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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday May 20th, 2023


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Just now, RedneckBob said:

There those legs again!

Got to get some heat onto my arthritic joints 😅.

I got a lot of shorts and short socks from the IZOD golf shops in Orlando Florida.

When you look at them a certain way they spell DOZI.🤫😂

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Thanks for our Saturday Daily, Rich.


No work so I won’t be biking - that’s a good thing as if I did, with the way my days are going I’d probably fall off.  We need to do more to save the life on our planet - and especially endangered species.


It’s also Victoria Day Weekend here.  Happy Victoria Day to all of our Daily - ites.




LOL on the Jack Benny quote - so true.


Eva @superoma I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father.  😢 My deepest condolences.  Keep reminding yourself one day at time as much as you can.  It takes a long time to get it all done 😔 


Just a quick post from me as I don’t have anything good to report.  What can go wrong has and now I’m behind the egg ball trying to accomplish some of what should have been done yesterday.  And, just to put the icing on the cake, I found out I’m now  in Terri’s @Cruzin Terri situation - a company that was supposed to deal with my lawyer has ignored him and now I have a mess on my hands 😢.  Hopefully the law firm can resolve it 🤞 I swear, estates never end 😡 😢 I SO agree with this:




Victoria Day is our typical planting weekend - still too many frost warnings.  Sure hope it changes my Monday 🙏🏻 


Jake @Crazy For Cats sorry about the delay in boarding - hope you can pass the time easily and have a great cruise!


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers to those celebrating.




Have a good Saturday, everyone !!!!!

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Good morning! Had a good nites sleep. We are back in our regular groove and it’s good to be home again. We spent a lot of time watching some You Tube top ten things to do at some ports we will be visiting on our World Cruise. The planning and sharing on the CC Roll Call is picking up.

@superoma Eva again I’m so sorry about your Dad and that you had to discover first hand. He led a long life and hopefully his preparation for his passing will help you and family with his estate. We have an appointment set up in July to set up new wills, trust and estate planning.

It looks like a nice sunny day with temperatures reaching in low 80’s. Might visit the neighbors pool after some Saturday morning chores are completed.

Thanks Rich, Sandi, Debbie, , Dixie and Ann for your faithful features and to all that contribute to the Daily. 
Have a great weekend, act like a millionaire and book yourself a cruise and be very careful if bike riding is still a pastime.





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Good morning friends!  We had that strange weather phenomenom again this morning.  Temp was in low 60's and no rain on the radar, but when we stepped outside at 6:15 am you could feel moistness on your face.  I do believe our street is high enough that we are in a low cloud.  So we walked anyway and our street definitely had moistness on the pavement except under the trees where it was dry.  The lower street next to ours was dry.  I felt well enough to walk so we did that, then breakfast, and I am very late getting here!


Eva @superoma I was very sad to hear of your Father's passing and you finding him yesterday.  I agree that having done all the planning ahead of time for you was such a gift.  DMIL didn't do that but we and SIL did that when their Mother went into hospice care, and we cleaned out her apartment for her.  Then when she did pass away we had most of the work done.  That is the hardest time to be making decisions!  I hope you can get some rest later today.  Just sleep when you can.  Hugs to you!


Thank you Rich @richwmn for preparing the Daily and Fleet Report.  We can celebrate being a Millionaire whether we are or not.  Endangered species need our protection and if you bike to work in a big city, you need protection too!  Be careful!  I'll pass on the menu, the cocktail and the wine today.  Jack Benny quotes are always funny!  I salute Charles Lindbergh for his first solo nonstop transatlantic flight and his plane the Spirit of St. Louis.  He wanted to promote St. Louis and his backers from there.  One was Albert Lambert, and that is who the St. Louis airport is named for.  Lindbergh Boulevard is a major road in St. Louis, too.  IMO they should have named the airport after Lindbergh and the major road after Lambert!  But that's just me.


Prayers for all our Care list people and Eva is at the top of my list.  🙏  Cheers for the happy celebrants and cruisers.  Bon Voyage to Jake @Crazy For Cats and DH.  Take care of the Zaandam because that's my next ride in a little over 2 months time.  🥂🎉   Thank you Eva @superoma for posting the lists today. 


The port of the day is a brand new one - Tolagnaro, Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar.  No links and no photos from me or anyone yet.  Hope we get to see some.


I have to get busy now!  I finished the photo book last night but have to review it several times looking for any mistakes or adding any embellishments.  Then it can sit in my account and wait for unlimited free pages day to order it.  Then, unfortunately I have one more book to work on.  The Covid jail cruise on Island Princess last summer.  It was 34 days long, so I worked on the shorter cruises I hadn't made books for.  After the Island Princess cruise I will be all up to date.  I promise I won't ever go that long without finishing the cruise photo book again!  

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7 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Got to get some heat onto my arthritic joints 😅.

I got a lot of shorts and short socks from the IZOD golf shops in Orlando Florida.

When you look at them a certain way they spell DOZI.🤫😂

Oh yes, I see DOZI in the reflection of you in the window. My socks are standard Walmart that I wear with my tennis shoes from Walmart, known as Air Walmart tennis shoes.

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Happy Preakness Day. It’s going to be a muddy one.🏇


We buy one PowerBall ticket every week with the hope of becoming millionaire.


@superomaThe loss of one’s father marks one of the most profound rites of passage in our life. My deepest condolences.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'd love to be a millionaire - must keep buying those lottery tickets, I guess.  It was National Bike To Work day here yesterday - it seems not many people were into it, even though our current mayor has installed bike lanes around the city.  We have to protect our endangered species, the list of which keeps growing longer by the day.  I'll pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), but think it would be nice subbing in vodka instead.  The wine sounds lovely, but until I win that lottery, it won't be served at our place!


@superoma again, my condolences to you on your father's passing.  My dad, like yours, had all his arrangements in place when he died, leaving us very little to do at a difficult time.  Sending you caring thoughts as you go through the process in the coming weeks and months.


@Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise!


@Horizon chaser 1957 welcome home - I don't envy you having to deal with tent caterpillars; ugh!  We haven't had them for a couple of years, but they do go in cycles, so who knows when they'll show up here next.


@kazusending you strength to deal with the bureaucracy involved in settling the estate - I can't begin to imagine your frustration level at this point.


Well it seems the crossed fingers, prayers and good thoughts worked, as our family is in the air as we speak.  The flight left Tokyo on time, and I started using the Flight Aware app as soon as I got up, tracking their progress.  Another 6 hours until they land back in Calgary and they can sleep in their own beds again.


The temperature is supposed to get up to a balmy +27 today, but we've woken up to brown cloudy skies from the wildfires in both provinces.  The air quality index is very high again, but even with smoke in the air, it will be nice weather  for those hitting the camping sites to celebrate the Victoria Day long weekend.  Normally our May long weekend is very much like @kazu's meme, ending in snow.  I'm not kidding.


I really like today's menu suggestion, and think I'll use it the next time we have salmon.  Today though, friends are coming over for a late afternoon visit and we've decided to grill some burgers so we can just enjoy their company for a few hours, rather than having to make a great big meal.  It's looking like burgers, Caesar salad, and great conversation around the deck table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, extra for those fighting fires in Saskatchewan and Alberta.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️




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Good Morning to all!


Can't bike to work as 1) I don't have a bike, 2) sometimes I have to go to different sites miles apart in one day, 3) I only have 3.5 work days left (took 1/2 day Tues off and all of Wednesday to use up my "sick" time.  LOL!!), oh, and 4) today is Saturday so NO work 🙂 .


I am a millionaire - in my mind - but not in currency!  Food sounds interesting and I have never been to Madagascar!  

@superoma My condolences on the loss of your father.


Thoughts for all on the care list.


Have a great Saturday!!

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Good morning, all! The dinner sounds interesting. After nearly 8 months of not cooking, I’m pleased with how fast it’s coming back to me. The hard part is remembering where things are in the cupboards!

We we’re supposed to go to today’s port a couple of months ago on the Grand World Voyage, but Hurricane Freddy had other plans and closed the port. Earlier we visited the other end of Madagascar on the Grand Africa. We visited a village who’s main industry is growing Ylang ylang and distilling the essence for export.I have a small bottle of the local product.


Ylang ylang blossom



Ylang ylang trees - they are pruned so the branches hang low and the flowers can be picked easily.


Eva, @superoma, my deepest condolences on your father’s passing. Being the one to find him is particularly hard.

Yesterday I got all,the invasive broom cut on the property, and the nettles cut that decided to take over the back slope. Today is eaves troughs. Or drinking wine on the porch.🤔

Happy Saturday, everyone! Enjoy the May long weekend for my fellow Canadians!


Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Happy Victoria Day!  It will be an odd day here in Maryland, warm, heavy clouds, breezy later with rain. I hope to get out for a walk. Yesterday did hip exercises in the pool- makes a big difference!  

Have a grand day @Crazy For Cats Jake and DH!  Bon Voyage!  

🙏 Thinking of Eva and her family, and my friends in NM at the memorial celebration for one of our fire department, and another one of them whose siblings gathered from across the country yesterday to remember their dad’s death 50 years ago in a commuter-plane crash when my friend was a teen…. loss is part of our journey.  

So 🥂 cheers to all celebrating, reminding us that Life is Good!  We’re happy for you!  And you’re good for us!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope!  Near and far. 

Smooth travels to all away, especially our granddaughter and her DH in OK this weekend for a BIG engagement party for her best friend… the party is with the bride’s extended family who won’t be traveling out of state to the wedding thus the very big ta-do. DGD will be matron of honor. So glad they could make the trip!  


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Good Morning from a warm but overcast day at the beach

     Havent posted the last few days,  but I have been reading the daily every day.

     It will be a busy weekend here, boat races today and tomorrow. Big Launch scheduled for tomorrow but as of right now only a 60% chance of a go.  I am still restricted to home , that is probably a good thing with the amount of traffic I see already.

    @superoma So sorry to hear about your Dad. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to grieve. May your memories give you peace.

     @Horizon chaser 1957  Welcome home That was quite an adventure!

     @Crazy For Cats  Have a wondeful trip!

       @ottahand7  Safe travels to your cabin. Hope you have a wonderful summer.

    Heard on our local news that 2 more ships will be homeported here in 2024. The new Carnival Ship and a Princess ship. Guess they are going to build another terminal. 


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you Rich for the Fleet report. 


My heart and prayers go out to you Eva @superoma on the loss of your dad. 

Prayers lifted to all on our care list. For the first time in over a year I am down to 2 people in my own prayer book.


Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats




I don't think I want to be a millionaire. Too many "2nd cousins twice removed" would pop up and run my life. I'll stick with being a thousandaire.


Today is Armed Forces Day. Thank you to all who serve and have served. God bless you.




Although I would enjoy today's meal, we are joining friends at our local Sun City Mulligan's and having dinner and listening to Rock n Blues Band.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend. Know you are loved.


Oh wait!



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We are in Frederick Maryland for my nephew's wedding. It seems to be a very nice town!


We'll then drive up to the Thousand Islands to do some sightseeing and then head to Peterborough, Ontario to open up the cottage. Our recent cruise and the wedding has caused us to arrive at the lake later than normal. We usually open the place up around Mother's Day and then enjoy the Victoria Day holidays!

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Good morning all!

Interesting collection of days.  I'll pass on the drink and red wine, and would probably like the meal but prefer salmon prepared other ways more.  


I ordered a new arbor to replace the one we had 25 years. Last winter was too much for it and it fell over along with my Clematis.  I just hope we can get the new one up in time to save the Clematis and that it lasts as long as the old one did.  It should arrive in just a few days.


Debbie @dfishlast night we had the Tzatziki Chicken and I agree, it was good!  That recipe is a keeper.  


Again, Eva @superoma my deepest condolences on the death of your father.  Finding him had to be so hard.  My dear Dad also had all his final arrangements in place.  It certainly helps those left behind at such a sad time.


Gerry @ger_77 I'm glad your family is in the air and headed home!


Today will be spent doing more (gentle) gardening.  Yesterday I overdid again, but at least all the major stuff is done.  That first big cleanup in the spring is always the hardest, and as DH says, I just can't help myself even though everything hurts!  🤣





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Good morning from central Texas where it is 67F and heading to 78F.  We have a strong north wind, and the skies are cloudy.  The forecast is for clouds now until Wednesday or Thursday.  We did have thunderstorms about 9 last night with some spectacular lightning all around us.  We got some much needed rain, but still need more.  Our next chance of rain will be Tuesday night into Thursday.  I'm glad I got the yard done yesterday, and today will be an easy day.


There are some millionaires who did not let money change them and continued to live as they always did.  Warren Buffet is a good example of such a millionaire who uses his money for good.  Then there are those who just flaunt their money and don't use it for good.  I'd rather be in the Buffet group.  We got rid of our bikes when we moved here, but sometimes we rode them to work when DH had his office about a mile from the house.  There were concrete bike paths off the roads.   Everyday should be endangered species day and should also include all species before they are added to the too long endangered species list.


I smiled when I read the Jack Benny quote.


We'll pass on the meal, but I used to enjoy the teriyaki Caesar salmon salad on BHBs.  I hope the bring it back sometime.  We'll pass on the drink.  The wine sounds intriguing, but not at that price.  When I saw the price, I did a double take and at first thought Ann @cat shepard had a typo in her review.  Sorry, Ann.  If you splurged on the wine, you definitely wouldn't want to spill one drop.  🍷 🤣


We have not been to Madagascar.  It was on a cruise in 2004 that we cancelled when two ports we really wanted to visit were dropped from the itinerary.


The Charles Lindbergh flight changed the course of aviation, which now allows us to get to cruises in interesting and exciting places.


@Crazy For Cats  Jake wishing you and your DH fair winds and following seas on your cruise.

@superoma  Eva, again our condolences on the passing of your father.  I'm sorry you had to be the one to find him.  ((((((HUGS))))))  His last gift to you and your DS of preplanning his funeral was very loving and thoughtful.

@smitty34877  Terry, that is good news that Tana is feeling a little hungry now.

@ottahand7  Nancy, safe travels to you and John as you head to your cabin tomorrow and Monday.  It's good some of the work is already done, and I hope the generator and pump are easily fixed.

@kazu  Jacqui, I'm sorry you are having to deal with a mess because a company won't respond to your lawyer.

@ger_77  Gerry, great news your family is on their way home.  I hope they have a smooth remainder of their flight.

@Horizon chaser 1957  I also don't envy you dealing with the tent caterpillars.  We had them once in The Woodlands, and once was enough.  My suggestion is wine on the porch after the eave troughs are done.  You will have earned the wine.











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I happened to be updating my ports of the day spreadsheet and made a discovery.  We have had Tolanaro, Madagascar as port of the day before.  We had it on March 7, 2021 and May 18, 2022, but when I searched for it this morning I used a different spelling - Tolagnaro.  That's how it was spelled this morning on the Daily and Fleet Report and I didn't double check the spelling.  So sorry for the confusion.


Here are the links.




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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Maybe I’ll be a millionaire one day. No biking to work. Endangered species protection is important. Good quote. I’ll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the drink, if someone else is paying. I haven’t been toTolagnaro.


I’m starting to feel better. The head cold led to some chest issues too. I’m taking a Z-pack. Interestingly you can’t even get over the counter cough syrup without talking to the pharmacist, and it’s all herbal. Even regular Robitussin type stuff requires a prescription. The weather has been nice today, up to 72F. I sat out on the deck earlier, reading.


Happy Victoria Day!

@richwmn Good to have you back.

@superoma Thinking of you at this difficult time.

@Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage!

@smitty34877 I’m glad the executive chef has a better appetite.

@ottahand7 Safe travels to the cabin.

@kazu So sorry to hear about the legal snafu. Hopefully you can do some planting soon.

@ger_77 Safe travels for your family coming home.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Welcome home! 
@dobiemom I’m glad to hear the good news about your eye.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.




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5 hours ago, superoma said:

Thank you to everyone who sent condolences on the death of my father. I did not get much sleep so today will need a nap for sure. Clearing out his house and dealing with the rest of his estate will keep my sister and I busy for several weeks if not months. I keep reminding myself one step at a time. Because Monday is a holiday the funeral is delayed until Wednesday morning because we can’t get the paperwork signed to open the gravesite until Tuesday at 3 pm. He will be buried beside our mother who passed almost 33 years ago. 

again, thanks to all of you for your support.

Oh I m so sorry to hear your news!  My deepest condolences!  

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