. Prayers that she stays well.

    • Like 13
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  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

    I try to buy made in the USA when I can, but it's often hard to find what I need. I'll salute wildland firefighters, with all the fires we have. I think there are UFO's out there. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish). Yes to the drink and I'd try the wine. I haven't been to Monbasa. The exploration of Minnesota may explain the German and Norwegian backgrounds there.


    After a crisp and cool start, it's the last non-humid, warm day, before the heat comes back. I had a strenuous day yesterday, dragging groceries to BFF's house, then making dinner. That was more standing than I am used to (he needs some kitchen organization!), and my back muscles weren't happy. Today I have PT early afternoon. Then I need to bake 2 sourdough loaves that have been in the refrigerator cold fermenting, especially before it gets too hot again. Tomorrow morning I take BFF for his 6 week check on the fracture, and we're hoping to hear that he can start some partial weight-bearing on the leg.


    @kazu I hope you get some answers today when you see the surgeon.

    @luvteaching Prayers for your DM and her medical team as she has her heart procedure today.

    @StLouisCruisers Enjoy the sea day. How is your DH feeling?

    @RMLincoln I hope you and DH get to travel this fall, but of course that depends on his next eye exam. While BFF and I may not be as mobile as we'd like, we plan to do our fall cruise in late September.

    @marshhawk I'm sorry the doctor's appointment for DH was hard. Amazing that they can't test him until next year; is there a geriatrics clinic or specialist nearby? I'd think maybe they could do something sooner. Hopefully the Neurologist can help out. Sorry the work boss is still so nasty. 

    @aliaschief Ah, the bachelor days are done, and the boss is coming home 😀. Enjoy having Sue back home.

    @cat shepard Yay on your bird of paradise plant having a bloom. 

    @smitty34877 I hope your DSIL and family have an uneventful cruise. Continued prayers for Tana, you and the family.

    @summer slope Good luck with all your medical procedures.

    @Mr. Boston A new chapter in your life starts. Safe travels and Enjoy!

    @Cruising-along Sorry about the mix-up for bloodwork, and delaying of your appointment. I try to get a paper copy for lab work, even though it's in the computer system (if I go to the hospital lab), because I might decide to go to Quest.

    @Vict0riann I'm so glad you're doing well. 

    @Seasick Sailor I'm sorry to hear of DS Bonnie's diagnosis. Prayers for an easy treatment plan. She's lucky to have you in her corner. Prayers for Bonnie and the family.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.



    • Like 25
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    • Haha 1
  3. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having leg/foot pain, seeing vascular surgeon today

    Luvteaching’s DM having heart procedure today

    Seasick Sailor’s DSis Bonnie diagnosed with breast cancer

    Cruzin Terri with right bicep muscle tear, steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Seasick Sailor’s friend Belinda with a fall and shoulder injury

    Ottahand7’s DB with operated knee red and swollen


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Mr. Boston’s condo sale day

    RMLincoln’s DH’s satisfactory eye doctor visit

    Nickelpenny’s incision coming along

    Ger_77 in Calgary

    Vict0riann doing well post-surgery


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    5 days for luvteaching (Westerdam July 7 to July 14) 7d Alaska Explorer


    Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 16
    • Thanks 28
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit.

    Happy Canada Day to all Canadian Dailyites! I admire everyone who is devoted to duty. Televsion Heritage Day celebrates TV; television has its good and bad sides. The DEA does some important work. Funny and sad Twain quote. Yes to the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Aburatsu. The day in history is why it's Canada Day.


    It was in the 50's this AM, now 67. It's refreshing, but won't last. I've been out to Aldi, picking up some things for BFF, in addition to the grocery store yesterday. So I'll have a lot to haul into his house, plus all the stuff for making dinner this afternoon.


    @StLouisCruisers I hope DH is over his cold soon; it's no fun being sick, especially away from home.

    @marshhawk I hope DH's immunotherapy goes well today and that you get to talk to the doctor or the PA. 

    @ottahand7 I hope they get the doctor to see your DB soon; I think someone needs to be the squeaky wheel. Icing won't cure infection; maybe he needs a different antibiotic. Did they have an infectious disease specialist see him when he was in the hospital?

    @Cruzin Terri Can you contact your doctor's office? I know you said he's away, but there should be someone covering or a PA to talk to.

    @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I never heard of Garlic Expressions, and it looks like my local grocery store may carry it.

    @RMLincoln Prayers for a stable report for DH at the eye doctor visit. 

    @cruising sister That should be fun for DS and DGS. But I have my doubts about the USA coming out on top.

    @dobiemom Thanks for stopping in to say hello.

    @0106 That's a great quote.

    @superoma Another great quote.

    @rafinmd Beautiful sunset.

    @Sir PMP Thanks for the Aburatsu photos.


    Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

    • Like 22
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  5. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having leg/foot pain

    RMLincoln’s DH’s eye checkup

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, right bicep muscle tear, steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Catmando’s DB Scottie post stroke

    Ottahand7’s DB with operated knee red and swollen


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Canada Day! 🍁

    Ger_77 in Calgary

    Summer Slope booking a bucket list Mediterranean cruise

    Vict0riann doing well post-surgery

    Marshhawk’s big sales this week


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    6 days for luvteaching (Westerdam July 7 to July 14) 7d Alaska Explorer


    Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 17
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  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    Avocados are good, but I don't eat them often, although I love guacamole. Parliamentarianism seems a thing of the past. Gotta have those seconds on the dot. I'm not sure Maya's quote applies to everything. I've never had a lobster roll, but plan to remedy that on my fall NE cruise. Yes for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Busan. A great debate on Darwin's theory, back in 1860. I miss Johnny Carson's brand of humor.


    It's warm here (82F), but a bit windy. Fortunately yesterday's severe storms went south of us, so we only got a little rain (we could use more). Tonight it's going down to 55 due to the cold front, and tomorrow will be a comfortable 76F. I was busy this morning doing a few things around the house, and watching football. I'm feeling tired today. Then I needed to get a few groceries for BFF. Tomorrow I need to go to Aldi as well for a few things and then I'm making an early dinner at his house.


    @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear that DH is catching a cold. Maybe some zinc can help get rid of it sooner or make it milder. Nice Busan photos.

    @grapau27 Thanks for today's link and the explanation of leap seconds.

    @1ANGELCAT Interesting about the Lovefeast. I grew up with coffee-hour after the service.

    @Sir PMP Nice poster and photo.

    @Lady Hudson Prayers the Cardiologist finds nothing of significance on DH's visit. It seems it's hard finding rehab or nursing home providing the type of care one wants.

    @smitty34877 I hope your storms aren't too bad, and that the power stays on. Maybe that's why I feel languid today, the humidity.

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Busan photos.

    @Nickelpenny Thanks for the explanation of Parliamentarianism. Got it.

    @Vict0riann I'm glad you're feeling well today.

    @luvteaching Prayers for a good outcome for your DM on Tuesday.

    @kazu Thinking of you and I hope you're not in too much pain today.

    @bennybear Happy Birthday to your DH!


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

    • Like 17
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  7. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having leg/foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, right bicep muscle tear, steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury

    Passing of marshhawk’s longtime friend 6/25


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Lady Hudson’s friend having suffered a stroke, with some paralysis

    Haljo1935 with a frozen shoulder and kidney stones


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Summer Slope booking a bucket list Mediterranean cruise

    Vict0riann doing well post-surgery

    Marshhawk’s big sales this week


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    7 days for luvteaching (Westerdam July 7 to July 14) 7d Alaska Explorer


    Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 19
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  8. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

    Not sure Mud needs a Day. I am a camera fan, and have several. Scleroderma is another bad autoimmune disease that results in fibrosis in the body. Funny quote. I love chicken tortilla soup, often from a restaurant called Max & Erma's. Wow on the drink name, lol. Pass on the Malbec. I have been to Puerto Chacabuco on my SA/Antarctica cruise. A bad day for the Globe Theatre and a good day for Star Trek fans. 


    It's cloudy out and I heard thunder earlier and we had a spot of rain. Possible severe storms later. It's really humid. I had a nice evening yesterday, but it was exhausting. Lifting BFF's knee scooter into the car wasn't fun; it's heavier than the rollator. I dropped him at the entrance to the country club, then searched for parking. There was also a 50th high school reunion going on, so the place was packed. It was very nice seeing the celebrating couple, their kids, and many of their friends who I've known for about 40 years. So I'm just relaxing today, and may try to take a nap later, even though I slept pretty well.


    @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about the need for a medical evacuation, your rude awakening during the night, and the itinerary changes.  

    @0106 Thanks for your photos. I agree that this itinerary was my favorite cruise ever.

    @ottahand7 Prayers for a good outcome for your DB this time around. Thanks for sharing your photos from Puerto Chacabuco.

    @smitty34877 I always was in awe of those who have more than themselves to feed in their coming up with what to make every day. I hope Tana feels like eating a little more.

    @kazu I'm glad you had a nice visit with Jose's BFF. I have so much stuff, that I've started to try to get rid of things I don't use and clothes I probably won't fit back into. Prayers that you get some answers about your leg next week.

    @dfish I hope Sue's migraine is gone soon. I like the creamy chicken tortilla soup recipe.

    @Sir PMP Thanks for the photos.

    @marshhawk Nice to see the kittens and cats. 

    @TiogaCruiser Good for you on doing the shed. Nice Chacabuco photos.

    @ger_77 I can empathize as one of my PT activities is doing sit to standsl I'm so bad I need an extra foam cushion, but I should be able to ditch that soon. Safe travels tomorrow.

    @GeorgeCharlie Thanks for the photos and video.

    @Nickelpenny Congrats on booking a PC cruise; I'd like to do one again.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


    A few pictures from Puerto Chacabuco






    Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana) native to central and southern Chile



    Waterfall of the Virgin Mary





    Rio Simpson National Reserve



    View at lunch stop, Cinco Rios Lodge, Coyhaique, Chile



    Zaandam anchored in Chacabuco



    • Like 23
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  9. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, right bicep muscle tear, steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury

    Passing of marshhawk’s longtime friend 6/25


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    StLouisCruisers’ nephew Alex’s in-utero identical twins

    Seasick Sailor’s friend Belinda with a fall and shoulder injury

    Ottahand7’s DB with operated knee red and swollen


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Welcome back to Rotterdam Suslor (Susan)!

    Vict0riann doing well post-surgery

    Mr. Boston’s house movers

    Marshhawk’s big sales this week


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Zuiderdam to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 18
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  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    I rarely use the CAP LOCK as that's considered shouting online, Lightning safety is important and I try to manage Logistics. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the shiraz. I haven't been to Barra Norte River. A good day in history.


    It's going to be a nice day, warm and sunny. Already 73F. Storms this weekend, possibly severe. Unfortunately I woke up with a uveitis flare in my right eye, so I'm doing hourly drops. This evening I'm going to a 70th Anniversary celebration. When I first came here, I had a mentor at work, who became a friend and later associate. I was alone, without days off to go home for many holidays, so he invited me to join his family for many holiday celebrations. I became like their 5th child. He will be 97 this fall, and his wife is a few years younger. Their 4 kids will be there (3 are local). So, BFF will make his first social outing since the leg fracture. He will wear long pants for the first time, since the boot can go over them. We're going to try using the knee scooter, so I'm working on the logistics of getting him in the car and into the country club where we'll be going. Also I'm a little anxious about driving at night afterwards, but I'll manage.


    @Vict0riann I'm glad you came home yesterday and felt like having pizza. Prayers for not much pain today.

    @StLouisCruisers Have a relaxing sea day.

    @kazu Good luck with Ivan at the vet; I'm sorry to hear that he needs dental work. 

    @cat shepard Stay safe at the food bank.

    @1ANGELCAT Good luck with the botox today and I hope you find out who's replacing your Neurologist.

    @RMLincoln I'm glad DGD and her DH are making progress with the cleanup, and hopefully the insurance deductibles aren't too high. Enjoy the phone meeting with your church ladies today. 

    @smitty34877 I'm impressed with your culinary skills! Oh no on the oxygen concentrator not working last night, and thankfulness for the backup tanks. 

    @marshhawk Sorry to hear about the brownouts, with the computer crashing and loss of phone connection while you were working. Wow on your DM's experience with lightning and storms. 

    @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your friend Belinda with her injured shoulder.

    @Denise T Good luck with finishing your dissertation this weekend.

    @bennybear What a beautiful bird and great photo.

    @Haljo1935 I'm glad you saw the Nephrologist, who wants to find out the type of stones.

    @luvteaching It sounds like your outing yesterday was a great way to remember and honor your DD DH.


    Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

    • Like 23
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  11. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, right bicep muscle tear, steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury

    Passing of marshhawk’s longtime friend 6/25


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Vict0riann post-surgery

    Nickelpenny’s incision opening

    Cruzin Terri’s DH Jim with memory and anxiety issues


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Mr. Boston’s house movers yesterday and today

    Marshhawk’s big sales yesterday


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Rotterdam to June 29) 7d Norse Passage + (Zuiderdam June 29 to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 21
    • Thanks 20
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

    Good luck to those deciding to be married. Happy Birthday to those who celebrate today. Industrial workers are very important. Good quote. I like the meal and drink. Pass on the wine. I have not been to Arhus. 


    Thankfully no storms today. Many had big trees down and power outages; luckily I was fine. My stomach upset has settled, but now I'm afraid to eat, until I come back from PT, in case I stir something up.


    @Vict0riann Prayers for you and your surgical team today.

    @luvteaching Thinking of you on this difficult day. Hugs. Enjoy lunch out with your family.

    @Mr. Boston Exciting that the movers have started. I'm sorry to hear that DH is sick. 

    @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you had good weather for your visit to South Queensferry. Good news about the twins and prayers for an uncomplicated birth. That's quite the wait for your twin to see the doctor; I'm surprised PT isn't too painful to do. Great photos from Aarhus. 

    @grapau27 Nice lunch.

    @kazu Hugs. I hope the surgeon can help without an invasive procedure.

    @Heartgrove That was a pricey repair; plumbing repairs have gotten so expensive lately.

    @smitty34877 Your weather yesterday sounds like mine; I'm glad you're all safe. Also good to hear that Tana ate a small portion of the ziti. 

    @Sir PMP Thanks for the photo and poster.

    @dfish Safe trip home.

    @Cruzin Terri I hope you get a good nap, and more relief from the steroid injection. 

    @Mtn2Sea Excellent photos. 

    @marshhawk Yay for a day off tomorrow! Enjoy your free time and I hope DH is not sick.

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Aarhus.

    @ger_77 Congrats of 10 years of retirement. I retired early too, and don't regret it. Although that's when I started to have a lot of medical issues, so I probably would have retired early even if not planned. Enjoy your dinner out tonight.

    @rafinmd Oh no on the possible data breach.

    @RMLincoln It was nice that you had family visit. Oh my on your power issues and wow on all the damage at DGD's house from the storms. Good luck with your group tomorrow, doing it remotely. Prayers for DH and his eye issues. It sounds best not to get caught up in the big hubbub of NYC fireworks. I was once there for the Statue of Liberty rededicaiton in 1986, with millions of people, watching from the Liberty Park in NJ. Very nice flowers in the complex. 

    @Nickelpenny One would think even dissolvable sutures would hold up better; I had glue and let water run down my back with no ill effects. I'm glad you're taking it easy.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


    • Like 18
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  13. Today’s Care List:

    Vict0riann’s surgery today

    Anniversary of luvteaching’s DD DH passing

    Kazu having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, ?bicep muscle tear, post steroid injection

    StLouisCruisers’ twin’s arm injury

    Passing of marshhawk’s longtime friend 6/25


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Lady Hudson’s friend having suffered a stroke, with some paralysis

    RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues, medication allergy, surgery


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Marshhawk’s big sales yesterday

    Dfish at DS Barb’s lake house

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Rotterdam to June 29) 7d Norse Passage + (Zuiderdam June 29 to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 17
    • Thanks 28
  14. Busy evening. My stomach is upset; I blame my injection and will talk to the GI nurse I'll be seeing next month. I didn't go to BFF's and of course the weather was fine until about 7. Then heavy blinding rain and winds started. Followed by a loud alarm from my phone for a tornado warning, that made me jump. I've had warnings around me, but not right in my area. So off I go down to the basement, until it expired. I came upstairs and about 15 minutes later, another tornado warning. Trees down in areas around me and power outages, but nothing in my immediate area fortunately. All is quiet now. It's unusual to have such bad weather here, and this is about the 4th bad storm.


    @Vict0riann Prayers for you and your surgical team tomorrow.

    @Cruzin Terri I hope the steroid injection takes care of your arm. I'm glad the pain is less. Get some rest.

    @dfish Beautiful sunset.

    @marshhawk Congrats on the big sales! Your boss sounds like a real piece of work, as they say.


    • Like 10
    • Thanks 5
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    Bar codes have made shopping easier. I've never been in a canoe. I liked the Harry Potter movies; someone gave me the books but I haven't read them yet. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good minus arugula, yes for the drink (sans coconut on the rim) and no to the wine due to cost. I haven't been to Salalah. 2 good days in history. My only trip through the canal was in the new locks as the NCL Bliss was too large for the old ones.


    It's warm here, 83F now, with possible storms later. I'm debating about going to BFF's today due to the weather, so I'll see what they say on the noon news.


    @mamaofami Happy Birthday! 

    @StLouisCruisers I hope you enjoy your Kirkwall tour today. I hope your sister's arm is ok; is she getting it looked at?

    @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you arrived in Jacksonville safely. I hope the Mayo doctor has an easy fix for your arm.

    @aliaschief I hope your upcoming skin biopsies don't show anything of concern.

    @smitty34877 Mmmm, baked ziti. I hope Tana will eat a bit more and that you all have a quiet day.

    @0106 Good news that the Inner Harbor is swimmable and fishable now. Congrats to Katie on her swimming accomplishment.

    @cunnorl I share the concern about Starliner; they may need another way to get the astronauts home.

    @superoma Fun picture of you and the Wednesday ladies.  

    @dfish Thanks for the recipes while you enjoy the lake.

    @Nickelpenny Oh no on your incision opening! Were you doing too much? Do take it easy now. Since mine was glued I worried somewhat about that, but could feel back there to check on it. 


    Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

    • Like 26
    • Thanks 3
  16. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued post Covid, possible bicep muscle tear, at Mayo today

    Lady Hudson’s friend having suffered a stroke, with some paralysis

    Passing of marshhawk’s longtime friend 6/25

    StLouisCruisers' twin with possible biceps muscle tear


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Marshhawk’s DH Chuck’s vascular issues

    Rafinmd’s church member Paul post pneumonia, slow recovery


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Birthday mamaofami!

    Dfish at DS Barb’s lake house

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Rotterdam to June 29) 7d Norse Passage + (Zuiderdam June 29 to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

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  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    A good day for Seafarers, The Beatles and Smurfs. Funny quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I have not been to Puerto Limon. A good day in history for TV.


    It's cloudy here today and 76F. No rain is called for. I was up last night watching the Stanley Cup Final Game 7 - Congrats to the Florida Panthers. I have PT this afternoon. I'll stop at the State Store (what our wine stores were called, as they're state owned) before, and the grocery store after. Tomorrow I'll go to BFF's and am making a new recipe for a paprika chicken, if the storms aren't too bad.


    @Crazy For Cats Happy Birthday to Juan! Nice flower photos and the cats look happy.

    @StLouisCruisers I'm glad you got to Stornoway. 

    @MISTER 67 Be careful out on the golf course in the heat. 

    @dfish Safe travels today.

    @ottahand7 I'm glad your DB is in good spirits. Thanks for the Puerto Limon photos.

    @Cruzin Terri I was so sad to read of this latest challenge. Prayers for less pain and a good treatment plan. Safe trip to Mayo today. 

    @0106 Yikes on the size of that catfish!

    @kazu Thank you for sharing the sweet wedding photos of you and Jose yesterday. I'm sorry your car place can't do the AC. I hope you find another one that can. Good luck at the chiropractor today. 

    @Mr. Boston Exciting times! I hope your move goes smoothly.

    @cunnorl Good news from the Cardiologist!

    @marshhawk Condolences on the passing of your friend, and to his friends and family. 

    @Cruising-along Fun times at your house with the kitties. 

    @Vict0riann Prayers all goes well on Thursday.


    Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating


    • Like 21
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  18. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri fatigued from Covid, possible bicep muscle tear

    Lady Hudson’s friend having suffered a stroke, with some paralysis


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis

    Catmando’s DB Scottie post stroke


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Birthday to Crazy for Cats’ DH Juan!

    Dfish heading to DS Barb’s lake house

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice, tupper10 (Rotterdam to June 29) 7d Norse Passage + (Zuiderdam June 29 to July 20) 21d Viking Passage and StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 16
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  19. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

    I'll salute women in diplomacy and fairies are cute. When I worked I tried to find time for a lunch break, but often worked through it, common in healthcare. I'd have to resee the movie to understand the quote. Maybe for the meal, maybe on the drink and yes to the wine. I have been to Spain, but not Valencia. 2 good days in history.


    It was in the 60's this morning and should only go up to 81 later! A break in the heat for now. There was some off and on rain yesterday, which was desperately needed. No big plans for today for me.


    @Sharon in AZ Happy Birthday!

    @StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to your DD! Sorry that you are missing another port. Lovely Valencia photos.

    @grapau27 Welcome home to you and Pauline. I'll check out your cruise review.

    @kazu Hugs on this bittersweet Anniversary day. I hope the car AC can be fixed without too much cost.

    @smitty34877 Your DB will have had extra empathy, being in his particular field. I'm glad he comes to help you and can make Tana laugh in spite of how she's feeling. 

    @ger_77 I'm glad you were safe yesterday, and hopefully no one was injured by the weather. 

    @sailingdutchy Wonderful photos from Valencia and of your family.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

    • Like 23
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  20. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri feeling very fatigued from Covid

    Lady Hudson’s friend having suffered a stroke, with some paralysis

    Kazu and DD DH’s anniversary


    Philadelphia police officer shot; Mass shooting at Arkansas grocery store

    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Rafinmd’s church member Paul post pneumonia, slow recovery

    RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues, medication allergy, surgery


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Birthday Sharon in AZ!

    Happy Birthday to StLouisCruisers’ DD!

    Smitty34877’s DB visiting to help out for a few days

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice and  StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 19
    • Thanks 24
  21. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

    I'll salute women in engineering. I try to let things go that I can't change. I don't know about and never had Detroit-style pizza. Good quote. The meal sounds interesting. Maybe for the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't transited the Suez Canal, and likely won't get the chance now. 2 good days in history.


    It's quite windy here, but still warm at 84F. Possible severe storms this afternoon; we need rain, but not damaging storms. So I got the garbage out early, and will skip recycling this week. I had a lazy day yesterday, reading and watching Euro and US football (soccer). Likely more of the same today.


    @rafinmd Happiest of Birthdays Roy!

    @StLouisCruisers I hope your stomach is doing well today. Great Suez Canal photos and a very nice one of you. 

    @1ANGELCAT Awful to hear about that policeman shot; prayers for him.

    @0106 Thanks for the explanation of Detroit pizza.

    @Lady Hudson I'm glad you had a nice cruise. Wow, that's a lot of kids on board. Prayers that your friend has a complete recovery from her stroke. 

    @kazu I'm sorry to hear your foot is burning. Odd that your auto place was closed. Yay on scoring boxes!

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for sharing your canal photos.

    @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're a bit better. Rest as much as you can.

    @Nickelpenny So sad about the death of a woman. Here due to the hills, water can rush down onto some streets; there have been deaths in the past. Now one particularly bad road has gates that go down when flooding starts.


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.

    • Like 26
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  22. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri feeling very fatigued from Covid

    StLouisCruisers with stomach issues

    RIP Donald Sutherland


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    Luvteaching having made progress with her stuck hip flexor muscle

    Haljo1935 with a frozen shoulder, PT for now


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Birthday rafinmd (Roy)!

    Smitty34877’s DB visiting to help out for a few days

    StLouisCruiser’s cough improved

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice and  StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

    • Like 22
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  23. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

    I'll celebrate radiant peace and positive media. Laughing at stupid guy thing day. Great quote. Pass on the meal (lots of eggplant lately!), yes to the drink and pass on the wine. I have not been to Torshavn. 2 good days in history.


    Today should be the last day of 90+ temps, but severe thunderstorms may occur tomorrow. We need the rain, but no severe weather. It's already 85F and sunny. Yesterday after getting home from PT, I took a Benadryl because of my itchy hive at my injection site. Well, I was in the recliner to watch TV and ended up sleeping about 3 hours! Despite that I still managed about 6 hours sleep last night. Today I will just do some tidying up around the house. I'd like to make and bake more sourdough bread, but I don't feel like heating up the kitchen with a 500° oven. One day I'll have to see if my dutch oven will fit in my countertop oven/air fryer.


    @StLouisCruisers I'm glad to hear that your stomach is feeling better. 

    @MISTER 67 I got confused and thought game 6 was tonight, so I missed it yesterday. I'll definitely be watching game 7. Hard to believe that it's tied, with the Panthers having been up 3-0.

    @kazu Lovely clematis. I'm glad that the nurse found the infection to be gone. Strange about something being there where the infection was, but it sounds like she is working on it. Praying for less pain for you. Oh no on the car AC; I hope they can look at it.

    @superoma BFF got me into watching the Euro league games and now the North and South American ones. When Germany plays he texts back and forth with his cousin in Germany.

    @Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photo. It helps me as my knowledge of geography is lacking.

    @kochleffelThanks for the nice Torshavn photos, and your commentary. 

    @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos.

    @smitty34877 I love hearing of the great relationship you have with your DB and family. As an only child I sometimes envied those with siblings. Continued prayers for Tana and the family.

    @Haljo1935 I'm glad you got a temporary AC fix, and how did parts go missing? Good luck with the service company. 

    @Seasick Sailor Wishing speedy healing for Allen's incision. 


    Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


    • Like 25
    • Thanks 7
  24. Today’s Care List:

    Kazu with foot infection and having foot pain

    Cruzin Terri feeling very fatigued from Covid

    StLouisCruisers with stomach issues

    RIP Donald Sutherland


    Heat, Fires, flooding and Storms across the US

    Citizens of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza, hostages still held

    All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not


    From the Rotation:

    Tana with chronic pulmonary issues, weakness

    StLouisCruisers’ DB with pulmonary fibrosis

    Marshhawk’s DH Chuck’s vascular issues


    Celebrations and Shoutouts:

    Happy Birthday to ottahand7’s DF John!

    Welcome home Himself!

    Welcome to Amsterdam/home swin26!

    Smitty34877’s DB coming to help for a few days

    StLouisCruiser’s cough improved

    Cruzin Terri’s now negative Covid test


    The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures

    All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily


    Upcoming Cruises or At Sea:


    Suslor (Rotterdam to June 29) 21d Midnight Sun & Norse Legends, Cruzn single (Westerdam to July 7) 28d Alaska Arctic Circle Solstice and  StLouisCruisers (Zuiderdam to July 20) 42d Ultimate Viking Explorer & Passage

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