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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday August 19th, 2023


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Good morning. It is only 64  degrees outside and sunny.I salute all of the days and am known around here as the Potato  Queen.The chow mein recipe  will be tried later as I think everyone would like it. Meals continue to be made here with little participation  from DH.

I am finding it very hard to cope with as he is refusing to try shakes, supplements  or just about anything. We will all continue  to encourage  some intake. 

The reports about the upcoming  Southern  California  storm are sobering.The fire evacuations in Canada are as well.Please stay safe today.

My Massachusetts  family experienced  another tornado scare on Thursday and later found out there were 4 separate  twisters between the Cape and Rhode Island.Yikes.It is the new normal.

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi. I hope the cold resolves itself soon.Thanks for the nice port pictures.

@dfish. Debbie, I am glad you feel better and loved the pictures yesterday.

@1ANGELCAT, Happy Birthday to your brother and enjoy the dinner out later.

@aliaschief,  Bruce, sorry to hear about your DBIL.As others have said, dementia takes our loved ones away twice.I am glad he is comfortable. 

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48 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Good Morning. We are in a tropical storm warning, the first ever for SoCal. This is because of (Cat 4 Hurricane) Hilary. A flood watch is also in effect through Monday. Rain is expected all day Sunday. And of course the roof at work is being redone. 😨 @TiogaCruiser and @GTVCRUISER (and other SoCal Dailyites) are you ready for this storm?


On the calendar today is sushi with a GF I haven’t seen in a few months. Then a personal appointment, and hopefully church. Pizza is for dinner. Hopefully I’ll be here me before the storm hits. I told my DMiL I’d take her to her Catholic Church on Sunday but she gets back today from a few days at her daughters house and might be tired. Or it might be too rainy.  


I go in to the office on Monday 45 min early (at 5:30am) to let the IT guy check on upgrade issues (not related to the storm). And we’ll be checking the building for leaks. I predict next week will be hectic. 

Thank you for the HAL fleet report and all the daily information. Prayers for everyone who needs them.  Cheers for all the celebrations. Stay safe and healthy everyone. 

Hurricane track (this was yesterday’s forecast):

Potential flooding: 


Stay safe and check and let us know how you are doing.


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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


National Potato Day. I hope this doesn’t get me in trouble but I have heard Mr. Potato Head is now gender neutral. But that can’t be true because the other day I heard Ms Potato Head ask Mr Potato Head, “Are you happy to see me or is that a French fry in your pocket.” 😀

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Good morning all, from warm and cloudy SoCal 


@dobiemom We’re not sure what to make of Hilary. We both clearly remember heavy rain from previous tropical storms, generated from hurricanes off Mexico, and some pretty impressive ones back in the 60s that brought 15+ feet waves to South Laguna. One year we lost a lot of sand and it brought out some pretty athletic surfers. So I’m not sure if these reports are more a product of improved data collection for forecasting, a new standard for issuing warnings, or people who are relatively new to the area and don’t remember when we had a regular rainy season. I’m having a hard time swallowing the idea “this is the first…”. Especially with so many other desperate situations (Maui, beyond huge wildfires in Canada, US and others, etc.)

Having said that, DH has gotten some roofing supplies to cover the small area left open for the solar installer when they re-papered our roof a few weeks back. And we’ll roll up the shade that covers the potting bench, and hope to remember to close the car skylights. 

Have an all day training for volunteering today. Have been looking at opportunities for docenting and I think I found a fit. 

Have a great day everyone, and stay safe.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Thank goodness for aviation, otherwise we'd be having to drive for a week before and after any cruises we want to take.  I think the potato is one of the most versatile vegetables out there.  Honours go out to all humanitarians; the world needs more like you.


Well another cold front moved in last night and this morning we're sitting at a breezy 11C (51F) and we're only expecting a high of 20 (68).  While we have to look at jeans and t-shirts for another day, we don't have to worry about wildfires or tropical storms or tornadoes.  Prayers go out to everyone in harm's way for your safety as Mother Nature ravages areas of our planet.


@smitty34877I feel for you, not being able to get DH to eat - why not mention it to the nurse and PT person when they're there - they might be able to encourage him to get started eating and drinking again.

@1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to your DB!

@aliaschief continued prayers for a peaceful transition for your DBIL.


This afternoon we're getting together with our friend Wayne and his lady friend - we'll be talking about the cruise DH and I have booked in February; hopefully they'll decide to book with us as well.  We're meeting at a new little restaurant that has opened only a couple of months ago, but is getting good reviews, so we'll see what they have.  All I know is I won't have to cook dinner tonight as we'll be enjoying something off the menu.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those suffering through fires and floods and war.  Cheers to all with celebrations.  


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good  morning from central Texas.  I slept later than usual, so I got my walk in before reading the Fleet Report/Daily.  It was about 83F when I walked and already warm in the sun, so I stuck to more shady areas of the community for my walk.  It is now 84F, feels like 87F and heading to a high of 105F to 107F.  Thankfully, our humidity is low at 59% with a dew point of 67F for walking.  I do not like high humidity, but we need it and rain since everything is so dry and could burn easily.  There's not much on the agenda today, so I'll probably continue to work on my pictures.


I will celebrate Aviation Day with a shout out to Susan @AV8rix.  We had more of the potato salad with our left over ribs and beans last night.  Tonight, we'll probably have mashed potatoes with salmon (me) and cod (DH) and a salad to go with our wine.  Humanitarians especially those who lost their lives helping others deserve to be honored everyday.  They are certainly being challenged this summer with the fires, storms and floods.


The Marilyn Monroe quote is a good one and not as cynical as some of the others.


We like Chow Mein, but will pass on the meal, drink and wine today.


We visited Broome in 2002 on Volendam when the port was substituted for Bali after the bombing there.


Louis Daguerre's 1st practical photographic process changed how we see the world.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your cold is better along with the weather, and that you can enjoy your tour today.  Veendam was scheduled to stop there in 2019 on her TA, but rough seas and bad weather prevented the visit.  As one of the younger players, I guess Ren is starting over as far as time in the game.  Loved reading about the announcer.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you can used today and tomorrow to relax, rest and recuperate.

@1ANGELCAT  Please wish your DB a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us.  Enjoy the dinner out.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope today isn't too difficult with the asthma.  I'm sorry fishing has not been good this summer.  Your flowers are beautiful.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad your DBIL is not suffering. 

@dobiemom  Marcia, stay safe and let us know how things are going.  I hope your office roof does not leak. 

@TiogaCruiser, @AncientWanderer and @GTVCRUISER  and all other Dailyites in the path of the storm, I hope you stay safe and do hot have any damage.  Please let us know how you are doing when you can.  @TiogaCruiser It sounds like you will be prepared for the storm. 

@RMLincoln  Maureen, that is good news you made the decision about the retirement community.  It sounds like it will work well for you.  Now, you can concentrate on your upcoming cruise.  I hope you can get the attorney to do the work or find a new one who will help you.

@kazu  Jacqui, thanks for pictures of more beautiful flowers.  I hope you and Ivan enjoy your visit today.

@rafinmd  Roy, once I pack and make it through security, I don't mind flying too much.  Our last flight was in September 2019 after our Veendam TA.  With all the problems with the airlines lately, I just haven't wanted to fly.  I also think they are bigger Petri dishes than ships.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope you can persuade your DH to eat and drink more.  I like @ger_77 Gerry's idea to talk to the nurse and therapist about the problem if you haven't already done so.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope you can convince your friend and his lady friend (Yes, I know that's sexist.) to join you on your winter cruise.














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We were lucky to visit Broome in 2002 on the Asian Pacific Explorer Cruise (APEC) on Volendam.  Broome was not on the original itinerary, but was substituted for Bali after the nightclub bombing.


We thoroughly enjoyed our day in Broome.  Since we'd been to Bali two years before, we were not as disappointed to miss it as many others were.  We went into town and rented a car to explore the area.  Later, we stopped at the airport to see about a sightseeing flight.  All the ones booked by the ship had finished, and the pilot gave us a good price (below the ship's price if we promised to to tell).  


The airport





Broome is on a peninsula and there are many beaches



Cable Beach is the best known beach.  It is 22 miles long, and was named after the telegraph cable that was laid between Broome and Java in 1889.





We stopped at this restaurant on Cable Beach for a cold beer.  



Scenes from our flight.  Some of the pictures taken out the window are not as clear as I would have liked.





The Volendam at the end of a very long pier



The runway













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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning. Our excessive heat will continue through the weekend and who know’s when we will get some relief. No news this morning on my brother-in-law but have heard he is not suffering.

Sue is out on her walk so have not discussed plans of the day if any.

Lot’s of weather systems out there and the South West will be the first to experience. 
Not much else to add today other then thanks for the Fleet and Care reports.

Have a great day. Bruce



Chief, that’s a one month supply of firewood at our house. 

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Good Morning to All!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  Great collection of days and I think I like MM's quote.  Not a fan of Panda but love Chow Mein, drink sounds interesting and never been to western Australia.  What an amazing process for photos!


Gym today and then - who knows.  Will be watching how Hilary progresses as I have to get to Huntington Beach by 0900 Monday morning.  I saw where western WA near Spokane has a fire now.  Wow!  Too many fires!!  It is presently cloudy and "cool" (76F) but humidity is high (~60%).  Predicted to only hit low 90's today which is perfectly fine for me.  I hope we get some rain.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating.


Have a great day everyone!

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Greetings from St. Pierre et Miquelon.   Our good luck with the weather ran out today and it is windy and wet out.  Sue and I ventured into town earlier and found a t-shirt for our sister who used to live in France.  Then we wisely returned to the ship where all the smart people were.  I did take a picture to prove we were here. Also, there are directions to the library in case anyone needs them.











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Good Saturday Morning Dailyites!  I slept late, made cinnamon bread french toast, sat down to read the Daily and now I am about to face the day.  I need to buy bird seed. But think I will wait until tonight after work. I start work in a couple of hours.


I have been worrying about my Daily friends out in the southwest-as of right now, please take the warnings seriously!  No unnecessary travel!  Get what you need done, done now.  And I am done nagging.


@smitty34877I had no idea about the tornadoes, I will call my BFF in RI today and see how he is faring, and to check on how his brother is, with their house in Chatham MA.  We don't get "yankee " news on the local channels, but my heart still lives up north, no matter how long the body has been frying in the south.


I love potatoes, (cheesy au gratin are my favorites, and O'Brien) I dont love MM quotes. Sorry, I think she had a great manager who didn't like her enough to help her, just helped themselves.  Sorry if that offends anyone. I am loving all the pictures of flowers!  How beautiful your gardens are.!









Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning all!

It's a cool 55 degrees F this morning, heading to the high 70's (about 10 degrees cooler than it has been).  But still dry.  

Interesting collection of days, the quote is a good one.  OMG is cilantro in everything now?  I'll pass on the cilantro drink needless to say.  The Chow Mein sounds good but I can't have it (carbs and sodium) but the white wine sounds wonderful so I'll just take a lot of that.  🤣  Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the photos from Broome!  We'll be there on the Grand Australia -- we have a private tour planned to see some dino prints among other things.  I do know it will be HOT!


Today our DS and DDIL are hosting a big family bbq (21 of us) at their home.  It will be the first time most of them have seen it since they moved up from CA and renovated the house.  It should be a lot of fun!  Yesterday I made the 2 apple pies I'm bringing, and today am making the BLT pasta salad that I'll bring too.  I remember the hint to put in less pasta and more Romaine (sorry I don't remember who said that, but I remember the tip).


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I hope your cold is short-lived and you feel better soon.

Nancy @ottahand7 Thank you for sharing more photos of your gorgeous flowers.


I'm thinking of all our Daily friends in Southern California -- stay safe.  We lived in San Diego for a number of years in DH's Navy days, and I do remember a few torrential downpours (one of them was Halloween night when I still took DD trick or treating lol).  I have no idea how it would compare, but know it wasn't the usual weather there.


Maureen @RMLincoln Congratulations on the big decision about the retirement apartment unit.

Jacqui @kazu Thank you for the photos of your beautiful flowers.



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 Good Afternoon from a sunny and warm say at the beach

     Storms were all around us yesterday but nothing here. Few sprinkles, that was it.

    I love potatoes in any variety or cooking method.

    We were in Broom this past fall on our Australia circumnavigation. It is a very hot small town. We took the shuttle into town and walked around. People are very friendly and welcoming. All wanted to talk about where you were from, etc. We were on the HAL transfer shuttle but port security held us up returning to the ship. They would not allow the bus through for some reason. We sat there in a very hot bus for almost an hour. Never did find out the reason. 

   @dobiemom, @GTVCRUISER, @TiogaCruiser and all others in the path of Hillary, please be safe. Listen to the news reports and dont take unnecessary risks. These storms can change very quickly. I have lived with hurricanes and tropical storms for 35 years, so I know these things should not be taken lightly.


  Be safe and enjoy today


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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I'll certainly salute aviation, as it's allowed me to see places I never imagined I would. I love potatoes, but they are ridiculously expensive right now. I won't buy loose baking potatoes at $3.49/lb. We should all strive to be humanitarians, even if in a small way. Another sad Marilyn quote. I'm not a chow mein fan, pass on the drink and the wine. I haven't been to Broome. We who like photography owe a debt to Daguerre.


It's a nice 70F and sunny. I don't think it will be too hot today. I'd like to do some yardwork, but my back is hurting me today, after having been better for the past 4 days. I've taken some Ibuprofen, and if the pain eases up I'll try to get out there. 


@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you have a cold, and that the weather is not cooperating today. I hope Ren is enjoying this experience, even if the scores aren't to the team's liking. Thanks for the Broome photos.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the cleaning lady shows up.

@1ANGELCAT Happy Birthday to your DB!

@rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise photo.

@ottahand7 Too bad the fishing hasn't been good this year.  Sorry your breathing isn't great today. Lovely flowers and a great butterfly photo.

@aliaschief Prayers for a peaceful transition for your BIL.

@dobiemom Prayers that you stay safe during the storms. 

@RMLincoln That was a big decision and congrats on making it. Thanks for the good practical information for possible evacuations.

@kazu Ivan is so lucky to have you! Lovely flowers, as usual.

@smitty34877 Sorry DH still isn't eating much. Is it the taste of things (I know chemo can change how things taste) or just no desire to eat? I hope he doesn't lose too much weight due to his poor intake, or get dehydrated. I'm glad your family in MA is safe.

@TiogaCruiser I hope the storm is not as bad as they're saying it could be. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Broome. 

@dfish Sorry the weather wasn't better for you today. 

@Cruising-along Enjoy the bbq at DS's house. 



Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those with something to Celebrate. 

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Good morning, all.  Our skies are a little smoky this morning, but I don't smell smoke - yet.  I'm sorry if I disturbed anyone yesterday by mentioning that we were told to think about what we would need to take if we had to evacuate, because I don't think there is any threat here, just that we were told to think about it.  I appreciate @RMLincoln's list!  I have no idea where we would evacuate to if there were fires north of us, we''re on the bottom tip of an island!  We have a birthday party to go to today for a neighbour who is having a 100th birthday.


@smitty34877, when my elderly aunt was in rehab and refused to eat, she was threatened with a feeding tube; she immediately changed her mind and started eating a little!  She never did enjoy eating much after that, but she did her best and regained some strength.  


My favourite potato is a baked potato with lots of butter, and with an Irishman for a husband, we have potatoes often.  I do prefer rice or chow mein!

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Good morning and Happy Saturday. It’s only supposed to be 96F today but the humidity is high. I’m not sure how the hurricane will affect us if at all. Be safe @Nickelpenny when you drive to CA. I hope So Cal doesn’t have too much damage. 

I like all the days and the meal sounds good too. Best I ever had was made by my BFF’s mother, very authentic, and her family owned several Chinese restaurants. One was in SF’s Chinatown but isn’t there any longer. 

Bruce @aliaschief and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser ,  thank you both so much for your wood chip recommendations. I have so many mesquite chunks left but will now only use them on beef to use them up. I have some chips and I think one is cherry so I’ll try that next. Lenda, we don’t have a smoker we just use the Weber and I put the chips on top of the briquettes after Craig starts them. Sometimes I put them in foil and sometimes I’m lazy and just put them directly on the coals. That’s one reason why I really like the chunks now because they last longer. 

Have a great day everyone!

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good  morning from central Texas.  I slept later than usual, so I got my walk in before reading the Fleet Report/Daily.  It was about 83F when I walked and already warm in the sun, so I stuck to more shady areas of the community for my walk.  It is now 84F, feels like 87F and heading to a high of 105F to 107F.  Thankfully, our humidity is low at 59% with a dew point of 67F for walking.  I do not like high humidity, but we need it and rain since everything is so dry and could burn easily.  There's not much on the agenda today, so I'll probably continue to work on my pictures.


I will celebrate Aviation Day with a shout out to Susan @AV8rix.  We had more of the potato salad with our left over ribs and beans last night.  Tonight, we'll probably have mashed potatoes with salmon (me) and cod (DH) and a salad to go with our wine.  Humanitarians especially those who lost their lives helping others deserve to be honored everyday.  They are certainly being challenged this summer with the fires, storms and floods.


The Marilyn Monroe quote is a good one and not as cynical as some of the others.


We like Chow Mein, but will pass on the meal, drink and wine today.


We visited Broome in 2002 on Volendam when the port was substituted for Bali after the bombing there.


Louis Daguerre's 1st practical photographic process changed how we see the world.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope your cold is better along with the weather, and that you can enjoy your tour today.  Veendam was scheduled to stop there in 2019 on her TA, but rough seas and bad weather prevented the visit.  As one of the younger players, I guess Ren is starting over as far as time in the game.  Loved reading about the announcer.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you can used today and tomorrow to relax, rest and recuperate.

@1ANGELCAT  Please wish your DB a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us.  Enjoy the dinner out.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I hope today isn't too difficult with the asthma.  I'm sorry fishing has not been good this summer.  Your flowers are beautiful.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad your DBIL is not suffering. 

@dobiemom  Marcia, stay safe and let us know how things are going.  I hope your office roof does not leak. 

@TiogaCruiser, @AncientWanderer and @GTVCRUISER  and all other Dailyites in the path of the storm, I hope you stay safe and do hot have any damage.  Please let us know how you are doing when you can.  @TiogaCruiser It sounds like you will be prepared for the storm. 

@RMLincoln  Maureen, that is good news you made the decision about the retirement community.  It sounds like it will work well for you.  Now, you can concentrate on your upcoming cruise.  I hope you can get the attorney to do the work or find a new one who will help you.

@kazu  Jacqui, thanks for pictures of more beautiful flowers.  I hope you and Ivan enjoy your visit today.

@rafinmd  Roy, once I pack and make it through security, I don't mind flying too much.  Our last flight was in September 2019 after our Veendam TA.  With all the problems with the airlines lately, I just haven't wanted to fly.  I also think they are bigger Petri dishes than ships.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope you can persuade your DH to eat and drink more.  I like @ger_77 Gerry's idea to talk to the nurse and therapist about the problem if you haven't already done so.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope you can convince your friend and his lady friend (Yes, I know that's sexist.) to join you on your winter cruise.





Thank you for thinking of us, Lenda.  We are prepared here at home in San Diego as best we can be.  We are inland and on high ground, so should be fine.  I'm worried about our neighbors in Tijuana who are also in direct path of the coming tropical storm.  They have a lot of homes on hills that are very susceptible to mudslides.


Thinking of all our Dailyites.  It's been quite a summer for many of us.

I'll report back about our situation when I can.   ❤️


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Good morning and thanks all!  Love the wine and drinks today and the Marilyn quote.  Great cartoons! 

@smitty34877 hoping Lou starts to feel better, and will start eating.  
@RMLincoln appreciate the great lists, something we all need to think of because we all never know.  I had a friend evacuate during flooding and she prepared a Go bag.   I wish you well in your next chapter, ti sounds like a good option. 
@rafinmd thanks to your teams, terrible tragic work, but necessary.  They will be forever changed.  Hoping they will be provided debriefing when they return.  
@DeniseTgood luck next week, how exciting! 


stay safe all! 

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