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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday July 25th, 2024

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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Here are the remaining pictures of our day in Bali.  We were supposed to be there in 2002 on Volendam's APEC cruise.  The port was canceled after the nightclub bombing.  Captain Peter Harris sailed close enough to Bali for us to take a few pictures of the island.  It was a very grey, cloudy day, and the pictures are not good enough to share.


I'm pretty sure we were the only four people on the ship who got to see how the Balinese live.  Our driver took us to his family's home, which is really a compound.  His brother's job is carving masks which someone else paints before the "big boss" sells them to the shops.  We got to see the brother carving a mask out of balsa wood.  After much discussion, the brother agreed to sell us an unpainted mask.  He was afraid he would get in trouble with his boss, but in the end each couple walked away with a mask.  It means more to me than a finished one I could buy in a store.



Notice the chickens in the cages.





Our next stop was Klungkung, a former royal palace in Semarapura, Bali.




One the way back to the tender pier. 




At the tender dock.



Some of the girls who danced for the passengers as they shopped.  If you did not want to be hassled, you kept your eyes off the items for sale.



We wanted one of the large, decorative kites for sale on the island, but knew we couldn't get it home on the plane.  Ironically, we found one in Quartzsite the next winter, and it's hanging on our livingroom wall.  Good thing the ceiling is 17 feet high.




Our driver for the day stopped on the way back to the tender, and asked us to pay him then.  He, along with other drivers, lived with the owner of the car.  If we paid him at the dock and tipped him (which we did ), the owner would see the transaction and want all the money.  By paying before the final stop at the dock, he got to keep the tip.  We also had to get back a little earlier than necessary, as the driver had to be at the owner's house in time for the evening meal.  If he arrived after the meal, he would not be fed that night.



Nice photos Lenda.

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Good morning from an increasingly cloudy central Texas.  Since I was going to the store, DH decided we'd do a drive-thru breakfast while the weather was still a bit cooler.  Then a few chores once we were home.  Now, I'm trying to tackle what I didn't get done yesterday.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Lenda these are great pictures! Love them. I remember this post, especially the story regarding the driver. 


Thank you, Joy.  This time the credit for the pictures goes to DH since had the only digital camera on that cruise.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  A good day to remember veterans of all conflicts and to hire them if they're qualified for a job.  With all the shoes I have, you'd think I'd have a red pair - nope, not at all.  I do have a pair of fabulous sparkly green ones though, and for someone who might be colour blind, I could tell them they're red.  Today's quote made me chuckle.


It's a warm, sticky morning out there for us, as we're sitting at 24(75) with the humidity at 85% again - expecting a high of 34(93) later today, so the windows will be closed shortly and the a/c will be doing it's magic to keep us comfortable in the house.  


@kazusorry you had a bad night, but glad you were able to get as much done as you could yesterday.  Hopefully the stagers will remove what is needed and store it in a unit until your home sells - that seems to be what happens around here.

@Vict0riannin answer to your query yesterday, DH is doing very well and had good results from his TAVI follow-up appointment on Monday.  I had to look up the valve name from the card he now has to carry in his wallet  this is what it is:

Edwards SAPIEN 3 Ultra RESILIA  trans-cathether heart valve.  The cardiologist was pleased with the echocardiogram results and took him to the device clinic where they made an adjustment to his pacemaker to allow his heart to beat more than 60bpm.  Apparently that should have been done when he first received it, but it was overlooked.  Go figure.

@StLouisCruisersgood luck with your "panini press" today!

@Crazy For CatsI love your Lego cats!!

@bennybearI'm sorry you're inundated with heat and smoke, and how awful about the dog being attacked by a cougar - that's frightening.


Here's a photo that was posted last night on FB from Jasper - the structure is the Maligne Lodge (hotel) on the main street of Jasper, one of a number of buildings (including some homes) that were on fire at the time.
May be an image of 1 person and fire


This morning we're going out for breakfast with a couple who couldn't make it to Summerfest this year, a great couple to chat with as we have so much in common.  Then later this evening our DS is coming for the weekend as a friend from high school is getting married tomorrow.  DS is coming solo, as his DW doesn't know the person, and she would have to take a day off from work, so she'll be home with the boys for the weekend while we get to have a visit with him by himself - the first in a number of years.


I'd like to try the drink, but won't copy the recipe for testing as I'm not sure they'd have frozen pineapple on a BHB, will let others enjoy the wine, and would like to have any one of the salads, but will give the black olives away.  Because DS is coming tonight I'll be making a batch of porcupine balls that we can enjoy with air fried baby potatoes and asparagus on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in wars, and in the paths of destructive fires.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, the picture from Jasper is so sad.  It was a lovely town to visit.  I'm glad your DH got a good report yesterday, and they adjusted the pacemaker.  Enjoy your visit from your DS.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. This city girl loved “Misty of Chincoteague”. The one and only time I got on a horse(my, they are tall) he went under a tree to get rid of me.

I have not been to Bali and wore red clogs often to work. The recipes are looking so good, thank you Debbie @dfish.

There was no sleep last night and I am frayed at the edges to say the least. Tana, true to form , made a joke a few minutes ago with the aide about being up all night . It sure is hard to do at our ages. We decided takeout is our best option for later and fortunately we don’t have to get to the store or anywhere else.

Take care everyone 



Terry, I was sorry to read that you and Tana had a bad night last night.  I hope you both can get some rest today.  With the aide looking after Tana today, please take time for yourself.


1 hour ago, NextOne said:

Good morning, Dailyites! Just got back from a manicure, and have a few minutes before I go out for Meals on Wheels, so I thought I'd check to see what everyone is up to.

Going out to lunch with my MoW partner, then scooting home to clean up before DS & I go to Wolf Trap National Performance Park in VA for a concert by Darrell Hall (Hall & Oates) and Elvis Costello. Last part of DS's birthday celebration. We'll grab takeout to eat at the park before the show.

I'll check in later to see what I've missed. In the meantime, prayers continuing for all my friends here that are challenged with health issues (theirs or others) and cheers for those who are celebrating, especially those that are on a BHB!

Be safe, everyone!


Edi, I hope you and your DS enjoy the concert and picnic tonight.


47 minutes ago, dfish said:


The Fire Department is here now.  Most likely they are conducting their investigation of the fire to determine the cause.  The homeowner's son is at the house as well.  The biggest disruption is for the homeowner.  She can't stay in the home right now.  Where does she go?  


DS Mary Jo invited Sue and me out to dinner tonight.  We gladly accepted.  We're going to an upscale Italian restaurant downtown.  You can make a meal off the appetizers there and I've heard that many do!



Debbie, I hope the fire department can determine the cause of the fire.  I hope the homeowner can find a place to stay until her home can be occupied again.  Enjoy your dinner out tonight.


31 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's a cloudy morning here, and will get up to only the high 60's today.  The only day that cool in the forecast and 10% chance of rain (I'll believe it when I see it). But no smoke.  I wonder when it will hit us...we haven't had any yet this summer.


Interesting collection of days, and funny quote.  I'll pass on the drink and meal, but would love the white blend if someone else is buying.  Bali is on the itinerary for the '26 World cruise, but it will be Benoa not this port.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for the great photos!


The results of my mammogram yesterday were on MyChart within hours.  Waiting to hear from my doctor, but it said that more testing is recommended because some results were inconclusive.  This happened once before, years ago, and all was ok -- but I was on hormone replacement then, I'm not now.  Keeping a positive outlook though, there's no history of breast cancer in my family.


Debbie @dfish That's just awful about the house fire.  I wonder what happened.  You said the owner is away and her mother is there but was taking a walk?  I'm worried about the missing pets too. 😞  


Maureen @RMLincoln Great news about your DH's eye pressure numbers!


Terry @smitty34877 I'm so sorry about your bad night last night and hope tonight will be better.  I'm amazed by Tana's sense of humor through all this.  Sending hugs and prayers.


DD and family are now in Glacier, the last national park before returning home in a couple days.  It will seem strange to send the kitties home to them after having them here for over a month.  On the other hand, it will be nice to semi-put the house back together -- although not completely, as we'll have them for a week in August too.  So I'm leaving a lot of things as-is until after that week.






Carolyn, I hope the need for additional tests is because of a glitch in the initial test.  That happened to me once because the did not press down hard enough.  


38 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.



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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

So sad to see Jasper on fire. We stayed at the Whistler Inn down the street from the Maligne Lodge for a few days in 2006.


- Jack




It is very sad, I have stayed at both places in Jasper and have such great memories of time spent there, Hopefully the elk usually seen wandering around town are safe.



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Hiring Veterans is a great idea. I'll salute Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. And red shoe day is important re invisible illnesses; my uveitis would be considered one, until it flares and my eyes are red and painful. Typical Joan Rivers. Maybe for the meal, yes for the drink (sans coconut on the rim) and no for the wine. I haven't been to Bali. 2 important days in history.


It's cloudy here today and currently 77F. I did some research on the maneuver I was given, and found out you are to do it 5 times in a row, 3 times a day. I wasn't told that. So I did it this morning. When I angle my head and lie down to the left and then sit back up, I'm quite dizzy. I'll check at PT tomorrow to make sure I'm doing it right. Meanwhile, BFF has been "discharged" from his home PT. He plans to try driving a short distance to the pharmacy later today. I've spent my morning fighting with my Ecotank printer, which won't print any blue color. I've done print head cleaning several times. There's a power cleaning that uses a lot of ink, so that's next. I don't print with it often enough. Typically I use my ancient HP Laserjet for my B&W printing of documents and recipes from online. And I need to do laundry. And I'm waiting for my new iPad to arrive; a little treat to myself (I'll trade in the old one).


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the kind words. Prayers we all get negative results from our mammograms.

@rafinmd I hope all goes well at your medical appointment today.

@Crazy For Cats Love the new Lego "cats"!

@LambKnuckles Thank you.

@ottahand7 Take care when the air is bad, with your asthma.

@Heartgrove Yay on the good bloodwork results!

@dfish Oh my on all the damage to that house from the fire and firefighting. I'm sure the family will be devastated when they get home. I would imagine their homeowners insurance may pay for them to stay in a hotel or apartment.

@kazu Oh no on your outages yesterday, but at least it was fixed fairly quickly. I'm glad you have helpers, but your legs may be telling you to go a little slower. I hope you can sleep better soon.

@Mr. Boston Exciting days indeed in the life of an owner of a new home.

@Sir PMP Thanks for the map and photos.

@marshhawk Nice photos.

@RMLincoln Good news on getting a resolution with the Social Security application and on DH's eye pressures. 

@Denise T I hope the sore throat doesn't turn out to be anything else. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser Great Bali photos. 

@ger_77 Thanks for that sad photo from Jasper. Enjoy the visit while DS is in town.

@smitty34877 I'm sorry last night there was no sleep. I hope you can get a nap in, and it's a good idea to get takeout later. 

@durangoscots Stay safe!

@Nickelpenny I have a pasta maker attachment for my Kitchenaid mixer, that I've never used. One of these days.

@NextOne Enjoy the concert with DS tonight.

@Cruising-along Prayers it's nothing more than a precaution. No results back for me yet.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  A good day to remember veterans of all conflicts and to hire them if they're qualified for a job.  With all the shoes I have, you'd think I'd have a red pair - nope, not at all.  I do have a pair of fabulous sparkly green ones though, and for someone who might be colour blind, I could tell them they're red.  Today's quote made me chuckle.


It's a warm, sticky morning out there for us, as we're sitting at 24(75) with the humidity at 85% again - expecting a high of 34(93) later today, so the windows will be closed shortly and the a/c will be doing it's magic to keep us comfortable in the house.  


@kazusorry you had a bad night, but glad you were able to get as much done as you could yesterday.  Hopefully the stagers will remove what is needed and store it in a unit until your home sells - that seems to be what happens around here.

@Vict0riannin answer to your query yesterday, DH is doing very well and had good results from his TAVI follow-up appointment on Monday.  I had to look up the valve name from the card he now has to carry in his wallet  this is what it is:

Edwards SAPIEN 3 Ultra RESILIA  trans-cathether heart valve.  The cardiologist was pleased with the echocardiogram results and took him to the device clinic where they made an adjustment to his pacemaker to allow his heart to beat more than 60bpm.  Apparently that should have been done when he first received it, but it was overlooked.  Go figure.

@StLouisCruisersgood luck with your "panini press" today!

@Crazy For CatsI love your Lego cats!!

@bennybearI'm sorry you're inundated with heat and smoke, and how awful about the dog being attacked by a cougar - that's frightening.


Here's a photo that was posted last night on FB from Jasper - the structure is the Maligne Lodge (hotel) on the main street of Jasper, one of a number of buildings (including some homes) that were on fire at the time.
May be an image of 1 person and fire


This morning we're going out for breakfast with a couple who couldn't make it to Summerfest this year, a great couple to chat with as we have so much in common.  Then later this evening our DS is coming for the weekend as a friend from high school is getting married tomorrow.  DS is coming solo, as his DW doesn't know the person, and she would have to take a day off from work, so she'll be home with the boys for the weekend while we get to have a visit with him by himself - the first in a number of years.


I'd like to try the drink, but won't copy the recipe for testing as I'm not sure they'd have frozen pineapple on a BHB, will let others enjoy the wine, and would like to have any one of the salads, but will give the black olives away.  Because DS is coming tonight I'll be making a batch of porcupine balls that we can enjoy with air fried baby potatoes and asparagus on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in wars, and in the paths of destructive fires.  Cheers to all who have celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




Gerry, I think your description of a mammogram is pretty darn accurate!  It's done for this year and hopefully the results are good.  Enjoy having your DS visit!



3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. This city girl loved “Misty of Chincoteague”. The one and only time I got on a horse(my, they are tall) he went under a tree to get rid of me.

I have not been to Bali and wore red clogs often to work. The recipes are looking so good, thank you Debbie @dfish.

There was no sleep last night and I am frayed at the edges to say the least. Tana, true to form , made a joke a few minutes ago with the aide about being up all night . It sure is hard to do at our ages. We decided takeout is our best option for later and fortunately we don’t have to get to the store or anywhere else.

Take care everyone 



Terry, I'm sorry last night was so difficult and you got no sleep.  I hope Tana and you both have a much better night tonight.  Takeout sounds perfect!



3 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:


Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days and a weird quote.  The salad looks delicious (recipes kept) but no to the drink and wine.  I have never been to Bali.  Interesting days in history!




We have been under an inversion layer yesterday and today which results in a air quality alert.  In my area yesterday we just got a nice little rain but many severe thunderstorm warnings on my phone.  Rain expected again today with a high ~100F; presently it is 84F with 46% humidity.




Since I wanted to treat myself yesterday, I decided to make pasta; it is so easy!!  So a nice dish for dinner (with a red pepper almond pesto).  I only ran half the pasta dough through the pasta maker so need to do finish cutting the rest of the dough and then freeze the little nests to use later.  Tonight - who knows. I need to visit the store so maybe I will wander out of my abode!!




@rafinmd Great report on the PSA levels!  I hope you have a good doc appt.

@StLouisCruisers I forgot to mention how cute the little twins are!  I think mammos are so much more comfortable than they used to be.  Hope yours is painless.

@dfish I am glad you are happy with the results of the ablation.  So sorry about the fire.

@Crazy For Cats Amazing cat Legos!!

@kazu I hope you don't have to do much staging.  Remember, work a little bit and then rest.  Repeat as needed.




Thoughts for all and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great Thursday everyone!


Yum, that pasta dish looks delicious!  Everything went well at the mammogram but yes, it was a bit painful.  The price we pay.  I have to agree about the little angels, Declan and Clement.  Just adorable!  👼

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@0106Thanks for Pony Penning Day!  I devoured every Marguerite Henry book I could get my hands on, so probably most of them. 

I have a friend whose elementary school age daughter could not be bothered with reading. She just had no interest. I suggested Misty of Chincoteague since they live not far away in Maryland,  and it was a hit!  Her daughter is 16 now, and a voracious reader. I am very proud to take credit for that. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Yesterday was very good but tiring. Today is a recovery day. 

Roy, excellent PSA news!  We’re watching DH’s numbers trend up, next check in 2 months. Been creeping up since his radiation treatment in 2020. Your experience gives us hope. Thank you for sharing. 
I’m sorry about your neck pain; I struggled with neck issues for years. My PT would guide me through stretches then set me in ice packs which did wonders!  Both ice and heat increase blood flow. I hope it resolves quickly for you. 

Yesterday was cousins day… I am the youngest of what we call “the cousins generation”. There are still about 20 of us including blood cousins and spouses. My cousins are a very important part of my life and in some ways closer to me than my siblings. I’m very blessed to have them in my life and celebrate them, even a day late! 

Yesterday we were on the road early to get to our lunch destination before my 11:00 phone appointment with social security. We hoped to be in a quiet place with a good cell signal by 11 but we hit a traffic jam and were not quite there yet when the call came through early. But we were off the highway and found a good spot to pull over. The SSA rep was able to “request transfer” of my online-application from the review center where it was in Q for beyond the normal 30-day review window. She processed it during our phone call and it’s now approved!  Done!  She even got the federal tax withholding set up. Deposits begin in October. That will cover our increased monthly cost of where we are now in the senior community. And thankfully we have savings to rely on as our needs increase for greater support and extended care!  I’m very grateful. Not only for this income to us but for my parents receiving ss in their aging years so I didn’t have to pay for their needs, and could save for my future needs. Hopefully we’ll have something to left for our next generations’ nest eggs. 

The adventure yesterday was a good step forward for me in reaching out to live life from my new environment. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to have more adventures, maybe a regional trip for my milestone birthday in September 🤞


Blessings sent to you all early this morning. I’m very concerned about several of you and hold you close to heart. Thank you for updating us as situations evolve. Thank you Vanessa for your lists!  

Cheers to those celebrating 🥳 

Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers!  

Brenda, heavy smoke in the air is dangerous with short-term and long-term consequences. Especially if you are distant from the fires because only the smallest particles travel so far, and if the density of the very fine particulate load is so high, it is sure to penetrate lung tissue. I hope you and yours can at least stay inside. Wearing an N-95 or KN-95 mask will help. Electronic air cleaners are great if you have one. DH’s son has asthma and they had to order one last year when they stayed in Chicago for a month and suddenly found themselves in the smoke path. Amazon Prime delivered it the next day, worth every penny!  

Update: DH’s eye pressure was very low again last night. It’s astounding! It had been running in low teens pretty much since the surgery in April, then a few recent readings around ten, not all of them that low but a few. And suddenly down to 5! No meds, no changes, no “massage” exercises to push fluid through the new incision, just Bam! 🙏  Going to eye doc Aug 1 and he’ll look at the incision and fluid movement. I’ll keep you posted!  Thank you all for your continued support!  Maybe this will bring hope to someone else fighting to hang on to a plateau!  

Maureen, So happy for your wonderful news!  Thanks for the great advice,  we are running two Dyson hepa filters up and downstairs. And going out sparingly and wearing kn94.   Praying for rain!  

@smitty34877 so sorry you had such a tough night.   One thing to have an all-nighter and at least have fun!  Praying you all have a better night! 


@kazu pace yourself!  Hope you get some relief soon from the pain!  One day at a a time! 

@Cruising-along glad your family is having such a great time,  But I know it’s hard to give the animals back,  still missing our granddog.  I’m hoping they’re just being very cautious,  always better to be sure! 

Some very sad photos from Jasper,  the gas station also just exploded! 





Edited by bennybear
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6 hours ago, Gail & Marty sailing away said:

Thanks for the info .

We are enjoying your Zuiderdam, as it's our first time back on board since 2019. Some of the staff have been on since the World Cruise and both Henk and Kimberly have returned as is Captain Frank. The service does seem more refined and experienced. The Legendary Voyage has MUCH MORE live music and better entertainment. Did you Hyperion Knight the pianist on the World?


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31 minutes ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

We are enjoying your Zuiderdam, as it's our first time back on board since 2019. Some of the staff have been on since the World Cruise and both Henk and Kimberly have returned as is Captain Frank. The service does seem more refined and experienced. The Legendary Voyage has MUCH MORE live music and better entertainment. Did you Hyperion Knight the pianist on the World?


It's a very nice ship not to big not to small. 

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We had a pop up rain cell pop up about 20 minutes ago, and it has already dropped 1/3 inch of rain.  It is still raining, but not as hard.  I won't have to turn the sprinkler on for a few more days.  I wish the areas that have the wildfires and/or in need of a lot of rain, would also get some of this rain.  


48 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

@0106Thanks for Pony Penning Day!  I devoured every Marguerite Henry book I could get my hands on, so probably most of them. 

I have a friend whose elementary school age daughter could not be bothered with reading. She just had no interest. I suggested Misty of Chincoteague since they live not far away in Maryland,  and it was a hit!  Her daughter is 16 now, and a voracious reader. I am very proud to take credit for that. 


You have every right to take credit for introducing your friend's daughter to the joys of reading.


47 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Maureen, So happy for your wonderful news!  Thanks for the great advice,  we are running two Dyson hepa filters up and downstairs. And going out sparingly and wearing kn94.   Praying for rain!  

@smitty34877 so sorry you had such a tough night.   One thing to have an all-nighter and at least have fun!  Praying you all have a better night! 


@kazu pace yourself!  Hope you get some relief soon from the pain!  One day at a a time! 

@Cruising-along glad your family is having such a great time,  But I know it’s hard to give the animals back,  still missing our granddog.  I’m hoping they’re just being very cautious,  always better to be sure! 

Some very sad photos from Jasper,  the gas station also just exploded! 






Brenda, I could not like your post, because the devastation in the pictures is just too sad.  Thank you for keeping us updated on the Jasper fire.  I hope everyone listened to the evacuation orders and left, and that no one is injured or killed by this fire.



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Debbie , my fire department experience was that when someone was displaced, the Red Cross would get them lodging and vouchers for immediate needs. Insurance for immediate needs takes a little time, and insurance for repairs, replacement, rebuilding takes a very long time. 

Carolyn, I’ve been called back on mammograms more often than not. I think the newer 3-D technology is better, and newer machines have been a bit more comfortable. Years ago I’ll never forget the linear bruises I had across my chest from sternum to lateral ribs!  DH was appalled!  🤞Hoping all is well and you get confirmation soon!  

Jacqui, just to bring some encouragement, my friends in NM just got an offer on their house!  Hoping you get the right offer at the right time!  

Terry, we’re too old for all-nighters, especially under such stressful causes. It’s more than exhausting, it’s disheartening. I wish you a good recovery day!  

💔 over all the Wildland fire destruction and trauma. 🙏 for protection for all involved. And for rain to quell the fires and clear the smoke. m—

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Rescheduled mammo from tomorrow to 2 weeks later. Boss was not happy about the time away from work (including PT). Next week I'll ask what the lunch policy is for salaried exempt assoc and where I can find it. Grrr and ugh.

Congrats to all who are receiving good results and 🙏🤞for those requiring follow ups, procedures and/treatment.

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Have any of you taken the Giza pyramid tour where you go into the pyramid?


We took a tour through HAL to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, lunch at the Le Meridien Hotel, the Giza pyramids, the Great Sphinx of Giza, and a shopping stop.  We did not go into the pyramid.  Do they say they take you inside on the tour description? We did get close enough to touch the pyramids though.








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13 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


We took a tour through HAL to the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities in Cairo, lunch at the Le Meridien Hotel, the Giza pyramids, the Great Sphinx of Giza, and a shopping stop.  We did not go into the pyramid.  Do they say they take you inside on the tour description? We did get close enough to touch the pyramids though.








Yes, we go inside. I wondered what that part was like. 

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11 hours ago, MISTER 67 said:

77 right now with a high of 93,

Each day when you post this, I wonder if you are reporting golf scores in your group or temperatures. I have to read on to find the context. If I joined your group, the high might well be higher than 93 🙂 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Debbie , my fire department experience was that when someone was displaced, the Red Cross would get them lodging and vouchers for immediate needs. Insurance for immediate needs takes a little time, and insurance for repairs, replacement, rebuilding takes a very long time. 

Carolyn, I’ve been called back on mammograms more often than not. I think the newer 3-D technology is better, and newer machines have been a bit more comfortable. Years ago I’ll never forget the linear bruises I had across my chest from sternum to lateral ribs!  DH was appalled!  🤞Hoping all is well and you get confirmation soon!  

Jacqui, just to bring some encouragement, my friends in NM just got an offer on their house!  Hoping you get the right offer at the right time!  

Terry, we’re too old for all-nighters, especially under such stressful causes. It’s more than exhausting, it’s disheartening. I wish you a good recovery day!  

💔 over all the Wildland fire destruction and trauma. 🙏 for protection for all involved. And for rain to quell the fires and clear the smoke. m—


Maureen, you are correct about the new 3D are better, but I'm not sure how much more comfortable they are.  Our regional hospital has one of the new ones, and the technician said they have a lot fewer call backs with the new machines.  They do not have to press down as hare either, which is better.  However, I've found on a couple of positions, when the machine is pressed down, it pulls on the muscles in my neck and down into my side.  That being said, I'll take the discomfort knowing the scans are easier and more detailed for the radiologist to read. 


56 minutes ago, summer slope said:

Have any of you taken the Giza pyramid tour where you go into the pyramid?


Dixie, we did a tour similar to the one Sandi @StLouisCruisers cruiser did, but we had free time at the pyramids and could go down in one of the pyramids.  It was in 2003 when we were younger and fitter, too.  DH made it all the way down, but I turned around when there was a break in the flow of people coming up.  It was warm and surprising humid in the pyramid.  The ancient Egyptians must have been shorter because we hand to bend over.  DH took a couple of pictures at the bottom, including the steps going up.  This will give you an idea of what is at the end of the tunnel, and the steps into and out of the pyramid.








A word of caution.  There will men offering camel rides for about $5, and we were told not to get on the camels.  A friend did, and the camel driver said it would be $25 to get off the camel.  One of the tour guides noticed what was happening, and made the driver get the camel to kneel down and let our friend off him off. 


7 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I would imagine hard walking - steep....... and claustrophobic. I have looked at that tour.... if I did it I would not plan to go inside.




Susan, I'm not claustrophobic, but I was not comfortable in the narrow part going in.  It was wide enough for two people to pass.  The tunnel was downhill going in, and DH said it was steeper at the end.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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8 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Yesterday was very good but tiring. Today is a recovery day. 

Roy, excellent PSA news!  We’re watching DH’s numbers trend up, next check in 2 months. Been creeping up since his radiation treatment in 2020. Your experience gives us hope. Thank you for sharing. 
I’m sorry about your neck pain; I struggled with neck issues for years. My PT would guide me through stretches then set me in ice packs which did wonders!  Both ice and heat increase blood flow. I hope it resolves quickly for you. 

Yesterday was cousins day… I am the youngest of what we call “the cousins generation”. There are still about 20 of us including blood cousins and spouses. My cousins are a very important part of my life and in some ways closer to me than my siblings. I’m very blessed to have them in my life and celebrate them, even a day late! 

Yesterday we were on the road early to get to our lunch destination before my 11:00 phone appointment with social security. We hoped to be in a quiet place with a good cell signal by 11 but we hit a traffic jam and were not quite there yet when the call came through early. But we were off the highway and found a good spot to pull over. The SSA rep was able to “request transfer” of my online-application from the review center where it was in Q for beyond the normal 30-day review window. She processed it during our phone call and it’s now approved!  Done!  She even got the federal tax withholding set up. Deposits begin in October. That will cover our increased monthly cost of where we are now in the senior community. And thankfully we have savings to rely on as our needs increase for greater support and extended care!  I’m very grateful. Not only for this income to us but for my parents receiving ss in their aging years so I didn’t have to pay for their needs, and could save for my future needs. Hopefully we’ll have something to left for our next generations’ nest eggs. 

The adventure yesterday was a good step forward for me in reaching out to live life from my new environment. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to have more adventures, maybe a regional trip for my milestone birthday in September 🤞


Blessings sent to you all early this morning. I’m very concerned about several of you and hold you close to heart. Thank you for updating us as situations evolve. Thank you Vanessa for your lists!  

Cheers to those celebrating 🥳 

Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers!  

Brenda, heavy smoke in the air is dangerous with short-term and long-term consequences. Especially if you are distant from the fires because only the smallest particles travel so far, and if the density of the very fine particulate load is so high, it is sure to penetrate lung tissue. I hope you and yours can at least stay inside. Wearing an N-95 or KN-95 mask will help. Electronic air cleaners are great if you have one. DH’s son has asthma and they had to order one last year when they stayed in Chicago for a month and suddenly found themselves in the smoke path. Amazon Prime delivered it the next day, worth every penny!  

Update: DH’s eye pressure was very low again last night. It’s astounding! It had been running in low teens pretty much since the surgery in April, then a few recent readings around ten, not all of them that low but a few. And suddenly down to 5! No meds, no changes, no “massage” exercises to push fluid through the new incision, just Bam! 🙏  Going to eye doc Aug 1 and he’ll look at the incision and fluid movement. I’ll keep you posted!  Thank you all for your continued support!  Maybe this will bring hope to someone else fighting to hang on to a plateau!  

Maureen:  I have been taking eye drops for awhile due to high eye pressure.  My understanding is that normal pressure is between 10 and 20.  I would let my doctor know if it was as low as 5 as that is not a normal number.


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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, durangoscots said:

I would imagine hard walking - steep....... and claustrophobic. I have looked at that tour.... if I did it I would not plan to go inside.



I may just go a step or two and back out. I’m not claustrophobic but have a bad knee. I just want to say I’ve been in a pyramid. LOL

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Just now, summer slope said:

I may just go a step or two and back out. I’m not claustrophobic but have a bad knee. 

Dixie, do a search on YouTube for videos of inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. I tried to copy the url, but failed. 

Lots of steps to get to the entrance. But the first part inside is not too bad. 


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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, I hope the need for additional tests is because of a glitch in the initial test.  That happened to me once because the did not press down hard enough.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Prayers it's nothing more than a precaution. No results back for me yet.


4 hours ago, bennybear said:

 I’m hoping they’re just being very cautious,  always better to be sure! 


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

Carolyn, I’ve been called back on mammograms more often than not. I think the newer 3-D technology is better, and newer machines have been a bit more comfortable. Years ago I’ll never forget the linear bruises I had across my chest from sternum to lateral ribs!  DH was appalled!  🤞Hoping all is well and you get confirmation soon!

Thank you Lenda, Vanessa, Brenda and Maureen. Much appreciated!  I got a message this morning from the mammography dept. saying they were sending my doctor something to sign and once that has been done, I'll call the advanced imaging dept. to schedule the test.  I expect to hear something soon.  I've been through this once before, and BFF has been as far as having to get a biopsy so I know the drill and trying not to worry.  I know it's common to be called back, and this was only a "unspecified" result, not worse, so I'm optimistic. 

1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Have any of you taken the Giza pyramid tour where you go into the pyramid?

Dixie we took the tour that went inside the pyramid in 2006.  We loved it!  DH is a little claustrophobic but he did well.  We were 18 years younger, but I don't recall any problem at all.  In fact we plan to do it again if our cruise goes there again.  

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23 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

Each day when you post this, I wonder if you are reporting golf scores in your group or temperatures. I have to read on to find the context. If I joined your group, the high might well be higher than 93 🙂 

Good one but it’s the temperature.

What has happened is that our course was re-rated on June 1st and the slope was lowered by quite a few points due to the course losing 200 trees during Hurricane Ian. This lower rating has reduced our club members handicaps anywhere from 2-5 strokes which makes things a little more difficult in our 2 best balls out of 4 game. A typical 4some is losing around 12 strokes a round. Everybody’s handicap will eventually be back to what it was when all their scores before the re-rating come out of the player handicap history, hope I explained this correctly because it can confusing.

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25 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Dixie, do a search on YouTube for videos of inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. I tried to copy the url, but failed. 

Lots of steps to get to the entrance. But the first part inside is not too bad. 



Ann, the YouTube videos are a good idea.  When we were there, we could not go into the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Evidently, they only open one pyramid at a time, and we went through the next biggest one.


@summer slope Dixie, DH said if he'd had knee or back problems in 2003, he would not have gone all the way down.  I didn't have any problems, but still was not enjoying it.  Seeing them up close was good enough.  What I really enjoyed was our stop at the Sphinx. 



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