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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday October 18th, 2023


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Warning! Curmudgeon mode follows.

With reference to this thread in particular, I **CELEBRATE** Information Overload Awareness Day!  It's why I very rarely participate any longer, just scan for info on folks that I know personally -- and therefore am indeed passionately interested in their trials, tribulations, and victories.


OK, back to being my usual pleasant self 😊.





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Oops.  Either the Oncology office or I goofed.  Got to the office and they told me my appointment was Monday.  Not what I had on my calendar and I cannot imagine that I would have accepted the first day back from my cruise.


Rescheduled for next Monday.



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9 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Brrr.  It's 42F this morning but will be a nice 70 degrees and sunny this afternoon.  Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report for this Wednesday.  It's getting hard to keep track of the ships these days with so many bumps in the road.  Volendam is enroute to Pago Pago, Samoa not Fanning Island.  Nieuw Amsterdam is skipping Cartagena, Colombia and heading straight back to Fort Lauderdale to have work done on an azipod this weekend.  This will also affect the next cruise on NA.  I haven't even looked at the ships who might have had Ashdod or Haifa on their itineraries yet.  


Global Dignity is a good goal for everyone and every country.  Many countries fail miserably at it.  Love Your Body Day is a nice thought and a lot of people struggle with that.  Information Overload Awareness Day is a bit premature (Oct. 20) but we can get ready for it now.  It's also National Chocolate Cupcake Day and that sounds like a winner to me!  The quote is accurate and I hope we try to enjoy every day to its fullest.  Slow Cooker Beef Chili sounds like a great idea!   I think I'll once again skip the cocktail and red wine.  Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope, and Ann @cat shepard for the food and beverage reports.  


Three excellent days in history to celebrate.  I'm very glad the Alaska purchase went through back in 1867 as it's a great addition to the United States.  Boo hoo to Al Capone being convicted.  He deserved it.  And the BBC's founding was a good thing for British news outlets.


Happy Birthday to Joy @Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl!  Hope it's a great day for both of you!  Annie @marshhawk and Chuck @catmando bon voyage!  You two deserve a wonderful cruise after all you've been through!  Hope to hear from you soon! 🥂 Vanessa @JazzyV good luck today with your epidural procedure and we hope you see improvement quickly.  Edi @NextOne praying your surgery went well and we see you back home and on the Daily very soon.  @57redbird prayers for your DH as he has his external nerve ablation today.  I wish I'd hear something about my friend Susan's DH Scott because he needs something done about his afib.  Prayers for the entire long Care list, and for the Israeli and Ukrainian people in this time of turmoil for them, and really the world as a whole.  🙏  Cheers to all enjoying pleasant events and wonderful cruises!  🚢🎉  Thanks Vanessa for your complete listing of all our activities and woes.


The port today is Riga, Latvia, another brand new port.  I haven't been there yet.  It was scheduled in 2022 and then Russia invaded Ukraine so we gave up our Baltic cruise in 2022.  Hoping to do that in 2024.  So there are no links again today.  If you have been lucky enough to see Riga before please show us some photos and comment on it.  Thanks in advance, and thanks to Roy @rafinmd who had a few photos of Fakarava Atoll yesterday.


In other news from yesterday, great news Debbie @dfish on your great lab reports.  Terri @Cruzin Terri I hope things start to look up again, and I think the floor guy is incredibly gutsy to bill you for repairing his poor job in the first place.  I'd be talking with your contractor about next steps.  Take care in the meantime.  And congrats to Carolyn @Cruising-along on the new cruise booking!  Best wishes and good thoughts to Pauline @Paw13 on her late mam's 5th memory day.  And good luck to Roy @rafinmd as you see your oncologist today.


Hoping you all enjoy a great Wednesday.  Stay safe and well!  



6 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning everyone and happy hump day.    Thanks for the reports each day @richwmn.   Global Dignity Day is important but so much politics, tribalisms and hate make it very hard to recognize the dignity of every human being.   I finally have gotten to the point that I love my body, not much else I can do about it other than control what I eat.   Information overload is pretty easy to handle, just turn it off.   A great post by Elizabeth Kubler Ross and I think it is the foundation of our current Hospice organizations.   Thanks for the comestible reports each day.   I made Chili yesterday because John bought too much ground beef.    I had everything I needed in the house and it turned out really well, it is in the freezer for future meals.  I will pass on the Cruzin Tea, not a fan of spiced rum though today's Pinot Noir sounds lovely.   I have never been to Riga and look forward to photos of the city. 

@cruising sister Thank you for the somewhat positive update on Baby Murphy.  I am glad that her parents can work offline to be there for her.   @mamaofami I hope that your DH is in rehab and progressing.   Prayers for everyone going through different pain episodes and others in our group who need them.  @rafinmd I hope your oncology visit goes well and continued good news.   Prayers for everyone in the war zones in Israel and Ukraine.  @grapau27 thinking of you and Pauline today.  

Is is a beautiful, sunny day here and it is 40 degrees.  It is supposed to stay clear so I will be able to get my outside work done today that I have been procrastinating on because it was too cold for me.    I will just get it all in one day, fingers crossed.   John is handy so he is taking the oven apart and it appears he intends to switch out the broken panel.     I am keeping out of it but now he appears to looking at a piece of plastic that he removed and how to put it back together.    

@superoma there are many uses for public libraries besides the reading material within.   They are becoming more community hubs with meeting rooms and classes.  Our garden club has about half of our meetings in a beautiful new public library and we use that opportunity to advertise our speakers as a public service and also in attempt to increase our membership.   I have done a couple of garden related talks for a couple of public libraries over the years too.  


6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a sunny central Texas.  It is 51F and feels like 48F with 82% humidity and and dew point of 45F.  The high this afternoon will be 83F.  This time of year, it's hard to know whether to dress for the morning chill and change later, or dress of later in the day and hope the heater keeps the house warm enough.  Such a first world problem.  🤣 


Three interesting days to celebrate today.  Everyone should be treated with dignity no matter whether or not they deserve it.  We should all love our bodies since they are all we get.  Sometimes I think we get too much information, and at times my brain says enough, go get lost in a good book.  📚  I like the idea of chocolate cupcake day, but we still a lemon pound cake to finish.


I agree with the sentiment in today's quote.


The meal sounds good, but we still have chili leftover from the other night.  However, tonight we will finish the ribs with a couple of side dishes to be determined later.  We'll pass on the drink, but  the wine sounds nice.


We have not been to Riga, Lativa.


I'm glad Secretary of State Seward purchased Alaska, even if it was called Seward's Folly for years.  It turns out, he made a good deal for the US.  It took tax evasion to put Al Capone behind bars where he belonged.  The BBC was a great step forward in communication for Britain.


@JazzyV  Vanessa, I hope today's procedure will relieve your pain.

@57redbird  I hope today's external nerve ablation fixes your DH's afib.

@NextOne  Edi, I hope your recovery is going smoothly.

@grapau27  Graham, I'll be thinking of you, Pauline and her brother today as you remember her lovely Mam.  I'm glad Pauline's brother is there with you.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, I hope your DH is feeling better now.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope today is a better day.

@mamaofami  Carol, I hope Sam is improving.

@HAL Sailer  Melissa, I also hope your DH i s steadily improving and is now in rehab.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, thanks for the update on Murphy.  It sounds like she is improving, but very slowly.  

@superoma  Eva, I used to use the library regularly, but when we moved to areas with small libraries if any, I stopped going.  We have a new library here, but I still need to find time to stop by and check it out.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I'm glad you decided to go on your trip and will celebrate your birthday with your sister on Saturday.  I'm glad you DH is feeling better.

@Heartgrove  Jack, that is too bad your doctor's office never sent the orders in.

















1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I will salute global dignity. Sometimes it's hard to love your body, due to appearance or how it's functioning. It's easy to get information overload. Love the Kubler-Ross quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I've never been to Riga. 3 good days in history.


It's 58F and cloudy here, but going up into the low 60's. Another bad night of sleep, waking at 2AM, then 4AM with leg pain. I've been up since 4AM. My Apple watch shows 3.5 hours of sleep! I'm back from my procedure. It wasn't too bad. I had to lay on my stomach with my head in this circular pillow. At first I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe. The going into the spinal canal was a lot of pushing; I felt some pressure, but they'd used a lot of local anesthetic, so no pain. It was a bit scary when I came home because the right leg was tingling a whole lot and felt numb. As I made some coffee, I wasn't sure I could stand up without support. That has subsided some. BFF stayed until he felt I would be ok on my own. I may not see any effect for from a few days to a couple of weeks. Last night eating out, I only had soup with noodles, so the stomach was ok. And I was coerced to drink a shot of Jägermeister!


@marshhawk Bon Voyage to you and Chuck!

@SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday!

@Seasick Sailor Happy Birthday Joy!

@NextOne Prayers that you're doing well.

@57redbird Prayers that all goes well with your DH's procedure.

@grapau27 Hugs to Pauline on this sad anniversary. It's nice she can spend time with her brother today also.

@rafinmd I hope your Oncologist visit goes well today.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for thinking of me!

@cat shepard @smitty34877 @RMLincoln @Quartzsite Cruiser @ger_77 @Cruising-along @bennybear Thank you for the good thoughts.

@RedneckBob I like that quote!

@Haljo1935 You're brave, getting 3 at once.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad you decided to take the cruise with your twin. I'm glad your DH Bill is feeling fine.

@Heartgrove I'd be upset about no lab orders put in by your doctor, after fasting and going to the lab.

@cruising sister Thanks for sharing a bit of good news about Murphy; I hope it continues.

@superoma I use the library mainly to download books to read. They do have many classes and other things going on too.

@ottahand7 I hope John is able to fix the oven.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get the medication straightened out. My doctor who's helping me with my weight did an A1C and it was normal, so I didn't qualify for those meds (I was happy about that). She mentioned Metformin, but with my stomach issues I said no, just let me work on the diet (and hopefully exercise if I can get my back and leg feeling better) for now. I hope your day gets less frustrating!

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you had a good visit with your PCP. I hope you find out the cause of the numbness. 

@ger_77 Safe travels tomorrow.

@happywandering @spkack Welcome to the Daily!

@Vict0riann Thanks for the heads up; I'll make the change. I'm sure Pat's medical issues are making travel a bit harder, but you'll get it done.

@durangoscots Be careful walking the dogs that you don't fall.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Thank you friends for your kind words and thoughts today on Pauline's late mam's 5th memory.

Her brother David lived with his mam and gave her 24 hour care helped by Pauline and me for her last 4 years of life with Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

While they were chatting in our garden Pauline's phone suddenly started playing the special song that was played at their mam's funeral.


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Hello dailyites...thinking good wishes for all who need them, especially Baby Murphy.  Cheers to all celebrating.  @superomaOur library is great!  Lots of programs for all, from babies to everyone else!  I don't get hard copy books so much anymore, but do read books with Libby and Hoopla!  (I can make the font as big as I want!)  I'm making Lasagna soup for dinner tonite, I think I got the recipe here a few weeks ago.  Also made bread in the dutch oven...it smells so good baking.  Tonite is our HOA annual meeting.  Have a great evening, Karen

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6 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get the medication straightened out. My doctor who's helping me with my weight did an A1C and it was normal, so I didn't qualify for those meds (I was happy about that). She mentioned Metformin, but with my stomach issues I said no, just let me work on the diet (and hopefully exercise if I can get my back and leg feeling better) for now. I hope your day gets less frustrating!


Medication is still a mess.  Be glad your A1C is normal.  Technically, mine is normal as well, but that is because I am taking those meds.  Last time it was 5.7.   I sure hope you get some relief from your shots today.  What you described sounds a bit like my nerve ablation that I get every year or so.  They use a local anesthetic and then deaden the nerve somehow.  They won't do the procedure unless I have a driver.  They even walk me out of the building to make sure I make ok.  The last time my leg was really floppy, but that time the procedure lasted longer.  


6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Debbie, it sounds like you had a busy, but frustrating morning.  I hope you got your prescription straighten out, and was glad they are putting those using it for weight loss last.  

Medication is still a mess.  It took all day to get partially done with the rest of the agenda.  I found out how much Social Security I am getting and how much Medicare is left over to pay.  The only thing I don't know is when the SS starts paying part of the Medicare premium.  This month?  Or next?  SS and Medicare didn't know either.  And, because SS is paying part of the premium and not the whole thing, I can't continue with Easy Pay where it is just deducted from my account.  Surely they have the software ability to do that, but they don't.  They'll send me a bill once a year. 

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Another sunny spring day, temperature 17 C

Supermarket this morning, then out for lunch.

Have not joined the city library since we moved south, but make good use of the nearest Lilliput Library.........and donate to it.

The books written by Elizabeth Kubler Ross  are well worth reading.

@Seasick Sailor and @SusieKIslandGirl  wishing you both a very Happy Birthday.

@cruising sister  thank you for the update on little baby Murphy. 

@grapau27  thank you for your reply yesterday, how long was the flight? 


Edited by erewhon
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37 minutes ago, dfish said:


Medication is still a mess.  Be glad your A1C is normal.  Technically, mine is normal as well, but that is because I am taking those meds.  Last time it was 5.7.   I sure hope you get some relief from your shots today.  What you described sounds a bit like my nerve ablation that I get every year or so.  They use a local anesthetic and then deaden the nerve somehow.  They won't do the procedure unless I have a driver.  They even walk me out of the building to make sure I make ok.  The last time my leg was really floppy, but that time the procedure lasted longer.  


Medication is still a mess.  It took all day to get partially done with the rest of the agenda.  I found out how much Social Security I am getting and how much Medicare is left over to pay.  The only thing I don't know is when the SS starts paying part of the Medicare premium.  This month?  Or next?  SS and Medicare didn't know either.  And, because SS is paying part of the premium and not the whole thing, I can't continue with Easy Pay where it is just deducted from my account.  Surely they have the software ability to do that, but they don't.  They'll send me a bill once a year. 


Sorry everything is still a mess.  I hope it all works and quickly.



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51 minutes ago, dfish said:


Medication is still a mess.  Be glad your A1C is normal.  Technically, mine is normal as well, but that is because I am taking those meds.  Last time it was 5.7.   I sure hope you get some relief from your shots today.  What you described sounds a bit like my nerve ablation that I get every year or so.  They use a local anesthetic and then deaden the nerve somehow.  They won't do the procedure unless I have a driver.  They even walk me out of the building to make sure I make ok.  The last time my leg was really floppy, but that time the procedure lasted longer.  


Debbie, sorry about the meds. Wednesdays are procedure days at pain management clinic. A few people were having nerve ablations, a few like me were having epidural steroid injections.

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