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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday February 18th, 2023

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@marshhawk  -- Two races today on Fox Sports 1,  The big race on Sunday is on the Fox Network.


Wine Day?  I thought that was any day that ends in "y".


Whale Day.  I spotted this from our balcony as we were pulling away from Ketchikan on one of our AK cruises.




A whale bubble feeding.


Being on a moving ship, we were well past by the the time he popped up,  So, this is as good a pic as I could get.





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Good morning everyone and Happy Saturday. We have some household chores to do today before DGD Summer comes tomorrow. Today’s high is supposed to be 70F. 

Craig tries to keep our batteries and wine  stocked up. I have yet to see whales on any cruise. I’ve avoided those tours because I get seasick easily especially on small boats. I’ll pass on the meal, drink and wine. I think I’m making the Tuscan chicken from the meal suggestion from the other day. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, great pictures and the baby is adorable. I love that the puppy is also in the picture. Bon Voyage!


Annie @marshhawk, I’d like to think all of AZ is friendly. Are you selling for the current season? Or for renewals for next year?  I thought it was almost over for now. I don’t go but we used to be season ticket holders for the theater. 

Linda @lindaler, you are home?  I thought you were on the entire voyage. 

Have a great day everyone!


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A fairly nice day in the Pacific NW.  Think I will start doing my taxes today.  The name of today's destination is kind of unclear which may be why some say they haven't been there.  Ishigakijima Island is redundant, as jima means island in Japanese, so it should say Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan.  Ishigaki is located about 250 miles from Okinawa and 160 miles from Taiwan and is one of the Yaeyama Islands.  The Westerdam will stop there on 31 March.

Saw the orthopedic doctor yesterday and he said I am healed and can quit using the velcro leg brace.  Not sure I would want to try today's wine.  Doesn't sound like good marketing to name a wine "Poison Creek".  


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Saturday arrived with sun, yay!  And chilly temps with wind… still February but not bad in Maryland!  

Thanks to all for this uplifting place in this messy world!  Thank you @JazzyV for remembering our upcoming family cruise!  Son’s passport tracking still says Out for Delivery…. they fly out Friday 6pm, still hoping it all works, but they did get the Cancel for Any Reason protection plan. sigh. I’m at the Yikes phase- 4 days before we leave, lots of lists, not much packed!  Only 4 more suppers to cook!  

Nancy, @ottahand7 beautiful sail-in day!  Was there in Rio only once, amazing sights but way too congested for me!  

Still battling a balance of dealing with DH’s sensitivity to his glaucoma meds.  Itchy eyes and face continue even with getting 2 of 3 prescriptions in preservative- free versions. Have tried every kind of topical allowed (not allowed steroids).  One cream from New Zealand helped some (Manuka honey cream); went through 2 jars, 3rd jar was different texture but same label, doesn’t help. Surgery scheduled March 28 to implant drainage stent to keep pressure lower without meds. Then maybe other eye later? Hoping we can stay well through travels so this surgery can happen.  But grateful for every day!  

Had an elderly friend and neighbor in our mountain community who was adamant that she wanted to die up there. I would say, It’s not the dying that’s the problem, it’s the living….  As her nearest EMS responders, we “ran” on her many times. She’s 90 now, living in town where she can get the support she needs. 

Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. So many!   And to all those traveling. Bon Voyage to the cruisers heading out today!  And congrats to those celebrating!  

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Just a quick check-in to say the flea market was fun, lots of junk there, but also a few treasures.  I did find a lady who makes earrings (she purchases all the supplies herself), then sells them at flea markets and donates all of the sales to the Diabetes Society.  What a generous thing to do, so I bought 3 pair.  


@Seasick Sailorwhat great photos - get all the cuddles you can before you leave!


I want you to know I don't drink wine for the health benefits, I do it to help the wildlife . . .


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Afternoon check-in.


@kplady Great whale photo.

@Seasick Sailor Wonderful pictures, Joy, of you, the baby and the family. Love the whale pic too.

@Cruising-along I can tell you're tickled to have the kitties there with you. 

@GTVCRUISER @XBGuy @bennybear Awesome photos.

@Sharon in AZ That was my error about @lindaler. She'll be home 3/18, not 2/18. I'll correct it tomorrow.

@USN59-79 Great news about your leg, Ray.

@RMLincoln My passport arrival stated 2/3, but it was about 5 days late. I couldn't tell from tracking where it was held up. Fingers crossed for DS's to arrive in time. Sorry to hear that DH still has issues with the glaucoma meds; prayers that nothing interferes with his getting the stents.

@dfish Great whale photos from Sitka. And nice light fixture.

@ger_77 Nice find on the earrings that will also benefit the Diabetes Society.

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Lovely sunny but chilly day here, just barely above freezing. We are off shortly to a family party to celebrate the Feb 14 th birthday girls. No one is sick or working today so we will all be there. I have made a crock pot full of German potato salad.


prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass later with those celebrating. Have a great weekend all.

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Good afternoon.  Our day started sunny, but by 9:30 the clouds had moved in along with the wind.  The thermometer says it's 50F, but when I went outside a little while ago, it still felt like it was in the 30s.


This morning, I ran to the store to pick up a prescription for DH and our free covid tests.  The pharmacy at the grocery store was out of tests, but the stand alone pharmacy on the way home had plenty in stock, and I came home with 16 boxes of tests.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We always have a good supply of batteries on hand, just like we do with IKEA tea lights.  Did someone say National Drink Wine Day?  Woo Hoo!!!  I've never seen whales in the wild, only in aquariums.


We had a good day yesterday - picked up our friend around noon and headed out on the highway.  The drive began with grey, cloudy skies, but the closer we got to our destination, the brighter it became.  By the time we arrived, we were bathed in bright sunshine, which made the task at hand much easier on everyone.  The memorial for the young woman was quite different, it was described as a "come and go".  We thought it would be a lot of people standing around, coffee in hand, cookies or sandwiches on trays, etc.  Instead, we walked into the room and there she was for viewing, and chairs were set up in rows just as if it was a regular funeral.  People came, gave their condolences to the family, sat for a while, and left.  Most unusual.  I think Covid has relieved many families of the huge expense of regular funerals; something that has been a long time in coming.


Today there's a flea market across town that we'll be going to - sponsored by the Lions Club.  I have almost a dozen pair of glasses that DH and I have had over the years, and will be bringing them to drop off for use in other parts of the world.  Who knows what treasures we might find among the tables while we're there?


Bon Voyage @Seasick Sailor and @57redbird!



I'm pretty sure I'd like today's menu suggestion, but have a package of coleslaw mix that is waiting to be made into a pot of borscht today.  It's looking like we'll be enjoying borscht and crusty buns at the kitchen table tonight.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially for the earthquake victims, the people of Ukraine, and the flooding in New Zealand.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




Gerry, I think Covid did change how some funerals are conducted.  Several of our neighbors here have opted to forgo a formal service.  Some of the families have had casual gatherings to celebrate their loved one's life instead.


5 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


We are supposed to warm up to 40F today after yesterday's cold high of 24F.  I'll take it!  My plans for today are to hit the gym this morning and then go buy a dining room light.  Still haven't actually done it.  It was a good idea that I measured before I went last time and then talked to my niece's husband.  He's agreed to install it for us and told me what to look for to make it sure it can do what we need it to do.  Fun, fun, fun.


Today's meal is a good one for a winter's day.  It is also very versatile.  If you want to make it a vegetarian dish, leave out the beef and load it up with mushrooms.  Use the vegetables you like and leave out the ones you don't.  You can make it a creamy soup with heavy cream or leave it brothy.  It is all up to you!  Here's the first recipe:  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/beef-wild-rice-soup/




This next one is super easy and relies on cream of mushroom soup instead of heavy cream.  





This next one has several suggestions for tweaking the recipe to make it fit  your needs and desires.  It is also a great way to use up left over beef.   https://thefamilyfoodkitchen.com/beef-wild-rice-soup/




Special thanks to all who help make this place a home for so many of us.  That is from those who post the daily drinks, port pictures, lists, to those who post to let us know how things are going with them.  And especially to those who understand that this is a safe place for us all and respect those boundaries.  


Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Debbie, I agree with you that this is a special place, and we all respect each one and the boundaries we've set.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:


Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  Computer said, when I sat down to start reading ,that it was 33, now it's 30.  But sunny!  I love Saturdays and Sundays!  I still work on Saturdays but I don't have to split my day up to walk the neighbors dog.  My entire day is mine, even though I have to work.


I got a call yesterday from one of my old bosses (last year) and she wanted to let me know that I was going to be working on the Arizona Opera again.  Yippee!  While it's one of the smallest campaigns, as in limited hours, people in AZ are very nice.  Or is it the opera fans that are very nice.....Not sure.  Because every one I talked to knew way more about opera than I did, and they had no problem educating me.😸.



Last night we watched the new Death in Paradise episodes that Britbox uploaded yesterday, and we cant wait for the new Vera that will upload on Sunday. @Cruzin Territhank you for the pictures of Guadalupe where Death is filmed, and @grapau27Thank you for the pictures of Vera that you posted this past week.


I dont know what station will be showing the NASCAR race this weekend, but I know that is also on the agenda for this weekend, along with grocery shopping.  Right now I need to get moving, make breakfast and start that grocery list.  I need to create a menu for the week, where not only I cook, but DH can cook too, so I need to have him tell me what hours he will be working, before I make the list and menu.




Annie, I'm glad you will be working on the Arizona Opera campaign again.


3 hours ago, Rowsby said:
I have three friends who live in New Zealand....one in the North Shore area out of Auckland...one in Paparoa (north of Auckland...who is safe but surrounded with floods and devastation from the cyclone)...and one in Upper Hutt north of Wellington (who was hit with heavy rains but no damage...then had a 6.3 earthquake)...all three are saying "Mother Nature doesn't like us right now"....😟
Hope they get a break soon....!!


Sue, that is good news that your friends in NZ are all safe.  


3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites!


It's been nonstop fun here in San Diego. I had so much baby time and our little nephew is the sweetest and cutest!








My sis will pick us up this morning and take us to the port. I'm excited to get back onboard! Thank you for the bon voyage!


I have many pictures of our Maui whales but here's one we enjoyed because it stayed out and frolicked and entertained us for a time.


Prayers for all. Have a great weekend. 




Great pictures of you and your nephew along with the rest of the women and the dog.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning from still sunny and still cold Durango. We are supposed to climb into the 30's today and the 40's by early in the week before the next snow arrives or so they say. Ice has finally melted from the driveway so at least I can walk to the mailbox down a short, but rather steep, hill. I just keep the frig stocked and lots of dog food on hand. This winter will end. And I have great hopes for a cruise beginning in January so I miss next winter which will probably be mild.


Yesterday it was a case of "the best laid plan of mice and men....." kind of day. Plan was to load car to haul stuff away to trash, recycling and thrift store but I got a call on some issues at the shelter that needed my immediate presence. The executive director could not handle under our current by-laws. That took up much of morning and early afternoon and when I got home I was exhausted. Dogs and I napped and the day was shot. I come off the Board on May 6 and am looking forward to it. Sort of like a second retirement.


I love whales!!!! When seen, they are the highlight of any cruise. They need all the protection we can give them.


Off to do today what I should have done yesterday.






Susan, are you marking off the days on the calendar between now and May 6.  Hope you find the perfect cruise for next January and February.


1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning.  DH just headed out to our grandson's birthday party.  I'm home -- still coughing and sneezing.  One bug after another this year!


Batteries are useful, wine is good, and whales are beautiful.  I'll take the day!

Not afraid of dying either.  The soup looks great, but no scotch drinkers here, so no to that.  Some day we will finally make it to Japan!


Beautiful orchid, @puppycanducruise.  DD always has one going in her home.  Mine don't seem to do as well.

@kazu, it's great that you are able to tap out posts here.  I hope you're keeping your spirits up okay.

@ottahand7, the fireworks show sounds lovely.  I hope they do repeat for you.

@ger_77, interesting about the memorial service.  Kind of a "viewing"?  

Have fun at the flea market.  That's such a great way to spend an afternoon.

@kplady, amazing whale experience you had!

@Seasick Sailor, what a beautiful baby!  And such a great photo with the ladies together!  Enjoy your cruise.

Also big Bon Voyage to @57redbird

@GTVCRUISER, it's always wonderful to see the Koningsdam in San Diego.  I wish we were hopping on today!


Many thanks, all,  for our Daily dose of kindness.  Wishing everyone a delightful day.

                                        🛳️            🌊    



I hope you get rid of that bug soon and start feeing better.


1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

A fairly nice day in the Pacific NW.  Think I will start doing my taxes today.  The name of today's destination is kind of unclear which may be why some say they haven't been there.  Ishigakijima Island is redundant, as jima means island in Japanese, so it should say Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan.  Ishigaki is located about 250 miles from Okinawa and 160 miles from Taiwan and is one of the Yaeyama Islands.  The Westerdam will stop there on 31 March.

Saw the orthopedic doctor yesterday and he said I am healed and can quit using the velcro leg brace.  Not sure I would want to try today's wine.  Doesn't sound like good marketing to name a wine "Poison Creek".  



Ray, that is great news that your leg is healed.  Thanks for the information about the location of today's port.


52 minutes ago, dfish said:

@Seasick Sailor and @57redbird




In celebration of Whale Day, here are a few pictures from Sitka 2015.








Couldn't resist these guys.  They were so cute.



And this is the light fixture I bought.  It is much nicer than the UFOs we currently have.







Debbie, that is a nice lamb and much better than the old one.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Saturday arrived with sun, yay!  And chilly temps with wind… still February but not bad in Maryland!  

Thanks to all for this uplifting place in this messy world!  Thank you @JazzyV for remembering our upcoming family cruise!  Son’s passport tracking still says Out for Delivery…. they fly out Friday 6pm, still hoping it all works, but they did get the Cancel for Any Reason protection plan. sigh. I’m at the Yikes phase- 4 days before we leave, lots of lists, not much packed!  Only 4 more suppers to cook!  

Nancy, @ottahand7 beautiful sail-in day!  Was there in Rio only once, amazing sights but way too congested for me!  

Still battling a balance of dealing with DH’s sensitivity to his glaucoma meds.  Itchy eyes and face continue even with getting 2 of 3 prescriptions in preservative- free versions. Have tried every kind of topical allowed (not allowed steroids).  One cream from New Zealand helped some (Manuka honey cream); went through 2 jars, 3rd jar was different texture but same label, doesn’t help. Surgery scheduled March 28 to implant drainage stent to keep pressure lower without meds. Then maybe other eye later? Hoping we can stay well through travels so this surgery can happen.  But grateful for every day!  

Had an elderly friend and neighbor in our mountain community who was adamant that she wanted to die up there. I would say, It’s not the dying that’s the problem, it’s the living….  As her nearest EMS responders, we “ran” on her many times. She’s 90 now, living in town where she can get the support she needs. 

Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope. So many!   And to all those traveling. Bon Voyage to the cruisers heading out today!  And congrats to those celebrating!  


I hope your DH's eye problem can be handled until he has the stent put in place, and that you stay healthy until then.


18 minutes ago, superoma said:

Lovely sunny but chilly day here, just barely above freezing. We are off shortly to a family party to celebrate the Feb 14 th birthday girls. No one is sick or working today so we will all be there. I have made a crock pot full of German potato salad.


prayers for those that need them and will raise a glass later with those celebrating. Have a great weekend all.


Eva, enjoy the twins birthday party.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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I have enjoyed seeing everyone's whale pictures today.  I decided to add a few of my own.


We've done whale watching tours in Juneau, Sitka and Ice Strait Point, and these are a combination from all our tours.


These first pictures are from Icy Strait Point/Hoonah.  In 2010,on the Amsterdam, there was an older male whale who stayed in the bay year round.  He learned to bubble feed by himself.  This is Fredrico (Freddy) as he surfaced.



When we went out into the open water that year we saw quite a few humpbacks.  



In  2015, on Statendam, the humpbacks weren't bubble feeding but feeding near the surface off Icy Strait Point.  Our boat captain tried to maintain the correct distance from the whales, but they were not following the rules.  This one surfaced almost under the boat.



Whale watching in Sitka, also in 2010, was a bust as far as humpback whales were concerned.  We saw a pod of orcas, and a raft of these cuties.  I couldn't resist adding them to the whale pictures since sea otters are my favorite marine creature.



Our first whale watching trip in Juneau was pretty much a scenic cruise as all the whales were in Icy Strait Point.  In 2018 on Coral Princess, we were luckier, and saw quite a few humpback whales and orcas.


I was lucky to get this picture of the fluke as the whale dived.P1040461.thumb.JPG.2b4664cd2e1e9e77d61d1f1efeda3b54.JPG


A little while later, I got a picture of an orca's fluke as it dived.



If your whale watching trips are a bust, there is this statue of a humpback whale breeching near the bridge to Douglas Island in Juneau.





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I'm confused about the special days. Battery is a crime, so why are we honoring it? Drink Wine Day? What else would you do with it? The soup and the drink would be OK with me, but I'm not alone in wondering whether naming a wine after a Poison Creek is a good idea. I haven't been to Japan but I have lots of whale photos from Alaska, not that I'm going to post them again.


Dinner is probably going to be broccoli as a first course, followed by pizza.


This morning I tested negative again, so went to the synagogue and stayed through lunch and a class with the rabbi. At this point I need a nap but it is too late for one.



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Hi everyone,

Hope your Saturday's are going good.

When I posted yesterday I forgot to tell you all that I bought the Bangrui can opener as was reommended here. I love it!! I think I have a bit of arthritis in my hands that only shows up when I try to open a can. Plan to buy it as gifts for my sisters who all cook, we learned from our Mom.

@marshhawk, I love Death in Paradise and Vera! I watch them on my local PBS so they are past years shows. I am jealous that you have the current with BritBox. Tempted a couple of times to get it.

@TiogaCruiser, I am 100% Polish, welcome! Have fun exploring all that comes with it. We have our traditions but they can vary from different regions in Poland. The food is great!

National Drink Wine day.....yes please!

Good evening all. 😊

Edited by Cruisercl
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Thank you @JazzyV Vanessa and @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda for your encouragement and prayers. And to all here for the uplift!  
Thanks @rafinmd Roy for word that @erewhon posted. Guess I missed sailaway!  Decided to vacuum, trying to get things cleaned up a bit before we leave… love checking into clean hotels and the great room stewards on the ships… dislike coming home to the grungies!  

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@Cruisercl Thanks! I’m reveling in it. Can’t wait for Dozynky ( I think I just misspelled it) as they have a big shin dig at the local Polish Center in September, and I’m planning on eating my way through it. Am also learning paper craft. 

What’s left of our box of Paczki

46E82E9A-F0B1-4DF2-B9EE-E4EE9C7EF05C.thumb.jpeg.bbeb9e6f7d9ef005a3949ee3b3aa045e.jpegFrom today’s hike:




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5 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

@Cruisercl Thanks! I’m reveling in it. Can’t wait for Dozynky ( I think I just misspelled it) as they have a big shin dig at the local Polish Center in September, and I’m planning on eating my way through it. Am also learning paper craft. 

What’s left of our box of Paczki

46E82E9A-F0B1-4DF2-B9EE-E4EE9C7EF05C.thumb.jpeg.bbeb9e6f7d9ef005a3949ee3b3aa045e.jpegFrom today’s hike:





Nice hike. My local grocery store just emailed today that they have Paczki in the bakery department; there's a large Polish descent population here.

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Just stumbled across this while looking at information for the Isle of Lewis!


The river cruise company Victoria Cruise Lines is entering the ocean cruise market with two former Holland America Line ships. The cruise line is leader in luxury cruising on China’s Yangtze River, with seven river ships in operation.

Victoria Cruise Lines announced that the two former HAL ships, the Veendam and the Ryndam, now renamed Victoria Majestic and Victoria Amazing, will offer affordable experience at sea, featuring a long-term residential cruise experience.

Starting in May 2023, the company's two ocean-going ships will offer a residential cruise experience traveling to more than 200 inspiring global destinations.

With its headquarters in Limassol, Cyprus, Victoria Cruises Line offers cruise enthusiasts the opportunity to rent luxury suites and premium staterooms for a minimum of six months or for a long-term period.  

Victoria Cruises Line's around-the-world trip will take approximately 27 months with about 540 days spent at ports. The ships will spend an average of 1-7 days in each port, so its guests can explore the port city and the surrounding villages at their leisure.

"Victoria Cruises Line offers our customers a unique lifestyle that is completely new to the shipping industry," said Olavs Zvinelis, CEO of Victoria Cruises Line. "We provide rental cabins at affordable prices to clients who want to live on a boat and travel the world without any strings attached. It's our mission to deliver a unique houseboat experience for our residents, who will live on board like a little family."

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Hello all , just quickly before supper time ,
A few of my favourite whale pictures from our 2015 cruise on the Zaandam to Antarctica and this scene went on for about 30 minutes when about a dozen of Orca’s were feasting on a baby Humpback whale about 70 yards from the ship . Just an amazing scene from the animal world , it was great that our captain  stopped the ship and we were getting closer and closer . Something I will not easily forget .
Take care and have a nice weekend everybody ! 
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Glad to be back to reading and posting here in the friendly world of the Daily!  My trip to Denver area was busy., exhausting, full of bad weather, but very worthwhile in the sessions and interactions with Emergency Managers..  There was a bad snow storm Tuesday and Wednesday, and we weren't sure if we would get home on Thursday, but in true Colorado fashion, Thursday morning was clear blue sky, beautiful snowy mountains and clear roads!!!


I am for sure home for about 5 weeks till my Rotterdam TA the end of March.  I just want the time to decompress and slow down a little.  Of course, my volunteer stuff will keep me busy!


Have a great day, everyone!

Mary Kay

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