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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday October 12th, 2023


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Interesting collection of days today; never thought about launching cookbooks needing a day, but ok - I enjoy browsing cookbooks. What I save today I'll probably spend tomorrow as I prepare for our trip. Farmers, young and old, are very important.

Meal sounds good, pass on drink, would like the wine.

We were in Costa Maya and Majahual once several years ago as it was struggling to recover from a hurricane that had wiped out everything in Majahual (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_Hurricane_Dean_in_Mexico). Our excursion was a trip through the countryside, visit to the ancient ruins and a family's home in Majahual. The home consisted of a couple dirt floor huts - different rooms were in their own huts, which is more efficient for maintaining temperature (cooking doesn't heat the entire house, just 1 hut) and an attempt to minimize loss (maybe 1 hut gets destroyed or damaged by a storm but the others don't, for example). The family cooked for us and let us tour their huts. The food was incredible!! I only went in 1 hut (living room) as I was very uncomfortable. It was heart-wrenching to see how little they had and how much repair was needed for the area. I am glad to see the pictures of a thriving Costa Maya and would be interested in seeing what Majahual looks like; I probably won't go back and don’t have pictures from my trip. 

The days in history are important, even if Mr. Columbus needed better radar, lol.

63° headed to 84°, so glad I no longer see 90s on the forecast; now if we could just have some rain.

Chiro worked on neck and shoulder a lot, neck feels better but shoulder does not. No matter what she does, left foot is still numb so I may need to see someone else. We leave in less than 2 weeks (yikes) and at that point it will be more than a month that it has been numb.

She keeps telling me to reduce stress - hard to do when I keep reading about how bad pickpockets are in Rome; it sure is clouding my excitement for spending 3 days there before the cruise. DH thinks he's immune from pickpockets, so that really impacts the stress.🫣 Knowing we have to carry passports all the time and need them to fly back post-cruise, I wish he'd adjust his attitude. Ugh...

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 



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Good morning,

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I do not have anything special planned for today. DS and family will celebrate with me tomorrow. 

I like today’s quote. It seems fitting today. I have been to Costa Maya. Not a fan of the roads. We went to a resort and the roads were so full of holes I was afraid the van would break down. 

I hope Annie and Chuck have an uneventful travel day. The past few days have been crazy for them. 

One of my favorite cookbooks is one we put together for a family reunion. Lots of good old recipes. 

Prayers for those in need and have a great day. 

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Good morning from central Texas. It is cloudy (according to the weather app) and 65F which feels like 65F.  Sunrise won't be until 7:30.  We have an 11mph wind, 98%humidity and a dew point of 63F.  It looks like we won't reach the 70s until about 11 am, and the high will be 83F this afternoon.  The clouds are supposed to give way to the sun by mid afternoon.  Depending on the weather and whether or not I get an appointment for the pneumonia vaccine, I'll either replant the iris bulbs this afternoon or tomorrow.


For years, I collected cookbooks, but would usually use only one of two recipes.  I finally put the ones I use on the computer to add to my personal "cookbook" and took most of the cookbooks to the used book store.  I still have a few cookbooks that I used from time to time.  I also made cookbooks for the DDs when they got their first apartments.  We try to save some each month, and to not live beyond our means.  I'll salute old farmers, and we still have my great-grandfather's farm.  Since we do not live near the farm, my father left it in trust to me.


An interesting quote by Luis Bunuel.  Sometimes age does matter.


The meal sounds interesting, and I'll check out the recipes Debbie @dfish finds for us.  Tonight we'll be having babyback ribs which I'll smoke this afternoon.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


While we have spend time both on land and at sea in Quintana Roo, we have not been to Costa Maya.


Today we can celebrate Christopher Columbus landing on a Caribbean island.  Just think what would have changed in history, if he'd had made it to Asia.  It's interesting that the first modern submarine was commissioned by the Navy in 1900.


@summer slope  Carolyn, I hope your arms improve without the Tylenol.  I read a few years ago, the fewer pain relivers taken for a day or to after a vaccine, the more effective it will be.  

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm glad you have a realtor and a date to start showing your place.  It may seem daunting, but working a little each day, you will get the place ready pretty soon.  Safe travels today, and I hope your meeting tomorrow is all that is needed.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for your pictures from Costa Maya.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope the watch does not become a warning.

@smitty34877  Terri, thanks for the good wishes for DH's continued recovery.  

@Haljo1935  I hope your DH will heed the warnings, and keep his pocket's free from anything he doesn't want to lose.  We've been to Italy and Rome many times, and only once in Rome, on the Metro, did DH feel someone trying to picket his pocket.  It also happened on a bus in Palermo, but they didn't get anything.  All he keeps in that pocket is hard candy and tissues.  We each have a travel bag with locks on the zippers and wires in the strap to prevent someone from cutting them.  There is also wire mesh under the tough cloth to prevent someone from cutting into the bags.  I use mine as a crossbody bag.  In addition, we have pouches that go on a belt and then are tucked inside our pants.  The main thing is to always be aware of your surroundings and the people near you.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope you have a safe, hassle free, on time flight today, and that your luggage has the same flight.  As far as safety in Rome, please see what I told @Haljo1935.  If people see you are aware of what is going on around you, and you look like a difficult target, they will try for the easier targets.  I know you will have a wonderful time in Rome, and a great time on your cruise.

@Smmessineo  I hope you stay safe from the tornados.















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I have a lot of cookbooks but I don't launch them. I don't even know what I would launch them with.


Beef taco soup would be OK with me. I have class until 7:00 p.m. and I have no idea what dinner will actually be. I believe that the Rye Opener was last featured in September 2022 - a friend owns a bar and restaurant called Rye and I sent him the formula then. For the wine, Wiemer 2021 Dry Rosé, made from Pinot Noir and
Cabernet Franc. I cancelled the only booking that would have taken me to Costa Maya.












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Good morning, everyone!


It is currently a chilly - 39F - but sunny morning in mid-Michigan.  Last night was spent in sympathy with @JazzyV, my twin sister.  It was hip pain and general insomnia that kept me up most of the night.  


@cruising sister




I hope it is a wonderful day for you!


@marshhawk Annie and Chuck, safe travels and enjoy Rome.  


I finished cutting out the pieces for my next quilt and today I will start sewing.  I can only do it for about 20 minutes at a time as my back will start screaming.  That forces me up and walking, not a bad thing.  I'm giving the gym a rest until my hip settles down a bit and the Dr. says it is ok with this hernia I have.  I have decided it is a hernia.  If I press in on it, it pops and gurgles.  Fun, fun, fun!


Today's meal is fitting since we are in soup and stew season.  That is one of my favorites.  I made a big batch of chicken soup a few days ago and we are eating off that.  Next week I'll make a different kind.  Maybe this one.  https://www.cookingclassy.com/taco-soup/




This one looks pretty simple to make.





So does this one.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/beef-taco-soup/




Customize your soup like you customize your tacos!  Enjoy!


Wishing you all a wonderful day.



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31 minutes ago, Smmessineo said:

Thanks for the Fleet Report!

It was a no sleep night here in Ocala Florida. We've had 5 separate tornado warnings since 2:30 am . I hope all my fellow Floridians are safe out there ! 

 Cloudy and windy here at the coast. No rain as yet and no tornadoi warnings. I am  suppose to go to Orlando this afternoon for an appointment and I am debating cancelling it. There is nothing worse than being on the Beeline (528)in a storm!

  Hope you stay safe and out of harms way.

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Happy Birthday @cruising sister!  

Free, custom printable birthday card templates | Canva


Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily Reports.   I love cookbooks and I have some absolute favorite recipes in several of them.   Saving is important no matter how old one is.   My Dad was an old farmer.   A fun quote.   Today's soup sounds tasty, pass on the bitter cocktail but today's Rose' looks good too,  Thanks for researching these for us each day.   

@marshhawk safe travels to Italy and Bon Voyage a little early,  I recall you usually go dark near cruising time.   🍾✈️⛴️

@RMLincoln great news on finding a realtor and having a plan for selling.   Prayers for everyone on our care list.  @mamaofami I hope that Sam is in rehab.    @HAL Sailer prayers for your DH.  Prayers for the people in Israel and Ukraine as they face more uncertainty and attacks.   

We got a lot done when we had a warmer, sunny spell yesterday.   Our Christmas tree is now in the garage,  I forgot it was 9' tall, we didn't decorate last year because we started a cruise on December 27th.  I sprayed Wet & Forget on the decks, once we had that October heat wave the green on the deck just exploded.    I also got poison ivy spray sprayed all over the property, there were still some green leaves so I hope it works.

Another gray day and we are caught up so we will go to the local wholesale green house and see if they have second mums on their rack 5 for $10 and pick up some prescriptions.     Then lunch some place as John likes to get out of the house.    Have a wonderful day.    Nancy 

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Good morning all. We are just a tad warmer than @puppycanducruiseat 9C only because we are a bit farther south. It certainly is soup weather and I will be making a leek and potato soup shortly. We have beautiful leeks in the garden. They, along with our parsnips, will stay in the ground until first Frost. Then I have to find a spot to store them over winter! Luckily both our DDs also use them and will gladly take some off our hands.


Tuesday I was able to buy a bag of fresh cranberries for 94 cents (2.99 before thanksgiving) so today I will be making my apple cranberry jam. It also has orange juice and rind in it. So good. Problem is jars. I like to make it in small, half pint, jars and I used most of those for green tomato salsa. That turned out well, too, but because I was using a new recipe I didn’t want to use large jars to can it! 

speaking of recipes, i have given away all but two of my cookbooks to a friend who collects them. I have a binder with my most used baking and cooking recipes but have started saving new recipes under the notes app on my iPad, filed  in appropriate folders. I really like having them handy like that. 

wishing everyone a good day, safe travels, get well wishes and praying for all that are under attack. 

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28 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


I have a lot of cookbooks but I don't launch them. I don't even know what I would launch them with.


Beef taco soup would be OK with me. I have class until 7:00 p.m. and I have no idea what dinner will actually be. I believe that the Rye Opener was last featured in September 2022 - a friend owns a bar and restaurant called Rye and I sent him the formula then. For the wine, Wiemer 2021 Dry Rosé, made from Pinot Noir and
Cabernet Franc. I cancelled the only booking that would have taken me to Costa Maya.












Boy, is that cartoon the sign of the times! 😳

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Last night, I read the rest of yesterday's Daily, but was too tired to do anything but write that yesterday was a good day with DH getting good reports from both appointments.  I went back this morning to try to comment on all I wanted to say last night.


21 hours ago, Tbay said:

Good morning!  Thank you to all who keep the Daily up and running. Your efforts are appreciated.

Prayers are sent to all who are experiencing medical issues. 

Congrats to all who are celebrating.

And thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for DH.  The meds took a long time to kick in, but he has now recovered from pneumonia. 


@marshhawkI hope that credit card shows up soon so you can get on with your day.  My favourite place in Rome is the Pantheon. Enjoy.  I am glad you made the decision to use limos.  It is hard to get around with luggage, and the train to Civitavecchia is a struggle with luggage. Not to be a fear monger,  but please be careful in Rome.  I speak from experience. DH had his backpack stolen at the train station, along with his passport.  So just be aware of your surroundings.  And most of all, have a WONDERFUL time.



I'm very happy your DH has recovered from pneumonia.


20 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good almost afternoon,

I have a late start on the daily today I went to the hand surgeon for what I thought would be a steroid injection in my trigger finger and I somehow have surgery scheduled. The decision was based on that if the steroid does not work no surgery for 3 months.  Which will not work as I will be on my cruise. What is making me nervous is that it is not until November 30th and giving me just a month to recover. I am on a cancellation list for an earlier date. 

Happy belated birthday Pennie. You are a fellow Libra. My birthday is tomorrow. 

There is so much going on with everyone it is hard to keep up with it all. Prayers and well wishes to our daily friends. Have a great day. 


Lorraine, I'm sorry you will need surgery on your hand before your cruise.  I hope you can get it moved to an earlier date.


19 hours ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

The good ship Rotterdam is leaving Brest, France, on its transatlantic to Ft Lauderdale via Azores as I post. It has been a wonderful start with Amsterdam, Brugge, LaHavre/Paris, Weymouth and today Brest. Weather forecast looks good for the crossing. 

By the way, Ocean Bar now has a quartet for happy hour and early evening music/dancing. 



Thanks for the information about the Ocean Bar.  I hope that is a sign of other changes with HAL entertainment.  I hope they return to some of the entertainment that was successful in the past.


18 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

A few of my photos from our visit to Kiel aboard the Zuiderdam in 2017. We took the train to Lubeck about an 1-1/2 hours away.


- Jack










Statue of Otto von Bismark in Lubeck




The Holsten Gate built in 1464, now a museum.





Along the Trave.









Jack, thanks for you pictures of Lubeck.  It looks better when it's not raining.


16 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Good Afternoon from a very rainy day at the beach

     I am one of 3 girls and have 1 daughter. I was an ER nurse for 25 years. I always tell people I saw things that people would say would never happen. It was a difficult job but I loved it.

      @Nickelpenny  A very Happy Birthday  even a day late. May you have many more.

      I saw a new Doctor today. My previous one has gone to concierge service and I am not paying that. I think that is crazy.  I like the new one, my kids and DH also go to him. He has advised me to get the flu, pneumonia, Covid and Shingles vaccine. Jeez  So tomorrow I will go to Publix to start them. Not getting them all at the same time.

     Stay safe and enjoy today


Charlene, my suggestion is to get the Shingles vaccine separately.  It was one of the few that have given me a reaction.   The pharmacist suggested that if I had a reaction to the first shot, to wait as close as possible to the six month mark to get the second one.  I got it about the 5 to 5 //12 month time, and the reaction was not quite as bad.  Any reaction is better than getting shingles.


15 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I salute girl children, as I am one. No party today. ER nurses deserve to be appreciated. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Kiel, although I been to many cities in Germany. 


Late again. It's lovely out, 65 and sunny. I had another bad night, awake multiple times. My watch says I got about 4 hours of sleep, and I'm so sleepy now. The last time I fell back asleep, I was awakened at about 9:15 by a call from the plumber, to schedule my boiler check. I had my appointment with the pain medicine doctor. The paperwork that I had to complete before was interesting, with lots of questions about drug use (prescribed and illicit) and depression screening. I guess in their business they have to do that, but those questions went on and on in different forms. So, I'm scheduled for the epidural steroid injection next Wednesday. BFF will take me. Fingers crossed it helps, although he said it takes a few days to see any effect start.


@StLouisCruisers Great photos, Sandi.

@Haljo1935 I hope the Chiro was able to help your shoulder.

@Heartgrove Prayers for comfort on this sad anniversary. Thanks for the Kiel photos.

@RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow. The framed photo was a nice gesture.

@Lady Hudson I'm glad to hear that DH Bill is improving. I'm sure you'll decide what's best as to whether to cruise next week or not. 

@Cruzin Terri Good luck with the floor guy. Good to hear you slept better. Nice photos.

@dfish I hope the pain with walking lessens quickly. I think we're twins!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos. I hope DH's appointments went well. Nice to have trustworthy mechanics, isn't it?

@Nickelpenny Belated Happy Birthday! And a salute to you having been an ER nurse!

@ger_77 I hope you get some answers about your shoulder.

@marshhawk  Good that DH made it safely to and from his infusion appointment. Good that the new card arrived. When I had credit card fraud, and was on a road trip with BFF, my replacement that was supposed to be overnighted never arrived. I had a different card with me, but wasn't happy.

@Vict0riann Good news about Pat's appointment. 

@Tbay Excellent news about DH's recovery! I'll remove him from the care rotation.

@cruising sister I hope you can get the surgery earlier. Lots of Libra birthdays on the Daily, including me.

@Cruising-along I was humming the same song, lol! 

@Sharon in AZ Good for you with all that cooking. I seem to have lost interest cooking just for me; and it hurts to stand, so lots of salad with chicken breast on top, or soup now that it's cooler.

@rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise and the Kiel photos. 

@1ANGELCAT Your neurologist sounds like mine. Sorry about the power outage. I hope it won't be too cold there.

@cunnorl Thank you for manning an ER all those years! I'm glad you like your new doctor.

@Crazy For Cats I'm still holding out on the heat, even though it was 62 in the bedroom (I had the electric blanket on low on).


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the epidural injection will help with your pain.  DH also had spinal stenosis, but had pain in his hip area near the bursa, but no back pain.  Steroid shots into the bursa on both hips worked for years, but finally he needed the back surgery.  He has been free of the pain from the back ever since. 


12 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

We have spent this week dealing with dentists and dental insurance.  For years we have used Delta Dental which is associated with our military retired health plan.  Sara needs to have two teeth removed and implants placed there.  We found a local dental office that can do it and asked them to prepare us a plan showing us the costs for each procedure, what they wanted to charge and what the insurance would pay.  When through about four iterations of that, and finally came up with it would cost us about $5K.  So Sara is scheduled to have dental surgery tomorrow.  I have a similar problem; need to replace one tooth with an implant, but that tooth is part of a bridge so two other tooth are involved.  I found that the VA will fully cover my dental costs as I am 100% disabled.  But to get them to do it is the problem.  I called the number given me by the local VA clinic, punched in the numbers to get to the appropriate person, waited 52 minutes and finally got a person who said he couldn't help me, but gave me a number to call tomorrow.  So I put my phone on speaker, sat at my desk, and had three glasses of red wine waiting for them to answer.  So if I have an alcohol problem, blame it on the VA!



Ray. I hope Sara's dental surgery goes well, and she is not in too much pain afterwards.  The pain to the wallet is another story.  DH finally gave up on the VA since they are so hard to work with.  It is enough to drive one to drink.


12 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

The HVAC guy showed up early.  What a surprise! I was able to sleep 6 hours straight.  That is a record.

Hopefully I will be able to do that again tonight,




Terri, I'm glad the HVAC guy showed up early, and that you had a good night's sleep Tuesday night.  I hope last night was equally as good if not better.


9 hours ago, marshhawk said:

When DH's hip was really painful, it was suggested that he sleep with a  pillow between his knees.  It make work but he did not like the pillow between his knees.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you.  I copied and printed, and will take with me!


Annie, I've been sleeping with a pillow between my knees for several months, and it takes some getting used to.  I do it because the knee I hurt last year can still cause problems at night.


7 hours ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Evening everyone!

        I was an Emergency Nurse for 29 years,  had lots of interesting happenings over the years.  I still think fondly of the colleagues that I worked so closely with over the years.  It was a team effort to take care of people and I mean everyone from our team of techs, secretaries, housekeepers, respiratory therapists, doctors, EMS and sometimes even the local police!  I left just before Covid hit, one day I realized I had done enough, and the next day put in my notice to retire..........but only retired for 2 weeks and started at an outpatient facility taking care of developmental and dementia clients!  My skills are still used but not at the level of emergency care.  It has been a great heading into retirement job.

      My shout out to the Emergency nurses that took care of my Dad several times this past year, and they took care of their old colleague when we were there, Thank you!

      Today, I took the next step of our life signed up for social security and medicare ...........it really hit home that I am no longer a "kid"  still going to work a bit.  Gives me some extra money to travel with!

       Hubby and I are back to thinking about some cruises Panama Canal is high on the list as well as maybe a Northern Europe cruise..........so many ideas!

Take care everyone!



Denise, I agree about everyone in the ER being part of the team.  DH has had great care in the ER on too many occasions this past 18 months.  They also took care of me.


34 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

@JazzyV and @dfish  I couldn't help but read about your pain. As someone who suffered greatly with back pain and did the steroid shots as well - which brought temporary relief, after suffering like this I bit the bullet last spring and had the back surgery.  I just want to say if that is what is recommended to you by your doctor, it is not as bad as you think it will be given all the new techniques used.  I was essentially up and about within a day of the surgery - they won't let you leave the hospital until you can walk.  Yes I had pain after the surgery but my husband who also had it did not.  It has been a great relief to me that I no longer wake up with the excruciating pain I was in prior to the surgery.   Sometimes surgery is the answer.  


@dfish Debbie and @JazzyV I second the idea that sometimes surgery is the only answer.  We've had several neighbors have back surgery in the last year.  Some have had the regular spinal fusion using the rods and screws, and others have had the surgery DH had.  DH also did not want surgery and put it off as long as possible and until the pain got really bad.  Sometimes, you can put it off too long, and you have some damage that cannot be overcome.  Surgery is always the last resort, but please don't put if off too long.  For the radiating pain down the legs from spinal stenosis, a laminectomy will relieve the pressure of the stenosis on the nerves.  If and/or when it comes time for surgery, I suggest you also check out the Karma system of spinal fusion.  It uses polymer ties and cage instead of metal.  The spinal is usually completely fused at 10 months.  Ultimately, only you and your doctor can decide what is best for you.  I just wanted to give you an idea of the options available.

Here is a link to one of many articles and videos of the karma system. It was approved in 2021, IIRC.  https://spinalelements.com/company/newsroom/karma-mis-first-case-press-release/



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I was part of a cookbook launch - one that was created during lockdown called The International Quarantine Cookbook.  Since that made it's debut, there have been 2 additional books published and I'm happy to say I've got recipes in books 1 and 2.  A copy of the first book has been placed in Canada's Museum of History in Gatineau, Quebec - how cool is that?  Everyone should have savings, just in case.  Both DH's and my dads were farmers so we know the struggles they face.


@cruising sister wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many healthy and happy returns of the day.

@marshhawk sending good vibes for an uneventful trip to Rome.  Be sure to wear a cross-body bag and keep one hand on it at all times - better safe than sorry.  I agree with what was said about showing the denomination of your money to either the cab driver or shop keeper, that way they won't be able to take advantage of you.


A quiet day for us, as there's nothing planned except that I'm going for a gel nail fill - the other day I had my thumbnail chip and I kept catching it on everything until I finally got out the nail file and smoothed down the edges.  That hasn't happened in a long time; I wonder if the salon is using a different gel.  It seems we haven't gotten a lot done the past few days as we've been glued to the television keeping abreast of what's happening in Israel.  So many prayers have been offered for them.


I'm going to give the drink a pass, would like to try the rose and that soup looks delicious!  We've still got some buns and turkey left from Thanksgiving so tonight we'll be enjoying ground turkey and sweet pickle sandwiches accompanied by crudities on the deck.   And wine.


Prayers for so many whose lives are in peril and suffering.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Wow, already well into page 2 and I will post even later if at all tomorrow.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Safe travels @marshhawk,  For me, National Savings Day is probably the best of the days, and I do think age matters.  I know I have been to Costa Maya.  I'll celebrate the Submarine as my brother served on one for several years.


Today's meal might be just what was missing from my dinner last night.  My alternate menu suggestion is Roast Prime Rib and a Blueberry Slice as served on Crystal Serenity last night.





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A gray cool morning made it ideal to sleep in and I did just that. @cruising sister Happy Birthday!🎂

@marshhawkMay you both have a safe and memorable vacation.

We’ve made it too our 11 day countdown to fly up to Montreal where we will board the Seabourn Quest October 24 for a 14 day cruise from Montreal to Miami. Excited on trying something new.

Scheduled to get the RSV vaccine tomorrow and then I will have received the trifecta of this year’s vaccines.

Tonight I’ll be leading our small group study so the pressure is on. Not really I’m ready!

Thanks Rich for the Fleet report. Those BHB’s are all over the map. Vanessa thanks for the extensive list. To all of you thanks for your daily thoughts and contributions. Bruce




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9 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

A gray cool morning made it ideal to sleep in and I did just that. @cruising sister Happy Birthday!🎂

@marshhawkMay you both have a safe and memorable vacation.

We’ve made it too our 11 day countdown to fly up to Montreal where we will board the Seabourn Quest October 24 for a 14 day cruise from Montreal to Miami. Excited on trying something new.

Scheduled to get the RSV vaccine tomorrow and then I will have received the trifecta of this year’s vaccines.

Tonight I’ll be leading our small group study so the pressure is on. Not really I’m ready!

Thanks Rich for the Fleet report. Those BHB’s are all over the map. Vanessa thanks for the extensive list. To all of you thanks for your daily thoughts and contributions. Bruce




Look forward to a gray cool morning on Sunday. Had a tornado alert on my phone at 12:17 AM. Said to quickly shelter. At five minutes out we were in the bullseye. Fortunately the tornado lifted back in the clouds before it arrived!

Like the Sears comment. The catalog was the fore runner to Amazon. In 1971 I was on a project in Memphis that built a million square foot Sears Catalog Distribution Center. I guess it is now owned by Amazon!

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11 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Look forward to a gray cool morning on Sunday. Had a tornado alert on my phone at 12:17 AM. Said to quickly shelter. At five minutes out we were in the bullseye. Fortunately the tornado lifted back in the clouds before it arrived!

Like the Sears comment. The catalog was the fore runner to Amazon. In 1971 I was on a project in Memphis that built a million square foot Sears Catalog Distribution Center. I guess it is now owned by Amazon!

Oh that Sears Catalog was definitely a dream book. The anticipation of when it was going to arrive. Much simpler days.

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Good Thursday morning everyone!


Thanks to all contributors today...

@cruising sister, Lorraine, happy happy birthday! Enjoy your special day. 🎂🎁

@marshhawk, safe travels and bon voyage! Have fun too!!

@Nickelpenny, a belated happy happy birthday. 😊


It is cold and rainy here today, Fall weather. Supposed to be like that the rest of the week. Yuk.

Lots of laugh out loud memes today...lol!

Had RSV and TDPT vaccines last Friday. The only side effects were minor sore injection sites in each arm, nothing else. Lucky I guess.

The rest of the phethora of vaccines will come in the next few weeks.


Take good care all!


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@Quartzsite Cruiser I am not going to give up on dealing with the VA.  I have learned to either work through or around their onerous procedures.  When I was diagnosed with leukemia associated with Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam, the VA recommended that I work with DAV (Disabled American Veterans) to put in a claim for benefits.  That worked very well.  Some things, like hearing loss are not covered by Medicare or Tricare, but are covered by the VA.  Took close to a year, but finally got the VA to take care of my hearing aids.  Once approved, no problem to get them to handle the cost.  Later today I will get on the phone again with them.  I am a member of our local DAV chapter, so that is another option.


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