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The Daily for Tuesday 01/11/2022


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4 hours ago, JAM37 said:


@msmayorit's good to hear that your daughter was so excited even though the shower can't be in person. I'm sure you will all have a great time.



She was definitely excited about the shower...and added "Oh thank goodness...this means no one here to make the silly bow hat and force me to wear it for pictures!"


I told her I could always send a bag of bows to the house and ask her husband to make it....:)

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No puddles for jumping today but will Shop for Travel! I think that I will start to shop with what is in the closet as we prepare for Hawaii with DD and family next week and then the long awaited Zuiderdam trip in February!  Both trips need the same type of hot weather clothes, DH is wondering how 'gala' is our Gala Night on the ship, does "collared" shirt include polos and Hawaii shirts?!  Thanks @HAL sailer for the chart, I am mostly a lurker, I try to read the Daily every day, don 't post much as my days seem less exciting than many and the cc gremlins do prevent me from adding to posts an/or liking so many of the clever and thoughtful happenings.  And thank you Graham for the sermons post from Sunday. I love the weather updates from so many different places, and look forward to the pictures.  Ta from another cool, sunny day in San Diego.

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27 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all, from •–••  •–  ••–  •–•  •–  .



Happy Sunday, as I raise a coffee cup to our beloved BHBs!



Laura, check your mat - it is Tuesday, not Sunday!😜


BTW love that mansion!

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36 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from Quartzsite.  If I look to the north, it's sunny, but if I look to the south, I see heavily overcast skies.  I plan to look north more today.  😉


Morse Code was a small project in Girl Scouts, but it really didn't take.  I don't think I've jumped in a puddle and splashed a friend.  If I saw a puddle today, I might try it as that would mean we'd had much needed rain.  Shopping for travel is always fun, but I think right now, travel will have to await again.  Darn Omicron.  😷


Speaking of Covid and Omicron, I came across a Covid home test on Facebook.  If you can't find a testing site, would HAL accept the results of this one?  😁

May be an image of text that says 'COVID-19 HOME COVID TEST 1. Open a can of beer and try to smell it. 2. If you can smell the beer, drink it to see if you can taste it. 3. If you can taste it and smell it, this confirms you don't have COVID Last night, I did the test 19 times and all were negative. Tonight, I am going to do the test again because this morning I woke up with a headache and feeling like I'm coming down with something. I am so nervous.'


It's been years since we grilled corn.  Maybe we will grill some this summer.  The drink sounds like one I'd like to taste.  I'll pass on the wine since I don't care for sweet dessert wines.


We have not been to Tasmania --YET!  It is on the bucket list.  Thank you @AncientWanderer and @StLouisCruisers  for the wonderful pictures.


I like the Robert Frost quote and hope life keeps on going for a long time.  There's still a lot of places to see.


@richwmn  Rich, I'm glad the Dawgs won.  Never been an Alabama fan.

@msmayor  Sorry the in person baby shower was canceled, but have fun at the virtual one.

@puppycanducruise  WOW!  Two grandsons in two days for your friends.  🎈

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, enjoy the rest of your cruise.

@Cruzin Terri  I agree about going out when so many won't mask, social distance or even get a jab.

@cat shepard  Thanks for the library/book memes.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ren.

@marshhawk  Add me to the list that hopes DH goes to see his stepmom.  It would be ashame if he missed saying goodbye.

@smitty34877  Tery, how did DD's visit with Tana go yesterday.  Did she learn anything from the doctors and social workers?  Hope I'm not being too nosey.

@JAM37  Julia, I'm glad you are feeling better, but take it easy until you're back to feeling well.

@aliaschief  HAPPY 15TH CC ANNIVERSARY!  Good to know that DSIL procedure went well and hope they have the A Fib stablizied.

@Crazy For Cats  Glad DH failed his test.  Colds are no fun, but at least that was all it was.

@HAL Sailer  Thank you for your research on they different social media types.

@rafinmd  A big thank you for the special celebration list today.

@dobiemom  Sorry you hurt your back, and hope it's better by the time you travel.  Safe travels and have a wonderful cruise.

@lindaler  Linda, welcome back.  Glad you had a great cruise, and be careful going over those passes.


… . ..- -.. .-


Lenda,thanks for asking.DD works in non profit management and does not have a medical background. She was overwhelmed by the equipment  and the noise in the ICC.Her sister only spoke briefly but she did meet with the main pulmonoligist. Unfortunately, the situation  is guarded at best but we are hoping there will be a positive change soon.The hardest part of course was explaining  this to Tana's  son.The hospitals in our city and NYC are slammed with patients  and DD said everyone looked exhausted.

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Thanks to all the regulars that input daily into this forum! And thoughts and prayers with all those suffering and their families. 


We were fortunate enough to actually have Port Arthur as a port in November 2010 on our Volendam Australia circumnavigation and made it in without traveling from Hobart. It was a somber day at a beautiful place. We were asked to be very respectful and quiet due to the fact that some of the relatives of the 35 people that were killed in the mass shooting with 23 wounded in 1994 are still employed there. 


As I recall, it was on another itinerary later and we had to skip it due to weather conditions and went directly to Hobart.

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-12.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-27.jpg


Port Arthur Penal Settlement-57.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-58.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-62.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-74.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-92.jpg

Port Arthur Penal Settlement-94.jpg

Edited by tjcox9
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Already page 4, what is going on!  It has taken me quite a while to read through all the posts.  Thank you, everyone for all the Daily family news.  Happy birthday, Ren and Happy CC Anniversary, Chief.  Our good news is that DS will get his booster today.  I  think of our Care List so often it is like having family ailing, especially Tana and Jose.   Roy is so good at keeping the lists, and Rich with the fleet report!  I wonder if NA and Noordam are exchanging passengers today, or if they are both going to end up as "plague ships".  We were booked to cruise to Australia this year, Tony @sailingdutchy already had a tour organized for Tasmania so sorry it will not happen!  I've enjoyed the photos, not actually what I had imagined.  I want to walk in that Botanic Garden!


This morning I mentioned to Pat I figured we had better get that exercise bicycle the doctor suggested, and he immediately took me up on it (and invited me for lunch), so we will be heading out as soon as I can get myself organized.  I decided the way to incentivize myself to ride it every day is to tell myself I'm not allowed to read the Daily until I have done my exercise, I wonder if that will work?


BTW, splashing in puddles was made for today here - we have another "atmospheric river" flowing overhead.  But at least it is a little warmer.  I'd rather have wet than frozen.



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13 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

I wonder if NA and Noordam are exchanging passengers today, or if they are both going to end up as "plague ships".

I doubt that NADM is going to end up as a holding ship for Covid Cases since she still has itineraries starting 1/29. I would also hope that Carnival Corp does not need that much space for Crew isolation.


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20 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I doubt that NADM is going to end up as a holding ship for Covid Cases since she still has itineraries starting 1/29. I would also hope that Carnival Corp does not need that much space for Crew isolation.



Hey Rich, remember the beverage guy Lester? He's the one that told us about getting covid.  He said the sick were sent to Noordam.  When tested negative they were then sent over to NA for 2 days, tested once again before coming back to Rotterdam. He said there were crew from Carnival and Princess on Noordam too. Maybe they just used NA to transition for a short period til Rotterdam got back to Ft Lauderdale? 

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Hobart, Tasmania was one of the stops on our 2013 circumnavigation of Australia cruise. 


We were there on Feb 08, which was the start of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival.




One of the many wooden boats which were in the harbour.





We were part of a Cruise Critic arranged private tour of the countryside around Hobart. Unfortunately, the area was experiencing some very bad bushfires, which limited the areas we could visit. The 2013 Tasmanian bushfires burnt approximately 20,000 hectares (49,000 acres) of mixed residential and forest areas. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed, including a school. In one area the only road to safety was engulfed by fire and, as the fire destroyed much of the town of Dunalley, thousands of residents were forced onto the beaches, where they were rescued by a huge seaborne rescue operation of police, commercial, and private vessels. 


Our tour stayed well away from the worst fires, although at times we could see smoke in the distance.




I see people have posted pictures of some of the local furry animals, so here’s where someone is trying to get a closeup of one of the pricklier local animals.



A short video clip of the same animal. 




Plus, a video clip of a Tasmanian devil out for his morning run.




They have a kind of funny run, but are capable of surprising speed and endurance, and can climb trees and swim across rivers.


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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Lenda,thanks for asking.DD works in non profit management and does not have a medical background. She was overwhelmed by the equipment  and the noise in the ICC.Her sister only spoke briefly but she did meet with the main pulmonoligist. Unfortunately, the situation  is guarded at best but we are hoping there will be a positive change soon.The hardest part of course was explaining  this to Tana's  son.The hospitals in our city and NYC are slammed with patients  and DD said everyone looked exhausted.


Terry, thank you for answering my question.  I couldn't like the post since the news was not the best to put it mildly.  Sending positive thoughts and hopes that there will be a change for the better soon.  My heart goes out to Tana's son and what he must be feeling, and to you and your DD for having to explain everything to him.  Sending everyone big ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) all your family.  I wish there was more that I or any of the Dailyites could do to help.



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Good Afternoon from a very windy day at the beach

    Very late today, I had to attend a funeral this morning. He was a wonderful man, career in the Air Force. The  whole  family are/were in the Air Force so you can imagine it was quite the service.  2 of his daughters are friends of mine..

     Grilled corn is a favorite. I have it every Thursday at trivia.

      Shop for travel is always ongoing. 

    Tasmania is on our scheduled Australian circumnavigation scheduled for this fall. Really hope it opens up so we can go. Thank you all for the pictures. It looks wonderful and we are quite excited.

       Roy ( @rafinmd) that is quite the list. Thank You!

       Sandi ( @StLouisCruisers)  A very Happy Birthday to your Grandson.

      Special prayers for those on our list. 


Stay safe and enjoy today



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2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Laura, check your mat - it is Tuesday, not Sunday!😜

To be fair, I may have written Sunday, but at least the photo was the Tuesday mat. Now I know who reads, and who just looks at pictures!

Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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55 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terry, thank you for answering my question.  I couldn't like the post since the news was not the best to put it mildly.  Sending positive thoughts and hopes that there will be a change for the better soon.  My heart goes out to Tana's son and what he must be feeling, and to you and your DD for having to explain everything to him.  Sending everyone big ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) all your family.  I wish there was more that I or any of the Dailyites could do to help.



Lenda, you are a tremendous help.It is appreciated. 

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I just got some sad news, and I'm in shock, I can't believe it.  Two women I worked with both passed away last week.  😞  One died of liver cancer that apparently wasn't diagnosed until just before Christmas (she was only in her 60's).  She kept it quiet, and nobody knew. She was working up until a few weeks before her passing.   The other had a stroke, she was about 70 and retired.  😞  


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5 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

I wasn't sure whether to add this to yesterday's discussion of how comfortable and comforting The Daily is or throw it into today's thread.


Yesterday's discussion saw a number of new voices and also comments from less frequent contibutors reminding me that, previously, someone noted how many lurkers there are on The Daily in comparison to posters. That made me wonder if my mostly lurking and only occasionally posting is a social media mistake. So, 'Research Melisa' (as long-time friends term me) set about finding out.


It seems multiple levels of social media involvement are common with participants being Leaders, Likers, Lurkers, or Loners. Most count 90% as lurkers, another 9% occasionally participating, and the remaining 1% regularly engaging.


Personally, I'm a Lurker with occasional contributions. Whether Leader, Liker, Lurker, or Loner, I'm glad The Daily has welcoming room for all of us and I'm very glad our Leaders keep The Daily conversation going.




The Leaders are the content creators.


The Likers often do not create but share, comment, and engage with content.


The Lurkers purely observe and consume.


The Loners refuse to have social media accounts.



at times I have been all 4.  My fav is lurking but I do some liking as well.   Never a loner except on FB or TT. Love Y Tube

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2 hours ago, nancynana9950 said:

@StLouisCruisers love the pics of the treetops walk! If I ever get to Tasmania that would be top of the list! @Horizon chaser 1957 love the amaryllis!  He do you get them to bloom again? I’ve never had any luck with that. I just buy new ones every year. I have been wondering about @St Louis Sal too. 

As long as it’s still alive in spring, I put it out in a sunny spot in the garden (in its pot). Top dress with about 1/2” fresh potting soil and fertilize from time to time over the summer. Before first frost, bring it in, put it somewhere dark, cut the leaves back, and stop watering it. After a rest, it will sprout again. When it does, bring it into the light and water it again. 
live never had an amaryllis bulb get this big, and it has started a side plant as well.

Before I started putting them outdoors for the summer, I could never get one to bloom again, or rarely even survive to the second year.

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4 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

I just got some sad news, and I'm in shock, I can't believe it.  Two women I worked with both passed away last week.  😞  One died of liver cancer that apparently wasn't diagnosed until just before Christmas (she was only in her 60's).  She kept it quiet, and nobody knew. She was working up until a few weeks before her passing.   The other had a stroke, she was about 70 and retired.  😞  


I am so sorry  to  hear about  your friends.

My condolences  to you and their families. 

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes for Ren.  We will try calling him between school and dinner time.  I wonder if his Mom is able to come out of the basement yet?  Excuse me, I mean "lower level".  It's quite comfortable down there with a bedroom, bathroom, TV area and even a bar!  


Glad so many of you are fans of botanical gardens like I am.  This was October so their spring.  It was a fine way to spend the day in Hobart!


@lindalerLinda, welcome back to CC.  So happy you enjoyed your cruise!


@sailingdutchythose were some fine photos of your Hobart visit.  Thanks for posting!


@Quartzsite CruiserLenda, loved the Covid test meme.  Sounds like an interesting way to test yourself.  Got a chuckle out of it!


I have been wondering how @St. Louis Salis doing this week, too.  Funny how we all get the same thought.  I think of Denise @DeeniEncinitasquite often as well.  We sure miss people when they are MIA!


@Cruising-alongI enjoyed the exuberance of your DGSs stomping through a puddle.  I don't blame you for standing back though.  So cute!


Well this morning's attempt to get our passport photos started out badly.  We tried the UPS store, and they were a little busy.  Two employees only.  One of them started by taking our photos.  She went away and was messing with the camera and equipment for a while.  Then she needed to re-take our photos.  After that she kept answering phones while trying to do the photos.  She brought me mine finally and they looked "okay".  But after nearly  an hour she returned with 2 x 2 inch photos of DH and his face took up the whole picture and the top of his head was cut off.  Totally unnaceptable!  Meanwhile the store was slammed with people waiting to get their business done.  They were out the door waiting!  When we saw DH's photos we said no thank you and I'll do my photos over somewhere else as well, so we left.  What a disaster!  We immediately headed to a Walgreens photo department where he had us out the door in 15 minutes.  My photos meet the bare minimum of 1" from chin to top of head but I think it's acceptable. It says in the instructions that dimension is to be from 1" to 1 3/8".   I wish it didn't have to be this hard to accomplish a task!  Glad to be back home reading the Daily.❤️

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9 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

I just got some sad news, and I'm in shock, I can't believe it.  Two women I worked with both passed away last week.  😞  One died of liver cancer that apparently wasn't diagnosed until just before Christmas (she was only in her 60's).  She kept it quiet, and nobody knew. She was working up until a few weeks before her passing.   The other had a stroke, she was about 70 and retired.  😞  



My gosh, that really is quite a shocking finding!  To hear of both at once doubles the sadness.  I'm so sorry for your friends' families and other friends.  🙏

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Good afternoon everyone and Happy Tuesday!  It has taken me a bit to get through the long Daily today and most of the time I was in CC jail, not able to like or post, but that is becoming normal. 


Okay, I just had to start over. Somehow when I was trying to insert a screen name with an @ it got stuck on a name and I couldn’t remove it.  And then there was yesterday (which I won’t talk about) but at least @Quartzsite Cruisersaw my posts. It’s just not my week. But at least CC saved what I had started typing right now. 

Lenda  @lindaler Welcome Home!


Joy @Seasick Sailor sorry that you are not staying onboard but I’m sure you will have many sailings in your future. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisersHappy birthday to Ren!


Lenda  @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy belated Birthday to your DD. 

Prayers to those on the Care list and extra thoughts and prayers to Jose, Jacqui, Roy, Tana. 

Take care everyone and have a great day. 


Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Since I did my list another number of contributors have come up including @dobiemom, @kb4683, @Lcubed, @HAL Sailer. @lindaler. @sailingdutchy, @nancynana9950. @St. Louis Sal. @Norseh2o, @tjcox9, @GeorgeCharlie. @Oceansaway17. and @Copper10-8, most of whom have posted today.  Thank you all.  I'm also thinking of @DeeniEncinitas and hoping things are ok with her.



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